News@Com The News Magazine of Comberton Village College ISSUE 29, SPRING 2012
CVC SAYS GOODBYE Ally Brennan: a trailblazer and a visionary — Pages 10 and 11 Lance Rayner Ad (88 x 50)
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Dutch drop in THIS term Comberton hosted a party of seven Dutch teachers from different schools in The Netherlands.
Our Dutch colleagues are all doing Master’s degrees in Amsterdam and were in England attending a conference on dialogic teaching at the University of Cambridge. CVC pupils toured the school with our guests, who were extremely impressed by the facilities in every field. The party observed lessons in Science and Maths and were delighted to see dialogic teaching in action, with excellent examples of problem-solving through structured talk and lots of deep thinking in evidence. In the seminar following the observations, two of the pupil guides (George Burgon and Ben Phelan) made some helpful contributions to the discussion. Although the Dutch are renowned as linguists, our colleagues said that they welcomed finding VISITORS: Dutch teachers with their student tour guides and Deputy out about how we use language in the classroom using dialogic practice. We said Principal Mary Martin (far right). we knew that we still had much to explore ourselves, but that we had enjoyed the exchange of ideas. Many thanks to teachers Jamie Freeman, Mark Dawes, Hema Tasker and Mim Segal who allowed their lessons to be observed. Mary Martin, Deputy Principal
New name, same ideals
THE Comberton Village College Trust Fund has a new name. OUR autumn term meeting of 2011 resolved to change our name to reflect what we are and to differentiate us from the CVC Educational Trust. So now we are the ‘Friends of CVC Trust Fund’. We actually hope everyone will simply refer to us as ‘the Friends’. Our new logo was chosen to complement the bright new CVC logo. It was first used in the programme for ‘Grease the Musical’ and was part of the campaign to help raise £1,400 for the new lighting desk. The Trust also has three new trustees — Richard Elleray, who is our new secretary, Ben Thomson and ‘Mags’ Wilkinson. They joined after we said a big thank you last year to out-going Secretary Sylvie Nicholas, Thomas Hillas, Saskia Dart (vice chair) and Rosemary Boyle, who was a former chair. ‘The Friends of CVC Trust Fund’ is a registered charity and can claim back income tax on gift aid donations for our projects. All funding we help generate is used exclusively to improve facilities and equipment at the school for the benefit of the college and CVC pupils, and the CVC community collectively as distinct from donations to specific individuals, which we are unable Quality Matters — Page 14 All Systems Are Go — Page 3 to consider. These have included a minibus and the grand piano. Monster’s on Top — Page 15 Gadgeteers Cash In — Page 3 ‘Bags2School’ was our first fundraising project for 2012, led by Heather New Titles Boost Art Section Going for Gold — Page 5 Robinson, and raised £350. Thanks to your generous contributions, 700kg of — Page 15 It’s Good to Talk — Page 5 clothes were donated. We plan to repeat this initiative every six months. Try Something New — Page Medical Ethics on Agenda — This month, ‘the Friends’ have been supporting Year 11 and 12 pupils in 15 Page 5 GB Aces’ Top Tips — Page 16 staging ‘CVC’s Got Talent’ where staff and pupils will take the centre stage. Testing, Testing — Page 6 Funds raised from this event will support current Year 11’s Celebration Day Hot-shot Maloney — Page 16 Party Time — Page 6 and May Ball and the Year 12’s Paralympics festival. ‘The Best Trip Ever’ — Page A Future in Science? — Page 17 7 In September, Mags Wilkinson plans to start a whole school 100 Club. Showcase Sell-Out — Page Sum of Success — Page 9 Further details of this initiative will be announced in the summer term. 19 Green Week — Page 9 We are always looking for donations of raffle prizes throughout the year. We Pupils find it’s Good to Share Auction Boosts Fund — Page will always find a very good home for your unwanted presents. Thank you — Page 19 9 for your generous support to date. Inspired to Dance — Page 19 Ally Brennan: Trailblazer and ‘The Friends’ meet each term to consider projects, with our next meeting in Visionary — Pages 10 & 11 Double Champions— Page 20 May 2012. We hope to keep you up to date on recent and upcoming projects On Court with the Stars — Playing for Keeps — Page 13 through our web page on the main CVC website. Page 20 Vote Buns — Page 13 We are always happy to try and support anyone wanting to raise funds for Cover photo: Staff and sudents pay Cash for Cakes — Page 13 CVC and have set up a ‘Just Giving’ site to facilitate the receipt of donations. their respects as Ally Brennan’s Olympic Opinions— Page 13 Equally, if anyone wishes to donate funds to CVC or would like to sponsor cortege drives past Comberton Author Shares Ideas — Page an event, ‘the Friends’ can help make this happen in a tax efficient way. You Village College 14 Designed and edited by Judy Czylok. can contact the Friends of CVC Trust Fund by emailing PHJ Ltdof (Bottisham - 14 M)-V1 Contact: 9/7/10 8:48 am Page 1 The Hoops Advert (88 x 50) 19/11/09 8:14 am Page 1 World Books — Page
ALL BAGGED UP: Rachel Hawkes (right) and members of the ‘Friends of CVC Trust Fund’ wait for the Bag2School collection lorry.
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All systems are go! ARTIST’S IMPRESSION: Of the new Cambourne Village College.
CAMBRIDGESHIRE County Council has now given its planning approval for the new secondary school to be built at Cambourne and it is, we hope, all systems go.
This planning permission means that the green light is given to enable building work to take place to ensure that the new school can open to its first cohort of pupils in September 2013. The Comberton Academy Trust has been asked by Cambridgeshire County Council to be the promoters of the new school. This means that the school will be a new Academy of the Comberton Academy Trust, along with Comberton Village College and The Voyager in Peterborough.
There was a unanimous view that there could be only one name for the new school: ‘Cambourne Village College’. This reflects both the style of the new school and the proposed closeness of its relationship with Comberton Village College. Indeed, the closeness of the relationship with Comberton is in many ways the key defining feature of the proposed Cambourne Village College. The core principles, including the strong commitment to community-based schooling, are the same. The same trust will be the ultimate governance over both of the schools. Even further, there will be considerable shared leadership, including an Executive Principal, between the two schools. Much staffing will be shared as will many of the oppor-
Gadgeteers cash in . . . AS we reported in the last News@Com, a group of Year 9 and 10 pupils have been taking part in a club using equipment borrowed from Microsoft Research, as part of a pilot scheme. The weeks following Christmas saw the pupils designing and building their own gadgets and programming them using C#. In January the pupils went to Microsoft Research in Cambridge, with other schools who had taken part in the pilot. They were spoken to by some of the engineers and computer scientists who work there, including Professor Chris Bishop, Nicolas Villar, who created the Gadgeteer equipment, and Andrew Fitzgibbon, who played a part in designing the
tunities open to pupils. It is perhaps especially through this that the proposed new school will in many ways properly be described as ‘Comberton at Cambourne’. There is much work ahead, many things to be done and details to be confirmed. We are strongly committed to working with the relevant local communities to share ideas and to hear thoughts. However, it is a time of great excitement to which we all look forward. We are utterly committed to ensuring that this major development really is to the benefit of all, especially to future generations of young people in our local area. Stephen Munday, Executive Principal
Kinect system for the Xbox360. As part of the day the pupils had to stand on the stage and show their gadgets to the pupils and scientists present, as well as later give hands-on demonstrations to the scientists, who were glowing in their praise of our ‘inventions’. We are proud to report that we won the Gadgeteer design competition and were awarded a set of the Gadgeteer equipment, plus a cheque for £500. The ICT department plans to spend this on more equipment to aid the teaching of computer science at CVC. Well done to all our Gadgeteers! Niki Smith, Head of ICT GADGETEERS: Pupils at Microsoft Research.
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Going for gold . . . IN the run up to the Olympics, students from Years 7, 8, 9 and the Sixth Form will be taking part in the Gold Challenge, the UK’s first Olympic and Paralympic sportbased charity challenge and a key part of the mass participation legacy programme for London 2012.
The challenge will involve each year group covering a collective minimum of 2012km in any of a number of Olympic sports, offering every student the chance to become actively involved with the Olympics in whatever way they choose. It will also provide an opportunity for students to do something amazing for our chosen charity, the fantastic Arthur Rank Hospice, for which we will be looking to raise as much money as we can in the coming weeks and months. At the end of February the Sixth Form Gold Challenge group visited the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge. The trip was an eye-opening experience for the whole group as we got to explore the hospice and talk to volunteers. These volunteers gave us a clearer idea of how the funds raised will benefit the people at the hospice and the services they are offered. One volunteer, Sue, spoke to us about how she became involved with the hospice and the type of work that she undertakes. She GOLD STANDARD: Sixth formers taking part in the Gold Challenge to raise money explained that the day therapy unit, where patients can come and receive comfort treatments like pampering and counselling, is all sup- for the Arthur Rank Hospice. in aid of the hospice. ported by charity volunteers who give up lots of their time to help the patients enjoy a We are also really looking forward to working alongside each student to help them more comfortable life. This is essential to improving their quality of life and is what meet and beat their year group’s target and to encourage each individual to consome of the money we are raising will help fund. tribute in whatever ways they can. And while Years 10 and 11 (and staff!) may have The rest of the money will go towards renovating the hospice and improving the facilbeen excused a formal role in the challenge due to conflicts with exams, any donaities that they can offer the patients and their families. This is a crucial part of our tions or other contributions will still be more than welcome! effort as the building is in dire need of extension and refurbishment and the facilities Good luck! are limited by the lack of space and funding. Paige Slade, Sarah Field and Lauren Sparrow, We really hope that everyone in the school will look out for opportunities to contribute on behalf of the Sixth Form Gold Challenge group to team totals and to support the various fund-raising efforts that will be taking place
It’s good to talk
THOUGHTPROVOKING: The Sixth Form’s Philosophy and Ethics conference day.
Medical ethics on the agenda
ON Wednesday 29 February Year 10 had their second Core RPE Day. Year 10 students not studying Philosophy and Ethics had a whole day focussing on the issue of Medical Ethics, particularly the issues of abortion and euthanasia. We welcomed a range of speakers, including representatives of Feminist Action Cambridge, giving a feminist perspective on abortion, countered by a talk from the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC), who gave a ‘pro-life’ view. There were also two priests, a Sikh and a Scottish Buddhist all giving their perspective on euthanasia. This was a great opportunity to explore a range of complex issues and I hope that members of Year 10 went away having some ideas about how to think about such things; it certainly prompted some healthy discussion! Mike Bigg
COMBERTON’S Sixth Form Philosophy and Ethics students hosted a day conference facilitated by PhD students from the University of Cambridge Divinity Faculty. We were joined by P and E students from two other local schools to develop and deepen our understanding of the course and explore what it might be like to take studies to university level. A range of guest speakers came in to talk about subjects as diverse as Plato, Kant and how science and religion might relate to each other. Students had the opportunity to explore the subject under the supervision of experts and have their questions answered which provoked some lively discussion! There was also a guest lecture from the Rev’d Dr James Gardom, lecturer in public theology, exploring the relevance of religion in modern Britain. Many of the students really appreciated the chance to develop their understanding through formal seminars and informal conversation. I also know that many of the guest speakers were impressed by the quality of thinking from our students, many of whom have started to build up contacts with the university as they begin to explore their options for post-Sixth Form studies. The RPE department was delighted to be able to provide such opportunities and is building up further links with Higher Education institutions. We’re looking forward to being able to send our first student off to a top-flight university to take their studies further! Mike Bigg, Head of RPE
Party time for pupils
YEAR 8: We enjoyed one of our biggest socials yet, the Candelit Dinner. This tradition includes a three-course meal and a disco. Although there were no candles, the room was lit up by the glitzy ties and extravagant dresses. We decided on a mascarade theme and enjoyed seeing everyone in their highly worked masks. The teachers joined in the fun, especially Mr Bull with his homemade mask and skilled dance moves. We all really enjoyed the social STRIPES AND SPOTS: Onesies were popular. and will always remember it through our time at CVC. So a big thank you to YEAR 9: A night where we grabbed our slippers, robes and, of course THE ONESIE, made famous by Joey Essex, and supported Miss Jones, our Deputy Head of Year. Ben Whelan, Hannah Chambers, Anna by Mr Southcoat in a dashing blue and white striped material! This Norgett and Charlie Rayner (8B) DINNER TIME: For Year 8 pupils. Year 9 Pyjama Party was no ordinary disco. At 7pm everyone arrived and looked like they were ready for bed, but a bit more YEAR 7: The Oscars-themed disco glam. Various juices were served and everybody entered the dining was a great night. There was music, hall where chart hits blared. Some rather interesting dance moves lights and snacks! I particularly were thrown by our prefects and teachers, and time flew by. All enjoyed the red carpet, the photos and sorts of outfits were on show, many characters such as Morph Suits the dancing. Everybody had lots of fun and Candy Kittens proving popular. with the dressing up — there was a Meanwhile, in the buttery, cameras flashed in our professional competition for the best outfit and the photo booth where both students and teachers shot their best winners, Beau and Princess, won a smiles. At the end of the night everyone congregated to dance to trophy each. Many people attended classics such as YMCA and the Macarena. Overall, this was a briland also lots of the Year 7 teachers liant night and as a bonus we earned some money for our year were there too. It was a lovely social fund. Thank you to all the staff who made it possible! event, which raised £320 for the Year 6 athletics festival. Becky Lee (7V) Bella Katz (9B) A TIME TO DANCE: The Oscars-themed disco.
Testing, testing
IN FEBRUARY, all the Year 7s took part in a sponsored spelling test, the aim of which was both to improve spelling and to raise money for our partner school in Mozambique.
Each pupil was given 50 words to learn. However, when it came to choosing the winners to take part in the Spelling Bee, (one from each form), the students did so well that there was more than one person in each form who got fifty out of fifty, so the winning pupil from each form was picked out of a hat. For the second round, the whole year group gathered in the library in two sittings to encourage their top form speller. All of these did excellently well, but the winner of X was Thomas Frost (7O) in a competition disrupted by the fire alarm going off. The winner in the Y half was Joe Thompson (7V), who beat Mrs Barcz-Morgan in the final! The sponsor money is still coming in, but we hope we have raised a considerable amount. Alexia Sloane (7C) Having taken part in the English Year 7 spelling bee, I can tell you that it was an incredibly nerve-wracking experience. The tension level was really high. However, it was also a really fun and exciting time. It was so scary when it came to my turn; some of the words I’d never even heard of. I only spelt one word completely wrong and even then it was only just misspelt. That word was abhorrence. When I realised that I’d won, I felt a massive pride in what I had achieved; I almost couldn’t believe it. Although it was a very nervous situation, I thoroughly IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Pupils watch students and staff battle it out in the 18/11/10 11:21 Apex Roofing (Comberton - M)-V1 21/6/10 10:21 am William Page 1 Miller (Cottenham - M) enjoyed it as I’m sure the other competitors would agree. Thomas Frost (7O) second round of the 7X spelling bee.
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A future in science?
THIS term the Science department have been hosting a series of talks entitled 'Beyond School', which is aimed primarily towards students in the Sixth Form and also Years 10 and 11.
developing countries. Overall, Dr Ashley explained that a career in physics creates job opportunities in many fields of work and takes you all over the world. Stephen French (10E) Talk Reviews — Prof Alun Williams The speakers have provided students with insights into their career pathway, the A few weeks ago I was privileged enough to sit in on an amazing lecture with nature of their role and the science they are involved with. The purpose of these sesProfessor Alun Williams; Veterinary Pathologist. It was absolutely fascinating. He sions is to inform pupils of the science careers available to them and provide tips on showed us a range of different specimens, what they were and what was wrong with the pathways to a successful future within science. them. For instance, a huge, lightweight brown ball the size of a Year 7's face turned If you have a scientific background and would be interested in inspiring the first out to be a hairball from a cow. cohort of CVC sixth form students to Apparently it would have no effect see the science beyond the classas a cow has several stomachs. room the science department would This was even the smaller one be delighted to hear from you. extracted! Talk so far: Prof. Williams also showed us the Dr Stephen Ashley — 'Nuclear complete small intestine of a dog Physics' (complete with liver and gall bladBrandon Murray — 'Ecologist' der), which is actually larger than Natalie Roberts — 'Oceanography' you think, and which was infected Dorian Ransome — Manager of with cancerous spots and growths. Bourn Hall Clinic He explained what was abnormal Robert Lasenby — 'Physics and how the cancer had spread Researcher' from the pancreas to the intestine Becky Pilditch — 'Entrepreneur' and then to the liver, pointing out Prof Alun Williams — 'Veterinary the path of white spots as he spoke. Pathologist' Another highlight of the lecture was Talk Reviews — Dr Stephen the appearance of Arthur or 'alf-a' Ashley as he was 'alf-a' crocodile. Literally, For me, although the lecture was he had a frozen crocodile that had complex and detailed, I gained many been sawn in half so that we could things. Some being, the knowledge see the insides and the layout of the of nuclear physics at a higher level internal organs. It was brilliant. but also an experience of what lies I cannot recommend enough how ahead in the future as this research good these lectures are, in particuis finding a cheaper alternative lar the one I've just described. nuclear energy source to uranium for WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE: Professor Alun Williams with Arthur. Jess Chadwick (L6-IO)
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SSpe pe ctacle Makers Ma Spectacle
The sum of success AUNTIE Fi’s dog Itchy has a million fleas.
His anti-flea shampoo claims to leave no more than 1% of the original number of fleas after use. What is the least number of fleas that will be eradicated by the treatment? A 900 000 D 999 990
B 990 000 E 999 999
C 999 000
This was just one of the questions that pupils from Years 9, 10 and 11 faced when they took part in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge in February — 68% of them identified the correct answer (B).
Once again, pupils achieved great success in this national event and were awarded a total of 22 gold, 18 silver and 23 bronze certificates. Year 11 pupils achieving the gold certificate were Cheng Sun, Linden Ralph, David Ward, Toby Shaw, Daniel Jarvis, Ruby Dickinson, Emma Bithell, Alexander Mehta and Kymran Sabnis Thomas. In Year 10, gold certificates were awarded to Kartik Vira, Bethan Cadwalladr, Sanjeeta Abram, Thomas Dimaline, Michael Maskell, Oliver Howard, James Cockain, Thomas Denney and Peter Wainwright. It is especially impressive to gain a gold certificate in Year 9 and four pupils did this — Melchior Chui, IMPRESSIVE ACHIEVEMENT: Four Year 9 pupils Wenjie Xu, Joelle Tasker and Jack Benson. earned gold certificates
Auction boosts funds
GREEN OUTLOOK: Pupils show off their recycled outfits and (right) the top pond-dippers.
Living the green life . . . THE RECO Environment group have been working hard to find new and exciting ways to celebrate and improve on our environmental successes.
Having done a brilliant job of renovating our two ponds, we were keen to find out how well the pond life has established itself, so during Green Week we ran a ponddipping activity for pupils. We have recently established a new mixed recycling scheme, so to raise awareness of what goes into the green bins, we have been holding a competition to name the characters on the recycling poster. The prize is an Antquarium; ‘the first and only ant habitat to be tested in zero gravity.’ We also held a recycling workshop to show pupils how to refashion magazine covers to make a stylish useable wallet. This year we want to raise even more money for our wind turbine, but we also want to help two conservation charities, Buglife and Pond Conservation. We held a non-school uniform day on the Friday of Green Week, but as with last year, it was a non-school uniform day with a difference. Pupils were asked to design an element of their outfits for the day using recycled materials: ‘Trash to Treasure.’ There was a big incentive this year as we gave a Kindle
to the pupil with the best outfit (Anna Davies, 10T). Workshops were held all week to help pupils find exciting ways to develop their recycled materials into new clothing and accessories. There was a fashion show in the Year 7 assembly at the end of the week where a panel of judges decided whose outfit was worthy of the top prize. About our charities: ‘‘If we and the rest of the back-boned animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. But if the invertebrates were to disappear, the world’s ecosystems would collapse.’ Sir David Attenborough Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. They are passionately committed to saving Britain’s rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, and spiders to snails. Today bugs are under threat as never before so we need to help them to secure a diverse and wildlife-rich planet for future generations. Pond Conservation is the national charity dedicated to protecting the wildlife of our freshwaters: ponds, rivers, streams and lakes. They give advice, carry out research, promote practical action and lobby policy makers to ensure that freshwater wildlife and habitats have a secure future.
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THE Auction of Promises took a lot of organising. Both Mrs Jones and I spent many afterschool hours making posters, sending e-mails and sorting out lots. The auction itself turned out to be a bit of a shock. We set up everything in the morning and it looked great. Then when the evening it was not as busy as we had hoped. However, this did not let our hopes down. We were still looking forward to the auction as we had many lovely lots and David Palmer, an auctioneer from television programmes ‘Flog It’ and ‘Cash in the Attic’, came to oversee the bidding. All in all it was a successful night. We raised more than £2,000, which is amazing and will all go to helping reduce the individual cost of our May Ball tickets. I would like to thank anyone who donated or came to the auction. A special thank you to Anne Jones and Vijju Churchman, who put a lot of time and effort into helping with the organisation as it could not have been done without them. Ruth Smith (11N), Senior Social Events and Fundraising Prefect
IN FULL FLOW: David Palmer sells off the lots at the Year 11 Auction of Promises.
Ally Brennan: A trailb
ALLY Brennan joined Comberton Village College as an Advanced Skills Teacher of Physical Education in September 2001.
She was later to add the post of Assistant Principal to this role. However, it needs to be acknowledged that Ally Brennan had a whole working life dedicated to teaching and supporting the positive development of very many young people in a range of different settings. Her reach was wide and it was profound.
Ally Brennan was an exceptional teacher. This was formally recognised in 2006 when she won the Cambridge News’s ‘Most Inspirational Teacher’ award following a remarkable number of separate nominations. If ever anyone deserved that award, she did. In every sense of the word, Ally Brennan was indeed an ‘Advanced Skills Teacher’. That was part of the brilliance of Ally Brennan: she was very highly skilled. She knew the craft of the classroom (or rather the gymnasium and the playing field). She clearly knew and possessed the range of skills that
make for a highly effective practitioner (including the muchrequired eyes in the back of her head). This was obvious to anyone who had the privilege of watching her teach. Yet what made Ally Brennan exceptional went beyond simply being highly skilled. Ally Brennan was brave. She was a trailblazer. She had a genuine vision for what was right and what was necessary and she did it. Not only did she do it, she took others with her and they joined her. She was one of the very first Advanced Skills Teachers at Comberton. Many others then followed her example. She
A major impact at CVC and beyond
WHEN I think about the effect Ally has had on teaching and learning at CVC (and beyond), I’m left thinking where do I start? Her impact was wide and great. I can’t help but think that if she had gone into politics Ally would have had a striking impact and changed much – but then that’s just what she did in teaching. Her teaching ability was undoubted. She really was an exceptional teacher; demanding the best from her students, and getting it! Such was her skill and professionalism, those who taught alongside her had to raise their game. Many wanted to emulate her. The number of former pupils who have followed her into the teaching profession testifies to this. To see her teach was inspiring, sometimes magical, always with purpose. Even the way she walked around school had purpose. Incredibly professional, those taught by her were privileged, blessed. Those who worked with her were most fortunate too. Her roles as Primary Manager and Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) were perfect for her. She did them with great skill and determination. Her impact went far beyond those taught by her. Ally’s beliefs and vision for high quality PE meant the way we taught, curriculum models, approaches etc. benefited from her insight and views. At a national level, Ally expressed her views, specifically on curriculum models and assessment, as she sat on various working groups. Ally would have been heard and listened to! One of the things that sticks in my mind about her contribution to teaching was the way she encouraged other teachers to reflect on their practice. She didn’t believe in doing things for the sake of it or because it was the way it had always been done. By reflecting on our teaching methods we adapted and changed for the better. Our cutting-edge curriculum, our approach to assessment, sports days, and transition from primary to secondary owe much to Ally’s beliefs. To her, what we taught in PE was significant, but more important was the way we taught it. I sometimes catch myself thinking ‘how would Ally do this?’ Ally was able to transmit her joy and passion for teaching to many others. She ran numer-
ous courses for other teachers whilst at Comberton. Many of the teachers on those courses felt much more confident in delivering PE lessons because of Ally. She helped so many, young and old, to believe in themselves. The ‘PE fairy’, was one of my favourite nicknames that the primary schools had given to her. ‘Dizzy’ was another one, given to her by a secondary pupil. And from time to time she was. Perhaps my abiding memory of Ally the teacher will be her view of education; I heard her say on a number of occasions “I don’t teach PE, I teach children”, and that was it. The young people were, are, and always will be the most important part in teaching Thank you for inspiring us all, Ally. Mark Goldring, Assistant Director of Sport
FRONT OF HOUSE: Ally Brennan instigated the CVC Year 6 Athletics Festival.
Children and health were always at the heart of ALLY Brennan was involved from the start in the CABMAG (Comberton, Bassingbourn, Melbourn and Gamlingay) Extended Schools project from 2005 until 2011. Healthy Lifestyles was the first project undertaken, something very close to Ally’s heart. The motto ‘Eat Right, Move Right, Feel Right’ was chosen to help youngsters understand about diet, exercise and taking control of their health. CABMAG decided to create new posts of Healthy Lifestyle Mentors to help deliver this message. As the locality was so large three people were appointed and each Lifestyle Mentor looked after a cluster of schools. Ally line-managed the mentors and was always very supportive and an inspiration to them because of her passion, energy and enthusiasm for the project. Ally believed strongly in partnership working and was always keen to find new partners. During the Eat Right project Ally worked with a range of partners, includ-
ing South Cambridgeshire District Council, South Cambridgeshire School Sports Partnership, health care and early years’ providers and the voluntary sector, all of whom remember her with great fondness. Several years later a change of direction was made and Ann Jones became Extended Schools Coordinator and worked very closely with Ally. In April 2009 the headteachers of CABMAG primary schools identified a lack of provision to support children experiencing difficult life events. As a result in January 2010 an in-school counselling service, in partnership with Relate, called Kids’ Collective was established. Ally was always very supportive of this service and felt that help was being given to those children who may have otherwise had a negative learning experience. Although in the last year, due to her failing health, she did not have day-to-day involvement with CABMAG, she remained committed to the project and always
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blazer and a visionary transformed the nature of transition from primary to secondary school with us by introducing her ‘Athletics Day’. Through this, thousands of young people have had the most wonderful introduction to secondary education due to her vision and action. Beyond this, Ally was the first member of staff really to commit to working alongside many of our primary colleagues. She did this because she believed it was the right thing to do. She was not interested in the false divides
Ally Brennan 1963-2012
between different sectors of education. She enjoyed teaching children of all ages and was equally at ease with all of them. In her own words, ‘I teach children, not PE’. And again, others followed her example. Perhaps most of all, Ally Brennan believed in the people she taught and with whom she worked. She believed in her pupils and she believed in her colleagues. More than anything else this was how Ally Brennan had such a wonderful, positive impact on so many with whom she worked.
‘I teach children, not PE’
Through this, pupils believed that they could learn and achieve. Colleagues believed that they could teach and they could really have a positive impact on young people. We will miss Ally Brennan massively. We pay tribute to an inspirational teacher, an outstanding colleague and a wonderful friend. All of us who had the privilege of working with her are the better for it. We will not forget her. The Ally Brennan Gym is a fitting memorial and reminder to us all. Stephen Munday, Executive Principal
Festival is ‘best legacy’
THE Primary Athletics Festival was instigated by Ally to help make the transition to CVC easier for Year 6 pupils. First run in 2002, it has become an annual event, enjoyed by thousands of children, and exemplifying so many of Ally’s great qualities. It was born out of her understanding that many children fear the move to secondary school, so the day is designed to allow them to meet teachers and make friends in an informal setting, with participation more important than winning. It’s always a noisy day, with each team encouraged to out-cheer their rivals, and it has always been meticulously organised, with 11 groups of children moving between activities with military precision, guided by Sports Leaders (another Ally initiative). Even when the weather hasn’t been kind, the day has moved seamlessly to indoor venues and the fun continued. The Festival has evolved over the years, the coloured T shirts for each team enhances bonding, and the event being filmed and enjoyed for years to come. Last year Ally was able to come and watch for part of the day, to see her festival — and perhaps her best legacy — continue in the safe hands of the PE Department. This year’s event will take place on Friday 6 July. And we’ll be thinking of Ally. Claire Coates, Deputy Principal
AT EASE: Ally Brennan enjoyed teaching children of all ages.
An expert who made us believe
WHEN we found out that a teacher from Comberton was going to come into school to support us with PE teaching, I, for one, was a little bit worried. None of us was a specialist PE teacher and an AST was coming! Yet as soon as Ally Brennan entered Coton Primary School her enthusiasm permeated the place and once she had taught our children we found out how much we could learn in an unthreatening way. We needed support in teaching the wide range of PE activities and Ally gave it, as well as giving us the confidence to carry on. She made us believe we could do it. The children and staff looked forward to her coming into school; as did the ‘school’ cat as Ally brought in treats for him! Having an expert to lead or team teach PE was the best curriculum support and training we had ever had. As the PE co-ordinator and PLT Ally became my friend as well a colleague. Our network meetings were efficient, well organised and great fun. We learnt a lot, we were expected to achieve a lot and we nded updates. ugh funding officially ceased in March 2011, we were able to continue Kids always had lots of things to do once back in school. ctive until December 2011. However, 13 schools then pledged their support However, Ally never asked you to do anything she was not prepared to do herself. If we needed help she se funds to continue this invaluable service. The new service is now called would be there; at the end of the phone or via e-mail. PE was her passion and she inspired us all. Ally nce’ the name of which was chosen to link Ally’s name and her passion for listened to us and appreciated how many different ways primary teachers were stretched. We wanted lesson plans to help us, not just schemes of work, and Ally wrote them. This was a tremendous support erships and friends. Ally was aware of and very moved by this decision. any of you know Ally was passionate, dynamic, lively, funny and totally and they are still used today, adapted to each class and different ways of teaching. ndable and without her energy and enthusiasm the Extended Schools project Then I remember Ally as the ‘party animal.’ She was always keen to have as much fun as possible. The r locality would have faltered. CABMAG, as a partnership of schools, will end-of-year ‘get-togethers’ for the Comberton family PE co-ordinators; bowling, picnics by the river Cam, s be extremely grateful for the work that Ally undertook and to Stephen punting and drinks at the The Bridge. Ally worked hard and played hard too. ay, whose idea it was that Ally should lead the project. She will be sadly Ally Brennan was and is an inspiration to all who met her. We will never forget her as her enthusiasm will ed. Jenny Jones — a member of the original CABMAG steering group live on through the different legacies she set up such as the Year 6 Athletics Festival and the Oakington Garden (Comb - M)-V1 16/3/10 7:52 am Page 1 Deb Baker, Coton PE Coordinator and PLT Ann Jones — Extended Schools Co-ordinator CABMAG Dance/Gym Share.
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Playing for keeps IN January the Music Department took delivery of 11 brand new, top of the range, Yamaha keyboards.
from notated music, and to play piano style as well as using the range of accompaniments, styles and voices on the keyboards. There are opportunities to develop solo playing as well as group performance.
There are currently five classes meeting after school on Tuesday-Friday, ranging from beginners to Grade 4. In addition to learning songs in the course, material The keyboards are supplied by Yamaha as part of an such as “I will always love you” and “Rock around the ongoing partnership between Yamaha UK Clock”, students have learned songs by Bruno and CVC, and are in addition to the keyMars and Christina Aguillera. boards provided by Yamaha when the There are opportunities to perform in school partnership started a few years ago. concerts and other local events, as well as All CVC students have the opportunity to to take Grade exams for those who would use the keyboards as part of their regular like. music lessons during the day. Last year we had 100% success rate with After school, students can pay for keythose who chose to sit exams, and those stuboard lessons following Yamaha’s Play for dents who want to are currently preparing for Keeps keyboard syllabus, which is fully the next level grade exams. accredited with Trinity Guildhall from If you would like to join a new class for beginbeginners through to Grade 8. ners, or have some keyboard experience and Learning together in groups of up to 10 would like to join an existing class, please students, led by trained Yamaha keyboard contact Steve Gaze in the Music Department tutor Steve Gaze, students learn a wide for more information. range of popular music from the Rock and Enquiries are welcome from Primary School Roll era to the present day. pupils in Years 5 and 6 as well as students at CONCENTRATION: Students in a Yamaha keyboard class. Students learn to play by ear as well as CVC.
Vote buns for Easter
ALTHOUGH eggs are the most popular, I prefer a different Easter food — hot cross buns: the traditional, sticky buns with a piped cross on top. What may seem to be a simple bun is in fact a host of symbols for different things: the cross is a symbol of Christianity, obviously, and the sticky sweet bun is said to be medicinal. Personally, I just like them because they taste so lovely. Giving a recipe isn’t really possible, as there are lots of stages of rising and knocking back, in a similar way to bread being made, with many more levels. The same rough ingredients are used, too — yeast, flour, and ON Friday 9th March Year 9 had a cake water. However, the buns have sugar, citrus sale to raise money for Cancer Research fruit, and, of course, a cross on top. The cross and our Year fund. is usually made with flour and water paste, Astonishingly we beat last year’s record piped onto the bun before cooking, but a crissfor the number of cakes that were cross cut in the top of the bun or rice paper brought in and we raised more than £300. have a similar effect in creating the shape. Many cakes arrived on the morning of the Different cultures have a variation of the popucake sale, and none returned! Thank you lar bun — African ones, for example, are tradito all those who brought in cakes and tionally more along the lines of a scone or rock also to those who purchased them, not cake. Does anyone really care when they are forgetting those who helped us sell them. eaten, though? The point of ‘is it just an Easter We look forward to donating the money food?’ may seem an odd one to bring up, but and helping those who are a part of buns are good because they can be eaten all Cancer Research. It really was a magnifi- year, making them an ideal food, whereas eggs cent cake sale! are forever branded with their one holiday. So, Natalie Swanser and the moral is, vote buns! NC Plumbing Amber (180 Thomas x 50)(9R) 2/12/09 8:53 am Page 1 Glover (9N) Hannah
Cash for cakes!
Olympic opinions
OUR form, 8B, has recently made posters exploring the Olympic Values. Each one of us has chosen a role model that represents at least one of the Olympic Values. We choose people who inspire us and give us goals for the future. This links back to our school policies as we try to follow them to the best of our abilities. For example Tom Daley shows determination and equality because in 2008 he was the youngest contestant in the Olympics. We are all proud to be part of Comberton as we count down to the Olympics. Ben Whelan, Hannah Chambers, Anna Norgett and Charlie Rayner
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World of books
WORLD Book Day 2012 was a lively event, well enjoyed by all who took part. The library was decorated with balloons and banners of the World Book Day books, and three national competitions were highlighted to pupils. If you missed out on these, there is still time to get involved — one is to design a bookmark (closing date 20 April), one is to write a piece of poetry (2 April) and the last is for a piece of writing by a young person (31 July) — more information about all of these can be found in the library. In the library there were word-searches and a ‘Spot the book’ competition as well as a ‘Guess the author’ competition. Five cakes were decorated to give clues to either a children’s book title or an author, and pupils and staff were all having a go. There were some looks of instant recognition while others were desperately searching the shelves, but everyone had fun, and the winners got to leave for the weekend with a cake!
Quality matters
IT’S been a busy start to the New Year for the prefects. On PD Day earlier this month, the senior prefects from each of the respective teams came together to talk about the qualities needed to become a successful leader or prefect, varying in subject matter from good teamwork skills, to motivation, or the ability to do a successful speech, something that the prefects will (hopefully) have felt that they delivered! Additionally, there was a guest speaker from the Anglia Ruskin University who gave the Year 10s a good insight into university life and the need for motivation. Hopefully, the Year 10s found the talk useful and can apply the qualities to everyday life. Matt Clark (11R)
DECISIONS, DECISIONS: Pupils select their £1 book on World Book Day (above) and (left) the cakes decorated with book and author clues.
Author’s insight
AS part of our World Book Day celebrations children’s author Johnny O’Brien came into school on March 5th to talk to some of the Year 9s about his historical fiction series ‘The Jack Christie Adventures’.
set in World War 2. All in all it was very inspirational and great to meet a real author for the budding writers inside us. Thank you very much to our English teachers for giving up one of our English lessons to hear the talk, to Johnny O’Brien for coming in and Ms Hack and Ms Harrison for organising the fantastic talk.” (Anushka Manford and David Lyria, 9R). All these events create a focus on reading, showing that reading in all its forms can be fun and engaging and continues to promote our whole school reading ethos. Alison Harrison, Library Assistant
The first in the series, ‘Day of the Assassins’, was shortlisted for the BBC History Magazine/Historical Association ‘Young Quills Award’. It was also long-listed for the Branford Boase Award and the Catalyst Book Award 2011. Johnny’s books are adventure stories for 10-14 year-olds and have a time travel theme, which involves the characters in real historical events and ‘turning points’. ‘Day of the Assassins’ is based around the build up to World War 1 and ‘Day of Deliverance’ is based in the late Elizabethan period. ‘Day of Vengeance’ is based around the Fall of France in 1940, the Battle of Britain and Hitler’s visit to Paris. As two students said: “Two Year 9 English groups were treated to a talk from Johnny O’Brien (the author of the Jack Christie Series). “During the informative talk he read to us a captivating chapter from one of his books, which, in our opinion, was absolutely stunning. “He then went on to talk about his inspiration for the books, taking us back in time by revealing some of his World War 1 veteran grandfather’s possessions. “These comprised a kilt, a German helmet and a huge, stuffed rat from one of the trenches. Furthermore he talked to us about his upcoming book where Jack travels to China in the 1860s to stop a Civil War on a colossal scale. “Towards the end of the talk he again treated us to another MEET THE AUTHOR: Pupils have their books signed by author tantalizing chapter, but this time from his third book, which is Johnny O’Brien.
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Monster’s on top! THIS term a few keen readers from across the school came together to take part in the Red House Children’s Book Award of the first time.
real life we all have to face. We all have a different monster to conquer and that is emphasised in ‘A Monster Calls’”. The book was admired for its story, but the quality and insight of the illustrations added much to the emotion. The winners were announced during half term, and in a final tea party during the first week back the winners were revealed. ‘A Monster Calls’ had won overall, with ‘The Brilliant World of Tom Gates’ winning in the Young Readers category. While this was not what we had voted for, we discussed why so many other children voted for it. Running this group was a lot of fun, and we’re hoping to run it again next year, taking on board the successes and opinions of our test group – so a big thank you to them! Alison Harrison, Library Assistant
The award is the only national prize which is voted for entirely by children. We decided to take part in two of the three categories, reading those books in the Younger Readers and Older Readers categories. In the Younger Readers category was ‘Sky Hawk’ by Gill Lewis, ‘One Dog and his Boy’ by Eva Ibbotson and ‘The Brilliant World of Tom Gates’ by Liz Pincheon. Sean Coyle (Year 8), Sophie Coomes (Year 7) and Julia Wilkinson (also Year 8) read this category. ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness, ‘Grace’ by Morris Gleitzman and ‘My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece’ by Annabel Pitcher made up the category for Older Readers, and were read by Isbeal Tannahill (Year 10), Kira Nelms (Year 9) and Julia Wilkinson (Year 8). The two groups came together at the beginning of the spring term to discuss their opinions of the books, talk about the themes they had in common, and most importantly of all, pick the winning titles! While there were favourites in each category there was a good mix of opinion as to which one was the front-runner, with good discussion and critical thinking about the books over some tasty treats and squash. However, after some lively discussion ‘One Dog and his Boy’ came out on top in the Younger Reader category; being described as “well-constructed… imaginative and fun” by one reader. The Older Readers category had a clear favourite from the very beginning. Having been written by two Carnegie-winning authors, perhaps this was to be expected, but ‘A Monster Calls’ written by Patrick Ness and based on an idea by the late Siobhan Dowd, was described as “thought provoking and emotional” by one student and another said that it was a story of “something that in
TOUGH CHOICES: A group of pupils voted in the Red House Children’s Book Awards.
Try something new
REFERENCE BOOKS: New art books have been donated to the CVC library.
New titles boost art section
GLIDING, golfing, photography and Indian cookery…. the Summer term and warmer weather is a great time to try something new in the evenings. The Adult Education programme at Comberton is offering several short courses, starting after Easter, to include Digital Photography — developing your style, Getting started with Golf (held at Whaddon), Glider Pilot Theory and Flight and Indian Cookery. Don’t miss out! For more details please contact the Community Education office: or (01223) 264721.
Formers requiring wide and varied further reading. CAROL Handley, a Comberton governor, recently donated a fantastic selection of art books to the school If you have any books which you would like to re-home library. Our Year 11 library leaders, who are also studyplease leave them at the school reception for the attening art GCSE, are among the students looking forward tion of the school library. to making great use of them. Any surplus books are forwarded to our partner school We are always very grateful for donations of fiction and Rosswell Electrical Advert 9/12/09 in Mozambique. 11:13 am Page 1 non-fiction, especially with the addition of the Sixth
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GB aces’ top tips!
TWO Great Britain hockey players held a training session for pupils earlier this term.
Hockey Board. We asked them questions ranging from, ‘How did it feel to be a part of the Olympics and competing in them?’ to ‘What do you usually eat during training?’ SHOWING “We were lucky enough to all receive a THE WAY: hockey ball and a mini stick, which we Great Britain were able to get signed by the players. player Glenn “This meeting with the international playKirkham ers has increased our interest in hockey passes on and made us think about what we could tips to aspire to in the future. Comberton “The CVC hockey players will be closely students. watching all the Team GB hockey games in the Olympics, supporting and following Harry and Glenn’s progress. We would all like to say a big thank you for giving up their time to come and coach our training session and good luck for the Olympics.�
Glenn Kirkham and Harry Martin, who both hope to be part of the GB squad at this summer’s Olympics, also answered questions from Comberton students as part of the In2Hockey initiative. The visit to Comberton was part of a nationwide programme which will see Olympic hockey players work in secondary schools all over the country in the run-up to London 2012. Year 10 pupil Liam Hunt, who took part in the training, said: “After a fantastic training session we went inside for a question and answer-style talk with the players from Team GB and coaches from the English
Hot-shot Ellis leads goal haul
MIXED SQUAD: Comberton’s under-16s with Miss McKenzie.
COMBERTON played a friendly mixed hockey game against Chesterton. We played seven-a-side, splitting ourselves into two teams, Year 10s and Year 11s. In the Year 10s match the game was close in the first half with some strong play from both sides. The score was 2-1 to Comberton at half time. However, we attacked well in the second half, to win the match 4-2. Ellis Maloney and Sarah Raymond played very well , with some good passes and moving on and off the ball. Ellis scored every goal for Comberton! Cameron Reed (10M) The previous week, Comberton’s under -16 boys’ team hosted a re-match against
Soham. Last term the teams had met in the cup, and Soham won 3-2 after extra time. During the first half Comberton tested the Soham keeper with some tricky shots and eventually all this pressure paid off when Ellis scored. Dan Jarvis and Pete Atkin kept up the pressure with some amazing shots but just before half-time, Soham scored on the counter-attack. Ellis hit a second after the break and Comberton dominated but could not score again and then conceded from a poorly-cleared corner. Dan put Comberton back in front and the team held on for the last five minutes to win 3-2. Liam Hunt (10R)
SMILING IN THE SNOW: The Comberton tour party and their instructors.
‘The best trip ever!’
ONCE again the Foundation Snowsports trip made their way to Klausberg for half term, this year we had a total of 76 participants.
ing on the top of K2 in the morning — it was a blizzard but a lot of fun! Again our Comberton pupils did not let us down; the behaviour, manners and general atmosphere were impeccable as always. Throughout the week we had a We were a ‘little’ delayed setting out, but this didn’t few movers in the groups but the general skiing was of dampen spirits at all, pupils entertained themselves a high standard and most groups made it up to K1 along the way by cheating at cards with Mr Mannas, level at least. Fastest experienced skiier was Jack playing Connect 4, watching DVDs (Chalet Girl was Barker with Alvin Au the quickest of the beginners and popular to set the mood for the week) and some even Grant Edgley taking the fastest boarder title. completed homework (yes, we have photo evidence). A few comments from some of the pupils: After a long journey we were welcomed back to the Bob the Boarders: they did it all, the fun park was a Schachen Hotel which was our ‘home’ for the week. favourite along with the one-metre deep off piste! The week’s evening activities included a games night, Shovels needed next time! a Valentine’s disco, themed concert night and a trip to Slusar’s Super Troupers had a fantastic week on the the pizzeria. slopes. We spent the week learning how to keep our This year we had six ski groups and one boarding skis parallel from the silent but smiley Franz. By the group. All groups were led by Klausberg instructors — end of the week we were confidently skiing down and the two more advanced groups were given extra Willie’s Run, scaring other skiers out of the way with tuition in the afternoon by Mr Rigg, Mrs Hall, Mr Evans our war paint. The group were a little camera shy of and Mrs Fisher. showing off this fabulous skiing though; whenever Mr The weather was fantastic with a huge dumping of Evans appeared with a camera we seemed to end up snow overnight on Tuesday night. This proved interestin a pile up! One member of our group, Lucy, went on an extra adventure on a skidoo and in an ambulance, but luckily she still made it back in time to star in the talent show! Downie’s Determined Demons: Our instructor was Ingemar and by the end of the week we were all skiing parallel down the black on Willie’s Run, racing down the red on K2 and generally making a mess when Mr Evans took us off piste one afternoon. Most of the group had an afternoon on short skis which tested us and we were all relieved to put ‘proper’ skis back on. One pupil said: “The ski trip to Klausberg 2012 was the best trip ever. I would thorBEGINNERS’ LESSON: Easy does it down the slope. oughly recommend it to all current Year
FASTEST: The trio of title winners.
7s and 8s for next year. It’s so worth it. I think I can talk for the entire group by saying we had the time of our lives. We went on and off piste as we were all fairly experienced skiers and enjoyed the fun park on K2 (the biggest run). We also skied down all of the runs possible. We fell over, but we were all still smiling at the end of the day. We learnt more techniques from Ingemar and progressed further as the week went on!� Reed’s Mountain Shredders: The fastest girl was Charlie Bushnell and fastest boy William Turner. Jammy Dodgers started the week as a beginner group because most people in the group hadn’t skied before. By the end of the week, with the help of our instructor Sabine, we ended being one of the fastest groups – Miss Robertson had a job to keep up with us! We did three black runs and a bit off-piste by the red and blue runs. In fact there wasn’t a single slope that the Jammy Dodgers didn’t ski down! Melchior Chui and Charlie Rayner won our Slalom and Emily Kennard was the fastest girl in our group. Unfortunately Joelle Tasker fell doing the slalom, was injured and had to be skidooed off the slopes, but we all had an amazing time!�
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Showcase sell-out!
ANOTHER successful Dance Showcase took place earlier this month with hundreds of pupils performing routines they have been working on in various classes this term.
Inspired to dance
DANCE IN DISGUISE: Pupils perform at the spring showcase.
The programme included jazz, street, contemporary, musical theatre and boys’ dance and once again the Performance Hall was packed to capacity. Head of Dance Mel Edwards said: “Once again all the dancers performed brilliantly. Now most of the students will get the chance to do it all again at the Bodyworks Outreach Show in Cambridge next month.” There is also an opportunity for 60 pupils to join the Reaction Project, a Physical Theatre project with a company called Dance Offensive. It takes place on May 2-4, with a show on Friday 4 May at 7.30 to see the work produced from the three-day workshop. Sixty places are available for Years 7-10; 20 for Year 7, 20 for Year 8 and 20 from Years 9 and 10. The students will work on the theme of their reactions to various issues and will work with the professional company to produce a performance piece for the show.
THE ‘Inspire Project’ is a dance-based experience that is allowing 16 students at Comberton a unique and exciting opportunity. The project aims to give pupils a taste of what it is like to be part of a professional dance company. Dance teacher Sally Smith is running the project, and hopes it will equip pupils with advanced performance skills, especially those taking GCSE Dance. After an audition process, pupils from Years 8-10 were carefully selected to be part of the ‘Inspire Project’. Every dancer displayed commitment, passion and enthusiasm, which enabled them to achieve a place on the project. Rehearsals are currently under way, every Monday after school. They will perform the final piece on 14th June at the University of Bedfordshire, in a large theatre space, with lighting, costumes, and most importantly, a fantastic atmosphere!
PRO SHOW: Pupils on the Inspire Project find out what it’s like to work in a professional company.
Pupils of all ages find it’s good to share
YOUNGSTERS from Reception to Year 11 took part in an eventful Comberton Family Dance Share on February 28. But power cuts, fire alarms and coach companies turning up at the wrong time could not take away from the success of another of the legacies of Ally Brennan. She set up the event in 2004 and this year participants not only remembered her contribution but celebrated 150 days until the start of this summer’s Olympic Games in London with a variety of dances. A huge thank you goes out to all the Primary schools which attended and a DVD is now being produced to allow each school to use it as a resource for their dance lessons. The performance was opened by Hardwick’s Reception children with The Caterpillar and the Butterfly (linked to the Ugly Bug Ball) and saw a range of dances from Jeavons Wood (Wizard of Oz), Meridian (1960s), Caldecote (Katie Morag and the Scottish Island of Coll), Haslingfield (The Romans), Coton (Sand, Sea and Sun), Year 7 (Capoeira), Year 8 girls (Bollywood), Year 9 girls (Perfect), Year 10 GCSE (Set Dance), Year 11 GCSE (Tek Warriors) before a finale from three cheerleading THE YOUNGEST: Caterpillars from Hardwick’s groups performing their stunts. THE OLDEST: Year 11 GCSE Tek Warriors dance. Reception class.
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Success rewarded
YEAR 11 Pupils were recognised for their sporting success during their time at Comberton.
The annual Roy Burrell Awards are given to pupils who have reached county standard or equivalent in their chosen sporting disciplines. This year the Awards took place at the Perse Girls Senior School. The presentation hall was full of talented sportsmen and women as well as their proud parents and teachers. More than 30 pupils from CVC attended the Awards and collected their medals from the guest speaker Edward Wells (Indian Ocean Rower) and Greg Alvey (Chairman of the Cambridge and District Secondary Schools Sports Association).
The entertainment for the evening included a dance showcase and a Wii tennis competition (won by Comberton’s Alex Gooding). Edward Wells gave a great speech about the trials, tribulations and highlights of his 2,000 mile row across the Indian Ocean from Australia to Mauritius. The PE department are very proud of all the pupils who were honoured at the evening and look forward to hearing about their future sporting achievements. Particular mention must go to javelin thrower Morgan Young for his part in winning ‘Team of the Year’ for the Cambs athletics team, who competed in the National Schools Athletics Championships last summer. Adam Potter, PE Dept
WINNERS: Comberton’s Roy Burrell Award recipients (above) and javelin thrower Morgan Young, who was also part of the ‘Team of the Year’.
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Double champions! COMBERTON’S girls are the District netball champions at both under-16 and under-14 level. They scooped two Cambridge and District schools titles within a week with victories against the odds. First the Year 11 girls took their title with an 11-6 final victory over St Bede’s, despite only having the bare minimum seven players — and one of those was injured. However, they eased through the rounds to set up the final showdown with St Bede’s which they dominated from the start, not allowing their opponents a single
goal in the first half. Well done to CVC Player of the Tournament Gina Hurry, Ruby Dickinson, Catriona Hughes, Chloe Newell, Olivia Barton, Katie Isbister and Sara Churchman. It was the other way round for the Year 9 team five days later when they found themselves 5-0 down just before half-time against Linton in their final. Also without any substitutes and having already lost to Linton in the group games, things were not looking good, but Comberton pulled one back before the break and went on to win 9-8, scoring the deciding goal seconds from the final whistle.
On court with the stars
AFTER a two hour minibus journey full of singing and dancing we finally arrived at Birmingham NIA to watch the All England Badminton Championships and volunteer as court maintenance staff (sweat moppers!). First we got a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the tournament including the practice courts, media centre and players’ rest area with massage chairs! After this, the time came to change into our tournament tops and go into the spotlight. Pair by pair we got called down to wait ‘backstage’ with the lovely line judges. When the time came we lined up in order and went on to the courts. Our games lasted from two minutes, because of an injury, to 88 minutes, almost a world record! We thoroughly enjoyed mopping up the sweat of some of the best badminton players in the world, including that of the England men’s doubles team, who played extremely well. It was not only the English who were amazing at badminton. The matches were so much faster than we thought possible. Unfortunately we had to leave before the top-seeded men came on as it was already late. The next day we heard that the last match was finished at 3am! SWEAT-MOPPER: Thank you so much One of the to Miss Curtis and Comberton pupils on Mr Gaze because it court while the playwas a brilliant day ers take a break. out and it wouldn’t have happened without them. Thanks for such an incredible day. We are already planning our return trip next year. Gemma Hack and the Year 9 girls.
Designed by Judy Czylok, CVC.
PHOTO CALL: For the Under-14 District Champions (left) and the B team. The under16 champions did not want their picture taken!
Having qualified as runners-up from their group, they beat Bassingbourn in the quarter-finals and then The Perse in the semis to set up the Linton re-match. Well done to CVC Player of the Tournament Georgina Harnwell, Kate Czylok, Maddie Molloy, Alex Sheppard, Emma Littlewood, Katie Reynolds and Abbey Robertson. Playing with several Year 8s in the team, the Under-14 Bs finished fourth in their tournament thanks to CVC Player of the Tournament Izzy Winnard, despite an injury, Abi Stevenson, Hannah Wallis, Kate Hall, Lucy Hall, Bethan Wright and Fiona Hughes.
Coaching from GB aces
GREAT Britain hockey players Glenn Kirkham and Harry Martin (pictured) spent an afternoon at Comberton coaching 40 youngsters as part of the pre-Olympics In2Hockey initiative. Full story — Page 16
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