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Choosing your options

CONTENTS Introduction Options summary Guidance Frequently Asked Questions


2 4 5 6

Core subjects English Mathematics Science Modern Languages NVQ Spanish ICT Physical Education Personal Development

8 10 11 15 18 19 20 22

Vocational subjects The Options BTEC Art & Design BTEC Beauty Therapy BTEC Business BTEC Construction BTEC Outdoor Education

24 26 28 29 31 32

Other Subjects Art & Design Drama Music Geography History Philosophy & Ethics Science – Triple Award Design & Technology ICT & Computer Science Physical Education BTEC Sport GCSE PE Dance Economics (after school) Psychology (after school)

33 35 37 39 41 43 45 46 48 50 51 52 53 54 55

The Centre Library

56 58

INTRODUCTION Options manager: Mr P Law, Head of Lower School The KS4 curriculum

Non-examination subjects all pupils take

This is the 2013 – 2015 KS4 Curriculum brochure and we hope that you find the information interesting, useful and accessible. The curriculum has undergone very significant changes over recent years, resulting in a much more varied range of choices to suit every pupil’s interests and learning styles. It has been the intention of all staff and governors at the school to produce a curriculum which is interesting, exciting and relevant, and it is our hope and belief that we have achieved this. As the curriculum offers more choices, it also has more complexities, and so the following points will be of some help in outlining the structure of the curriculum and some key considerations.

During the Personal Development conference days pupils will work on a number of broader issues such as citizenship, work experience and religious education. Pupils will also have three conference days in Year 10 as part of their Religious Studies education. In PE pupils will be given a number of choices and they will pursue these during the whole of Year 10. They will choose again for Year 11.

Examination subjects all pupils take All pupils take GCSEs in the following: l English Language l Mathematics l Combined Science (Two GCSEs or BTEC equivalent) All pupils will have 3 lessons a fortnight of ICT, which will be learning study skills and IT literacy to aid them in all of their studies. Pupils who opt for ICT within their options will use these 3 lessons to work towards the CiDA qualification or the GCSE Computing. Most pupils also take English Literature as part of their normal English lessons. Details regarding these courses are available in this brochure.


Subjects pupils choose All pupils must make four option choices, taken from the options form. They must choose at least one option from block A, except in exceptional circumstances. BTEC options can take either one or two option choices. Pupils are only able to have one double option, due to timetabling constraints. If this causes a concern, please discuss it with Mr Law.

Introduction Modern Foreign Languages As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, it is important that pupils continue to study a foreign language at a level appropriate with their abilities and interest. Therefore, pupils must take at least one of the options in the languages box on the options form unless there are exceptional circumstances. These options offer a wide range of choices: l French, Spanish and German are traditional GCSEs. l NVQ Spanish is a vocational way of learning Spanish and is based on developing functional language skills that could be used in the workplace. For the vast majority of pupils at Comberton, it will be appropriate that they take the full range of core subjects, plus four options subjects. However, for a small minority, it may be appropriate that they take a slightly reduced number of subjects. l Some pupils also benefit from spending extra time on English and Maths, in order to ensure that they are fully prepared for examinations and enable them to achieve the best possible results. Pupils who think this may be relevant for them should discuss this at the guidance interview.

Further details about these options are available from the MFL Department and through the guidance interviews


Forms must be returned to your Form Tutor by Monday 4th March. Please do not return this form until after you have had your guidance interview. It is assumed that there will be a sufficient number of pupils wishing to take up each option course, but, in the event of insufficient support, certain courses may have to be reorganised. This may mean that some pupils may have to study their reserve choice. If a particular option choice is over-subscribed, decisions about who should study the course will be taken by the relevant teachers and Senior Managers. These decisions will be based on Teacher Assessment, along with consideration of any other factors we believe relevant in determining a student’s suitability for a particular course. Behaviour record and past effort may be relevant.

Comberton Village College Options Summary 2013 - 2015 Pupils must make four option choices (plus a reserve) of which at least one is from Block A. Pupils may also choose an after school option from Block C if they wish. Block A: Languages Pupils must opt for at least one of these courses, unless there are exceptional circumstances. It is usually possible to take more than one of these options if desired. GCSE French GCSE German GCSE Spanish NVQ Spanish

Block B: Other subjects Most option courses are single options and require a single choice. Most BTEC options take up two choices. Single Options Double Options GCSE Art BTEC Art & Design GCSE Catering BTEC Beauty Therapy GCSE Computer Science BTEC Business Studies GCSE Dance BTEC Construction GCSE Drama BTEC Outdoor Education GCSE Electronic Products GCSE Geography GCSE Graphic Products GCSE History CIDA ICT GCSE Music GCSE / BTEC Physical Education (see Page 50-52) GCSE Philosophy & Ethics GCSE Resistant Materials GCSE Triple Science

Block C: After school option choices (varied costs apply; where this may be a concern please discuss this with the school – some support may be possible.) Pupils may opt for one after school option if they wish to. There is no requirement to do so. GCSE Courses Art Monday 3.00 – 5.00 Economics Monday 3.00 – 5.00 Psychology Monday 3.00 – 5.00 Spanish Monday 3.00 – 4.00


Comberton Village College Option Choices 2013 - 2015 At their guidance interviews pupils will be given a form the same as this to fill in. Forms must be returned to your Form Tutor by Monday 4th March. • All pupils must make four option choices (plus a reserve), taken from the list overleaf. In addition, students may take an after-school option if they wish to do so. • Pupils must take one (or more if they wish) of the options from block A - the languages box, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Examples of this might be pupils who are in need of additional support for core learning, or pupils who are already fluent in a foreign language • Most of the subjects listed are single options, which require one option block of time (i.e. 3 lessons a week). Those courses listed as Double options require two option blocks. • Pupils who opt for the BTEC Beauty Therapy need to count this as 2 option choices – this is because the course is taken at Swavesey Village College and time is needed for both transportation and completing the theory work here at Comberton Village College. • Pupils are only able to have one Double option, due to timetabling constraints. If this causes a concern, please discuss it with Mr Law. • This form is for use as a rough version while pupils make their choices. Please submit the loose leaf form that you receive at the guidance interview.

Pupil Name: Tutor Group: Parent signature: Date submitted: Choices Please list five choices in order of preference. Choice 5 is a reserve choice, which will only be used if it is impossible to accommodate all of your other 4 choices. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. After school choice (optional):



FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the core curriculum that all pupils take in years 10 and 11? All pupils continue to study English, Mathematics, Science, ICT and PE through timetabled lessons. RE, Work Related Learning, Citizenship and Personal Development also form part of the curriculum through conference days, cross curricular links and other experiences (such as work experience).

Are there any restraints on how I can opt? All pupils must continue some form of study of a foreign language, except in exceptional circumstances (such as you are already fluent in a foreign language). Pupils must have reached a certain standard if they are to opt for Triple Science or Electronic Products (details available in the options brochure). How much time is each option worth? Each single option choice is taken as 3 lessons a week (usually one single and one double period).

What are the core qualifications? Most pupils will take GCSEs in English Language and English Literature, Mathematics and two Science GCSEs or BTEC equivalents. All pupils will continue to study core ICT provision unless they are taking ICT / Computing as an option, in which case the core ICT time is used within those options. How many option choices do I have? Pupils must make 4 choices, one of which is to be from the first option block (MFL). Most subjects count as one choice, except for some of the BTEC qualifications, which count as two choices each.


Why are some BTECs two choices each? The BTEC First Award has approximately the same amount of content as a GCSE course, and therefore requires the same amount of time. The BTEC First Certificate has twice the amount of content and so requires twice the amount of time. The BTEC First Award in Beauty Therapy is delivered at Swavesey Village College and therefore needs to be taken as a double option due to travelling time. Can I opt for more than one Double option ? No.

Frequently Asked Questions Are there any after school options? Yes – these are GCSEs in Spanish, Art, Economics and Psychology. It is not possible to take more than one of these. In order to take one of these options you will have to meet certain entry requirements because of the extra work involved. Further details are in the options booklet.

Is PE in the core, or an option? Both. All pupils have 5 periods of PE lessons per fortnight. Within that time it is possible to follow a range of PE options. It is also possible to opt for a GCSE in PE or a BTEC in Sport (Exercise and Fitness) as one or two of your option choices if you want to.

How do I know what subjects to take? There is lots of guidance available and you will have a specific guidance interview to discuss your option choices. Read the options brochure, come to the options evening and talk to your teachers and parents! As a general rule, choose the subjects which you like most and work hardest in, whilst aiming to keep a broad range.


ENGLISH Head of Department: Miss V Norman English at KS4 English is a two-year course which allows pupils to enter for two qualifications: GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature. GCSE English Language allows students to demonstrate their ability to: use English in real life contexts use an investigative and analytical approach to language topics, drawing on personal experience. GCSE English Literature requires candidates to explore texts from a personal perspective and offers an experience of:

Tiers of Entry There are two tiers of entry for both English Language and English Literature. While Controlled Assessment tasks are common to both tiers, the externally assessed tasks differ. The same texts are studied for both Foundation and Higher.

Assessment There are external examinations as well as controlled assessment tasks in both English Language and English Literature.

English Language - WJEC There are four units to the work:

Literature today Literature globally The Literary heritage Since September 2010, the structure of both the English Language and English Literature courses has changed. One key difference is that coursework has been replaced by controlled assessment tasks in which students will be given allocated lesson time to produce a specific piece of work.

Skills During the course pupils will be expected to:  improve their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening  learn to write and speak fluent, accurate and appropriate English  read and respond to a range of literature, both fiction and non-fiction


Unit 1: Studying written language (NonFiction Texts) - External Examination – 20% of the total GCSE mark

Unit 2: Using written language (NonFiction Texts) - External Examination – 20% of the total GCSE mark Unit 3: Literary Reading and Creative Writing - Controlled Assessment – 30% of the total GCSE mark Unit 4: Spoken Language - Controlled Assessment – 30% of the total GCSE mark.

English English Literature - WJEC As noted above, the structure of both the English Language and English Literature courses has changed.

As with English Language, assessment in English Literature will involve both external examinations and controlled assessment tasks. There are three units to the work: Unit 1 : Prose and Poetry– Exam 35% of the total GCSE mark Unit 2b : Contemporary Drama and Heritage Prose – Exam – 40% of the total GCSE mark

Unit 3 : Poetry and Drama - Controlled Assessment – 25% of the total GCSE mark

Increasing understanding Pupils can make considerable progress in English by taking care with all work set. All homework will feed into developing skills and, if tackled conscientiously, will contribute directly to learning. When studying set texts, pupils are advised to read other work by the same author. Reading non-fiction is a key National Curriculum strand and we advise pupils to read quality journalism to help their background knowledge of informative language and increase their awareness of issues for discussion. Response to poetry (classic, contemporary and multi-cultural) is another key National Curriculum strand and wider reading of poetry is therefore also helpful. Further information about the two courses can be found on the WJEC website.


MATHEMATICS Head of Department: Mr J Love

Students sit papers at one of two tiers:

What is Mathematics? Mathematics is delivered through four attainment targets: mathematical processes and applications number and algebra geometry and measures handling data. Since September 2010 we have had a new GCSE course. A focus of the new course is the application of mathematical knowledge in different contexts, including the ability to solve problems. This will be explicitly addressed in the examinations. In addition, functional skills relevant to real life are now embedded in the course and are also assessed. This will extend and develop the work followed at Key Stage 3. Syllabus The majority of students will study the Edexcel linear mathematics course. The linear course sees students sit two examinations, both at the end of Year 11, where one paper permits the use of a calculator and the other does not. This represents a change from previous years since modular examinations will no longer be available.



Grades available


A*, A, B, C, D, U


C, D ,E, F, G, U

The choice of entry tier is based on which course will allow students to achieve the highest GCSE grade possible. It is possible for students to move between tiers of entry during the course based on their progress. Pupils who may not achieve a GCSE grade G are able to work towards a nationally recognised Entry Level Certificate of Achievement. Coursework There is no coursework for GCSE mathematics. Homework Homework is set each week and may arise from work in class, investigative work or involve revision. Assessment tests are set regularly to monitor attainment and to adjust targets as necessary. Teaching groups For mathematics, pupils are organised into sets across the whole year group. The work covered will reflect the tier of entry and grade at which each class will be aiming. Students are set based on a combination of their Year 9 Maths tests results and their Year 9 Teacher Assessment (TA).

SCIENCE Head of Department: Mr T Clark What is GCSE Science? The Science GCSE course aims to: l provide, through study of practical science, a worthwhile educational experience for all pupils so that they may either: i) be suitably prepared to embark upon certain Science-dependent vocational courses and studies up to and including ‘A’ Level in any of the pure and applied sciences; ii) enter the world of work at the end of Year 11 with an appreciation of science in everyday life; l develop abilities and skills in scientific enquiry, safe practice and experimentation, organisation and communication; l foster an interest in science and develop an understanding of the role of science in society by the use of scientific and technological knowledge and ideas to provide explanations and to make informed judgements in everyday life.

Most pupils in Year 10 spend 20% of their curriculum time studying science and are entered for GCSE Science A. In Year 11 these pupils continue with 20% of curriculum time on science and will follow a second GCSE Additional Science course. Some students will be selected to take BTEC Applied Science, and some pupils may take Triple Award GCSE if they choose this as one of their options. (See Triple Award page).

Syllabus All pupils in Years 10 and 11 study a twoyear Science course, which meets the requirements of the Key Stage 4 National Curriculum. The GCSE examination syllabus is OCR Science A (Twenty First Century Science Suite). The suite comprises: l GCSE Science A This emphasises scientific literacy, enabling pupils to engage, as informed citizens, with science-based issues. lGCSE Additional Science A This is a concept led course focussing on scientific models and explanations. It will prepare pupils to undertake the further study of science courses at ‘A’ level.

Science and the National Curriculum Science is one of the ‘core’ National Curriculum subjects.


Science Listed are the unit titles and the National Curriculum Attainment Targets covered in each:

GCSE Science A Sc2 Biology B1 You and Your Genes B2 Keeping Healthy B3 Life on Earth Sc3 Chemistry C1 Air Quality C2 Material Choices C3 Chemicals in our lives: risks and benefits

Skills Pupils should be able to demonstrate, as a result of following the course, the ability to: l communicate scientific observations, ideas and arguments effectively; l select and use reference materials and translate data from one form to another; l interpret, evaluate and make informed judgements from relevant facts and observations; l use Science to solve quantitative and qualitative problems.

Assessment Sc4 Physics P1 The Earth in the Universe P2 Radiation and Life P3 Sustainable Energy

GCSE Additional Science Sc2 Biology B4 The processes of life B5 Growth and Development B5 Brain and Mind Sc3 Chemistry C4 Chemical Patterns C5 Chemicals of the Natural Environment C6 Chemical synthesis Sc4 Physics P4 Explaining motion P5 Electric Circuits P6 Radioactive materials

GCSE Science A Controlled Assessment Controlled Assessment: is worth 25% and comprises two elements:— l A Case Study involving researching and presenting information and views on a scientific controversy. l Data Analysis involving analysing and evaluating a set of data. Controlled Assessment activities will take place during the year and pupils will be expected to submit their work to set deadlines.

Examinations These are worth 75% and comprise three papers taken on separate occasions. The papers cover material taught during the year. Each examination can be taken at one of two tiers of entry: Foundation and Higher.


Science All examinations are externally set and marked by the Examination Board. The internal End of Unit tests set are marked by the school, and aid teachers in their advice to pupils for the appropriate tier of entry: Foundation Range of Grades G to C Higher Range of Grades E to A* After the final assessment in June of Year 10 pupils can be awarded a GCSE grade for Science.

GCSE Additional Science Controlled Assesment This is worth 25% and involves pupils undertaking a complete practical investigation into a scientific question. Controlled Assessment activities will take place during the year and pupils will be expected to submit their work to set deadlines.

Examinations These are worth 75% and comprise three papers taken on separate occasions. The papers cover material taught during the year. Each examination can be taken at one of two tiers of entry: Foundation and Higher. All examinations are externally set and marked by the Examination Board. The internal End of Unit tests set are marked by the school, and aid teachers in their advice to pupils for the appropriate tier of entry: Foundation Range of Grades G to C Higher Range of Grades E to A* After the final assessment in June of Year 11 pupils will be awarded a GCSE grade for Science.


Homework Follow-up work is meaningfully related to classwork and includes: planning and writing up experiments, researching information, reading, note-taking and answering text book and worksheet questions to aid understanding, and revision for the end-of-unit tests and endof-year examinations.

Science BTEC First Award in Applied Science The BTEC First Award in Applied Science is designed to reflect the unique nature of science learning - in particular, covers all three disciplines of Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. There are two Modules which comprise the BTEC First Award in Applied Science. Pupils will study the Principles of Applied Science Award in year 10 followed by the Application of Science Award in year 11. This qualification offers a more work related approach than the other science courses on offer. Teaching strategies reflect the nature of the work within science–based industries, using a series of assignments and activities encouraging learners to take responsibility and ownership for their learning. This course is not an option choice, students will be selected for participation in the BTEC by Science staff based on KS3 results, future aspirations and their suitability for BTEC study.

Time allocation The course will be taught over a total of six periods a week, and will take place during the allocated Co-ordinated Science time.

Syllabus Pupils will study the Edexcel BTEC level 2 Applied Science course (2012). The syllabus covers the core concepts from the Key Stage 4 Programme of Study for Science alongside providing a vocational emphasis to learning. Topics include; industrial chemical engineering and nanotechnology, chemical impact on our environment, astronomy, radiation, ecological relationships and human health. Embedded within these topics pupils will learn the key principles of science and develop practical and analytical skills.


Assessment Both The Principles of Applied Science and The Application of Science modules are split into 4 units. Three units are assignment-based and are internally assessed by teachers. This is worth 75% of the award. The final 25% is an examined component which is externally marked by the exam board. Pupils will be awarded a pass, merit, distinction or distinction* qualification grade by the aggregation of points gained through the successful achievement of individual unit tasks.

Teaching group organisation The BTEC course will be taught by separate specialist teachers. Each pupil will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics each week.

Progression This course would allow for further study on courses such as a BTEC National qualification or an appropriate NVQ. It is not suitable for those students wishing to do science related A-levels.

MODERN LANGUAGES Head of Department: Mrs R Cox CVC has enjoyed Language College status since 2006. All pupils at CVC study a language at Key Stage 4.

Why learn a foreign language? Technology, globalisation and ease of international travel are bringing more of the world within our reach. As a Language College, CVC is committed to pupils continuing with their study of at least one foreign language during Key Stage 4. Here are just a few reasons why.

Languages are a life skill Knowledge of a foreign language is not just another GCSE grade – it is a concrete and demonstrable life skill, like being able to drive a car or touch-type, and it is a skill highly valued by employers.

Languages teach you communication skills and adaptability Learning how to interact with speakers of other languages means you are less likely to be stuck in one mode of thinking. It can help you see things from a range of perspectives, develop your problem-solving skills, and make you more adaptable, resourceful and creative.

Languages teach you cultural awareness The ability to operate cross-culturally is becoming just as valued by employers as straight language skills.


Languages give you a sense of achievement Learning a language combines the intellectual with the practical as no other subject does. You need to be able to think on your feet, but when you can find exactly the right foreign word or phrase, you get a real sense of achievement.

Languages are a social skill Languages are very sociable. If you enjoy being with people and communicating with them, the chances are you’ll enjoy being able to do this in a foreign language too.

Languages give you the edge in the job market Today there is a global market for jobs. It is not necessary to be completely fluent in a foreign language to be an asset to any potential employer. Knowing how to meet and greet people from other countries and cultures is a valued skill.

Modern Languages Learning languages gives you greater opportunities to travel and work abroad There are many opportunities to travel or work with organisations abroad where some knowledge of a foreign language is a clear advantage.

Languages combine well with virtually any subject for further study The range of combined degrees and further education courses involving a language is limitless – from Accountancy with Russian to Theatre Studies with Italian. Many universities even offer funding for students to continue or extend their language knowledge by travelling or working abroad during the long vacations.

Which languages can I learn at Comberton? If you have been following a Spanish course only since Year 7 then you can:a) Take a GCSE in Spanish (see page 17 for details). b) follow an NVQ Spanish Level 2 course (see page 18)


If you have been studying both Spanish since Year 7 and either French or German since Year 8, you can: a) continue with both languages up to GCSE level; b) continue with either Spanish, French or German up to GCSE level. c) Follow an NVQ Spanish Level 2 course. If you have been learning a language as part of the year 9 CULP programme then you may continue your study of that language to GCSE ( with or without carrying on the other languages you studied in Years 7-9). You may wish to follow the after-school Fast Track GCSE in Spanish which is designed to cater for able linguists who would like to follow two languages to GCSE level but also have other options they want to take. This way you could take French or German in curriculum time and Spanish in weekly after-school sessions. You will need to be highly motivated and an independent learner to follow the Fast Track course.

Modern Languages Speaking (30%) and Writing (30%)

GCSE Specifications In all three language options (Spanish, French and German), pupils will be assessed in the four skills of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Speaking and Writing are each worth 30% of the final grade, whereas Listening and Reading are each worth 20%. The exam board for GCSE Spanish, French and German is Edexcel.

Listening (20%) and Reading (20%) Listening and Reading exams will be taken at the end of year 11. Pupils can take Higher Tier (grades A*-C) or Foundation Tier (grades C-G) for Listening and Reading papers, depending on their performance throughout the two year course. To prepare for the Listening exams, pupils listen to authentic material from course books, websites, exam material and other sources and respond in a variety of ways to demonstrate their understanding. CVC now has its own interactive language lab which can be accessed during lessons to develop listening and speaking skills.

Pupils are assessed on their Speaking and Writing skills at intervals during years 10 and 11. To prepare for the Speaking, pupils will participate in conversation on a wide range of topics in class, developing their spontaneous speaking skills. They will also prepare speaking presentations on chosen topics. Pupils will be formally assessed on at least two recorded speaking tasks during years 10 and 11 which will contribute 30% of their final GCSE grade. Most students complete three formal speaking tasks to be able to submit their best two. Pupils are assessed for communication and accuracy in their writing. Pupils will be formally assessed on two writing pieces which contribute 30% of their final GCSE grade. Similarly, most students complete three and submit their best two.

Topics Topics covered during the 2-year course will include Family and Relationships, Health, Free time, Media and Culture, Travel and Tourism, Home and local area, Environment, Education, Work and Employment, and Future Plans.

Independent study Pupils are expected to complete regular homework. This will include learning vocabulary and verb formations, practice in the use of grammatical structures, reading exercises, speaking presentations, extended pieces of writing, and online learning. It is extremely important for pupils to have access to a bilingual dictionary and/or reference materials on the internet to assist them with language homework.

Trips and Exchanges To prepare for the Reading exams, pupils read from a range of sources, including course book texts, newspaper and magazine articles, websites, brochures, advertisements, menus and notices. Comprehension is tested through a range of tasks and exercises.


Pupils taking GCSE languages are strongly advised in year 10 to take part in the excellent exchanges or residential immersion study visits we have on offer in France, Germany and Spain. This is an excellent way to improve language skills, develop cultural understanding and make international friends.



Co-ordinator: Miss R Hawkes What are NVQs? NVQ stands for National Vocational Qualification. There are NVQs in many applied subjects as well as languages. The qualification is well-established and recognised by both colleges and employers. It is work-related in content and skills and is often undertaken by adults in the workplace.

What does the course cover? Students learn how to communicate in a foreign language in the workplace. Topics include: Booking travel and accommodation Meeting and greeting business people Business correspondence Work experience/business trips abroad

How are they assessed?

Who should do this course?

There is no final exam. Instead there are mini-assessments done in class time in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students can refer to notes during the assessments and they can repeat assessments throughout the course to improve their final grade.

Pupils who wish to follow a practical course with a vocational focus for their Spanish language learning.

The NVQ is a long-standing, nationallyrecognised qualification, particularly by employers. The NVQ Level 2 was previously equivalent to grade B at GCSE but the current government has recently removed this equivalence, so that it no longer contributes to the Level 2 Threshold.

Pupils who are motivated to work for short-term goals and who find exams stressful.

NB If you are considering doing an Alevel in Spanish you should take a GCSE and not an NVQ in Spanish.







social & leisure

world of work

Exams in Year 10 & Year 11

No final exams – portfolio of small assessments

CORE ICT Head of Department: Ms N Smith Teaching Group Organisation Pupils will probably be taught in mixed ability teaching groups unless the timetable structure allows some setting.

Assessment ICT as a core subject All pupils not selecting ICT as an option subject will study a course that covers a variety of topics including learning study skills and presentation skills that will aid them in their other subjects and at A-level.

The course will be assessed by means of the production of project work done in class-time. Currently it is not the aim of the ICT dept to seek external certification due to the lack of suitable qualifications in the field. Thus pupils will receive a certificate of completion of the course only.

The core course: This course has been designed by the ICT dept at Comberton to meet the needs of Key Stage 4 pupils. Topics covered include advanced uses of business software packages, graphics, animations and general good working practices, including Health and Safety. This year we will also be adding in elements of Computer Science and Information Literacy.

Homework There will be little homework set, but it may be in a variety of forms:

l Research about a topic e.g. laws regarding computers and data l Proof-reading of work completed in class l To find material or take photographs to bring in to use in projects


CORE PE Head of Department: Mr S Sycamore What is Physical Education? Physical Education is a core subject which will be taken by all pupils. The PE curriculum reflects the PE department’s ethos; Participation; Achievement; Excellence. We have tailored a Key Stage 4 curriculum which aims to suit pupils’ individual needs. At the end of Year 9, pupils will be asked to select a PE Pathway following a presentation delivered by the PE department.

Performance Pathway For those who enjoy competitive sports and would like to continue developing new skills in a range of sports. Activities offered within this pathway are: Football, basketball, rounders and fitness.

Sport Education Pathway

Below is a list of the Pathways available for KS4 pupils: Adventure Pathway For students who like alternative activities which will be very challenging. The adventure pathway is an opportunity to get offsite with mountain biking and rowing. Climbing and parkour are other activities available.


If students are aiming to follow a sports leadership pathway into year 11, there is an adapted performance pathway. This pathway uses similar activities but with a focus on leadership, officiating and other organisational roles to allow students to develop their understanding and skills in a sporting context.

Physical Education Healthy, Active Lifestyles Pathway For those who want to work on developing their level of fitness whilst taking part in a range of activities which will enable pupils to make informed decisions about getting involved in a lifetime of healthy physical activities. Activities offered within this pathway are: badminton, trampolining and fitness.

Dance Pathway For those creative students planning to gain a dance leadership qualification within core PE time. This pathway will be compulsory for those students who have opted for GCSE Dance in Key Stage 4.

Short Course GCSE PE In year 10 pupils will also have the option to begin the short course in GCSE PE. This is considered a half GCSE course. It is fully accredited and is recognised by the Sixth Forms and centres of further education. It is not the equivalent of the full GCSE PE course and should not be seen as such by pupils. Pupils are assessed in two activities and sit a 45-minute multiple-choice exam at the end of year 11. The course duration is two years, the theory section will be taught during the pupil’s single core PE lessons (fortnightly).

Sport in the Community Pathway (optional extra) For those who would like to take part in activities which are not typically offered within the school curriculum. Whilst their chosen pathway is continuing there is an opportunity to pay for an alternative block of off-site activity (non-compulsory) which will last for 6 weeks of core PE double lessons only. There is a cost involved with the activities. Activities offered within the blocks are golf, skiing, fitness classes and horse riding.

Level One/Two Award in Sports Leadership If pupils have successfully demonstrated their leadership skills on the Sport Education pathway, they will continue onto the Sports Leaders award in year 11.

This is a nationally recognised award. Post 16 establishments frequently run the next stage.

Year 11 Physical Education In Year 11 pupils will be given the opportunity to reselect their pathway from a similar range of pathways.


The leaders’ award aims to teach pupils to develop leadership skills and qualities (such as organisation, communication and an understanding of fair play) using PE as the medium. Pupils will gain experience in leading younger pupils in a local primary school.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Co-Ordinator: Mr S McKenna The Personal Development course contributes to the school curriculum by helping to give pupils the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. The ethos of the College is such that pupils’ personal development is the concern of every member of staff. Our five Conference Days give pupils the opportunity to explore issues in considerable depth and to work with many experts and outside agencies.

Here, pupils learn about adolescent growth and development. Through structured teaching and discussion, pupils develop an understanding of potential risks to their health, including substance abuse. The PD programme includes all aspects of Sex and Relationships Education, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections, firmly rooted within the wider context of positive and healthy relationships.


What do pupils study? There are three main areas covered by the course:

Personal, Social & Health Education We encourage pupils’ self esteem, confidence and independence in order that they can make the most of their abilities. Pupils learn to develop effective and fulfilling relationships and to respect the difference between people. Pupils learn how to develop healthy lifestyles and keep themselves, and others, safe.


Pupils learn to plan and manage choices for their course and career decisions. At Key Stage 4, pupils are prepared for taking the next step in their lives, whether it is to be further education or employment. All pupils receive careers guidance with the opportunity of support from a Connexions Adviser. Additionally, pupils follow a careers education programme which is supported with resources in the Careers Library and I.C.T department.

Personal Development Citizenship Citizenship is a statutory element of the National Curriculum since September 2002. It is an integral part of the Personal Development programme and encompasses three main themes: Rights and Responsibilities Pupils consider their role within a variety of contexts; locally, nationally and internationally. For example, we encourage pupils to reflect on their rights and responsibilities within the workplace. Government and Democracy This element seeks to develop an understanding of the political systems in Britain and Europe and to make comparisons with other political systems, globally. Community and Identity This gives pupils the opportunity to answer such questions as ‘What makes a good citizen?’ ‘ What is a national identity?’ ‘What are the political, economic, environmental and social implications of global citizenship?’


Religious Education @ KS4 Religious Education is a legal entitlement for all students at KS4. It is delivered through the Personal Development Conference days and RPE Conference days, led by the RPE department and supported by the Senior Leadership Group. The KS4 curriculum focuses on ‘Human Relationships’, ‘Medical Ethics’, and ‘Religion and Science’. Students have the opportunity to reflect on these important issues through a range of activities including talks from visiting speakers. Students are assessed through the year and receive a report in the summer term.

VOCATIONAL OPTIONS Coordinator of BTEC Qualifications: Mr C Warrington We’re very pleased that at Comberton Village College we are able to offer a selection of vocational courses. We believe the particular courses we have selected offer a great opportunity for pupils to learn skills and knowledge appropriate for the world of work, to study in a different way, and to gain a highly valued qualification that opens up all sorts of progression possibilities for them.

Subject Choices We are able to offer BTEC First Certificates in different subjects this year: n Art and Design n Construction n Business Studies n Outdoor Education The following subject is offered as a BTEC Extended Certificate:

BTEC First Certificates A BTEC was originally a qualification gained in business or technology (hence the name) but has now evolved into a highly respected and credible alternative qualification to GCSEs, A-levels and beyond. BTEC courses are vocationally based: all the courses were developed together with industry and professionals, and are designed to teach not only sector specific skills and knowledge, but also general work related skills, such as leadership, teamwork, communications, and problem solving. The courses are a mix of theory and practical work, and include two externally assessed examinations. Pupils are also assessed in class through practical tasks, presentations, written pieces and group work. Opting for a BTEC First Certificate counts as a double option, and has a subject content roughly equivalent to one GCSE.


n BTEC Beauty Therapy

The BTEC in Beauty Therapy’s practical lessons take place at Swavesey Village College in their dedicated salon. Please note that, although this course offers progression into specialised Level 3 courses, there is no GCSE equivalence for this qualification. . It is not usually possible to opt for more than one BTEC option, so please take time to read the following course descriptions carefully. Additionally, the BTEC in Sport will be by invitation only although all children can opt for Physical Education as one of their choices. If your child is being considered for this course, Mr Pollock will contact you directly to give you more information and discuss the option. You will also see in the science section of the options brochure that we offer a BTEC in Applied Science. This is not a subject which you can opt for however; the science department will recommend pupils for this course based on their prior attainment.

Vocational Courses Suitable for All


BTEC qualifications are suitable for a wide range of pupils. High achievers may wish to follow their interests in a particular career. Similarly, those learners who may not be getting the most out of ‘traditional’ academic study and who enjoy more hands-on, practical work with plenty of real-life situations, are often motivated to achieve very highly by these courses.

BTECs give you a wide range of skills to use as you progress on beyond Year 11, either into higher education, or into the workplace.

Grading Each BTEC is made up of several units of study, each of which is awarded a grade when it is completed. This means pupils are continuously aware of their progress and performance, which is highly motivating and encourages greater responsibility for their own learning. When the course is finished, depending on how they have done in each unit, pupils are awarded an overall grade:

Pupils can use BTEC qualifications to support applications for AS qualifications at sixth form colleges; for further study on vocational courses such as NVQs and BTEC Nationals; to support applications for apprenticeship programmes; or to gain employment. At the Comberton Village College 6th Form, we currently offer Level 3 BTECs in Business, Sport and will be introducing Science. We are obviously very committed to creating clear pathways for pupils on into our sixth form from BTECs as well as from GCSE qualifications .

These range from pass through merit to distinction and distinction* and are approximately equivalent to a GCSE grade C to A*

If you would like any further information on the BTEC qualification from Edexcel, there is a very useful website link below which provides links to the courses, listed above and provides extensive information about the qualification :



BTEC ART & DESIGN Course co-ordinator: Ms N Powys Experiences like this go onto your CV and offer a fantastic launch-pad into the design world.

If you dream of being a fashion designer, an interior designer, a graphic designer or working as a sculptor or an artist, BTEC Art and Design is for you!

What do you study? BTEC encourages independent thinking and hands-on exploration of themes, techniques and materials. For the first time from September 2013, part of the assessment will be done under exam conditions, however work is mostly internally marked and verified giving a looser, more flexible approach to content. The course is designed to present knowledge in a work-related context. Students can choose different Pathways within the qualification, according to their own interests. These are: Design Crafts Fashion Textiles Photography Product Design Visual Arts Visual Communication

What does the course involve? We offer the Level 2 First Certificate at Comberton. This is a double option choice which means that you spend six periods per week immersing yourself in art and making techniques so that you can realise your dream of working with art sooner. BTEC Art and Design is a challenging program requiring commitment, a love of drawing and designing, an ability to work to deadlines and self discipline. It is also very rewarding, because we try, wherever possible, to work in a vocational context using ‘live briefs’. This approach has meant that a student in her first term won a prestigious sculpture competition and has seen her design scaled up and displayed permanently in public. Current Year 11 students are actively engaged, on visits to Cambridge once a month, in helping design the new Education block at Kettles Yard Gallery.



So far, this year’s intake have designed and built sculptures for the visually impaired using a variety of materials including clay, wire and felt. They will visit the Tate Modern in London, look at the Warhol “Marilyns” in Churchill College and have been inspired by Anthony Gormley to get plastered! The spring term sees them out and about in Cambridge learning first hand about printmaking and animation. This information will be used to design artwork and interiors for a Cambridge coffee bar. Next term – who knows! This is an exciting and fast paced program where you get to challenge yourself and have fun doing it. If you love art – it’s a course made for you!

BTEC Art and Design Is this course right for me? BTEC Art and Design is a challenging programme requiring commitment, a love of drawing and designing, an ability to work to deadlines and self discipline. Ideally pupils will n Be really keen to develop their art and design skills and want to work in this field in the future n Be self motivated and keen to develop as an independent learner n Have demonstrated clear aptitude in Art in Year 9

What can I do with this course in the future? As with all BTEC courses, the progression options are very varied. There is the opportunity to continue with further study in art and design, either with A levels, BTEC Nationals or NVQ courses; to go out and get a job in the art and design field; or to continue with study in other areas, with a broad background of subjects behind you.

Syllabus Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Art and Design


BTEC BEAUTY THERAPY Course co-ordinator: Mr C Warrington

The BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Beauty Therapy Services offers an engaging programme for those who are clear about the area of employment they wish to enter. Learning takes place at Swavesey Village College and transport is provided.

Course Structure The course will also provide learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills relating to important areas of study in beauty therapy, including health and safety, client care and communication and promoting products and services.

What will I study? Through the study of 7 mandatory units learners will have the opportunity to develop practical capability in essential Level 2 beauty therapy skills, including providing facial skincare, applying make-up and providing manicure and pedicure treatments. The course also gives learners the opportunity to develop and apply Functional skills as well as Personal Learning and Thinking Skills.

Progression Completion of the course will give full-time learners the opportunity to prepare for employment in the beauty therapy sector or to progress to vocational qualifications such as the BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Beauty Therapy Techniques/Beauty Therapy

How is the course assessed

. All units are internally assessed, with the emphasis on practical application.

Mandatory Units 1.Follow Health and Safety Practice in the Salon 2.Client Care and Communication in Beauty-related Industries 3.Promote Products and Services to Clients in a Salon 4.Provide Facial Skincare 5.Apply Make-Up 6.Provide Manicure Treatments 7.Provide Pedicure Treatments


BTEC FIRST CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS Course co-ordinator: Mr C Warrington The Business Sector covers a vast range of occupations and professions. A BTEC First Certificate in Business is the ideal qualification to give you an awareness of the variety of interesting opportunities that are available. Most people will work in a business at some stage in their lives, and this course will allow you to find the answers to lots of business questions that you may have, such as, how does Tesco manage to sell their food so cheaply compared to the corner shop, and how do Apple persuade us to pay twice as much as we should for the new iPad?. If you like a more practical approach to work and wish to focus on business and enterprise, then this course is for you. You will gain skills that are applicable to the workplace and further education. Our assignments will all be based around business scenarios.

What does the course involve? The First Certificate in Business is a double option and is taught over 6 lessons a week. Learners will complete two core units, a mandatory unit and a further 9 specialist units. These will ensure that you are able to develop areas of essential business knowledge, such as marketing, finance and management.


What do you study? You will be assessed by completing 10 business assignments, 1 online examination and 1 written examination. Assignment tasks are exciting and varied. They include producing business reports, presentations, role-plays, team work challenges, observations of business tasks, producing business documentation, problem solving, producing news reports and filming business documentaries and much more. The 12 units are as follows: • • • • • • • .• • • • •

Enterprise in the Business World Finance for Business Principles of Marketing Promoting a Brand Principles of Customer Service Sales and Personal Selling Business Online Enhancing the Customer Experience Financial Planning and Forecasting Introducing Retail Business Using Business Documentation Introducing law and consumer rights

BTEC Business Is this the right course for me? Expect to be ‘hands-on’. This is both an academic and practical course that focuses on skills and knowledge needed for the workplace and also for developing your own business ideas. You will learn lots of exciting and very useful new things and learn how to make good use of this knowledge. You are expected to take responsibility for your own learning and be keen and well organised. You should enjoy having more freedom while knowing you can still ask for help and support if you need it.

What skills will I be developing? Analysing & Selecting Information Collecting evidence and making sense of what it is saying. Communicating effectively Developing skills in both written and nonwritten methods of communication. Teamwork You will be encouraged to work together in teams to achieve group and individual goals. Understanding & interpreting numerical data This could mean analysing a simple bar chart or line graph, or performing simple calculations. Computer literacy Using Word, Excel, the Internet and Email. Organising your time and prioritising your work Your business teacher will help you to manage your time effectively and assist you in prioritising tasks.


Problem solving You will be encouraged to show initiative and make recommendations for solving problems Meeting deadlines A scheduled programme of assignments will teach you the importance of meeting deadlines. Writing reports You will be taught how to structure, write and produce business reports.

What can I do with this course in the future? This qualification is valued by employers and can be a route to employment or to higher level programmes or courses. You could use your BTEC to progress onto our BTEC Business Level 3 National Diplomas in the Sixth-Form, possibly followed by a business related qualification. A range of professions and occupations could be open to you. This would certainly be a welcome addition to your CV.

Syllabus Edexcel BTEC First Extended Certificate

BTEC CONSTRUCTION Course co-ordinator: Mr T Reed Are you considering a career in construction later in life, perhaps hoping to get an apprenticeship as a joiner, or a bricklayer? Maybe you dream of your own small company with you and a couple of others decorating people’s houses and offices? Or maybe you are thinking about being a surveyor, architect or civil engineer and you want to know the basics of construction to help your general understanding. If so, then the BTEC Construction course could be the course for you.

What does the course involve? BTEC Construction offers a unique and challenging opportunity for pupils to develop practical skills related to a range of building crafts. Here is the chance to become a highly-proficient carpenter and joiner or first-rate bricklayer. The emphasis of this course is on development of skills. On completion, pupils will be able to carry out a range of building work to an industry acceptable standard. Clearly this qualification will appeal to those interested in pursuing careers in the building industry. However, the course encourages a distinct and different learning experience at Key Stage 4. With the focus on attaining skills in a range of practical activities and final assessment based on demonstration of competence achieved and completion of the two mandatory Units.


What do you study? In common with all BTEC First Certificates the structure of the course consists of eight units of study: Four are skills based courses including activities such as Carpentry and Joinery, Trowel operations including Brickwork, Plumbing and Electrical installations. A further four units of study covering issues such as how the Construction Industry is organised, looking at different forms of construction that can be used for low rise offices, retail units and homes. How science and mathematical applications are used in practical construction situations and sustainability within the Construction Industry.

BTEC Construction Is this course right for me? Aptitude for and a keen interest in practising and developing craft skills are the most important factors to consider if choosing this option. Pupils must have a desire to become proficient in carrying out building craft skills. This will mean frequently having another go until industry accepted standards are attained.

What can I do with this course in the future? Direct progression options from this course could include a further qualification in construction and the built environment or entry into industry with the possibility of undertaking additional training, possibly leading to the completion of an NVQ or BTEC National. Alternatively, you could continue with further academic study to be able to take up careers such as surveying, architecture or civil engineering.

And finally, the experience gained may form part of the CV for a broadly educated and interesting individual.

Syllabus Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Construction/Level 1 Pass

BTEC OUTDOOR EDUCATION Course co-ordinator: Mr L Bellis

BTEC Outdoor Education is a separate course that follows the same syllabus as BTEC Sport but units will focus on taking part in, organising and leading activities in the outdoor environment. The sports focused on will be trekking (and camping), climbing and mountain biking.


This course is designed to give students an experience of sports beyond the traditional PE curriculum that rely on strong team work and communication skills but also self reliance. BTEC Outdoor Education is an invitationonly course. If you have not received a letter but would like to be considered for the course, please contact Mr Bellis.

ART & DESIGN Head of Department: Mr G Dean What is Art and Design?

What is the Exam Board for Art and Design?

GCSE Art and Design is the study and practice of the many different visual cultures that surround us. It gives pupils the opportunity to develop visual intelligence and the skills needed for self-expression. This option works as a foundation course for Further Education or as a complete course in itself. Over the two years pupils are encouraged to follow their own interests within the subject and develop independence in their style and their thinking.

The GCSE course followed is: Edexcel Art and Design. This runs as a series of skills based projects in Year 10 before an assessed coursework and exam project in Year 11.

Is Art and Design a National Curriculum subject? In the lower school pupils study Art as a National Curriculum subject, following the syllabus guidelines which can follow through into GCSE work in the Upper School. In the upper school Art is a very popular choice, normally attracting well over half of the pupils in each year. Many pupils go on to study Art and Photography at Advanced Level at Sixth Form.

What skills are involved in art? .

The Art and Design syllabus covers the following skills: i)

Painting and Drawing

ii) Multi Media Studies iii) Photography iv) Fashion/Fabric design (optional) v) Sculpture (optional) In addition to these practical skills pupils will learn how to research the work of artists and the visual world around them. They will also learn how to develop their own ideas from project briefs.


Art and Design What examinations are taken? All pupils entered for the GCSE examination can gain the full range of grades in the final assessment according to their skills and efforts. There is a 10-hour timed test with an externally set examination paper at the end of the course. Any of the skills can be employed in this examination.

Is there any coursework? Yes, pupils are assessed through their final display of work and sketchbooks at the end of the course. This display has four elements: (i) Coursework pieces selected from the work completed during the course. Year 11 coursework counts for 60% of the whole mark. (ii) The results of a 10-hour timed test which is 40% of final mark. (iii) Back-up and preparation work included in their sketchbooks for both of the above. (iv) Knowledge and understanding of the cultural and historical links of other artists. There must be evidence of all four areas, but the quantity of each element will vary from pupil to pupil. There are set deadlines for the coursework projects. Pupils will complete a wide range of projects from which they will select their work for display.

What are the homework activities? Homework is set each week and is an essential part of the coursework. The homework tasks cover all the basic skills required for the GCSE course, as well as extending project ideas. Homework activities will also include research work for current projects.

How are teaching groups organised? Pupils are taught in mixed ability groups. The subject is given three periods of 50 minutes per week, as one double and one single lesson.


How can pupils’ understanding of art be increased? There are numerous opportunities to participate in Art trips and events. We arrange inexpensive weekend visits and day trips to London Galleries as well as extra evening and weekend workshops. Recently pupils have attended Art weekends in which they have developed skills in urban art and stencil techniques. Pupils are encouraged to broaden their skills and accelerate their development by taking part in courses and activities out of school hours.

Are there any costs? Pupils will need around 3 A3 sketchbooks over the 2 years in which to complete their work. We normally also recommend buying a portfolio in which to transport work around. Some additional specialist materials may also need to be provided.

I want to carry on with Art, but have already chosen too many options . . . Don’t worry! For those with a serious interest in the subject and who may wish to study it as an additional GCSE, a two-year course is offered for a limited number of pupils on Monday evenings (moving to Wednesdays in Yr 11) from 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. This follows the same structure as the in-school syllabus. Present fees are £157 for year one and £161 for year two.

DRAMA Head of Department: Mr J Frost What is GCSE Drama? The GCSE Drama course develops the skills learnt throughout KS3 where the Drama curriculum is studied by all students. Drama is a carefully structured method of working, which requires pupils, in pairs, small and large groups and sometimes whole classes, to work in co-operation with each other, using theatrical techniques or “conventions”. Students create fictional roles and situations while extending their own experience from historical, social and literary sources. Issues relevant to the students’ lives at this stage in their development can also determine the content of part of the course.

Drama and the National Curriculum At Key Stage 4 Drama is an optional subject, which extends pupils’ experience of drama beyond National Curriculum requirements.

Skills The skills, which the pupils need to acquire and develop, are drawn from Theatre conventions. Students apply these skills and conventions through the four approaches: l As deviser - The creation of a script or drama. l As designer - All aspects of design applied to performance l As director - The process of guiding and achieving product in drama. l As performer - The act of communicating through role, character or symbol.

Syllabus The GCSE course followed is the Edexcel syllabus No. 5210. The content of the syllabus derives from a progression of projects, introducing and developing techniques and skills, which the student must eventually apply appropriately to the drama they create. The students are expected to meet the criteria in 3 Areas of Study using a variety of briefs and stimuli.


Examination Unit 1 Drama Exploration Through 6 hours of practical exploration the students learn that it is through practical engagement that understanding is enriched. The practical work is complimented by a controlled assessment in the form of a written documentary response. This response is a reflection of their own work and the work of others and allows them to critically analyse the explorative strategies used and the performance techniques presented.

Drama Examination Unit 2 Play Text / Live Theatre A: The students have to study a substantial play text and consider it through different perspectives from the audience to the director. This is explored practically and then considered through a written controlled assessment in the form of a documentary response. B: The students have to critique a live piece of theatre that we go to see that will also compliment other areas of study.

Unit 3 Devised Practical Performance In small groups the students are given a phrase / term or saying that acts as their stimulus for a piece of performance that is shown to an external examiner. The performance draws upon skills and techniques that they have developed over the 2 years and allows them the freedom to use their own creativity in devising, directing and staging their own theatre.

Homework Since the majority of the classroom activity is essentially practical, evidence and written evaluation are typical homework activities.

Increasing understanding Pupils are encouraged to visit the Theatre on organised trips and take part in workshops provided by professional artists visiting the school, and to take part in a T.I.E. project with one of the primary feeder schools. There are regular Drama clubs and public performances of a variety of plays, including presentations for assemblies.

Areas of Study l Character and Context l Structure, Shaping and Plot l Direction, design and performance l Audience l Defining performance space l Improvisation and devising l Genre, style and convention l The semiotics of drama and theatre

Teaching group organisation Teaching groups are organised in mixed ability groups.


MUSIC Head of Department: Mr B Parker What is GCSE Music? The course aims to develop an appreciation and enjoyment of music through an active involvement in the three musical activities: l Listening l Performing l Composing It also aims to develop sensitivity towards music through personal experience by the exercise of imagination and the acquisition of skills and knowledge.

Music and the National Curriculum Music is an optional subject in Years 10 and 11.

Syllabus The syllabus followed is AQA 4270 It is a particularly flexible course aimed at all pupils and it is organised in three main strands. Listening Through listening to a wide range of styles (including world and popular music) pupils develop aural awareness, discrimination and analytical skills. Performing Pupils choose to record their best two performances which are then assessed as part of this coursework. Composing Pupils submit recordings of two representative examples of their composition work based on specific areas of study covered during the course.


Skills A large proportion of the syllabus is assessed from on-going coursework activities. Pupils will be expected to: l record a minimum of two compositions per term; l perform, (in either solo or group formation), a minimum of two pieces per term. Pupils will also be expected to attend trips to concerts arranged by the music department and to take part in school concerts when appropriate.

Examination structure Listening This consists of a written paper linked to musical examples recorded on CD. The answer papers are marked externally. Total: 20% Coursework Performing This is assessed internally and externally moderated. Total: 40% Coursework Composing This is assessed internally and externally moderated Total: 20% Integrated Assignment: Composition This is externally assessed as part of the terminal examination. Total: 20%

Music Is there any coursework?

Teaching groups

Yes, both the Performance and the Composition units are coursework based.

The teaching groups are mixed ability.

Increasing understanding GCSE Music pupils are usually involved in the many extra-curricular music activities which flourish within the college, taking part in concerts and other public performances. Pupils can also broaden their listening by attending the trips to concert performances during the year.

Homework Homework in this subject will involve developing composing assignments and practising for performances. Pupils will be expected to adhere to the strict deadlines and extra-curricular time should be set aside for completing and recording course work.


GEOGRAPHY Head of Department: Miss N Jones What is Geography? The Geography GCSE course provides a fascinating and enriching area of study which can give students a valuable understanding of how the world works. The syllabus is modern and relevant to all our lives and covers many local, national and global issues such as Natural Disasters, Climate Change, International Development, Impacts of Tourism, Extreme Weather events and the Ageing Population in the UK. Many of the skills that pupils develop while studying geography will be of great use to them after they leave school, and are sought after by employers and universities alike, whatever path you choose. There are strong links between geography and geology, geography and biology, geography and history and geography and sociology. These links are especially important when considering A-Level options.

Syllabus The GCSE Geography syllabus is the AQA Syllabus A. This syllabus aims to build on from Key Stage 3, and to lay a foundation for advanced study. There are 2 exam papers with a combined value of 75% taken at the end of the two year course, with the remaining 25% allocated to the controlled assessment task.


Physical geography

Human Geography

The Restless Earth

Population Change

The Challenge of Weather and Climate


The Coastal Zone

The Development Gap

Controlled assessment Each student will complete a fieldwork investigation. Data will be collected by the student and their findings presented and analysed in controlled conditions at school.

Skills There are an enormous variety of skills involved in Geography. Students study maps, photographs and satellite images; they draw diagrams, graphs, sketches and maps; students use computer software to investigate the impacts of climate change and hazards mapping; they watch relevant up-to-date documentaries, DVDs and read articles; they are involved in debates, games, simulations and role-plays; pupils use atlases, globes, textbooks, town plans and O.S. maps; they conduct surveys, questionnaires and collect data.

Geography Examinations There are two final examinations taken by all candidates: Unit 1: Physical Geography (1½ hours) contains 7 questions focusing on physical geography and candidates choose 3 questions to answer. Unit 2: Human Geography (1½ hours) focuses on issues in human geography. There are 6 questions and again the candidates select 3 to complete. There are two levels of entry at GCSE for Geography. Candidates expected to gain grades G - C are entered at the Foundation Tier, whereas those expected to gain grades C - A* are entered at the Higher Tier. The final examinations account for 75% of the final GCSE grade.

Fieldwork Fieldwork has always been an important part of geography and develops students’ skills in data collection and analysis; skills vital in many professions. They will carry out fieldwork while on a residential trip to Sheringham in Norfolk. This is an important part of the course and the expectation is that all students attend (the cost is approximately £90). The data collected then forms the basis of their controlled assessment task but also provides a case study example for our classwork on Tourism.

Controlled assessment The students will carry out an individual investigation based on a field trip to Sheringham. The focus of this study changes annually and is set by the exam board. Examples would include: - Is tourism in Sheringham sustainable? - How are people affecting the natural ecosystem along the coast at Sheringham? - How effective is the traffic management system in the area? Students will collect data to investigate their issue and will write up their findings at school in controlled conditions.


In addition to this fieldtrip there is also an optional biannual visit to Sicily, with a focus on volcanoes and tourism to enhance their learning beyond the classroom.

HISTORY Head of Department: Miss S Gadd What is History?

GCSE History

History is the study of all aspects of the past. This GCSE will therefore be fascinating for anyone interested in people, the things they have done, and the reasons they have done them.

The GCSE syllabus to be examined is the OCR Modern World History Syllabus B J417.

The world we live in is changing rapidly and Europe is no exception. Anyone wanting to understand these changes needs to look at the past. We therefore follow a course of modern world History, so pupils can look for clues to the origins of many current disputes and conflicts. Why does an organisation like the United Nations find it so difficult to maintain world peace? Do examples from the past suggest it is better to stand up to an aggressor, or give in to him? These are the kind of questions we shall be examining. The course will therefore be of interest to pupils who want a sound basis for further study or who simply want to improve their general knowledge. It has a direct relevance for anyone contemplating a future in a diverse range of careers, including journalism, broadcasting, public administration or any activity with an international dimension.

It builds on the skills and knowledge pupils have developed in Key Stage 3. There are two examination papers. Unit 1 will be studied in Year 10; Unit 2 in Year 11. Both units will be examined at the end of Year 11. Unit 1 (45%) The compulsory core content is based on the theme of International Relations 191939. Key questions covered include: • Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair? • To what extent was the League of Nations a success? • Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? The optional topic is Russia 1905-41, examining the fall of Tsarism, the rise of Bolshevism and the Bolshevik state under Lenin and Stalin. Unit 2 (30%) This looks at Britain from 1890-1918, focusing on Liberal Reforms, votes for women and the Home Front in World War One. Controlled assessment (25%) which replaces coursework. A piece of extended writing will be completed under the supervision of the teacher which will focus on the Western Front in World War One.




Controlled assessment

The skills developed in History are vital ones regardless of what pupils decide to do afterwards. Key skills include: The ability to select relevant evidence from a range of sources. l The ability to judge how reliable information is.

Pupils will produce one piece of work in the form of a controlled assessment, before the Year 11 examination. This represents 25% of the final mark. This is obviously an excellent opportunity for pupils to go into their unit 1 and 2 exams with the confidence of some success already behind them.

l The ability to construct a coherent explanation. l The ability to create and defend an argument. These skills are developed through a range of activities. Pupils will have access to a variety of textbooks and other reference material. Lessons involve group discussion, debate, role play, power point presentations and the modern focus of the course allows the department to maintain the constructive use of video pupils will have experienced at Key Stage 3.

Examinations Pupils sit two examination papers. All pupils sit the same examination. This means that all pupils can achieve the full range of grades. The examinations represent 75% of the final mark.

Teaching group organisation Pupils are placed in broad sets based on ability and needs where possible.


Homework Regular homework is an important part of the course. It involves a range of activities including reading, research, note-taking and practice examination questions. Good homework habits are important to establish early as the work set forms a vital part of students’ learning and is a crucial aid to revision.

Increasing understanding The department has a large number of resources pupils can use for independent research. An interest in current affairs and world events pursued through television, radio and newspaper will be a definite help to Historical study. There are a number of recent feature films which bring this period to life. Pupils visit Flanders in Year 11 to tour First World War battle sites. This fascinating trip is an important way pupils can increase their knowledge, understanding and interest. In the Easter of 2011, we visited Russia and we are returning during Easter 2013.

PHILOSOPHY & ETHICS Head of Department: Mr M Bigg What is Philosophy and Ethics? Philosophy & Ethics is an ever-popular and relevant GCSE course, which covers a range of contemporary moral issues as well as addressing the fundamental questions of life. The skills we develop include debating, extended writing, logic and argument, analysis of texts, and evaluation. This academic subject is a good start for students wishing to move into a range of areas after Secondary School from Philosophy to Law; English to Personnel and Management.



Belief about deity:

Religion and human relationships:

• Nature of God • The existence of God • Miracles

• The roles of men and women in the family • Marriage and marriage ceremonies • Divorce • Sexual relationships and contraception

The end of life:

Religion and medical ethics:

• Body and soul • Life after death • Funeral rites

• Attitudes to abortion • Attitudes to fertility treatments • Attitudes to euthanasia and suicide • Using animals in medical research

Good and evil:

Religion, peace and justice:

• Good and evil • The problem of evil • Coping with suffering • Sources and resources for moral behaviour

• Attitudes to war • Violence and pacifism • Crime and punishment • Social injustice

Religion and science:

Religion and equality:

• Origins of the world and life • People and animals • Environmental issues

• Principle of equality • Attitudes towards racism • Attitudes towards gender • Attitudes to other religions • Forgiveness and reconciliation


Philosophy & Ethics Syllabus OCR Religious Studies B – Philosophy and Applied Ethics Full course J621. Pupils study the course from the perspective of Christianity.

Examinations The exam specifications take a modular approach; students will sit four one-hour examinations at the end of Year 11.

Coursework There is no coursework in Philosophy & Ethics.

Teaching groups All groups are mixed ability; we currently have four groups in Year 10 and five in Year 11. What are the lesson activities? During lessons students will be involved in a range of activities including discussion, debate, note-taking, watching video clips, practising exam technique, preparing presentations, research (books & internet), and looking at current affairs and case studies relevant to the modules. Discussion of beliefs and opinions is of key importance in helping students to understand the range of views on the issues we study. Laptops are available for research and presentation lessons. Homework Homework is set on a regular basis and represents an important opportunity for pupils to consolidate and develop their knowledge and understanding. A range of activities could be set including reading, research, preparation of presentations, revision, but the key focus is practise exam questions. It is important for students to establish good homework habits from the outset of the course. You become passionate about things you only recently knew existed! Patrick – Yr 13


Increasing understanding Through our Core RPE programme, Philosophy & Ethics students have the opportunity to learn about some of the issues we study in the GCSE from the perspective of other religions. We currently run trips in Year 10 to Bhaktivedanta Manor (Hindu Temple) in Watford. Visiting speakers have included: Animal Aid, The Romance Academy, medical doctors, representatives from Huntingdon Life Sciences, priests, and nurses from Arthur Rank Hospice. In recent years a few students applied to attend a Sixth Form philosophy conference. Developing good exam practice ensures high achievement in this subject; we focus on revision and practice questions at the end of each module and for a large part of Year 11. We offer extra classes outside of curriculum time for those requiring additional support in advance of their GCSE.

Not only is P & E an extremely interesting subject you learn to debate and analyse in depth which can wonderfully complement other subjects as well as being a valuable tool in itself. Molly – Yr 13

P&E really challenges your mind to think about different perceptions of the world and God, which is very interesting. Plus, the skills you learn can be used across the board! Subha– Yr 11

I enjoy the way P&E makes me think about myself and the world around me Henry - Yr 11

P&E is one of the only subjects where your own opinion is a valued part of the assessment. It really is an endless topic, which is part of what makes it so interesting. Poppy – Yr 11

SCIENCE – TRIPLE AWARD Head of Department: Mr T Clark This course will have the same aims which underpin GCSE Science and Additional Science, but, in addition, will seek to provide a broader study for Science for those pupils intending to take two or more Sciences at ‘A’ level.

Time allocation A total of nine periods is allocated, of which six will take place during compulsory Coordinated Science time and three as an additional option choice.

Examinations Pupils are entered separately for each of the Sciences and sit separate examinations in them. They are required to enter all three subjects and as such receive separate GCSE grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each subject has three examination papers which cover material taught on the course. While the examination can be taken at one of two tiers of entry, we would anticipate all Triple Award pupils enter the Higher tier which covers grades A* - E.

Controlled Assessment

Syllabus Pupils will study the Triple Award course based on the OCR Syllabus A (21st Century Science Suite) GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics These syllabi cover the Key Stage 4 National Curriculum for Science, but in addition have a number of modules which broaden the coverage of Science. Topics include the applications of gene technology, models of nutritional interactions, understanding chemical concepts on a molecular scale, sustainable chemical manufacturing, astronomy and cosmology.


Assessment of "How Science Works" is by teacher assessment during the course. It is worth 25% of the final grade. An investigation is completed in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each investigation assesses five different practical skills. Consequently, controlled assessment involves pupils in planning and writing reports on investigations, which are also performed as practicals, throughout the course from mid Year 10 to mid Year 11. Pupils' reports will need to be completed in class under supervision.

Teaching group organisation The Triple Award group will be taught by separate specialist teachers. Each pupil will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics each week.

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Head of Department: Mr N Evans A GCSE course in Design and Technology offers pupils an experience of design, practical problem-solving and application of scientific principles. At Key Stage 4 the choice of specialist study areas within the subject enables pupils to complete a course appropriate to their aptitude and interest. Design and Technology Options Pupils can choose from the following: l GCSE Catering l GCSE Electronic Products l GCSE Graphic Products l GCSE Resistant Materials

Assessment Structure The structure of assessment for all D & T options incorporates 60% course work and 40% final examination. For Electronics, Graphics and Resistant Materials, course work consists of one major design-and-make project. The project offers pupils a unique opportunity within their curriculum, to complete a selfdirected extended task.


The Catering GCSE assessment structure includes 60% for practical tasks and 40% for written theory examination.

Resistant Materials GCSE Pupils completing the Resistant Materials course will have the opportunity to design and make products that fulfil a specific purpose, using a range of design techniques and realised in a variety of resistant materials (such as wood, metal and plastic). An interest in design is essential. Pupils will develop skills in a variety of 3D design techniques including isometric sketching, perspective drawing and formal orthographic representation. The use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) is now fundamental in design and significant use will be made of software including Techsoft Design Tools and 3D modelling software. Product realisation will be completed using a range of materials as appropriate to the application. In general, projects will be taken to the working prototype stage. However, course themes include developing an understanding of industrial practice through production planning and quality assurance. The use of Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) is an important method of production that will be incorporated into this course through the use of the school’s CAM equipment and machinery. Application of scientific principles is an essential element in this option. Projects include the use of mechanical systems and electronic circuits. In addition the skills developed through the design and realisation of 3D artefacts supports work completed in Art.

Design & Technology Electronic Products The Design and Technology Electronics course focuses on the design and manufacture of products that contain an electronic circuit or system. Pupils study electronic theory to develop sufficient understanding in order that they can build functioning circuits containing transistors, integrated circuits (IC’s) and other active devices. An interest in three-dimensional design and realisation is important. Completed circuits must be packaged in appropriately designed and constructed enclosures. This process involves the use of varied design techniques ranging from quality free-hand sketching through to three dimensional CAD drafting. Manufacture of completed case designs requires the use of a range of resistant materials and production techniques including CAM. Application of scientific principles is an inherent aspect of the study of electronics. Pupils considering this course need to be confident with mathematics and the physics aspects of the science curriculum.

Catering As a response to current national interest in food preparation and healthy eating this exciting GCSE is offered. The course covers many important aspects of the catering and food industry. A keen interest and desire to develop high level skills in food preparation and cooking are essential for successful participation in this GCSE. Pupils should expect to spend significant amounts of time learning a wide range of practical skills. The assessment structure consists of two elements as follows:

Graphic Products

l Assessed Practicals Year 10 20% Year 11 40% lTheory Examination 40%

The Graphic Products course affords pupils the opportunity to learn a wide variety of Graphic techniques, to present their ideas professionally and to develop some of their designs into 3D products, primarily using CAD (Computer Aided Design) and card engineering. A keen interest in the designed world is essential. In addition, pupils will learn about the impact that modern materials and environmental issues have had on design. This knowledge will form the backbone of their chosen final project (Coursework) and will be assessed in the examination at the end of year 11. There are clearly links between Graphics and Art. It is considered that these two subjects in combination complement each other, as they do in industry.

Participation in work experience to gain vital catering experience, which is organised by the college, is an optional element of the course but is to be encouraged. It is vital that students understand the need to provide ingredients for every practical lesson. In addition, all pupils will be required to purchase and wear a set of chef’s whites for all practical work. During Year 10, pupils will complete the Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering and Level 2 Award in Healthier Foods and Special Diets. Together these equate to half a GCSE in addition to the Catering GCSE. Anyone involved in food preparation in restaurants, hotels or shops must have this qualification and it is a worthwhile accredited qualification to add to a CV.


ICT AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Head of Department: Ms N Smith Units and Assessment: Developing Web Products In the compulsory unit you will study a wide variety of skills and knowledge, all on the theme of web-page authoring and construction. It will include some use of Java applets and html coding. All pupils study some elements of ICT and Computer Science whether as an option subject, or as part of core provision.

The Core course: All pupils not selecting ICT as an option subject will study a course that covers a variety of topics including learning study and presentation skills that will aid them in their other subjects and at A-level.

The Option courses: For the first time at CVC we will be offering both an ICT qualification and a Computer Science qualification. We do not recommend studying for both options.

Certificate in Digital Applications (Edexcel) Although not named a GCSE, this course is equivalent to a GCSE and is graded from A*-C (entry requirements will apply). It consists of two units: Developing Web products Creative Multimedia


You will be assessed by means of a 2 ½ hour long practical exam sat in Year 11.

Creative Multimedia In this unit you will learn how to create and edit multimedia elements such as graphics, sound and video and how to incorporate them into a single multimedia product. You will also develop your web-based work and learn about the construction of e-portfolios. You will be assessed by means of the completion of a large project, set by the exam board, marked by your teacher and externally moderated. Homework Homework will be of a variety of types: • Research of a topic • Practice of a practical skill • Evaluation of work created in class Who would this course suit? In order to succeed in this course, you will have to be keen on ICT – this is not the same as playing games or being on Facebook! You will have to use some specialist software to create products to a near-professional standard. You will be expected to create large websites linking a variety of file types. You will also have to meet strict deadlines. We would only recommend this course to pupils who are achieving level 5a or above in Year 9. Your teacher will be able to tell you whether this course would suit you.

ICT & Computer Science GCSE Computer Science (AQA) This is a new GCSE, graded from A*-G (entry requirements will apply) On this course you will study how computers and networks work, how programs are constructed and how data is represented and handled by applications. You will have to write programs in a code for a specific purpose, defined by the exam board.

Assessment: The course is assessed in two parts:

Terminal Exam (40% of the marks) The exam is 1 ½ hours long, sat in the June of Year 11. It will cover all the topics studied on the course and consist of short-answer and long-answer questions. The quality of written communication is also assessed.

Practical Programming (60% of the marks) You will complete two practical tasks independently in controlled conditions. Each task is allowed 25 hours. You will produce a written portfolio of evidence of your progress through the task which is marked by your teacher and then externally moderated. Tasks might include: • Using coding in a spreadsheet to encrypt text messages in a secure manner • Using java applets, with html, to produce a product


Units and Assessment: Homework Homework will be of a variety of types: • Research of a topic • Practice of a practical skill • Evaluation of work created in class

Who would this course suit? In order to succeed in this course, you will have to be very interested in how computers work. This is not the same as playing games on your PC for hours – you will need to be able to research topics effectively and to develop your programming skills such that your products are suitable for the stated audience. You will also have to meet strict deadlines. This course is an excellent basis for an Alevel in the ICT or Computing field. We would only recommend this course to pupils who are achieving level 5a or above in ICT AND a level 7a in maths in Yr 9. Your teacher will be able to tell you whether this course would suit you.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Head of Department: Mr S Sycamore

Head of GCSE PE: Mrs J Scarboro

BTEC LEVEL 2 First award in sport course co-ordinator: Mr S Pollock

The Sport and Leisure industry is a growing sector in the UK, and an exciting place to work. If you would like to not only develop your own sporting talents, but also to learn what it is like to work in the sports industry and gain some valuable skills to help you get there, then physical education is the course for you.

Which is the right course for me and how will I select it? What could I do with this in the future? The next step could be either:  Further academic courses at sixth form colleges  National Diploma Courses at Comberton Sixth For,.Cambridge Regional College or Long Road Sixth Form College  Employment in the fitness industry or coaching sector (possibly with further qualifications built in as well.


There are two courses available for pupils to study within Physical Education: • GCSE Physical Education • BTEC Level 2 first award in sport • Both courses are equivalent to one • GCSE grade and contain similar theory content. • The courses are assessed in different ways. • Pupils will opt for ‘Physical Education’ and then they will be guided by their PE teacher to the course which is most appropriate to them.

Preparing for the course During activities week in Year 9 we strongly encourage all Physical Education students to attend the outdoor adventure week at MEPAL. During this week pupils will complete GCSE practical assessments in climbing and kayaking as well as participating in a number of other outdoor activities.


Physical Education

BTEC Level 2 Award in Sport What do you study?

How will you be assessed?

The BTEC Award in Sport is taught across 4 units : n Fitness for Sport and Exercise: - Learn the components of fitness and principles of training. - Explore different fitness training methods. - Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels. n Practical Sports Performance: - Understand rules regulations and scoring systems in selected sports. - Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports. - Be able to review sports performance. n Training for Personal Fitness: - Design and implement a personal fitness programme. - Review a personal fitness training programme. - Understand exercise adherence factors and strategies for continued training success. n Leading Sports Activities: - Know the attributes of successful sports leadership. - Plan and lead sports activities.

• 75% of the course is internally assessed through coursework activities such as: - Practical demonstrations. - Video analysis. - Interviews and presentations. - Observations. • 25% (1 unit – Fitness for Sport and Exercise) is assessed through a 1 hour on screen test which is marked externally by the exam board. This test can be retaken to improve your mark.

As well as developing the core skills required to pass the course, students will have the opportunity to complete various extra qualifications, such as: n First Aid qualification n Leadership Certificate n Coaching Qualifications n Umpiring Awards It is hoped that students will want to use some of the skills they develop on the course by running or supporting clubs either at school or out of school.


What does the course involve? Teaching Activities

Delivered through a variety of practical and theoretical activities and assessment tasks. Pupils practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in 2 chosen sports. A variety of assessment methods used. Opportunities to gain extra sport qualifications.

Group Organisation

Classes will be mixed ability and mixed gender

Typical Lesson Activities

ICT based in classrooms. Variety of usual sports venues. External visits to sporting venues.


Edexcel: BTEC First Award in Sport

Physical Education

GCSE Full Course Physical Education What do I need to know, or be able to do, before taking this course? The course builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills established during KS3 PE. It will give you exciting opportunities to be involved in a number of different physical activities, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. You can perform in one or all of the following roles:  Player/ participant  Leader  Official

What will I learn if I study this course? You will:  develop your knowledge and practical skills in a range of physical activities  examine the effects and how training can improve performance  find ways to improve your own performance in a variety of roles  identify ways to develop and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through participation in physical activity  appreciate the benefits of promoting ‘sport for all’

How will I be assessed? The examination board is Edexcel. The GCSE course is assessed over two units. Unit 1 is externally assessed through a written examination paper of 1 hour and 30 minutes. This will contribute a maximum of 40 per cent towards your total marks. Unit 2 is assessed in two sections. Section 1 – four practical performances in the role of either player/participant, leader or official. You can achieve 48 per cent of the marks from your four performances, two of which may be in the role of a leader or official. Section 2 – analysis of performance in one of the chosen activities. This will be worth 12 per cent of the marks and should include planning, performing and evaluating a Personal Exercise Programme. (This is developed in school as part of a controlled assessment).

Homework Pupils will have homework every week. This may be writing up their notes from practical sessions, showing understanding of skill development, tactics, application of rules and also research tasks. There will also be homework to reinforce what has been taught in the theory lessons


DANCE Head of Dance: Mrs M Edwards What is GCSE dance? The GCSE Dance course requires students to develop performance skills in the contemporary genre/style of dance. Regular participation in contemporary dance classes after school is also a fundamental requirement of the course. The AQA Performing Arts Dance Specification and will enable candidates to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of dance as choreographer, performer and critic through: Applying and adapting a wide range of skills and techniques effectively in performing and choreographing dance, including the ability to improve and create dances for a range of purposes. Develop the ability to analyse, evaluate and appreciate dance. Candidates will also appreciate the contribution of dance to their personal and social health, fitness and wellbeing and be aware of the range of opportunities and pathways available in dance.

Summary of course content Unit 1: Critical Appreciation of Dance (50 marks – 20%) Written Paper – 1 hour (May of Year 11) Unit 2: Set Dance (30 marks – 20%) Practical Examination (Solo Performance – 1–1½ minutes) Candidates will demonstrate their physical competence and effectiveness as performers.


The dances are choreographed by professional dancers in styles from within the contemporary dance genre. Unit 3: Performance in a duo/group dance (30 marks – 20%) 3 – 3½ minutes (Controlled Assessment) The Performance in a Duo/Group Dance and the Solo Composition task which will each be informed by one of the following prescribed professional works: Ghost Dances or Swansong, Christopher Bruce “Still Life” at the Penguin Café, David Bintley Romeo and Juliet, Kenneth MacMillan Overdrive, Richard Alston Perfect, Motionhouse Rosas Danst Rosas, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker Faultline, Shobana Jeyasingh Bird Song, Siobhan Davies Nutcracker!, Matthew Bourne Dance Tek Warriors, Union Dance

Unit 4: Choreography (40%) Task 1: Solo Composition 1–1½ mins (20 marks – 15%) Task 2: Choreography – solo, duo or group (40 marks – 25%) Candidates must demonstrate their increasing effectiveness as a choreographer through the following : Exploring and synthesising ideas, thoughts and meaning through movement by: imaginatively exploring dance ideas in response to a variety of starting points and stimuli. Investigating the potential of the ideas through research, discussion, mind-mapping and planning, improvising and generating original movement material. Selection and use of accompaniment that is appropriate to the dance idea and that enhances the movement content.

ECONOMICS Tutor: Miss A Greenwood Time: Mondays 3pm – 5pm

What is Economics? This frequently asked question is officially answered as, “A study of how we try to reconcile our infinite wants with the scarce resources available to us.” To take this a stage further, Thomas Sowell once stated: “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

What is GCSE Economics? The course is designed for those students who have an interest in economical issues and are perhaps also considering studying economics at A-level. Students will actively engage in the study of economics to develop as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

Syllabus The Examination Board is OCR. The course is structured into three units of learning. Each unit is assessed by a written exam paper, one of which is based around pre-released case study material. Unit 1 is ‘How the Market Works’ Covering issues surrounding the basic economic problem and how it affects the allocation of resources in competitive markets. Focussing on how prices are determined through the forces of demand and supply. Unit 2 is ‘How the Economy Works’ Considering how the economy is influenced by government policy. Studying the expenditure and revenue of government, including taxes and the effects that these will have in the economy. Unit 3 is ‘The UK Economy and Globalisation’ Looking at global trade and its implications for the UK economy. Building on the knowledge and skills gained from units 1 and 2.

Cost To be confirmed

Additional reading is essential for this subject. Students are recommended to devote at least 1 hour a week of independent study.


PSYCHOLOGY Tutor: Miss R Weekes What is psychology? Unit 1 Psychology is considered to be a science because psychologists try to understand people through careful controlled observation. All sciences rely on rigorous scientific methods, and in this way psychology is no different to biology, physics or chemistry. However, psychology does not study molecules or plants, it studies people, their behaviour towards themselves and each other, and how they learn and think. It is the study of the mind and behaviour and asks the following key questions; Why do I think like this? Why do I feel like this? Why do I behave like this? Students will develop many valuable skills which will be of huge benefit to them after they leave school, whether that be in employment or in further education. These include evaluating research and theories, collecting and analysing data as well as developing their presentational and organisational skills. Syllabus The Examination Board is OCR. The syllabus consists of three units and covers a wide range of different psychological areas. In each of the first two units five different topics are covered. Within each topic the key concepts are explored along with a core theory, a core piece of psychological research as well as how the research can be applied to real life settings.


• • • • •

Memory Sex and Gender Attachment Obedience Atypical Behaviour

Unit 2 • Criminal Behaviour • Perception • Cognitive Development • Non-verbal Communication • The Self

Each unit makes up 40% of the GCSE with each being assessed by an examination (1 ¼ hours each). Unit 1 will be sat at the end of Year 10 and unit 2 at the end of Year 11. Unit 3 This unit looks at how psychologists collect and analyse their data and includes looking at observations, experiments, interviews and questionnaires. Students will also have the opportunity to carry out their own pieces of research. This unit is also assessed through an examination (1 hour) and will be sat at the end of Year 11. It is worth 20% of the GCSE. Entry requirements This course will run as 2 hour after school sessions and is open to those students who have the capacity to take on an additional GCSE subject. Students will be required to have end of KS3 levels totalling 19, with at least a level 7 in English. The course is limited to 20 students and in the event of it being over-subscribed those students with the highest end of KS3 levels will be selected. Cost To be Confirmed

THE CENTRE Head of Department: Mrs L Davies We support pupils with physical disabilities or sensory impairments in practical subjects like Design Technology, Food Technology and the practical aspects of Science. In collaboration with the subject teacher, we seek to ensure that coursework is well-matched to pupils' abilities so that a sense of success can be fostered.

Meeting Special Educational Needs in KS4 In Years 10 and 11, the Centre maintains its responsibility to support and advise pupils and staff regarding special educational needs.

In addition, a limited number of pupils are invited to opt for Core Skills as one of their option choices at the start of Year 10. For this option pupils attend the Centre for three lessons per week to get support for their Key Stage 4 curriculum work. Help is given with planning, organisation and drafting written work. In addition, proof reading, revision skills, time management and examination techniques are all actively taught.

Our aim is to help pupils to develop and maintain the range of skills necessary to be successful in the Upper School, so that they can make a smooth transition to the next phase of their lives. We take a flexible approach to meeting individual needs. Centre staff offer support across all core curriculum areas. Our support is targeted at pupils who have Statements of Educational Need, and our next priority is to support all other children with identified special educational needs. We work with pupils in lessons to develop their basic skills of literacy and numeracy, and to improve their study skills, including the organisation of homework and coursework tasks, note taking and revision. We also help children to acquire and extend course-specific skills, such as map reading in Geography.


We recognise that children faced with the demands of GCSE courses often experience considerable stress. We work closely with the pastoral team, parents and outside agencies, where applicable, to provide support for children whose emotional difficulties stand in the way of their effective learning. We are also able to arrange with Connexions for specialist careers guidance for individual children.

The Centre Some children require special arrangements so that they can read and understand GCSE examination questions or so that they can record their answers adequately. The Joint Forum for GCSE permits schools to make special arrangements for pupils with certain identified special education needs, such as extra time or access to a reader, provided that the schools can demonstrate that they have been aware of the pupil’s special education needs for some time, can indicate how those needs have been met and can make appropriate arrangements for the pupil to be assessed.


Pupils identified as needing access arrangements for exams will be assessed by a specialist at the beginning of Year 10. Parents will be informed of what these arrangements are in the autumn term of Year 10 by the exams officer.

LIBRARY Librarians: Ms J Hack & Ms A Harrison Why use the library? Because it’s a modern, well resourced, welcoming place for you to work independently outside of lesson time in addition to any lessons you may have here.

What can the library do for you? The Library can help you in a whole range of ways. We have books and e-resources on the topics that you will be studying, as well as books that can help you with your essay writing and revision skills. There are 30 computers, and you can print as well! The library staff are very helpful (and friendly) and are there to help you find the right resources for what you want; whether that is a book, a website, a podcast or a video. It is a quiet working area (though not silent), so you can come in and focus without distractions. There is also a wide selection of revision materials and books to help you through the stress of exams. The library also…  has lots of fiction for you to borrow, so when you feel the exam nerves you can escape into another world.  there are revision guides, dictionaries, and thesauruses


Pupils in the upper school are encouraged to read for pleasure as wider reading helps in all subjects. The fiction stock for older pupils is always being updated. The Library is open from 8am to 5:00 every school day! And you can come during break and lunch as well.

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