Photography by Anthony Scarlati
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller “Do what you can with what you have, where you are.” — Teddy Roosevelt “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” — Coach John Wooden
hree people from different perspectives, yearning to have an impact, to make a difference.
In this annual report we salute the thousands of Middle Tennesseans who work with The Community Foundation to have an impact on the community they love and choose to call home. Their stories are as inspirational as the quotes above ... even though they may not all have great wealth, they each have great hearts. We want to help you … as well as the neighbors whose stories fill these pages.
So many of them have come to us time and time again when new charitable interests emerge or new issues evolve. We help them figure out how best to give and, in some cases, to whom. But mostly we listen ... In essence, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee provides customized giving. Why? Because we know that giving matters and gifts of every size, shape and form matter. We listen to what you want to do and then do everything possible to help you achieve your goals. Unlike most charities, for us it’s about YOUR vision, YOUR mission, and YOUR intent, not about us. Please call us 615-321-4939. Let us know how we can help you help others ... After all ...
“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” — George Eliot
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Middle Tennessee
rief and healing take many forms. When nine-year-old Rachel lost her father, Allen, in an accident in 2012, random acts of kindness helped her realize she was loved. These gestures let her know her feelings were noticed.
The Dogwood Project is on a mission to help children like Rachel who have lost a close relative as they begin to grieve. Stephen Schlapman, Allen’s brother and also Rachel’s uncle, turned to The Community Foundation to launch The Dogwood Project, named for a tree Allen loved. The day before the accident, Allen had stood in his brother’s yard and talked at length about how he loved these trees. Through The Dogwood Fund, Allen’s family will send children a living memorial in honor of their loved one – a small tree or perennial flower to plant with an adult, along with a teddy bear for comfort. This small gesture is a reminder of love and hope, much like Rachel received, to help other children experiencing loss.
“ W h en
m y b ro t her died ,
a n d wo n d ered
‘ W hat
h a s a da d o r mom ? lov e t h em ?’ t ree
lo oked at my nine - year - old niece
d o you say to a ch ild who no longer
W hat
P lant ing
d o you d o to let them know you
a living memorial like a d o gwo od
i t ’ s a start to the conversat ion .
M ore
a n y t h i n g , i t ’ s a reminder of love and ho p e .”
— Stephen Schlapman, creator of The Dogwood Fund
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ne hundred years ago, mass production was a revolution. Now, it’s ubiquitous. In today’s era of convenience, products made by hand feel almost old-world.
Phillip Nappi’s passion to revive those standards of yesteryear, and create the perfect boot, made to the highest quality standards, drove him to Italy where he could immerse himself in the craft of shoemaking. It was only after he and his family set out on this journey they learned that his grandfather, Peter, was in fact a shoe craftsman who brought his own boot company to America in 1904. After spending time in Italy learning the art, Phillip and his wife, Dana, knew it was their calling to create products that honor Peter and his long-established traditions, passion for life and love for beautiful craftsmanship. Through Peter Nappi, a luxury Italian footwear company based in Nashville, Phillip has reclaimed his grandfather’s legacy. Phillip and Dana’s giving is equally focused on investing in these values. Through their Phillip C. and Dana T. Nappi Advised Fund, they have the flexibility to handcraft their charitable giving and focus on their specific priorities. It’s a charitable legacy they’re making with care, just as Peter would have done.
“ We at
f o c u s o n c reat ing a p osi t ive , co o p erat ive environment
P et er N a pp i . O ne
da i ly ba s i s .
where p eop le can learn and grow on a
want to invest in our communi t y to nurt ure
s i m i la r o ppo rt uni t ies , and
T he C ommuni t y F oundat ion
a llow s u s t h e flexibili t y to give in the way we want .”
— Phillip Nappi
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Dana and Phillip Nappi C CFM FMT.o T.orrgg
• T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
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here are few things more important than the health and well-being of our children.
Today, heavy regulations, loads of administrative paperwork and lack of coordination are fragmenting the child care community. Child care providers find their precious time consumed by files and documents. And parents say navigating the system to find child care openings is cumbersome. Childcare Tennessee, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, set out to help fix this broken business model by working with nonprofit child care providers to relieve administrative duties and save money that can be reinvested in the programs. What started out as a group of 12 child care centers has turned into a team – they’ve saved time and money by sharing administrative functions, group purchasing on items like milk and mulch, and streamlining documents. Through, and Cooks Academy, dozens of child care providers are coming together, using innovative ways to improve their programs. The result is more focus on kids while improving child care for everyone involved.
“I t
h elp s me fo cus more t ime on the q uali t y of o u r pro gram instead of the pap er work .”
— Sara Longhini, Executive Director of Fannie Battle Day Home for Children
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ith nearly 200 years of tradition and a national reputation of academic excellence, Fisk University has developed a strong identity in our community. Along with fostering
great minds, it is home to some of Middle Tennessee’s finest works of art – including the Alfred Stieglitz Collection. The 101 treasures of art comprising the Collection now have a long-term source of designated, endowed funding to protect their display and care. Presented to Nashville’s historic Fisk University in 1949, the collection features an array of modern art with works by Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Paul Cezanne. The Fund for the Care of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University was established solely for the purpose of supporting the cost of the display, maintenance, care and protection of the works of art at the Carl Van Vechten Art Gallery at Fisk University, so that many more generations may be introduced to its enlightening riches.
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drienne Ames’ intentions are simple. She wants to share what she has with others – not just now, but long after she’s gone.
As Adrienne started estate planning, she knew that creating a legacy would require a trusted partner to carry out her wishes. As a nurse for nearly 40 years, she has close ties to the profession and supports nursing education. Her interests don’t stop there as other things have enriched her life, so she wants to support organizations assisting young women, and caring for natural resources and animals, to name a few priorities. In making a planned gift and thinking of years ahead, Adrienne realizes circumstances change, and organizations meeting specific needs may shift too. She’s attracted to the fact that The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee ensures her charitable dollars will be used wisely toward the causes she identifies now. Adrienne knows The Community Foundation will honor her intentions in perpetuity. Creating her lasting legacy here just made sense.
know my money w ill be used w isely and managed by
exp erts who know how to apply i t over the years . why
I’ ve
chosen to leave a planned gif t to
F oundat ion I
to set up a f und .
want share w hat
T h is
T he C ommuni t y
ult imate hop e is sim ple .
have w i th the communi t y .”
— Adrienne Ames
Adrienne Ames 10
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very day, right in our backyard, women and girls are forced into the human sex trade industry through violence, threats and manipulation.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (T.B.I.) and Vanderbilt Center for Community Studies found that in Lawrence, Davidson, Coffee and Franklin counties over 100 cases of adult sex trafficking occured in 2011. Over two-thirds of the counties in the state reported at least one case of sex trafficking of a minor that same year. Middle Tennessee authorities are seeing an increase in trafficking due, in part, to the large number of interstates that cross the state. The Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is raising awareness about this alarming reality. In 2012, The Women’s Fund hosted a public forum on the topic of human trafficking. It also worked in conjunction with T.B.I. and the Tennessee Women’s Funds Alliance to promote a new Tennessee Human Trafficking Resource Hotline. Through these steps, The Women’s Fund is working to improve the lives of women and girls in need throughout Middle Tennessee, and help eradicate human sex trafficking.
“Human the
s ex t ra fficking is one of the top priori t ies for
b e cau se the stakes are h igh .
is proud to
j o i n wi t h co m muni t y part ners in th is figh t to combat s ex t ra f f i c ki n g every w here from
M em p h is
B ristol .”
— Margie Quin, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Sgt. Michael Fisher 12
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Michael Dolan and Lars Kopperud 14
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“Come on in, pull up a chair, raise your glasses and enjoy. Welcome to the family."
his expression is at the heart of MAFIAoZA’s restaurant's "family values" – a philosophy that emanates from the warm, family-friendly establishment, no matter how intimidating
the voice of "The Don" (its occasional spokesperson) may sound on the radio. Since opening its doors in 2003, MAFIAoZA’s Pizzeria and Neighborhood Pub, a New York-style eatery, has become a fixture in Nashville’s 12th South community, thanks to its authentic Italian menu and welcoming, familial ambiance. The reward is strong patron support, allowing owners Lars Kopperud and Mike Dolan to expand to another location over the last few years. To give back to the community that has enabled them to achieve their success, the restaurant’s partners came to The Community Foundation and established the MAFIAoZA’s Godfather Fund. The Fund allows MAFIAoZA’s to support the many community initiatives important to them – investing in keeping this the place we all want to call home.
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Bob Bernstein 16
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hrough its commitment to brewing delicious coffee, hard work and community support, Bongo Java has established itself as Nashville’s
coffeehouse. For two decades, people have come to love the aroma of locally roasted beans and freshly baked pastries, walls featuring eclectic art from area artists, and the baristas who are as cool as the espresso is hot. To give back to the community that has given so much to them, owner Bob Bernstein created two company charitable funds at The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee: The Bongo Advised Fund and The Bongo Employee Assistance Fund. Bob is well aware his stores’ patrons – from university students writing papers to business professionals talking shop – and his dedicated employees are equally a part of what’s entrenched Bongo in the community. Through its corporate funds, Bongo Java contributes to education programs in the Nashville area and coffee-growing communities, and also has an employee assistance fund to help their staff who face unforeseen and unpreventable emergencies.
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ashion transcends boundaries. An artist – the designer who hems a pencil skirt, the model who sees only tunnel vision on the catwalk, or the photographer who captures the moment –
pushes these boundaries through their creativity and skill. To promote and recognize these artists, the Nashville Fashion Forward Fund supports the next generation of fashion industry professionals with ties to Middle Tennessee through financial awards for professional development or experiential opportunity. Lauren Leonard, designer of her line “Leona,” was the 2012 award recipient. The Fund is providing support for Lauren to travel abroad to an international textile show. The Nashville Fashion Forward Fund ensures that Nashville Fashion Week is not just a signature annual event spotlighting the Music City’s growing fashion industry, but also an ongoing, sustainable focus for philanthropic support.
ca n ’ t t h a n k
M i d d le T en n es s ee a n d N a s h v i lle F a s h i o n
W eek
T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n dat i o n
en o u g h f o r s u pp o rt i n g l o ca l fa s h i o n
ta len t , a s w ell a s i n t ro d u c i n g
N a s h v i lli a n s
t o fa s h i o n o r i g i nat i n g o u t s i d e o f t h e c i t y .
a m s o p ro u d t o b e a pa rt o f t h i s co m m u n i t y .”
— Lauren Leonard, Leona, recipient of 2012 Nashville Fashion Forward Fund award
2013 Nashville Fashion Week runway model 18
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Mickey Milam 20
• T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
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hen a community faces a crisis, fire fighters, police officers and EMTs are at their best. Shouldering a heavy, dangerous load, the “good guys” rise to the
occasion to protect their neighbors. When one of these heroes is hurt in the line of duty, it can have a devastating effect on their family, including a significant loss of income. To help those first responders when they need it the most, retired Metro Nashville Police Officer Mickey Milam created Help The Good Guys, which provides financial support until they can get back on their feet. To broaden his charitable scope, Milam established Help The Good Guys Charitable Fund through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The Fund benefits nonprofit organizations that help firefighters and police officers injured in the line of duty and/or other victims of serious or life-threatening injuries such as children who have suffered severe burns.
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who we serve Our services extend to 40 counties in Middle Tennessee and three counties in Southern Kentucky. We support donors from every corner of the community who want to make an impact through their giving.
Visit our interactive online map for more information, at
what we do G i v ing Our vision is to help people feel good about giving. We enable people to give according to their passion and their goals through our remarkable flexibility to serve nearly any charitable purpose. It is simple to establish a Fund within The Community Foundation, whether you want to create an endowment for a favorite nonprofit or craft an entrepreneurial solution to address a pressing need. A Fund is created with a minimum contribution of $5,000 ($10,000 for scholarships). There is no cost to set up a Fund. Funds are established by individuals, families, companies, civic groups, and organizations. Contributions of any size are welcome to existing Funds, at any time. Donors may elect to start a Fund with contributions of cash, publicly traded or closely-held securities, real estate, personal property, or by the use of planned giving vehicles such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, life insurance policies and bequests.
G r antma k ing The Community Foundation works to improve our community through strategic grantmaking to nonprofits. Carrying out the wishes of donors and providing expertise in local philanthropy, The Community Foundation works with nonprofits to help address critical needs.
T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Middle Tennessee
Impact and Field-of-Interest Funds enable The Community Foundation to put resources to work where they are needed most through a competitive grant process. We respect the work and mission of our nonprofit partners and are particularly interested in innovative ideas that provide long-term solutions for community needs.
T y pes o f F u nds The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is comprised of charitable funds dedicated to purposes our donors define. We honor donor intent in perpetuity. Impact F u nds are unrestricted and provide the greatest flexibility, allowing The Community Foundation to respond to the community’s pressing needs through changing time and circumstance. F iel d-of-Interest F u nds allow donors to pinpoint support to broad areas of concern, such as education, the arts, the environment, youth services, the disabled, or geographic areas they choose. D esignated F u nds ensure regular, endowed support is provided to specific charitable organizations the donors name.
D onor-A dv ised F unds allow donors to make recommendations about the distribution of grants. Scholarship F unds help further the education of students who are selected by volunteer committees based on criteria donors outline, whether a student is from a particular geographic area, attending a certain school or planning a career in a specific field. Mem oria l F u nds ensure a special person is remembered through a Fund that reflects his or her legacy. Agenc y End owment F unds are created by nonprofits as a means of building charitable dollars for the future of their mission and work.
We can be remarkably flexible in crafting a charitable solution for you. And, setting up a Fund is simple and can be done in a matter of minutes. For more information, visit Call us today to create your Fund, at 615-321-4939.
O u r boa r d OFFICERS M r . F r a n c i s S. G u es s , Chairman M r s . J er ry B. W i lli a m s , Vice Chairman M r s . K i t t y M o o n E m ery , Secretar y M r . C h a r les W. C o o k , J r ., Treasurer M s . E llen E. L eh m a n , P resident
B OA R D O F DI R E C T O R S M s . L ei l a n i S. B o u lwa r e M r s . A g en i a W. C l a r k M r . R o na l d L. C o r b i n M r s . J a na J. D av i s Mr. Rod Essig M r . J o h n D. F erg u s o n M r s . I r w i n E. F i s h er D r . S t ep h en F. F l at t M r . J ay L. F r a n k M r . G a ry A. G a r f i el d T h e H o n . A l b ert o R . G o n z a les M r . C a r l T. H a le y M r . H en ry B. H i c k s , III M r s . C a ro l O. H u d ler M r . D e co s ta E. J en k i n s T h e H o n . W i lli a m C. K o c h , J r . M r . D o n M ac L ac h l a n M r . B ert M at h e w s M r . S t ep h en F. M o o r e M r s . D eb o r a h T ay l o r T at e D r . S t ep h a i n e H. W a l k er M r . D av i d W i lli a m s , II
B OA R D O F T R US T EES M r s . J u d y L i f f B a r k er M r . J ac k O. B ov en d er , J r . M r . G e o rg e N. B u ll a r d M r . B en L. C u n d i f f M r . R i c h a r d J. E s k i n d M r . F a r z i n F er d o w s i M r . C h a r les O. F r a z i er D r . T h o m a s F. F r i s t , J r . M r . J o el C. G o r d o n M r . K er ry G r a h a m M r . J a m es S. G u l m i M r . A u b r e y B. H a r w ell , J r . M r s . C at h er i n e T. J ac k s o n M r . K ev i n P. L av en d er D r . J o h n E. M au p i n , J r . M r . R a l p h W. M o s le y M r s . D o n na D. N i c ely M r . B en R. R e c h t er M r . M i c h a el D. S h m er li n g M r s . S u s a n W. S i m o n s M r . H o wa r d L. S t r i n g er M r . C h a r les A. T ro s t M s . D eb o r a h F. T u r n er M r . J ac k B. T u r n er Mrs. Betsy Walkup
M r . F r a n c i s S. G u es s , Chairman
Our Staff Leade r ship T eam E llen L eh m a n , President M eli s a C u r r e y , Comptroller B eli n da D i n w i d d i e , Director of Donor Education A m y F a i r , Director of Donor Services R eb e cca F i n le y , Communications Director J en n i f er S c h wa rtz en b erg , Director of Community Initiatives M eli s s a A n d er s o n , Financial Assistant K a lli e B i en v en u , Communications Manager D eb b i e B o n e , Grants/Donor Services Associate T h o m a s B u f o r d , Delek Fund for Hope Manager M a r e C a m u s o , Web Content Associate R oy C a rt er , The Sports Fund Coordinator P at C o le , Scholarship/TIP Coordinator C y n t h i a C o p el a n d , Staff Accountant S h a ro n D er m a n , Finance Administrative Assistant L au r el F i s h er , Associate D a n i elle G i l b ert , Childcare Tennessee Project Assistant B e t h C h r i s t i a n G rov es , Manager P o rt er H a i le , Technology Systems Associate C a ro ly n H a n n o n , Childcare Tennessee Director E r i n H o r n s b y , Promotion and Web Content Coordinator L i z a L en tz , Women’s Fund Coordinator L au n d r e a L e w i s , Grants Coordinator D eb o r a h M c C lell a n , Receptionist M i c h a el M c D a n i el , Nonprofit and Endowment Liaison and Brooks Fund Coordinator B r i t ta n y M o r i , Design Associate M a r i a M o r r i s , Operations Manager T y ler N el s o n , Communications Associate A m a n da P a r k er , Financial Assistant T i na R a n d o l p h , Web Content Associate L i lli a n T u r m a n , Donor Services Coordinator K elly W a l b erg , Online Marketing and Web Content Coordinator S h el b y B a i le y W h eli s s , Childcare Tennessee Program Services Manager B en ja W h i t el aw , Program Manager C FM T.o r g
Giv ing
Grantmakin g
Total of gifts donors made to The Community Foundation in 2012
Total distributed to nonprofit organizations in 2012
New funds created in 2012
Number of nonprofits which received grants in 2012
Number of gifts to The Community Foundation in 2012
Amount of grant dollars awarded since 1991
987 Number of funds
$356,778,162 Total assets
Summary of Operat ions S upport and R evenue
$41,645,898 Contributions and Income
$35,199,760 Net Realized/Unrealized Gain on Investment
$76,845,658 Total
Planned Gifts*
These are unaudited 2012 financials. *These are future gifts of which The Foundation has been informed. They are not current assets of The Foundation. 24
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2012 GRA NTMA KI N G ov e rview
D iscretionary G rants P rogram
Generous people from across the community are donors to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
The Community Foundation offers flexible fund options to help donors based on their charitable priorities and goals. In total, we offer six primary types of charitable funds.
• •
on illi
Unrestricted Impact Funds are used by The Community Foundation to respond to evolving community needs. Field-of-Interest Funds support a specific cause or geographic area identified by the donor.
$67 Million
These are unaudited 2012 financials.
scholarship funds These help further the education of students who are selected by volunteer committees based on criteria donors outline.
Donor-Advised Funds Grants are made based on the recommendations of the donor. The Community Foundation vets these requests and makes grants to bona fide nonprofit organizations anywhere in the country.
Grants are awarded annually to Middle Tennessee area nonprofits through a single application process, reviewed by a volunteer committee and The Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. This is a competitive process, for nonprofits that chose to apply.
Unrestricted impact Funds + Field-of-Interest Funds
The largest amount of dollars granted, and often, the largest donations annually, are from our Donor-Advised Funds. Individual organizations cannot apply for these grants.
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Designated Funds + Agency Endowment Funds These funds are established to support specific nonprofit organization(s). Grants are made annually to the nonprofit(s) named by the donor. Designated Funds are set up by donors to benefit one or more favorite nonprofits. Agency Endowment Funds are set up by the nonprofit itself to help ensure the future of its work.
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T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n dat i o n of Middle Tennessee
• New Funds • haritable dreams are realized at The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
Whether it’s a scholarship fund created in the honor of a loved one or an organization starting an employee assistance fund, The Community Foundation works with donors to establish funds tailored to their specific interests. Through The Community Foundation’s customized philanthropic services, there are many ways to contribute and accomplish your charitable goals. You can create a Fund; select a broad charitable purpose to benefit from your Fund; or advise The Community Foundation as to which charitable organizations should receive grants, among other options. The following is a list of new funds* created through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. *Funds established from 2012 through first quarter of 2013.
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Ruth O. Alsup Donor Advised Fund This Fund was initially a Donor-Advised Fund created by the late Ruth O. Alsup within the Kingdom Trust. Prior to her passing, she created an advisory committee to her Fund, consisting of Thomas C. Alsup, Linda T. Alsup, Thomas C. Alsup II, Katherine L. Alsup, Ryan Hunter Alsup and Laura R. Alsup. After Mrs. Alsup's passing, the advisory committee decided to move the Fund to The Community Foundation, naming it the Ruth O. Alsup Donor Advised Fund, and to maintain the Fund's charitable support as she would have continued to do.
The Randy and Judy Arnold Charitable Fund The Bongo Advised Fund The Bongo Advised Fund contributes to education programs and initiatives in the Nashville-area and in coffeegrowing communities.
Betty Brown Fund to benefit the Nashville Tree Foundation Betty Brown planted thousands of trees never expecting to enjoy their shade. Nashvillians have her to thank for green spaces and shaded spots throughout the city. Within The Community Foundation, her legacy lives on through an endowed Fund to benefit the Nashville Tree Foundation. Now, there’s a permanent stream of support for the continued planting of seeds, and to carry on Betty’s commitment to the needs of generations to come.
Ann Buchanan Scholarship Fund Ann Buchanan led the United Way of Williamson County with integrity, kindness, strength and an unwavering commitment to her neighbors. Before this she served as a United Way of Williamson County volunteer for over six years. Ann has always been passionate about helping those in need and has always preferred giving to receiving. The Patricia Hart Society of the United Way of Williamson County felt the best way to honor her work in the community was to create a Fund that will help a high school senior, who might otherwise fall through the cracks, enroll in college, vocational or technical school.
Ellen and Roger Burrus Endowed Advised Fund
The Bongo Employee Assistance Fund The Bongo Employee Assistance Fund provides short-term, emergency financial support to employees of Bongo Productions, LLC who are facing financial hardship as a result of certain unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances.
Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings Advised Fund To maximize their charitable efforts and community impact, Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings has partnered with The Community Foundation to create this corporate giving fund.
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Barbara Howard became Mrs. George Burrus on June 8, 1953, the Monday after she graduated from Peabody College. The bride watched her husband, George, graduate from Vanderbilt University College of Medicine in 1955. What soon followed was the beginning of a new family and a lifetime of adventure and service. The young Burrus Family boarded the Queen Elizabeth I in July 1962 to travel to India for five years of medical mission work. Subsequently, the family moved to Africa. This life abroad in service to others serves as touchstone for three generations of family members who recommend grants from the Ellen and Roger Burrus Endowed Advised Fund. Giving is done so in memory of Ellen and Roger Burrus, for whom the Fund is named, and Dr. George Burrus whose charitable nature has been passed down to his children and grandchildren.
The Brad Butkiewicz Memorial Scholarship Brad Butkiewicz was a young man who loved football and H.O.S.A. (Health Occupation Students of America). Tragically, Brad lost his life in June 2004 on his way home from an early morning
football workout program. According to his father, Jim, “He was a simple kid that listened to Mom and Dad and always tried to do the right thing.” Thanks to Brad’s family, friends and community, they established this Fund in honor of Brad to help young people coming up who have a need. The Fund is intended to endow permanently one or more scholarships annually to graduating students of the Stewart County (Tennessee) High School. Consistent with Brad’s legacy, the Donor’s preference is that recipients be involved in football or in the H.O.S.A. program.
Tawnie and Victor Campbell Family Fund Childcare Nashville An initiative of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Childcare Nashville's formation was funded in collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Childcare Nashville’s goal is to ensure the accessibility and sustainability for quality child care programs for the children and families we serve. Childcare Nashville serves all participants of the childcare community: parents, job-seekers and providers.
Steve and Lisa Clark Memorial Fund Council on Aging of Greater Nashville Endowment Fund Council on Aging of Greater Nashville addresses the unmet needs of older adults and caregivers through information, advocacy, and education and by being a catalyst for comprehensive solutions. This Agency Endowment Fund ensures there are permanent resources for this important work serving our community's eldest members.
Kelly Pappas Crockett Advised Fund Katherine Rose Davis Memorial Fund This Fund was established by Cheryl and Shane Davis to honor the memory of their daughter, who passed away in 1994 after having lived only 10 days. During Katherine Rose's short life, her will to live was remarkable and inspiring, and made a positive impact, directly and indirectly, on many lives. This Fund celebrates her brief but priceless life and will grow to become a Scholarship Fund.
Little Dugan Coughlan Davis Advised Fund This Fund will make grants to benefit charitable causes that uplift the memory and celebrate the spirit of little Dugan and are generally of interest to young children, including but not limited to youth-oriented activities, child development and safety, and educational and experiential opportunities for young people.
The Dogwood Fund The Dogwood Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee supports opportunities to help children who have lost a parent or a close relative get through the grieving process.
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Funds Jane and Richard Eskind have supported countless organizations during their lifetime and instilled these same philanthropic traditions in their children and grandchildren. With the establishment of ten endowment funds to support organizations representing the Eskind's values, they are also reinforcing their belief in building permanent community resources for the future.
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of ACLU The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of AntiDefamation League Foundation The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Inc. The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Family & Children's Service The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Land Trust for Tennessee
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Library Foundation The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Radio The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Television Council, Inc. The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Planned Parenthood of Middle & East Tennessee Charles and Patricia Frist Elcan Charitable Fund The Steve and Patsi Flatt Charitable Fund Robert and Melissa Frist Family Fund As Melissa and Bobby Frist set aside the financial resources to create their own Fund at The Community Foundation, they also laid the groundwork to establish four future Donor-Advised Funds, one for each of their children: Ellie, Cate, Carly, and Evie.
Help the Good Guys Charitable Fund Retired Metro Nashville Police Officer Mickey Milam established this fund to benefit nonprofit organizations that help firefighters and police officers injured in the line of duty and/or other victims of serious or lifethreatening illness or injury such as children who have suffered severe burns. Help the Good Guys Charitable Fund complements the purpose of BLEVE Entertainment and, which raise awareness and financial aid for firefighters who are experiencing financial crisis due to work related injuries.
Harwell Family Advised Fund Hidden Lake Charitable Fund HMS Advised Fund Angela Helbig, Dana Moore, and George Stadler, the founding principals of HMS Investment Advisors, have each been personally involved in this community as members of civic organizations and board members or volunteers for a range of nonprofits. By establishing a Donor-Advised Fund at The Community Foundation, they've combined their experience of giving and service for the community in much the same way they've combined their investment skills for clients.
William Harrison Frist III Advised Fund The Mary and Tom Gambill Family Fund Generations of Giving Fund Allen and Kathy Tack believe the things we do today impact future generations. They established the Generations of Giving Fund to make a difference for those who will follow us through giving and community involvement. Leading by example, the Tacks are very involved and committed to their church and community, and through this Fund they have a vehicle to support their charitable interests.
James and Claire Gulmi Advised Fund
The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund supports families who have loved ones with mitochondrial disease through raising awareness and money to help find a cure. Ellen and Michael Hollis established Team Hunt to create an opportunity for friends, family, and community to swim, bike, and run to honor children who experience challenges growing, both mentally and physically. Together, Team Hunt and The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund honor their son, Hunt. Hunt Michael Hollis suffers from mitochondrial disease, which is a chronic, genetic disorder that occurs when the mitochondria of the cell fails to produce
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enough energy for cell or organ function. Inspired by Hunt, Ellen and Michael are working to improve the quality of life for children who have special needs.
iCHOPE Fund Chris Hope established the iCHOPE Fund to provide support for individuals and families from diverse backgrounds in Rock Hill, S. C., and Nashville, Tenn. Chris believes that people from disadvantaged situations, challenged beginnings and fractured home lives must be encouraged to see beyond their current hardships. His vision for the iCHOPE Fund is to showcase that "everyone has a story," and to inspire people to share their stories of adversity to achievement. For more information, visit
Integra Relief Fund The Integra Relief Fund provides emergency assistance to support Integra Partners employees and/or eligible dependents who are facing financial hardship as a result of natural disaster, or in situations of death, serious or life-threatening illness/injury or other catastrophic circumstances. The Fund helps cover basic needs such as alternate housing, utilities and other basic living expenses.
Jim and Page Leftwich Family Fund The Leftwich family created this Donor Advised Fund at The Community Foundation so they can help support charitable causes in their community. Through this Fund, their children will also be able to continue the family's philanthropic efforts in the future.
Lewis Family Advised Fund The Lewis Family Advised Fund supports the churches and mission activities that help those who are less fortunate.
MAFIAoZAS Godfather Fund Since opening its doors in 2003, MAFIAoZA’s Pizzeria and Neighborhood Pub has become a fixture in Nashville’s 12South community thanks to its authentic Italian menu, welcoming ambiance and patron support. To give back to the community that has enabled them to achieve their success, the restaurant established the MAFIAoZA’s Godfather Fund. The Fund allows MAFIAoZa’s to support the many community initiatives important to them. Associate Care Fund This Fund provides short-term, emergency support to employees or eligible dependents who are facing financial hardship as a result of certain unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances and who cannot afford housing, utilities and other basic living expenses. The Fund also allows company employees the opportunity to participate in this effort by contributing to the fund in support of fellow employees who may experience such a hardship.
The LadyAid Advised Fund The LadyAid Fund is a charitable effort founded by the members of Lady Antebellum – Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley and Hillary Scott – to bring awareness to and generate support for the plight of children locally, nationally and globally who cannot otherwise help themselves. The multi-level campaign will focus primarily on children's hospitals in the United States and Canada, and the overall betterment of children's lives around the world. This effort will partner with organizations to aggregate their collective resources and form a global alliance to promote treatment and research of childrelated illness, disease and disability.
Landman Family Advised Fund
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The Metropolitan Government Employee Emergency Support Fund This Fund provides short-term, emergency financial support to employees of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County who are facing financial hardship as a result of certain unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances.
Team Mica Fund: In Memory of Mica Breeden Martin Team Mica Fund creates awareness of suicide prevention by collaborating with area organizations in Tennessee that support and educate individuals on suicide intervention and by restoring hope in the lives of those that suffer from mental health disorders, as well as supporting Mica’s love
for organizations that encourage animal adoptions. Mica Lynn Breeden Martin, a native of Bolivar, Tenn., was an animal lover all of her 29 years. As an advocate and supporter of ASPCA, Mica believed in the adoptions of animals and giving them hope to find loving homes. On December 16, 2011, Mica took her own life after suffering from a mental illness. While her death was sudden, her life is what we want to remember through the Team Mica Fund, restoring hope one person at a time.
Micah Children's Academy Endowment Fund The Micah Children’s Academy provides a warm, safe environment where students from six weeks through pre-K can actively discover and expand their imaginations and minds. A pastoral campus and unique outdoor playscape further the opportunities for exploration and learning. Jewish traditions and celebrations provide an anchor for programming, and parents are supported in their parenting journey. The Micah Children’s Academy Endowment Fund was established by donors who want to ensure that resources are available to support this nurturing educational for future generations of young children.
Middle Tennessee Ballet Support Fund Middle Tennessee Opera Support Fund Middle Tennessee Performing Arts H.O.T. Support Fund Middle Tennessee Repertory Theatre Support Fund Middle Tennessee Symphonic Music Support Fund Nashville Bank & Trust Employee Assistance Fund This Fund provides short-term, emergency support to Nashville Bank & Trust employees or eligible dependents who are facing serious financial hardship as a result of certain unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances and who cannot afford housing, utilities and other basic living expenses.
Nashville After Zone Alliance Fund
Oklahoma Disaster Response Fund In light of the devastating tornadoes that tore through Oklahoma in May 2013, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee created this Fund. After reviewing options for giving, all money raised was distributed to support the Shelter Oklahoma Schools Initiative, which will provide storm shelters in and around Oklahoma schools and communities to help minimize future tornado fatalities, like those at Plaza Towers Elementary School where seven children lost their lives.
Allen and Cheryl Patton Advised Fund PRSA Nashville Scholarship Fund The Nashville Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has a history of supporting student development and aims to invest in deserving public relations students. PRSA Nashville created this endowed scholarship fund as a testament to the chapter’s commitment to the future of public relations in Middle Tennessee.
their support of those philanthropies that are devoted to the general welfare of the community in the areas of health and welfare, education, and the arts. To facilitate their charitable giving, they turned to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
The Sponsors Scholarship Program Endowment Fund George Langstaff founded The Sponsors Scholarship Program in 1995 with the goal of helping financially disadvantaged young people of promise from the most at-risk neighborhoods achieve a post high school education and improve their prospects for a productive life. Since its inception, The Sponsors has provided more than $2,200,000 in scholarship assistance to hundreds of students in Middle Tennessee and Allen County, Ky. The Sponsors identifies qualified candidates for scholarships by requesting nominations from high school guidance counselors and youthfocused organizations, while its dedicated volunteer staff serves as mentors, conducts college counseling seminars, and more. The Sponsors Scholarship Program Endowment Fund will help ensure the continuation of this organization for future generations.
The Pulles/McIlwain Donor Advised Fund
The Steele Advised Fund
The Rodes Family Advised Fund
Elise Steiner Fund to benefit the Nashville Area Chapter of the American Red Cross and FiftyForward
The Scripps Networks Interactive Employee Relief Fund Scripps Networks Interactive is dedicated to helping its employees during times of crisis. Through the establishment of the Scripps Networks Interactive Employee Relief Fund employees who are experiencing difficult times can apply for economic assistance.
Tim and Darlene Sinks Family Fund April Speyer Advised Fund Max Speyer Advised Fund Robert Speyer Advised Fund The Spickard Family Advised Fund
Elise Steiner was an ardent support of many Nashville nonprofit organizations. Upon her death, her longtime Donor-Advised Fund was converted to a permanent endowment to support two of her most beloved nonprofits, the Nashville Area Chapter of the American Red Cross and FiftyForward.
Fund for the Care of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University The Fund for the Care of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University was established solely for the purpose of supporting the cost of the display, maintenance, care and protection of the works of art at the Van Vechten Gallery at Fisk University, so that many more generations may be introduced to its treasures.
William R Taber, Jr. Advised Fund Tennessee Wildlife Federation Endowment Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s mission is to lead the conservation, sound management and wise use of Tennessee's wildlife and great outdoors. This Endowment Fund will provide resources for them to do so for generations to come.
Two Old Hippies Fund In the spirit of peace, love and rock n' roll, Molly and Tom Bedell created Two Old Hippies, a lifestyle and guitar shop in the heart of Music City that vividly reflects their desire to celebrate living. As hippies at heart, the store is a connection to their roots, a time in the 60s when they were inspired by music and moved to change the world. It also embraces their vision for a world community, where generosity, compassion and equality are a way of life. In their words, "If you look at what makes you happy in life, it's what you give to others, and not what you try to get back." Through the Two Old Hippies Fund of The Community Foundation, the Bedells can connect with multiple causes close to their hearts and grow their philanthropy in Middle Tennessee.
The Tyrrell Family Fund The Randy and Davonna Wachtler Family Charitable Fund The Scott Wolf Scholarship Fund To acknowledge Scott Wolf's love and dedication to the associates of Averitt Express, his family established this Scholarship Fund. Scott became an Averitt associate in 1989, and his 23-year career there was a tapestry of his dedication, character and respect for his fellow associates. Establishing this Fund is exactly what Scott would have wanted to help the ones he loved so much further their education.
The Donald and Elizabeth Stinnett Advised Fund
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OUR FUNDS & DONORS Th e C om m un i t y Fo un dat i o n o f M i d d l e Te n n e s s e e
t The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, we tailor charitable giving solutions for your needs. This allows you to make a difference in ways that have meaning for you, and those who benefit from your generosity. NFL star Michael Johnson believes the success of an exceptional athlete comes from building a strong educational foundation. With help from his professional advisor, Michael established the MJ93 Advised Fund, a component fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, to help children enrich their lives in the classroom and athletics, by providing support for youth programs, scholarship opportunities, and more. That’s why Michael, and many other charitable-minded people have turned to us to connect generosity with need. We hope you enjoy reading the hundreds of stories of giving within the pages of this book.
I m pact Funds H
undreds of stories of passionate people with big hearts and bold ideas make up The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Each Fund represents a testament to the power of giving, of people taking action to create and sustain solutions for a better today and tomorrow. These stories illustrate a diverse and growing philanthropic landscape and how many gifts, joined together, make an impact on the needs and opportunities of our community. The Community Foundation is honored to be the steward of these gifts and to leverage our donors’ generosity to achieve maximum impact.
The Unrestricted Impact Endowment Established 1991 Unrestricted Funds are the most flexible and allow The Community Foundation to respond to emerging needs, new programs and innovative solutions that might not be started, or might not continue. Each year, hundreds of nonprofits receive grants from the Unrestricted Impact Endowment Fund to support programs that shed new light on the needs and aspirations of Middle Tennesseans.
Jane and Richard Eskind Endowed Unrestricted Fund Established 2009 As contributors to the original Fund that laid the cornerstone for The Community Foundation’s grantmaking, the Eskinds believe firmly in the vital role a community foundation plays in identifying and supporting critical needs for its community. Over the years, they have seen the impact of annual grant awards to local nonprofits improving quality of life in Middle Tennessee. This Fund ensures that every year, for generations to come, there will be funds available for The Community Foundation to address pressing needs and opportunities in our community.
Founders’ Fund Established 1993 The Founders’ Fund was created by individuals interested in helping The Community Foundation build a pool of unrestricted endowment funds for future grantmaking. To participate, donors contributed $25,000 to the Fund and laid the cornerstone for The Community Foundation’s grantmaking — now and always. Founders include: Betty M. and Martin S. Brown Jane G. and Richard J. Eskind LifeWorks Foundation Mrs. Jack C. Massey William W. McInnes Elizabeth M. Queener
Barbara and Lester D. Speyer Anne H. and Robert K. Zelle
Gilbert Unrestricted Fund Established 2003 Adelaide H. Hohanness Unrestricted Fund Established 2009 Adelaide Hohanness, a Gallatin native, was an active member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and an employee with Vanderbilt’s social service department for 20 years. As she planned her estate, Adelaide included the creation of an Unrestricted Fund within The Community Foundation which would not only serve as her legacy but which would enable her to perpetuate support for Middle Tennessee for generations to come. Thanks to Adelaide, through changing time and circumstance, there will always be more money to invest in the needs and opportunities of this place we all call home.
Joan Hornig Fund Established 2007 Having successfully merged her vocation and her avocation, philanthropist Joan Hornig was introduced to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee when she was the keynote speaker at the 2007 Power of the Purse® Luncheon benefiting The Women’s Fund. On that occasion, she shared the story of following her dream to create beautiful jewelry and use the sales thereof to generate philanthropic dollars. One hundred percent of Joan’s profits on her jewelry sales are channeled through the Joan B. Hornig Foundation to reach a host of nonprofit organizations, each selected by her customers. To commemorate the occasion of her address to many of the philanthropists of Middle Tennessee, her family created this Unrestricted Fund in her name.
Mamie S. and Thomas B. Houser Unrestricted Fund Established 1997
Noah Liff Unrestricted Fund Established 1993 Noah Liff, quite simply, loved to help people. During his lifetime, Noah was a generous supporter of all the traditional charities, helping everything from health-related agencies to the arts. But he also was pleased to step in to fulfill an unusual need or to address an emergency situation. Now, when The Community Foundation is approached with a new solution to a problem, the board of directors can use monies from Noah’s Unrestricted Fund to do just what Noah would have done — jump in to help.
Michael D. and Lisa J. Shmerling Charitable Giving Fund Established 1996 Mike and Lisa Shmerling understand that a board of charitably inclined civic leaders and a professional staff that is in contact with almost 1,700 local nonprofit groups can more effectively identify need — and act quickly to provide support. As a result, Mike and Lisa chose to create this Impact Fund and to ask The Foundation’s board to provide support to programs addressing needs that may have heretofore been left unmet. The Shmerlings have created a mechanism to ensure that, every year hereafter, grants benefiting our community will be made in their name, and someday, in the name of their descendants.
The Tricentennial Fund Established 1996 The essence of an Impact Fund is appreciating that individuals living in a community are the people best equipped to make effective grant decisions. It is also realizing that those of us living now cannot predict the future needs of the community we love. The Tricentennial Fund is an opportunity to invest in these truths. Grants will be made by the board of The Community Foundation to address pressing needs in the future.
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Af f il iat e Funds T
he Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee provides philanthropic services to meet needs within our service area in Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. One way The Foundation achieves this goal is through the Affiliate Fund program.
Affiliate Funds are designated to benefit a particular geographic area, be it a county, a community, or a region. Each affiliate is overseen by a committee of local leaders who is charged with educating their neighbors about creating a “charitable savings account” to benefit the area, and helping to make wise decisions about grant distributions when funds become available. As a component of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, the staff of The Foundation handles administrative details, so expenses are kept to a minimum.
The Community Foundation of Clarksville/Montgomery County Established 2007
The Community Foundation of Christian, Todd and Trigg Counties Established 2003
The Cumberland Plateau Community Foundation Established 1999
In Clarksville and Montgomery County, the future is bright. That’s why Clarksville native and The Community Foundation board member Jack Turner recognized the opportunity to encourage folks to donate money to build a lasting stream of support for its nonprofit organizations. To do so, he spearheaded the creation of The Community Foundation of Clarksville/Montgomery County as a “charitable savings account” for Clarksville, Fort Campbell and Montgomery County, TN. As funds become available, an advisory board of local leaders will determine how best to invest in the quality of life of all the citizens in Montgomery County.
In 2003, The Community Foundation’s board agreed to extend its boundaries to take these three Southern Kentucky counties “under its wing.” The philanthropic angels of Christian, Todd and Trigg counties will be able to 1) educate their friends and neighbors about the ways a community foundation can help provide permanent funding to support local nonprofits, and 2) oversee a grantmaking process when such funds become available. In this way, these individuals most knowledgeable about Christian, Todd and Trigg counties can focus on how to best prepare for the continued prosperity of all who live in the area.
The Cumberland Plateau Community Foundation supports broad philanthropic purposes within the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee, area. It is the goal of this Fund to ensure that charitable needs and organizations of the Cumberland Plateau are endowed for the benefit of future generations.
The Cheatham County Community Foundation Established 1998
The Community Foundation for Dickson County Established 1999
The Cheatham County Community Foundation is a pool of charitable resources dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the county’s residents, now and always. In 1998, a group of Cheatham County citizens were looking for a way to serve both current and future generations. Acknowledging that education is key to the development of both individuals and the community, they sought to provide scholarships for local residents. Created through affiliation with The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, The Cheatham County Community Foundation established a vehicle for providing scholarships. Later, it began providing permanent funding to support local nonprofits addressing unmet needs of the county. The leadership of The Foundation is particularly interested in ideas that will enrich the quality of life for all citizens in Cheatham County.
Over a decade ago, the Leadership Dickson County Alumni Association began investigating the idea of starting a community foundation. As a matter of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, The Community Foundation for Dickson County chose to affiliate with The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. This allows them to utilize the services of The Foundation, enabling them to have their own community foundation without duplicating all of the costs and reinventing systems and procedures. At the onset, The Community Foundation for Dickson County selected three categories to address: improved education, invigorated leadership and enhanced quality of life. Now with their foundation in place, the citizens are combining vision with capital, as a foundation for the future.
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The Goodlettsville Area Community Foundation Established 1999 Designed to make a positive difference far into the future for Goodlettsville’s citizens, this Fund was established by The Goodlettsville Chamber of Commerce to provide support to local philanthropic endeavors. The Foundation invests its donations to serve as “a permanent charitable savings account” with proceeds available for grantmaking purposes in the community.
The Tullahoma Community Foundation Established 1999 The Tullahoma Community Foundation was formed to provide financial support to nonprofit organizations and charitable purposes within the Tullahoma, TN, area. Tullahoma is a community that values the arts, quality education, the environment, and the health and human service agencies that mitigate the hardships of people in need.
A n i m al We l far e F unds The Animal Welfare Fund Established 2005 The Animal Welfare Fund was created by a group of community leaders concerned about the growing inability of our community to provide sufficient charitable resources to care for animals. This endowment focuses its annual grantmaking on supporting: the health and welfare of all animals in Middle Tennessee; the control of the population of animals; and the training of animals for use in aiding people with disabilities and assisting in both crime prevention and search and rescue.
Ingram Fund to Benefit The Nashville Humane Association Established 1999 The Nashville Humane Association’s roots can be traced back to a society founded in 1887 to protect children from inhumane working conditions and draft horses from mistreatment. Incorporated in 1946 to protect the well-being of animals in Davidson County, the NHA continues to promote education and the humane treatment of animals through animal adoptions, injured animal rescue, pet therapy programs, lost and found services, and free spay/neuter programs for low-income families.
Monica Jicha/Denny Palamarchuck Spay and Neuter Assistance Fund Established 2011 This Fund supports nonprofit animal organizations with their spay/neuter programs. It is the donors’ intent to help reduce the number of unwanted puppies and kittens through spay/neuter programs, so fewer animals will face euthanizing over time.
Merle’s Angels Advised Fund Established 2011 Established to honor the donor’s beloved dog, Merle, this Fund provides specialized surgical care to homeless animals with reparable injuries. The idea is to take these homeless animals with no chance, and give them every chance. The hope is that such treatment will enable these animals to be adopted rather than euthanized.
Patricia and Edward J. McGavock Humane Treatment of Animals Fund Established 1998 Prince Nickolai Spay and Neuter Fund Established 2006 Prince Nickolai has a good home. He’s lucky. But not every puppy born here is destined to be wanted or to survive. Prince Nickolai’s owner, Beverly Small, created this Fund to address issues of animal welfare and particularly, to invest in spaying and neutering programs which will help ensure that fewer unwanted puppies and kittens are euthanized each year.
The Terri Shumsky Fund for Yorkshire Terriers Established 2007 For more than 30 years, Terri Shumsky, an AKC approved judge for Yorkshire Terriers, was tireless in her work to promote the welfare of her favorite breed. This Fund supports organizations that provide care for Yorkshire Terriers in need.
St. Francis Fund for Animals Established 1995 This Fund was established to permanently endow animal rights and causes in Middle Tennessee. The under-girding principle is that “we should be stewards of all God’s creations and live in harmony with nature.” Grants have supported the Maury County Animal Shelter, Lawrence County Humane Association, Walden’s Puddle, People for Animals, Buffalo River Services, and many others. The founder asks all those interested in animal welfare to join in supporting this Fund.
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Awar d Funds Becky Darby Award Fund for Nonprofit Executives Established 2000
South and Central American countries. She loved the gentle spirits of the people she met and was especially moved by the gratitude and contentment she experienced in these people who seemingly had so little. In honor of Lauren’s memory, this Fund is designated to help a Belmont University Spanish major travel to Ecuador each spring with other students on St. Augustine’s annual spring break trip to work in support of the Escuela Anne Stevens.
At Becky’s retirement, the board of United Way of Williamson County looked for a way to honor her and to create something special that captured her leadership and dedication. The award recognizes and encourages outstanding nonprofit leadership in Williamson County through the annual award of a grant to support the personal development of one or more health and human service nonprofit executives.
The Carol Fay Ellison “The Biscuit Lady” Award Fund Established 2010 Carol Fay Ellison, the woman whose famous biscuits and hard work ethic launched her from a teenage dishwasher at Loveless Café, onto the national stage as its famed “Biscuit Lady,” always dreamt big. It is in that spirit this legacy was established to honor her memory. Through the Fund, an annual award will be given to help people over an obstacle in their lives, enabling them to move to the next step through support of their personal development. It is intended to change lives by addressing issues of health and well-being, self improvement or the like.
George Fox Membership Award to Benefit the Kiwanis Club of Nashville Fund Established 2005 George Fox was tireless in his efforts to grow the Kiwanis Club. He believed that in recruiting members he was sharing a wonderful gift with them: the ability to help others. Each year, in George’s memory, an award will be given to a Kiwanis Club member who does the most to recruit and retain members of the Club. Winners of the award will recommend that a gift from the Fund be made in their name to be given to their favorite nonprofit serving children.
Hume-Fogg High School Outstanding Teacher Award Endowment Established 1998 In 1998, in appreciation of the exceptional faculty at Hume-Fogg Academic High School, Kay and Keith Simmons created an award to recognize outstanding dedication both in and out of the classroom in one of Nashville’s magnet high schools. In 2007, the Simmons family established a second award so one could be presented to a teacher who teaches freshmen and sophomores, and another award could be presented to a junior and senior teacher. The awards are presented annually based solely on the votes of Hume-Fogg students.
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Robert D. Tanner Award Fund Established 2005 John Seigenthaler
Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award Fund Established 1993 The Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award perpetuates the memory of a very special person who made Middle Tennessee a better place to live through his dedication to community, home and hearth and individuals in need. The committee who chooses the recipient is particularly interested in nominations of community leaders who, like Joe, sometimes function behind the scenes. The person(s) named as the recipient of this annual award receives the opportunity to recommend that grants from this Fund be distributed to charities in which he or she believes. Previous Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award Honorees: 2012 John Seigenthaler 2011 Amy Grant and Vince Gill 2010 Governor Winfield Dunn 2009 R. Clayton McWhorter 2008 Cal Turner Jr. and Steve Turner 2007 Nelson Andrews 2006 Martha Ingram 2005 Joel Gordon 2004 Governor Ned Ray McWherter 2003 Jim Ayers 2002 Jamye and McDonald Williams 2001 The Founders of The Community Foundation 2000 Irwin Eskind and Noah Liff 1999 Monroe J. Carell Jr. 1998 Pauline Gore 1997 Chet Atkins and Owen Bradley 1996 Mayor Phillip Bredesen and Andrea Conte 1995 Aubrey B. Harwell Jr. 1994 Elizabeth Jacobs and Mary Jane Werthan
Lauren McCathren Translator Award Fund Established 2006 Lauren McCathren was drawn to the Spanish culture and traveled to Ecuador and other
Robert D. Tanner, emeritus and active professor at Vanderbilt University, has created the Robert D. Tanner Undergraduate Research Award in Chemical Engineering at Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering.
Tennessee Music Teachers Association – Carrie Warrick Memorial Scholarship Awards Endowment Fund Established 2007 Seeking to raise standards of music teaching and performance in the state and to support students from elementary through college levels, through this Fund, The Tennessee Music Teachers’ Association (TMTA) awards scholarships to accomplished and deserving music students who rank highest in the annual auditions. The Carrie E. Warrick Memorial Scholarship Awards Endowment Fund benefits the winners of the Music Teachers National Association Junior Piano Performance competition and the TMTA Ninth Grade Piano competition.
Tennessee Music Teachers Association/ Elizabeth Lovell Reed Memorial Scholarship Established 1997 Established in memory of a child who never had the opportunity to explore music or her musical potential, this Fund is to endow the Tennessee Music Teachers Association’s collegiate piano category of the aforementioned competitions.
Tennessee Music Teachers Association Scholarship Awards Endowment Fund Established 1996 Since 1991, hundreds of state winners of annual auditions have received awards from this Endowment Fund, created to assist students with the considerable expense of study, competition and travel required to achieve success in music. TMTA continues efforts to increase the amount of support given to these very talented students.
A rt s & Art Ed uc at ion Funds Anonymous B Fund to Benefit the Nashville Symphony Association Established 1998 Arts Build Communities Established 1996 In partnership with the Tennessee Arts Commission and funded by the Tennessee General Assembly, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee facilitates Arts Build Communities. The objective of Arts Build Communities (ABC) is to strengthen communities by funding projects that nurture artists, arts organizations, and arts supporters in each of Tennessee’s 95 counties. Those eligible to apply for ABC are tax-exempt nonprofit 501(c) (3) organizations, public or private educational institutions (K through college), school boards, or governmental agencies.
Chet Atkins Music Education Fund Established 1997 Chet Atkins traded an old pistol for a guitar at the age of nine and set in motion a career that would bring joy and meaning as it touched people the world over. The Chet Atkins Music Education Fund is dedicated to ensuring that there are always funds available to encourage promising students as they pursue musical training. The Fund supports programs that provide the earliest education for youngsters in Middle Tennessee and added enrichment for those wishing to pursue music as a career.
Ann and Monroe Carell Jr. Family Fund to Benefit the Nashville Symphony Association’s Children’s Education Program Established 2000 Through this gift and many others, Ann and the late Monroe Carell have demonstrated their commitment to enriching the lives of children. This Fund to support the Nashville Symphony Association’s Children’s Education Program helps ensure that generations of children are exposed to the symphonic experience.
Circle Players, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 1995 Circle Players has provided a unique window on the human condition by way of insightful, talent-filled theatrical performances throughout its long history. Like every other arts organization serving Nashville, early in that history Circle Players had to work hard to pay its bills. This Endowment Fund is evidence both of its fiscal responsibility and the broad and deep support bestowed upon it by the community.
Ida F. Cooney Fund for the Arts Established 1991 Friends created this Fund in honor of Ida F. Cooney. Ida’s belief in and support of the artistic community — both personally and professionally — never faltered. As the first executive director of The HCA Foundation (now The Frist Foundation), Ida played a key role in building and improving the arts. As a tribute to her vision, grants are awarded to provide a source of muchneeded funding to ensure the future she worked so hard to make possible.
Pearl Creswell Fund for the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University Established 2010 Pearl Creswell, the first curator of the Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University, is the inspiration for an endowed, designated fund to benefit, in perpetuity, the display and care of the Collection at the Carl Van Vechten Gallery where it is presently housed. The Fund was established in an effort to ensure the placement and annual upkeep of the art will not cause a continued financial burden to the University.
Annette and Irwin B. Eskind Fund to Benefit the Nashville Symphony Association Established 1997 Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Fund to Benefit the Nashville Symphony Association Established 1997 What would Music City be without a symphony? Not so long ago, Nashville was called upon to answer that question. Out of its answer came a newfound appreciation of and respect for the role of a symphony in this community. As a direct result, a new push to endow the Symphony’s future began. The above two Funds are part of the effort to make sure the music stays in Music City, by endowing the Nashville Symphony.
The Fisk Jubilee Singers’ Fund for the Future Established 2007 Bill Friskics-Warren wrote, “No single group has given African-American spirituals greater exposure in this country or around the world than the Jubilee Singers of Fisk University.” The original Jubilee Singers began singing “slave songs” in 1871, breaking down racial barriers and preserving this unique American musical tradition known today as Negro spirituals. Today, The Fisk Jubilee Singers continue sharing this rich cultural tradition globally. As musical director Paul Kwami noted on the occasion of
their induction in the first class of those honored on Music City’s Walk of Fame, “Historically, through their world travels, the Singers helped put Nashville on the world map ... this becomes another great source of encouragement to them ... knowing ... that there are people in the world who realize what their position means, not just to Fisk, but to Nashville.” This Fund is designated to support this community treasure in perpetuity.
Siddy Foote Fund Designated for Scholarships to Cheekwood Established 1993 Siddy Foote was blessed with a wide circle of friends who created this Fund to provide financial aid so that underprivileged children wishing to develop their interest and talent in art might take advantage of Cheekwood’s unique opportunities for children.
Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Cheekwood Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Nashville Ballet Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Nashville Institute for the Arts Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Nashville Opera Association Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Nashville Symphony Association Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Tennessee Performing Arts Center Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for Tennessee Repertory Theatre Established 1995 A strong future for these seven organizations is the goal of Patricia and Tommy Frist. As a result, they created Funds within The Community Foundation to endow their support for these nonprofits and the work they do. In return, we, as a community, will benefit as these Funds and these organizations prosper.
Coleman Billings Harwell Endowment Fund to Benefit the Art Department of Ensworth School Established 1995 C.B. Harwell, a former student at Ensworth School, was born in 1973 and graduated from the College of Charleston, majoring in Fine Arts. In 1994, he moved to Arizona where he was building his own house and increasing his C FM T.o r g | 5
portfolio in preparation for earning a graduate degree, prior to his untimely death. This Fund, created in his memory by friends and family, will support the art department of Ensworth School.
Coleman Billings Harwell Endowment for Visiting Visual Artists at Ensworth School Established 1996 Children learn by example, and, thanks to Coleman Harwell II, the children of Ensworth School will always have examples to follow. Created in memory of his son, C.B. Harwell, who derived much of the inspiration for his own budding artistic career from the talented faculty of Ensworth, this Fund brings visiting visual artists to the school to complement the resources already present there.
The Ann Gadsey Horan Fund for Centennial Arts Center Established 2003
Martha Rivers Ingram Fund to Benefit Children’s Educational Programs at TPAC Established 2005 This Fund honors Martha Ingram, who led the effort to build the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC), and her vision that all children should have the opportunity to experience the transforming power of live performance. Educators and underserved students attend TPAC Education performances, supported by ticket subsidies, transportation assistance, and resources that encourage arts-integrated instruction in the classroom.
Liff Designated Fund for The Nashville Symphony Established 1994 Judy and Noah Liff were early and earnest supporters of The Community Foundation concept. Long committed to philanthropy, they had seen and studied the benefits of similar foundations across the country. This Fund combines their support for the symphony with their belief in The Foundation.
Florence E. and Donald M. Maillie Fund to Endow the Nashville Chamber Orchestra and the Frist Center for the Visual Arts Established 1996 The Fund was established by Donald Maillie in remembrance of his wife, Florence, to return a portion of the wealth they were fortunate enough to establish to those charitable causes in which they participated or supported over the years. Since Mr. Maillie’s death, his children of
V.H. Mason Fund to Benefit the City/ Cultural Arts Center Established 1996 V.H. (Pete) Mason died in 1995 at his home in LaVergne, TN. A Rutherford County native, he was a graduate of Smyrna High School and spent most of his 70 years as a farmer. Created after Pete’s death by Richard F. LaRoche Jr., this Fund is designated to benefit the City/ Cultural Arts Center in Murfreesboro.
Middle Tennessee Ballet Support Fund Established 2012 Middle Tennessee Opera Support Fund Established 2012
Ann Gadsey Horan was a lifetime supporter of the arts, a passion that began with her study of art at Peabody College and culminated in 30 years of service as Director of the Centennial Arts Center. To honor her lifetime advocacy of all things artistic, her daughter and son-in-law, Jill and John Landess, created this Fund to purchase art supplies and equipment and to provide support for a guest artist series at the Centennial Arts Center.
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have asked that this become a Fund to endow the Nashville Chamber Orchestra and the Frist Center for the Visual Arts.
Middle Tennessee
Middle Tennessee Performing Arts H.O.T. Support Fund Established 2012 Middle Tennessee Repertory Theatre Support Fund Established 2012 Middle Tennessee Symphonic Music Support Fund Established 2012 Nashville Ballet Scholarship Fund Established 1994 The School of Nashville Ballet is committed to training the dancers of tomorrow. The progressive curriculum taught at the school supports both the serious student who aspires to achieve professional goals, as well as the student who elects to dance for enjoyment, recreation and exercise. Exclusively affiliated with Nashville Ballet, the school maintains an atmosphere of professionalism and allows students to dwell among professional dancers, choreographers, costumers, and renowned teachers.
Nashville Beta Sigma Phi Torch Fund Established 1998 Throughout the art and literature of many cultures, the torch serves as a beacon for learning and a symbol of wisdom. It is also the emblem of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority that has created this Fund to lift up gifted young women seeking to express themselves through the performing and fine arts. Support may be configured according to need and may come through the provision of music lessons, tutoring, musical instruments, art supplies, dance lessons, etc.
Nashville Children’s Theatre Endowment Fund Established 1996 Each year, more than 80,000 children and adults experience Nashville Children’s Theatre’s productions and outreach programs. Founded in 1931, the company is the oldest continuing
children’s theater in the United States and the oldest professional theater in Nashville. This endowment helps ensure that children’s theater will be here for many generations.
Nashville Fashion Forward Fund Established 2011 The Nashville Fashion Forward Fund is dedicated to supporting the next generation of fashion industry professionals with ties to Middle Tennessee. It presents an annual award to advance the career of select talent with demonstrated experience in a fashion-related field. Monies are raised for the Nashville Fashion Forward Fund primarily through Nashville Fashion Week, founded and directed by Creative Co-op Nashville LLC, a collaboration of fashion, retail and media professionals who have partnered to combine resources and passion to create an event spotlighting Nashville’s growing fashion industry.
Nashville Symphony Endowment Fund Established 1997 Since its founding in 1945, the Nashville Symphony has established itself as one of the country’s leading symphony orchestras, reaching more than 360,000 people in and around Middle Tennessee through hundreds of annual performances. The Nashville Symphony’s music education and community outreach programs together serve more than 80,000 children annually, at no charge to the schools or to the students. The Nashville Symphony’s growing national and international reputation led to the building of a world-class concert hall, Schermerhorn Symphony Center, which opened in September 2006.
Clay Neiderheiser Fund to Benefit Fairview High School Band Established 2001 Fairview resident Carla Lankford set up a permanent fund at The Community Foundation to honor her late son, Clay Neiderheiser, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2001, at age 21. Clay had a love of all things musical and participated in both the concert and marching bands at Fairview High School until his graduation in 1998. The Fund provides annual funding to purchase at least one band instrument each year for Clay’s alma mater. Thus, Clay’s memory and love of music are shared with future generations of music students at Fairview High School. ® Established 2007®, an initiative of The Community Foundation, is Middle Tennessee’s comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar, with information about music, theatre, sports, dance, museums, kids and family activities, and more, and discount ticket offers. Since its launch, the website has collaborated with hundreds of community partners, providing one-stop shop information to support arts and entertainment organizations and enrich the Middle Tennessee community.
Mary Cortner Ragland Designated Fund for the Nashville Opera Association Established 2000 More than 30 years ago, Mary Ragland almost single-handedly brought opera to our community through her extraordinary efforts as founder and first president of Nashville Opera. With degrees from the Newcomb and Juilliard Schools of Music, a professional career as a soprano, and membership on both the Board and National Council of the Metropolitan Opera, Mary’s dream is being realized as the Nashville Opera Association is one of the fastest-growing opera companies in the United States. Today, they offer four professional mainstage productions and tour a fully staged children’s opera to area schools each year. Mary, who died in 1999, left a bequest from her estate to set up this Fund, which ensures that her vision of opera in Music City is sustained.
William N. Rollins Fund for the Arts Established 2002 Bill Rollins’ passion was the breathtaking and intricate collages he created from origami paper. A Nashville native, Bill graduated from University School, attended college in Massachusetts, and then lived in Boston working in art galleries, staging art shows and painting. After returning to Nashville to further pursue his artistic dream, he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. He worked with his family and advisors to create a legacy for himself and a continuing source of funding for the arts he loved.
Ernest and Selma Rosenblum Fund for the Performing Arts Established 2008 Dr. Marvin J. Rosenblum established this Fund in honor of his parents, Ernest and Selma Rosenblum, who always valued music and the performing arts. Born in Chausy, Russia, in the late 1800s, Ernest and Selma immigrated to
Nashville, Tenn., in the early 1900s. They had eight children together and often filled their house with music, song and dance. Ernest was an accomplished violinist and Selma played the piano. Ernest and Selma supported music and the performing arts and considered them to be a vital part of life and of every person’s education. This Fund will carry on their tradition of support for nonprofits providing operatic and symphonic performances of the highest quality so that others may be enriched as they were.
The Craig Spain Fund for the Performing Arts Established 1996 Artist and scenic designer Craig Spain was a native Nashvillian whose drive and creative passion touched the hundreds of thousands who witnessed his work. Craig’s skill and vision came to fruition as he served as set designer for the most reputable performing arts organizations, including professional theater, ballet, opera and community theater. This Fund was established to keep Craig’s enthusiasm alive and is intended to assist designers and production teams mounting new productions to take that extra step to convert their dreams into images that will touch, move and inspire.
Fund for the Care of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University Established 2012 The Fund for the Care of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection at Fisk University was established solely for the purpose of supporting the cost of the display, maintenance, care and protection of the works of art at the Carl Van Vechten Gallery at Fisk University, so that many more generations may be introduced to its treasures.
Tennessee Dance Theatre Agency Fund Established 1993
modern dance works capturing the unique flavor of the South. Sadly, the company closed, but as its legacy, the Fund continues to support what the original donors intended: the excellent performance of dance in Middle Tennessee.
Dawn Elrod Whitelaw Fund for the Arts Established 2006 Though perhaps a truism, an artist sees the world as it is AND as it might be. That blank canvas really does hold infinite possibility and potential. Dawn Elrod Whitelaw has always had the ability to take that blank canvas and imbue it with meaning and life. She knows how to get the most from every brushstroke and every millimeter. Dawn’s friends and family set up this Fund to create another blank canvas with which to work her magic: the opportunity to give back.
W.O. Smith Music School Endowment Fund Established 1993 The W.O. Smith/Nashville Community Music School provides music instruction to children from low-income families for 50 cents a lesson. The students are taught by an all-volunteer faculty of 100 musicians and teachers, drawn from every segment of the Nashville community. Instruments and music materials are loaned to students at no additional cost. This scholarship endowment aids talented W.O. Smith students who choose music as a college major.
Robert K. Zelle Fund to Support Children’s Educational Programs Associated with Symphonic Music Established 2011 A founder of The Community Foundation, Bob Zelle wished to support causes important to him beyond his lifetime, and through a bequest to create this fund, entrusted The Community Foundation to carry on his legacy.
For years, Tennessee Dance Theatre created C FM T.o r g | 7
Com munit y Funds Dr. and Mrs. J.F. Adams Memorial Library Association Established 2009 Longtime Woodbury, Tenn., residents Dr. and Mrs. J.F. Adams are memorialized through a public library building located on their former property, built through the leadership of the Woodbury Lions Club and other community members, and through funds raised from the public. The Fund exists to endow support permanently for this community institution.
African Methodist Episcopal Church Endowment Fund Established 1999 As support for the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s commitment to education, this Endowment Fund will provide financial assistance to young men and women who are training for the ministry in the A.M.E. Church.
The Bellevue Community Fund Established 2007 Caring community members in Bellevue, led by Councilman Charlie Tygard, stepped in many years ago to help a family in trouble, and the wheels were set in motion to help many more. Through creation of The Bellevue Community Fund and the guidance of the committee of Bellevue residents that will oversee its work, there is now a dedicated pool of charitable dollars available to support programs serving Bellevue’s community.
Lillian Ashley Fund Established 2002 Lillian Ashley was born in Manchester, TN, attended Ward Belmont in Nashville and graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville with a degree in elementary education. Following a wonderful life filled with extensive travel, Lillian wanted to give back to her community. She specified her estate be used to benefit the children, animals and environment of Coffee County.
The H. Franklin Brooks Philanthropic Fund Established 1995 The Brooks Fund’s mission is to encourage the inclusion, acceptance and recognition of Middle Tennessee’s gay and lesbian citizens, to protect their dignity, their safety and their health. By supporting and encouraging the development of programs to enhance the quality of life for gays and lesbians in Middle Tennessee, the Brooks Fund hopes to raise philanthropic awareness within the GLBT community. For 25 years, H. Franklin Brooks was one of the most beloved figures on the Vanderbilt University campus. As an associate professor in the Departments 8 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Middle Tennessee
of French and Italian, he was repeatedly recognized for his work in the classroom – as much for his creative teaching technique as for his natural bonhomie and his personal integrity. The Brooks Fund was created to perpetuate another avenue of Franklin’s work, his forthright championing of human rights.
define and realize our own unique vision of the opportunities which will shape the next century of life in our community. The Community Foundation brings good people and good causes together to help ensure both the excellent stewardship of donor Funds and the wise investment of grants in the counties it serves.
Center for Nonprofit Management Endowment Fund Established 2009
Davis-Kidd Booksellers Fund Established 2010
The Center for Nonprofit Management helps nonprofits improve their services to the community. It provides training, consulting, and evaluation programs for its 700 member nonprofit agencies throughout Middle Tennessee. It also recognizes excellence in the nonprofit community and serves as an advocate for the nonprofit sector in the Nashville area. This Fund will enable The Center to work toward its vision of enhancing our community through extraordinary nonprofit services.
Childcare Nashville Established 2013 An initiative of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Childcare Nashville’s formation was funded in collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Childcare Nashville’s goal is to ensure the accessibility and sustainability for quality child care programs for the children and families we serve. Childcare Nashville serves all participants of the child care community: parents, jobseekers and providers.
The Clement Railroad Hotel Museum Endowment Fund Established 2010 In downtown Dickson, TN, the Clement Railroad Hotel Museum, previously known as the Hotel Halbrook, is one of the very few examples of a railroad hotel in the state. The museum’s historical display panels tell stories about railroad construction during the Civil War, the history of local industries and other area community histories, such as Promise Land that was founded by freed blacks. Governor Frank Clement was born in the hotel while his parents lived there and managed its operations. Items belonging to his family and artifacts from Mr. Clement’s life are on display in exhibit rooms. This endowment will ensure the future funding of the Clement Railroad Hotel Museum.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1995 Through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, each of us can be empowered to help
For 30 years, Davis-Kidd Booksellers was a home to people in Nashville who loved not only books, but also learning and sharing ideas. At the closing of this beloved community institution, its founders, Karen Davis and Thelma Kidd, created a way to ensure its spirit lives on. Through this Fund, there will always be charitable resources available to support nonprofit programs in Middle Tennessee dedicated to instilling a love of learning and reading in our community. This Fund carries on the memory of the bookstore which instilled that same love in so many of us.
Wauline A. Duggin Memorial Fund to Benefit Woodbury Church of Christ Established 2004 Wauline A. Duggin was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Wauline’s love for her family, and her church family, prompted her husband of almost 59 years and her daughters to set up this Fund. The Fund is designed to support a range of religious, educational and charitable programs serving the youth at the Woodbury Church of Christ.
The Jane G. Eskind Endowment for The Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Established 2011 Jane Eskind has been a pioneer since long before The Women’s Fund or The Community Foundation existed. Elected as the first woman to hold a statewide office in Tennessee, Jane has dedicated much of her life to public service. In 1994, she helped co-found The Women’s Fund, continuing her tireless efforts to champion women building a better future for themselves. In fact, the Fund’s ideals – to promote economic self-sufficiency, prevention of violence, and promotion of health and talent for women and girls – have been cornerstones of Jane’s life. Through this generous endowment gift, her intent is to nurture hope in the hearts of Middle Tennessee’s women and women-to-be, and to ensure that strides made toward self-reliance and self-respect are never subject to backsliding. Through this Fund, Jane is committed to the work of The Women’s Fund, in perpetuity.
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Inc. Established 2013 Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Fund to Benefit Congregation Micah Established 1997 Congregation Micah was founded in 1992 as an addition to the three other synagogues serving Middle Tennessee. Since then, it has welcomed some 600 families as members, built a permanent home, created a cemetery, and begun an endowment to help ensure its ability to serve the generations to come.
The Fund for Strategic Opportunities Established 1999 In these tough times, it is the goal of The Community Foundation to help preserve the vital services nonprofits provide to our community. The Fund for Strategic Opportunities, established by The United Way of Metropolitan Nashville in 1999, serves to help nonprofits work together to increase efficiency and maximize outcome. Through the Fund, nonprofits are encouraged to transform their organizations to maximize services to clients while minimizing overhead. It offers one-time funding to support not only collaborations and mergers, but also “rightsizing” efforts to generate new revenue sources, outsourcing, and even shutting down. Established 2004, an initiative of The Community Foundation, provides detailed information about more than 1,300 Middle Tennessee nonprofits to help donors give with meaning, confidence and ease. is an important resource to promote and facilitate philanthropy, providing in-depth information about nonprofits’ missions, finances, management and programs, and the ability to make credit card gifts directly to organizations. Visitors can learn about issues facing Middle Tennessee, find organizations addressing community needs, and give directly through the website.
Metropolitan Human Relations Commission Support Fund Established 2012 The Metropolitan Human Relations Commission (MHRC) is so important to this community that it was written into the Charter when Metropolitan Nashville was created. It exists to protect and promote the dignity of all people through a menu of services ensuring safety, health, security, peace and general welfare. This Fund will focus on the tools and training opportunities which all too often fall beyond the scope of budgetary allocations but which enhance the ability of the MHRC to provide the best and most innovative programming to promote tolerance and understanding.
Metropolitan Nashville Police Support Fund Established 2009 The Metropolitan Nashville Police Support Fund has been created to champion community support for the professional men and women who fulfill the public safety mission of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. Established by a group of Nashville’s business, civic, religious and academic leaders, this Fund is designed to augment the Department’s ability to access the best in education, training, technology, communication, outreach and community partnership – on our behalf. Its goal is to make our lives and our community safe.
Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce Charities Endowment Fund Established 2009 In 1921, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce (NAJCC) was founded to offer civic and social opportunities for young professionals in the Nashville area. Even through changing times, today a core tenet remains: NAJCC opportunities enable members to engage in hands-on professional development and leadership training experiences that are unparalleled. NAJCC Charities helps ensure that Nashville’s signature giving spirit continues with each new generation of young professionals dedicating themselves to community enhancement and civic engagement.
Nashville Rising Permanent Monument Designated Fund Established 2012 This Fund is to benefit creation and maintenance of a permanent monument to the spirit of the citizens of Nashville and Middle Tennessee whose remarkable generosity and dedicated work allowed expeditious recovery in the wake of the disastrous Flood of May 2010.
Project Safe Neighborhood Program Established 2003 Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a comprehensive, strategic approach to reducing gun crime in America. By linking together federal, state and local law enforcement, prosecutors and community leaders, PSN provides a multifaceted approach to deterring and punishing gun crime throughout the United States. The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee partners with local law enforcement to ensure the stewardship of these funds.
The Sports Fund Established 2011 The Sports Fund exists to help ensure that children across this community can become part of a team – rather than part of a gang; that children can have their lives enhanced by a caring but disciplined coach who demands their best rather than their worst; that the afternoon hours, when most teen pregnancies occur, are filled with other pursuits; and that “couch potatoes” become the exception rather than the expectation. Sports can promote and inspire active, healthy lifestyles and life-long
habits among people of all ages, all races, and all backgrounds. Sports and team membership provide: a sense of belonging, self esteem, hope and the inspiration of coaches; a source of activity particularly in the critical after-school hours; and a “hook” to attract kids to nonprofit programs also offering tutoring. Through The Sports Fund of The Community Foundation, Middle Tennessee nonprofit organizations providing these opportunities will have a permanent endowed source of funding to ensure support.
Technology Community Fund Established 2010 The Technology Community Fund, established by the board of the Nashville Technology Council, is intended to support charitable projects and initiatives to improve and enhance technology in Middle Tennessee. The Fund supports the work of local nonprofit organizations as they educate, inform and equip the Nashville community for the technological needs and opportunities of the decades ahead.
The Tomorrow Fund Established 1999 The Tomorrow Fund was formed by several professionals in the Middle Tennessee community to foster civic leadership and community awareness among young adults in their 20s and 30s. Through both hands-on charitable service and committee-based grantmaking, the Fund provides a training ground for the future leaders of Middle Tennessee’s community outreach efforts.
The Women’s Fund Established 1994 Begun in 1994 with the vision of improving the lives of women and girls in need throughout Middle Tennessee, The Women’s Fund has surpassed the $1 million mark as it builds an endowment to support nonprofits working to: encourage the achievement of self-sufficiency for women; promote the health and physical wellbeing of women and girls; and prevent violence against women and girls. Since its inception, The Women’s Fund has awarded more than $769,000 in grants to nonprofits serving women and girls in Middle Tennessee.
Youth Philanthropy Fund Established 2003 The Youth Innovation Project is designed to encourage young people to create new solutions to important community problems. The program, administered by the Oasis Center with support from The Community Foundation and the Mayor’s Office of Children and Youth, is one of only eight selected in the country to receive a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Youth board members investigate and learn about local concerns, resources, power structures, servicelearning and youth philanthropy, awarding grants to young people for innovative civic action projects of their own design. C FM T.o r g | 9
Cor p orat e Funds T
he Community Foundation works with companies of all sizes to provide a variety of customized, time- and money-saving charitable solutions. Through the Corporate Care Fund program, caring employers can support employees during times of crisis or tragedy. Cases of natural disaster, death, serious or life-threatening illness or injury are occasions that make a company want to help. A Corporate Care Fund is a tax-deductible, charitable vehicle through which employees of a company who need assistance when facing difficult circumstances can apply for help. Emergency assistance can help with essential living expenses including medical, housing, utilities and other basic expenses. The Community Foundation processes all applications to the Fund, insulating the company from the decision process of helping employees in times of crisis. American General Life and Accident Insurance Company
Correct Care Solutions, LLC
Curo Health Services
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County
Dare to Care Employee Assistance Fund Established 2010
Curo Employee Assistance Fund Established 2009 Delek/MAPCO
Delek/MAPCO Employee Care Fund Established 2011 Ensworth School
Ensworth Faculty Assistance Fund Established 2010 Father Ryan High School
Father Ryan Faculty and Staff Assistance Fund Established 2010
American General Life and Accident Insurance Company Employee Care Fund Established 2010
Fifth Third Bank
A. O. Smith Water Products Company
Genesco Inc.
The Fifth Third Cares Fund Established 2010
A. O. Smith Corporation Employee Care Fund Established 2010
Genesco Employee Emergency Fund Established 2010
Avenue Bank
Avenue Bank Care Fund Established 2010
Healthways Helping Hands Fund Established 2010
Bongo Java
Ingram Industries
The Bongo Employee Assistance Fund Established 2012
Ingram Disaster Fund Established 2005
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
Ingram Industries
BMI Care and Assistance Fund Established 2010
Ingram Catastrophic Loss Fund Established 2010
Bretagne LLC
Bretagne LLC Employee Assistance Fund Established 2009
Integra Relief Fund Established 2012
CGS Administrators, LLC
Kraft CPAs, PLLC
CGS Employee Recovery Fund Established 2010
KraftCPAs Care Fund Established 2010
LifePoint Hospitals
The LifeCare Disaster Recovery Fund Established 2010
Comcast Cares Fund Established 2010
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Middle Tennessee Associate Care Fund Established 2012
The Metropolitan Government Employee Emergency Support Fund Established 2012 Nashville Bank & Trust
Nashvile Bank & Trust Employee Assistance Fund Established 2012 NewsChannel 5
NewsChannel 5 Crisis Care Fund Established 2009 Scripps Networks Interactive
The Scripps Networks Interactive Employee Relief Fund Established 2012 Smith Seckman Reid Inc.
The SSR Disaster Relief Cares Fund Established 2010 Tractor Supply Company
Tractor Supply Company Employee Assistance Fund Established 2010 Avondale Partners Advised Fund Established 2005 National in scope, creative in its thinking and its approach, and focused on finding unique opportunities wherever they exist, Avondale Partners, LLC, is an independent, privately owned investment banking firm committed to providing objective, high-quality equity research, as well as sales and trading capabilities to the institutional marketplace. Through their partnership with The Community Foundation, Avondale is also bringing its creative approach to unique opportunities in giving.
CCA Charitable Fund Established 2011 As a company, CCA supports charitable causes and organizations that provide guidance, educational opportunities and leadership development for offenders, ex-offenders, at-risk-youth, victims of crime and abuse, and other related groups. In
an effort to ensure as much money as possible is available to support the company’s charitable goals and to continue its record of giving, CCA established a Fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
Community Bank & Trust Advised Fund Established 2004 Community Bank & Trust is committed to giving back to the communities which it serves and has proven this commitment with the many grants provided to numerous community programs and services. To help alleviate the dayto-day administrative work that comes along with that, Community Bank & Trust established this Advised Fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
Curo Charitable Fund Established 2009 Dedicated to providing caring and compassionate service to patients and their families with the highest quality end of life care, Curo Health Services respects those they serve and the communities which support them through all of life’s stages. Wanting to share the compassion and spirit of giving they so often witness in the homes of patients Curo has partnered with The Community Foundation to create a vehicle to give back to the communities in which they serve. The Curo Charitable Fund provides hospice patients and their families ongoing opportunities for giving and will support charitable efforts in the communities it serves.
Delek Fund for Hope Established 2008 Delek and its MAPCO stores have become ubiquitous throughout our community. But the Delek Corporation has much more going on than its work in the business sector. Though relatively new to Middle Tennessee, the Corporation created The Delek Fund for Hope at The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee as a way to maximize its support for charities in this community and in the others in which it has installations. Beneficiaries include, but are not limited to, The American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and The Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The Kroger Community Advised Fund Established 2009 For as long as they have served Middle Tennessee, Kroger has been a great corporate citizen. To maximize their charitable efforts and community impact, Kroger has partnered with The Community Foundation by creating a corporate giving fund.
Juliann and Joe Maxwell Scholarship for Employees of Tractor Supply Established 2006 Joe Maxwell worked with Tractor Supply Company for 16 years. He came to appreciate his colleagues as individuals and as an
extraordinary team. He also realized that, for many, the price of educating their children, post-high school, was a daunting challenge. Upon retiring, Joe and his wife, Juliann, searched for a way to help. This scholarship embodies their charitable dreams, the dreams of Tractor Supply’s employees AND the dreams of their children eager to attend college.
McNeely Pigott & Fox Advised Fund Established 2001 In addition to the numerous pro bono hours donated each year to causes important to partners and staff, MP&F is dedicated to providing ongoing opportunities for community giving. The McNeely Pigott & Fox Advised Fund was created with the belief that the firm can make a difference in the lives of others ... even those who don’t need PR.
redpepper’s Land of Cause Established 2009
has included not only raising funds, but also leveraging The Tennessean’s wide reach to cover community needs, the organizations that help meet them, and to encourage further participation by others. The Tennessean chose to create the 21st Century Trust within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee since it is uniquely positioned to help the Fund identify and meet needs in the Nashville area.
The Village Real Estate Advised Fund Established 2011 Village Real Estate Services does much more than buy and sell homes. They are committed to the ideal that businesses need to reinvest continually in the communities that sustain them and make Nashville’s neighborhoods better places for everyone to live. Through this Fund, they have the opportunity to support nonprofit causes that promote the growth of healthy, thriving communities.
Through its CreateAthon, a 24-hour workaround-the-clock blitz, redpepper provides nonprofits in Nashville and Atlanta with pro bono marketing and creative services, formulating plans they need but could not otherwise afford. But redpepper realizes that all too often, even great plans lie idle. So, redpepper established the Land of Cause Fund to provide funding to assist in implementing these marketing solutions.
Weichert Realtors-The Andrews Group Advised Fund Established 2004
Speyer/Tennsco Advised Fund Established 2000
The Working 4 You Fund Established 2011
Les Speyer and his family have achieved financial success through their Dickson-based company, Tennsco, a manufacturer of steel filing and storage systems. This Fund was established for corporate giving to support charitable efforts in both Dickson and Nashville.
Standard Candy Company, Inc. Advised Fund Established 2002
Tom Andrews believes that corporate citizenship includes giving back, and he encourages this belief in others. When Tom wanted to put in place a permanent giving vehicle for Weichert Realtors-The Andrews Group, he turned to The Community Foundation to assist in that endeavor.
For generations, since the beginning of the broadcast era, WSMV has been working for this community. Now they have added to the ways they can invest in Middle Tennessee’s needs and opportunities by creating The Working 4 You Fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Other Corporate Funds with specific charitable purposes appear throughout this publication.
Standard Candy Company, which was established in 1901, has always had a basic philosophy: use only the finest, most wholesome ingredients combined with time, care and experience to make confections of outstanding richness and flavor. And the company’s formula for success continues to be as simple and straightforward as the day the company was founded – quality people, quality candy. To give back to the community which has helped make the company the success it is today, the owners established this Fund.
21st Century Trust Advised Fund Established 1999 The 21st Century Trust was started to expand The Tennessean’s role in promoting and facilitating philanthropy throughout Middle Tennessee. The Trust has focused on charitable programs that meet immediate needs of local citizens, particularly children. The effort C FM T.o r g | 1 1
Disast er Re sp onse Funds hen disaster strikes, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s focus remains on connecting generosity with need, to impact response and recovery efforts vital to the short- and long-term well-being of the affected community.
ACM Lifting Lives Temporary Home Fund Established 2010 Through is charitable arm, ACM Lifting Lives, the Academy of Country Music repeatedly demonstrated its dedication to helping restore our community from the historic flood of 2010. In this incredible effort, ACM Lifting Lives sprang into action days after the rain stopped. ACM Lifting Lives partnered with reigning ACM Entertainer of the Year, Carrie Underwood, to shed light on Middle Tennessee’s urgent needs through a nationally televised spot, helping thousands of Americans know the devastation facing our community. Through direct funding and spreading the word across the nation, ACM Lifting Lives has made an impact. The ACM Lifting Lives Temporary Home Fund supported nonprofits providing rental assistance to flood victims in need of temporary housing.
The Asurion Disaster Relief Fund Established 2004 Asurion strives to be a good friend both to the communities in which it operates and to those who’ve chosen to work for them. To accomplish this goal efficiently and effectively, the leadership of Asurion turned to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to build a strategy of community partnership. This Fund was established to provide financial support to nonprofits willing to assist employees who have lost their homes due to a natural disaster.
BMI Flood Relief Matching Fund Established 2010 The music industry beat a loud drum in the wake of the May 2010 floods which devastated Music City, encouraging tremendous support for relief efforts. BMI was no exception to this rule, stepping up in the weeks following the disaster by not only donating generously to flood relief through The Community Foundation, but encouraging others to give what they could to help. Through this Fund, BMI matched donations received from the community, contributing all proceeds to the Tennessee Emergency Response Fund.
The Cheatham County Disaster Response Fund Established 2010 Thanks to the leadership of the Cheatham
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County Community Foundation, the Cheatham County Disaster Response Fund was established after the May 2010 flood to provide grants to nonprofit organizations offering Cheatham County residents assistance with food, shelter and clothing. The Fund will continue to serve as a resource to help Cheatham Countians whose lives are impacted by natural disaster.
Haiti Earthquake Response Fund Established 2010
Healthways Employee Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund Established 2005 Healthways, Inc. established this Fund to aid victims of the August 2005 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico and to provide an effective way for its employees to donate to the relief efforts. Healthways matched employee gifts to the Fund dollar for dollar to aid nonprofit organizations serving Katrina victims.
In times of crisis we all want to help. When a devastating earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, killing hundreds of thousands and leaving many injured, homeless and suffering, the Middle Tennessee community responded. This Fund was established to ensure gifts of all sizes could be pooled with others to make the most difference possible in Haiti, through strategic grantmaking to nonprofits and aid groups for response and recovery efforts in the earthquake’s aftermath.
Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response Fund Established 2005
HCA Employee Tsunami Relief Fund Established 2005
Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response Fund for Louisiana Established 2005
HCA continued to set precedents for corporate generosity with the establishment of this Fund to aid those touched by the December 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. This Fund empowered HCA employees across the world to make a difference in the lives of all those affected by the disaster. The company matched each gift made by an employee and distributed grants expeditiously to respond to the crisis.
HCA Haiti Relief Fund Established 2010 HCA, long known for its dedication to being good corporate citizens and empowering its employees to make a difference, continued to set an outstanding example of generosity when a devastating earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010. Through this Fund, HCA employees around the country had the opportunity to make contributions which were matched by the company. With donations pooled together to make the greatest impact possible in the suffering country, grants from the Fund were made to organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and the American Red Cross, in keeping with HCA’s work to meet health care needs with expertise and compassion.
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Set up by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, this Fund and the following three Funds assisted victims along the Gulf Coast region after Hurricane Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response Fund for Alabama Established 2005
Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response Fund for Mississippi Established 2005 Hurricane Response Fund Established 2008 When disaster strikes, Middle Tennesseans want to support their neighbors in need. As a permanent tool for those who wish to help the victims of hurricanes, The Community Foundation created this reusable Fund.
Ingram Catastrophic Loss Fund Established 2010 The Ingram Catastrophic Loss Fund was formed by Ingram Industries to assist Ingram associates who have experienced major losses due to disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes, etc.
Japan Earthquake Response Fund Established 2011 In response to March 2011’s devastating earthquakes in Japan and resulting tsunamis, The Community Foundation of Middle
Tennessee established this Fund to help support relief and recovery efforts. Grants from this fund were made to address needs in Japan.
The LifePoint Hospitals Disaster Response Fund Established 2010 It must be great to be part of the LifePoint Family, a company which has repeatedly risen to help in time of crisis and make a difference for people in need. As Bill Carpenter, LifePoint Chairman and CEO, noted after natural disaster rocked Haiti in January 2010, “In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, one thing is clear — the Haitian people are going to need help, not just now, but for the long-term as they begin to recover and rebuild lives ... the Fund will allow us to help them in the recovery and rebuilding process.” With this Fund in place, LifePoint has the opportunity to help in future disasters which affect any part of the world, and to act expeditiously to meet needs as they did in Haiti.
Metro Nashville Disaster Response Fund Established 2002 When Oklahoma City’s Murrah Federal Building was bombed in April 1995, the country had never experienced such a disaster and was unprepared in many ways. Although the first response teams did an excellent job, just how to prepare for long-term needs was a puzzle. Generous people from across the world contributed financially to the cause, but many didn’t know where to send the money, and as a result, more than 80 charities handled donations, creating confusion, duplication of effort and inefficiency. In an effort to be prepared if disaster strikes, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee established this vehicle in 2002, which has since become an integrated part of Nashville’s official disaster manual created by the Office of Emergency Management. The Fund has been designated by the city of Nashville as the central repository for giving at the time of disaster.
Oklahoma Tornado Response Fund Established 2013 In light of the devastating tornadoes that tore through Oklahoma in May 2013, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee created this Fund. After reviewing options for giving, all money raised was distributed to support the Shelter Oklahoma Schools Initiative, which will provide storm shelters in and around Oklahoma schools and communities to help minimize future tornado fatalities like those at Plaza Towers Elementary School where seven children lost their lives.
The River Fund Established 2010 On May 1 and May 2, 2010, the rain came. In the days following, the river rose and the flood grew worse. Shortly thereafter, Garth Brooks
contacted The Community Foundation to say he wanted to help. And help he did: not only the flood survivors of Tennessee but the entire city of Nashville, including the businesses downtown. On December 16 through the 22, 2010, Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood and a host of volunteers who rigged, lit, performed and more, made magic happen through nine concerts at Bridgestone Arena which brought in a total of $5 million to create The River Fund. Today, homes and lives across Tennessee have been rebuilt from the flood thanks to this incredible outpouring of support.
Tennessee Farm Disaster Response Fund Established 2008
Speak Now, Help Now Charitable Fund Established 2011
Turner Family Disaster Relief Fund Established 2000
In the Spring of 2011, when Taylor Swift witnessed coverage of tornadoes in the South, she immediately knew she wanted to help and entrusted The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to facilitate charitable contributions to help relieve the devastation in the region. In May 2011, Taylor opened her final dress rehearsal for the “Speak Now World Tour” to more than 13,000 fans, with proceeds from the concert benefiting the Fund. Through this Fund, grants are being made to nonprofits serving victims of this, and subsequently, other disasters.
Steele Advised Fund to Benefit the Greater New Orleans Community Foundation Established 2005 When Katrina hit, everyone wanted to help. But not everyone had a personal connection to the tragic events, however, John Steele did. To honor his fiancé and her family from New Orleans, John galvanized a cadre of his friends for a fundraiser at Belle Meade Plantation’s Stables. John and his extended family and friends raised significant support for the New Orleans Community Foundation.
Tennessee Emergency Response Fund Established 2008
Disaster can strike anywhere at any time. To be prepared to respond when farm communities are hit, The Tennessee Farm Bureau established this Fund. When disaster strikes, grants from this Fund are directed to farm and rural communities to help families rebuild the agricultural infrastructure and are intended to help those who have incurred substantial damage to their homes, farms and/or personal property. Those living in Tennessee counties which earn presidentiallydeclared disaster status will be eligible for help.
News that a fellow employee has lost his or her home because of a flood, tornado or other natural disaster is something met with great sympathy. Thousands of Dollar General employees are spread across 35 states, and while many have neighbors, family and friends to offer support, others may be overwhelmed with the financial burden. To lend a helping hand, Cal Turner Sr. established the Turner Family Disaster Relief Fund, which offers one-time financial assistance to Dollar General employees recovering from a recent natural disaster.
Vanguard Health Systems Katrina Fund Established 2005 Vanguard Health Systems Employee Tsunami Relief Fund Established 2005 The Vanguard Health Systems Company responded to the pressing need of disaster victims by establishing these two Funds for their employees to donate to those in need. The company matched dollar for dollar the first $400,000 in contributions and also made its own contribution to these Funds.
The size and scope and circumstance of every disaster is different. The Tennessee Emergency Response Fund has been created so that our community will be prepared to handle a disaster. Through this Fund, The Community Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations providing vital services. Our work will, we know, free nonprofits up to concentrate on delivering vital services while we “connect generosity with need” and our community sets out to rebuild lives.
The Tennessee Farm Bureau Philanthropic Fund Established 2010 The Tennessee Farm Bureau Philanthropic Fund awards grants to nonprofit organizations to support programs assisting individual farmers and farming families in need with basic necessities such as food, clothing or shelter.
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E d uc at ion Funds Alliance Française Cultural & Educational Endowment Fund Established 2007 The Alliance Française Cultural and Educational Fund increases the appreciation and knowledge of the French language and francophone cultures by providing French classes, scholarships for area French teachers and cultural events. This Endowment Fund ensures the future of Alliance Française’s mission to offer opportunities that enrich the lives of Middle Tennessee residents.
Coach Joe Gwynne Atkinson Fund to Benefit Lebanon High School Library Established 2001 This Fund perpetuates the memory of a man who taught Lebanon High School students the importance of education during and beyond high school. The proceeds of the Fund will build the resources of the school’s library, for both teachers and students, furthering the opportunity for education.
Andrea Morrison Baker Fund Established 2010 Andrea Morrison Baker loved working with her students as a counselor and teacher at Eakin Elementary in Nashville. Her sensitive, caring demeanor was a perfect match for the role of shaping young minds. Her peers recognized the bright star for her efforts, too. After serving as president of the Middle Tennessee Counselor Association from 2004-2007, Andrea was one of the two finalists for Metro Nashville’s Teacher of the Year in 2010. Unexpectedly, Andrea passed away in September 2010 at the age of 37. Though she left too soon, the Andrea Morrison Baker Fund will continue her passion of helping at-risk youth learn to believe in themselves and realize their extraordinary potential. Created by her parents, Bob and Barbara, and her sister, Wendy, the Fund benefits the Tapping Individual Potential (TIP) program through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, which provides enrichment experiences for talented middle school students in Metro Nashville Public Schools.
The Barton-Landers Theological Fund Established 2008 The necessity for an educated ministry for the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church was first articulated by Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne at the AME General Conference of 1844 in Pittsburgh, PA. The contemporary continuance of this need is evidenced by the late Reverends D.B. Barton and John Landers, whose gift and bequest, respectively, have made possible the establishment of this Theological Fund by the Board of Trustees of the AME Church. The proceeds of this Fund 14 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
will provide one or more annual scholarships to a theological student who has been admitted to an accredited seminary to study for the M. Div. degree, has a strong academic record, demonstrates a financial need and is committed to a ministerial career in the AME Church.
resources to train teachers. Through this Fund, young women who wish to dedicate their lives to God as religious sisters and teach as members of the Dominican Sisters of the St. Cecilia Congregation are supported as they earn their teaching certificates at Aquinas.
Bonnie R. Bashford Fund Established 2008
Judy Jean and John Chapman, M.D. Designated Fund Established 2006
According to her friends and family, Nashvillian Bonnie Bashford loved life and lived every moment to its fullest. Bonnie, an employee of Social Security, appreciated the value of giving back and believed in sharing the bounty of her life. So, in her Will, she left The Community Foundation her home and much of her estate to create the Bonnie R. Bashford Fund to assist underprivileged people working to obtain an education and/or housing.
Benton Hall School Endowment Fund Established 1997 Benton Hall, established in 1977, is a private school that serves students in grades 1-12 who have learning differences or who have not performed successfully in the traditional school environment. Offering small class sizes and individual attention, Benton Hall is located in the Grassland community near Franklin.
Book’em Agency Endowment Fund Established 1997
Dr. John E. Chapman served Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine for more than a quarter of a century. During his career, which culminated as dean of the school, Dr. Chapman’s priority was the students. He focused on students individually, and he championed their access to faculty as a means to improving the quality of the education those students received, earning him the distinctive title: “Dean of Deans.” Dr. Chapman and his wife, Judy Jean, planned this Fund together before his death. Their goal: to benefit medical schools teaching as Dr. Chapman always did, helping well-rounded, deserving students attend schools which make them a priority, treat students as individuals and valued colleagues, and emphasize quality education.
Cheatham County Imagination Library Endowment Established 2010
Book’em and Reading Is Fundamental Nashville share the desire to inspire a love of books and reading in all children by providing reading volunteers to schools, pre-schools and library story times, and books to children who may not have books of their own, in order to send the message that reading is important and fun. The two organizations merged in 2006 under the name of Book’em in order to enhance and expand services. This Fund was created to help ensure the future growth and stability of Book’em.
What better way to grow a child’s imagination than exposure to books, which have the power to teach, inspire and make us dream? The Cheatham County Imagination Library does just that, sending an age-appropriate free book monthly to every newborn to five-yearold child living in Cheatham County. This Endowment Fund was created as a source of funding to ensure the future of this free book program, so that children in the area can continue learning the joy of reading with books of their own.
Books from Birth of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1997
Cheatham County Public Library Endowment Fund Established 1998
Books from Birth of Middle Tennessee, the literacy initiative of the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, recognizes the benefits of an endowment partnership with The Community Foundation to provide giving options for all of Nashville interested in supporting literacy efforts.
Established by John Mayfield, this Fund enables the library to purchase reading materials so that all of its current and future patrons will be well-informed and up-to-date.
Ann and Monroe Carell Jr. Family Fund to Benefit Aquinas College’s Undergraduate Degree in Education Established 2001
In 1983, Marcel Kellar, Kelly Miller Smith, Andrew White, John Corry, and Norman Reed set up The College Trust to invest in the futures of the local historically African-American Colleges and Universities and the students who attend them. Led by the Interdenominational
The Ann and Monroe Carell Jr. Family Fund was established to provide Aquinas College the
Middle Tennessee
The College Trust, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 1999
Ministerial Fellowship, many of the churches in the Nashville community contribute to The College Trust on a regular basis. In addition, they support the Fund in order to build the endowment to ensure that students of American Baptist College, Fisk University, Meharry Medical College, and Tennessee State University have financial help in the years to come.
The Community Education Fund Established 1996 The board of The Community Foundation created this Fund to serve as a vehicle for building a pool of philanthropic venture capital available to support the present and future of education within our community.
Rascoe B. Davis Family Designated Fund Established 2005 Delta C. Davis chose to honor her husband and his passion for education with a Designated Fund to benefit several educational institutions in perpetuity. Notre Dame High School, The Girls Preparatory School, University School of Nashville, Montgomery Bell Academy, Meharry Medical College and Harpeth Hall School will receive annual distributions from the Fund.
Dickson County Public Library Endowment Fund Established 2002 In 2002, the Dickson County Public Library moved into a new building which houses 75,000 books and much more. Dollars from this Fund will be dedicated to specific children and adult programs throughout each year, which range from pre-school literacy to computer classes for seniors. The library’s board has big plans for the future, and its members hope that residents of Dickson will continue to contribute to this Fund to support this wonderful community asset.
Discovery Center at Murfree Spring Endowment Fund Established 1998 The Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, established in 1987 in Murfreesboro, is dedicated to providing a warm environment where families can explore together and learn from discovery. Hands-on exhibits and programs in art, social studies and science help to increase self-esteem, encourage critical thinking and questioning, strengthen family bonds, and stimulate creativity.
Early Childhood Education Shared Services Fund Established 2010 Through a Department of Human Services grant facilitated by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, this Fund supports the work of Early Learning Connections, an alliance of Nashville area independent, early care and education providers, bringing together their individual strengths to develop new solutions that improve the quality, accessibility and sustainability of the services offered to the children and families they serve.
Grace M. Eaton Day Home Endowment Fund Established 1998 Founded in 1926, Grace M. Eaton Childcare and Parent Resource Center was the first nonprofit childcare organization in Nashville, established for the express purpose of serving black, low-income, inner-city children. The mission of the program flows from the philosophy that Grace M. Eaton provides quality child care for children of working parents, or those who are preparing for productive employment by completing educational programs or employment training. The Center works with parents and the community to prepare children for a healthy and successful future. This endowment is a component of that commitment to nurturing young lives.
The Education First Fund Established 2008
learning. Margaret Gessler was a respected Nashville artist whose career began with her apprenticeship in the Medical Illustration Department at Vanderbilt University in 1935. There she met her husband, Carl, and they settled in Donelson and had four children. Their youngest daughter, Cathy, was a child with Down syndrome. After Cathy’s death in 1974, Margaret championed children with disabilities. Another of Margaret’s daughters earned her doctorate in Special Education, making it her career focus. This Fund benefits the Susan Gray School’s work to serve young children with developmental disabilities and those at risk for developmental delay.
Miss Julia Green Fund for Public Education Established 1999
Nashvillians recognize the need for education reform in public schools. To seize this opportunity, Nashville’s Mayor Karl Dean helped create The Education First Fund to provide a vehicle for all Nashvillians to participate in this transformation. Nashvillians are taking charge of their city’s future by helping to secure innovative reforms — to benefit our children, and make our schools a model for the nation.
For the majority of her 88 years, Julia McClung Green worked to improve education for public school children in Davidson County as a teacher and as the first elementary education supervisor. Established by the PTA of Julia Green School in her honor and supported by the community-atlarge, this Fund supports programs designed to encourage parental and community involvement, enhance educational opportunities, and upgrade facilities and equipment.
Annette and Irwin Eskind Fund for Public Education Established 2013
Hands-On-Science Center, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2004
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Library Foundation Established 2013 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Radio Established 2013 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Nashville Public Television Council, Inc. Established 2013 Friends of Tennessee School for the Blind, Inc. Established 2011 The mission of Friends of Tennessee School for the Blind is to enhance and enrich the educational, vocational, special skills, and social development of students enrolled in the Tennessee School for the Blind. This Endowment ensures funds will always be available for continued support for the school, which has served children with visual impairment since 1844.
Margaret North Gessler Fund to Benefit The Susan Gray School Established 2007 Margaret North Gessler passed away in January 2007 after a long illness. Her extraordinary life was filled with family, art, friendship and
Hands-On-Science Center in Tullahoma saw the need to provide children with an understanding of science and math. This Endowment Fund is intended to ensure the future of the Center, as well as the ongoing efforts to increase participation at the Center.
Cynthia J. Hardy Memorial Benefiting the Tapping Individual Potential Program Established 2005 Nurse Cynthia Hardy died in an unfortunate place — at the very top of the liver transplant list. Through an ill-fated accident she contracted hepatitis, which led to her passing. Rather than focus solely on her death, in her memory friends and family created this Fund to capture the best in her life — her personal passion for art — in hopes of passing it on to others through The Foundation’s Tapping Individual Potential Program.
David William Howard Memorial Designated Fund Established 2004 David Howard was a model student and athlete at Clarksville High School. He worked hard on the field to become the best athlete he could be, and his dedication, work ethic and talent always helped him to rise above challenges. David demonstrated these characteristics throughout his life, and it surprised no one when David reacted instantly to help someone in trouble – even though the act of heroism brought about his own death. David was C FM T.o r g | 1 5
nearby the chief of maintenance at the plant at which he was working when he ran into trouble. To save a worker from electrical shock, David pushed the man aside, paying the ultimate price by saving someone else. Through the Fund, an award will be given each fall to a senior on the Clarksville High School football team to assist with upcoming college tuition and fees.
Hume-Fogg Endowment Fund Established 2002 Even the most highly acclaimed schools in Metro Nashville struggle to make ends meet. So began the list of reasons behind the effort of three Hume-Fogg seniors to endow the future of the school they love. Heather McClure, Sarah Hymes and Anne Gooch were the ambitious young women who made this vision a reality. They worked at Titans games and put what they earned in the Fund. They approached corporations, foundations and individuals for contributions and passed out fliers explaining the need and their plans. Sarah, Heather and Anne have now all graduated from college, leaving other students in charge, but Hume-Fogg’s future will be better off because they cared.
League of Women Voters of Tennessee Education Endowment Fund Established 1996 Who does the public turn to for information on the election process or government in general? The League of Women Voters. Where does the League turn for the resources to provide this information? The LWV of Tennessee Education Fund. The League’s Education Fund is its research and education arm, which provides impartial information about government and the election process. The League’s Education Fund established an endowment with The Community Foundation to help create an assured source of funding for the future.
Micah Children’s Academy Endowment Fund Established 2012 Jewish tradition elevates the education of children to the highest level of a community’s priorities. That is why, Congregation Micah in Brentwood, Tennessee, created a program to provide children from the area and from the congregation with care and education from six weeks old until they enter kindergarten. This endowment will help supply the funds necessary to ensure its availability to this and future generations.
Fund for Ministry, Education and Rehabilitation for Women in Prison Established 2001 This Fund seeks to provide healing for women in prison, generally victims of poverty, abuse and neglect in the developmental years. It further seeks to provide opportunities for them to learn how to survive in the free world upon release and take care of their children in a healthy, productive way.
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Monroe Harding, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 1999
Project Reflect Endowment Fund Established 2007
Monroe Harding partners with at-risk youth and their families to foster a transformation of the mind, body and spirit through residential independent living programs for older adolescents as well as non-residential programming. A foundation of education, vocation and life skills training provides a bridge to independence and success.
Project Reflect serves children at high risk of school failure through education in academics, positive behavior and spirituality. It operates Smithson Craighead Academy charter schools for underachieving children in grades K-8, and after-school and summer school programs; advocates for education reform at state and local levels; and promotes choice for parents in public school education. This Fund helps to build a brighter future for at-risk children as they transform from a culture of poverty to a culture of learning and caring about others.
Montgomery Bell Academy Scholarship Endowment Fund Established 2001 Founded in 1867 as a scholarship school for young men, Montgomery Bell Academy is a 7-12 grade all-boys school. The MBA Scholarship Endowment Fund was established by the school’s trustees to ensure that scholarships and financial aid will always be available to guarantee that able students from different cultural and economic backgrounds can attend.
Nashville After Zone Alliance Fund Established 2012 Nashville Public Library Permanent Endowment Fund Established 2001 A great city has a great library! The Main Library Building, which opened in 2001, is making a significant impact on life in our city. System-wide, the library offers high-tech informational systems, thousands of books and significant outreach programs. This Endowment Fund provides much needed funding to expand the library’s collections and keep the services up-to-date and state-of-the-art.
Nashville Public Television Endowment Fund Established 2003 Nashville Public Television provides thoughtprovoking, educational, informative, and entertaining television to our community in a commercial free environment. NPT offers some of the most respected programs in the areas of education, history, drama, performance and finance, as well as a wealth of educational resources for teachers. The money from the endowment will help this Middle Tennessee treasure continue to serve our citizens for years to come.
PENCIL Foundation Endowment Fund Established 2006 PENCIL Foundation plays an essential role in Nashville by linking community resources of both volunteers and materials with Metro Nashville Public Schools. PENCIL responds to the needs of Metro Schools, matching over 500 businesses and service organizations with individual schools as PENCIL Partners, collecting donated school supplies for teachers and training volunteer tutors to work with at-risk students. This Endowment Fund was created to ensure the growth of PENCIL’s programs as it serves at-risk youth.
Middle Tennessee
The Public Schools Forum Fund Established 2009 Often, the best economic development tool is an educated workforce, one ready to step in and equipped to succeed. The earmarks of such a workforce are people trained to problem-solve, to think creatively, to rise to the level of high expectations, and to seize opportunities. The Public Schools Forum Fund is intended to create a facile and agile supply of philanthropic dollars dedicated to supporting charitable projects and initiatives to improve, enhance and sustain education in Tennessee. The Fund is poised to identify opportunities and make strategic investments.
The Nashville Chapter of The Recording Academy’s Fund Designated to Benefit the Nashville Alliance for Public Education Established 2006 The Recording Academy’s signature awards, The Grammys, bring out the best in people and encourage them to reach higher and dream bigger. Now, The Recording Academy is encouraging the students of Metro Public Schools to do the same, providing annual support to the Nashville Alliance for Public Education to build and enhance music education in the schools of Music City.
Richards Fund to Support the Study of Latin and the Classics at Harpeth Hall School Established 1999 Latin shows up every day in the English language, and the study of Latin helps students perfect their grasp of English, as well as other romance languages. In addition, study of Latin and the Classics makes one a better-rounded person. To that end, this Fund provides an annual contribution to Harpeth Hall School.
Lucy and Wilbur Sensing Fund to benefit The Bootstraps Foundation Established 2011 The Bootstraps Foundation exists to assist persevering young men and women across Middle Tennessee who have, despite severe obstacles and hardships in life, placed themselves in a position to attend college. Conceived in 1986 by Irby Simpkins, publisher of The Nashville Banner, and Ray Danner, chairman of Shoney’s, Inc., the organization was established as a way to give college scholarships to young people who had
“pulled themselves up by their bootstraps” and managed to continue and pursue their education.
South Cheatham Library Endowment Fund Established 1998 The South Cheatham Library is in a quaint log cabin building in Kingston Springs, TN. This Fund was established by John E. Mayfield, and it is his hope others donate to this Fund to ensure current and future generations of Cheatham Countians will continue to enjoy strong libraries.
The Sponsors Scholarship Program Endowment Fund Established 2012 George Langstaff founded The Sponsors Scholarship Program in 1995 with the goal of helping financially disadvantaged young people of promise from the most at-risk neighborhoods achieve a post high school education and improve their prospects for a productive life. The Sponsors identifies qualified candidates for scholarships by requesting nominations from high school guidance counselors and youth-focused organizations, while its dedicated volunteer staff serves as mentors, conducts college counseling seminars, and more. The Sponsors Scholarship Program Endowment Fund will help ensure the continuation of this organization for future generations.
Escuela Anne Stevens in Ecuador Fund Established 2006 There is a beautiful school in the lowlands of Ecuador, opened in 1998, called the Anne Stevens Escuela. It is named after Anne Stevens, the former director of St. Luke’s Community House. It serves grades K-8 and has 125 students. This Fund will provide the school a steady stream of income now and in the years ahead.
Student Educational Loan Fund for Gays and Lesbians Established 1997 Sometimes parents and children need time and space to bridge a gap that has developed between them because the children are gay or lesbian. The Student Education Loan Fund (SELF) can buy students and parents a chance to work things out between them by providing emergency loans to young men or women whose parents have discontinued financial support for their education because they are lesbian or gay.
Tapping Individual Potential (TIP) Fund Established 1998 The Tapping Individual Potential (TIP) program works with Metro Nashville Public School children who have extraordinary talent or potential. Identified by a teacher or guidance counselor, the student’s skill is highlighted and an enrichment experience — tailored to the child — is developed. It may be art classes, science camps, a visit with someone with a similar interest, or a visit to an archeological dig. This Fund helps promote talents or interests for students who may not otherwise have these extracurricular opportunities.
Tennessee Foreign Language Institute Endowment Fund Established 2000 The Tennessee Foreign Language Institute Endowment Fund was created to support the goals and activities of the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute (TFLI), a state agency established to promote, encourage, enhance, and facilitate the learning and teaching of foreign languages and cultures. The Fund allows for such initiatives as foreign language pilot programs in local elementary schools and promotion of foreign language education for children.
receiving a Masters in History. For Marguerite, history was her vocation and avocation. She taught in Alabama public schools for more than 30 years. Her son, Charles Trost, and his wife, Annie, established this Fund to advance the teaching of American History in public education, with an emphasis on the Constitutional rights and responsibilities of citizenship given to us by the founders of the American Republic.
Pauline and Julius Weil Fund Established 1997
This Fund was established to endow the activities of the Tennessee Holocaust Commission, Inc., which develops and implements programs in Holocaust education for Tennessee’s public and private secondary schools, colleges, universities and citizens of all ages.
Peggy Weil Steine had a life-long interest in Peabody Demonstration School (now University School of Nashville or USN). Peggy attended the school for 12 years and graduated in 1937. Subsequently, her three children graduated from USN, and three of her grandchildren are currently enrolled. When Peggy wanted to make sure the support she had given USN through the years would continue after her death, she set up this Fund named for her parents, Pauline and Julius Weil, who helped establish the school.
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education Fund Established 2009
Megan Whaley Fund for St. Cecilia Academy Established 2003
Tennessee Holocaust Commission Endowment Fund Established 1995
The Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) is an initiative to support long-term educational change in Tennessee which will ensure that every child graduates high school prepared for college or a career. In the fall of 2008, Governor Phil Bredesen set the bar high for Tennessee’s K-12 education system with the Tennessee Diploma Project, and SCORE focuses on jumpstarting reforms that will help Tennessee schools, teachers and students meet this bar. SCORE’s collaborative approach for statewide and local education projects could become a model for the nation. This Fund was established to help SCORE achieve its goals and to aid in education reform efforts dedicated to “root causes.”
Megan Whaley was an outstanding 16-year-old sophomore at St. Cecilia Academy when she was tragically killed in a one-car accident on April 22, 2002. An exceptional athlete, Megan loved basketball, soccer and softball, and served as an excellent role model for many of the other students. In Megan’s memory, her father, Steve Whaley, and other family members and friends established the Megan E. Whaley Fund for St. Cecilia Academy within The Community Foundation to provide tuition assistance for girls who wish to attend this excellent school. Each year in the spring, a softball tournament named for Megan is held to raise additional dollars so the Fund will continue to grow and help even more girls in the future.
The Edna S. Thomas Fund Established 2000
Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams and Dr. McDonald Williams Designated Fund Established 1992
Judy Lewis came to The Community Foundation in July 2000, armed with a vision of creating a legacy for her mother, Edna Thomas. Edna had been an outstanding parent and, as a result, Judy felt a fitting tribute would be a Fund to endow an annual fall lecture series, focusing on raising healthy children and giving parents the tools to succeed.
Marguerite Miller Trost Memorial Fund for the Advancement of the Teaching of American History Established 2010 Marguerite Miller Trost was born in 1901 in Alabama where she lived most of her life. She was unusual for her time and place in that when she graduated from Judson College in 1920, she was following in the tradition of her mother, a graduate of the University of North Alabama, and her grandmother, who attended Queens College before the Civil War. She was an intellectual who continued her education throughout life, ultimately
Jamye Coleman and McDonald Williams, recipients of the 2002 Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award, established this Fund to benefit Wilberforce University and Payne Theological Seminary. The Williams, who serve on the boards of each of these esteemed educational institutions, wanted to endow their support. In perpetuity, payments from this Fund will be issued to these schools annually. We are honored by their tireless support and by their decision to entrust this legacy to The Community Foundation.
Robert K. Zelle Fund to benefit Junior Achievement in Nashville, Tennessee Established 2011 A founder of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Bob Zelle wished to support causes important to him beyond his lifetime, including Junior Achievement, and through a bequest to create this fund, entrusted The Community Foundation to carry on his legacy. C FM T.o r g | 1 7
H e alt h & Human Se rv ic e Fund s ABLE Wheelchair Sports Fund for Children Established 1999 As part of his estate planning, John Mayfield started an endowment as a surprise for his good friend, Rick Slaughter. Rick, who is in a wheelchair, runs ABLE (Athletes Building Life Experiences), which introduces children in wheelchairs to all types of sports, such as basketball, tennis and skiing. The program helps children become independent in all of their daily activities.
A Cause for Celebration Fund Established 1998 The A Cause for Celebration Fund wants to ensure that every child, even those living in difficult circumstances, knows that they are celebrated. Currently, the Fund provides birthday parties for mothers and children living at the YW’s Domestic Violence Shelter. Contributions of any size are welcome to perpetuate the joy that this Fund supplies.
Alive Hospice Endowment Fund Established 1992 Alive Hospice has been offering physical, psychological and spiritual support to people with life-threatening illnesses and their families since 1975. It is the oldest and largest nonprofit, community-based hospice in Middle Tennessee. As a nonprofit agency, Alive Hospice provides end-of-life care to anyone from any socioeconomic, ethnic, racial and religious background regardless of ability to pay.
Angel Fund Established 2007 The Angel Fund enables some incredible public servants, or “angels,” working in the nonprofit sector to help people in need. These “angels” invest in critical intervention points in the lives of people they serve. For example, a woman secures a job as a waitress as she reenters the workforce, but lacks the $75 to buy the uniform she needs. Whether it is eye glasses for a family who cannot afford them or bus passes for the man trying to get to work, the Angel Fund seeks to give people a hand up. Gifts to this Fund of any amount succeed in helping people over a hump in their lives.
The Hunter Armistead Fund to Inspire Joy and Laughter Established 1999 Ashland City Ministerial Alliance Designated Fund/The Bethesda Center Established 1999 The Ashland City Ministerial Alliance of 18 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Churches in Cheatham County supervises the ministry of the Bethesda Center. Established in 1999 by John E. Mayfield, this Fund serves the needy in Cheatham County by providing a thrift store, a food bank and financial assistance. The Bethesda Center encourages others to donate to this Fund to ensure that their essential services can continue for future generations.
Its four sites serve a culturally and economically diverse youth population, ages 6-18. It is open to the public, and no one is ever turned away because of an inability to pay. The Clubs give kids a safe place to learn and grow with life enhancing programs and character development.
Susan Warner Batt Fund for Breast Cancer Established 2003
A survivor of breast cancer for over 25 years, the donor who created this Fund stipulated that the proceeds be used to support breast cancer research conducted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Remembering when breast cancer was not discussed, she hopes there will be again a day when no one talks about the illness because a cure has been found.
Susan Warner Batt died in 2002 at age 45 after a two-year battle with breast cancer. During Susan’s battle, her husband, Charles Batt, and their children, Derek, Lizzy and Janie, were blessed with such overwhelming acts of thoughtfulness and kindness that they wanted, in their own way, to help others with this disease. So they established the Susan Warner Batt Fund for Breast Cancer to help and support breast cancer patients, awareness and research.
Bethlehem Centers of Nashville Endowment Fund Established 2007 Bethlehem Centers of Nashville serves more than 6,000 people each year, delivering quality programs and services that promote self-reliance and positive life choices for children, youth, senior adults, and families, in Middle Tennessee. Founded in 1894, Bethlehem Centers now has facilities in North, South and downtown Nashville and in Cheatham County at Camp Dogwood. This Fund exists to help protect a rich tradition and the bright future of those it serves.
Lillian G. and Dave Bogatzky Field-of-Interest Fund Established 2003 When Lillian Bogatzky fought for a visa, she literally saved the life of her late husband’s nephew trapped in war-torn Poland during World War II. Records show he was one of only 250 people from Poland to enter the United States in 1938. In thanksgiving for the love he received from his Aunt Lil and Uncle Dave, he established a Fund to perpetuate the spirit of making someone’s life possible. The proceeds from the Fund will be used to serve disadvantaged children and seniors, populations he sees as society’s most vulnerable, just as he was when Aunt Lil stepped in.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 2001 The Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee has positively impacted the lives of thousands of Nashville’s youth for more than 100 years.
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Breast Cancer Research Fund Established 2000
CASA of Nashville Endowment Fund Established 2000 CASA, Inc., established in Nashville in 1984, provides trained community volunteers to advocate for abused, neglected or abandoned children, with no place to call home, who find themselves lost in never-ending court battles. Court Appointed Special Advocates provide a voice in court for these vulnerable children and help them find safe, permanent homes. This Fund helps ensure the agency’s ability to continue providing volunteers until child abuse no longer exists.
Centerstone Endowment Fund in Honor of Ella P. Hayes Established 2005 Tennessee’s leading provider of behavioral health services has taken a major step to ensure the future of community behavioral health care throughout its service area by establishing this Fund. The Fund will support the research and infrastructure necessary to bring new treatments to clients and to provide universal access to those in the community who cannot afford behavioral health care.
Clarksville Montgomery County Ajax Turner Senior Citizen Center, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2004 The senior center, created in 1963, has grown from just a location for recreation to one of Middle Tennessee’s largest and most complete centers. Thousands of annual participants enjoy daily breakfasts and lunches, a wide range of educational classes including a large computer lab, physical activities, homebound services, an onsite adult day care center, and weekend live-band dances. This Fund will help ensure the continuation of the center for future generations.
Council on Aging of Greater Nashville Endowment Fund Established 2013 Council on Aging of Greater Nashville addresses the unmet needs of older adults and caregivers through information, advocacy, and education and by being a catalyst for comprehensive solutions. This Agency Endowment Fund ensures there are permanent resources for this important work serving our community’s eldest members.
Crisis Intervention Center Endowment Fund Established 1999 Since 1968 Crisis Intervention Center worked to prevent suicide, to empower individuals to face life challenges and to meet basic and emergency needs. The Crisis Intervention Center (now part of Family & Children’s Service) provides skilled, compassionate crisis intervention and outreach that includes support groups for those whose loved ones have died by suicide; direct advocacy; and information and referral for thousands of social and other community services through the 2-1-1 Information and Referral Service.
Crittenton Fund Established 2001 For 127 years, the Florence Crittenton Home for Unwed Mothers helped teen mothers and their babies and provided teen pregnancy prevention services. In 2001, the board of directors, aware that there were duplicative providers for their services, made the difficult decision to find “adoptive parents” for their programs and to close the agency’s doors. They established the Crittenton Fund at The Community Foundation in order to make grants to programs providing services to pregnant, parenting and at-risk youth, and to ensure that the gifts given in support of the agency remained dedicated to the causes to which donors were committed.
Cumberland County Cardiac-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Alumni Endowment Fund Established 1999 Cumberland County Cardiac-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Alumni, Inc. provides assistance in covering the cost of cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation for those who do not have insurance or those who need help paying deductibles or co-payments. The Cumberland County Cardiac-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Alumni have generated money through fundraisers since 1997, but an Endowment Fund was established to ensure the future and meet the demands of a growing population.
Cumberland Heights Endowment Fund Established 2004 Cumberland Heights is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those facing addictions by providing in-patient and outpatient rehabilitation. This Endowment Fund was made possible by a grateful Cumberland Heights donor who faced personal challenges
and, with the agency’s assistance, was able to overcome addiction.
Sister Patrick Curren Designated Fund for St. Anthony’s Mission in San Francisco Established 2007 Sister Patrick Curren dedicated her life to working tirelessly for the poor. Working through the St. Anthony’s Foundation, she helped men, women, children, the hungry and homeless who came to St. Anthony’s to be feed, sheltered, clothed and healed in a community of hope. From a dining room and free medical clinic, to social services and justice education, St. Anthony’s programs not only feed and clothe people, but also work to change the deeper structural causes of poverty. Now, each year, in Sister Patrick’s name, St. Anthony’s will receive a contribution toward its good work.
Lisa DeFrancis Memorial Nurses’ Fund Established 2007 Lisa DeFrancis was an artist. As a graphic designer she cared about the construction and the look of everything around her, but most of all she cared about her family. She got to see her youngest turn six, but not seven. She got to see her oldest daughter go to college, but not graduate. She turned 46, but not 47-years-old. What she noticed was caring, and because of the great care she received from nurses as a cancer patient, she established the Lisa DeFrancis Memorial Nurses’ Fund which provides annual grants through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to support nurses needing respite and rejuvenation.
Clarise Ann DeQuasie Fund Established 2003 The stereotypical person we presume works in libraries would never ride a motorcycle to work each day or charm her way into an abiding friendship with a celebrity – but Clarise DeQuasie was not easily pigeon-holed. She had a passion for life, for animals, for people in pain, and for Luciano Pavarotti. Clarise became ill and died at the age of 63 in 2001. In her Will, she bequeathed her Pavarotti collection to Vanderbilt, and she established a Fund within The Community Foundation to benefit Alive Hospice and Walden’s Puddle. Each year, because Clarise cared, orphaned and injured wild animals will be rehabilitated through Walden’s Puddle, and the dying and their families will receive support through the staff of Alive Hospice.
Discovery Place Agency Endowment Established 2008 Alcoholism and drug addiction are challenges that confront this community today and are likely to for years to come. Discovery Place is a residential program in Burns, TN, that offers the means and environment for men to refocus their lives on a path of recovery, spirituality and productivity through the methods outlined in the long-established Twelve Step tradition. In so doing, it draws on the talents of a staff who all have quality sobriety time and share their
experiences, strength and hope with the men in the program. This Fund exists so that Discovery Place will always be able to offer its treatment services to men taking positive steps for an improved quality of life.
The Dogwood Fund Established 2012 The Dogwood Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee supports opportunities to help children who have lost a parent or a close relative get through the grieving process.
Martha Jean Dorris Helping Hand Fund Established 2006 Martha Jean Dorris’ motivations were pure; she simply wanted to help, to reach out to those in need of a hand. And so she created this Fund to endow support for nonprofits which help individuals of all ages and from all backgrounds who are living in impoverished conditions and who demonstrate a desire to strive for a better, more meaningful life.
Domestic Violence Program Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2007 Rutherford County is committed to ending violence and discrimination in the lives of victims suffering the pain, fear and shame of domestic abuse. The Domestic Violence Program is a key part of those efforts providing programs such as emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s and elders’ services, counseling services, and rape and sexual assault programs. This Fund is designed to make sure that as long as these challenges exist, funds will be available.
Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 2004 The mission of the Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee is to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome by providing support, information and education to them and their families. This Fund creates a permanent endowment to ensure programs and services.
Easter Seals Endowment Fund Established 1997 Creating solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families, Easter Seals provides a network of services throughout Tennessee, including health and fitness; camping and recreation; job training and employment; and physical, occupational and speech therapy. Easter Seals’ programs provide opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to engage as fully as possible in family and community life, education, work, and recreation.
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of ACLU Established 2013
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The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Anti-Defamation League Foundation Established 2013 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Family & Children’s Service Established 2013 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee Established 2013 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Planned Parenthood of Middle & East Tennessee Established 2013 Coach Bill Etheridge Memorial Fund to benefit The Sports Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Established 2012 Exchange Club Family Center Endowment Fund Established 1996 The Exchange Club Family Center, Inc. was established in 1985 to prevent child abuse and improve the lives of families in Middle Tennessee. The Center’s services include parent education, in-home case management, safe exchanges and supervised visitation, education and awareness. This endowment ensures the children of tomorrow will be protected from abuse and neglect, and families will be strengthened for generations to come.
Exchange Club/Stephens Center Child Abuse Prevention Endowment Fund Established 2000 The Exchange Club/Stephens Center was established in 1988 with the mission of preventing child abuse and neglect in the Upper Cumberland area. The Center identifies families who are at-risk of child abuse or neglect and then offers appropriate services, including homevisitation programs, parent education classes, community education activities, a community resource closet, and 24-hour on-call access for families needing support or assistance. The Fund will help ensure the continued availability of caring, responsive, community-based efforts for child abuse prevention.
Family & Children’s Service Endowment Fund Established 1996 The mission of Family & Children’s Service is to give real help for real hurt right now. For more than 65 years, they have provided trauma counseling for children and adolescents who are witnesses or victims of violence; Crisis Center counseling; clinical assessments; consultation 20 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
and training for foster and adoptive parents to help special needs children find loving homes; and free and sliding scale counseling for at-risk youth, welfare to work families and those who could not otherwise afford mental health care.
FiftyForward Endowment Fund Established 1999 FiftyForward (formerly Senior Citizens, Inc.) is Middle Tennessee’s leading agency providing comprehensive services focused on helping older adults remain active, independent and living at home as long as possible. Through a network of senior activity centers and community-based programs, FiftyForward serves more than 20,000 older adults, their families and children each year.
First Steps, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2005 The mission of First Steps, Inc. is to educate and care for infant to kindergarten-aged children with special needs and medical conditions alongside their typically developing peers in an inclusive environment. With this Fund, First Steps can continue its more than 50-year history in the Nashville community of serving children and their families, many of whom are often turned away from other programs because of the severity of their health issues and/or limited resources.
Fitz Family Fund for Brain Cancer Awareness and Research Established 2008 Since Earl and Julianne Fitzs’ oldest son, Ezra, was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2006, at age 28, the Fitz family has embraced a long-term commitment to a charitable legacy through the Fitz Family Fund for Brain Cancer Awareness and Research. Through the Fund, the entire family, including Earl and Julianne’s four adult
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children and their partners, are dedicated to supporting research, education and awareness for brain cancer, providing funding to organizations such as Gilda’s Club and Vanderbilt University, until a cure for brain cancer is found and other cancers are eradicated.
The Fund for Food Security Established 2006 Issues of hunger are broader than the next meal or the next food basket. Those harsh realities are critical and must be addressed, but they are the “symptoms,” not the “disease.” The Fund for Food Security is about the bigger issues, about working toward a community where people need no longer fear or worry about where their next meal is coming from. It’s about feeling secure enough that you don’t have to worry about food; you can worry about your job and your life. The Fund supports organizations actively addressing food-related efforts, including educating the public about the relationship between food, nutrition and health; encouraging proper food distribution; and addressing the root causes of hunger and food insecurity.
The Footprint Fund Established 2011 The Fund is intended to support charitable projects and initiatives to promote healthy living and an active lifestyle and “to build a healthier Nashville one step at a time.” In 2011, Nashville Mayor Karl Dean embraced this motto through a series of walks and The Mayor’s Challenge initiative to walk or run a 5K with him. The Fund provides a long-term source of funding to support The Mayor’s Challenge and other community-wide programs, events, planning or groups that encourage more active living, increased exercise and enhanced healthy living options.
Dr. Henry Foster Endowment Fund to Benefit I Have a Future Established 1999 I Have a Future is a comprehensive teenage pregnancy prevention program that works with male and female youth, 10 to 18 years of age, who reside primarily in the inner-city community houses of Davidson County. The program motivates by preparing youth for college, vocational careers and the immediate job market. Integral to this mission is an increase in their awareness of social and health issues and family values that strengthen the self-esteem necessary to avoid teen pregnancy and other destructive behaviors.
The Charlotte and George Fox Designated Fund Established 2004 With their lives touched by Parkinson’s disease, Charlotte and George Fox worked in many ways to bolster efforts to find and fund a cure. This Endowment Fund will benefit the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association and its work to find a cure.
Patricia C. and Thomas F. Frist Jr. Fund for United Way of America Established 1996 United Way brings people and organizations together to create communities where individuals, families and neighborhoods thrive. This Fund is a vehicle for Dr. and Mrs. Frist to perpetuate their support of the United Way’s charitable goals on a national level.
Friends of Tennessee Infant Parent Services (TIPS) Middle Tennessee Chapter Endowment Fund Established 2003 Imagine the fear and confusion of parents when they discover their young child has developmental problems. Fortunately, these parents can turn to Tennessee Infant Parent Services (TIPS). TIPS provides in-home services on a weekly basis to families of infants and toddlers who are hearing and/or vision impaired, or have other challenges. TIPS works in partnership with parents to provide the knowledge, skills and support to encourage the growth and development of young children with special needs. In the years to come, this Fund will provide monetary support for this vital service.
Genesco – Helping People Get Back On Their Feet Fund Established 1999 Sometimes life just knocks you down, and you have to pick yourself up and get back on your feet. The Genesco – Helping People Get Back On Their Feet Fund of The Community Foundation makes grants in support of people who are trying to follow a better path in life, and the nonprofits that serve them. The beneficiaries include programs which help people escape the ravages of substance abuse, help people living on the streets find the shelter they deserve, help people return or retrain to enter the workforce, and help people escape the horrors of domestic violence.
Gilda’s Club Nashville Endowment Fund Established 1998 Free of charge to everyone, Gilda’s Club Nashville provides a gathering place where men, women and children with cancer and their families and friends can join with others to actively involve themselves in building social and emotional support as a supplement to regular medical care. Its purpose is to offer members lectures, workshops, classes, support groups, and social activities in a nonresidential, home-like setting.
Girl Scout Council of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 2005
connects more than 100,000 volunteers to service, making it one of the largest volunteer resource centers of its kind in the world. Offering more than 300 volunteer opportunities to the community every month at, Hands On Nashville invites everyone to Be the Change … Volunteer. As a way of recognizing founder Hal Cato’s invaluable leadership in creating Hands On Nashville, the board of directors established this Fund in his name.
Helping Children Heal: A Fund for the Healing Arts Established 2004
Through this Fund, the board of directors of the Girl Scout Council of Middle Tennessee wishes to permanently endow its organization to continue its mission to help girls find courage by exploring new adventures, confidence by discovering their abilities, character by shaping their values, and connections by forming friendships with other girls.
Wendy Kanter, Marna McKinney and Garth Whitcombe developed this Fund so that sick children might take part in a wide range of healing including massage, arts and crafts, music, play therapy, laughter, and reading/storytelling. Grants are made to institutions serving children in hopes that through these activities, their lives may be made easier, if even for a moment.
Anne and Steve Goodhue Fund for Child Abuse Prevention and Healing Established 2011
High Pressure Laminate Field-of-Interest Fund Established 2007
Anne’s more than 25 years of volunteer work at domestic violence shelters, in roles such as therapeutic play facilitator, and with other related programs, has fueled the couple’s desire to invest in long-term solutions to prevent abuse. Anne and Steve note, “The invaluable experience Anne received from her work with children, teens and women of all ages helped us realize not only the severity of the harm and dysfunction that abuse, particularly sexual abuse, creates but also how the cycle is perpetuated. Addictions, behavior issues, emotional/psychological trauma and low self-esteem usually result and can continue if untreated. Secrecy and denial give great power to the immensity of the problem.” Through this Fund, Anne and Steve intend to endow support for children who need healing as a result of child abuse, and in particular, sexual abuse, and to support education related to prevention of such abuse.
Gordon Jewish Community Center Endowment Fund Established 1994 The Gordon Jewish Community Center is the center of Jewish life in Nashville, providing recreational, educational, social, and cultural programs and services to thousands of member families. The GJCC proudly reaches out to its non-Jewish neighbors, inviting everyone in the community to join, play and learn together, regardless of religious affiliation. Their purpose has changed little in the over 100 years since its founding: to enrich lives and strengthen community.
Hands On Nashville/ Hal Cato Endowment Fund Established 1996 Hands On Nashville (HON) volunteers meet critical needs facing the Middle Tennessee community like hunger, homelessness, and environmental protection. Each year, HON
Created through court settlement of a class action lawsuit, this Fund serves to channel money intended as restitution for people of Tennessee who have used High Pressure Laminate products. As such, it will support grants to nonprofits for which the use of High Pressure Laminate products are vital to their ability to fulfill their charitable mission, such as domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, nonprofit day care centers, those preparing meals on wheels, and more.
Hilltoppers, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 1999 Hilltoppers, Inc., is a community provider of day and residential services and support for adults with mental retardation in Crossville and Cumberland County, Tennessee.
Carroll Hines Fund for Medical Needs of Children Established 2001 With great compassion and concern for the welfare of children, the Hines family set up this Fund to endow support for programs addressing their health and medical needs.
The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund Established 2012 The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund supports families who have loved ones with mitochondrial disease through raising awareness and money to help find a cure. Ellen and Michael Hollis established Team Hunt in January 2011 to create an opportunity for friends, family, and community to swim, bike, and run to honor children who experience challenges growing, both mentally and physically. Together, Team Hunt and The Hunt Michael Hollis Fund honor their son, Hunt. Hunt Michael Hollis suffers from mitochondrial disease, which is a chronic, genetic disorder that occurs when the mitochondria of the cell fails to produce C FM T.o r g | 2 1
enough energy for cell or organ function. This is associated with slow growth and developmental delays. Though Hunt receives feeding, speech, occupational, and physical therapy, he is a happy, lovable curly headed two-year-old, and full of life. Inspired by Hunt, Ellen and Michael are working to improve the quality of life for children who have special needs.
The Hope Fund Established 2000 Carlene Hunt, an avid and talented photographer, sees beauty in the mothers and children at Renewal House and the SISTER program at Meharry as the women work to overcome addiction. Carlene volunteers to take family pictures so they can see just how good recovery looks on them. Those images have helped strengthen the vision and value of family for many women. As an extension of her work with these programs, Carlene created The Hope Fund to help benefit a variety of programs that promote recovery from addiction — especially those efforts that address the stigma of addiction, a major barrier to women receiving the proper treatment.
Cora Mathews Horn Fund for Families Established 2008 Cora Horn, widowed at age 25 with two children, benefited greatly from the generosity of Nashvillians during the 1930s and strongly believed in returning that generosity to others in need. As a result of Cora’s enormous personal resourcefulness and the well-timed help of others, she was able to see her children and grandchildren succeed far beyond her means. So that other families might experience the same compassion and helping hands, Cora’s grandchildren established this Fund to endow The Angel Fund of The Community Foundation and its work to do what others did for Cora: give people a hand during critical times of need to help them overcome life’s hurdles.
The Hospital Hospitality House Endowment Fund Established 1996 Founded in 1974, the Hospital Hospitality House (HHH) provides a “home away from home” for families and patients facing a medical crisis. HHH provides a vital retreat from the stress of keeping a constant vigil at the side of a loved one, by offering guests lodging, meals and supportive services. HHH is helping to ensure its future and expand its ability to serve through this Endowment Fund.
Humanities Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1999 For nearly 40 years, Humanities Tennessee has been a leader in creating civic dialogue and public programming in the humanities across the state. Among its initiatives are grants in support of humanities programs; Teacher Awards for outstanding teachers of the humanities; Museums on Main Street, which promotes a broader and deeper understanding of Tennessee’s history and cultural life; the Southern Festival of Books; a family literacy program; and a 22 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
week-long summer program at Austin Peay State University. Humanities Tennessee also makes grants for film, video and radio programs on southern history and culture.
Agency Endowment Fund to provide it a steady stream of income over time.
Interfaith Dental Clinic Endowment Fund Established 2001
The Lupus Foundation promotes research and provides information, education and support for patients with Lupus Erythematosus, an autoimmune disease causing chronic inflammation affecting various parts of the body. Since one in every 185 Americans is diagnosed with Lupus each year, this Fund was created to ensure compassionate support of Middle Tennesseans living with this disease.
The Interfaith Dental Clinic makes smiles bright by providing affordable dental care for low-income, working families without dental insurance and by allowing them to pay on a sliding scale. Interfaith treats more than 1,100 patients each year, restoring their oral health and teaching them the hygiene skills needed to maintain a happy smile. Establishment of the Interfaith Dental Clinic Endowment Fund ensures that patients will continue to leave the program with enhanced physical health, improved employability and, best of all, the self-esteem that a beautiful smile affords.
Mary Jones Memorial Fund to Benefit the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition Established 2000 When Mary Jones died of breast cancer, her friends honored her memory by creating a Fund to benefit the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition (TBCC). The coalition’s mission is to provide assistance and education to Tennesseans facing breast cancer and to advocate for advancements in medical research and legislative action regarding breast cancer. Mary’s Fund will provide an ongoing source of much needed support to help TBCC achieve its goal of saving lives as quickly as possible.
Junior Achievement of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1995 Junior Achievement offers students in Middle Tennessee programs to help them understand the relationship between what they learn in school and their successful participation in our economy, with an emphasis placed on at-risk children.
Legal Aid Society Endowment Fund Established 1998 For more than 40 years, Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands has provided free legal representation and education for low-income citizens in our community to obtain necessities like health care, housing, income, protection from family violence, and access to basic goods and services. The benefits of Legal Aid Society’s work reach beyond individual clients. By ensuring equal justice for low-income people, the whole community is strengthened.
Alice and John Lindahl Jr. Fund for Youth Programs at Bethel Freewill Baptist Church (Ashland City, TN) Established 2005 Loaves and Fishes of Clarksville, TN Endowment Fund Established 2006 Hot meals for Clarksville’s homeless, six days a week, is the mission of Loaves and Fishes of Clarksville. To ensure it can always live up to this commitment, Loaves and Fishes established this
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Lupus Foundation Endowment Fund Established 1998
Magdalene, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2005 Magdalene is a residential housing and recovery program for Nashville women with a criminal history of prostitution and drug abuse. Through this endowment, Magdalene seeks to provide lasting support for its mission to improve social functioning and physical, emotional and spiritual health. By providing safe housing, Magdalene helps women recover from addiction, reunite with families and earn legal employment at a living wage.
William Thomas McHugh Fund to Benefit the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and The Cumberlands Established 2008
Bill McHugh was a “lawyer’s lawyer” who practiced his noble profession with skill and integrity for more than 55 years. To honor her late husband’s legacy of dedication to the legal profession, Lou McHugh used proceeds from the sale of the McHugh’s family property in Robertson County, Tennessee, to establish this Fund. It supports a series of “walk-in” pro bono clinics, named for Mr. McHugh, within the Legal Aid Society to provide free legal services to low-income individuals and families.
McNeilly Center for Children Endowment Fund Established 2008 For more than 100 years, McNeilly Center for Children has nurtured children’s development and helped families thrive. Providing quality, affordable child care to Nashville families with parents who are working, in job training, or in school, McNeilly promotes the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children during crucial developmental years, while supporting families with parenting education and social services. The Fund will help ensure McNeilly can continue this work for years to come.
McWherter Fund for Basic Human Needs Established 2004 Governor Ned Ray McWherter could have easily continued down the path of civic leader and businessman, multiplying his personal and financial success manyfold. But instead, he decided to give back to his community and to people in need by dedicating his career to public service. This Fund was created upon Governor
McWherter’s acceptance of the 2004 Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award and supports nonprofit organizations serving our neighbors in need. Food, shelter, clothing and a wide range of other basic needs are provided as a result of his kindness.
Meet Me Halfway Fund Established 2010 We’ve all heard the admonition to “walk in someone else’s shoes.” Jimmy Wayne, now a successful country singer and songwriter, knows all too well what it’s like to be homeless. So in January 2010, he took that expression to heart, embarking on a 1,700-mile walk, from Nashville to Phoenix, “in the shoes” of homeless youth. He has called his effort “Meet Me Halfway,” the words uttered by the generous souls who adopted Jimmy from the streets when he was 17-years-old. This Herculean effort is part of his overarching goal, for people to know what kids go through on the streets and in foster care programs, and to fund nonprofit programs serving homeless and at-risk youth.
Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Endowment Fund Established 1999
affected by brain disorders (mental illness). NAMI Nashville is dedicated to improving the quality of life for an estimated 30,000 people in the Nashville area with these disorders. NAMI Nashville provides emotional support and education to families, mental health consumers and the public.
Nashville Area Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Endowment Fund Established 2005 In 1948, Miss Lucy Fellis Dye founded the Nashville Area Home Economics Association for women with degrees in home economics. The association grew, and by 1976 they published “The Nashville Cookbook.” The proceeds from the cookbook are used to fund the NAAFCS, formerly the Lucy Fellis Dye Fund. NAAFCS benefits several Tennessee counties by providing money for scholarships, grants, conferences, leadership development, etc.
Nashville Area Chapter of the American Red Cross Designated Fund Established 2001
The Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency was chartered in 1971 to respond to the pressing problems faced by low-income people, while seeking new and effective ways to combat the causes and effects of poverty. Through the years, numerous initiatives have been added, such as Head Start, Nutrition Self-Help, Senior Companionship, and others.
Every day, the Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Although a nongovernmental agency, the Red Cross continually steps in as a part of federal, state and local disaster plans. Among its many contributions to our community are teaching skills like CPR and First Aid, providing vision and hearing screenings, and the vital collection and distribution of blood and blood products.
Miriamme F. Moore Fund to Benefit Compassion International Established 2005
Nashville Area Childhood Immunization Fund Established 1994
Mrs. Eula Moore spent half of her life caring for her only daughter, Miriamme, after she was diagnosed with polio in 1955. Miriamme made a recovery, but the polio paralyzed her from the waist down. Eula worked diligently to ensure her daughter received the best care and education. Miriamme studied at Vanderbilt and went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach foreign language at McGavock High School. In 2005, Miriamme Moore passed away at the age of 63. Eula set up the Fund so that her daughter’s memory and legacy would live on in perpetuity. The Fund benefits Compassion International, an organization benefiting the well-being of children throughout the world, a cause near and dear to Miriamme’s heart.
Nacarato Family Fund to Benefit Families Established 2000 This Fund is intended to permanently endow assistance for families and children in need, such as those who are without food, clothing, medical assistance or shelter. It will also benefit children who have lost their parents.
NAMI Nashville/Eddie Flynn Memorial Endowment Fund Established 1999 One in five families in the United States is
The Nashville Childhood Immunization Fund supports organizations committed to promoting the value of timely childhood immunizations in keeping with the original tenets of the Nashville Immunization Coalition, through which it began.
Nashville Area Habitat for Humanity Established 2004 The Nashville Area Habitat for Humanity was created in 1985 with a mission to provide families in need with the life-changing opportunity of buying a decent, affordable home. The organization created this Endowment Fund as a way to continue its mission to build single family homes in partnership with low-income families.
Nashville CARES Endowment Fund Established 1999 Nashville CARES has been meeting the challenges of AIDS in Middle Tennessee since 1985, educating youth and adults about how to prevent HIV infection, as well as providing services to support the continued independence and self-sufficiency of those infected. CARES services are provided free-of-charge, and this Fund helps ensure that programs will continue to be available to any Middle Tennessean in need, until a cure is found.
Margaret and Victor Nielsen Fund Established 2003 For school-aged children there are few experiences more memorable than summer camp. Margaret and Victor Nielsen hoped that all children could participate in this rite of summer and made a bequest through their Wills to create this Fund that provides underprivileged children with the summer camp experience.
Nonprofit Insurance Fund Established 1995 To nonprofit organizations, the horrors of an emergency such as fire or theft are made all the worse if the work that they do and the people they serve are made to suffer. The Nonprofit Insurance Fund provides interim funding to a nonprofit agency temporarily put out of business by theft or fire. Once the regular insurance policy payment arrives, the beneficiary repays the amount loaned so the Fund is replenished, and money is available for other organizations in crisis.
Not Alone Fund Established 2008 Sometimes the scars of war are visible. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes the war ends on the battlefield, but sometimes it continues even after our military comes home. This Fund was created to help address the emotional and psychological aftermath of war – for the combat warriors and for the people who support them at home and in the field. The Fund will sponsor research, curriculum design and innovative delivery mechanisms to provide aid for those affected, in ways that work best for them. After all these men and women have done for our country, the least we can do is stand beside them as they battle Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other consequences of combat stress.
Oasis Center Endowment Fund Established 1997 Oasis Center is Middle Tennessee’s only community-based organization dedicated to working exclusively with teenagers and their families. Since 1970, Oasis has provided youth with services such as Middle Tennessee’s only emergency shelter, street outreach, educational support, Project Safe Place, individual and family counseling, and opportunities to contribute back to the community through service and leadership development. This Fund helps ensure Oasis Center will remain a place where youth succeed for years to come.
Martha O’Bryan Foundation Endowment Fund Established 1997 For more than a century, the Martha O’Bryan Center has been dedicated to helping individuals and families living in poverty. Today, through child care, youth education, adult basic education, job skills training, an emergency food bank, meals on wheels, and other programs, the Center empowers people to become self-sufficient and independent. C FM T.o r g | 2 3
100 Black Men of Middle Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1997 100 Black Men of Middle Tennessee, established in 1991, charged itself with the mission “to nurture and enhance the growth, development and opportunities for young black males of Middle Tennessee.” The organization is comprised of local business leaders who invest both time and resources in activities that benefit inner-city youth. This Endowment serves to perpetuate the long-term commitment of the organization to the youth of Middle Tennessee by helping fund its annual programs and by making scholarships available.
Operation Warm Homes Designated Fund Established 2005 This Fund benefits 19 community agencies across Tennessee working to provide heating bill assistance to needy and underprivileged people.
OUR KIDS, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 1999 OUR KIDS provides expert medical and psychosocial services for children who may have experienced sexual abuse. Each year, about 1,000 children and their families receive services from the OUR KIDS team, which stands ready 24 hours each day to help children deal with abuse. This Fund helps ensure OUR KIDS is available to give compassionate care whenever concerns about child sexual abuse arise.
Park Center Endowment Fund Established 2004 Park Center serves individuals with mental illness through integrative services that focus on needs, choices and strength. Park Center provides employment training and placement, housing including safe havens, homeless outreach services, case management, co-occurring disorders program, and support services to adults and mentally ill youth transitioning out of foster care. This Endowment Fund provides a permanent source of funding for Park Center’s programs and services.
Partners in Nursing Field-of-Interest Fund Established 2007 The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee works to identify and address unmet needs. Recognizing the nursing shortage in Tennessee, The Foundation, along with The Tennessee Center for Nursing and other statewide partners, applied for and received funding from Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future (PIN). Led by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Northwest Health Foundation, PIN aims to address this crisis by increasing the number of nurse educators, retaining nurses by creating a positive work environment, and giving nursing students more educational opportunities in clinical settings.
Pastoral Counseling Centers Endowment Fund Established 1997 With six centers in Middle Tennessee, since 1985, 24 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
the Pastoral Counseling Centers of Tennessee, Inc. has been providing clinical psychotherapy and counseling for individuals, couples and families; life enrichment education for organizations; training for clergy and pastoral caregivers; and staff consultation, assessment and crisis intervention. The Pastoral Counseling Centers of Tennessee Endowment Fund was created to ensure the growth of the centers and the future care of those with mental health care needs.
Penuel Ridge Contemplative Retreat Center Fund in Memory of Joyce Beisswenger Established 2007 In memory of Joyce Beisswenger, this Fund provides lasting support for the Penuel Ridge Retreat Center in Cheatham County, Tennessee. A contemplative interfaith retreat center, Penuel Ridge was the realization of a dream for Don Beisswenger and his late wife, Joyce. The Center is a place for personal spiritual renewal, nurturing the journey inward to strengthen the journey outward. Homeless men and women are invited monthly for retreat, where healing, hope and wisdom are nurtured through silence, safe space and the beauty of creation, as well as community, contemplation and meaningful work which provides dignity.
Planned Parenthood Endowment Fund Established 1994 Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee proudly provides access to reproductive, sexual and complementary health care services; information in settings that preserve and protect the right to privacy; and educational programs that enhance understanding of human sexuality.
Prevent Blindness Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1995 The mission of Prevent Blindness Tennessee is to keep the SEE in TennesSEE with screenings, eye exams and education. The organization works to prevent blindness and preserve sight through a wide variety of hands-on services to the community including vision screening for both children and adults; free eye exams and free/low-cost glasses for those in need; public and professional education; and information, referral and research.
The Charles Cooper Memorial Endowment Fund for Progress Inc. Established 2003 Progress, Inc. was founded by two families as they sought independent living arrangements for their young adult sons with developmental disabilities. In 1971, as Billy Goodman and Tommy Powelson were reaching adulthood, they expressed their desire to live independently in the community and to have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and reach their goals just like anyone else. The Goodmans and the Powelsons realized these desires couldn’t be accomplished in a state institution, so they bought a house for Billy and Tommy to share, hired support staff and created what ultimately became the largest residential support provider in Middle Tennessee.
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Rape & Sexual Abuse Center (RASAC) Endowment Fund Established 1998 Since 1978, RASAC has been the only agency in Middle Tennessee specializing in the support and treatment of survivors of sexual assault. Annually, the Center provides individual and group counseling to 700 or more adults and children, and prevention education curriculum for 80,000 school students. To support its philosophy of always being there when needed, and never turning anyone away for lack of ability to pay, the Center established this Endowment.
Reed Family Fund for Family Planning Established 2007 Before her death in early 2008, Cecy Reed created this Fund to endow support for nonprofits which provide family planning services. Her concern was with the plight of children borne of unwanted pregnancies. Her goal was to provide birth control options and opportunities for Middle Tennesseans, thereby reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies.
Renewal House Endowment Fund Established 2000 In 1996, Renewal House was founded as a longterm residential program for mothers and children in order to preserve families affected by addiction. On a daily basis, Renewal House provides safe and drug-free housing along with therapeutic services so that mothers can focus on recovery from addiction, while improving their parenting and vocational skills. In 2003, Renewal House opened a licensed Intensive Outpatient Treatment program for chemically dependent women, especially those without insurance. The Renewal House Endowment Fund is a source of hope for women and children until the disease of addiction no longer devastates the Nashville community.
Richmond Designated Fund Established 2007 Using one planned gift to benefit several favorite charities is a dream for many of us. That dream came true for John Richmond when the IRA charitable rollover of 2007 gave him a unique opportunity to establish a Fund at The Community Foundation with a tax-free transfer of funds from an individual retirement account.
W.R. Rochelle Endowment Fund Established 2007 The Rochelle Center serves persons with developmental disabilities and their families, creating opportunities to build new skills, enhance independence and increase acceptance as valued members of our community. Rochelle Center has established this Endowment to continue their work to support personal outcomes for adults with developmental disabilities.
Room in the Inn/Campus for Human Development Endowment Fund Established 1998 Through the power of spirituality and the practice of love, the Campus for Human
Development provides hospitality, with a respect that offers hope in a community of non-violence. Their mission is to provide programs that emphasize human development and recovery for those who call the streets of Nashville home.
were a godsend to Michael and his family, and they want to do what they can to ensure others confronting ill health receive similar help.
Saint Joseph Worker Foundation, Inc. for Children and Families of Haiti Agency Endowment Fund Established 2008
This Fund was established to support substance abuse treatment and prevention, violence prevention and intervention services for Middle Tennessee students.
In a country where extreme poverty and chaotic government have become a way of life, the St. Joseph Worker Foundation was established to benefit the people of Haiti by providing for the education, health and welfare needs of children and families. Jane and Dick Wildeman, who established this Fund, have seen the good work being done and have made a dear friend in Fr. Tijwa, who Jane affectionately calls “Haiti’s goodwill ambassador.” It is Fr. Tijwa’s parish work that makes the Haiti Student Sponsor Program (an initiative of the St. Joseph Worker Foundation, Inc. for Children and Families of Haiti Agency Endowment Fund) possible.
The Shepherd’s Center Fund for Senior Adults Established 2000 As a nonprofit interfaith organization run by senior adults for senior adults, The Shepherd’s Center worked for 10 years to improve the quality of life of those ages 55 and over in the West End area of Nashville. When it closed in 1999, its absence left a void for many senior adults. With limited funds remaining, the leadership opted to create The Shepherd’s Center Field-of-Interest Fund, which gives grants to nonprofits serving senior adults in Middle Tennessee. As a result, the mission of The Shepherd’s Center and its proud history will continue in perpetuity.
Special Olympics Tennessee Endowment Fund Established 1992 Special Olympics Tennessee provides year-round sports training and competition activities for children and adults with mental disabilities. Programs are community-based, serving more than 12,000 athletes statewide and involving 9,000 volunteers. Special Olympics’ goal is to develop individual skills, physical fitness, selfesteem, and positive attitudes toward teamwork and sportsmanship. The Fund was established to ensure the organization can meet the needs and desires of an evergrowing and expanding program.
The Michael Stanley Fund for Children’s Hospital Established 2010 In April of 2005, Cindy and Tony Stanley were devastated by the news that their son, Michael, had cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and over 100 days in the hospital, Michael was officially in remission. The Stanley family partnered with The Community Foundation to help ensure there are always funds to support the Child Life Services at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. These services
STARS Student Fund Established 1997
Elise Steiner Fund to benefit the Nashville Area Chapter of the American Red Cross and FiftyForward Established 2012 Although this Fund was officially established in 2012, it really dates back to 1994 when Elise Steiner established a Donor-Advised Fund with The Community Foundation and asked that we use what remained in the Fund after her death to endow her support of two of her favorite organizations, Red Cross and Senior Citizens (since renamed, FiftyForward). Elise passed away after a long illness and, thereafter, we fulfilled her wishes and honored her intentions by moving the balance in her Fund to this new endowment. Each year Elise’s favorite charities will receive a contribution in her name, and her legacy of caring will live on in perpetuity.
Stewart Family Fund Established 2000 The Stewart family was composed of four unique individuals who shared only a few years together as a nuclear family. Despite the 13-year age difference between the two sons and Loura and William Stewart’s divorce after 28 years of marriage, Phillip and Billy were raised with a strong sense of family roots and an interest in family history. To celebrate the importance of family ties, Phillip Stewart created this Fund to honor the memory of his mother, father and brother. The Fund will permanently endow support for non-traditional families, including grandparents who raise grandchildren, children facing the divorce of their parents, single parents, and families who do not fit traditional stereotypes.
Jean G. Stumpf Fund for the Aging Established 1999 More and more of the citizens of Middle Tennessee are living longer and consequently require more services. The Jean G. Stumpf Fund for the Aging has been created to help with the unique needs of this segment of our society. The Fund provides a charitable vehicle to enhance the lifestyles of active seniors and to support those for whom remaining independent and in good health is a challenge.
Preston Taylor Boys & Girls Clubs/YMCA Center Permanent Endowment Fund Established 2002 Rather than build and operate separate facilities, Boys & Girls Clubs, the YMCA, MDHA and Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools created a national model of true partnership and located the Preston Taylor Boys & Girls Clubs/YMCA
in the remodeled McKissack Middle School. The Center serves the Preston Taylor Homes area with programs for youth in grades 1-12. Programming includes education, sports, fine arts, leadership development and wellness.
Tennessee Association of Sales Professionals Fund Benefiting the Girl Scouts Established 1997 The decision of the Tennessee Association of Sales Professionals (TASP) to grace the Girl Scouts with a Fund for its benefit is quite fitting. Not only are the members of the TASP all women who believe in service and responsibility, but there is no paragon of virtue in the annals of salesmanship that can equal the Girl Scout with her box of cookies. As the Girl Scouts continue to make a positive difference in the lives and futures of numerous young women, this Fund will endow the future of the organization it is designated to support.
Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition Endowment Fund Established 2000 Rare is the family left unaffected by breast cancer. As long as it continues to endanger our friends and family, the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition (TBCC) will be there actively supporting community efforts to provide education, research and outreach. This Fund allows TBCC to continue serving Tennesseans living with breast cancer until this disease is eradicated.
Tennessee Breast Cancer Fund Established 2000 The Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition actively supports community efforts for breast cancer education, research and outreach. The Tennessee Breast Cancer Fund was established to provide funding to organizations supporting individuals and families living with breast cancer, to keep research and advocacy in the eyes and ears of those who can implement change, and to assist grassroots organizations in efforts to educate us all.
Tennessee Children’s Home Fund Established 2000 Happy Hills Youth Ranch was founded in 1970 to provide homes for neglected, dependent and abused school-aged children. Happy Hills offers educational opportunities, a family centered approach to personal and group counseling, recreation, and spiritual training. A team approach for each child specifies ways that staff, parents or guardians, and the child can work together toward the common goals of reuniting the family and preparing the child for adulthood. In 2000, Happy Hills merged with Tennessee Children’s Home, strengthening its work to serve children. This Fund will produce revenue to support important services to disadvantaged youth.
Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare Endowment Fund Established 1999 Since its founding in 1913, the Tennessee C FM T.o r g | 2 5
Conference on Social Welfare (TCSW) has provided advocacy and service to thousands of Tennesseans, especially low income and vulnerable citizens. TCSW acts on behalf of 160 nonprofit agencies and 1,500 individual citizens to ensure the availability, coordination, quality, and effectiveness in human services, from adoption to aging.
Tennessee Lions Charities, Inc. Endowment Established 2010 Tennessee Lions Charities, Inc., is committed to enhancing the vision of young children and, in turn, their lives. This Endowment was created to ensure Tennessee Lions Charities’ ability to continue humanitarian projects and its work to improve quality of life for children throughout Tennessee.
Tennessee Walking Horse Foundation Endowment Fund Established 2002 The Tennessee Walking Horse Foundation encourages support of charitable, scientific and educational projects for the welfare of the Tennessee Walking Horse. This Fund will assist in the support of such programs as Second Careers Adopt-a-Horse and Youth and Therapeutic Riding and Driving.
TKALS – Tennessee NARAL Fund for Women’s Reproductive Freedom Established 1998 To its founders, the key word in the name of this Fund is “freedom” — the freedom of a woman to choose to have a child, the freedom of a woman to remain childless. This Fund will be used to benefit a wide range of causes surrounding the issue of reproductive freedom.
United Neighborhood Health Services, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2007 Dedicated to building a community guaranteeing that everyone, regardless of income or insurance, has quality health care that meets their needs, United Neighborhood Health Services serves anyone with TennCare, Medicare or other health insurance. It offers patients without insurance the opportunity to apply for reduced costs of visits, labs and medications. This Fund helps ensure United Neighborhood’s ability to provide vital services to improve the health of underprivileged, vulnerable and minority infants, children, teens, adults and seniors in our community.
United Way of Metropolitan Nashville Endowment Fund Established 2001 United Way of Metropolitan Nashville invests in proven agency programs that show measurable and lasting results. The organization develops strategies to tackle the problems, investing dollars in programs to create a community where individuals, families and neighborhoods thrive. Donor gifts improve lives and also impact the 26 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
community long-term by creating happy, healthy, informed people.
United Way of Rutherford County Endowment Fund Established 1999 The United Way of Rutherford County Endowment Fund offers venture grants to nonprofits and one-time grants for human and health care agencies in Rutherford and Cannon counties. The Fund is intended to cover administrative costs of the United Way, so that all money given by donors will go to help those in need.
United Way of Williamson County Endowment Fund Established 1998 An autonomous, nonprofit organization, United Way of Williamson County touches the senior citizen living alone, the single mother struggling to make ends meet, or the child with disabilities whose parents need a helping hand. It helps the helpers who are there to offer that “hand up,” ensuring that our communities remain safe and healthy. This endowment is critical to the organization’s ability to continue to serve in the future.
The Warriors’ Legacy Fund Established 2008 The Warriors’ Legacy Fund will support organizations helping service men and women.
Bill Weaver Designated Fund to Benefit Time to Rise Established 2002 Founded in 1992, Time to Rise gives at-risk students the chance to discover their potential and excel during structured summer and year-round academic programs. The program targets fifth and sixth grade boys and girls attending Metro Nashville Public Schools, living in impoverished conditions and demonstrating academic potential. These are students who could conceivably fall through the cracks without intervention.
Carolyn Smith Wendrich Fund for Victims Established 1996 Before her death, Carolyn Wendrich established a Fund at The Community Foundation to benefit programs serving victims of crime. She worried over stories about neighbors — whom she likened to playful, trusting otters — as she watched them make themselves vulnerable and saw them get preyed upon all too often. It was her hope that over time, this Fund would grow both in size and in its ability to show victimized members of our community that we care.
The Joni Werthan Fund to Erase the Stigma of Suicide Established 2004 Joni Werthan knows the trauma that suicide of a loved one brings. She has survived the shock and the pain, the guilt and the “what ifs.” She has also come to understand firsthand the enormous
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stigma such a loss leaves in its wake. This Fund will benefit the organizations that help people contemplating suicide and the survivors of loved ones who chose this path.
Lorene White Organ Transplantation Fund Established 1997 Lorene Sharp White passed away in 1983 after years of ill health because a suitable organ donor could not be found in time. During the course of Lorene’s illness, her family met others in need of life-saving organ transplants, and they saw firsthand the financial and emotional challenges that accompanied such illnesses. Lorene’s husband, Raymond, established Transplants, Inc., following her death to provide nonprofit financial assistance for medical costs to those in need of organ transplants. In 1997, the Board of Transplants, Inc., decided to assure the continuity of its work by establishing this Fund through which the message and encouragement of organ donation and transplantation could spread.
Workforce Readiness Fund Established 2008 As it concluded the provision of direct service to our community, the Dress for Success Nashville Board of Directors used the nonprofit’s remaining assets to create the Workforce Readiness Fund. This Fund will continue Dress For Success’ tradition of helping people prepare for economic self-sufficiency as they join or rejoin the workforce.
Mildred B. Zindler Fund for Children Established 1994 Mildred Zindler, a Winchester native, was a woman who simply wanted to give something back. To ensure that her spirit of charitable concern would continue after her passing, Mildred and her advisors turned to The Community Foundation to endow her generosity through this Fund. A bequest in her Will asks that the proceeds from this Fund be directed toward the care, shelter, education, and maintenance in health of needy children, guaranteeing that Mildred Zindler’s legacy of kindness would continue long after her death in 1994.
H i s t o r i c & C u lt u r a l P r e s e r vat i o n | E n v i r o n m e n t F u n d s National Museum of African American Music Endowment Fund Established 2007 Recognizing the need for long-term financial sustainability, the National Museum of African American Music Endowment Fund will secure future acquisitions, collection care, temporary exhibitions, educational programs and general operations. The endowment will allow the Museum to maintain the relevance and strength of collections, offering of exhibitions and educational platforms for the preservation of one of the America’s most cherished pastimes-music!
Archival Permanent Endowment Fund Established 2010 The past informs the future, and this Fund will assist The Country Music Hall of Fame in protecting the treasures of its growing collection. Grant distributions from the Fund will support efforts to perpetuate and grow the Hall of Fame’s ability to preserve the history of Music City and Country Music’s legends, now and as technological innovations evolve over time.
Betty Brown Fund to benefit the Nashville Tree Foundation Established 2012 Betty Brown never thought that a communal need or opportunity was someone else’s responsibility. She was one of those invaluable people that wanted to help when she saw a need. Since her move here from Kentucky decades ago, she advocated for protecting the environment and its green spaces, long before that was a popular cause. Having seen the good done by the community foundation in Louisville, she helped found our Community Foundation to serve Middle Tennessee. But she will be forever associated with The Nashville Tree Foundation which she created in the 1980s and which rose to prominence in the wake of Nashville’s 1998 tornadoes by creating a program called “Releaf Nashville” to replace the 20,000 trees lost in the storms. To ensure the sanctity of the gifts given to restore our trees, she turned to The Community Foundation to collect and protect the contributions made to this effort. She knew replanting would span years and she wanted to ensure the funds would too. This Fund will carry on Betty’s work, forever. Nashville will remain better off because she cared.
Lucius Burch Jr. Wildlife Habitat Fund Established 1996 Lucius Burch Jr. helped improve the quality of life in this state for all its citizens. At Burch, Porter and Johnson law firm in Memphis, he argued landmark cases, defending Martin Luther King Jr. among others. In addition to his love for the law, Lucius was “mindful of the generations that follow us and their just claim upon this good earth that is our heritage,” as he put it. This Fund was established in his memory by Shirley Caldwell-Patterson to
ensure that his lifelong commitment to the earth became a portion of his legacy.
Lucille Courtney Memorial Fund for St. John’s Church and Cemetery Established 1995 Alyne Massey and Elizabeth Queener established this Fund to ensure the ongoing architectural and historic integrity of St. John’s Church and Cemetery and to commemorate the life of their sister, Lucille Courtney. The cemetery, known as The Bishop’s Graveyard, is the final resting place of many noted Episcopal bishops. Founded in the 1840s by the family of Leonidas Polk, the Bishop of Louisiana, the church is remarkable for its Gothic structure. Following the Battle of Franklin, five Confederate Generals were buried there.
The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Endowment Fund for the benefit of Land Trust for Tennessee Established 2013 Fort Campbell Historical Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund Established 2007 Drawing on the legendary heritage of the 101st Airborne, Special Operations soldiers, and Fort Campbell, The Fort Campbell Historical Foundation supports the “Wings of Liberty” Museum in Clarksville. The museum is a tribute to the traditions of soldier patriots, preserving their history and reminding each visitor that these heroes are not just soldiers, they are sons, daughters, husbands, and wives who have served to protect Americans’ freedom. The Foundation seeks to educate young and old, inspire patriotism, and build a bridge between the military and civilian communities. This Fund exists to ensure that it always can.
Friends of Warner Parks Endowment Fund Established 1994 The Friends of Warner Parks was organized to preserve, protect and exercise stewardship over Percy and Edwin Warner Parks. It advocates protection of the natural integrity of the Parks; promotes educational programs; provides a wide range of recreational programs consistent with the Parks’ natural and historical integrity; and maintains and enhances the beauty of the Parks and their historic structures.
The GAIA Community Fund Established 1992 The GAIA Fund is a Field-of-Interest Fund established by Shirley Caldwell-Patterson, the LifeWorks Foundation and Elizabeth Queener to endow environmental enrichment of the Middle Tennessee area. Named for Mother Earth, this Fund has initiated several seminars and educational fora.
Historic Mansker’s Station Endowment Fund Established 2000 Mansker’s Station Historic Site is a staffed, living-history locale maintained by the City of Goodlettsville. The site is a reproduction, built at one-third scale, of the station developed by Kasper Mansker in the late 18th Century as a respite for weary pioneers traveling west. To make sure this educational site is maintained for all time, the Historic Mansker’s Station Endowment Fund was established.
Historic Nashville City Cemetery Endowment Fund Established 2007 This is a Fund established to preserve the past for the future. Opened in 1822, the City Cemetery is the oldest continuously operated public cemetery in Nashville. The stories of 20,000 individuals and families from the 1820s to the present day, including city mayors and some of Nashville’s founders, are told through the gravestones – both simple and ornate. The City Cemetery is listed in the National Register of Historic Places for its historical and architectural significance, and this Fund will help maintain its grandeur for future generations.
Historic Zion Cemetery and Church Preservation Fund of Maury County Established 1994 Alyne Massey established this Fund to ensure the ongoing architectural and historic integrity of Zion Presbyterian Church. The property, established in 1802 by rice and indigo planters from South Carolina, includes the church, the cemetery, an outbuilding used originally as a school, and a slave cemetery. Among the boxwoods are the remains of 11 Revolutionary War veterans, 11 from the War of 1812, and 107 from the War Between the States. In addition, a monument marks the grave of Ben, an African Prince and colonial slave who, although he was hanged three times by the British, lived to be almost 100 years old. For his loyalty in not betraying the Colonials, he was awarded a gold doubloon by the British and is included in the Maury County Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers.
Robert M. Jones Designated Fund Established 2000 Robert Jones was born and reared in Fentress County, but like several of his brothers, he ended up in Toledo, Ohio, where he was a successful carpenter and builder. When Robert died in 1998, as he wished, he was laid to rest in the beautiful countryside near Jamestown in the Range Cemetery, along with many of his ancestors and a host of Fentress Countians. Prior to his death, Robert provided in his Will for the establishment of this Fund, which finances the upkeep of the C FM T.o r g | 2 7
Range Cemetery, so it will always be a beautiful place and a testament to rich tradition.
restrictions on future development, and obtain certain tax advantages.
Make Your Community Flower Fund Established 2001
planetFISH Ocean Fund Established 2010
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of The Community Foundation, and to give back to the generous people of Middle Tennessee, the Make Your Community Flower Fund was established in 2001. This Fund truly makes Middle Tennessee flourish by providing the means to plant flowers and to beautify the place we all call home. Gifts of any size are welcome.
For the Franck family, a love of fishing has led to an even deeper love of the waterways – be it ocean, lake or stream – that support so many kinds of life and allow us all to enjoy the great outdoors. It was this love that led to the publication of “Fish – A Fishing Journal for the Waters We Love,” proceeds of which will be used in part to support this Fund. The Fund primarily supports marine awareness programs and efforts to preserve healthy coastal, ocean and related habitats.
Nashville Music Garden Fund Established 2009 The Nashville Music Garden, located in the Walk of Fame Park in downtown Nashville, is a 2,700 square foot, one-of-a-kind, public flower garden. The idea for this garden evolved when country music legend Barbara Mandrell gave her namesake rose to her friend, Pat Bullard, who recognized it as a way to acknowledge the music and artists synonymous with Nashville and also to beautify Music City. This Fund was created to endow the future care and support of the garden.
Oral History Fund Established 1995 This Fund was established by the board of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to collaborate with agencies and individuals in Nashville and Middle Tennessee to preserve the past and present for the future. One critical aspect of life here is our rich historical tradition and the tapestry of personal contributions that have given it strength, complexity and meaning. Copies of the individual oral histories are shared with the public through the Nashville Room at the Public Library and the Tennessee State Archives.
The Conservancy for the Parthenon and Centennial Park Endowment Fund Established 2009 Begun as the Athena Fund in 1985, when nickels and dimes were collected by schoolchildren and adult visitors to pay for the creation of the statue Athena, The Conservancy for the Parthenon and Centennial Park today is a moving community force in Nashville’s premier urban park. The scope of the organization now includes stewardship of the Parthenon, its programs, and the park surrounding it. In conjunction with Metro Parks and Recreation, The Conservancy seeks to strengthen, enhance, restore and preserve these outstanding Nashville landmarks.
Pitcher Spring Fund to Benefit the Land Trust for Tennessee Established 2002 The very reason many people live in Tennessee — its rich history, green rolling hills, scenic landscapes, open farmland, and rural back roads — must now actively be preserved or these precious characteristics will be lost. The Land Trust works with willing landowners to find ways to preserve the scenic and natural value of their land. The Land Trust allows a landowner to achieve three important goals: retain ownership of the land, preserve the important assets of the land through customized 28 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
The Shofner Lutheran Chapel Fund Established 2010 In 1808, Martin Shofner migrated with his family from the state of North Carolina to settle a tract of land, given to him for services rendered in the American Revolutionary War. Being a devout German Lutheran, Martin dedicated an acre of this land for a church constructed of logs, with a cemetery beside it. It became the first Lutheran church in Tennessee and the “Mother Church” of the denomination in the area west of the Great Smokey Mountains. This Fund was established to ensure it will be around to serve successive generations of the Shofner family, by endowing annual support for the maintenance of the historic building and grounds.
The Elias Skovron Fund Designated to Benefit The Cordell Hull Museum and The Friends of Cordell Hull Established 2004 Through the intervention of Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Elias Skovron was one of 250 people from Poland to enter the United States in 1938. Hull, at the request of his personal friend Judge John Gore, wrote to the American Ambassador in Poland asking that Skovron receive a visa, which was granted immediately. This Fund is a lasting tribute to the intercession of Cordell Hull and benefits the people of Pickett County, Tennessee.
The Elias Skovron Fund Designated to Benefit Jackson County Historical Society and the Memory of Judge John Gore Established 2004 As a personal friend of Lillian Glean Bogatzky, the donor’s aunt, Judge John Gore played an integral role in the immigration of Elias Skovron from Poland to the United States on the brink of World War II. This Fund was established to honor Judge Gore as one of the benefactors who helped this man escape the realities of wartime Poland and enjoy a very long and happy life in Nashville, Tennessee.
Tennessee Beautification Fund Established 1999 We Tennesseans spend a lot of time extolling the virtues of our state and the quality of life we enjoy here, and former Governor Don and Martha Sundquist wanted to help ensure that we always have those same bragging rights. The goal of the Tennessee Beautification Fund, which they established, is to create a mechanism to encourage and enhance protection of our
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environment. Projects may include the planting of wildflowers, the collection of litter, the beautification of town squares, the involvement of civic clubs and school children, and the planting of trees to shade future generations.
Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation Endowment Fund Established 1999 The Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Tennessee’s natural treasures. The Foundation believes the identification, preservation, and protection of the most ecologically rich, historically significant, and incredibly beautiful places in Tennessee are vital to protecting wildlife; improving water and air quality; providing closeto-home recreation opportunities; and creating sustainable communities and regions.
Tennessee Fund for Sustainability Established 2006 As Middle Tennessee expands and Nashville increasingly earns recognition as one of the most desirable places to live, no one questions that the region is well positioned for continued prosperity. This Fund was established by a group of people who believe that sustainable design principles will help this region continue to thrive. The Tennessee Fund for Sustainability promotes the advancement of sustainable design principles and technologies that deliver greener built environments, more effective manufacturing processes, and more equitable community development initiatives.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation Endowment Established 2013 Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s mission is to lead the conservation, sound management and wise use of Tennessee’s wildlife and great outdoors. This Endowment Fund will provide resources for them to do so for generations to come.
The Watkins Family Cemetery Designated Fund Established 2010 In an effort to preserve and perpetuate the Watkins Family Cemetery in Loudon, Tennessee, William Watkins established this Fund to serve as a permanent endowment. By working to ensure the cemetery is available for generations to come, William also hopes to teach the younger Watkins generation the importance of preserving the rich family heritage.
Ellen Stokes More Wemyss Fund Established 2001 During her very long and happy life, Ellen Wemyss (1895-2000), beloved Nashville native and Sumner County resident, rallied forces to preserve many irreplaceable architectural treasures. These included President Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage, Gen. James Winchester’s Cragfont in Sumner County, and the preservation of properties in rural historic Smith and Trousdale counties. The loving care she and her husband, Will Wemyss, gave their home, Fairvue, resulted in its National Landmark recognition. Established in fond memory of a remarkable and inspiring woman, this Fund provides promotion and continuation of historic preservation.
S c hol arsh ip Funds Lt. Holly Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 2006
Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Established 2004
The Lt. Holly Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund is intended to endow permanently one or more scholarships benefiting students from the Page High School area in Williamson County who not only achieve, but also possess the integrity, courage and caring spirit to help others achieve, as Holly did. Scholarships in her memory have been awarded annually since 2002. Holly graduated from the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and was the first female class president in the history of the Air Force Academy. One of four sisters, Holly was killed in a car accident in 2002 on her way to celebrate Christmas with loved ones. The Air Force’s Commendation Medal was awarded posthumously. The ideal recipient of this award should be the student who, like Holly, best exemplifies a combination of integrity, courage and selflessness and is academically qualified for college but needs financial assistance in taking that step.
Cynthia and Alan Baran have a great passion for the arts. After 25 years in the corporate world, Cynthia followed her passion for the arts and enrolled in Fine Art classes at two local universities. Alan’s interest in music, specifically the mandolin and guitar, has provided him with a creative outlet from his work in the nonprofit sector. This scholarship was established to help provide an opportunity for young people to pursue their passion early in life in the areas of visual arts and music.
Kathy D. and Stephen J. Anderson Scholarship Fund Established 2005 Kathy D. and Stephen J. Anderson have a strong belief in the value of a college/university education. They believe there are high school graduates who, without financial assistance, would have significant difficulty obtaining a college/university degree. The Andersons established this scholarship for students graduating from or having graduated from Williamson County public high schools.
Ayers Foundation Scholarship Fund Established 1999 Entrepreneur Jim Ayers is now in the business of making dreams come true. Jim gives credit for his personal success to the early expectation that by furthering his education, he would create more opportunities for himself. Now through The Ayers Foundation Scholars Program, he provides both encouragement and resources for students from Decatur and Henderson counties by providing college counselors and renewable last-dollar scholarships.
B’nai B’rith Maimonides Lodge #46 Scholarship Established 2011 As the oldest Jewish service organization in Nashville, B’nai B’rith Maimonides Lodge #46 has a long tradition of community service. This includes 38 years of hosting an annual summer camp for visually impaired children of Middle Tennessee. In commemoration of the camp, B’nai B’rith Maimonides Lodge has established this scholarship to provide assistance to students who are legally blind and plan to attend a postsecondary educational program.
Belmont University Commercial Music Scholarship Fund Established 1998 The Commercial Music Department of the School of Music at Belmont University educates and trains people who work to perform, compose and arrange, produce and sell Nashville’s signature product. This Fund was established by the LifeWorks Foundation to endow scholarships for Belmont University students working toward commercial music degrees.
George Oliver Benton Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 2001 George Oliver Benton, who died in 2001 at age 86, led a rich and varied life, often spent in service to the community. An attorney from Jackson, George was elected Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee on his first day in the Senate and served for two years. He then began a career as a lobbyist, which lasted until the year before his death. Known as the dean of the state’s lobbyist corps, colleagues sought him out for his wisdom and experience. This Scholarship Fund is designed to benefit Tennessee’s legislative interns.
The William and Clara Bryan Scholarship Fund Established 1994 William and Clara Bryan were natives of Giles County who believed in the power of education. Their son, Bill Bryan, established this scholarship in their memory to assist Giles County students in realizing their dreams of attending four-year colleges and universities. The Bryan Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors and/or college underclassmen demonstrating academic merit and financial need.
Dody Boyd Scholarship Fund Established 2006 Dody Boyd was a Cheatham County Central High School graduate and remained dedicated to her alma mater throughout her life. Ms. Dody drove Bus #13 for Cheatham County, but her influence
went far beyond her driving. She impressed everyone with whom she came in contact. Young people knew if they ever needed anything, they could come to her and, if at all possible, Dody would make it happen. Instilling an appreciation of the importance of good grades and successful graduation was just part of the encouragement. This scholarship benefits graduating seniors from Cheatham County Central High School wishing to attend a two-year community college/technical school or four-year university.
Ann Buchanan Scholarship Fund Established 2012 The Patricia Hart Society, the Women’s Initiative of United Way of Williamson County, chose to establish the Ann Buchanan Scholarship Fund because of her history in Williamson County and the community-at-large. Ann has been instrumental in addressing problems and solutions that improve the lives of Williamson Countians. Under her leadership at United Way, health and human services were made available in rural parts of the county, pre-K classrooms were expanded throughout the state and initiatives were put into place to more adequately address the needs of the working poor.
The Brad Butkiewicz Memorial Scholarship Established 2012 Brad Butkiewicz was a young man who loved football and H.O.S.A. (Health Occupation Students of America). Tragically, Brad lost his life in June 2004 on his way home from an early morning football workout program. According to his father, Jim, “He was a simple kid that listened to Mom and Dad always tried to do the right thing.” Thanks to Brad’s family, friends and community, they established this Fund in honor of Brad to help young people coming up who have a need. Scholarships are awarded annually to graduating students of the Stewart County (Tennessee) High School. Consistent with Brad’s legacy, the Donor’s preference is that recipients be involved in football or in the H.O.S.A. program.
Cadiz Rotary Club Risë Carol Thompson Memorial Scholarship Established 2009 The Risë Carol Thompson Memorial Scholarship was established originally through the Rotary Club of Cadiz, Ky., by Brent and Dot Thompson in memory of their daughter, Risë Carol, a student at Vanderbilt University at the time she was killed in an automobile accident. At the time of her death in 1977, her father, Brent Thompson, was president of a local bank and a Rotarian, so the Club established this scholarship. Brent and Dot Thompson have continued to make contributions and have worked with the Cadiz Rotary Club to create this scholarship at The Community Foundation of C FM T.o r g | 2 9
Middle Tennessee to assure the scholarship in their daughter’s name will exist in perpetuity.
Leigh Carter Scholarship Fund Established 2001 This memorial scholarship, established by the Tennessee Chiropractic Association, honors Leigh Carter and her passion for learning. The Leigh Carter Scholarship provides financial support to students who wish to attend chiropractic college upon completion of their undergraduate degree programs.
Rachel Allison Cate Scholarship Fund Established 2008 Rachel Cate knew she wanted to teach from the time she was a little girl. Talkative, lively, and usually in charge, she was active in drama, student government, and church youth group. She worked with children in numerous settings and “mothered” everyone she loved, including her brothers, cousins and friends. Known for her welcoming spirit and love of people, Rachel never met a stranger and touched the lives of countless individuals in her 18 years on earth. A graduate of Overton High School, Rachel was studying elementary/special education at Western Kentucky University when she was tragically killed in an automobile accident. This Scholarship was established by her family to aid those pursuing a career in education. Their wish: for Rachel’s passion and genuine love for children to be carried on.
Cheatham County Community Foundation Scholarship Fund Established 1998 A group of concerned Cheatham County citizens was looking for a way to serve current and future generations, and based upon their sense of county priorities, they opted to create a scholarship which supports not only the “A” student, but also the “B” and “C” average students.
Choose Your Future Scholarship Fund Established 2007 This anonymous donor believes passionately in the value of education for a life of choice and opportunity. She also believes no one should be denied the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential due to financial constraints. A native Nashvillian, the donor has established this mechanism for helping the students of Davidson County achieve their educational goals.
The Robert Churchwell, Sr. Scholarship Fund Established 2010 Hired by The Nashville Banner in 1950, Robert Churchwell became one of the first black full-time reporters at a prominent daily Southern newspaper. Although he didn’t initially receive a desk in the newsroom, writing stories from his dining room, Mr. Churchwell excelled in the field of journalism and garnered the respect of his colleagues. Retiring after 31 years at The Banner, as one of the most revered “alumni” of that institution, he went on to work as an editorial writer at the R.H. Boyd Publishing House for 25 years. This 30 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Scholarship, created in his memory, underscores Mr. Churchwell’s belief in the importance of people of all races, genders and generations participating in the journalism profession.
Howard A. Clark Horticulture Scholarship Established 2008 The Howard A. Clark Horticulture Scholarship was created by Howard’s family as a testament to a man who spent almost five decades cultivating the earth, learning the lay of it, and growing shrubs and trees of remarkable quality. Howard Clark loved nature and loved the land. In return, the land provided his livelihood for over 40 years. Working from the age of 12, Howard taught himself everything he needed to succeed in the nursery business in Avery County, North Carolina. He often said, however, that he would have jumped at the chance for an education to help him along his path to success. The Howard A. Clark Horticulture Scholarship was created to give someone else the educational opportunity he never received.
Community Bank and Trust Scholarship Fund Established 2009 A passion for education has been a hallmark of Community Bank and Trust of Cheatham County since its creation. This commitment has been demonstrated by providing scholarships to deserving students in Cheatham County who desire to pursue their educational goals. In order to perpetuate this ten year tradition of giving back, Community Bank and Trust established the Community Bank and Trust Scholarship Fund which will help ensure that these investments in post-secondary educational opportunities continue.
Davidson County Democratic Women/ Shannon Wood Scholarship Fund Established 2008 Shannon Wood helped start The Davidson County Democratic Women’s Scholarship in 2001 with a dual intention: to help defray the cost of college tuition and to encourage young women to be politically active. Shannon has run for office, campaigned for others, and participated in grassroots efforts to achieve peace, universal health care, and fair elections. Shannon would not have been able to attend Antioch College without financial assistance and, in turn, she is committed to repaying the kindness that was shown her. Shannon and her husband, Peter Kurland, turned to The Community Foundation to ensure the DCDW Scholarship will continue in perpetuity. Scholarship winners will be recognized at the annual DCDW picnic and their essays may be published by the Davidson County Democratic Women. In addition to receiving the scholarship, winners will have the opportunity to work as an intern for a week during the summer at the Tennessee Democratic Party Headquarters in Nashville.
Colonel Richard M. Dawson Scholarship Fund Established 2004 Colonel Richard Dawson was to many a leader, a mentor and a significant asset to the Tennessee
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Highway Patrol. He had the unique ability to listen and form an opinion based on merit and facts. The Richard M. Dawson Scholarship was established by friends and co-workers to honor his dedication to family, friends and the Tennessee Highway Patrol. It benefits students who are pursuing an education for a career in criminal justice.
DBI Scholarship Fund Established 2003 David Ingram established this scholarship to benefit children of the employees of Ingram Entertainment, Inc., and DBI Beverage, Inc.
The B.J. Runnels Dean Scholarship Fund Established 1995 B.J. Runnels Dean touched thousands of lives through her service to churches and Baptist state conventions throughout the United States as a consultant, teacher, writer, chorister, and minister. B.J. was keenly interested in advancing the cause of women in ministry, and the intention of this Scholarship Fund, established by Myrte Veach and the many friends of B.J. Dean, is to endow one or more interdenominational scholarships for women entering the ministry.
Dickson County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship Fund Established 2004 This Fund is intended to permanently endow scholarships benefiting graduating seniors and/or adults in Dickson County. The scholarships will be awarded to students attending an accredited college or university who are pursuing or furthering studies in the field of education.
Early Childhood Education Scholarship Fund Established 2007 “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” -Frederick Douglass The goal of this initiative is to transform the lives of children who risk entering the public school system with an avoidable early learning deficit that will forever hamper their ability to learn and to succeed in school and in life. This scholarship benefits the working poor, who often face the difficult choice of quitting school or leaving a job to care for a child due to the rising cost of day care, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Recipients are selected from applications submitted jointly by the parents and one of the many accredited Three-Star rated nonprofit centers offering early childhood education of the highest caliber.
Jimmy Edwards Scholarship Fund Established 2001 Former Donelson High School principal Jimmy Edwards earned the respect of the students, faculty, parents, and the community by being open and having a good rapport with students. Out of that same respect, and the love he inspired, former students set up the Jimmy Edwards Scholarship Fund within The Community Foundation to help fund college educations for descendants of those who attended the original Donelson High.
Albert E. Folsom, Elizabeth Givens Folsom, Claude Preston Givens and Lena Brashear Givens Scholarship Fund Established 2005 Elizabeth Givens Folsom established this Scholarship Fund to honor her husband, Albert, and her parents’ passion for Vanderbilt University and commitment to the religious leadership of the Methodist Church. The Fund will permanently endow one or more scholarships benefiting a Methodist student attending Vanderbilt Divinity School. Elizabeth’s father, Claude, was a revered and respected Methodist Minister, and his wife, Lena, was a vital part of his ministry.
The Genesco Scholarship Fund Established 1999 In honor of its 75th anniversary, Genesco established a Scholarship Fund within The Community Foundation to provide employees with a token of the company’s appreciation. Since its creation, Genesco has contributed to the scholarship’s growth and enhanced its capacity to benefit deserving students. This Fund is designed to assist children of Genesco employees, both full- and part-time, in realizing their dreams of attending post-secondary educational institutions.
Pauline LaFon Gore Scholarship Fund Established 1998 As a woman who worked her way through school, Pauline Gore was always interested in easing the way for others with the desire to learn but with financial constraints. Her selection as the 1998 recipient of the Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award gave her the opportunity to address that concern by putting in place a Scholarship Fund for residents of her native Smith County. Her hope was to grow the Fund through additional gifts so that generations of students will be offered a helping hand.
The Linda P. Hare Scholarship Fund Established 2011 This Fund was established in memory of Dr. Linda P. Hare, who contributed significantly to efforts to increase the diversity and support of underrepresented students at both the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Meharry Medical College. This scholarship benefits underrepresented medical, dental, graduate or nursing students from Meharry Medical College or Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Frank and Charlene Harris Scholarship Fund Established 2005 A teacher for more than 40 years, Charlene Harris’ primary focus was educating students of all ages. She and her husband, Frank, both life-long residents of Claiborne County and alumni of Cumberland Gap High School, were advocates of education. This scholarship was established by Beth and Greg Cashion, in their loving memory, to benefit a graduating senior of Cumberland Gap High School.
A.D. and Peggy Hewlett and Colonel David R. Inman Scholarship Fund Established 2007 To create a legacy for their parents and Col. David R. Inman, Steve Hewlett, Pam Inman and Faye Houston established this scholarship to honor their caring and compassionate concern for others, their belief in the importance of a good education, their commitment to nurturing the thirst for knowledge, and their dedication to providing a foundation on which others might build a career in health care. Those who will benefit are students planning to enter the field of nursing as LPN, RN or Nurse Practitioner; pharmacy or physical therapy; and all those who will be comforted and cared for as a result.
Regina Higdon Scholarship Fund Established 2003 Regina Higdon was an ordinary person with the extraordinary gift of being able to show those around her what it meant to love and be loved. For many years, she ran a day care center in her home where she gave special care to the children of numerous families, just as if they were her own. Regina was a devout Catholic who believed strongly in the value of a Catholic education and made many sacrifices to ensure her children received that type of education. When she died in 2003, friends and family set up this Fund to help graduates of Christ the King School attend either Father Ryan High School or St. Cecilia Academy in Regina’s name.
Jennifer Ingrum Scholarship Fund Established 2005 A born educator, Jennifer Ingrum graduated from Gallatin High School, received a B.A. from the University of Virginia, and earned Masters’ Degrees from Harvard and George Washington University. Called to teach at-risk youth in the inner city of Washington, D.C., sadly her life’s work was cut short when she lost her battle with cancer. In her career as in her life, Jennifer gave of herself to help others. In her honor, the Jennifer Ingrum Scholarship Fund was created to continue her legacy of helping those less fortunate pursue a quality education.
JubiLee Scholarship Designated Fund Established 2005 Diane Lee made it her life’s work to help underprivileged school children. Her concern for others and commitment to volunteering her time to those less fortunate was a philosophy and a way of life. She taught her daughters, Amy and Allison, to embrace that way of life as their own. Diane and her two daughters tragically died when their plane crashed in 2005. In their memory, friends and family created the JubiLee Scholarship Fund at The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to perpetuate their legacy. The Fund benefits public school children as they pursue an education.
Maude E. Keisling/Cumberland County Extension Homemakers Scholarship Fund Established 2000 This scholarship was established in memory
of Maude E. Keisling, former University of Tennessee Extension agent in Cumberland County, and in honor of all the extension homemaker members who worked so diligently for many years to make this possible. Following Maude’s death in 1967, club members established a scholarship to assist students majoring in home economics who pursue degrees in fields of study that will prepare them to work directly with families and children.
Knox Hume Scholarship Fund Established 2007 Now more than 70 years after her death, SunTrust Bank and The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee have partnered to ensure Sarah Foard Hume Lewis’ legacy continues through the creation of this scholarship for graduates of Hume-Fogg High School. In her Will dated October 9, 1937, Sarah outlined her desire to help Hume-Fogg students through scholarship awards. While the selection process includes a component of financial need, it is clear Sarah intended this scholarship to be based on academic merit. The Community Foundation is honored to carry out her wishes.
Senator Carl O. Koella Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 1999 A Maryville, Tennessee native, State Senator Carl Koella served 25 years in the state Senate. In 1999, upon his death at 64, the Tennessee Lobbyist Association sought a way to honor their friend. Senator Koella was an advocate of bright young people becoming involved in the political process, thus the association decided that a fitting legacy would be to establish the Senator Carl O. Koella Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund within The Community Foundation.
Michael B. Kruse Scholarship Fund Established 2003 Friends and colleagues at Kruse & Associates joined together to create a scholarship to honor the company founder, Mike Kruse, and to show how much they respect and admire him for his personal and professional accomplishments. Kruse & Associates was one of the fastest growing regional public accounting and consulting firms in the Southeast prior to merging with Crowe Chizek. For the 10th anniversary of the company, in 2003, staff members raised the money for this scholarship, which as Mike requested, benefits married students majoring in accounting with the goal of becoming Certified Public Accountants.
Heloise Werthan Kuhn Scholarship Fund Established 2001 As a mother, grandmother and community volunteer in Nashville, Heloise Werthan Kuhn is an ardent supporter of the Crittenton mission of preventing both first and repeat teen pregnancies. Mrs. Kuhn’s Fund originally was created within Crittenton Services, but when that organization closed in 2001 and set up a Fund with The Community Foundation, she asked that this Fund be transferred as well. Mrs. Kuhn believes that C FM T.o r g | 3 1
education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty that often accompanies teen pregnancy. She established this scholarship to help teen parents develop self-esteem through education or technical training in order to qualify for better jobs.
Lebanon High School Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund Established 2011 Lebanon High School (LHS) is a communitybased high school which graduated its first class in 1919. Many alumni have settled in the broader Lebanon area and have continued to support the programs and goals of the school. The Lebanon High School Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund provides scholarships to LHS graduates who demonstrate academic achievement and the need for financial assistance in the pursuit of undergraduate degrees.
Diane G. Lowe and John Gomez, IV Scholarship Fund Established 2006 Established to honor Diane G. Lowe and in memory of John Gomez IV, this Fund benefits intellectually gifted students with financial need in grades 6 through 12 who reside in Rutherford, Cannon, DeKalb or Wilson counties. The Fund provides financial assistance for students to take qualifying entrance exams to institutions of higher learning, such as the SAT and ACT exams, and to attend academic programs that offer special challenges or accelerated content. Both Diane and John were intellectually and spiritually curious children with a natural inclination to discover new ideas and knowledge. Diane was drawn to the arts and literature, while John was mechanically gifted and excelled in engineering activities. Both students were educated in the public schools and at various universities in Middle Tennessee, and by their mother, a retired school psychologist and advocate for intellectually gifted children for more than 30 years.
Dr. Mac Scholarship Fund Established 2004 Dr. James W. McPherson Jr., “Dr. Mac,” believed in hard work and education. He had the innate ability to make people smile through his generosity and his contagious love for life. Throughout his life, Dr. Mac made many sacrifices in order to educate his three children. In addition to assisting his children with educations, he loved to assist young aspiring dental students. The Dr. Mac Scholarship will allow a dental student to meet his or her educational goals without having to worry about financial barriers. Dr. Mac’s children hope that the dental student receiving this award will share the same love of dentistry and the ability to make others smile as their father did.
Edna Martin Scholarship Fund Established 2004 Edna Martin was a dedicated English teacher for 45 years in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools and had a passion for English literature and poetry. Ms. Martin touched the lives of so many students during her years of teaching. 32 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
She was an avid traveler and a member of the Nashville Woman’s Club, the Retired Teachers’ Association and many other education-related organizations. Through her estate, she wanted to make scholarships available to young people who plan to follow her career choice of teaching. This scholarship benefits academically deserving and financially needy students of Davidson County.
Katie Rose Martin Scholarship Fund Established 2010 This Scholarship Fund honors the giving nature and loving heart of Katie Rose, a lifelong resident of Rutherford County, who attended Middle Tennessee Christian School, Riverdale High School and MTSU. A competitive cheerleader, loving daughter, adorable little sister, and friend to everyone, Katie had an insatiable work ethic and determination that made all things seem possible. Her dream to become a professional hair stylist and eventually own her own salons was cut short after a tragic automobile accident two weeks into her cosmetology training. This scholarship will support young women seeking to start a career by attending a professional, accredited cosmetology school.
The Juliann King Maxwell Scholarship for Students in White County, Arkansas Established 2006 White County, Ark., students have a chance to further their education and create better lives for themselves, thanks to the late Juliann King Maxwell of Nashville. Though she hadn’t lived in Arkansas for years, Juliann created the scholarship in honor of her parents, whose families moved to White County as early as 1803. The scholarship benefits students who might not otherwise get to attend college, and is available to students who want to pursue vocational training as well as those pursuing a college degree.
John E. Mayfield Scholarship Funds Established 2000 and 2001 John Mayfield did not always live a moral and spiritual life. His battles with alcoholism and drug addiction often led him into dangerous situations. He rarely took advantage of positive opportunities available to him, yet through the grace of God, he survived. Now John wishes to show his gratitude for being able to turn his life around by assisting his fellow Cheatham Countians in their journey to create opportunities through post-secondary education. The following Scholarship Funds were established to do just that. John will add to these Funds through his estate plans with The Community Foundation and hopes that others will contribute as well, to better the lives of eager young scholars.
John E. Mayfield Scholarship Fund for Cheatham County Central High School John E. Mayfield Scholarship Fund for Harpeth High School John E. Mayfield Scholarship Fund for Pleasant View Christian High School
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John E. Mayfield Scholarship Fund for Sycamore High School John E. Mayfield ABLE Scholarship Established 2002 Participants in the Athletes Build Life Experiences (ABLE) program play sports at the highest levels for their age group, but unlike many other children, they do it from the seats of wheelchairs. Through sports and recreational activities, the children in ABLE build strength, confidence and social skills and, through the process, learn that no barrier should prevent them from achieving their goals, especially educational goals. John Mayfield created this scholarship to encourage not only participants in ABLE, but also individuals with disabilities to pursue their dreams of post-secondary education thereby giving them the tools needed to become productive and independent citizens in our communities.
The Eunice Lou Gower McHugh Scholarship Fund Established 2008 Growing up on a farm in Robertson County, Tenn., Eunice Lou Gower McHugh lived in a community of hard-working people. On the family farm lived her mother and father, Elsie Dame Murphey and Joseph Franklin Gower. The Gowers weren’t wealthy, but they constantly served the community by offering to help those in need. “They were always doing for other people,” Lou said, from serving the community church to sacrificing to send her to music lessons. When it came time to sell the farm in Robertson County, it made perfect sense for Lou to donate the land to The Community Foundation so that the proceeds could establish two scholarships. This one is in her parents’ memory, and benefits students graduating from high schools in Robertson County who are working or know they will need to work to pay for college. Students must be preparing for a career serving others, including but not limited to teaching, nursing, law enforcement or ministry.
The William Thomas McHugh and Lou Gower McHugh Scholarship Fund Established 2008 Bill McHugh was a “lawyer’s lawyer.” He practiced his noble profession with skill and integrity for more than 55 years. After serving in the U. S. Air Force during World War II, he returned to Nashville and enrolled at Cumberland School of Law. “Bill loved the law and his many friends and clients loved him deeply. I want his record of service to our system of justice to endure, as well as his legacy as a ‘lawyer’s lawyer.’ What better way to honor the memory of this modest but accomplished attorney than to help others who seek to serve our legal system,” said his devoted wife of 57 years, Lou Gower McHugh. As a result, students from Middle Tennessee who are working their way through law school and who plan to enroll in any accredited school of Law, or any school of Law approved by the Tennessee Supreme Court, with preference given to those attending Cumberland School of Law of Samford University, are eligible to apply.
Walter (Walt) Montgomery Scholarship Fund Established 2009 Walter Reese (Walt) Montgomery was born in Carroll County (McKenzie), Tennessee, in 1924, and grew up on a cotton farm where his father was a sharecropper. As a child, Walt’s love of flying was born the day he saw a biplane land in a field near where he was plowing, and the pilot offered him a ride. He later went into the Army Air Corp and became a pilot, flying B-17 Flying Fortresses over Europe. He returned home after World War II and became the first member of his family to graduate from college. This scholarship was created by his sons in Walt’s memory, to help West Tennessee youth attend college and pursue a career in aviation.
Carolyn Morrison Scholarship Fund Established 2009 During her life, Carolyn Morrison was a highly regarded math and economics teacher at Upperman High School, served as a member of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and successfully began and ran a business with State Farm Insurance. One friend characterized her by saying, “She lived to make a difference, was faithful to her commitments, and intensely thoughtful about the actions required.” Another noted, “This County has lost a great citizen. She loved Cookeville and she loved life.” A third noted, “If Carolyn is for you, who can be against you.” At her death, on June 22, 2009, Carolyn’s family created this Fund in her memory.
Archie Hartwell Nash Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 1997 Archie Nash always knew he would rise above the poverty in which he was raised, no matter what it took. By sheer determination and tenacity, Archie worked his way through college and later became the owner of Overton Produce Co., and several related companies. His wife, Carolyn, established this scholarship in Archie’s memory to benefit Middle Tennessee State University students who embody his work ethic and commitment to education.
JoAhn Brown-Nash Scholarship Fund Established 2002 JoAhn Brown-Nash’s major focus and passion throughout her entire professional career was education. She committed herself to using her talents in every way she could to fulfill the hopes and dreams of young people. JoAhn served as national vice president of Links, Inc. from 1996-1997 and Central Area director from 1992-1996. Because of her vision to enrich the lives of children and her exemplary service to Links, Inc., the Central Area Links, Inc. honors her memory with this scholarship.
Jerry Newson Scholarship Fund Established 1997 Jerry Newson Jr. believed in the possibilities that education offers the mind, body and spirit at any age. This scholarship was established as a fitting testimonial to the man who lost his life in the
line of duty as a deputy of the Davidson County Sheriff ’s Department. The Fund is designed to help Davidson County residents realize their dreams of attending a four-year accredited college or university, especially those who intend to major in the social sciences or other areas where they will give back to the community from which they came.
Eloise Pitts O’More Scholarship Fund Established 2001 Trained at both Parsons and in Europe, distinguished interior designer and artist, Eloise O’More, at age 64, fulfilled her lifelong dream in 1970 by opening O’More College of Design in her home in Franklin, Tennessee. Today it is nationally known for its accredited bachelor’s degree programs in interior design, fashion design and merchandising, and graphic design and advertising. Shortly before her death in 2002, the O’More College student chapters of the American Society of Interior Designers and International Interior Design Association established this Scholarship Fund in Mrs. O’More’s honor.
Buster Pool Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 2002 Buster Pool died unexpectedly of a heart attack in April of 1999 when he was only 56. Buster had an innate ability to laugh through life’s challenges, and both he and his infectious sense of humor were beloved by all who knew him. As a lasting legacy to Buster’s memory, his widow, Babs Weaver Pool, created this scholarship to benefit graduating seniors of his alma mater, Meridian High School, in his hometown of Meridian, Miss.
PRSA Nashville Scholarship Fund Established 2012 The Nashville Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has a history of supporting student development and aims to invest in deserving public relations students. PRSA Nashville created this endowed scholarship fund as a testament to the chapter’s commitment to the future of public relations in Middle Tennessee.
Brian Ralls Memorial Scholarship Established 2010 The Brian Ralls Memorial Scholarship is intended to benefit graduates of Brentwood Academy who have demonstrated excellence in academics, as well as, athletic prowess and leadership. Brian Ralls graduated from Brentwood Academy in 2005, and matriculated at the University of Florida where he graduated with a B.A. in economics in 2009. While at Brentwood Academy, Brian was a member of the National Honor Society, the Spanish National Honor Society, two state championship basketball teams, three state championship track and field teams, and he played in three straight state football championship games. In addition, Brian was the individual state champion in the discus throw in 2005. On October 28, 2009, Brian was tragically struck and killed by a driver distracted on a cell phone. This Scholarship was established by Brian’s family and friends to honor his memory and his
love for Brentwood Academy, which enabled him to learn who he was and to learn who HE is.
Barbara Hagan Richards Scholarship Fund Established 2001 Barbara Hagan Richards grew up in Pulaski where her father had the drugstore on the square. After studying library science at Peabody, she raised her family in Nashville, but always maintained her ties with Giles County, Tennessee. She and her family established this scholarship to encourage young people to pursue an education just as she encouraged her own children.
James Edward “Bill” Richards Scholarship Fund Established 2001 Barbara Richards grew up in beautiful, rural Giles County, where life was tranquil and neighbors cared about each other. James Richards was reared in the more urban East Nashville, but the important values of friendship and neighborliness were still the same. When the Richards’ children, Barbara Haugen and Jay Richards, sought a way to honor their mother and father, they decided to set up scholarships bearing their parents’ names to aid the communities in which each was raised.
Ken Shipp Scholarship Fund Established 2009 Coach Ken Shipp was born and raised in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He had a distinguished coaching career including stints at several colleges, both as a head coach and as an offensive coordinator, before he moved to the National Football League. During his time in the NFL, Coach Shipp was offensive coordinator with the Houston Oilers, New Orleans Saints, Detroit Lions, and the New York Jets, where he was appointed head coach during the storied Joe Namath years. Coach Shipp credited his success to his Rutherford County roots and the fine education he received at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). He was always interested in furthering the education of potential high school graduates and in continuing his support of MTSU. For this reason, he established this scholarship for students from Rutherford County schools planning to attend MTSU.
Meyer D. and Dorothy C. Silverman Scholarship Fund Established 2007 Mike and Dottie Silverman helped settle the city of Oak Ridge, Tenn., in the early years of World War II. Very active in all aspects of community life and accomplished musicians, the Silvermans were among the original founders of the Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra. Their dedication to and sincere love of music and the arts was a central theme of their lives and, as part of their legacy, this Fund provides scholarships benefiting string students in grades 7-12 in Oak Ridge Public Schools who are committed to developing their talent as string instrument players, but who otherwise would be financially unable to take private string instruction. C FM T.o r g | 3 3
Drue Smith/Society of Professional Journalists’ Scholarship Fund Established 2004 Drue Smith was the first woman to join the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and was the first woman to become its chapter president. Drue was considered the queen of Tennessee’s legislative press corps and was the first woman to cover Nashville’s Capitol Hill as well as being the first honorary member of the Tennessee General Assembly. She was colorful in many ways from her clothes to her style. Asking her famous question, “What’s the bottom line?” she reported for print, radio, television, and United Press International in her 50-year career. This scholarship was established in memory of Drue upon her death in 2001 by the members and board of the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.
The Richie Stevenson Scholarship Fund Established 2000 Richie Stevenson is grateful for the excellent education he received at Benton Hall. His parents, Jimmy and Donna Stevenson, created this scholarship in Richie’s honor to acknowledge that appreciation by giving something back to the school and the fellow students who helped craft such a positive experience.
The Richie Stevenson Scholarship Fund for Benton Hall School Established 2000 When Richie Stevenson was born in 1979 at Vanderbilt Hospital, he was three months early, weighed two pounds, and was 12 inches in length. Today, Richie is a successful graduate of Benton Hall. To mark their son’s successes, Jimmy and Donna Stevenson decided several years ago that, when they were able, they would make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. The proceeds of this Fund provide tuition assistance to graduating seniors at Benton Hall School.
The Catie Summers Scholarship Fund Established 2008 Catie Summers was a daughter, a sister, a friend and a cancer warrior. She was born at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois on July 3, 1991 and grew up in Clarksville, Tennessee. Catie loved school, played softball and was a black belt in karate. In April of 2004, at the age of 12, she was diagnosed with a rare type of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer. While undergoing cancer chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, she maintained straight A’s in middle school and high school and was twice named to the Mid-State Band as a baritone player. The Clarksville High School HOPE Club raised money in her name through sales of ‘Viva Catie’ bracelets and donated the proceeds to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Because of their efforts she was able to ride alongside fellow cancer survivor Lance Armstrong at the 2005 Ride for the Roses. A few months later, the cancer metastasized to her spine, eventually paralyzing her. Catie fought valiantly to the end, dying at home on December 16, 2007. She touched the lives of many people with her humor and courage. To 34 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
honor her love of learning, her family established this scholarship for a graduating senior in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System who has also battled cancer. Viva Catie!
Technology Scholarship Fund Established 2009 The Technology Scholarship Fund was established by the board of the Nashville Technology Council, an organization devoted to helping the Middle Tennessee technology community succeed by leading in education, innovation, exposure and connections. The Fund will endow permanently, one or more scholarships benefiting Nashville high school seniors, entering two- or four-year degree programs in pursuit of an education in fields related to the creation, innovation, installation or maintenance of technology.
Tennessee Trucking Foundation Scholarship Fund Established 2003 The directors of the Tennessee Trucking Foundation believe in the power and possibilities of education, and therefore have given the money to set up this scholarship to help children, spouses or employees who are members in good standing of the Tennessee Trucking Association. The scholarships will help juniors and seniors attending an accredited university or college to have even brighter futures.
Turner Family Scholarship Fund Established 2000 Personal development has long been a core value among Dollar General employees. This is a reflection of the values of the Turner Family, who began the company in 1939 — a company that has grown to more than 10,000 stores spanning 40 states. To mark the 60th anniversary of Dollar General’s founding and to honor his four children, Cal Turner Sr. established the Turner Family Scholarship Fund to benefit his extended family, Dollar General’s employees.
Emmett H. Turner Scholarship Fund Established 2003 Emmett Turner ably served the Davidson County police for 34 years, culminating in the rank of Chief. Upon his retirement, friends and admirers wanted something meaningful to show him their appreciation for his hard work. So they contributed to a Fund at The Community Foundation to endow a scholarship in the chief ’s name. Students who attend Tennessee State University’s criminal justice program are eligible to apply for financial assistance through the scholarship. It is fitting that from now on, with the aid of the Emmett H. Turner Scholarship, TSU will be graduating students who will follow in his footsteps, making life safer for us all.
Josh Turner Scholarship Fund Established 2009 In keeping with Josh Turner’s journey to a successful career in the music industry in spite of having grown up without the benefit of a comprehensive arts program in his high school, he
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established a Scholarship Fund at The Community Foundation to support students from primarily rural areas wishing to enter the music business or undertake a career in the arts. “Growing up in rural South Carolina, I attended a small school,” says Turner. “In fact, there were only 75 people in my graduating class. And that translated into ‘not a lot of opportunities’ when it came to music.” The Josh Turner Scholarship Fund supports students planning a career that will introduce them to various opportunities in the music business, from performing, writing, or publishing to managing or producing, or some discipline of the arts, such as graphic design, photography or painting.
Teddy Wilburn Scholarship Fund Established 2005 Country music singer, Grand Ole Opry star, songwriter, and manager Teddy Wilburn established this Fund through his estate to help others enjoy the opportunities made available by a college education. With his singing career beginning at age nine, Teddy never had the chance to attend college and wanted to help eager students in need of financial aid. The Fund benefits college students at Tennessee State University and Vanderbilt University.
The Scott Wolf Scholarship Fund Established 2012 To acknowledge Scott Wolf ’s love and dedication to the associates of Averitt Express, his family established this Scholarship Fund. Scott became an Averitt associate in 1989, and his 23-year career there was a tapestry of his dedication, character and respect for his fellow associates. Establishing this Fund is exactly what Scott would have wanted to help the ones he loved so much further their education.
The Woman’s Club of Nashville Scholarship Endowment Fund Established 2001 A vital part of The Woman’s Club mission is to help young women further their education. The organization has offered scholarships for many years and, in 2001, members decided to set up a permanent Scholarship Endowment Fund through The Community Foundation. Qualities of particular interest to the members of The Woman’s Club when choosing recipients are leadership, achievement, community involvement, poise, personality, and a sense of personal goals.
John W. Work III Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 2002 John W. Work was an inspiring teacher at Fisk University for 39 years, head of the Music Department for a number of years, director of the famous Jubilee Singers, and an internationally known composer and arranger. The John Work Foundation was established by the Nashville Chapter of The Links to honor his extraordinary contributions. In 2002, representatives of the Work Foundation turned to The Community Foundation to perpetuate the awarding of scholarships to worthy students of music and composition.
D onor - Adv ise d Funds
hese Funds are especially useful for donors who, because of tax or estate planning opportunities, wish to take a tax deduction one year and spread contributions over future years. It allows donors to make charitable gifts of assets simply and cost-effectively. No matter what type of gift works best — cash, appreciated public or private securities, real estate, personal property, insurance policies, IRAs, interests in trusts, etc. — The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee can help. Many donors find this an ideal way to support their favorite causes.
The 2001 Tennessee Trust Advised Fund Established 2001
James D. Amos Advised Fund Established 2003
Abe’s Garden Advised Fund Established 2006
Paul and Nancy Anderson Family Advised Fund Established 2001
Dr. Abram Shmerling was a great dad, a committed and caring physician and someone who invested of himself in the people and community he loved. After a career of more than 45 years serving the medical needs of the Woodbine and Southern Hills Hospital area and after his children were grown, Alzheimer’s began to rob Abe of who he was. The disease is progressive, taking something, however small, day by day, week by week, year after year. At his passing, his family decided that a fitting legacy to this man, who cared so deeply about the health and well-being of others, would be a Fund to assist people suffering from the ravages of Alzheimer’s. And, so, this Fund named for Abe’s Garden, was created.
ADIAD Advised Fund Established 1998 Steve Hough established this Fund as a way to facilitate a range of future charitable gifts.
Steve and Ellen Adams Advised Fund Established 2004 Mary Lauren and Lawson Allen Family Fund Established 2011 Phyllis and Ben J. Alper Advised Fund Established 1995 Phyllis and Ben Alper established this Fund to enlarge and enhance their charitable objectives and to participate in important community entities as well.
Denise Alper Family Advised Fund Established 2001 Ruth O. Alsup Donor Advised Fund Established 2012 This Fund was initially a Donor-Advised Fund created by the late Ruth O. Alsup within the Kingdom Trust. Prior to her passing, she created an advisory committee to her Fund, consisting of Thomas C. Alsup, Linda T. Alsup, Thomas C. Alsup II, Katherine L. Alsup, Ryan Hunter Alsup and Laura R. Alsup. After Mrs. Alsup’s passing, the advisory committee decided to move the Fund to The Community Foundation, naming it the Ruth O. Alsup Donor Advised Fund, and to maintain the Fund’s charitable support as she would have continued to do.
Paul and Nancy Anderson set up their family Advised Fund to support a variety of interests, including families at-risk, youth, and environmental concerns. It is their wish that the Fund eventually be overseen by their children, so they can continue the family pattern of support for these causes.
Andrews Family Advised Fund Established 2008 You’d be hard pressed to name people who’ve contributed more time, talent and treasure to enhance this community than Sue and Nelson Andrews. Together they have given decades of support to untold numbers of nonprofit organizations. But their greatest gift to Middle Tennessee has been their work to inculcate their five extraordinary children (and 21 grandchildren) with the importance of giving back. In 2008, Sue gave creation of this Fund to Nelson as a Christmas gift. He was delighted by the prospect that their children would forever have a vehicle for efficient and effective giving.
Anonymous Advised Fund “C” Established 1993 Clare and Hunter Armistead Advised Fund Established 1995 The Randy and Judy Arnold Charitable Fund Established 2012 Atticus Trust Advised Fund Established 1992 This Fund was established by the Atticus Trust, a private foundation overseen by the family of Betty and Martin Brown, to facilitate giving to a broad array of charitable purposes. The Browns have long been active and instrumental leaders in our community, and Betty is a much-loved past chair of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s board.
Ayers Advised Fund Established 1997 Bailey Advised Fund Established 2007 The Baileys established this Fund as a conduit to achieve their philanthropic objectives.
Philip Andrew Baker Memorial Advised Fund Established 2010 Philip Baker will always be remembered for his radiant smile, his adventuresome spirit and his wonderful ability to befriend others. Phil would have graduated from Hillsboro High School in 2005, following his brother Adam, but was killed in an automobile accident in July 2004. This Fund established in his memory may be used to support Hillsboro High School in providing scholarships to one or more outstanding seniors who exemplify the same positive qualities for which Phil will be remembered. Those students should have had a positive impact on students, faculty and the school.
Christen and Cole Barfield Family Fund Established 2011 Judy and Joe Barker Donor Advised Fund for the Arts, Environmental and Conservation Purposes Established 2011 Francis M. Bass II Family Advised Fund Established 2000 James O. Bass Jr. Family Advised Fund Established 2000 E. Warner Bass Family Advised Fund Established 2000 Dr. Luthur A. Beazley Advised Fund Established 2003 Many people in our country probably owe their lives to Dr. Luthur Beazley, who championed groundbreaking legislation that required children to ride in car seats. His Tennessee program became a national model, leading to child safety restraint laws that protect all children today. When Dr. Beazley died in 2003, his family set up a memorial Fund with The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to benefit the children about whom he cared so deeply.
Leslie Bethea Advised Fund Established 1998 Richard and Patricia Bibb Advised Fund Established 2005 Richard Bibb has been an invaluable resource to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee for several years, largely through his exemplary service leading the Advisory Board of our affiliate, The Dickson County Community Foundation. We are grateful to Richard and his wife, Patricia, for this, their most recent commitment to philanthropy. C FM T.o r g | 3 5
The Big & Rich Charitable Fund Established 2008
The Bongo Advised Fund Established 2012
The enormous success of multi-platinum and Grammy award-winning country artists Big & Rich has not stopped the dynamic duo from doing their part to give back to the community. The Big & Rich Charitable Fund was created to connect generosity with need in Middle Tennessee.
The Bongo Advised Fund contributes to education programs and initiatives in the Nashville-area and in coffee-growing communities.
Bird Family Advised Fund Established 1995
Richard M. and Judith K. Bracken Family Advised Fund Established 2010
Rob Bironas Advised Fund Established 2008 With his status as a sports figure and his keen sense of service, Rob Bironas seeks to make a positive impact on the greater Nashville area and, as a result, has created The Rob Bironas Fund™ to bring together the children of Music City and the rich music education opportunities that only Nashville can offer. The Fund actively seeks out and partners with causes that will enthusiastically engage the children of Middle Tennessee in music, encourage their creative spirit in musical arts, and ultimately provide the chance for students to excel in their educational journey.
Julia Crowder Bishop and Budd Harris Bishop Advised Fund Established 2001 Tom Black Advised Fund Established 1998 Cheryl Blackburn Advised Fund Established 2004 Blevins Family Advised Fund Established 2010 Jim Blevins, who founded the Blevins Popcorn Company in Nashville in 1945 and grew a successful business operation in Tennessee and beyond, started a tradition of giving back to the community through a private family foundation. When his son, Bill, wanted to continue that tradition and considered how to establish a giving vehicle for himself and his family, he understood the unique benefits and tailor-made services The Community Foundation offers. Bill opted to create a Donor-Advised Fund and partner with The Community Foundation to carry on the Blevins family tradition of giving.
Julie G. and Frank H. Boehm Advised Fund Established 1994 Julie and Frank Boehm know a lot about charitable giving through their generous and thoughtful support of many worthy causes. “People have the illusion that unless you have a lot of money, you can’t participate in helping charities,” Julie said. “The Community Foundation makes it very easy to set up a Fund, and it only takes a minimum of $5,000 to start. When we combine our resources with others through The Community Foundation, we can help make a real difference, and that makes us feel good.”
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Susan Bass Bowen Family Advised Fund Established 2000
Richard Bracken is Chairman and CEO of HCA. We are delighted to have Richard on The Foundation’s Board and are grateful that he and Judith have chosen to create this Fund to facilitate their family’s present and future giving.
Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings Advised Fund Established 2012 To maximize their charitable efforts and community impact, Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings has partnered with The Community Foundation to create this corporate giving fund.
Darby and Vivian Brown Family Advised Fund Established 2009 This Fund was created to further the Brown Family’s charitable efforts in the community.
Martin and Cathy Brown Advised Fund Established 1995 Nancy J. Brown and Andrew May Advised Fund Established 1995 William R. and Rita G. Bruce Advised Fund Established 1995 Bill and Rita Bruce, who lived in Tennessee for many years but who now reside in St. Marys, Georgia, established this Fund to facilitate their charitable giving. Although now mostly-retired, Bill is Special Counsel to the law firm Adams and Reese LLP, where he maintains an office in Nashville.
Alice Hooker Buchtel Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Teenie Buchtel was one-of-a-kind. A civic treasure … A gem. Her life was cut short, but in her estate plans she chose to create a legacy of giving through this Fund which is overseen by her son, John Jay. Through him and through her foresight, nonprofits doing good work throughout the country and the region will benefit.
Buhl Family Advised Fund Established 1998 May and John Bumpus Advised Fund Established 2012 Rebecca and Stan Burcham Advised Fund Established 2009 Rebecca and Stan Burcham have dedicated their careers to health care. Now they are turning a
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large portion of their attention to the health of their community, especially to its often most helpless and vulnerable members, animals. The Burchams established this Fund to support animal rescue and other favorite causes and nonprofits with comfort, convenience and cost-effectiveness.
Keith Burns Advised Fund Established 2005 The power of celebrity can often make really important things happen, and it is our pleasure to be making Keith Burns’ charitable goals a reality. Keith, perhaps most widely known as part of the Grammy-winning group Trick Pony, has established this Fund to accommodate a range of charitable objectives. One of his beneficiaries has been the Arthritis Foundation — a disease from which his mother suffers. Others will no doubt follow as he realizes how many options he has to help people in need through this Fund.
Ellen and Roger Burrus Endowed Advised Fund Established 2012 Barbara Howard became Mrs. George Burrus on June 8, 1953, the Monday after she graduated from Peabody College. The bride watched her husband, George, graduate from Vanderbilt University College of Medicine in 1955. What soon followed was the beginning of a new family and a lifetime of adventure and service. The young Burrus Family boarded the Queen Elizabeth I in July 1962 to travel to India for five years of medical mission work. Subsequently, the family moved to Africa. This life abroad in service to others serves as touchstone for three generations of family members who recommend grants from the Ellen and Roger Burrus Endowed Advised Fund. Giving is done so in memory of Ellen and Roger Burrus, for whom the Fund is named, and Dr. George Burrus whose charitable nature has been passed down to his children and grandchildren.
Diane and Kyle Callahan Advised Fund Established 2007 Cammack Family Advised Fund Established 1992 Stewart Campbell Jr. Advised Fund Established 2000 Tawnie and Victor Campbell Family Fund Established 2012 Bill and Trudy Carpenter Advised Fund Established 2004 John and Sandra Carpenter Advised Fund Established 2007 John Carpenter is an engineer professionally trained to examine both the form and the function of things. When their financial planner suggested that he and his wife, Sandra, establish a giving vehicle that could include their three daughters, he visited with several members of The Community Foundation team to understand how it would really work. The Foundation helps connect their family’s generosity with need.
Anne and Jeff Carr Advised Fund Established 2004 Raymond Carroll Advised Fund Established 2001 Joanne and Thomas H. Cato Family Advised Fund Established 1994 Scott C. Chambers Advised Fund Established 2007 Scott Chambers is in the business of Nashville’s growth and development through his work with Germantown Partners. Scott knows that changing communities also have changing needs, and he does his work with an eye toward sustainability and eco-friendly innovation. Similarly, through this Fund, Scott invests in causes improving the health and future of the Nashville community and beyond.
Doug and Erica Chappell Advised Fund Established 2006 Erica and Doug Chappell haven’t been Middle Tennesseans forever, but they certainly seem to have adopted much of what makes this community great. Doug, a health care entrepreneur, has recently embarked on a new venture, having served prior to that as the General Counsel of RenalCare. And both Erica and Doug have fully embraced the concept and practice of giving back and investing so that their children, and all of ours, will still want to call this community home for decades to come.
Barbara and Eric Chazen Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Their careers had Barbara and Eric Chazen caring for this community almost since their arrival some 50 years ago. Eric (better known as Dr. Chazen) led one of the preeminent pediatric practices. Barbara led Commerce Union’s and the Bank of America’s efforts to invest wisely and well in community relations and in the arts. In fact, in that capacity Barbara hosted the very first meeting to discuss the possibility of creating what is now The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and served as the inaugural chair of The Women’s Fund. Today, Barbara continues to lead through her work with various arts organizations, and Eric continues to care for the health of children through his work in training medical students at Vanderbilt. They established this Fund as an extension of their charitable giving.
Frances S. Cheek and Family Advised Fund Established 2003 Nancy C. Cheek Advised Fund Established 2003 Donna and Pickslay Cheek Jr. Advised Fund Established 2003 Stan and Betsy Chernau Advised Fund Established 2002
The Children of Zimbabwe Advised Fund Established 2004 A staggering number of children — throughout Africa broadly and in Zimbabwe specifically — have been orphaned by AIDS and other diseases. Their tragedy has touched the hearts of millions throughout the world. This Fund exists to provide support for the children of Zimbabwe by giving them shelter, food, an opportunity for academic education, and training toward self-sufficiency in adulthood.
Cigarran Family Advised Fund Established 2004 Connie and Tom Cigarran are two well-known and much appreciated donors to a wide range of nonprofit organizations. Connie has devoted her time, talent and treasure to create and nurture some of the best loved events, such as the Antiques and Garden Show. Tom has dedicated much of his time and talent to lead the creative thinking of our community on topics such as improving public and private education. The creation of this Fund within The Community Foundation will further enable Connie and Tom to give with focus, understanding and convenience.
Civitts Family Charitable Advised Fund Established 2005 Steve and Lisa Clark Memorial Fund Established 2012 Anne Clay Advised Fund Established 2000 Mr. & Mrs. John Clay Jr. Advised Fund Established 1997 The Cochran Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Anita and Bill Cochran have been high on the list of philanthropic Nashvillians for many years. They have given generously and graciously of their time, talent and treasure to a number of worthy causes. One cause, which has occupied a special place in their hearts, has been United Way of Metropolitan Nashville to which they have recently made their 46th annual gift.
Colton Family Advised Fund Established 1994 Patricia Colton and her family established a Donor-Advised Fund to facilitate their charitable giving.
Jeremy and Janet Conlin Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Janet and Jeremy Conlin decided to start something special at The Community Foundation. Their Fund will begin as an Advised Fund which they plan to dedicate to three endeavors; Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA, Currey-Ingram Academy and The Voice of the Martyrs. At their deaths, this Fund will become a Fund designated to benefit two of these organizations so that each year thereafter both organizations will receive a gift in the name of Jeremy and Janet Conlin.
Charles W. Cook Jr. Advised Fund Established 2000 William C. Cook Advised Fund Established 2000 Kenneth F. Cooper Philanthropic Advised Fund Established 1998 Paula and Bob Covington Quality of Life Fund Established 2007 Paula and Bob Covington believe the arts are a vital and enriching part of this community, contributing to the quality of life we all enjoy in Middle Tennessee. To help ensure this community continues to enjoy these cultural treasures, this Fund benefits Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art, Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville Ballet, Nashville Opera, and Nashville Symphony.
Ruthe D. Creighton Advised Fund Established 2001 Ruthe Creighton has spent her career counseling people in need. In honor of her dedication to the homeless and those fighting drug addictions, a friend set up this Fund to give her another mechanism through which to help.
Kelly Pappas Crockett Advised Fund Established 2013 Solomon Asher Danford Advised Fund Established 2007 With dual passions for caring and for building, Jill and Jared Danford approached The Foundation about creating a mechanism for the orderly work of supporting the needs of the community they chose to call home. The Foundation was honored to set in motion the wheels that will help them help others.
Jackie and John Danieley Advised Fund Established 2000 Danner Advised Fund Established 2006 Judy and Ray Danner have left an indelible mark on this community through their business and their charitable investments. Ray was at the forefront of creating affordable and accessible dining experiences for this community for decades. Judy was right by his side, and together they created the Danner Foundation to facilitate investments in affordable and accessible services for their neighbors in need.
The Davidson Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Microsoft employee Kirk Davidson is one of a select group of compassionate and visionary folks who call Nashville and Middle Tennessee home. When he and his wife decided to establish a vehicle for charitable giving they also hoped to create a tradition of philanthropy for their children. The Community Foundation was honored to help. C FM T.o r g | 3 7
Anne Davis and Karl Dean Advised Fund Established 1998 Katherine Rose Davis Memorial Fund Established 2012 This Fund was established by Cheryl and Shane Davis to honor the memory of their daughter, who passed away in 1994 after having lived only 10 days. During Katherine Rose’s short life, her will to live was remarkable and inspiring, and made a positive impact, directly and indirectly, on many lives. This Fund celebrates her brief but priceless life and will grow to become a Scholarship Fund.
Little Dugan Coughlan Davis Advised Fund Established 2012 This Fund distributes grants to benefit charitable causes that uplift the memory and celebrate the spirit of little Dugan and are generally of interest to young children, including but not limited to youth-oriented activities, child development and safety, and educational and experiential opportunities for young people.
Margaretha K. Davis Memorial Advised Fund Established 2006 The Margaretha K. Davis Memorial Advised Fund was established in memory of Mrs. Davis, an active community volunteer in her adopted hometown of Clarksville, Tenn. Funded by memorial gifts from family and friends, future gifts will honor Mrs. Davis’s indefatigable spirit and her legacy of community improvement.
Daniel and Lisa Diehl Advised Fund Established 2005 Judith and Neil Diehl were both committed to making this area a better place to live. Their legacy of caring for others continues today through the three Funds they established in their estate plans to empower their children to give to support their charitable priorities. Through these Funds, perhaps we’ll all have the opportunity to think about the difference two people can make.
Dobie Advised Fund Established 1996 Double A Advised Fund Established 2005 The donors who created this Fund want to help but prefer to do so anonymously. We are honored to help them accomplish this goal. Part of the service that The Community Foundation can provide is the ability for people to give some or all of their gifts anonymously.
Dundon Family Advised Fund Established 2010 When Dr. Mary Catherine Dundon explored a way to give to the causes she cares about, and also plan for the future and leaving a legacy, The Community Foundation was the right place to accomplish both goals. Now, through this Fund, the Nashville pediatrician extends her everyday commitment to the well-being of children through support for worthy causes promoting healthy children and communities here and around the world.
DeFrance Family Advised Fund Established 2006
Natilee Duning and Frank Sutherland Advised Fund Established 2002
Del Favero Family Advised Fund Established 1996
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eakin Jr. Advised Fund Established 1997
Dickson High Noon Rotary Club Advised Fund Established 2001
Edmunds Advised Fund Established 1998
Civic clubs are important components of a healthy community, offering educational programs for members, social outlets, business contacts, and opportunities for charitable service. The work of the Dickson High Noon Rotary Club is a shining example of how meaningful such contributions can be. Its members have long been concerned about helping worthy students pursue a college education, and the club has awarded scholarships for a number of years. To maximize the ability of the club to invest in the present and future of Dickson County, the members decided to establish this Fund.
Kerry and Kristin Diehl Advised Fund Established 2005
PaPa and Mema Edwards Advised Fund Established 2010 This Fund was established in memory of Richard M. “PaPa” Edwards and in honor of Barbara “Mema” Edwards, who treasured their family throughout their lives. The Fund recognizes the example they set for their children and grandchildren, and the children of communities they called home.
Charles and Patricia Frist Elcan Charitable Fund Established 2012
Matthew N. and Karla N. Diehl Advised Fund Established 2005 38 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Celia and Harold Edwards Advised Fund Established 1998
The Encouragement Advised Fund Established 2009 Established by a couple who would rather Middle Tennessee
the spotlight be on giving, this Fund is a new charitable giving vehicle for folks long steeped in philanthropy. While they wish to remain anonymous, they deserve our thanks for what they have done, are doing and will do for this community.
Eppley Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Karen Carothers and Robert Eppley are doctors in the San Francisco area who rely upon a financial and investment advisor located in Middle Tennessee. When it came time for them to create a vehicle for charitable giving they decided to use The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee for the convenience it offered.
Amy S. Eskind Advised Fund Established 2009 Annette and Irwin Eskind Advised Fund Established 1998 Although most closely linked to a passion for the present and future of the students in the Metro Nashville public school system and Vanderbilt Medical Center, Annette and Irwin Eskind support a range of charitable organizations spanning the cradle to the grave. Through word and deed, they have become inspiring role models for all of us, a fact which contributed to Irwin’s recognition as a 2000 recipient of the Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award.
Donna and Jeffrey Eskind Advised Fund Established 1995 The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Advised Fund Established 1992 Jane and Dick Eskind taught their children about the importance of philanthropy by example. To help instill those same values in their five grandchildren, they set up a Fund for each grandchild, in addition to their own Fund, to educate the next generation of the family about philanthropy and the needs of the Middle Tennessee community. Until the grandchildren reach a certain age, their parents or guardians will help them submit recommendations for charitable grants. Afterwards, each child will be able to make his or her own requests regarding grant distributions from these charitable nest eggs.
Alec Joseph Eskind Advised Fund Established 2000 Isaac Samuel Eskind Advised Fund Established 2000 Madeline Doni Eskind Advised Fund Established 2000 Doni Lee Lehman Advised Fund Established 2000
Jeremy Eskind Lehman Advised Fund Established 2000 Laurie and Steven Eskind Advised Fund Established 1995 William H. Eskind Advised Fund Established 2009 The Sara Evans Advised Fund Established 2005 Sara Evans, country music star and Middle Tennessee resident, was born Feb. 5, 1971, and raised on a farm in rural Missouri. She moved to Nashville and became a No. 1 selling country artist. Sara Evans, a mother of three, established this Fund to support a wide variety of issues important to her.
Cyril and Nell Evers Advised Fund Established 1998 Ron and Laurie Farris Family Advised Fund Established 2006 Ron and Laurie Farris are passionate about a broad range of charitable organizations and came to The Community Foundation to most effectively give to the causes for which they care deeply.
Hill Ferguson Family Advised Fund Established 2006 Hill Ferguson and his family are proud, devoted residents of Hopkinsville, Ky., with long, deep ties to Middle Tennessee and Middle Tennesseans. So when he considered establishing a giving vehicle for himself and his family, Hill followed the path charted both by his neighbors, who partnered with The Community Foundation to found The Community Foundation for Christian, Todd and Trigg Counties and by his college roommate, Bill Weaver. Over time, Hill will be supporting a range of charitable organizations, and that list will certainly include the Hopkinsville Community College where he currently serves on the board of the College Foundation.
John and Carole Ferguson Advised Fund Established 2005 Betsy and Greg Ferrell A dvised Fund Established 2000 Foley Family Advised Fund Established 2002 The Steve and Patsi Flatt Charitable Fund Established 2012 Folger Advised Fund Established 1997
Mary (Midge) and John Folger are both interested in strengthening families, neighborhoods and our community. This Fund is designed to facilitate their charitable giving.
Molly and Tony Fort Advised Fund Established 2006 The Forts have established this Fund as a simple, flexible means to give to the causes they care about and support the community that has enriched their lives.
Rufus Fort Advised Fund Established 1993 The Imogene and Henry Forte Memorial Advised Fund Established 2006 Henry Seibert Forte was born in Nashville in 1922 before attending Father Ryan and then graduating from the Vanderbilt School of Engineering. In 1976, he changed careers, and for the next 30 years, Imogene and Henry Forte owned and operated an educational publishing company, publishing books by educator-authors dedicated to research, practical classroom know-how, and building lifelong learners. Created by their estate plans and by their daughter, Cherrie Forte Farnette, in honor of their memory, the Forte’s Fund will benefit organizations helping to make this community a better place, like Vanderbilt’s Peabody College’s creation of the Imogene Forte Youth Collection Reading Room.
The Gloria and Darrell Freeman Advised Fund Established 2010 Darrell Freeman is known for his intellect, energy and creativity. In addition, it is his hard work that has allowed him to accomplish so much. While leading his own business, Zycron, Darrell has also lent his leadership to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce, The Community Foundation and dozens of other worthy causes in the past few years. This, all while learning to fly and traveling the world, hobbies most would find more than daunting. With Gloria and their children by his side, as grateful as this community already is, it seems the best is yet to come. The Community Foundation is honored to be able to play a part in the Freeman family’s good works.
Barbara White Fridrich Charitable Advised Fund Established 2008 At her passing, friends of Barbara White Fridrich wanted to create a memorial for her to benefit the legacy of compassion and kindness she left. They turned to The Community Foundation to create a charitable fund capable of supporting important causes in the community she called home. Barbara’s four children — Steven G. Fridrich, Howard Fridrich, Chip Fridrich and Lisa Fridrich Grayson — work with The Foundation to make grants that will keep her memory alive.
Shortly before their deaths in 1998, Dorothy Cate and Thomas F. Frist, Sr., began the process of establishing funds to create a lasting charitable legacy involving their children and grandchildren. In their words, “We hope that this foundation will be an important and permanent source of support for charities in which our family is interested and that our descendants take an active interest in the foundation and guide its activities wisely. We therefore encourage our children to look for ways that their own children ... and their families can always continue our tradition of being generous and responsible supporters of worthy charities.” These funds empower three generations of the Frist Family to perpetuate and grow the tradition of thoughtful and meaningful generosity exemplified by the lives and values of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Frist, Sr.
Mary Frist and H. Lee Barfield II Fund Established 1998 Dorothy (Dottie) Cate Frist Foundation Advised Fund Established 1998 The Frist Foundation Advised Fund Established 1995 Carol K. and Robert A. Frist M.D. Fund Established 1998 William H. Frist, M.D. Fund Established 2012 The Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Frist, Jr. Fund Established 2006 The Jonathan M. Frist Fund Established 2006 The Bryan E. Frist Fund Established 2006 William Harrison Frist III Advised Fund Established 2012 C FM T.o r g | 3 9
Karyn McLaughlin Frist Fund Established 2012
Mark Goldfarb Family Advised Fund Established 1996
Robert and Melissa Frist Family Fund Established 2012
James C. Gooch and Jennie P. Smith Advised Fund Established 1999
Thomas F. Frist Jr. Advised Fund Established 2001 This Fund was set up by HCA at the time of Thomas Frist Jr.’s retirement to recognize his incredible contributions to HCA and Nashville since he co-founded the company in 1968. This Donor-Advised Fund gives him the ability to recommend grants in support of various charities.
Gallivan Family Advised Fund Established 2002 The Mary and Tom Gambill Family Fund Established 2012 Gifts From God Advised Fund Established 2007 This donor is grateful for the opportunities he feels God has provided him to help others, and he chooses to remain anonymous to ensure that any gratitude reflects on God and not on himself.
Gilbert Family Fund Established 2003 Harris Gilbert Family Advised Fund Established 2006 Harris Gilbert has lived on the same street for 70 years. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t gone anywhere or accomplished anything. It just means he has deep roots, a keen sense of place. Harris is, in fact, one of the most respected legal practitioners in the community. He and his late wife, Dianne, shared an acute sense of social justice and civic responsibility, which they in turn have passed on to their children, Jennifer and Harris. We are grateful they’ve chosen to use our services.
Letty-Lou and Joe Gilbert Jr. Advised Fund Established 1997 Gay Openness & Leadership (GOAL) Advised Fund Established 1994 Phillip Rush renamed his Values in Action Fund in 2006 to focus attention on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in Middle Tennessee and to appreciate the donors who respond to them.
Generations of Giving Fund Established 2012 Allen and Kathy Tack believe the things we do today impact future generations. They established the Generations of Giving Fund to make a difference for those who will follow us through giving and community involvement. Leading by example, the Tacks are very involved and committed to their church and community, and through this Fund they have a vehicle to support their charitable interests. 40 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Joel C. and Bernice W. Gordon Family Advised Fund Established 1998 Joel and Bernice Gordon are committed to family, friends, and the idea of giving back to the community that has given so much to them.
The Governors’ Advised Fund Established 2000 When John Swigart graduated from Austin Peay State University (APSU) in December 2000, he gave his alma mater a gift — a Fund to benefit APSU’s men’s golf team, providing money for scholarships, travel and equipment. John played on the golf team while in school, and he calls it “the best experience I’ve had. Now, this is a way to give back to it.”
Gowda Family “Glow of Hope” Advised Fund Established 2006 Dr. C.K. Hiranya Gowda was born in 1934 in Chamaraddahally, India. One hundred sixty-two people lived in his village, and the children walked three miles (one way) to school every day. Dr. Gowda excelled at school, and in December 1960, he graduated from Government Medical College in Mysore, India. For the next three years he interned in India before coming to St. Louis for his residency in General Practice and Otolaryngology and moving to Nashville in 1970. In the years since, Dr. Gowda has taught otorhinolaryngology at Meharry for 29 years and at Vanderbilt Medical School for 25 years. A co-founder of the Sri Ganesha Temple and the Hindu Cultural Center of Tennessee in 1980, Dr. Gowda notes that his other most-meaningful philanthropic project was the 1985 completion of a water supply system for his Village, which vastly improved the health and welfare of the 500 villagers living there. Now retired, Dr. Gowda and his family have created this Fund to give back to the community that has given so very much to them.
Grohovsky Family Advised Fund Established 2006 Bob Grohovsky and Tanzy Wallace were searching for a way to streamline their giving and to substantially increase their giving level in the community by accessing matching grants supplied by Bob’s employer, Microsoft.
designate resources to a Donor-Advised Fund with The Community Foundation. Now through the Fund, Rosemary has the flexibility to support multiple charities.
James and Claire Gulmi Advised Fund Established 2012 Kathryn and Gary Gutow Advised Fund Established 1998 Hall Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Carolyn Griffin Hall and T. Hartley Hall V were eager to establish this Fund as a vehicle for family giving in their Middle Tennessee community which has been so good to them. They also hope to instill in their daughter, Grace, the habit and joy of sharing and giving. The Community Foundation is honored they chose to use our services.
Hugh F. Halverstadt Advised Fund Established 2004 Nancy T. Ham Advised Fund Established 2007 North Carolinian Nancy Ham was referred to The Community Foundation by her financial advisor who knew she needed a repository for charitable funds with which she could support favorite charities. We were – and are – honored that she chose to use our services and grateful for the opportunity to help her help others.
Cherie and Dan Hammond Advised Fund Established 2007 Entrepreneurs are as creative and thoughtful in their giving as they are in their businesses, and there are few more entrepreneurial communities in the world than Middle Tennessee. Local entrepreneur Dan Hammond and his wife, Cherie, are no exception. Through their dedicated business vision they have reshaped community newspapers nationwide. With spiritual tithing at the heart of their accomplishment, and through this Fund, Cherie and Dan and their family have the opportunity to give creatively as well.
The Harnisch Family Advised Fund Established 1995 Ruth Ann and William F. Harnisch contribute to causes that encourage empowerment, leadership, education, and philanthropy.
Kent and Becky Harrell Advised Fund Established 1994
Barbara W. Grubbs and Ronald Lee Grubbs Jr. Advised Fund Established 2002
Becky and Kent Harrell are members of Kraft CPAs, PLLC. Both Becky and Kent serve their profession and the community on numerous committees and boards, and their establishment of this Fund is a natural extension of their professional goals.
The Manci Guffy Donor Advised Fund Established 2011
Ruth and Ben Harris Family Advised Fund Established 2001
When given the opportunity to support a charity of her choice, through a designation from a charitable lead annuity trust established by her mother, Rosemary Manci Guffy opted to
Middle Tennessee
“The Community Foundation’s Donor-Advised Fund provided a solution for our family’s philanthropic giving,” Ben said. “It enables us to effectively and efficiently give back to the
community and establishes our family with a foundation for future giving.”
Joseph and Madelon Harrison Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Madelon and Joseph Harrison didn’t start with much, but through decades of hard work they took what they had and created a wonderful life for themselves and their children. Residents of Murfreesboro, they were and are stalwarts on the town square and pillars of the community who have chosen to create a vehicle to continue to be exemplary citizens and philanthropists in the truest sense. The Community Foundation is honored to help connect their generosity with need.
Tom Cato Family Advised Fund Julia Champion Colton Advised Fund Helen and Harvey Cummings Advised Fund Deaton Family Advised Fund Joe DiLorenzo Family Advised Fund Drennan Family Advised Fund Sally and Don Fish Advised Fund Don Israel Family Advised Fund
Harwell Family Advised Fund Established 2013
Patricia B. and David J. Malone Advised Fund
Aubrey and Carlana Harwell Advised Fund Established 2002
McInnes Family Advised Fund
When Carlana and Aubrey Harwell married, longtime friends struggled with the age-old problem: what they could give to those blessed with so much. They opted to give a gift which would keep on giving — literally — and established this Fund as a wedding present. Long-time supporters of The Foundation, Carlana and Aubrey support charities in their name through this Fund.
Paul McKnight Family Advised Fund Scott Mercy Family Advised Fund Bruce and Karen Moore Family Advised Fund Joseph and Jeanne Moore Advised Fund
Beth and Rob Harwell Advised Fund Established 2000
Philip and Susan Patton Family Advised Fund
The Coleman Billings Harwell Memorial Advised Fund Established 1998
Soltman/Cram Family Advised Fund
C.B. Harwell was much beloved prior to his untimely death at age 22 in a car accident in Arizona. Coleman Harwell II established this Fund to perpetuate the memory of his son, as he continues his history of support to his favorite charitable organizations.
HCA Executive Philanthropic Funds Established 1993 This innovative program, designed to facilitate and encourage enhanced charitable giving, was the vision of Thomas F. Frist Jr., M.D., chairman and chief executive officer of HCA – Hospital Corporation of America. Twenty-one DonorAdvised Funds were established within The Community Foundation on behalf of senior executives leading HCA in the early ’90s. Participants in these Funds may ask that a portion of the proceeds be used to match charitable contributions they have already made to eligible 501(c)(3) organizations. Their recommendations for distributions are a valuable source of information to the board of The Community Foundation and are greatly appreciated.
Batalden Advised Fund George and Judith Bone Advised Fund Bovender Family Advised Fund Victor and Tawnie Campbell Advised Fund
Sally and Edward Stack Family Advised Fund Jerry W. Heffel Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Help the Good Guys Charitable Fund Established 2012 Retired Metro Nashville Police Officer Mickey Milam established this fund to benefit nonprofit organizations that help firefighters and police officers injured in the line of duty and/or other victims of serious or life-threatening illness or injury such as children who have suffered severe burns. Help the Good Guys Charitable Fund complements the purpose of BLEVE Entertainment and, which raise awareness and financial aid for firefighters who are experiencing financial crisis due to work related injuries. To learn more, please visit
Donald Wayne Henderson Advised Fund Established 1993 This Fund was established to facilitate charitable giving by Donald and his family. In planning future giving opportunities, Donald opted to donate a life insurance policy to provide the corpus of this Fund.
Grooms Herron Advised Fund Established 2006 When Grooms Herron passed away, he provided the spark that grew into the Grooms Herron
Foundation. In 2006, his son, Senator Roy Herron, a Dresden, Tenn., attorney, approached The Community Foundation about whether we might help expand its capacity to give. We could, and we are honored to have this opportunity to make even more good things happen in the Herron family’s name.
HMS Advised Fund Established 2013 Angela Helbig, Dana Moore, and George Stadler, the founding principles of HMS Investment Advisors, have each been personally involved in this community as members of civic organizations and board members or volunteers for a range of nonprofits. By establishing a Donor-Advised Fund at The Community Foundation, they’ve combined their experience of giving and service for the community in much the same way they’ve combined their investment skills for clients.
Leslie and John Hooper Family Advised Fund Established 2011 Following the sale of their family business, Leslie and John Hooper took the opportunity to establish this Fund within The Community Foundation, which will be used to continue their philanthropic interests.
Hick-Hop Humanitarian Advised Fund Established 2007 With his blend of country, rap, and rock ‘n roll, Cowboy Troy dubbed the style “hick-hop,” carrying it from his hometown of Dallas, Texas, to the Nashville music scene and beyond with success on the Billboard Country Albums chart. At six feet, five inches tall, Troy Coleman stands out not only for his physical presence but also for his humanitarian spirit. This Fund allows Troy and his wife, Laura, to support the charities in which they believe.
Hidden Lake Charitable Fund Established 2012 Hilton Family Advised Fund Established 2011 In order to better accomplish his goals, Robert Hilton closed the private foundation he established 25 years ago and transferred the assets to this Fund within The Community Foundation, continuing a long-standing tradition of giving in the community.
Fanny May Hite Charitable Advised Fund Established 2001 Fanny May Hite bequeathed a portion of her estate to The Community Foundation for the creation of a Fund in her memory. At her death in 2000, this money was transferred to The Foundation so that causes about which she cared could continue to receive support. Fanny May, who was educated at Vanderbilt University, spent her 98 years living in Boston and Nashville. She performed numerous volunteer jobs to help the community, and among her favorite charities were Senior Citizens, Inc., and the Arthritis Association. C FM T.o r g | 4 1
Home of Hope, Zimbabwe Advised Fund Established 2009 One woman, who wanted to do something for orphans on the streets of Zimbabwe’s capital city, for years, quietly served tea and bread to children at the same spot in Harare. She was overwhelmed by the growing AIDs crisis in Zimbabwe and the large number of children who had no place to live after their parents died. Joan, who is from South Africa, came to be known among the street children as “The Tea and Bread Lady.” Her simple acts of kindness caught the attention of a group visiting from a Presbyterian Church in Nashville. Church members decided to help Joan take her ministry further. Home of Hope provides Joan with a place for the orphans to come and get food, basic medical supplies and love. These children would have no hope without the care that Joan provides. It is our honor to support her work through this Fund.
The Bryan and Stacy Huddleston Advised Fund Established 2008 Bryan and Stacy Huddleston of Nashville are interested in making sure they have a charitable nest egg now and in the future. Through a matching gift program at Microsoft Corporation, they are able to enhance their charitable giving to the nonprofits they care about.
Elizabeth Jonas Jacobs Advised Fund Established 1997 Jacobs Partners Advised Fund Established 1995 Created by siblings Meg Jacobs Flax, Tom Jacobs and Billy Jacobs — a lawyer, a certified public accountant and an investment advisor, respectively — this Donor-Advised Fund is intended to facilitate their collective and individual charitable giving. As Nashville natives, they appreciate the opportunity to give something back to their community.
Jacobson Family Advised Fund Established 2004 The JDA Family Advised Fund Established 2010 Julie and Dale Allen are committed to giving back. And they have already embarked on teaching their young son to do the same. The creation of this Fund provides a vehicle to assure that they will always have resources available to enhance this community.
Alice and Brad Jensen Advised Fund Established 2011 Doran and Amanda Johnson Advised Fund Established 2009
iCHOPE Fund Established 2012 Chris Hope knows, firsthand, that a person can be or achieve whatever they want to do in life if they keep God first, honor their mother and father, get a great education, and work hard at whatever they want to become. Chris believes that God made this world without a roof, so the “Sky is the Limit!” He and his lovely wife, Linda, established the iCHOPE Fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to support nonprofit organizations that help children and families have more faith and more belief in their dreams than they have in their doubts.
Doran and Amanda Johnson of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., set up this Fund as a vehicle to give back to the community and the causes about which they care most. We are honored to have the opportunity to help them help others.
Christopher, and Jordan Elizabeth, from 1986 until her death in 1995. She was a graduate of Louisiana State University; a member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority and the Junior League; a Sunday school teacher at Westminster Presbyterian Church; and a loving wife, mother, daughter, and sister. Special interests include religion, education and health care.
Jordan Family Wilderness Advised Fund Established 2010 Kane Family Advised Fund Established 2003 Kazimi Family Advised Fund Established 2006 All too often people think that charitable giving can only be done by writing a check or by donating publicly traded securities. Fortunately, Kathleen and A.J. Kazimi knew better. The creation of this Fund sets a wonderful example for all who hold closely held stock; it is a story of charitable and tax planning rolled advantageously into one. And, it is a story of how planning means that good things will happen in this community during A.J. and Kathleen’s lifetimes and during their kids’ lifetimes as well.
Corinne and H.D. Brockwell Kidd Family Fund Established 2011 King Family Advised Fund Established 1998 Leslie and Howard Kirshner Family Philanthropic Fund Established 2011
R. Milton and Denice Johnson Family Advised Fund Established 2010
Walter and Sarah Knestrick Advised Fund Established 2004 The LadyAid Advised Fund Established 2012
David B. Ingram Advised Fund Established 2002
Milt Johnson has been a bulwark of HCA’s success for years. He has served on the financial management team and has recently added the title of President of HCA to his list of achievements. Over the years, Milt has assisted with many of the charitable undertakings of this extremely generous company, in addition to the work he and Denice have done personally for nonprofits around this community. The Community Foundation is eager to help them help others in this new way.
John R. Ingram Advised Fund Established 2002
The Beth and Brad Jones Fund Established 2011
Ingram Chartable Fund Advised Fund Established 1999
Martha Rivers Ingram Advised Fund Established 2010 This Fund provides one of the most generous individuals from one of the most generous families with an additional tool to accomplish her philanthropic goals.
Martha and Bronson Ingram Foundation Advised Fund Established 2000
Barbara Ann Jordan Jones Advised Fund Established 1995
Orrin H. Ingram Advised Fund Established 2002 42 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Beth and Brad Jones established this Fund as a vehicle for family giving, a concept Beth knows well thanks to her leadership role in raising funds for the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. The Joneses have been able to increase their giving capacity by accessing matching grants supplied by Brad’s employer, Dell.
This Fund was established by her family to commemorate the life of Barbara Jordan Jones, who brought so much joy to those who knew her. Barbara, a native of Louisiana, resided in Nashville with her husband, Gary, and her children Greg,
Middle Tennessee
The LadyAid Fund, a component fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, is a charitable effort founded by the members of Lady Antebellum – Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley and Hillary Scott – to bring awareness to and generate support for the plight of children locally, nationally and globally who cannot otherwise help themselves. The multi-level campaign will focus primarily on children’s hospitals in the United States and Canada, and the overall betterment of children’s lives around the world. This effort will partner with organizations to aggregate their collective resources and form a global alliance to promote treatment and research of child-related illness, disease and disability.
Randolph M. and Janice M. LaGasse Advised Fund Established 1997 Landman Family Advised Fund Established 2013 Elise Foster Langley Advised Fund Established 2004 Elise Foster Langley was known for her
intelligence, wit and generosity. Roger Conner and his wife Margaret Blair, dear friends of Elise for many years, established this Fund so that other people could continue to benefit from Elise’s legacy.
LaRoche Charitable Advised Fund Established 1996 Lazenby Advised Fund Established 1991 As our founding chairman, Ted Lazenby was instrumental in the creation of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. He and his family established this Fund as a vehicle for their charitable giving, which they chose to do for the ease and cost-effectiveness this option provides.
John F. and Sara R. Lee Advised Fund Established 2001 Jim and Page Leftwich Family Fund Established 2012 The Leftwich family created this Donor-Advised Fund at The Community Foundation so they can help support charitable causes in their community. Through this Fund, their children will also be able to continue the family’s philanthropic efforts in the future.
Lehman Family Advised Fund Established 1994 Millard Leonard Advised Fund Established 2008 Alex LeVasseur Memorial Fund Established 2007 Alex LeVasseur, a Franklin 13-year-old, was full of life, a friend to everyone he met, and an example to his peers to include everyone and make the most of each moment. Alex passed away in early 2007 in a tragic ATV accident. To permanently memorialize Alex and share his passion for skating with other teenagers, his parents, Stephanie LeVasseur and Jeffrey Steele, established the Fund, which helps motivate kids in school and life by providing incentives and mentors to kids with a passion for skateboarding in Nashville. Visit www. to learn more.
Lewis Family Advised Fund Established 2012 The Lewis Family Advised Fund supports the church and mission activities that help those who are less fortunate.
Adam J. Liff Advised Fund Established 2001 Daniel Liff Advised Fund Established 2001 Limbird Advised Fund Established 1995 Drs. Thomas J. and Lee E. Limbird, faculty members at Meharry Medical College and Vanderbilt University, established their DonorAdvised Fund to enable them to support charities undertaking new endeavors.
Alice and John Lindahl Family Advised Fund Established 2011 Over the years, Alice and John Lindahl have been involved in many different charitable organizations and are valued members of the Cheatham County community. They established this Fund to facilitate their philanthropic efforts. Through this Fund’s creation, they hope to set an example of giving for their children so that they will understand the power of giving in the future.
Link Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Love Everybody Fund Established 2009 The admonition to Love Everybody provides the perfect name for this philanthropic fund. The Fund’s creator, Kenny Alphin, better known as Big Kenny from the country duo Big & Rich, has a special way of getting people to help others. In early 2009, he held a star-studded concert, Nashville4Africa, at which stars like Keith Urban, Faith Hill and Dierks Bentley came out to support Kenny’s efforts to help those in need in Africa. Through this fund, Big Kenny continues his humanitarian efforts at home and in Africa, which have included missions in Uganda and in Sudan to start a medical clinic, build a school for girls and transport much-needed medical and educational supplies.
Maddox Foundation Advised Fund Established 2002 The Maddox Foundation serves as a catalyst for building strong and viable communities that meet the needs of their citizens through collaborative action and service. Established by philanthropists Margaret and Dan Maddox, their legacy lives today in the Maddox Foundation and its commitment to the excellence that was characteristic of Margaret and Dan at work and play. This Maddox Foundation Advised Fund provides support to nonprofits in the Middle Tennessee area, and since its establishment in 2002, has made millions in grants to nonprofit organizations in Middle Tennessee. Maddox Foundation also donated the building which houses The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s offices at 3833 Cleghorn Avenue in Nashville and for which we are enormously grateful.
MAFIAoZAS Godfather Fund Established 2012 Since opening its doors in 2003, MAFIAoZA’s Pizzeria and Neighborhood Pub has become a fixture in Nashville’s 12South community thanks to its authentic Italian menu, welcoming ambiance and patron support. To give back to the community that has enabled them to achieve their success, the restaurant established the MAFIAoZA’s Godfather Fund. The Fund allows MAFIAoZa’s to support the many community initiatives important to them.
Mahanes Family Charitable Advised Fund Established 2006
Venk and Usha Mani Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Dr. Venk Mani has been widely involved in civic and community projects for years. He and his wife, Usha, are described as being integral to the construction and ongoing leadership of the Sri Ganesha Temple, which serves the Hindu community living in several states. He also serves on the board of our Dickson County Community Foundation, all while practicing medicine in Dickson.
Dan J. and Fran F. Marcum Family Advised Fund Established 2000 Long-time Tullahoma residents, Fran and Dan Marcum are active in their community serving on several local, state and national boards. While supporting a broad array of educational, civic and charitable organizations, Dan and Fran are best known for their philanthropic focus on science and technology.
Ellen Martin Advised Fund Established 1996 Mark Martin Advised Fund Established 2007 Raised by the son of a mail carrier in Miami, Mark Martin was taught to be charitable by the example his father set. After graduating from Vanderbilt with a degree in Political Science and working for 20 years as an automotive engineer, Mark decided to give back not just with his resources but with his time as well. Thanks to the Governor’s Teach Tennessee program, he received a teaching degree in short order and finished his transition from Ford and Johnson Controls to Wilson Central High School to teach history. The Community Foundation is honored to welcome him to our family.
The Marymont Advised Fund Established 2005 As Mary Anne Harwell expanded her community service commitment, she wanted to honor her grandmother, Mary R. Donnell and her mother, Dorothy Donnell Eanes. Therefore, she appropriately named this Fund after the historic family home in Murfreesboro. Mary Anne grew up with strong women role models who gave back to their community in many ways — a tradition she has passed down to her daughters, Emma and Katie Harwell.
Alyne Q. Massey Advised Fund Established 1993 Alyne Massey’s vision helped generate the enthusiasm and generosity that led to the initial success of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Her tireless championing of our mission ensures that even greater things lie ahead. This Donor-Advised Fund enables Alyne to accomplish a variety of charitable objectives with great flexibility and ease.
Virgil J. Maupin Memorial Advised Fund Established 2006 From a very early age, Virgil Maupin wanted C FM T.o r g | 4 3
to help others. He knew that hope, dreams and aspirations are what propel any individual to imagine and attain a better future. Virgil Maupin’s life was cut short in a tragic accident on April 13, 2006. A passionate and idealistic young man, when he died he was in the process of establishing a nonprofit organization, Dreams4Youth, to help disadvantaged youth. His hope was to enhance the activities of groups like the YMCA or 100 Black Men by supplementing their programs. This Fund was created in Virgil’s name to give money to nonprofit organizations that help young people advance themselves and, may one day, establish a scholarship to a trade school — because Virgil knew not every student is suited for college.
Juliann K. and Joseph D. Maxwell Advised Fund Established 2005 Juliann and Joe Maxwell feel that they have reached a time in their lives when they can concentrate on giving back. Juliann, a former school teacher, is passionate about providing access to education and the tools to succeed. Joe, who spent the last several years working at Tractor Supply Company, shares that passion and also has a strong interest in helping keep people healthy. They have established this Fund to most effectively and efficiently accomplish their charitable goals.
Joseph L. May Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Jack May’s family has been making this community stronger since the mid-19th century. Their collective and individual support for causes that matter, and their dedication to making the path easier for others, are strands woven into the history of this city.
Rosemary Cremer May Family Advised Funds Established 1999 While living, Rosemary May shaped a legacy by instilling in all whom she met an appreciation for life, freedom, tolerance, and understanding, by sharing the lessons she learned as a survivor of the Holocaust. Through her daily efforts, she sought to preserve the memory of Holocaust victims, including many family members and friends who did not survive. At her death, Rosemary created a different legacy by establishing these Funds to give her children, Rick and Emily, the wherewithal to continue her acts of charity and righteousness.
The McCampbell Helping Hands Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 McCathren Family Advised Fund Established 2006 David G. and Mary Catherine McClellan Advised Fund Established 2008 John W. and Jo Ella McClellan Advised Fund Established 2008 44 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Robert Trigg McClellan Advised Fund Established 2008 These three Funds were established in the estate plans of Sarah (“Sally”) Flanary McClellan to ensure that the McClellan family’s rich tradition of charitable giving would continue unabated. The Community Foundation is grateful to be able to help Mrs. McClellan’s family connect her generosity with need.
Peg and Al McCree Advised Fund Established 2011 McDonald Boersma Hanley Giving Fund Established 2004 Giving back takes many forms and, at its best, is a creative and passionate experience. This Fund serves as a way to channel that energy and expertise for a very caring family that supports a broad range of charitable causes.
McDow Family Advised Fund Established 1992 Jim and Louise McKee Advised Fund Louise Sykes McKee Advised Fund Established 2005 To create a legacy for lives well-lived, Louise McKee Swain and her sister, Anne McKee Petrucelli, have each established a Fund in memory of their parents.
Myra McWhorter Cancer Awareness Fund Established 2007 At the untimely death of Myra McWhorter, family and friends sought to spare others the agony they had experienced. They started this Fund from which grants will be used, first and foremost, to support programs providing education, awareness and screening focused on breast cancer, particularly for women who, due to a lack of resources, may not otherwise be able to access these services. And so, a fitting legacy for Myra McWhorter was born.
McWhorter Foundation Advised Fund Established 1996 The McWhorter Foundation has particular interests in education, community health, and human service.
Merritt Family Advised Fund Established 2006 For years, Judge Gilbert Merritt has been a pillar of this community, most recently dedicating himself to protecting and enhancing our system of justice. All along, in addition to his public service on the bench, charitable giving has been a hallmark of his work. With this Fund, he has now created a giving vehicle that will enrich his giving and provide for that of his children.
Team Mica Fund: In Memory of Mica Breeden Martin Established 2012 Team Mica Fund creates awareness of suicide prevention by collaborating with area organizations in Tennessee that support and educate individuals Middle Tennessee
on suicide intervention and by restoring hope in the lives of those that suffer from mental health disorders, as well as supporting Mica’s love for organizations that encourage animal adoptions. Mica Lynn Breeden Martin, a native of Bolivar, Tenn., was an animal lover all of her 29 years. As an advocate and supporter of ASPCA, Mica believed in the adoptions of animals and giving them hope to find loving homes. On December 16, 2011, Mica took her own life after suffering from a mental illness. While her death was sudden, her life is what we want to remember through the Team Mica Fund, restoring hope one person at a time.
Margaret Miller Advised Fund Established 2000 Tom and Mary Miller Family Advised Fund Established 2010 As Tom Miller has advanced in his career and grown with his current company, success has led him, along with is wife, Mary, to want to give back to the community they call home. With plans to let their fund mature over the years and to take advantage of a company matching gifts program to add to that growth, Tom and Mary now have a convenient, cost-effective vehicle in place to facilitate their charitable giving now and in the future.
The MJ93 Advised Fund Established 2010 The Cincinnati Bengals’ Michael Johnson believes the success of an exceptional athlete comes from building a strong educational foundation. Through the MJ93 Fund, Michael is focused on helping children enrich their lives through education and athletics, by providing funding for youth programs and facilities, mentoring, tutoring, and scholarship opportunities.
Debra K. Moore Advised Fund Established 1994 Craig Morgan Charity Fund Established 2011 While singer and songwriter Craig Morgan has created a track record of success and earned accolades as a country music star over the past 10 years, he initially chose to steer clear of a career in music. In addition to working throughout his career as an EMT, contractor and a sheriff ’s deputy, Craig devoted nearly two decades to giving back to our country through service to the U.S. military. Now, inspired by his father-in-law, Craig established this Fund with the goal of ultimately supporting Billy’s Place, a home for temporarily displaced children in his hometown of Dickson.
Mosley Family Advised Fund Established 1992 Juli and Ralph Mosley are active participants and supporters of charitable causes in Middle Tennessee. They established this Donor-Advised Fund to supplement their other charitable activities and as an important tool to achieve their goal of giving back to the community.
MuzikMafia Advised Fund Established 2007 MuzikMafia is a group of friends whose passion in life is to make and inspire others to make music. Founded by recording artists John Rich, Big Kenny, Jon Nicholson and music publisher and industry exec, Cory Gierman, the Mafia started with the simple, yet powerful idea of bringing a group of artists together, regardless of race, religion, background, or musical genre, to make music. This Fund extends the MuzikMafia’s mission to give back to the community where they live.
The Peter Nappi Advised Fund Established 2009 In honor of his grandfather, Peter Nappi, and in keeping with his inspiration, Phillip Nappi established this Fund to support nonprofit foot clinics, such as those often located within homeless shelters or churches.
The Philip C. and Dana T. Nappi Advised Fund Established 2008 Philip and Dana Nappi donated property to establish this Fund and facilitate charitable giving.
Nashville’s Agenda Fund Established 2004 The Nashville’s Agenda Fund supports the work of the Action on Nashville’s Agenda Steering Committee. The Agenda is a set of 21 ambitious goals for Nashville’s future, created in 1993 in a city-wide goal setting process that involved thousands of Nashvillians. The Steering Committee is an ongoing leadership initiative to facilitate community progress toward the 21 goals — ranging from education, housing and race relations to transportation, economic development and tourism. Over the past decade, the Agenda project has led to the establishment of the Nashville Housing Fund, the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, the Davidson Group, and other important community initiatives.
The Neighbor’s Keeper Advised Fund Established 2009 Founded by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in 2004 out of their desire to help people in need and encourage the spirit of neighbors helping neighbors, Neighbor’s Keeper seeks to strengthen communities by contributing to diverse projects with primary emphasis on children’s initiatives.
Will and Amber Newsom Advised Fund Established 2007 One day Wilburn Newsom attended a presentation at the Crievewood United Methodist Church where he heard his friend, Charles Frazier, talk about a new way to give called The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. A few years later, Will and his wife Amber were looking to start a giving vehicle that could include their daughter and might one day encompass a Scholarship Fund. He asked Mr. Frazier about The Foundation, and not long thereafter the Newsom Advised Fund was ready to make a difference.
Charles and Linda Nichols Advised Fund Established 1999 The Norris Family Fund Established 2011 Both professionals in the community, the Norris’ created this Fund to assist in protecting nature and improving the environment in the Middle Tennessee area, and to improve the quality of life for persons living in Davidson County.
The Nowers Family Advised Fund Established 2009 This Fund was established by Burt and Lisa Nowers to support charitable giving by their family. It was established with funds from the sale of a privately held business.
O’Hara Family Advised Fund Established 2011 Jodi and Kevin O’Hara established this Fund to allow their family to help support charitable organizations whose missions are dear to them, and to engage their children in the process of giving back to the community they all love.
The Olive Branch Fund: A Thisbe and Noah Scott Legacy Advised Fund Established 2008 The Olive Branch Fund: A Thisbe and Noah Scott Legacy was founded by Franklin residents John and Laurian Scott in honor of their two children, Elenna “Thisbe” and “Noah” McArthur Scott. John and Laurian’s whole world began to change when their beautiful daughter, Thisbe, was 17-months-old. Thisbe began suffering from a disease that caused her nerve cells to die, no longer sending messages to the muscles, telling them to move. Thisbe became paralyzed piece by piece and spent the last 18 months of her short life suffering, which she bore with unbelievable grace and fortitude. Her death was caused by the motor neuron disease Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere (BVVL) on April 30th, 2007. Just one month after Thisbe’s death, her healthy, precious brother Noah, just 10-months-old at the time, started showing one of the initial symptoms of BVVL: a droopy eyelid. He too started the degeneration, full of love and purity of spirit. The disease took his life nine months later, on April 9th, 2008. Through a profound brokenness, the Scotts have begun the mission to raise awareness, fund research and provide support to families of all forms of pediatric motor neuron diseases. In this way, they hope to honor the amazing little lives that they were graced with in Thisbe and Noah — and to show that they mattered, not just to their parents, but to the world.
Oliver Family Advised Fund Established 2001 Because he’s “not that serious about life!” but wants to help the community, Dr. William Oliver says, “It’s fun to have a Fund!”
Johnnie Sue O’Neill Memorial Advised Fund Established 2000 Johnnie Sue O’Neill inspired strength, courage and love in every life she touched. Deaf since birth, she reveled in her special ability to communicate
her determination and grace to those around her. Johnnie Sue did not wish to hear; she wished for the deaf to be heard. At age 15, she was stricken with bone cancer and seized the opportunity to inspire a new audience of people by enriching the lives of her caregivers and fellow patients. Her cancer in remission, Johnnie Sue returned to high school at the Kentucky School for the Deaf in Danville, Ky., where she graduated valedictorian of her class in 1995. She continued her studies at Gallaudet University and Eastern Kentucky University before her passing in February 2000 at age 23. In honor of her faith and courage, Johnnie Sue O’Neill’s family established this Fund to benefit members of the deaf community.
Owen Family Advised Fund Established 1996 Bob and Adrienne Parker Advised Fund Established 1997 Bob and Adrienne Parker have established this Fund as an ongoing gift to the Nashville community and hope that its growth in the future will make a significant contribution to the community’s welfare.
Libby and David G. Patterson Jr. Advised Fund Established 1995 The Pattersons understand the unique flexibility built into The Community Foundation model. As a result, they established this Donor-Advised Fund as a conduit to achieve their financial objectives and charitable goals.
Allen and Cheryl Patton Advised Fund Established 2012 The Patton Advised Fund • Est. 2002 Theresa Godchaux Payne Advised Fund Established 2005 PB & JAM Family Fund Established 2011 When the opportunity arose, Brett and Jennifer Patterson converted some long-held shares of stock into charitable resources as they established this Fund within The Community Foundation. The first initial of each family member’s name created the perfect acronym—a representation of their playful young family—to be used as the name for the Fund.
Julie and Andrew Peskoe Advised Fund Established 2001 The Philip Family Advised Fund Established 2009 Marian Ott and Craig Philip created this Fund as a means to facilitate their charitable giving now, and their estate planning for the future. Marian and Craig are fully aware our community will face needs in the years ahead they could not predict, and plan to distribute retirement funds to their DonorAdvised Fund to continue supporting charitable causes even after their death, with their children, Julia and Jennifer, serving as the Fund’s advisors. C FM T.o r g | 4 5
Eddie Phillips Advised Fund • Est. 1999 Keith Phillips Family Advised Fund Established 1999 Louise T. Phillips Family Advised Fund Established 2005 The G. Edward and Molly L. Powell Charitable Advised Fund Established 2007 Obviously tuned into how to get the most bang for their buck, Molly and Ed Powell began their Donor-Advised Fund with a year-end gift of closely held stock. They timed their deduction and had the opportunity to diminish their capital gains taxation later. Such a forward-thinking gift will enable them and their four children to make a bigger difference for decades to come.
Pat and Allyson Proctor Advised Fund Established 2003 The Terryl Propper Caring Heart Advised Fund Established 2010 Dr. Terryl Propper is committed to the health and well-being of the Nashville Community. She is an activist in enabling ACCESS To CARE for the low-income working poor for their medical and dental needs. With The Community Foundation, Dr. Propper has a way to give now to the causes close to her heart, and also a vehicle to continue funding worthy causes in the future through a planned legacy gift.
The Pulles/McIlwain Donor Advised Fund Established 2012 Mayor Bill Purcell Advised Fund Established 2007 During his tenure as Mayor of Nashville and Davidson County from 1999 to 2007, Bill Purcell worked hard to enhance and sustain a great community. He focused on the tangible, like a new metro courthouse and new public housing, but he also focused on the intangible, like restoring the self-esteem and “can do” attitude of a city. When Nashville was consistently rated at the top of the lists for livability and for corporate relocations, he had us wondering “what took them so long?” As his term ended, many of those who helped him lead this great city created this Fund to commemorate his work to better the Nashville community and to enable him to continue to invest in its present and future.
Ann J. Pushin Advised Fund • Est. 2002 Queen City Advised Fund Established 1998 What started years ago as an annual Christmas celebration turned into an opportunity to make a difference throughout the year. Jeff Pervis and Greg Guinn began the Queen City Fund to help people confronting disaster in Clarksville. Money from an annual Christmas party and the additional auction of Winston Cup Racing memorabilia will be the 46 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
prime sources of gifts, but Jeff and Greg hope that this effort to benefit the people of Clarksville will gather speed and become a model for others.
Elizabeth M. Queener Advised Fund Established 2005 Elizabeth Queener is a key reason that there is a community foundation to serve Middle Tennessee. She, her sister Alyne, and their dear friend Ida F. Cooney, served as the inspiration for the effort and helped convene the Steering Committee, which became the initial Board of Directors. We are grateful for this Fund, for the others she has begun and for her multi-faceted support of our efforts to promote and facilitate philanthropy.
Eric Raefsky and Victoria Heil Advised Fund Established 1997 Larry and Dana Ramsey Advised Fund Established 2000 Dana and Larry Ramsey established this Fund as an extension and continuation of their many years of support of worthwhile causes in the Dickson County community. Prior to his death in October 2007, Larry was instrumental in establishing The Community Foundation for Dickson County, an Affiliate Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Dana was also a founding contributor and continues her support of the Foundation and its work to improve the quality of life for the residents of Dickson County.
Raymond & Ruth Randolph Family Advised Fund Established 2007 Mr. and Mrs. Randolph are planning for the future by putting in place a charitable giving vehicle for their use and the use of their children, Marbut G. Gaston Jr. and W. Harper Gaston. This Fund is intended as a place for charitable bequests to be directed so that their giving can go farther.
Rebecca K. and Edwin B. Raskin Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Beck and Ed Raskin have been fixtures at many important charitable events over the last couple of decades. At a time when they could have been resting on their laurels, they have instead continued to support organizations in the community.
Katha Raulston Advised Fund • Est. 2006 Thomas Daugherty Rayson Memorial Advised Fund Established 2001 Linda and Art Rebrovick Family Advised Fund Established 1999 Linda and Art Rebrovick have shared of themselves with many worthy nonprofits, and this Fund helps them continue their charitable works.
Middle Tennessee
Rechter Family Fund Established 1995 Joan and Ben Rechter, well-known for their community activism and philanthropic endeavors, planned for the future by establishing a Donor-Advised Fund to enable their family to continue their philanthropic tradition.
Marie Louise Carney Reed Family Advised Fund Established 2004 Celeste Reed Family Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 James H. Reed IV Family Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 Jim and Cecy Reed Community Service Fund Established 2010 John Clay Reed Family Advised Fund Established 2010 Mary Ann and Mac D. Reed Family Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 Longtime Nashville residents Jim and Cecy Reed’s names are synonymous with what’s become a local institution – Jim Reed Automotive. Founded by Jim’s father, Jim Reed, Jr., in 1917, the first Jim Reed Chevrolet Group opened at 1223 Broadway and sold 500 cars in its first year of business. Jim Reed III joined the company after World War II and became its president in 1956. Now with his children involved in the company, it represents a family tradition that has lived for three generations. While running a successful family business, Jim and Cecy were always highly involved in the community, a joy and privilege they wanted to share with their five children. At their passing, a Fund within The Community Foundation was established for each of their children, giving them the opportunity to support the causes they care about through the flexibility of a DonorAdvised Fund.
Richards Family Advised Fund • Est. 1998 Jay and Donna Richards Advised Fund Established 2008 The Jay and Donna Richards Advised Fund was created to carry on their capacity to invest in causes and organizations which they hold dear. The Community Foundation is honored to help them help others in this way.
Bill and Martha Richmond Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 Marcie Richmond Donor Advised Fund Established 2010
Steve and Cindy Richmond Donor Advised Fund Established 2010 Rippee Family Advised Fund Established 2005 Virginia and Doyle Rippee established this Fund upon their return to Nashville to support worthy Nashville community organizations, particularly those in which they are active.
Ann Roberts Fund Established 2008 Ann Roberts has worked since 1976 to preserve the historic resources and character of Nashville. When she retired, friends and colleagues joined to create this Fund in her name. Through the Ann Roberts Fund, Ann will be able to preserve the richness of the past and to invest in enriching the present and the future. This Fund allows Ann to request gifts to charitable organizations in which she believes, and it is her intention that it be used to carry on her work to preserve Nashville’s history and historic resources. Current and future generations will be better for it.
Will Robinson Advised Fund Established 1999 The Rochford Family Advised Fund Established 2008 The Rochford Family Advised Fund was established in response to the tornadoes that blew through Macon County, Tenn., in February 2008 and devastated so many lives.
Roddey Family Advised Fund • Est. 2004 The Rodes Family Advised Fund • Est. 2013 Margit and Richard Roos-Collins Advised Fund • Est. 2011 Anne and Charles Roos Advised Fund Established 1998 Carlton F. Roos Advised Fund • Est. 2011 Charles D. Roos and Alisa Lepselter Advised Fund • Est. 2011 Louis Rosenfeld, M.D. Family Advised Fund Established 1999 Louis Rosenfeld was a gentle and caring physician; a patient and respectful teacher; a gentleman and scholar; and a devoted family man. He seemed always to have time for whoever was with him. In 1999, he established this Fund to allow his sons to carry on his legacy of compassion.
The Sara Rosson and Nancy Menke Fund Established 2008 This Fund was established in 1993 with The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and became a part of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee in 2008.
Runyon/Atkinson Advised Fund Established 1996 Sue Atkinson and Marvin Runyon, her late husband, chose to merge their private foundation into The Community Foundation to accomplish their charitable goals and objectives with ease, efficiency and effectiveness.
John and Carol Russell Advised Fund Established 2004 Allen L. and Tommie S. Schlamp Family Advised Fund Established 2009 After living and working as a radiologist in Jackson, Tenn., for years, Dr. Allen Schlamp moved to Nashville to be closer to family. Having discovered the philanthropic services The Community Foundation offers, Dr. Schlamp established this Fund, named for him and his late wife, to facilitate charitable giving to a wide variety of worthy causes in Middle Tennessee and beyond.
Helen T. and Cooper M. Schley Sr. Advised Fund Established 2004 Even at the age of retirement, Helen and Cooper Schley are looking ahead. This Fund has been created to ensure that their charitable plans, dreams and aspirations come true.
Polly Schlitz Advised Fund Established 2006 This Fund was established to allow Polly Schlitz the opportunity to give back to the community that has given her so much, so that future generations will be proud to call Middle Tennessee home.
Thomas P. Seigenthaler Fund for Creativity Established 2008 Thomas P. Seigenthaler lived his life using immense creativity in a wide array of pursuits. He was a family man, a businessman, a novelist, a visual artist, a poet, and an active community leader and volunteer. He was always thinking, and never at a loss for a creative solution to whatever obstacle lay before him. The Thomas P. Seigenthaler Fund for Creativity has been established to foster and support the creativity of artists and arts organizations, as well as any individual or organization that has developed creative solutions to problems facing our community.
the dignity of all people and a sense of duty to help those less fortunate than she. She gave generously of her time, her energies and her talents to a variety of organizations. Her commitment to others was also evident in her monetary donations to many of these same causes, as well as to others with which she was not personally involved. Her children established this Fund in her memory and with the spirit of giving which she had instilled in them.
Dene and William A. Shipp Jr. Advised Fund Established 2004 Dorothy and Clay Sifford Family Fund Established 2011 Helen Thomas Siler Advised Fund Established 2003 Gary S. Silvers Advised Fund Established 1994 Gary, his wife Gail, and daughter Arielle, live in Norcross, Ga. His advisors recommended The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee as a place to create a legacy for their daughter to make gifts to worthwhile organizations through the generations.
Kay and Keith Simmons Family Advised Fund • Est. 2003 Susan and Luke Simons Advised Fund Established 2001 Lucien and Patricia Simpson Advised Fund Established 1996 Sims Family ALS Research Advised Fund Established 2005 What a profile in courage Bill Sims was. At a time when he could have been focused solely on his own journey with ALS, Bill instead chose to focus his time and energy on providing funding to support vital research into the cause and treatment of this disease. In this he always had the abiding support and encouragement of his wife, Tara, his two children, and an extended circle of family and friends. We’re honored that during his life, he chose to partner with The Community Foundation to create a better future for all who are affected by this disease.
Lucy and Wilbur Sensing Advised Fund Established 1995
Tim and Darlene Sinks Family Fund Established 2012
Shelby Shafer Family Fund • Est. 2011
Sarann B. Sloss Advised Fund • Est. 1999
Cindy Shafer created this Fund to honor the memory of her husband Shelby, who was known as a leader, mentor and friend to his colleagues at Construction Enterprises, where he served as president prior to his death. Through this Fund’s creation, Cindy will support nonprofit organizations meaningful to her family.
Elizabeth Shapiro Family Advised Fund Established 2004 Elizabeth Shapiro was raised with both a belief in
Elizabeth Smith and Bill Mueller Advised Fund Established 2005 When Elizabeth and Bill moved to Nashville from St. Louis, high on their “to-do” list was a call to The Community Foundation to establish this DonorAdvised Fund. They had already experienced the ease such a giving vehicle could provide in other places they had lived. The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is grateful for their call. C FM T.o r g | 4 7
Gary W. Smith Memorial Fund Established 2008 Although it is hard to imagine how Gary Smith could have filled his 52 years with any more than he did, it’s also hard to imagine how much more good might have happened had his life not been cut short so tragically. Through the Gary W. Smith Memorial Fund, his family, Sherri, Tyler and Tanner, is able to invest in charitable causes and concerns that fit Gary’s passions and Middle Tennessee’s opportunities.
Jeanne and Bob Dudley Smith Advised Fund Established 1996
James W. and Marilyn M. Spradley Advised Fund • Established 2002
William R. Taber, Jr. Advised Fund Established 2013
Joe and Brenda Steakley Family Advised Fund • Established 2007
Taggie-Big Pig Advised Fund Established 2007
The Steele Advised Fund • Established 2012 Peggy and Carter Steele Advised Fund Established 2006 Stillhouse Advised Fund • Established 2009
J. Smith Family Advised Fund • Est. 1998
Carl and Connie Haley established the Still House Advised Fund to support Christian-based charities, preservation and historical organizations, as well as organizations focused on supporting and developing our youth and those in need.
Jane and Tom Smith Advised Fund Established 1996
The Donald and Elizabeth Stinnett Advised Fund • Established 2012
Leah and Jim Sohr Family Advised Fund Established 2009
John R. Story Memorial Advised Fund Established 2001
Somayaji Family Advised Fund Established 2004 Dr. Buntwal Somayaji served on the Board of The Community Foundation for six years, and that’s just one recent example of his leadership contributions. Previously he had shared graciously of his time and expertise with the National Conference of Community and Justice (NCCJ) and the Sri Ganesha Temple. His efforts to build community and to bring people together have been paramount. The creation of the Somayaji Fund is an extension of his efforts.
April Speyer Advised Fund • Est. 2012 Max Speyer Advised Fund • Est. 2012 Robert Speyer Advised Fund • Est. 2012 Speyer Charitable Advised Fund Established 1997 Shirley and Stuart Speyer Family Fund Established 2012 The Spickard Family Advised Fund Established 2012 Sue and Andy Spickard wish to continue their support of those philanthropies that are devoted to the general welfare of the community in the areas of health and welfare, education, and the arts. To facilitate their charitable giving, they turned to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
Spradley Family Advised Fund Established 2011 Jimmy and Frances Spradley created this fund to involve their three daughters—Laurie Spradley, Marry Cannon Spradley, and Jamie Watson Spradley—in the family’s charitable giving decision-making process, and to provide them an opportunity to learn more about philanthropy.
Frances B. and James W. Spradley Jr. Advised Fund • Established 2002 48 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
The John R. Story Memorial Advised Fund was created to recognize the life of Charles Story’s father. Though not highly educated, John was a voracious reader and student of language. Charles honors his father’s legacy through this Fund, proceeds of which will support literacy efforts in the greater Nashville community.
Hope and Howard Stringer Advised Fund Established 2003 Hope and Howard’s Advised Fund at The Community Foundation provides them with what they term “a skillfully managed, easily accessed savings account rather than checking account approach” for their philanthropic contributions to the full range of causes they choose to support from the arts to public education; from social justice to daycare centers.
Timothy and Wendy M. Surratt Advised Fund • Est. 2000 Victoria Elisabeth Surratt Advised Fund Established 2000 In order to ensure their daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter are able to continue Dan and Fran Marcum’s tradition of good works, the Marcums set up Donor-Advised Funds for them, so the younger family members may make their own grants to charities about which they care deeply.
Charles Swift Advised Fund • Est. 2003 The Taylor Swift Charitable Fund Established 2010 In the early hours of May 2010, flooding struck Middle Tennessee leaving unprecedented destruction in its wake. As Taylor Swift watched her beloved Music City suffer the ravages of the flood waters, she immediately knew she wanted to help. She joined her neighbors in supporting flood response and relief and, then, created this Fund to continue that work and to serve as a vehicle for future giving opportunities.
Middle Tennessee
Taggie and Big Pig are more than stuffed animals. They’re the constant companions for Rylie and Connor O’Neil, Heidi and Michael O’Neil’s two young children. They are also reminders of what it means to see and respond to the needs of others as simply and as honestly as children do. By following Rylie and Connor’s example — along with Taggie and Big Pig — the O’Neil Family will support charitable causes important to them through this Fund.
Tante Advised Fund • Est. Anonymously 2006 The Tennessee Trust Advised Fund Established 1997 This Fund has been established anonymously as a commitment to service agencies in the state of Tennessee and to assist in their effectiveness in future generations.
Lillian Dunn Thomas Advised Fund Established 2000 “Doing service for people is the most important thing to me,” Lillian said. Her interaction with Nashville youth and tireless activity throughout her 80-plus years has obviously kept her young at heart. Lillian created her Fund to address one of her main concerns – helping children with physical disabilities.
Judy and Raymond Thomasson Advised Fund • Established 2003 Greg Thurman Family Advised Fund Established 1998 This Fund was established to enhance and support charitable objectives.
Team Tootoo Advised Fund Established 2011 Jordin Tootoo, a former Nashville Predators hockey player, is committed to supporting charitable causes throughout many communities, including Nashville, one he’s adopted as home since arriving in 2003. Jordin established this Fund with the goal of engaging fans and the community in causes close to his heart including nonprofits addressing suicide awareness and prevention, as well as those supporting children and teens in need.
Byron and Aleta Trauger Advised Fund Established 2006 Jack and Margie Turner Charitable Advised Fund Established 1992 Jack and Margie Turner established this Fund and others for their children to facilitate their charitable giving. As residents of Clarksville, they have found The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s geographic area to be a perfect fit for their regional philanthropic interests.
D. Scott and Meg Turner Advised Fund Established 2000
hope onto neighbors in need. This is the spark of Zimbabwe’s future!
Jeff and Susan Turner Advised Fund Established 2000
The Randy and Davonna Wachtler Family Charitable Fund Established 2012
Two Old Hippies Fund • Established 2012
In the spirit of peace, love & rock n’ roll, Molly and Tom Bedell created Two Old Hippies, a lifestyle and guitar shop in the heart of Music City that vividly reflects their desire to celebrate living. As hippies at heart, the store is a connection to their roots – a time in the 60s when they were inspired by music and moved to change the world. It also embraces their vision for a world community, where generosity, compassion and equality are a way of life. At the heart of Tom and Molly’s Nashville store amidst the guitars and colorful clothing, it’s clear their mission is more than music and merchandise, it’s about how we can all make the world a better place. In their words, “If you look at what makes you happy in life, it’s what you give to others, and not what you try to get back.” Through the Two Old Hippies Fund of The Community Foundation, the Bedells can connect with multiple causes close to their hearts and grow their philanthropy in Middle Tennessee.
The Tyrrell Family Fund • Established 2012 Tzedakah Advised Fund • Established 2006
Tzedakah, most commonly translated as the English word “charity,” also means “justice.” For the Reverend Donald Beisswenger, justice is an unending quest. He has impressed a deep, thoughtful life path upon the world in which he strives for social justice and nurtures others along their journeys. Among other roles, he has served as an activist against injustice, friend to prisoners and teacher to students. Donald believes in the power of charitable giving and the difference one person can make. With this Fund, he supports many charitable interests including homelessness, spirituality, prison outreach, women’s rights and criminal justice.
Vaden Family Advised Fund • Est. 2002 Village Hope, Zimbabwe Advised Fund Established 2009 Village Hope, a farm located in troubled Zimbabwe, provides a loving home to AIDS orphans. Education is a top priority and serving others is a way of life. From a simple beginning ... “let’s save a couple of kids” ... this project has grown to include 18 children of various ages in residence. The goal is to make a college education available to each of them. Ensuring these childrens’ future is but one goal, however. Village Hope reaches out into the community, organizing programs that feed lunch to 900 hungry school children while also providing broader community feedings for over 400 people from surrounding villages. Village Hope also supports a “seed to sadza” project that provides seed corn for planting and enough mealy meal to get households by until their crops come in. Most recently, Village Hope conducted its own habitat project called “pass it on,” where they provided animals to neighbors in deep need. Imagine this ... children once homeless living in hope and passing
Chad Welch Memorial Fund Established 2007 Chad Welch was diagnosed with Acute Mylogenous Leukemia on April 26, 2005. After 26 months, he lost his courageous battle with cancer. Throughout his illness, Chad not only fought his own disease, but he also became an advocate for the greater fight against leukemia by raising money for related charities and challenging his family and friends to join the fight against leukemia. Inspired by Chad’s courage and selfless nature, this Fund continues the fight against leukemia in Chad’s name.
The Lamar and LuLu Westcott Advised Fund • Established 2004 The Al W. Wettstein Advised Fund Established 2008 The Al W. Wettstein Advised Fund was established by Wynn and Linda Radford of Hopkinsville, Ky., specifically to foster youth development and leadership programs offered through nonprofits in Christian County, Ky. The Fund honors Al W. Wettstein, a family member whose leadership potential was never fulfilled due to his untimely death within a week of his high school graduation.
The Cindy and David Wilds Advised Fund Established 2009 Cindy and Davis Wilds established this Fund as a conduit to give back to the community conveniently, cost-effectively and with meaning.
DeLois Jackson Wilkinson Community Advised Fund Established 2005 DeLois Wilkinson knew the “ins and outs” and the “ups and downs” of community and community building. She loved this community and was a vocal advocate for the changes she thought would make it better. She invested deeply in solutions to its ills. How fitting that, at her passing, her five children established this Fund to support the nonprofits and charitable causes she held dear.
David and Gail Williams Family Advised Fund Established 2009 While Gail Williams has been chairing the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Community Outreach committee of The Women’s Fund, among other activities, David Williams, as General Counsel of Vanderbilt University, has been reengineering a host of things at Vanderbilt and serving organizations from WRVU to United Way. Along the way, they established this Fund within The Community Foundation to make their charitable giving easier now, and for their children.
Jerry B. Williams and Ernest Williams III Advised Fund • Established 1996
Tracey Carter Williams and William Hanson Williams II Advised Fund Established 2005 Tracey Williams and her son, Hanson, have been integral parts of the Hopkinsville community. Tracey served as the head of the Chamber of Commerce, as interim head of United Way during a transition and in the leadership of several nonprofit organizations before her move to Nashville. Hanson moved to Nashville following college. Together they are committed to improving their community — no matter where they choose to call home.
Wilson Family Advised Fund • Est. 2005 Sally Holland Wilson Advised Fund Established 2001 Throughout her life, Sally Wilson was active in her community, trying to make it a better place in which to live. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she set up a Fund with The Community Foundation to provide her two young daughters with the opportunity to learn how to make charitable giving decisions.
Chad Wohlers Advised Fund Established 2010 As a realtor, Chad serves clients throughout the buying and selling process. Consequently, this builds homes, families and neighborhoods. Chad believes continual reinvestment in the community will ensure Nashville remains a great place to live, today and tomorrow. Through this Fund, he supports charitable opportunities throughout the community, with a particular focus on local nonprofits serving disadvantaged children and animals.
The Wooten Family Advised Fund Established 2009 Worker Access to Justice Advised Fund Established 2008 Unlawful employment practices are common, but often go unchecked because many workers lack access to affordable legal assistance. This fund was designed to help workers challenge exploitative and unfair labor practices, especially in cases where retaining a private attorney is not economically feasible. Challenging these types of workplace violations helps workers maintain their dignity as equals in our community, regardless of their income.
Matthew W. Wyatt Advised Fund • Est. 2007 Pam and Tom Wylly Advised Fund Established 2000 Anne H. and Robert K. Zelle Advised Fund Established 1992 Alan W. Zibart Fund for Arts and Letters Established 1995 Paul J. and Sarah R. Zimmerman Advised Fund Established 2001 C FM T.o r g | 4 9
our 2012 donors 13th South JD CASA 2nd Wednesday Luncheon Club 401K Advisors 560 Colonial LLC 6994th Security Squadron A Quality Smile For You, PC AAHGS Nashville Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Aaron Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abbagnaro Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Abbattista Mr. Donald W. Abel Jr. Mr. Justin J. Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. Leif Abram Mr. Howard Abts Academy of Country Music Acadian Medical Center Accent Smile Center, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Macallynn J. Achee ACLU Foundation of Tennessee Ms. Caroline Acree Dr. Joe M. Adair Adams and Reese, LLP-LA Adams Family Foundation Ms. Catrin Adams Ms. Connie W. Adams Mr. Don Adams Ms. Ellen Adams Ms. Erica Adams Ms. Heather Adams Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Adams Mr. Joel R. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Mark Adams Ms. Mary Adams Ms. Nan Adams Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Adams Mr. Tim Adams Ms. Betty D. Adamson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Addlestone Addtel Communications, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James D. Aderhold Jr. Adidas America, Inc. Ms. Gwen Adkins Mr. R. Scott Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Adkins Ms. Alexandria Adler ADS Security Advantage Talent Agency Adventure Science Center Nashville Aerospace Testing Alliance Rock Harbor Marine, Inc. AGA/Nashville Chapter Agape International Ministries Agility Fuel Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ahern III AIG Matching Grants Program Ms. Terri G. Aiken Ms. Consuella Ainsworth Mr. Duffey Ainsworth Mr. and Mrs. John Aita Ajax-Turner Company, Inc. Ms. Ruth Akahoshi Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Akers Ms. Margaret N. Akers Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark Akers Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Akers Ms. Ellen Akin Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld, L.L.P. Mrs. T. W. Akins AL NAWGJ Alabama Power Aladdin Industries Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. Albanese Mr. Lane Albores Ms. Jane G. Albright 50 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. Vernon E. Albright Alcoa 25 Year Club Mr. Keith Aldridge Alexander Chevrolet Ms. Betty Jo Alexander Ms. Crystal L. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Alexander Ms. Doris M. Alexander Ms. Edna Alexander Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander The Hon. and Mrs. Lamar Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott Alexander Mr. Steve Alexander Ms. Janice Alka All Pest Solutions, Inc. All Tech Inspections, Inc. Ms. Betty M. Allen Mr. Brad Allen Ms. Carolyn A. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. Charles R. Allen Ms. Cindy Allen Ms. Connie Allen Mr. Frankie B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mr. Kyle Allen Ms. Laurie Allen Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Allen Ms. Marcie Allen Ms. Margot Allen Ms. Melissa J. Allen Ms. Pamela Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Allen Mr. David Alley Ms. Jana Alley Mr. and Mrs. Troy Alley Ms. Joy Allison Ms. Marie M. Allmendinger Ms. Constance Allmond Allstate Giving Campaign Mr. Orville Almon Jr. Ms. Ericka Alonzo Mrs. Phyllis R. Alper Alpha and Omega Ministries Ms. Christiev Alphin Ms. Kimberly Alsbrooks Mr. John S. Alsentzer Jr. Mr. Perry Alston AltairStrickland Holdings, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Maynard A. Altizer Ms. Aimee Altman Mr. Mark Altoonian and Ms. Ana C. Couto Altria Group Distribution Company Ms. Kat Amano Brown Ambrose and Marshall Kemp American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO American General Life and Accident Insurance Company American Paper & Twine Company/ Charitable Trust American Red Cross - Nashville Area Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Amerson Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ames Mr. James D. Amos Ms. Kimberly Amrhein Ms. Andrea Amundson Amy Grant Productions Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Amyx Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Anchor Mr. Jim Anders Ms. Liv Andersen Ms. Karin Anderson-Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Anderson Ms. Betty Anderson Ms. Betty Anderson Middle Tennessee
Mr. Chris Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson Mr. George E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Anderson Ms. Holly Anderson Mr. John Anderson Ms. Julie Anderson Ms. Kari Anderson Ms. Lindsay M. Anderson Ms. Marsha Anderson and Mr. Brian B. Ballantine Ms. Mary M. Anderson Ms. Melissa G. Anderson Ms. Molly E. Anderson Ms. Nancy W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Anderson Ms. Rachel Anderson Ms. Rosalyn Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Anderson Ms. Susan Anderson Mr. Ted Anderson Mr. Tyler Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Anderson Ms. Yvonne G. Anderson Andrew W. Byrd and Company, LLC Ms. Ann Y. Andrew Andrews Cadillac/Land Rover Nashville Ms. Amanda Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews Ms. Carol Andrews Mr. Doug Andrews Mr. J. William Andrews Jr. Ms. Nancy Andrews Mrs. Sue A. Andrews Dr. Susan Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Andrighetto Ms. Jennifer Angier Anixter Anne Bransford Wallace Foundation Anonymous Mr. Randall Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Anthony Sr. Antioch Baptist Church Ms. Glenda Antkies Ms. Amanda P. Antone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antoniewicz AO Smith Water Heater Company Ms. Terri Apanasewicz Apex and Robert E. Lee Moving and Storage Co., Inc. Appalachian State University Interior Design Program Mr. Carlyle D. Apple Mr. and Mrs. James E. Appleberry Mr. Dan Applegate Aquilex WSI, LLC Mr. Larry Archer Ms. Sharon Archer Mr. Johnny A. Arcinas Arent Fox , LLP Argent Trust Company of Tennessee Ms. Elizabeth Argo Mr. Seth Argo Ms. Anne O. Armfield Mrs. Clare C. Armistead Mr. L. H. Armistead III Ms. Qiana Armstead Ms. Anita Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Armstrong Jr. Mr. John Arndt Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Arnemann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Arnett Arnold Family Farm Mr. Jason Arnold Mr. Randy Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold
Ms. Nan Aron Ms. Ashley Arrison Ms. Amanda Arscott Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville Arthritis Foundation Southeast Region, Inc. Mrs. Emerson Arthur Ms. Jacqueline Arthur Ms. Denise Asaro Ascent Engineering, Inc. Ms. Mary Frances Ash Ms. Alison Ashbrook Mrs. Judy W. Ashe Dr. Jordan Asher and Ms. Jodi Mattison Ms. Tina Ashford Maris B. Ashley Ms. Stacy Ashmeade Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashworth Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ashworth Ms. Ophelia L. Ashworth Mr. M. H. Askew Jr. Ms. Robyn Askew Asphalt Express Enterprises, LLC At Home Realty Atelier Athens Regional Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Billy Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter Atkins Mr. James Atkins Ms. Leigh Z. Atkins Mrs. Amy Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Trey Atkisson Mr. Mike Atlas Ms. Laura B. Atwood Ms. Kim L. Aufderhaar Ms. Phyllis Aulds Ms. Kathy Austin and Ms. Linda Blackstone Mrs. Shannon F. Austin Mr. and Ms. Jared Autrey Mr. Philip E. Autry Avenue Bank Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Averbuch Ms. Carolyn Avery AVI Systems Avondale Partners, LLC Waqas Awan Mr. and Mrs. Roy Awbrey Dr. and Mrs. Carl C. Awh Mr. Oluyemi Awodiya Axens North America, Inc. Ms. Martha Axford Ms. Rebekah Axson Mr. Akinlawon O. Ayeni The Ayers Foundation, Inc. Ms. Maria Azpurua Dr. and Mrs. N. S. Babu Reddy Mr. Alan Bachrach Ms. Tadini Bacigalupi Bacon and Company, Inc. Ms. Christi Bacon Mr. Jon Badgett Ms. Sherri Baggett Ms. Vicki S. Bagwell The Bahl Foundation Ms. Sharon Bahrman Ms. Regina M. Bailey-Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bailey Mr. Cooper Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Dalcho F. Bailey Ms. Deanna Bailey Ms. Deborah Bailey Mr. Doug Bailey Ms. Jacqueline P. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bailey III Ms. Lisa H. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bailey Jr.
Ms. Stephanie Bailey Mr. Tom Bailey Ms. Velma C. Bailey Ms. Laurissa L. Bailie Mr. Robert D. Bailie Mr. Raymond Baines Baird & Wilson Sheetmetal, Inc. Mr. John Baird Ms. Linda W. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Charley L. Bairnsfather Ms. Cheryl Bak Baker Botts L.L.P. Baker Tank/Altech Ms. Addie Baker Mr. and Mrs. David Baker Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean Baker Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Baker Mr. Joe Baker Ms. Judith Baker Ms. Leota Baker Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Baker Mr. Scott Baker Mr. and Mrs. William C. Baker Mr. William Baker Mr. Brandon Bakshi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Baldus Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baldwin Ms. Kelli Baldwin Ms. Heather Bale Balfour Baptist Church Ms. Brenda L. Balius Ms. Gretchen Ball Ms. Katherine C. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ball Ms. Natalie Ballard Ms. Tammy M. Ballestero Mr. and Mrs. Maston Ballew Banc Card of America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bane Ms. Gaye Baneck Mrs. Rebecca C. Bangerter Bank of America Matching Gifts Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of America United Way Campaign Bank of America-Tennessee Bank of Dickson Bank of North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. J. Barringer Banker Bankers Title and Escrow Dickson, LLC Ms. Heather Banky Mr. J. Patrick Banse Baptist Healing Trust Ms. Anita Barbee Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barber Ms. Lindsay R. Barber Ms. Michelle Barbero Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Barch Barclays Capital GEPS Americas Ms. Faith Barcroft Ms. Deborah T. Barcus Mr. and Mrs. J. Gentry Barden Mr. Joe Barden Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Barfield II Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, Inc. Mr. Frankie H. Barger Ms. Stephanie B. Barger and Ms. Katherine Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker Ms. Melanie Barker Ms. Tawanna Barksdale Barlow Builders, LLC Ms. Jennifer Barmer Barnes Energy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Barnes Jr. Mr. James E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Barnes Ms. Patricia M. Barnes
Ms. Stacie Barnes Mr. and Mrs. A. Lando Barnett Mr. Nathan Barnett Ms. Patricia B. Barnett Mr. Steve Barnette Ms. Joyce A. Barney Barnhill Contracting Company Mr. Kendall Barnum Mr. Daniel Barocas Ms. Carol A. Barr Barrett Johnston, LLC Mr. and Mrs. J. Robin Barrick Mr. Jim Barrier Ms. Amy Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Jay Barron Ms. Leann Barron Ms. Marjorie Barron Ms. Clisby H. Barrow Mr. Doug Barry Judge Haywood Barry Ms. Tanna M. Barry Mr. Zachary Barry Ms. Brenda Barshinger Mr. Michael S. Barson and Ms. Jean Behrend Bart Durham Injury & Accident Law Office Ms. Elizabeth Bartel Ms. Mary Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Bartholomew Jr. Mrs. Sarah Bartholomew Mr. William D. Bartholomew Mr. Charles A. Barton Ms. Crystal Barton Mr. and Mrs. John Barton Ms. Kay Barton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barton Mr. Ron Bartos Ms. Ellen Bartz Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Basore Bass Berry & Sims Mrs. Edith McBride Bass Ms. Elizabeth W. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Baston Ms. Meredith Bateh Ms. Carol F. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bates Mr. Jason Bates Ms. Martha Bates Ms. Rita Bates Ms. Robin Bates Ms. Charlotte Batey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Batson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Battle Ms. Lucy Baty Mr. and Mrs. Bradley O. Bauer Mr. Michael B. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baum Ms. Sylvia H. Baum Ms. Sharon R. Baumgardner Mr. Robert Baur Ms. Heather Bausch Ms. Debra Baylis Mr. and Mrs. Van E. Bayne Mr. Grady Bazzel BB&T Co. bBOLD, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Beachum Jr. Ms. Leslie Beadle Ms. Cynthia Beam Mr. Kenny Beam Ms. Katrin T. Bean Ms. Becky Beard Mr. Brady Beard Ms. Sally Beasley-Brown Ms. Lisa Ann Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beasley Mr. Matthew Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Beasley Mr. Troy Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Beatty Ms. Karen Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Rob Beatty Ms. Vicki S. Beaver Ms. Deborah A. Beazley Ms. Shirley Bebout Mr. David Beck Mr. and Mrs. M. Dean Beck Ms. Melissa Beck Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Beckett Mr. Thaddeus Beckner Mr. and Mrs. William E. Beckner Ms. Ruthie Beckwith Ms. Rosanne Bedea The Bedell World Citizenship Fund Ms. Mary E. Bedenbaugh Ms. Kathy Bednarek Mr. Neil Beech Ms. Martha E. Begalla Ms. Tiffany Behringer Mr. and Ms. Mark W. Behrman Mr. and Mrs. James G. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Belcher Belcourt YES! Mr. Ken Belew Ms. Glenda Belitz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Belk Bell and Associates Construction, LP Mr. Andy Bell Ms. Colleen Bell Ms. Holly Bell Ms. Joan Bell Ms. Linda L. Bell Ms. Marilyn Bell Mr. and Mrs. Zane T. Bell Mrs. Jean P. Bellamy Dr. and Mrs. William Bellett Belleville Township High School District 201 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellina Belmont United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. John E. Benedetti Ms. Kaitlin Benedetto Ms. Carla Benefield Mr. Ryan Z. Benefield Ms. Tammy Benefield Benefit Brokers, LLC Ms. Bonnie S. Beneke Ms. Lorraine A. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bennett Ms. Katherine H. Bennett Ms. Louanne Bennett Ms. Louis Bennett Ms. Sylvia Bennion Ms. Nancy Benskin Mr. Ed Benson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Benson Ms. Heidi Benson Ms. Peggy Benson Mr. Robert L. Benson and Mr. Michael McDaniel Ms. Belyna Bentlage Ms. Louellen Benton Ms. Ruth S. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Bercaw Ms. Gabrielle Beretta Ms. Marian Berger Ms. Ebonee Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bergmann Ms. Amy J. Bernhardt Ms. Amy Bernier Mr. Chuck Berry Mr. and Mrs. David Berry Ms. Faye Berry Ms. Karen J. Berson Mr. Brad Beskin Mr. James Bessette Mr. Caryl E. Best
Beta Sigma Phi-Preceptor Epsilon Chapter Beta Sigma Phi/Delta Master Chapter Mr. George Betenbaugh Bethel Baptist Church of Locust Inc. Bethesda Health Clinic Bethesda Masonic Lodge Ms. Leah Bettis Ms. Betty Jean Betts Ms. Kim Betts Betty and Bernard Werthan Foundation Betty J. Glynn Rev Trust Beulah Heights Wesleyan Church Beveled Edge Ms. Virginia Bewley Ms. Evelyn Beyer BH Associates Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bialorucki Mr. Steve Bianchi Ms. Angela Bibby Ms. Patricia Bible Ms. Regina Bice Ms. Cindy Biddle Ms. Kristan Bidinger Ms. Kallie Bienvenu Ms. Courtney Bierbrodt Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Biesman Big Events, Inc. Ms. Claudia Billen Ms. Linda Billings Ms. Daphne Billingsley Ms. Lesli L. Bills Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bills Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Binda Mr. Anthony Binkley Ms. Lisa Binkley Ms. Stacey Binkley Biofriendly Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Bird Jr. Ms. Sherry L. Bird Ms. Kathleen M. Birdwell Mr. Christopher Birmingham Mr. Rob Bironas Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bisaha Ms. Jane Bishop Ms. Michelle Bishop Ms. Patty Bishop Ms. Tinna Bissette Mr. Kyle Bitner Ms. Mary Bitts Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bivacca Mr. Orfa Bizer Victoria Bizzell Cooksey Black River Entertainment Ms. Celeste Black Ms. Stephanie Y. Black Mr. Thomas L. Black The Hon. Cheryl Blackburn Ms. Ellen Blackmer Ms. Caroline Blackwell Ms. Virginia P. Blady Ms. Valerie Blaine Mr. Frank Blair Ms. Rebecca L. Blair Ms. Susan Blair Blairsville Garden Club Ms. Tanya Blake Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Blakley Ms. Christy A. Blalock Mr. James B. Blane Ms. Beth Blankenship Mr. Charles Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Blankenship Mr. Jeff Blankenship Mr. John Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Blaylock Ms. Ashira Blazer Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blazier II C FM T.o r g | 5 1
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Clay Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Blevins BLLSF, LLC Jackass Bar and Grill Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Bloch Ms. Linda Blood Ms. Sarah Blood Ms. Caitlin Bloodworth Ms. Sandra A. Bloodworth Mr. Lance Bloom Ms. Linda D. Blossom Blue Bell Creameries, L.P. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Bluegrass Community Hospital The Bluestem Foundation Blum Family Foundation Ms. Shelby R. Bluthardt Ms. Consiglia L. Blyler Ms. Evelyn B. Blythe Ms. Jennifer Boada Mr. and Mrs. J. Mike Board Bob Barker Company, Inc. Bob Frensley Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge, Inc. Bob Parks Realty Bobcat of St. Louis Ms. Tina S. Bobo Mr. and Mrs. David W. Boclair Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Boclair III Mr. Brock L. Bodart Ms. Blair Bodden Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Boehm Ms. Marion B. Bogen Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bogen Mr. Jeff Boggan Mr. Mark M. Boggs Mr. Patrick Boggs Mr. Ernest Bogle Boice-Willis Clinic, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bolick Jr. Ms. Kathleen A. Bolton Ms. Mary Brooke Bonadies Bonanza Cattle Company, Inc. Mr. Joseph R. Bond Debbie and Warren Bone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bone Bongo Productions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Bonk Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bonner Ms. Molly Bonner Ms. Shelley Booker-Hardwick Ms. Pamela Booker Bookwalter Keen-Agers Club Ms. Maria Boone Ms. Traci Boone Ms. Aimee Boorse Mr. Christopher Booth Ms. Edwina Booth Ms. Dianne Bordas Mr. David Borden Ms. Lisa Borders Ms. Janice Borgosz Ms. DeLana Borja Borman Entertainment-Tennessee Mr. Merle Born Ms. Carolyn L. Bos Mr. Jon Bosch Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bosnic Mr. Lionel Bossie Ms. Isabel Boswell Ms. Jana Boswell Mr. Jeff Boswell Ms. Valerie Bosworth Ms. Paige Bottom Ms. Jennifer Bottorff Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie G. Bottorff Mr. Daniel Botula Ms. Edwana Boucher Ms. Leilani Boulware and Mr. Dwaine Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bourne 52 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. Jack O. Bovender Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bovender Mr. Stanley Bowden Ret. Col. Max S. Bowdoin Mr. Jamey Bowen and Mr. Norman Wells Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowen Ms. Jaada M. Bowens Ms. Barbara Bowers Mrs. Lillian R. Bowers Mr. Simon Bowker Mr. Bob Bowles Ms. Melissa Bowles Ms. Emily Bowman Ms. Kelly Ann Bowman Mr. Rick Bowman Ms. Shirley Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Bowman Ms. Thelma Bowman Ms. Gwen Boyd Mr. and Mrs. William R. Boyd Ms. Yvonne S. Boyd Ms. Jacquelyn Boyden Ms. Katherine Boyer Mr. Robert Boyet Mr. Gerard Boyle Boys and Girls Club of El Dorado BP BP Fabric of America Fund Ms. Beth Bracey Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bracken Ms. Jessica Brackney Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bracy Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Bradbury III Mr. and Mrs. James R. Braden Ms. Stacy Bradfield Ms. Suzanne Bradford and Ms. Judy E. Lojek Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bradley Ms. Heather Bradley Ms. Caroline Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bradshaw Mr. Luis Bradshw Brady Mills Graphics Ms. Deborah Brady Ms. April D. Bragg, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Brake Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brakefield Ms. Becky Branco Mr. George Brandes Mr. Sullivan Branding Mr. Alex Brandon Mr. and Mrs. David H. Brandt Ms. Erwin Brandt Ms. Tuwanna D. Branham-Richardson Mr. Ashton Brannen Mr. Hunter Branstetter Branstetter, Stranch and Jennings, PPLC Ms. Susan Brantley Ms. Sandra Bratcher Ms. Diane K. Bratt Dr. and Mrs. David M. Bratton Mr. Derek Brawders Breakfast Club of Nashville Mr. and Mrs. George Bredensteiner The Hon. Philip Bredesen and Ms. Andrea Conte Mr. Johnny Breeden Mr. William K. Breeden Mr. Patrick Brennan Ms. Virginia Brennan Ms. Pat Brent Mr. and Mrs. John N. Brenzia Ms. Joan Breshears Mr. Panitz Brett Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Brewer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bridges Mr. John A. Bridges Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund
Middle Tennessee
Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC. Ms. Charlotte Bridgewater Ms. Barbara Bright Ms. Renee Bright Ms. Geneva Brignolo Ms. Marcy Brillman Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaus H. Brinkama Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Brinkley Ms. Kathryn Brinton Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation/ Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Britt Ms. Ashley Britt Mr. and Mrs. William D. Britt Mrs. Dorothy M. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. Billy Britton Ms. Sharon Brix and Mr. John MacMahon Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) Mr. Artie Broadhurst Ms. Sylvia L. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brockman Ms. Nancy Broden Ms. Marcia P. Broering Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Brollier Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bronaugh Jr. Mrs. Nancy E. Bronsdon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Brooker Ms. Andrea Brooks Ms. Ashley C. Brooks Mr. James T. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Brooks Mr. Matthew Brooksher Brooksource Ms. Mary Brophy Ms. Lynda Brothers Mr. Micheal Brouthers Ms. Angela Brouty Brown Distributing Company Mrs. Aaron B. Brown Jr. Mr. Allen Brown Jr. Ms. Autumn Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Brown Ms. Bonnie Brown Mr. Bruce T. Brown Ms. Charlotte M. Brown Mr. and Ms. Dave Brown Mr. Daniel Brown Mr. Dusty Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown Mr. Frank A. Brown III Ms. Helen Brown, Ph.D Mrs. Iva H. Brown Mr. Johnny Brown Ms. Julie Brown Mrs. Lattie Noel Brown Ms. Lindsey Brown Ms. Lisa Brown Ms. M. Jeanette Brown Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Brown Mr. Mario Brown Mr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Brown Jr. Mr. Martin S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Brown Ms. Nancy J. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Brown Ms. Shannon Brown Mr. Stoy Brown Ms. Susan G. Brown Ms. Tipton Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Brown Jr. Ms. Anne Browning Mr. Grant Browning Ms. Elizabeth Broyhill Mr. Greg Broyles Mrs. Betty P. Broz Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bruhn
Mr. Douglas Bruhns Brulin and Company, Inc. Ms. Donna Brumby Mr. Steven R. Brumfield Ms. Margaret R. Bruner Ms. Margie Brusseau Ms. Judy Bryan Ms. Patricia Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Bryan Mr. Terry M. Bryan Mr. Chadd Bryant Ms. Lindsay B. Bryant Ms. Marilyn Bryant Ms. Beth Bryson BSI Inspectorate Mr. Gary Buchanan Mr. Jason Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Buchanan Ms. Allison Buchignani Ms. Sharon Buck Mr. William Buck Mr. Dan Buckner Mr. Landon M. Buckner Mr. Ralph Buckner Ms. Evelyn Buckstein Mr. David Budlong Budweiser of Clarksville Mr. and Mrs. John C. Buescher Buffalo Rock Company Mrs. Iris W. Buhl Ms. Betty Buhr Mr. and Mrs. Bertram E. Buller Mr. Richard D. Bullington Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bullion Ms. Pauline Bullock Hal Bumbalough Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bumbalough Ms. Sandra L. Bumbalough Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bumpus Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bumstead Ms. Evelyn J. Bundrick Mr. and Mrs. William Bundy Bunker Hill Community, Inc. Mr. Quentin Buntin Mr. Kenneth Bunting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bunting Dr. and Mrs. Stan Burcham Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burd Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burdett Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burgdorf Ms. Audrey Burger Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Burgess Ms. Delle Rhue Burgess Mr. Jerry L. Burgess Ms. Mary T. Burgin Ms. Carmen Burgos Ms. Felicia Burk Mr. Charles Burke Ms. Rebecca H. Burke Mr. and Mrs. William A. Burkhardt Mr. John W. Burkhart III Ms. Phoebe J. Burkheart Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Burleson Ms. Jennifer Burlingame Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Burns Ms. Jennifer Burns Mr. Robert Burns Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burns Ms. Sheila Burns Ms. Suzanne Burns Ms. Marilynn M. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Burridge Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Burris Mr. Roy E. Burris Mr. Joe Burroughs Mr. Michael Burroughs Ms. Tammy Jo Bursovsky
Mr. Jerome Burt Ms. LaCrisha Burton Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burton Ms. Adeline Bush Brandon Bush Ms. Lori A. Bush Ms. Mellissa Bush Ms. Corinne Bushaw-Noble Ms. Sarah T. Bushaw-Noble Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bussey Mr. Paul Bute Mr. and Mrs. Matt Butitta The Board of The Brad Butkiewicz Memorial Scholarship Foundation Butler Snow Mr. and Mrs. Alman I. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Butler Mr. and Mrs. George B. Butler Mr. Landry Butler Ms. Phyllis Butler Mr. and Mrs. Seth Butler Ms. Sharon M. Butler Mr. Tim Butler Mr. and Mrs. David R. Buttrey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Byars Mr. Scott Byers Ms. Anitra Bynum Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bynum Mr. Worth D. Bynum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Byrd Ms. Edie Byrnes C.H.A.S.E, LLC C3 Consulting, LLC CABLE Foundation Mr. Ralph P. Cadenhead Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Cagle Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Cagle Mr. and Mrs. Ben Caillouette Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Calabrese Ms. Deborah Calder Ms. Charnetta M. Caldwell Mr. Daniel J. Caldwell Mr. Donnie Caldwell Ms. Kayla Caldwell Ms. Michal Caldwell Ms. Pamela Caldwell Ms. Sabre P. Caldwell Ms. Ruth Calhoun Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital Mr. and Mrs. David Callahan Mr. Peter Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Jason Callonas Mr. John Callow Mr. William Calton Ms. Shelley Cammack Camp 2152 Sons of Confederate Veterans Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Campbell Ms. Cathy Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Campbell Ms. Jennifer Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Campbell Mr. Jimmie Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John T. Campbell Mr. Keith Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Landy R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Campbell Ms. Lisa Campbell Ms. Martha Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Campbell Jr. Ms. Terri Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Victor Campbell Campeau Chiropractic, P.C. Canadian Time Systems, Inc./ Key Trader Systems Ms. Patricia P. Candish Ms. Marisa Cannata Mr. Gary Cannizzo Ms. Denise Cannon
Ms. Melissa Cannon Ms. Meredith Cannon Ms. Tamra K. Cantore Cape Fear Area United Way, Inc. Ms. Pearl S. Capel Ms. Janice B. Capes Capital Financial Group, LLC Capital Risk Management Group Capital Wealth Advisors Mr. James Capozzi Mr. Charles H. Capps Mr. and Mrs. John P. Capps Ms. Alicia A. Caputo-Smith Mr. DeFrancis Carbone Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carden Mr. Jarrett Carden Ms. Delma Cardona Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cardwell Comfort Inn Caritas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carl Ms. Periann Carl Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carle Mr. and Mrs. David E. Carlee Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Carlee Ms. Carol Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Carlton Jr. Ms. Lisa Carmichael Ms. Deborah A. Carnes Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carnes Carolina Beverage Corporation/(Cheerwine) Carolina Eastern Aiken, Inc. Carolina Trace Gated Properties Team The Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care Ms. Alexander P. Carota Mr. Alex Carpenter Mr. Ben Carpenter Mr. Charles Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carpenter Mr. Donald Carpenter Ms. Donna Carpenter Mr. Joseph Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. William F. Carpenter III Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard, Oliver and Sisson, PC Ms. Cindy F. Carr Ms. Dona Carr Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carr Ms. Ellen Carr Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Carr Ms. Michele Carr Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Carraway Ms. Margret Carrington Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Carroll Ms. Jennifer Carruth Ms. Mary Katherine Carson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell Ms. Becky Carter Ms. Danielle Carter Ms. Donna Carter Mr. Imhotep K. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Carter Jr. Ms. Marie F. Carter CPA Ms. Mary Carter Mr. Richard Carter Ms. Sara Carter Ms. Yvonne Carter Ms. Sue Carver Mr. Daniel Casey Ms. Mary Catherine Casey Mr. Michael Caskey Ms. Julie Cason Mr. Jim Casselberry Mrs. Anabel S. Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand B. Cassels Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cassens Ms. Deborah C. Cassetty
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cassetty Ms. Beverly J. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Casson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Caswell Cat Spec., Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cate Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cate Ms. Lois S. Catero Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation Ms. Melissa Cathelyn Catholic Media Productions Mr. Hal G. Cato Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cato Mr. and Mrs. George T. Caudill CCA CCI/Amtel Ms. Marion D. Ceaser Cecil Beach Nursery Ms. Reba Celsor Center for Nonprofit Management Chattanooga Orthopaedic Group, P.C. CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. Centerstone of Tennessee, Inc. Central Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chadwell Ms. Barbara J. Chagnon Ms. Anne Challis Ms. Carla M. Chamberlain Mr. Mark Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chamberlain Ms. Angela Chambers Mr. and Mrs. John L. Chambers Ms. Katrina Chambers Ms. Susan Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Chambers Champion Technologies Ms. Donna Chandler Mr. and Mrs. James W. Chandler III Mr. Vlvek Chandra Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chaney Ms. Kimberly Chansky Ms. Mary Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Chapin Ms. Alice M. Chapman Mr. Edward L. Chapman Mrs. Frances H. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Chapman Ms. Susan Chapman Chappell Smith and Associates Mr. and Mrs. James P. Chappell Ms. Susan Chappell Ms. Shawna Charboneau Charles Hampton’s A-1 Signs, Inc. Ms. Barbara W. Chase Ms. Donna Chase Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Chatham Mr. Robert Chatham Chattanooga Association of Retired Duponters Mr. and Mrs. Marco Chavarria-Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chavis Ms. Sarah Chavis Dr. and Mrs. Eric M. Chazen Cheatham and Palermo, Attorneys Ms. Gloria H. Cheek Mr. James Cheek Cheekwood Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Cheever Mr. Matthew Chen Mrs. Betsy Chernau Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cherry Mr. Stanley M. Chervin and Ms. Barbara F. Richards Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Ms. Megan Childers Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Childers Children’s Advocacy Center of Hamilton County Childs & Halligan, P.A. Ms. Beth Childs
Mr. James C. Childs Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Chilton Chino Valley Ranger District Ms. Terah Chipman Ms. Angeline Chisham Ms. Roxanna Chitwood Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Chmiel Mr. John Choate Mr. Robert Chodosh Ms. Michelle Chrest Christ United Methodist Church Mr. James K. Christain Ms. Rosemary Christen Paige Christenberry Ms. Anne B. Christenbury Ms. Florence D. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. John D. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Christensen Mrs. Barbara J. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Doug Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Christianson Ms. Kimberly Christie Ms. Mary Christie Mr. Jerry Christine Ms. Alice Christofersen Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Christofersen Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Tim Christy Chukker Creek Elementary Ms. Nicole Chumbler Mr. Bryan Church Ms. Candace Church Ms. Cindy Church Ms. Kelly A. Church Mr. Lloyd M. Church III Ms. Nancy Church Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Churchwell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Churchwell Ms. Mary E. Churchwell Mr. Robert Churchwell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran CINC Systems, LLC Mr. Joe Ciprian Circle Players, Inc. Mr. Adolfo Cisnero Citizens For Shepard City National Bank City of Rock Hill City of Rockport City of Tega Cay Mr. Walter Clair Mr. and Mrs. J. Bayne Clapp Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Clapp Ms. Miltonette Clardy The Clark Family Clark Funeral Home Ms. Amanda M. Clark Ms. Daniela Clark Mr. and Mrs. David M. Clark Mr. Duane Clark and Ms. Kristi Goodwin Ms. Joan Clark Ms. Karen Clark Ms. Lisa B. Clark Ms. Marcella R. Clark Ms. Mary B. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Clark Ms. Patricia Clark Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Clark Mr. and Mrs. Whit Clark Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke Ms. Patsy N. Clay Ms. Kayla Clayborne Mr. and Mrs. V. Lamont Claybrooks Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Claycombe Ms. Cathy Claypole Ms. Anne Clayton Mr. Brent Clayton Mr. Rogers Clayton CLEAResult Consulting, Inc. C FM T.o r g | 5 3
Ms. Maxine Cleeton Mr. and Mrs. Chris N. Clemens Ms. Julie Clemens Ms. Mary C. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Clement Robert Clement Clements Funeral Service Mr. Jebre Clemmons Mr. John R. Clemmons Ms. Laura Clemons Ms. Peggy Clemons Ms. Mitsy Clendenin Ms. Janet K. Clenney Mr. James Clifton Mr. William Clifton Ms. Cynthia D. Climer Mr. Samuel E. Cline Mr. Keith Clodfelter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clogher Ms. Kathy Cloninger Clover School District #2 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Clower Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clower Club Tipico Dominicao, Inc. Clyde’s Chapel Baptist Church Women on Missions 1 Coach Foundation, Inc. Coastal Chemical Co. Mr. Howard Coatney Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Cobb Mr. Phil Cobucci Coca Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca Cola-AL Mr. and Mrs. Kent Cochran Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cochran Ms. Diane Cockrell Dr. and Mrs. John G. Cocoris Cody-White Funeral Home Mr. Matthew Coen Ms. Betty G. Coffer Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Coffin Ms. Una Coffman Ms. Joy Cogan Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Coggin Ms. Kayley Coggins Dr. and Mrs. Alan Cohen Ms. Nancy Cohn Coit Services, Inc. Ms. Beth Coit Ms. Cherie Coker Mr. Tim Cokkinias Mr. and Mrs. Ethan C. Colclasure Ms. Caroline Cole Mr. J. Chase Cole Ms. Lisa Cole Pat and Ed Cole Ms. Rosemary Cole Ms. Shirley Cole Ms. Susan D. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Peter Colella Mr. Christopher Coleman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coleman Mr. Micah Coleman Ms. P. Kay Coleman and Ms. Janice E. Montle Ms. Sharice Coleman Mr. Tyler Coleman Mr. Wayne Coleman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coles College Bicycle and Skate Shop Paintball Adventures Mr. Kevin Collen Ms. Jane Collette Ms. Maggie Collier Colliers International Ms. Stacie Collins-Young Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Collins Ms. Cleo M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Freddie D. Collins Ms. Jean Collins 54 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Collins Ms. Patty Collins Mr. Tom Collins Ms. Sandra Lee Collom Color, Inc. Mr. and Ms. Gabe Coltea Mr. John O. Colton Mr. and Mrs. Overton Colton Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colwell Com-Tec Security, LLC Ms. Joyce Comer Mr. Matthew B. Comer Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Comito Commercial and Investment Properties Commonwealth-Altadis, Inc. Community Bank and Trust Community Child Care Center Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Community Foundation for Dickson County Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Inc Community Health Charities of Tennessee Community Health Systems, Inc. Community Pharmacy Care, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Comnick Compass Group North America Comporium Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Compton Mr. and Mrs. Will Compton ConAgra Foods Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Condra Mr. Tom Cone Mrs. and Mrs. Vito Conforti Mr. Brian Conley Ms. Jenn Connell Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Connell Judge Lew Conner Mr. Fred Connor Mr. William V. Conover II Ms. Brandi Conrad Consolidated Products, Inc. Construction Safety Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Cook, III Ms. Beverly Cook Ms. Candelyn Cook Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cook III Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cook Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elton L. Cook Ms. Joyce M. Cook Mr. Justin Cook Mr. Paul Cook Cool Springs Financial Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cooley Ms. Teresa Coonce Cooper For Congress Committee Ms. Alison Cooper Mr. Ben Cooper Ms. Cindy Cooper Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Cooper Mr. Jim Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cooper Mr. Kyle Cooper Mr. Mike Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cooper Ms. Jennifer M. Cope Ms. Copeland Ms. Cynthia D. Copeland Mr. Jeff Copeland Copyright Exchange Mr. and Mrs. Al Coraggio Mr. Paul A. Corbier Mr. Phil A. Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Corbin Mrs. Simone T. Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Corcoran III Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Cordell Ms. Christina Cordova
Middle Tennessee
Core Engineering Core-Mark International Inc. Ms. Teresa A. Corlew and Mr. Hugh Diver Mrs. Elizabeth F. Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corn Mr. Robert Cornell Cornerstone Detention Products, Inc. Ms. Theresa Cornet Mr. Daniel B. Cornfield and Ms. Hedy M. Weinberg Ms. Virginia M. Cornish Corporate Flight Management, Inc. Ms. Mary B. Corr Correct Care Solutions, LLC Ms. Mary F. Corrigan Mr. Richard S Corry Ms. Sheila Corsbie Cortech USA Ms. Marymac Cortner Ms. Debbie Corum Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Corvino Ms. Natalie Corwin Ms. Susan Cossar Ms. Eugenia M. Costalas Ms. Dawn Costello Mr. and Mrs. Scott Costello Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Costner Ms. Mary Costner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cote Ms. Lara Cotey Cott Beverages Inc. Ms. Kendra Cotton Ms. Susan Cotton Mr. Peter J. Couchell Ms. Julie Coulter Mr. and Mrs. J. David Coulton Country Music Foundation Ms. Tiffany Coursey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Courville Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Cousins Covecrest Property Owners Association, Inc. Covecrest Villa Owner’s Association Covenant Health Federal Credit Union CoverGirl Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne Covil Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Covington Mr. Brian Cowan Ms. Connie Lee Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Cowart Mr. Ryan Cowser Cox & Hamilton, CPAs, P.A. Ms. Beth Cox Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Cox Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Cox III Ms. Cindy Cox Ms. Eleanor Cox Mrs. Gaynelle M. Cox Ms. Mae B. Cox Ms. Elizabeth Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Crabtree Ms. Amanda Craft Ms. Cindy Craft Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Craig Ms. Toni J. Craig Ms. Jane L. Crain Mrs. Wanda L. Crain Mr. Joseph Crane Mr. Mike Cranston Ms. Kathy Cratin Ms. Carolyn Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crawford Ms. Joyce L. Crawford Ms. Katherine Crawford Ms. Kathy Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crawford Ms. Kerri Creamer Ms. Clair Creasey
Creative H.R. Solutions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Damien Creavin Ms. Susan C. Creech Mr. Thomas B. Cresswell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Crichton Ms. Mary E. Crichton Mr. Randy Crick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Crisalli Mr. John F. Crisman Ms. Marta Crispens Mr. and Mrs. John Crispin Ms. Linda Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Bobby A. Cromwell Mr. Mike Cronin Ms. Bethany M. Crook Mrs. Suzanne Crook Ms. Cyndi Croom Ms. Carrie Cropp Mr. Jeff Crosby Ms. Karen Crosby Ms. C. Diane Crosier Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Croskrey Cross Oil Refining and Marketing, Inc, Crosslin and Associates Crosslines Churches of the Joplin Area, Inc. Crossmark Convenience Ms. Brittany Crouch Mr. and Mrs. Wendell R. Crouch Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crow Crowell and Crowell Crown Imports Mr. Anthony F. Crudele Ms. Cheryl Cruell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Cruickshanks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Crumbo Mr. and Mrs. Chris Crumley Mr. Alge Crumpler Ms. Vicki Crumpton Mrs. Carl Crutchfield Ms. Suzanne Csorna CSS International, Inc. Ms. Mary Cubberley Mr. and Mrs. Darren Cubell Dr. John W. Culclasure and Mr. James A. Covington Ms. Megan Culler Ms. Beverly Culver Mr. Jim Culver Ms. Kelly Culver Cumberland Surgical Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Cummer Ms. Alexandra Cummings Mr. Joe D. Cummings Ms. Mary Britton Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cummings Mr. Spencer Cummings Mr. Patrick Cummiskey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cundiff Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Cunningham Jr. Ms. Deborah Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Seldon H. Cunningham Jr. Ms. Virginia Cunningham Ms. Dolores Curbelo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Curcio Jr. Mr. Jerome Curiale Ms. Beth Curley Curo Health Services, LLC/Regency Hospice Foundation Inc. Ms. Eileen C. Curran Ms. Melinda Curran Ms. Melisa P. Currey Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Currier Currin Kozak Real Estate/Bob Parks Realty Ms. Ellen L. Curry Mr. Bryan Curtis Mr. and Mrs. John M. Curtis Ms. Peggy L. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curtiss
Ms. Brandy Curts Mr. Matthew Cushing Ms. Carrie P. Cusick CustomRAGS Ms. Joyce N. Cuthrell Ms. Vicki Cutts Mr. and Mrs. Laurence L. Cypress Mr. and Mrs. J. Dewey Daane Mr. Emil E. Daggy Ms. Susan Dagnese Ms. Karen Dahlinger Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Daihl Ms. Connie A. Dale Ms. Eliezah Dale Ms. Rose Marie Dale Mr. and Mrs. John Daleda The Dallas Foundation Mr. James S. Dallas Jr. Mrs. Donna Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dalton Mr. Jeffrey A. Damme Dande Printing Service Ms. Christy Daniel Ms. Elizabeth Daniel Mrs. Teresa Daniel and Mr. Ronald G. Dietz Mr. Anthony W. Daniels Ms. Carol Daniels Ms. Carolyn J. Daniels Ms. Jenny Daniels Mr. and Mrs. James T. Daniels Ms. Patricia Daniels Mr. and Mrs. William D. Daniels Mr. Greg Dankwardt and Ms. Christine Chan Ms. Gabriele Dannemiller The Danner Foundation Danny’s Electric Inc. Danville Regional Medical Center Mr. David Darden Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Darken Ms. Krystle Darnell Dart Container Ms. Tanequa Darvin Mr. and Mrs. John Darwin Ms. Josephine K. Darwin Ms. Melissa Dasilva Ms. Loren Daughdrill Ms. Brandy R. Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. William Daunic Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Davenport Davidson County Democratic Women Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Davidson Mr. Kirk B. Davidson Mr. Max C. Davidson Mr. Don Davinroy Ms. Ellen Davis-Dansky Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Davis Ms. Caroline A. Davis Mr. Chad Davis Ms. Cheryl Davis Ms. Dianne Davis Ms. Farrah May Davis Ms. Jacquelyn P. Davis Mr. James E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davis Mr. Jeremy Davis Mr. Jesse Davis Mr. Joseph C. Davis Ms. Julie Davis Mr. Justin Davis Mr. Justin R. Davis Ms. Karen B. Davis Ms. Kelli Davis Ms. Kenisha Davis Ms. Keri Davis Ms. Lois Anne Davis Mr. Mark Davis Ms. Mary F. Davis Ms. Melanie Davis
Ms. Melissa Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Davis Jr. Ms. Rebecca L. Davis Ms. Sharon Davis Ms. Sharon L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis Jr. Mr. Timothy A. Davis Ms. Valerie Davis Davison Petroleum Ms. De Dawkins Mrs. Lauren Dawkins Ms. Sarah B. Dawkins Ms. Ethel Dawson Ms. Jennifer Dawson Mr. Jordan Dawson Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Dawson Mr. Dan Day Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Day Ms. Yvonne Day Daystar Counseling Ministries, Inc. dck Worldwide, LLC Dean Food Company Ms. Julia Dean The Hon. Karl Dean and Ms. Delta Anne Davis Ms. Carol Dawn Deaner and Mr. Richard Norris Mr. Nick Dearman Ms. Joyce Deason Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. DeBartolo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dedman Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Dedman Mr. Victor Defenderfer Mr. and Mrs. Laurence DeFrance Mr. Robert DeGraw Mr. David R. Deguchi Ms. Janet M. DeKeyser Ms. Lois D. Dekker Ms. Theresa M. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeLario Ms. Lisa K. Delay Mr. and Mrs. William T. Delay Delek Fund for Hope Delek US Holdings, Inc. Ms. Christina Delimont Dell. Inc. Delta Dental of Tennessee Ms. Gladys Demby Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Demby Mr. Chris Dement Lee Demere Mr. David Deming Ms. Delores DeMott Ms. Nicole DeMott Mr. and Mrs. Scott Denbo Mr. D M Denney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis Ms. Amy Dennison Dent Out, LLC Mr. Duane Denton Ms. Rachel Denton Ms. Marie A. Deragon Ms. Sharon Derman Mr. Dennis L. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Vance P. Derryberry Designer Finds Gallery at Green Hills Designer Renaissance Co. DET Distributing Company Ms. Sherry S. Deutschmann Development Authority of Fulton County Ms. Jennifer DeVenuti Ms. Sylvia Dewald Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dewitt Ms. Cheryl DeYoung Mr. Cameron DeZevallos Ms. Sheila Dial Diamond Pharmacy Services Mr. Stephen Dickens Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickinson Dickson County Chamber of Commerce
Dickson County Election Commission Dickson County Industrial Board Dickson Good Morning Rotary Dickson Insurance Agency, Inc. Dickson Pediatric Dentistry, PLLC Mr. Benjamin Dickson Ms. Teresa Dickson Mr. Howard Diehl Mr. Bus Dietrich Ms. Dawn Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Dietz Ms. Juanita Dilick Ms. Amber Dillehay Mr. Michael DiNardo Ms. Kristen Keely-Dinger and Mr. Jason Dinger Ms. Trina T. Dinh Mrs. Belinda Dinwiddie-Havron and Mr. John Havron Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Dinwiddie Ms. Wanda B. Dinwiddie Diocese of Nashville Mr. David DiPersio Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dipiero Ms. Elizabeth Dishman Disney Destinations Marketing Mr. David Diviney Ms. Beverly Dixon Mrs. Carol S. Dixon Mr. Gerald S. Dixon Ms. Heather Dixon Ms. Stephanie Dixon DLR Group Do Write Music, LLC Ms. Sandra Doar Ms. Angela R. Dobbins Ms. Barbara A. Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dobie Ms. Jody Dobrin Ms. Frances T. Dockins Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. George Doering Ms. Rebecca Dohn Ms. Melanie Dolloff Mr. Dell Domeier Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Donaldson Mr. Bob Donlan Ms. Charlene Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Donovan Doochin Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Elaine A. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dooley Ms. Melissa Doritty Ms. Phyllis A. Dorn Dorothy Cate and Thomas F. Frist Foundation Ms. Anne W. Dorr Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorrington Mrs. Sherry Dorris Ms. Daniele Dosch Mr. and Mrs. David A. Doscher Mr. Donald Dotson Mr. Marshall F. Dotson Jr. Double Springs Settlement Homeowners Association Ms. Rachel E. Doucet Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Doudican Mr. Pat Doughty Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Mr. Kevin Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Douglas Ms. Jennifer Dover Ms. Rhonda Dover Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Dowd Mr. Mike Dowies Mr. Leon Dowling Mr. Tim Downey
Mr. Lee J. Downing Ms. Nancy Downing Ms. Heidi N. Downs Ms. Kytee Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Draeger Ms. Judy Draeger Mr. and Mrs. Damon W. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Everett E. Drake Ms. Susan Drake Ms. Wanda Drake Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Dreier Mr. Mark S. Dreux Mr. Maxwell Drever Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dreves Mrs. Lauren Drewery Mr. Michael Drexler Mr. Adam Dreyer Mr. Doug Drinen Mr. and Mrs. Dan Drinnen Mr. Tim Driver Ms. Gladis Drolick Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Dromms Mr. and Mrs. Allan Drumm DSM Chemicals North America, Inc. dSpace Ms. Mary Duane Gail DuBois and Jamie Cox Mr. Mike Ducey Ms. Julia Duchon Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Ducklo Ms. Dawn Ducote Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dudley Ms. Michelle Duggan Duke Hicks Plumbing and Petroleum, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Duke Ms. Darlene Duke Ms. Jessilyn Duke Mr. Kyle Duke Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dumont Ms. Marilyn K. Dunavant Dunbar Funeral Home Ms. Laura Dunbar Duncan Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan Jr. Ms. Lauren Duncan Ms. Vickie Duncan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dunford Mr. Michael Dungan Ms. Candace E. Dunham Ms. Natilee Duning Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Dunlap Mr. Brad Dunn Mr. and Mrs. David Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dunn Mr. and Mrs. H. David Dunn Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Dunn Ms. Harriet Dunn Ms. Lannette L. Dunn Ms. Lee Anne Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Dunn Ms. Petra Dunn Governor and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn Mr. Nick DuPuis Ms. Dianne Duran Ms. Rhonda Durant Mr. Keith R. Durbin Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Durham Ms. Linda J. Durham Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Durham Jr. Mr. Philip S. Durocher Ms. Libba Durrett Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Durst IV Mr. Elaine Dusenberry Ms. Jo Ann Dusenberry Duvall Family Associates, Inc, Ms. N.D. Duvall Ms. Raquel Duvio C FM T.o r g | 5 5
Ms. Lynn Dwiggins Ms. Mary T. Dybicz Ms. Doris L. Dycus Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dye Ms. Susan S. Dyer Mr. Patrick Dykes Ms. Shauna Dyson E.C. Hopper, Inc. Ms. Roxanne Eades Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Eadie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Burl J. Eady Ms. Laura Eagland Eagle Rock North Distributing Company Ms. F. Darlene Eakin Ms. Melanie Eakin Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Eakins Ms. Tammy Jo Earl Mr. Robert Earls Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Earps Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Easley Mrs. John C. Eason Ms. Rachel Eason East Coast Water Systems Easter Seals Tennessee, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. James Easterly Mr. Edward Eastham Brig Eastman Mr. Douglas Eaves eBay Auction Ms. Erin M. Ebelhar Mr. Craig Eby Ms. Sandra R. Eccles Ms. Misty D. Echols Ms. Patricia Echols Ms. Ruth Echols Ms. Delores J. Eckert Mr. Matt Edde Mr. Breck Edds Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Edens Edgetech Wireless Edgewater Technical Associates, LLC Ms. Connie L. Edlund Mr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Edmondson Ms. Anne K. Edwards Ms. Betty Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Bingham D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Brandon R. Edwards Ms. Bridgette E. Edwards Ms. Carol M. Edwards Mr. Derek Edwards Mr. Eric H. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. J. Dewey Edwards Mr. Kevin Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Edwards Jr Ms. Sherie Edwards Ms. Stephanie P. Edwards Ms. Susan H. Edwards Ms. Suzanne Edwards Mr. Jacob C. Efird Mr. and Mrs. John W. Egerton Mr. Dominic O. Ehiogu EHS Partners, LLC Ms. Jessica Ehule Ms. Sally Eichling Mr. Joerg Eickhoff Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Eide Mr. Craig J. Eiden Eileen Fisher, Inc. Ms. Margaret H. Eisenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eisenstein Mrs. Clara C. Elam Mr. and Mrs. John Elam Dr. and Mrs. Roy O. Elam III Ms. Rozel Elazegui Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elcan Mr. Clarence Elcan Ms. Kelly Eldridge 56 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Electrical Consultants Inc. Element Salon Elite Marine Specialists of Pinellas County, Inc. Ms. Gretchen D. Elkerson Ms. Donna Eller Ms. Jamie Eller Mr. Wade Ellett Mr. and Mrs. Jonnie S. Ellington Ms. Alisa D. Elliott Ms. Debbie Elliott Mr. and Mrs. William E. Elliott Ms. Ali Ellis Ms. Betty Ellis Mr. Bill Ellis Ms. Jean A. Ellis Mr. Jeffery L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Ellis Ms. Louise Ellis Ms. Margaret Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ellis Milt Ellis Ms. Nancy G. Ellis Mr. Tuck Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ellis III Sidney Elms Elmwood Lodge Hunting Club Ms. Betty Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Elrod Mr. Jeff W. Elsner Ms. Michelle Eltiste Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Emery Ms. Sarah Emmett Empire Scaffold, LLC Energen Foundation Mr. Engel Engine Red Marketing Engineered Construction Company Ms. Mary Carmen Englert Mr. and Mrs. Bill English Ms. Virginia R. Enloe Mr. Clark Ensminger Mr. William Ensminger Ensworth High School Enterprise Holdings Foundation Dr. Robert A. Eppley and Dr. Karen N. Carothers Equation Research LLC Equifax Foundation Erban Commerical Realty, LP Ms. Joann Erdman Ergon, Inc. Ms. Leann K. Erickson Mr. Stephen Erixon Ernst and Young Ernst and Young U.S., LLP Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Jere M. Ervin Ms. Ruth J. Ervin Mr. William J. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Esdale Sr. Mrs. Irwin B. Eskind The Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Eskind Jeffrey and Donna Eskind Family Foundation Ms. Marcy Eskind Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Steven and Laurie Eskind Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Eskind Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eskind ESPN Ms. Cynthia Essary Ms. Nathalie Essex Estate of Alex Epstein Estate of David Gene Wheeler Estate of Edna Martin Estate of Frederick J. Seltmann, Jr. Estate of James Draper Keisling of
Middle Tennessee
Estate of Lester Speyer Estate of Lou Gower McHugh Estate of Marvin Rosenblum Estate of W. Terry Moore Mr. and Mrs. Tom Estes Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Estes Mr. Bruce Esworthy Ms. Ethel Eubanks Ms. Faye H. Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Eubanks Ms. Vernice N. Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans Ms. Charlotte B. Evans Ms. Connie Evans Ms. Ruth L. Evans Mr. Scott G. Evans Ms. Tonya Evans Eve of Janus Benefit, Inc. Eventbrite Ms. Andrea L. Everett Mr. George Ewing ExxonMobil Fuels Marketing Company ExxonMobil Fuels, Lubricants and Specialties Market Mr. Kenneth P. Ezell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ezzell F.B. Purnell Sausage Company, Inc. Mrs. Jane M. Fabian Ms. Kathryn Fackina Ms. Janice L. Fader Mrs. Amy L. Fair Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fairbend Ms. Theresa Faleski Ms. Amy Fallon Family and Children’s Service Fanatics Ms. Cindy Fane Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fannon Mr. Ricardo Faria and Ms. Damaris Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faricy Ms. Jerita S. Farley Farm Credit Services of Mid-America Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Farmer Ms. Kathy Farmer Ms. Lynda Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Moses G. Farmer Mr. Richard Farmer Ms. Stephanie Farmer Ms. Cherrie F. Farnette Farrar and Bates LLP Ms. Euphalia H. Farrar Mr. and Mrs. John L. Farringer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Farrington Mr. Kevin Farris Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Farris Ms. Jackie Farthing Ms. Courtney Fassett Father Ryan High School Ms. Lindzie Faubus Brenda Faulk P. Michael Faulk Richard Faulk Mr. and Mrs. John D. Faust Mr. and Mrs. Kirk B. Faust Mr. and Mrs. Ray Feagins Federal Supply USA Ms. Patricia Feilmeier Ms. Lisa Feindt Mr. Orrin Feingold Mrs. Rita Feldman Ms. Ruth Feldman Mr. Samuel L. Felker and Mr. Keith Little Mr. Daniel Fell Mr. Jeff Feller Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Feltner Mr. Steven D. Felton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Felts
Mr. Larry W. Felts Ms. Vicki Felver Ferguson Medical Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ferguson Mr. Louis Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fernandes Ms. Stacey L. Fero and Mr. Dave Killean Ferocity Jewelry Ferrari Partners, LP Ms. Kathleen F. Ferraro Mr. Thomas Ferraro Mr. Eddie Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Ferriell Ms. Lane Ferst Ms. Julie Festa Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fetgatter Mr. Fetters Mr. Taylor Fetty Ms. Michelle L. Fickes Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Investments Dr. and Mrs. Fred C. Fielder Ms. Rene Fields Fifth Third Bank-Nashville FiftyForward Ms. Hope Fike Financial Partners Ms. Ursula Finch Ms. Diana Finlayson Ms. Debbie Finley Rebecca and Jeremy Finley Ms. Sara J. Finley Ms. Natalie Finnell Mr. and Mrs. Brendan E. Finucane Jr. Fireco, LLC Firestone Building Products FirstBank First Baptist Church Mary Martha Circle First Baptist Church Mason City First Farmers and Merchants National Bank First Horizon Wealth Advisory First National Bank of Tennessee First Tennessee Foundation Matching Gift Program First Tennessee Bank-Nashville First United Methodist Church, The Horizons Bible Discussion Class First Vision Bank Ms. Karlene M. Fischer Ms. Vivian M. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Fishel Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Ms. Celia Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Fisher Mrs. Irwin E. Fisher Ms. Julie Fisher Fisk University Fit One of Ooltewah Ms. Kathy Fite Ms. Margaret Fite Mr. Richard Fite Ms. Alice M. Fitts Mr. Duncan Fitz Mr. Dylan Fitz Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Fitz Mr. Brian Fitzpatrick Dr. Jeri Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fiveash Ms. Jacqueline Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. William P. Flanagan Ms. Phyllis B. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Flatt Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Flatt Ms. Paula B. Flaugher Mr. Steven Fleet Ms. Jane Fleishman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Fleming
Mr. Richard A. Fleming Jr. Ms. Emily Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fletcher Jr. Mr. Walter Fletcher Ms. Magdala Fleury Ms. Rachelle Fleury Flint Hills Resources Flintco, LLC Shaw Flippen Mr. and Mrs. Garland A. Flippin Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Flippin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Florence Mr. Richard Flores Flower Fund SRA International, Inc. Flowers Foods Bakeries Group, LLC Ms. Emma Floyd-Sharp Ms. Ann Floyd Ms. Cathryn Floyd Ms. Linda Floyd Ms. Andrea Fluence Mr. John Flynn Ms. Megan Flynn Focus Technology Group, Inc Ms. M. Joyce Fogelman Alycia Fogle Mr. and Mrs. John K. Folger Mr. and Mrs. Chad R. Folk Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Follansbee Jules Follett Mrs. Elizabeth G. Folsom Mr. Paolo M. Fonda Ms. Mary Ann Fong Food Sales East - Nashville, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Forbes Ms. Jennifer K. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel D. Ford Mr. Pat Forde Ms. Abby Fordham Ms. Marie P. Fordham Mr. Edwin Fore Forest Service Department Ms. Barbara Forman Mr. Jim Foronda Brian Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Forrest Ms. Rachel Forrest Ms. Gala Forster Mrs. Jane Fort Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Fortenberry Ms. Rosellen B. Fortenbery Ms. Kristin B. Fortna Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fortney Mr. Norman R. Fortney Ms. Beth A. Fortune and Ms. Deborah F. Turner Mr. Carter Foss Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Foss Ms. Sandra K. Fossett Mr. Ben Foster Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Foster Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Foster Jr. Ms. Jennifer K. Foster Ms. Judy M. Foster Ms. Karen Foster Ms. Vi Foster Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fouce Mr. and Mrs. Crandall L. Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fountain Mr. Kenton L. Fourman Ms. Carla Fowler Mr. Paul Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks Fox Ms. Judith S. Fox Lora Fox Lt. Col. and Ms. Charles M. Foyle Ms. Kate France Mr. Stephen Francescon Jr.
Linda Francis Mr. Merrick Francis Ms. Leila M. Frankland Franklin Road Academy Ms. Debbie Franklin Ms. Emily Franklin Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Ms. Judith Franklin Mr. Ron Franks Mr. Franklin D. Franus Mr. Walter Franz Fraternal Order of Metro Retirees Tarah Frawley Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frazer Mr. and Mrs. Randle D. Frazer Jr. Frazier and Deeter Frazier Barnes and Associates, LLC Ms. Annette Frazier Mr. and Mrs. James P. Frazier Mrs. Doris W. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Frazier Sr. Ms. Julie Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Frazier Ms. Kim Frazier Fred’s Mr. David A. Frederick Mr. Andrew Free Freedom Forum First Amendment Center Ms. Ashley Freeland Ms. Brenda Freeman Ms. Evelyn V. Freeman Mr. Jerry E. Freeman Ms. Michele Freeman Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman Ms. Monique Freemon Freight Shakers USA Mr. George E. French III Fresh Salon LLC Ms. Judy Freudenthal Mr. Richard Friary Ms. Maude Fribourg Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Frick Friendly Educators Club Friends of Cheatham Co Public Libraries Friends of Thelma Harper Friends of Warner Parks Friendship United Methodist Church Fringe and Lace, LLC Ms. Jennifer L. Frisque Frist Center for the Visual Arts The Frist Clinic The Frist Foundation Ms. Karyn Frist Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Frist Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Frist III The Hon. William H. Frist, M.D. Ms. Jennifer L. Frith Frito Lay, Inc. Mr. Carl Fritts Ms. Ruthie Fritts Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Fritz Ms. Denise Fritzen Ms. Tina Frizzell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Frohsin Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fronk Mr. and Mrs. Woody Frossard Ms. Cathy Frost Ms. Sheila Frost Fruition Salon, Inc. Mr. James Fry Rear Admiral and Mrs. Vance H. Fry Ms. Corina Fryman FuelQuest, Inc. Mr. John Fulcher Mrs. Carolyn B. Fuller Ms. Coushatta Fuller Ms. Debra A. Fuller Dr. Deena Sue Fuller
Ms. Miranda Fuller Mr. Wayne Fuller Ms. Lynne Fulp Mr. Darrell Fulton Mr. Bob Funamura Ms. Betsy Funk Ms. Jana Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilford Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Furgason Furniture Fair, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Furr Mr. and Mrs. Don Fuson Mr. and Mrs. Murray O. Fussell Ms. Shelby S. Futrell G. J. Dreyer, Inc. Ms. Kendra K. Gadegbeku Ms. Lauren Gaffney Gaiete De Coeure Art & Study Club Mr. Dan and Mr. Phil Gaines Ms. Denise Gaines Ms. Frances G. Gaines Ms. Jodi F. Gainey Mr. Anderson C. Gaither and Mr. William Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Galardi Mrs. Donna M. Gale Ms. Lisa Gale Gallagher North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Galle Mr. William P. Galliher Ms. Jean S. Gallman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gallo Galls, LLC Ms. Sondra J. Galvagni Mr. William Galyon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Gambill The Gambrinus Co. (Spoetzl Brewery) Ms. Lee Gamma Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Gangaware Ms. Barbara Gangel Mr. Gary P. Ganick Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ganier III Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gannaway Gannett Co., Inc.-TN Gannett Foundation, Inc. Gannett National Shared Service Center Ms. Maureen Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Ganser Mr. and Mrs. James Gantt Ms. Jessica M. Garcia Mr. John Garcia Ms. Debra A. Gardner Mr. Brad Garland Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garman Mr. Roger S. Garner Mr. and Mrs. James T. Garrett Ms. Jenn Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Garrett Ms. Mona Garrett Mr. Stephen Garrett Ms. Angie R. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Garrison Ms. Kaye Garruto Ms. Janice Garth Ms. Kathleen Garthwaite Mr. Todd Gash Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Gaskins Ms. Joyce E. Gassen Ms. Angela Gasser Mr. Jon Gaston Mr. William Gates Ms. Carol A. Gaudious Mr. Mark Gaw Ms. Alyson Gay Judge and Mrs. Hamilton V. Gayden Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Gayetsky Gaylord Entertainment Company Ms. Diane M. Gazzillo The GE Foundation
Ms. Emily L. Geissal Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Genella General Maintenance, Inc. Genesco Inc. Ms. Sarah E. Gentley Mrs. Carrie Gentry Codie Gentry Mr. Gary Gentry George Funeral Home Mr. Marcus George Mr. Robin George Mr. Brian Geraghty Ms. Kim Gerdes Mr. David Gershaw Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gesch Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Geshke Pat Geshke Getty Images US, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Getz Mr. Dallas Gevers Ms. Leslie Gewin Ms. Rita M. Ghazal Ms. Brandi Ghergia Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Ghertner Mr. Mark Gianneschi Mr. Matthew Giarratano Mr. Thomas Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Landon M. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Gibbs Sr. Ms. Tiaka A. Gibson Ms. Ashley Gieringer Ms. Gigli Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gigliotti Gilbarco Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilbert Austin Gilbert Mr. Brice Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Harris N. Gilbert Dr. Linda Gill Ms. Mary F. Gillenwater Mr. and Mrs. Bullets Gillespie Ms. Lisa A. Gillespie Ms. Karyn Lee Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Holice O. Gilliland Ms. Susanne Gilmartin Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Gilmore Jr. Ms. Victoria Gilner Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gilstrap Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Gioia Mr. Jason Giompoletti Girl Scout Troop 3045 Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee Inc. Girls Incorporated of Chattanooga Give With Liberty Employee Donations Ms. Lauren Glasco Mrs. McPheeters Glasgow Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Glasgow Mr. Scott Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Glassford Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glauser Ms. Catherine Glaze Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Gleason Ms. Cindy Gleason Ms. Paula Glick Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Glisson The Glover Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glover Mr. and Mrs. Lester Glover Ms. Kate Gluckman Mrs. Theresa Godchaux Ms. Lisa H. Godley Ms. Kristina Godwin Ms. Kimberly Goessele Ms. Micki Goetsch Mr. Paul Goetzheimer Mr. Dennis Goff Mr. Chris Goins Ms. Hemalatha Gokhale C FM T.o r g | 5 7
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Gold Mr. Max Goldberg Mr. Stan Goldblatt Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. Ms. Tammy Golden Mr. and Mrs. Steve Golden Goldman Sachs and Co. Ms. Audrey N. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Goldstein, Inc. Ms. Anna L. Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gonzales Ms. Claire P. Gonzalez Ms. Sandra Gonzalez Ms. Shannon Gonzalez Mr. James C. Gooch and Ms. Jennie P. Smith Perry Gooch Ms. Felicia Goode-Alstork Goodguy Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Madison Goodin Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Goodman Karen Goodman Mr. Tommy Goodrum Mr. and Mrs. Randall Goodspeed Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Goodwin Ms. Tiffany Goolesby Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Gorday Mr. Robert E. Gorday Joel C. and Bernice W. Gordon Family Foundation Ms. Deborah A. Gordon Mr. Donald F. Gordon Ms. Oshenka Gordon Ms. Tequita Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gordy Mr. Charles F. Gore II Ms. Lynn Gore Mr. Roger Gore Mr. Jerry Gorman Ms. Karon Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gosling Ms. Mary Anne Gosney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gossett Ms. Deanna M. Gossman Mr. Amos E. Gott and Mr. Josh Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Darren Gottschalk Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gottschall Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gouin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gould Dr. and Mrs. C.K. Hiranya Gowda Grace Davison Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graf Ms. Debra Graham Ms. Janet Graham Mr. and Mrs. Mason Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Graham Ms. Sarah Graham Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Grammer Ms. Tracy Grana Grand Avenue Limousine, LLC Grand Central Provisions, Inc. Ms. Patricia Grande Ms. Courtney Grant Ms. Helen Graue Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Graves Ms. Dana Graves Mr. Howard Graves Mr. Kirk Graves Ms. Mary Jane Graves Ms. Michele Graves Ms. Elaine Gravitt Mr. and Mrs. Benton Gray Ms. Chivon W. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gray Mr. Derwin Gray Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Gray Ms. Heather M. Gray Mr. Johnie M. Gray 58 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. Kyle Gray Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gray Mr. Walter Gray Gray’s Furniture Company of Selma, Inc. Ms. Eugenia Grayer Nonna’s Gourmet Foods Greater Horizons Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Greater Memphis MTA Greater Nashville Regional Council The Mall at Green Hills Green Pea Salon, LLC Ms. April Green Mr. and Mrs. B. Riney Green Mr. David Green and Ms. Libby Older Mr. and Mrs. David E. Green Ms. Elizabeth A. Green Ms. Heather Green Ms. Jean B. Green Ms. Nancy H. Green Mr. and Ms. Peyton Green Ms. Rhonda K. Green Ms. Sherrie O. Green Mr. William G. Green Mrs. Shirley Greenberg Mr. John Greene Ms. Lisa Greene Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Greenfield Ms. Stephanie Greenfield Mr. George Greenhaw Ms. Gealita Greenhill Ms. Debra Greenspan Greentree Marketing, Inc. Ms. Dorothy A. Greenwood Mr. David Greer Ms. Katie Greer Mr. and Mrs. Ronny L. Greer Ryan Greer Ms. Sheila W. Greer Gregg Industrial Insulators, Inc. Ms. Elinor Gregor Ms. Allyson Gregory Ms. Dinah Gregory Mr. Joseph Gregory and Mr. Chuck Rapp Mr. Luke Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gregory Mr. and Mrs. James Grenafege Greystone Golf Club Mr. Christopher Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Griffin Mr. Michael Griffin Ms. Rebecca Griffin Mr. Sheldon Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Griffin Ms. D. Sandra Griffith and Mr. Brenton L. Teveit Ms. Mary P. Griffiths Ms. Luanne Griggs Ms. Carol A. Grigsby and Mr. Paul J. Fekete Mr. Henry Grillo Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes Mr. Timothy Grimes Mr. Roger Grissom Mr. and Mrs. David Grist Ms. Susan M. Gritton Mr. Robert E. Grohovsky and Ms. Tanzy Wallace Mr. John Gromos Mr. Andrew Gross Ms. Christine Gross Ms. Jennifer Gross Ms. Susan Gross Mrs. Julia Grove Ms. Kimberly S. Grove Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Groves Mr. Robert Groves Ms. Kathryn Gruber Ms. Theresa Grzebinski GTL Middle Tennessee
Ms. Ann Guarnieri Ms. Kate Gubata Mr. John Guenst Mr. Mark D. Guenther Mr. Francis S. Guess Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Guggisberg Mr. and Mrs. Norris J. Guidry Jr. Guilford County Human Resources Department Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Guin Gullett, Sanford, Robinson and Martin, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gulmi Ms. Gina R. Gunn Mr. Bob Gush Ms. Elizabeth Gushwa Mr. George W. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Justin S. Guthrie Dr. Gary S. Gutow Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Guzman Ms. M. Rachel Gwinn and Ms. Janet Ross Ms. Terrica Gwynn H. Audrey H and K Engineering, LLC H and M Distributors, LLC H&E Equipment Services Ms. Laura Haaren Ms. Katie Haas Mrs. Arnold Haber Jr. Nashville Area Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity of Smith County Mr. Joe Hach Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Hackathorn Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hackathorn Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hacker Ms. Lauren Hackett Mr. Kevin Hackney Miss Betty Hadley Mr. and Ms. Damien Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hagelgans Natalie Hager Mr. Tommy Haggard Ms. Nicole Hagood Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hahn Ms. Susan Hahn Ms. Pamela Haigh Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Haile Mr. Travis Hailey Ms. Amy Hailstone Dr. Natasha B. Halasa Mr. Glenn Hale Ms. Heather Hale Ms. Kimberly Hale Mr. Mark Hale Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haley Mr. and Mrs. George Haley Halifax County Republican GOP Halifax Medical Specialists, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Brent E. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Al Hall Ms. Ann T. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Hall Jr. Mr. Denny Hall Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Hall Mrs. Emma J. Hall Mr. and Mrs. T. Hartley Hall V Mr. Hunter Hall Mrs. Jackie O. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hall Ms. Rebecka Hall Ms. Stephanie Hall Rev. and Mrs. Steve Hall Ms. Elizabeth P. Haller Ms. Marion Hallum Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Halmontaller Ms. Nancy Halmontaller Mr. Tommy Halmontaller Mr. and Mrs. George E. Halyak Mr. Scott Hambleton Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hamburg
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hamburg Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hamilton Ms. Lucille Hamilton Mrs. Sara Hamilton The Hammer Heads Tennis Team Ms. Francis F. Hammer Ms. Mary Sue G. Hammer Mr. William Hammock Ms. Kathryn A. Hammond Mr. Raymond Hammonds Ms. Bianca Hammons Hampton Inn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Hamrick Mr. Terry Hanagan Ms. Sara D. Hanahan Hands On Nashville Ms. Pamela L. Handy-Slack Dr. and Mrs. David Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hankins Ms. Kara Hankins Ms. Debbie Hanna Ms. Julie Hannah Mr. Mike Hannah Mr. Paul Hannah Mr. Steve Hannah Ms. Brandy Hanners Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hannon Mr. Charlie K. Hannon Mr. Dennis Hannon Ms. Jill Hansen Mr. C. G. Hanson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanson III Mr. Victor H. Hanson II Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Haraf Jr. Mr. Timothy Harclerede Mr. and Mrs. Cody A. Hardin Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hardin Harding Academy Ms. Gwendolyn Harding Mr. Monroe Harding Ms. Nora Harding Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Hargis Mr. Donald E. Hargrove Dr. and Mrs. R. Leslie Hargrove Ms. Lou Ann Harkleroad Cory Harless Cynthia Harless Mr. Thomas C. Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harlow Sr. The Harnisch Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Cynthia P. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper Ms. Lois W. Harper Mr. Robert Harper Mr. and Mrs. Tommy C. Harper Harpeth Hall School Mr. Fred Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Harrell Rev. and Mrs. Stanley G. Harrell Mr. Steven W. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Rich Harrelson Mr. Steve Harrelson Ms. Audrey H. Harriman Ms. Vanessa F. Harriman Mr. Brad Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Harris Mr. Dan Harris Mr. Dennis Harris Mr. Denzil R. Harris Ms. Emmylou Harris Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Harris Ms. Holly Harris Mr. James Harris III Mr. and Mrs. James N. Harris Mr. James W. Harris Ms. Kathy Harris
Ms. Kimberly Harris Ms. Nancy F. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Harris Ms. Ruth T. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Harris Ms. Vanessa Harris Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhett Harris Ms. Betty S. Harrison Ms. Gratia Harrison Mr. Jonathan Harrison Mr. Randolph F. Harrison Mr. Charles Harrod Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W. Hart Mr. G. Marshall Hart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hart Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hart Ms. Megan Hart Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Hartman Ms. Jacalyn Hartmann Ms. Suzanne Hartness Gwaltney Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harty Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Harvey Ms. Priscilla Harvey Ms. Amberley Harvick Mr. Aubrey B. Harwell Jr. Ms. Emma Harwell Mr. Jonathan M. Harwell Jr. Mr. Jonathan M. Harwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harwell Jr. Ms. Joanna Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hash III Mr. James A. Haslam II Mr. and Mrs. O’Keefe Hassell Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hastings Jr. Trish Hatfield Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Hattler Mr. William Haugh Havasu Regional Medical Center Mr. Tony Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hawkersmith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hawthorne Ms. Heather R. Hayes Ms. Lesleigh Hayes Ms. Linda P. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hayes Ms. Abby Haynes Mr.and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Haynes Hays Advisory, LLC Ms. Caroline Hays Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hays Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hays Ms. Teresa Hays Mr. Dennis Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hazen Dr. and Mrs. F. Hamilton Hazlehurst HCA Foundation HCA Inc. Ms. Brittani Head Mr. Don Head Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Healy Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Heber Ms. Deann Hebert Mr. Marty Hebert Ms. Anne Hecht Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hecklin Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hee Heery Design Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Heide Mr. and Mrs. George Heimbuecher Heineken USA Ms. Christine Heiny Ms. Angela Helbig Mr. Steven J. Helfand Ms. Penny Helfrich
Mr. Daniel Heller Ms. Linda S. Heller Mr. Doug Hellerson Hemline Nashville Ms. Caroline Hemling Mr. Don Henderlight Mr. Arthur W. Henderson Mr. Derek Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Henderson Ms. Jacqueline H. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henderson Ms. Rebecca H. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Henderson Ms. Joanna Hendrichsen Mr. and Mrs. Danny Henley Ms. Donna Henley Mr. Reed Henley Henry and Etta Raye Hirsch Heritage Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Ms. Deborah Henry Senator and Mrs. Douglas Henry Ms. Janet Henry Mr. Mark Henry Mr. William T. Henry Ms. Easter Henslee Mr. Kevin Henson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Heppell Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Heppler Mr. Tom Herget Heritage Bank Heritage Farms Dairy Heritage Foundation of Franklin and Williamson County Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Herman Mr. Larry Herman Ms. Mala Herman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Herman Mr. Robert Hern Ms. Crystal A. Hernandez Mrs. Lewis Herndon Mr. and Mrs. William W. Herries Dr. Carl J. Herring The Hershey Company Mr. and Mrs. John Hershey Hertz Corporation Ms. Alison L. Hertz Ms. Colleen Herzog Mr. Paul Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Maynard F. Hess Ms. Sue Hess Mr. Thomas Hess Mr. Victor Hess Ms. Jacquelyn Hester Ms. Martha Hester Mr. and Mrs. Phillips H. Hewett Hewlett Packard Ms. LeeAnn Hewlett Mr. and Mrs. William Heydel Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Heydt Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Heyer Ms. Dana Hiatt Ms. Denise Hickerson Ms. Torrie A. Hickerson Mr. Matthew Hickey Ms. Marrion Gayle Hickman Ms. Mary Page Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Winston C. Hickman Ms. Lori Hickok Hickory Manor Homeowners’ Association Ms. Mary Hickox Mr. and Mrs. Junior A. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Hicks Mr. Henry Hicks III Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hicks Ms. Julie Hicks
Ms. Karin M. Hicks Ms. Rhea Hicks Ms. Rhonda Hicks Ms. Clara Hieronymus Ms. Cheryl Hiers Mr. and Mrs. Tom Higdon Mr. Patrick J. Higdon Mr. Edward Higgins IV Ms. Stephanie Higgs Mr. James R. High Ms. Joann High Ms. Julia High Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hightower Sr. Ms. Teresa Hilburn Ms. Gabrielle Hill Dr. George C. Hill Ms. Hilda Hill Ms. Kristine Hill Ms. Kathy Hillard Ms. Hillary Scott Hillenby, LLC Hilton Nashville Downtown Ms. Christina Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hilton Mrs. Bonnie Hindman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines Mr. Keith Hinkle Mr. R. Gregory Hinote Mr. Chuck Hirl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hirsch Mr. Samuel H. Hirshberg HisCall, Inc. Ms. Lori Hisle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Hite Mr. and Mrs. David Hitt Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Hixson HMS Business Services, Inc. Ms. Evelyn S. Hnott-Brayton Ms. Brittany Hoag Mr. Bill Hobbs Ms. Tatia Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobgood Mr. William I. Hochberg Mr. Howard G. Hockenberger and Ms. Virginia B. McMullan Ms. Carolyn R. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Don Hodge Ms. Victoria L. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Delmar W. Hodges Mr. Douglas Hodges Mr. John G. Hodges Ms. Robyn Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hodges Mr. Wayne D. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hoefel Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hofer Ms. Stephanie Hofer Mr. and Mrs. John-Paul Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffman Ms. Connie Hofmann Ms. Kimberly Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. David Hogan Ms. Melissa Hogan Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Hoge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Hoggard Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hoggard III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoggard Stacie B. Hohensee HOK Mr. and Mrs. John Holbert Dr. and Mrs. James Holbrook Ms. Terri G. Holcomb Mr. Earnest E. Holder Hole Montes, Inc. Holiday Bash Ms. Arienne Holland Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holleman Holley Springs Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby W. Holley Ms. Amanda Hollin Ms. Ellen B. Hollis Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Mack L. Hollis Ms. Margaret Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Ronn G. Hollis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean Holloway Mr. John Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holloway Ms. Kathryn Paige Holman Ms. Barbara Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Holmes Ms. Chondraah Holmes Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes Ms. Krisstyn Holmes Ms. Marla Holmes Mr. Brandon L. Holt Ms. Dellease Holt Mr. and Mrs. James S. Holt Dr. and Mrs. Leroy L. Holt Ms. Kathryn M. Holt Ms. Ruby L. Holt Ms. Ann Holtzclaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Holtzclaw Mr. Mark Holyoak The Home Depot Foundation Matching Gift Program-Florida Homeworks Mr. and Mrs. Skipper Homra Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Honchell Honda Cars Mr. Graham Honeycutt Ms. Tracy Honeycutt Honeywell Hometown Solutions Ms. Becky Hook Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hooker Ms. Betty H. Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hooper Ms. Rosemary Hoormann Hooters Ms. Amber Hoots Ms. Kim Hoover Ms. Lorie Hoover Ms. Brenda Hope Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hope Ms. Shana B. Hope Ms. Betty S. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Benny D. Hopper Mrs. Britt Horn Mr. Jeff Horn Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hornbeck Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horne Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Horne Ms. Erin Hornsby Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hornsby Dr. and Mrs. David H. Horowitz Horseshoe Clothing Co., LLC Mr. and Mrs. James L. Horton Mr. Larry Horton Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Horton Ms. Rosalyn Horton Hoskins and Company, P.C. Hospice Family Care Foundation Hospice University, Inc. Hospira Employee Giving Campaign Hostettler, Neuhoff and Davis, LLC Hot Yoga Nashville, LLC Mr. Satoru Hotta Ms. Marci Houff Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Houk House of Stella, LLC Ms. Sherry House Mr. Jim L. Houser Mr. Thomas B. Houser Ms. Tonya Houston Ms. Hayley Hovious Ms. Rebecca Howald C FM T.o r g | 5 9
Mr. Jack Howard Ms. Jan Howard Mr. and Mrs. Terry Howard Mr. Rodrick L. Howard Mr. Tommy Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ty E. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Howe Ms. Cindy Howell Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Howell Ms. Donna C. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Everette I. Howell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell Ms. Gloria D. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Howell Ms. Rebecca Howell Mr. and Mrs. Randy Howell Mr. and Mrs. Bradford T. Howes Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks Hubbard Ms. Mary Hubbert Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Hubbs Sr. Mr. Luitgard Huber Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. William G. Huddleston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hudgins Mr. Scotte Hudsmith Mrs. Emma Gean Hudson Ms. Cathy Huff Ms. Shawn Huffman Ms. Diane Huggins Mr. and Mrs. William H. Huggins Mr. and Mrs. James D. Huggins Ms. Aleca Hughes Ms. Amber Hughes Mr. Billy Hughes Ms. Dana Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Hughes Mrs. Mattie Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Huie Ms. Jill Huie Ms. Mary Huizinga Mr. Billie R. Hulke Ms. Dayna Hulme Humana Ms. Candy Hummel Ms. Julie Humphrey Ms. Judith Humphreys Ms. Patricia Humphreys Mr. Rob Humphreys Mr. Preston Humphries Ms. Sarah Humphries Ms. Susie Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Steve Humphrys Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hunger Ms. Carlene G. Hunt and Mr. Marshall Gaskins Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hunt Ms. Nancy Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Hunter Mr. Thomas Hunter Huntington State Bank Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hurley Ms. Julene Hurst Mr. William Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Huskey Ms. Linda Husmann Ms. Hope Huston Hutchison Group, Inc. Ms. Patricia Hutkin Ms. Marsha A. Hutsell Ms. Margaret Hutson Mr. Robert D. Hutson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hutton Jr. Ms. Katherine R. Hutton Mr. James L. Hyams Ms. Tammy Hyatt Mr. Arthur Hyde Mr. Jerry N. Hyde 60 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Ms. Lyndsay S. Hyde Ms. Barbara Hyland Mr. Patrick A. Hyland and Ms. Linda S. Burns I. C. Thomasson Associates Inc. IAFF Local 140 IBM Mr. Frederic Ifrah ImageQuest, LLC Mr. Bruce T. Immerman Impact 21 Group LLC Imperial Coterie/Mary T Bentlry Foundation Industrial Strength Marketing, Inc. MafiaoZA’s Infinity Project Management, Inc. Ingram Industries, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Orrin H. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Ingram Sr. Ms. Allison Inman Ms. Pamela H. Inman Innospec Fuel Specialties Integrated Image Inc. Intercat JM International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Flower Fund International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 Dr. Joseph A. Interrante Interstate Battery System of Scottsdale Iroquois Capital Group Irvin and Beverly Small Foundation Ms. Grace S. Irvin Ms. Polly Irvin Irwin Intermediate School Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Isaacs Isenhour Door Products, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Isley Ms. Cheryline Israel Mr. William J. Ivey J and H Construction J M Electric, LLC J. E. Dunn Construction Company J. Warren Funeral Services Jack C. Massey Foundation Jackalope Brewing Company, LLC Jackson National Life Insurance Ms. Amy Jackson Ms. Beverly Jackson Mr. Brian Jackson Mrs. Catherine T. Jackson Ms. Cynthia Jackson Ms. Debra Jackson Ms. Emily Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jackson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Jackson Ms. Martha Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Jackson Mr. Raymond H. Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Jackson Mr. Todd C. Jackson Jacksonville State University Maintenance Department Jacksonville Women’s Club Jacobs ESTS Group Dr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Jacobs Mr. Jim Jacobs Ms. Lacy Jacobs Ms. Norma J. Jacobs Ms. Traci Jacobs Jacobsen, A Textron Company Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jacques Mrs. Sarah W. Jaeger Ms. Marie S. Jaggers Mr. Jonathan Jagoda James H. Reed III 2002 Trust Ms. Abigail B. James
Middle Tennessee
Ms. Elizabeth R. James Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. James Ms. Janet James Ms. and Ms. Nicole James Mr. and Mrs. Leon James Ms. Linda James Priya James Ms. Rebecca James Mr. and Mrs. Ricky James Ms. Shelly James Mr. and Mrs. Wynne James III Ms. Nancy Jang Mr. and Mrs. Derrick J. Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Max Jarrell Ms. Patricia E. Jarrell The Jasam Foundation Fund B. Ms. Elizabeth Jay Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jay Ms. Betty Jaynes Regency Office Products Ms. Phoebe Jeann Ms. Delia S. Jeck Ms. Carol Jeffery Mr. Clayton Jeffords Ms. Elizabeth A. Jeffrey Ms. Lisa C. Jeffreys Mr. Sayed Jehan Mr. Mays R. Jemison Mr. Bernard E. Jenkins Mrs. Brooke Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Jenkins Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ewin Jenkins Ms. Keosha Jenkins Ms. Nicole Jenkins Ms. Roxanna Jenkins Mr. Steven Jenks Mr. Will Jenner Ms. Beverly J. Jennings Ms. Brenda L. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. J. Seth Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jennings Ms. Mallory Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Ty Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Brad Jensen Mr. Joel R. Jensen Mr. Brian M. Jernigan Ms. Marlene Jeter Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jetton Mr. and Mrs. Lynn T. Jetton Mr. Bill Jewell Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jewell Ms. Tammy Jewell Mr. Feliciano Jiron Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Joe Mr. and Mrs. John L. Joe Ms. Tricia L. Joenks John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Johnson Poss Government Relations Ms. Torie D. Johnson-Amza Mr. Andrew T. Johnson Mr. Anthony S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bedford D. Johnson Ms. Belinda Johnson Ms. Bernardete Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnson Ms. Carrie C. Johnson Ms. Chelsea Johnson Ms. Cindy Johnson Mr. Douglass S. Johnson Edwin Johnson Mr. Galen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Hal B. Johnson Sr. Mr. Hal B. Johnson Jr Mr. James C. Johnson Ms. Janet L. Johnson Mr. Joseph Johnson Ms. Linda Johnson Mr. M. Lee H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Murray D. Johnson
Ms. Mary L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Johnson Mr. Michael D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Johnson Ms. Nila Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Johnson Ms. Patty Johnson Mr. R. S. Johnson Mr. Rick Johnson Ms. Rosalind J. Johnson Ms. Sandra Johnson Ms. Sharon Johnson Ms. Shirley Johnson Ms. Susan Johnson Ms. Teresa L. Johnson Ms. Toni N. Johnson Ms. Tracy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. Johnson III Dr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Johnson Mr. Will Johnson Ms. Constance M. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Johnston Ms. Faytie C. Johnston Ms. Jennifer Johnston Mr. Joey Johnston Ms. Lillias Dale Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mac Johnston Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Joiner Mr. Henry Joines Jonathan’s Grille Ms. Adele W. Jones Beth Jones Ms. Beverly Jones Ms. Brandie Jones Mr.and Mrs. Byron M. Jones Ms. Cheryl Jones Coles Jones Ms. Jane O. Jones Ms. Jennifer Jones Ms. Jessica Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jones Mr. Keith Jones Ms. Kelly Jones Ms. Lea Jones Ms. Maeghan Jones Marris Jones Ms. Meredith Jones Ms. Phyllis A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Reginald P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jones Mr. Russell Jones Ms. Sarah Jones Mr. and Mrs. Shane Jones Ms. Shari Jones Ms. Sharri K. Jones Ms. Sheila Jones Mr. Terry Jones Ms. Tiani Jones Mr. and Mrs. William M. Jones Jordan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jordan Mr. Kevin Jordan Ms. Peggy Joseph Ms. Catherine Jovanovich Ms. Lisa A. Jovicich Joyce Crane Company Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey J. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Maneric E. Joyner Mr. Michael Joyner JP Green Milling Company Ms. Naomi Judd Ms. Tina L. Judd Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Judge Ms. Cheryl R. Judkins Mr. and Mrs. Jess N. Judy Ms. Maria Juliano Ms. Vivian Jurado
Ms. Jan Jurden Ms. Janet Jurden Ms. Denise Jurgens Ms. Elizabeth Jurs Just Give JW Moore Family Foundation Mr. Aaron Kaalberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kachmer Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Kahn Ms. Elizabeth R. Kaime Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kaiser Mr. Scott Kaiser Ms. Pamela Kaleva Mr. Fhanphi Kalidindi Ms. Demetria Kalodimos Ms. Marian Kaminitz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kanaday Jr. Mr. Ben Kane Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Kane Ms. Kathy A. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kane Ms. Paula Kanenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Kantanie Rabbi Kenneth Kanter Ms. Dee Kantner Kao USA, Inc. Ms. Estelle W. Harris Ms. Wendy M. Karas Ms. Barbara Karber Mr. George B. Karfiol Ms. Elizabeth Karle Mr. and Mrs. Ron Karlin Mr. James Karns Ms. Sondy B. Kaska Ms. Hannah Kasperson Katalyst Kathleen Evers Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kaufman Ms. Sharon Kavanagh Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kay Jr. Ms. Kathleen Kaye Ms. Sandra Kayser KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. Ms. Mary Ann Keating Mrs. Pat Keberlein Mr. Gerald Keck Ms. Kristin Keebler Keech and Company PA Keefe Commissary Network, LLC Ms. Kristen L. Keen Mr. Bob Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Keenan Ms. Carolyn H. Keeney Ms. Margaret Keese Keith George Inc. Mr. Daniel Keith and Ms. Stephanie Pate Mr. Scott A. Keith Ms. Janice Kell Ms. Frances Kellam Ms. Blanche R. Keller Ms. Deborah Keller Mr. Charles Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Kelley Ms. Cynthia P. Kellogg Kellogg’s Ms. Molly Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kelly Ms. Sylvia W. Kelly Mr. Wayne Kelly Ms. Carol Kelso Ms. Kelly Kelso Ms. Louise W. Kelton Mr. Kevin Kemp Mr. Clint Kendall Ms. Kara Kendig Ms. Faye W. Kendrick
Matt Kennedy Ms. Patricia T. Kennedy Judge Randy Kennedy Ms. Denise D. Kenner Ms. Patricia Kenney Mr. Timothy Kenney Mr. Alfred Kent Ms. Pamela J. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Kenton Ms. Kari Kenworthy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Keough Ms. Terri Keown Ms. Lauren Kerensky Ms. Cynthia Kern Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Kern Ms. JoRene Kerns Ms. Gayle Keroack Ms. Alexa Kessler Ms. Suzanne Kessler Mr. Michael J. Kettenring Ms. Ida E. Key Mr. and Mrs. Willaim D. Key Jr. Mr. John Keys Mr. and Mrs. Ziad Khallouf Kharis Foundation Ms. Tsering D. Kharitsang Ms. Karen I. Kibler Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Brockwell Kidd Ms. Jacqueline Kidd Ms. Mary Jane Kidd Ms. Sharon Kidd Ms. Thelma Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kidd Mr. David Killion Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Kimball III Mr. and Mrs. Johnny W. Kimbro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kime Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ms. Julia Kindy Ms. Connie W. King Mr. and Mrs. David L. King Jr. Mr. Eric King Mrs. Jean King Mr. Jimmy King Ms. Kelly King Dr. Tom B. King Ms. Valerie K. King Mr. and Mrs. William King Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. King The Kingdom Trust Ms. Lucy G. Kington Grant Kinnett Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kinsel Ms. Jeanita Kinsey Ms. Jennifer Kinsey Ms. Adelle R. Kint Ms. Dorothy D. Kint Ms. Stephanie B. Kintgen Ms. Debra L. Kipp Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Kirby Ms. Valorie Kirby Mr. Larry Kirchner Chris Kirkland Ms. Edith Kirkland Mr. Timothy W. Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirkland Mr. William Kirkland Mr. Max Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kirkpatrick Ms. Teresa M. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kirshner Ms. Leslee Kiser Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kita Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kitts
Ms. Linda Kitz Kiwanis Club of Cheatham County Mr. John Klaritch Ms. Janie A. Kleiman Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Klein Ms. Tonia Klein Mr. and Mrs. John W. Klekamp Mr. David Klements Ms. Mary Klimoski Ms. Rebecca Klindt Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kline Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Klink Mr. and Mrs. Jon J. Knapp Ms. Julie Knauer Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kneece Mr. and Mrs. Hart Knight Mr. Michael Knight Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knight Ms. Pam Knopf Mrs. Amy Jean Knorr Ms. Elizabeth Knox Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Knox Ms. Lois C. Knox Mrs. William N. Knox Ms. Katherine Koban Mr. Joseph Koch The Hon. and Mrs. William C. Koch Jr. Michael Kohl Mr. Christopher O. Kohler Ms. Jillian Kohr Ms. Dianne A. Kohute Ms. Cayla Kolbe Ms. Dolores F. Kollett Ms. Linda D. Kollmann Mr. Jeff Kolodny Ms. Kathy Kolwyck Konnoak Baptist Church Mr. Joel L. Koon Ms. Gaye Kopas Ms. Emily Koplar Mr. and Mrs. James W. Korman Ms. Cassandra Kornegay Mr. and Mrs. Tuck Kornegay Ms. Elinore Korow-Bieber Ms. Kimberly M. Korwek Ms. Landry Kosmalski Ms. Katie Koss KPMG, LLP Kraft and Company, PLLC Kraft CPAs, PLLC Ms. Julie Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kraft Ms. Tina L. Kraft Ms. Jennifer Krahenbill Mrs. Laura Krakowiak Ms. Angela Kramer Ms. Carrie Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Kramer Kraton Polymers U.S., LLC Ms. Claudette Kraus Mr. and Mrs. William E. Krechel Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kreibich Ms. Paula Kreiser Ms. Mary E. Kreitner Ms. Jenni Kremer Ms. Chris Kretschman Mr. Hans Kriefall Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krimmel Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon L. Krizelman Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Kroboth Kroger Community Advised Fund Ms. Leilana Kruchek Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Krugman Mr. William Krulish Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kruse Ms. Holly Kruse Ms. Susan Kubica Kudu Energy LLC
Mrs. Jack W. Kuhn Mr. Paul H. Kuhn Jr. Ms. Tarah M. Kuhn Mr. Timothy Kuhns Mr. Jeff Kulikowski Ms. Jennifer J. Kummerow Ms. Kimberly Kump Mr. Dan Kuninsky Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kurer Ms. Amy Kurland Mr. Peter Kurland and Ms. Shannon Wood Ms. Emily Kurtz Ms. Laureen Kuzur Mr. Elliott Kyle Ms. Kyna Kyles Mr. Tim Kyne Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kyriopoulos Ms. Debbie Kyzar L A McRedmond Inc. La Societe De Femme Cabane 172 Ms. Marge LaBue Mr. Joe Lacher Ms. Lynda Lacher Mr. Micah A. Lacher Ms. Jennifer Lackey Ladies of the Mountain Club Coffee Ms. Vicki Ladner Lady Antebellum Partnership Mr. Chris LaFon Ms. Suzanne Lafond Ms. Ellen LaGow Ms. Allison G. Laing Ms. Carol Laird Ms. Sarah Laird Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital Mr. Clay Lamb Ms. Janet Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lamb Mrs. Claudia Lamberson Ms. Linda D. Lambert Ms. Vanessa Lambert Ms. Joan M. Lamberti Ms. Sandra M. Lamm Ms. Angela Lamon Ms. Tammi M. Lamonda Ms. Ruth Lampert Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick E. Land Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Lander Ms. Emily Landham Ms. Charlene Landis Landmark Foundation Landmark Tour and Travel, LLC Ms. Laura Landress and Mr. Alan Woodard Bailey Landreth Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Landreth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Landry Landshire, Inc. Ms. Amy Lane Ms. Dolorous Lane Ms. Elizabeth W. Lane Mr. Jere L. Lane Ms. Lauren Lane Mr. Ronald Lane Ms. Rosetta M. Lane Mr. Stephen C. Lane Ms. Melissa Laneve Mr. Brad Langdorf Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lange Mr. and Mrs. William B. Langley Mrs. Ann R. Langner Ms. Deborah T. Lankford Ms. Alice Lanoue Ms. Victoria Lanter Mr. and Mrs. Ricky G. Lappi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Larish Mr. Dale Larkin Larry Maxwell, Inc. Larsen Living Trust Ms. Ana Marie Lasich C FM T.o r g | 6 1
Mr. John Lasiter Ms. Mary E. Lasiter Ms. Kathy Lasko Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lastovka Ms. Adrienne Latham Ms. Lydia J. Latham Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Lathan Mr. Harvey Latimer Lattimore, Black, Morgan and Cain, P.C. Ms. Nada Latto Ms. Angela Lauer Ms. Beth Launiere Laura’s Lean Beef Company, LLC Mr. Paul Laven Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis Lavine Law Offices of L. Broner McCoy Ms. Mary Elizabeth Law Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Lawler Mr. Rusty Lawrence Ms. Nancy Laws Ms. Angie Lawson Ms. Brenda Lawson Ms. Eloise M. Lawson Mr. Herman Lawson Ms. Jennifer Lawson Ms. Marcia S. Lawson Ms. Meredith L. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Lawson Ms. Josephine Lay Ms. Barbara Layden Ms. Jena Layne Mr. Peter Layne Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lazenby LD Clips Inc. Holding Company Mr. and Mrs. Todd Leach Mr. and Mrs. William G. Leach Ms. Andrella Leachman Mr. and Mrs. Ken LeClair Mr. and Mrs. James M. LeCluyse Mr. Joseph B. Ledbetter Mr. Mark Lederle Ms. Lauren Ledford MS. Terri L. Ledford Lee Danner and Bass, Inc. Alicon Lee Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Lee Ms. Jennifer Lee Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lee Jr. Kathryn Lee Ms. L. Joyce Lee Mr. Mark Lee Ms. Melinda Lee Mr. Richard G. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lee Ms. Violetta Lee Ms. Pam Leet Mr. Paul Leffingwell Mr. and Mrs. James L. Leftwich Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands Mr. Steven L. Legon Mr. Philip LeGrone Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lehew Ms. Ellen E. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Joel G. Lehman Mr. Jonathan Lehman Ms. Heidi Lehmann Ms. Deborah Leighton Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Leinwand Mr. and Mrs. John G. Leiter Mr. Joseph A. Leiter Lellyett and Rogers Company Mr. and Mrs. Doug S. Leman Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Lemley Mr. TC Lenahan Ms. Chloe F. Lenderman Mrs. Mary Lengnick Mr. Laken Lenhart
62 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle D. Lening Jr. Liza and Allen D. Lentz Ms. Lucille S. Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Lenz Ms. Victoria Leon Ms. Briana Leonard Mr. Charles H. Leonard Ms. Gail S. Leonard Ms. Janice G. Leonard Ms. Lauren Leonard Mr. Chris A. Lesinski Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lesley Mr. Billy Leslie The Lawrence LeVasseur Family Ms. Elizabeth LeVasseur Ms. Jennifer LeVasseur Ms. Lee Carroll Levine Mr. Michael A. Levine Ms. Rae Levine Mrs. Sally M. Levine Mrs. Linda F. Levy-Gunther and Mr. Robert Gunther Levy’s Inc. Ms. Kathleen Lewinski Lewis Bros Bakeries, Inc. Ms. Arlene A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Ms. Doris Lewis Mr. Dwight Lewis Mr. James D. Lewis Ms. Jane Lewis Mr. John T. Lewis and Mr. Daryl Brown Ms. Linda Lewis Ms. Lynda Lewis Ms. Nanci Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Prince Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewis Ms. Terri Lewis Mr. Thaddeus Lewis Lexus of Nashville Liberty Supply, Inc. Ms. Ellen Licato Ms. Allison R. Licciardi Ms. Kathleen Lichtenwalner Mr. Michael Liedtke LifePoint Community Foundation LifePoint Hospitals Mr. Adam J. Liff Lightwave Solar Electric, LLC Ms. Lee Marie Ligon Ms. Sunaina Likhari Ms. Francie Likis Mr. Leighton Liles Mr. Byron Lillard Ms. Susan F. Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Lind Linda Hayes Campaign Fund Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lindahl Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Lindamood Ms. Kay Linder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lindsey Mr. Scott Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lindvahl Ms. Ruth Liner Ms. Rhonda Linginfelter Mr. Sam Lingo Mr. and Mrs. David A. Linley Lion Oil Company Lionel Smith, Ltd Mr. Larry Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Lipman Lipscomb University-College Of Education Dr. Nancy Lipsitz and Mr. Kirk Barton Ms. Cynthia Lish Ms. Jana Lisle Parham Ms. Eve Litchfield The Little Clinic
Middle Tennessee
Little Steel Derby Girls Ms. Ann H. Little Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Little Ms. Pamela Little Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Littlejohn Mr. Eric Liu Mr. H. Todd Livesay III Living Essentials - 5 Hour Energy Mr. Yuri Livshitz Liz Claiborne Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lloyd Jr. LNC Corporation Loaves and Fishes Ms. Tricia Lockwood Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Lodge Jr. Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Mrs. Ann Loflin Ms. Gina Lofredo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lofton Ms. Susan Logan Mr. and Mrs. W. Gage Logan III Ms. Jean Lois Ms. Christine Lombardi Ms. Carol Lombardo Long Hollow Ladies Golf League Mr. William Long-Innes Ms. Crystal J. Long Ms. Joan Long Mr. Michael Longden Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale J. Longo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy D. Looney Ms. Mary Looney Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Looney Ms. Sandra Looper Mr. Joseph P. Lopez Mr. Joe C. Loser Jr. Ms. Kelly Loudenslager Ms. Arlene D. Loughlin Louie M. and Betty M. Phillips Foundation Ms. Stephanie Love The Loveless Cafe Lovell Communications, Inc. Mr. John Lovell Mr. John W. Lovin Ms. Gretchen Lowe Mr. Kenneth Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lowe Jr. Ms. Beverly A. Lower Mr. George Lowery Ms. Juliette M. Lowery Mr. Nathan Lowry Ms. Patricia A. Lowry Mr. David Loy Ms. Gwendolyn Loyd Lu, Inc. Mr. Kenneth E. Lubel Ms. Amber Lucas Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lucas Ms. Erica Lucas Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Lucatuorto Ms. Martha Lucia Mr. Michael Lucker Ms. Tiffany Luckett Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luckey Jr. Ms. Edith Ludlum Mr. and Mrs. F. Edward Lummus Luncheon Pilot Club of Athens Mr. Pat Lund Ms. Debra Lundry Ms. Clare Lundy Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lundy Jr. Ms. Susannah Lunke Ms. Joan D. Lusk Mr. and Mrs. John C. Luther Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Luther Ms. Karen A. Luzier Ms. Susan Lyell
Mr. Lykken Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Billy T. Lynch Mr. Jim Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Seth Lynn Ms. Christine S. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Lytle M Molding M66 Foundation, Inc. Ms. Niki Maas Ms. Deborah Mabbott Silvercare Mr. Bradley Mabry Ms. Katie Mae Mabry Mr. Scott Mabry MAC Constructors, LLC Mr. Edward MacDonald III Ms. Kelly MacDonald MacDoogal’s Liquor Warehouse Ms. Thelma M. Machale Ms. Tara Mack Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mackey Travonnie Mackey Ms. Monica Mackie Ms. Lynn A. Mackinnon Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Macpherson Jr. Ms. Roberta MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. MacRae Mrs. Barbara MacSwain Macy’s Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Maddox Ms. Sharon S. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Maddrey Mr. Austin Madison Ms. Emily Madison Madix Store Fixtures Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Maentz, LLC Ms. Toni Magee-Cockrell Magli Realty Company Ms. Frances Maher Ms. Susan Mahoney MainLine Contracting Mr. and Mrs. Matt Maiocco Ms. NaKeia Majors Mr. and Mrs. Read Majors Ms. Peggy L. Makepeace Ms. Carolyn Makk Malco Theatres, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mallard Ms. Gayle Mallicoat Mr. Robert Malloy Mr. Thomas Malone Ms. Tina R. Malone Mr. and Ms. C. Taxon Malott Dr. Kathleen A. Maloy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manahan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mancinelli Fleet Feet Sports Mr. Charles J. Maneri Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Maness Mr. and Mrs. Lee Maness Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maney Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Maney Mr. and Mrs. William G. Mangold Ms. Sonia Mangum Mrs. Mary Lee M. Manier Ms. Susan Maninga Ms. Shelly Manison Mr. and Mrs. David L. Manning Ms. Doris Manning Dr. John R. Manning Ms. June Manning Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore C. Manuele Ms. Janine Manzi Mapco Express
Mr. Klane Maples Mr. Shawn C. Mapleton Mr. John S. Marchesano Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Marcoe Jr. Ms. Melba Marcrum Margaret Ellis, Inc. Mark Anthony Brands, Inc. Mark’s Plumbing Parts Ms. Ginny Markham-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Barry I. Markowitz Dr. and Mrs. James W. Markworth Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Marotti MARS Marsh-TX Ms. Jeanette Marsh Ms. Michell Marsh Ms. Barbara Marshall Ms. Julie Marshall Mr. Randall Marshall Mr. Randy Marshall Mr. Rob Marshall Mr. Zack Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Norm Martel Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Martenis Ms. Michele Martens Ms. Barbara B. Martin Mr. Brian Martin Ms. Elizabeth Martin Mr. Gerald E. Martin and Ms. Cynthia A. Ragan Mr. Henry A. Martin and Ms. Gloria B. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. James T. Martin Ms. Jennifer Martin Ms. Julie Martin Mr. and Mrs. Kirke Martin Ms. Marjorie E. Martin Ms. Monica Martin Dr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Martin III Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. James S. Martindale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Martinez Ms. Kristin Marzol Ms. Carol J. Masche Mr. Mark Maskell Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Maslowe Mr. and Mrs. M. Lewis Mason Ms. Laura Mason Mr. Matthew Mason Ms. Nancy Mason Ms. Joanna Mass Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Massey Ms. Liza L. Massey Ms. Margaret Massey MassMutual -The Matching Gift Center Ms. Leigh Masters Ms. Elizabeth Mastro Ms. Tracey Maszka Matchless Limousine, Inc. Ms. Kathleen Mateyak Mr. Robert Mathews III Mr. Colin Mathewson Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mathis Mr. James S. Mathis Jr. Ms. Barbara E. Matich Mr. and Mrs. David P. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Matthews Mr. Thomas M. Matthews Ms. Mary F. Mattoon Mr. Nathan Matwijec Ms. Sive Maua Mr. Eric Mauer Ms. Deborah Mauk Ms. Nicki Mauk Amax Talent Maxwell Aesthetics, PLLC Ms. Sheri Maxwell Mr. Andrew L. May and Dr. Nancy J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mayden
Ms. Gladys A. Mayette Mr. John Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mayfield Ms. Elizabeth R. Mayhall Mr. Eric Mayhaus Ms. Denise L. Maynard Ms. Nicole Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Maynard Mr. Steve Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Mays Ms. Leanne M. Mays Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M. Mazur Ms. Marilyn McAlister Mr. R. Michael McAlister Mr. Robert McAlister Ms. Gail McAllister-Derner Mr. Ken McAloon Mr. and Mrs. Moorman McAnulty McBee Strategic Consulting Ms. Mary Lee McBee Ms. Rosalind A. McBee Mr. Ward McBee Mr. C. Simon McCain Ms. Ashley C. McCall Ms. Beth McCall Mr. and Mrs. Terry McCall Ms. Nancy C. McCallister Ms. Candace M. McCampbell Ms. Nicole McCann Mr. and Mrs. T. Leo McCarley Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCarter Ms. Patricia R. McCartney Mr. Jerry L. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. McCary Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. McCathren Mr. and Mrs. William McCathren Ms. Clarene K. McCaughey Ms. Kelly McClain Ms. Joyce D. McClaran Mr. Patrick McClarty Mr. and Mrs. David McClary Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McClellan Ms. Juliet R. McClendon Ms. Victoria E. McClintock Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCloud Ms. Cary McClure Ms. Linzi McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCord Ms. Beverly J. McCormick Mr. James R. McCormick Jr. Ms. Julia J. McCown Ms. Julianne L. McCracken Mr. Mike McCracken Mr. Jeremy McCraw Mr. and Mrs. William A. McCree III Ms. Mona L. McCroskey Mr. and Mrs. Steve G. McCullough Mr. Ryan McCutcheon Ms. Lauren McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. McDaniel Ms. Megan McDaniel Ms. Deborah McDermott Mr. Dave McDole Ms. Betsy McDonald Ms. Janet McDonald Mr. Lawrence McDonald Mr. M. McDonald Ms. Rae Nell McDonald Ms. Kimberly N. McDoniel Ms. W. Kaye McDonough Ms. Kim McDougall Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. McDougle Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. McDowell Ms. Linda McDowell Ms. Patricia McDuffee Ms. Mary McDyer Mr. and Mrs. James McElroy
Ms. Katherine McElroy Ms. Ellen C. McEniry Mr. and Mrs. David L. McEver Mrs. Crystal McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Russell McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. McFarland Jr. Ms. Katie McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. David McGahren Ms. Amy McGee Ms. Connie S. McGee Mr. Dennis McGee Ms. Emily McGhee Rev. and Mrs. James H. McGill Ms. Melanie McGinn Mr. James McGonnell McGraw-Hill Companies-Royalty Mr. and Mrs. Derek S. McGraw Ms. Susan McGroom Mr. Kevin W. McGuigan Mr. Sean McGuire Mrs. Diahn McHenry Ms. Gail L. McIntosh Ms. Nancy W. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. James McKeel McKellar Law Mrs. Betty J. Mckenzie Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. McKenzie McKey Perforated Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James F. McKinley Ms. Kimberly McKinley Ms. Linda McKinley Ms. Chepeka McKinney Ms. Phyllis McKinney Ms. Beth McLain Mr. Bradley McLaughlim Ms. Carrie McLean Ms. Dixie McLean Mr. J. Lindsy McLean Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McLeish Mr. and Mrs. John P. McLeroy Ms. Phyllis McLeroy Ms. Elizabeth McLerran Ms. Jamie McMahan Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael McMahan Mr. Ronnie K. McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McManus Ms. Jacqueline R. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. James L. McMillan Ms. Rachell A. McMillan Ms. Lori L. McMillian Ms. Dawn McMurray Ms. Amanda McNalley Mr. and Mrs. Martin McNamara III Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. McNamara Mr. Robert McNamara Ms. Sheila McNeeley McNeely Pigott and Fox Public Relations Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McNeely Ms. Shirley C. McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly Jr. Ms. Yvonne J. McPeake Ms. Katherine McQuade Mr. and Mrs. Richard McRae III Dr. Terry McRoberts Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. McSeveney Mr. Harry McSween Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. McVity Mr. Ryan McWaters Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. McWherter Mr. Doug McWhorter Mr. Haden McWhorter Mr. and Mrs. Mark McWhorter Mr. R. Clayton McWhorter MD Johnson Enterprises, LLC MDHA Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Mead Ryan Meade Ms. Beth Meador
Ms. Wanda N. Meador Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Meadows Ms. Joyce Means Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mears Medal of Honor Host City Program MedAssets Company (Healthcare Performance Partners) Ms. Elizabeth A. Mede Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Medford Ms. Doris B. Medlin Ms. Loretta Medo Ms. Rebecca J. Meek-Roberson Ms. Penelope R. Meek Mrs. Margaret A. Meeker Ms. Lana Meell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Megaro Meharry Medical College Mr. Andrew Mehiel Ms. Susan Mehler Ms. Michele Mehrabadi Ms. Shawn Meininger The Melkus Family Foundation Mellow Mushroom Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Melnick Mr. Zulette Melnick Ms. Anne Melton Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Melton The Memorial Foundation, Inc. Memorial Hospital of Martinsville Memorial Medical Center Ms. Cheryl L. Mendonsa Mr. Layton Meng Mr. Godwin K. Mensah Mental Health America of Middle Tennessee Ms. Alice Mercer Ms. Ruth N. Merchant Ms. Ann Mercker Meredith Corporation-WSMV Mr. Keith W. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Chris Merritt Ms. Dorothy Merritt Ms. Elizabeth Merritt Ms. Pam Merritt Ms. Terri M. Merritt Ms. Michele Mertens Ms. Theresa Messenger Mr. Glenn Messer Metalforms, Inc. Metallurgical Technologies Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Brad Metcalf Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Metters Ms. Jill Micai Ms. Elizabeth Micek Mr. Martin Michael Mrs. Carole Michel Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Rex Michel Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Microtel Inn and Suites-South Carolina Mid-Tenn Ford Truck Sales, Inc. Middle Tennessee Lumber Co. Middle Tennessee Mortgage, Inc. Ms. LaKecia M. Middleton Ms. Paula A. Mietus Mike’s Hard Lemonade-Illinois Ms. Ann Mikkelsen and Mr. Daniel Sharfstein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Milam Mr. Mickey Milam Mr. and Mrs. Neill Milam Mr. Bryon N. Milby, CPA Ms. Stefanie Rose Miles Milford Umpires Association Mr. and Mrs. James M. Milford Miller Lumber Company C FM T.o r g | 6 3
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller Ms. Barbara Miller Mr. Bradford Miller Mr. Brian Miller Mr. Bryan Miller Ms. Carol Miller Ms. Charlotte Miller Mr. Craig A. Miller Ms. Daire Miller Mr. Drake Miller Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Miller Ms. Heather Miller Mr. and Mrs. Evan K. Miller Ms. Janice Miller Ms. Jessie Miller Dr. and Mrs. John W. Miller Mr. Justin Miller Ms. Katy Miller Ms. Lauren J. Miller Mrs. Linda M. Miller Ms. Margaret Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mart Miller Ms. Maureen Miller Ms. Michelle D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Miller Mr. and Ms. Walter F. Miller Mr. Ron Miller Ms. Susan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Miller Mr. W. Yale Miller Mr. William Miller Mr. and Mrs. William T. Miller Ms. Pamela Millonzi Mr. Gary Millrany Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Mills Ms. Eleanor Mills Ms. Leigh A. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Zach Mills Ms. Amy Millslagle Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Milsaps Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mincey Minch Foundation Mingus Mountain Estate Residential Center Mingus Mt. VFW Aux. Post 10227 The Minnesota Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Al Minnis Ms. Melissa Minor Ms. Patricia A. Minschew Ms. Jacqueline Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minyard Miramar Fiduciary Corporation Ms. Angela Mirus Ms. Cynthia Misner Ms. Beth Mitchell Ms. Delores Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy W. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mitchell Ms. Lana J. Mitchell Ms. Lori Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Mitchell III Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Mitchell Jr. Mrs. Rita P. Mitchell Mr. Vernon Mitchell MJ Insurance MK Impressions Meagan Moar Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Moats Sr. Mr. Edwin W. Moats Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Moats Mobile Giving Foundation Ms. Carolyn Mobley Mr. John O. Mobley Jr. Ms. Christine Modisher The Mohn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mohnal Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molder Mr. Jay Molino 64 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Ms. Erika Molyneux Monarch Publicity, LLC Monroe Harding, Inc. Ms. Chelli Monroe Ms. Sara L. Monroe Ms. Mary Joy Monsalud-Wallace Monster Energy Company Ms. Kathleen Montague Mr. and Mrs. Van Montague Ms. Melissa Montanez Ms. Sarah Montanez Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Montante Rev. David Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Montgomery IV Ms. Marjorie Montgomery Ms. Connie Montney Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Moodie Moody National Nashville MT, LLC Ms. Charity J. Moody Ms. Carole Moore-Slater Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Moore Mr. Bradley Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bret D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moore Ms. Dana Moore Ms. Debra K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore Ms. Elaine M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Blake Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore Mr. James Moore Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Moore Jr. Ms. Lisa Moore Ms. Lora Moore Ms. Makia Moore Ms. Margie Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. R. Wendell Moore Mr. Roger E. Moore and Mr. Brian Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moore Ms. Sharon D. Moore Ms. Stephanie Moore Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Moore Ms. Theresa Moore Mr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Moore Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore Jr. Mr. Wes Moore Mr. William Moore Ms. Jennifer Moorman Mr. David Morales Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Jason Morant Ms. Meg Morel Mr. John N. Moreland Mr. and Mrs. John L. Morelli Ms. Nanette Morford Morgan and Akins, PLLC Morgan Contractors, Inc. Mr. Brent Morgan Mr. David Morgan Mr. and Mrs. David K. Morgan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Morgan Rev. Gloria Morgan Ms. Joan A. Morgan Ms. Karen M. Morgan Kyle Morgan Morgan, Lewis and Bockius, LLP Ms. Mary Katharine Morgan Ms. Susan Morgan Ms. Tonya Morgan Brittany and John Mori Mr. Douglas J. Morin Mrs. Patricia A. Morison-Holmes Ms. Jennifer J. Moroney Middle Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morphesis Ms. Amanda Morris Mr. Brent Morris Mr. Chris Morris Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Morris Dr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie T. Morris Ms. Julia Morris Ms. Karen Morris Ms. Rhonda Morris Mr. Richard A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William David Morris Ms. Amelia Morrison Ms. Elissa Morrison Ms. Esther M. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. James T. Morrison Ms. Jean M. Morrison Ms. Joan L. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. William W. Morrison Mr. Mark A. Morrissey Mr. Steve Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. John William B. Morrow Mr. Phillip Morrow Ms. Mary Lynn Morse Ms. Michele Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morton Mr. Troy Morton Mr. Dennis Moseley Mr. Steven Moseley Mr. McCallen Moser Moses Townsend and Russ PLLC Mr. Brian Moses Ms. Katharine A. Mosher Ms. Deanne Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mosley Moss and Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Hale Moss Mr. John A. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Moss Ms. Jill Mosser Mossy Oak Outdoor Sports and Entertainment Most Valuable Kids of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Moths Ms. Phyllis D. Motta Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Motte Ms. Margaret Moudy Mr. Clifton Moulds Ms. Bonne Mount Mountain Presbyterian Women’s Association Mr. Michael T. Mowery Ms. Melissa Moylan Hilton Family Foundation MRCO, LLC Mrs. Grissom’s Salads Added Incentives Mr. Ryan Mudd Ms. Anne H. Mueller Ms. Sudeshna Mukherjee Mr. Bhaskar Mukherji Mrs. LaVoe G. Mulgrew Mr. Tom Mulgrew Ms. Mary B. Mulhollan Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Mulkey Mr. Gerry E. Mull Ms. Tara L. Mullaney Ms. Caroline Mullen Ms. Ashlee L. Mullinax Ms. Anita Mullins Mr. Matt Mulroy Ms. Kristin A. Mumford Municipality of Lenoir City Ms. Rebecca Munn Ms. Claudia Munoz Ms. Mertella Munroe Ms. Sameera H. Murad Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Murchison Mr. Richard Murdaugh
Keavy Murphree Ms. Christen Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Murphy Ms. Karen Murphy Ms. Karis Murphy Dr. M. Dianne Murphy Marie Murphy Mr. Timothy R. Murphy Mr. Aric C. Murray Mr. Keith Murray Ms. Kristina Murray Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Murray Muscular Dystrophy Association-Phoenix MusicToday, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Musser Ms. Melissa Musser Mussop, Inc. Mustang Engineering Mr. Joseph Musumeci Mr. Johnny Ray Mutina and Mr. Earl Lamons Ms. Pam Myatt Mr. Marshall Myer Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Myer Mrs. Anita A. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Blair S. Myers Ms. Holly Myers Ms. Janet Myers Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Myers Mr. Arnold Myint Ms. Cecilia L. Mynatt Mr. and Mrs. David G. Myrick Myrtle Trace Homeowners Association, Inc. Ms. Patricia E. Naar Mr. Lee Nachand Ms. Jan Naifeh NAJCC Charities, Inc. Mr. Rajalakshmi Nambiar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Nankervis Mr. Phillip Nappi Nash EyeCare, PLLC Mrs. Carolyn H. Nash Nashville Ballet Nashville Bank and Trust Nashville Chamber Public Benefit Foundation Nashville Children’s Alliance Inc. Nashville City Council-Beta Sigma Phi Nashville Coalition Against Domestic Violence Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau Nashville Predators Foundation Nashville Public Library Foundation Nashville Public Television Council Inc. Nashville State Community College Foundation Nashville Symphony Association Nashville Technology Council Nashville Veterinary Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Nason Ms. Lisa Nathan National Association of Womens Gymnastic Judges National Christian Foundation National Health Foundation National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Navajo Manufacturing Co., Inc. Ms. Margie Naylor Neal and Harwell, PLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neal, III Mr. L. W. Neal Jr. Ms. Rebecca Neal Meredith Nealis Ms. Catherine Nealon Ms. Jasmine Neblett Mr. Joseph NeCastro Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Needham Mr. Jesse C. Neil Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Nelson Ms. Suzanne Nelson Mr. Taye Nelson
Ms. Tara A. Nemeth Ms. Lynda Nemon Nashville Electric Service (NES) Ms. Essence Nesbit Ms. Linda S. Nester Mr. Shawn Nethery Network for Good Ms. Edith Neubauer Neuble Monument Funeral Home, LLC Ms. Helen U. Neville Greater New Orleans Foundation Mr. Alistair Newbern Ms. Betty J. Newby Mr. John Newby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Newell Ms. Susan Newlan Dr. Clint E. Newman Newmark Grubb Knigh Frank NewsChannel 5 Network Ms. Linda H. Newsom Ms. Carmie Newsome Mr. Glyn E. Newton Ms. Thereasa Newton The Next Door Next Level The Nexxus Group NFL Ventures, LP Ms. Kristin Nguyen NHC Oakwood Partners Commissioner and Mrs. Gerald F. Nicely Nicholas and Montgomery, LLP Mr. Clayton Nicholas Ms. Gail Nichols Ms. Jan Nichols Mr. Jim Nichols Ms. Barbara A. Nicholson Ms. Virginia Nicholson Ms. Susan Nickel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nickels Ms. Tina Nickels Niebow Law Ms. Annabell Niebow Ms. Jen Nietfeld Night Technologies, LLC Ms. Eva Nimark Nissan North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Nix Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Noah Mr. Kermit D. Noble Mr. Michael Noble Ms. Tara Noble Mr. Jeff Noblin Ms. Mary C. Nolan Barry Noland Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Noland Jr. Ms. Diane Nolen Ms. Janice D. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Justin Nollner Ms. Dorothy Nolte Nomura/Yamasaki Landscapes, Inc. Norix Ms. Amanda Norman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Norman Ms. Janice Norman Ms. Jo Ann Norman Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Norman Ms. Amanda Norris Ms. Cari Norris Mr. Jonathan Norris North Alabama Fabricating Company North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services North Greene Community Association, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Northcutt Northwest Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. David R. Norton Mr. Richard Norvell Norwood Clinic Ms. Maria Noucas
Nova Graphics Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Novick The NRA Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Nuccio Mr. and Mrs. James K. Nuckolls Ms. Sharon F. Nuckolls Ms. Laura I. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nunley Ms. Virginia H. Nunley Mr. Samuel J. Nunn Ms. Beth Nunnink Ms. Rosanne Nutkis Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nutter Ms. Mary Nutter Ms. Jessica L. Nyce Ms. Victoria L. Nye Mrs. Dan Nyimicz NYSE Euronext Ms. Katherine R. O’Brien Mr. Timothy O’Brien Mr. Whitley O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Dell Mr. Michael O’Grady Ms. Jeanne M. O’Keife Ms. Dorothy F. O’Leary Ms. Hazel R. O’Leary Mr. Michael O’Malley Ms. Nancy O’Malley Mr. Hollis L. O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Royce L. O’Neal Ms. Nancy O’Neill Mr. Bancroft O’Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Quinn Mr. W. Douglas O’Rear and Ms. Jane Rae Crisp Mr. Matt O’Sullivan Oak Ridge Associated Universities Dr. Wendy A. Oakes and Mr. Chad Wilhelm Mr. Walter L. Oakey Mr. and Mrs. Rondol E. Oakley Mr. John Oaks Ms. Samantha Oaks Rhonda Wernick Oasis Center Inc. Ms. Kathleen Obert Ms. Lora S. Obrohta Oceanside Village Bereavement Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Odell Mr. Oliver Odenbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Odermatt Odom’s Tennessee Pride Sausage, Inc. Ms. Carol Oestrich Office of Joel Tomlin III, LLC Office of Religious Life Mr. Curtis D. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Oglesby Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak and Stewart, P.C. Ms. Cathy Oh Mr. Gunnar Ohgren Mr. Eugene Okamoto Ms. Eliza Olander Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olcott Old Hickory VFW Post 2889 Ladies Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Oldfield Jr. Ms. Kristen Oldham Ms. Molly Oldham Mr. Russ Oldham Mr. Daniel Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Olivito Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Olmsted Mr. Odion J. Ologbauma Mr. Arne Olsen Ms. Diane Olsen Ms. Helen Olsen Ms. Amanda G. Olson Ms. Kellie Olson On Time Fashions Selma, LLC Ooltewah Baptist Church OptumInsight, Inc.
OPW Fueling Components Orange Mountain Designs, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David R. Orchard Mr. Jim Orman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Orndorff Ms. Edee Orr Ms. Margaret Orr Ms. Melissa Orr Ortale, Kelley, Herbert and Crawford Orthopaedicseast Mr. Danny Orthwein Ms. Elizabeth Ortiz Mr. John Orzechowski Ms. Barbara Osborn Ms. Natasha Osborn Ms. Djuna Osborne Ms. Jennifer Osborne Mr. Mark Osborne Mr. Ty Osman Laura Ospital Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ossmann Mr. Robert Oster Ms. Suzanne Osterberg Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Osterholt Ms. Deborah J. Ostroski Mr. and Mrs. Virgil D. Oswald Ms. Teresa Ott Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ottaviano Mrs. Betty Otter-Nickerson Our Lady of the Assumption Ms. Fran Outersky Mr. Ben Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. Jasper E. Outlaw Outtech, Inc. Ms. Emily Overend Mr. Fred Overstreet Mr. D. Wilson Overton Mr. and Mrs. David Overton Ms. Monica Oviedo Ms. Kimberly Owen Ms. Bethany Owens Ms. Bonita Owens Mr. Oliver Owens Jr. Mr. JT Ownby Mr. Matt Oxford Mr. Gary Oxton OZ Foundation Trust P L Marketing Inc. M.F. Pabst Brewing Company Dr. and Mrs. James R. Pace Ms. Natalie D. Pacitto Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pack Ms. Joyce A. Pack Ms. Melissa Packer Ms. Kimberly Padgett Ms. Willie Marie Padgett and Ms. Donna Morton Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Page Ms. Molly Page Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pageau Mr. Jeffrey Pagels Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. John G. Palmer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Palmer Ms. Kimberly Palmer Ms. Shayna Palmer Mr. Timothy Palmer PaNash Style Pangean-CMD Associates, Inc. Mr. Aaron Panken Mrs. Linda Pannock Mr. Robert and Dr. Darlene Panvini Mr. and Mrs. William C. Panzeri Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Papel Mrs. Shirley A. Pappas Ms. Susanne Paradis Mr. Aaron R. Parde Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Pardue Ms. Jana L. Parham
Park Farms Inc. Ms. Amy L. Parker Ms. Christine J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. DeLeon Parker Ms. Diane Parker Mr. and Mrs. John Parker Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Parker Ms. Karen Parker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Parker Ms. Tara Parker Ms. Ashley Parkes Mr. L.S. Parkin Jr. Ms. Becky Parks Mr. and Mrs. Doug Parks Mr. and Mrs. John R. Parks Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parks Ms. Bette Parolini Ms. Gail P. Parr and Ms. Tabatha A. Uhrich Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Parrish Mr. James Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Parrish Ms. Autumn Parrott Mr. and Mrs. David F. Parrotte Mr. Edwin C. Parry Jr. Mr. Bryan Parsels Mr. and Mrs. William Parsley Ms. Allison Parsons Ms. Anne C. Parsons Ms. Beverly H. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Parsons Ms. Debra Partee Ms. Christine Pascale Ms. Deborah Bell Paseur Mr. Jeff Pate Mr. and Mrs. Bhiku Patel Patricia and Rodes Hart Foundation Ms. Deborah Patrick Mr. James M. Patrick Mr. Pat Patrick Patriot Engineering and Environmental, Inc. Patten and Patten Inc. Ms. April D. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Brett Patterson Dr. David S. Patterson Ms. Elizabeth B. Patterson Mr. Michael Patterson Mr. P. Andrew Patterson Mr. Tim Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Allen Patton Miss Pamombeau Patton Ms. Amy Patz Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Paul Mr. William S. Paul and Ms. Tanya S. Surawicz Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Paulin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. Paumgarten Ms. Mary A. Pawelko Mr. and Mrs. Jerald C. Pawloski Mr. Colby Paxton Ms. Julia Paxton Ms. Katherine Paxton Ms. Karla Payne Ms. Sharon A. Payne Ms. Virginia Payne Ms. Dorothy Peagler Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pearce Ms. Emily Pearce PearlPoint Cancer Support Ms. Judi Pearsall Ms. Debbie S. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pease Ms. Nancy Peckham Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. George R. Peek Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peeler Ms. Judy Peery Mr. and Mrs. Terry N. Pefanis Ms. Kathryn Peffen Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Peiffer C FM T.o r g | 6 5
Mr. Keith Pelchat Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pemberton PENCIL Foundation Ms. Glynda B. Pendergrass Ms. Ramona Pendergrass Mr. Franklin Pendleton Ms. Hannah Pendleton Mr. James H. Penifold Mr. David A. Pennell Pepsi Beverages Company The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey L. Perala Perdue Farms Incorporated Ms. Elaine C. Pereira Mr. John K. Perez Perkins Cole Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perkins Ms. Caroline Perkins Ms. Mary Perkins Permian Basin Area Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pero Ms. Charlyne Perrine Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Perritt Perry Engineering, LLC Ms. Angela Perry Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Perry Mrs. Elaine H. Perry Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Cliff B. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Perry Mr. and Mrs. James L. Perry Mr. Gary Person Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Person Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Peska Ms. Carolyn Peterman Mr. Kenard V. Peterman Mr. Allen Peters Ms. Jennifer Peters Ms. Loretta Peters Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters Ms. Vanessa Peters Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Petersen Jr. Mr. Davis L. Petersen Ms. Carole Peterson Mr. James Peterson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Peterson Ms. Myra Peterson Petrey Novelty, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Petropoulos Ms. Laura A. Pettengill Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Petterson Pettigrew Regional Library Ms. Nancy Petty Mr. Robert W. Petty Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Petty Mr. Thomas Pezanosky Ms. Carol A. Pfeiffer Mr. James Pfister Pfizer Mr. and Mrs. David J. Pflaum Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Phelps Mr. Michael R. Phelps Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Ms. Cynthia Phifer Ms. Joan A. Phifer Phil Hall Electric Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Philbin Ms. Sandra E. Philhower Mr. Craig Philip and Ms. Marian Ott Mr. Grady W. Philips III Ms. Donna J. Phillips Ms. Elizabeth Phillips Ms. Frances G. Phillips Mr. Ira Phillips Jr. Mr. John Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Phillips Ms. Megan Phillips Mr. Richard N. Phillips Ms. Shalynn Phillips 66 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Ms. Vicki L. Phillips Ms. Barbara Philpott Ms. Phyllis Philpott Ms. Julia F. Phipps Phoenix Mailers Union Local 752 Ms. Cheri Phyfer Ms. Debra Piazza Ms. Janet Picha Ms. Gail Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Pickwell Ms. Janet Piecara Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pierce Ms. Patricia M. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Pigg Mr. Raymond C. Pike Mr. Scott Piland Ms. Abby Pilcher Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Pilgrim Pilot Corporation Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pilson Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Pincomb Ms. Amanda Pinion Ms. Shirley J. Pinkham Pinnacle National Bank Pinnacle Financial Partners Ms. Lindsay M. Piper Ms. Lynn Piper Ms. Rita Pirkl Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pirtle Mrs. Jennifer Pisano Mr. Allen Pitner Ms. Mary Pitt Mr. Bruce H. Pittman Ms. Kimberlin Pittman Ms. Kynlie Pittman Ms. Deborah Pitts Ms. Erin Pitts Ms. Grace S. Pitts Ms. Kimberly Pitts Mr. Shane Pizzey Ms. Michelle C. Place Ms. Abigail W. Plachy Plains Marketing Planning Design Studio Plano Petro Management, LLC Plant Communications Mr. B. Andrew Plant Ms. Lyn Plantinga Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Plapp Mr. and Mrs. Billy A. Platt Pleasant Hill Church Ladies Auxiliary Mr. Gregory S. Plemmons and Mr. James Larkins Ms. Janet M. Pletcher Plexus Capital, LLC Mr. William Plumer Mr. Jason Plunkett Plymouth-Shiloh Elementary School PM Environmental, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Poag Ms. Mabry Poellnitz Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pointer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Polk Mr. Brad Polley Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Polley Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Polley Jr. Polymer Marketing, Inc. Pomeroy IT Solutions-Nashville Mr. Van G. Pond and Mr. David L. Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Charlie D. Poole Ms. Laurie P. Poole Ms. Pam Poole Mr. Robert S. Poole Ms. Theresa J. Poole Mr. Zenobia Pope Ms. Mindee M. Popham Ms. Stephanie Popp of
Middle Tennessee
Ms. Donna Porter Mr. James Porter Ms. Jessica Porter Ms. Patricia J. Porter Mr. Robert A. Porter Mr. William Porter Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Posey Ms. Janis Posey Ms. Donna Potiker Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Potter Mr. Thomas Potter Ms. Virginia P. Potter Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Poulton Kimberly M. Pounds Ms. Arliss A. Powell Ms. Debra R. Powell Ms. Gwynn Powell Mr. and Mrs. James Powell Mr. Keenan Powell Ms. Kelly Powell Mrs. Margaret D. Powell Mrs. Shirley S. Powell Ms. Gwen Powers Mr. and Mrs. Jackie S. Powers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers Praeses, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratali Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Pratali Ms. Ruth Prather Ms. Helen R. Pratt Mr. James H. Pratt Preceptor Alpha Tau Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Presbyterian Womens Association Prescott Vette Sette Inc Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Prescott Mr. Timothy Prescott Ms. Jackie Presley Ms. Tamara Presley Dr. and Mrs. George K. Preston III Ms. Jessica M. Preston Prestwick Ladies 9 Hole Group Mr. and Mrs. Dax A. Presuto Ms. Alexandra N. Price Ms. Betty L. Price Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Price Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Price Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Price Ms. Judith Price Ms. Judy Price Ms. Kelly Price Mr. William Price Ms. Stephanie Prickel Ms. Ruby Prickett Mr. Timothy L. Priddy Prime Coat Coating Systems Dr. and Mrs. John P. Primm Ms. Bonnie Prince Principle Group Printed Images, Inc. Mr. Gary Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Pritchett Ms. Jessica Privett Pro Kids Productions, Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Proctor Professional Golf Events, LLC Progress Energy Service Company, LLC PRSA Nashville Chapter (Public Relations Society of America) Mr. C. Kerry Pruett Mr. Jim Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Pruitt Mrs. Ellen Pryor Ms. Carol Pszenicny Publix Super Markets Charities Mr. Jeff Puckett Ms. Amanda Pulak Ms. Kristen Pulido Ms. Joanne F. Pulles Ms. Jane Pulliam-Elgin
Mr. Mitch Pullias Pulte Group Pulte Home Inc.-TN Division Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Purcell Purity Dairies, LLC Purple Thumb Garden Club Ms. Beverly Purvis Ms. Helen Purvis Ms. Connie S. Puryear Ms. Antoinette Putnam Ms. Victoria Pye Ms. Alison Pyle Ms. Elizabeth Ann Queen Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel F. Queen Mr. and Mrs. Ezra D. Quesenberry Mr. and Mrs. Travis D. Quigley Quillco Business Solutions Ms. Colleen Quinn Ms. Eleanor G. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Quinn Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Quinn Ms. Grace Quiroz R.A. Denney, Inc. R.S. Lipman Company Rabbi Flash Discretionary Fund-The Temple Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Racine Mr. and Mrs. Wynn L. Radford III Radiation Business Solutions Ms. Bridget J. Radl Ms. Betty Radmacher Mr. John J. Radtke and Ms. Diane L. Russell Ms. Penny A. Radtke Dr. Eric L. Raefsky and Ms. Victoria Heil Ms. Angie Raetz Ms. Mary N. Raffety Ms. Wendy Ragan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ragland Mr. and Mrs. James Rahija Mr. Brian Rahmandar Mr. and Mrs. John Raimondo Mr. and Mrs. James M. Raines Mrs. Kimberly S. Rainey Raleigh General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ralls Ms. Colleen Ramer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Ramer Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Ramey Ms. Doris E. Ramsey Mr. Jeremy Ramsey Mrs. Lawrence E. Ramsey Ms. Rachel Ramsey Ms. Sally Ramsey Ms. Shirley B. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ramsey Mr. Curt Randall Ms. Helen P. Randall Ms. Debbie Rankin-Reyes Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ranson Mr. Charles Rapp Ms. Carla A. Rascoe Ms. Emily J. Rascoe Mr. Edwin Raskin Ms. Sandra K. Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ratcliffe Mr. Ray Ratheal Ms. Joyce A. Ratliff Ms. Anne P. Ratterree Ms. Anne Ravenel Ms. Barbara G. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ray Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Ray Ms. Gayle Ray Mr. John Ray Mr. Jonathan Ray Ms. Phoenix Ray Mr. and Mrs. David L. Raybin Ms. Jenny Raybon Ms. Shannone Raybon Mr. John R. Rayburn
Raymond James and Associates, Inc. Raymond Zimmerman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Rayson Mr. Lueng Rcom Ms. Valerie J. Reathaford Mr. and Mrs. M. Craig Reavis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rebrovick Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Rechter Recreation Ranch Inc Red River Pump Specialists, Inc. Ms. Marion L. Reda Mr. and Mrs. Larry Redden Mr. Stephen Reddick Ms. Mary V. Reddinger Reddy Ice Corporation Mrs. Ella M. Redkevitch Ms. Donna Redman RedPrairie Mr. Andrew Reed Ms. Aurelia L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Buford Reed Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Reed Ms. Elinor F. Reed Ms. Erica Reed Mr. James H. Reed, IV and Mr. Jack Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Reed Ms. Marie Louise Carney Reed Ms. Michelle Reed Ms. Nancy Reed Ms. Tabitha Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Reeder Ms. Cynthia Reese Ms. Christy A. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Reeves Jr. Regal Entertainment Group Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Mike D. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Regan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Regen Regency Lighting Regions Bank Mr. Johnie M. Reid and Ms. Nancy R. Rich Ms. Victoria Reid Ms. Leigh A. Reiley Ms. Sheila Reineck Ms. Louise H. Reinoehl and Mr. Raymond C. Hesketh Ms. Katie Reinsmidt Ms. Deborah P. Reitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Remillard Ms. Kristine Remy Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ms. Theresa Rendlich Mr. Keith Renfro Ms. Mitzie Renick Reno and Cavanaugh, PLLC Ms. Anna Rensi Republic Textile Equipment Company of SC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Resha Return Solutions Ms. Brooke Reusch Ms. Joanna Rex Mr. Vincent T. Rey Reynolds Industrial Contractors, Inc. Ms. Abbey Reynolds Ms. Carroll E. Reynolds Mr. George Reynolds Ms. Kimberly Reynolds Ms. Marjorie B. Reynolds Ms. Martha Reynolds Ms. Natasha Reynolds Mr. Philip Reynolds Reynolds, Potter, Ragan and Vandivort, PLC Ms. Teresa Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore Rhett III Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rhinehart Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rhoades Rhoda Katz and Company Mr. Danny Rhodes
Ms. Stacey Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Rhudy Mr. and Mrs. William Rice Ms. Kellye N. Rice Mr. Ronnie Rice Mr. Wayne Rich Richard Design Services, Inc. Mr. Allan L. Richards Ms. Barbara F. Richards Mr. Dylan Richards Mr. Michael Richards Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Richardson Mr. James Richardson Ms. Katina D. Richardson Ms. Milbra L. Richardson Mr. Rondal K. Richardson Ms. Dawnn Richman Ms. Marcia L. Richmond Ms. Susan Richter Ms. Holly Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rickey Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Rickman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Riddick Mr. Ronald Riddick Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ridenour Ms. Mary Ellen Rider Mr. Stuart Ridgway Mr. Nathan H. Ridley Mr. Richard Riebeling Mr. Dean Rieger Ms. Cally Rieman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riemann Ms. Mary Riffle Ms. Mariellen Rigby Mr. Dylan Riley Mr. Justin Riley Ms. Lauren Riley Mr. Lenard Riley Ms. Kim Rinehart Mr. Sefton H. Rinker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Rioux Mr. and Mrs. Doyle R. Rippee Ms. Kim Ristau Mr. T.L. Ritter Rivelon Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Riven River Parishes Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Gaston A. Rivera Ms. Lawanna M. Rivers Rivertech Medical, LLC Riverton Memorial Hospital Rives Sunday School Class, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church RN’B Parts Ms. Silbia Ro Mr. Albert Roach Mr. Eddy Roach Ms. Kathryn E. Roach Ms. Suzie Roach Dr. Wesley J. Roach Dr. and Mrs. Arliss L. Roaden Roane Medical Center Mr. Ray Roark Ms. Pamela Robb Ms. Virginia D. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. James Robers Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roberson Robert J. and Helen H. Glaser Family Foundation Ms. Rita M. Roberts-Turner Ms. Agnes M. Roberts Ms. Ann Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Barry Roberts Ms. Beverly Roberts Mr. Bo Roberts Ms. Claire M. Roberts Mr. Eugene T. Roberts Ms. Fayetta Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Roberts Mr. Joseph M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Roberts Ms. Lina Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roberts Mr. Phillip Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Roberts Ms. Sherry Roberts Ms. Sylvia Roberts Mr. William Roberts Robertson Energy Resources, Ltd. Mr. Gerald Robertson Mr. Jacob Robertson Mr. John D. Robertson Mr. Ronny Robertson Ms. Julie Robeson Ms. Carole Robin Mr. Don Robin Ms. Alex Robinson Ms. Janet S. Robinson Ms. Lisa G. Robinson Ms. Mary Robinson Ms. Nicole Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Robinson Ms. Veda Robinson Vincent Robinson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Robl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Roche Mr. Louis Rochelle Ms. Holly N. Rodden Roddey Baptist Church Mr. William Roddey Rodeo Estates Activity Funds Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Roderick Ms. Kay D. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rodgers Mr. Alex Rodriguez Ms. Janet Rodriguez Ms. Ruby Rodriguez Mr. William F. Roemer Rogers Grading, Inc. Mr. Baxter Rogers Mr. Charles Rogers Mr. Dillard E. Rogers Jr. Ms. Earline B. Rogers Mr. Eric Rogers Ms. Esther H. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. King Rogers Ms. Lynn Rogers Mr. Michael Rogers Ms. Miranda Rogers Ms. Sheryl Rogers Mr. Wayne D. Rogers Ms. Linda Rogowsky Mr. Shawn Rohan Ms. Danika Roj-Wiedman Ms. Karin Roland Ms. Mary E. Rolando Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Rollings Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. Rollins III Mr. and Mrs. Willard Romans Ms. Donna Rondo Rooftop Foundation Mr. George L. Rooker Jr. Mr. Jerry Rooker Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Rooker Richard and Margit Roos-Collins Dr. Carlton F. Roos Mr. Charles D. Roos and Mrs. Alisa Lepselter Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Roos Ms. Anne Roquette Ms. Raiza Rosario Ms. Debra Rose Ms. Gina Rose Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Rose Ms. Julia Rosebrough Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rosecrans Mr. Eddy K. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rosen Mr. Michael Rosen Mr. Stuart Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosenfeld Ms. Helen Rosenow Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Rosenow Ms. Karen Rosenthal Ms. Krista Roser Mr. Bobbie S. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ross Mr. Louis T. Ross Mr. Thomas T. Ross Ms. Sara L. Rosson and Ms. Nancy Menke Ms. Suzanne Roten Ms. Kelly Roth Mr. and Mrs. Max Rothschild Rotondo Weirich Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Rousos Ms. Barbara R. Rousseau Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Rowan Ms. Carolyn G. Rowe Mr. Harold J. Rowell Mr. Stan Rowell Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rowland Royal Cup, Inc. Ms. Lois B. Roydhouse Ms. Abby Rubenfeld Mr. Hiasaura Rubenstein Dr. Irv Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ruchman Mr. and Mrs. David Rucinski Ms. Kimberly Ruiz Ms. Lizbeth Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Felix Rulli Ms. Melissa Rumpel Ms. Sue Runyon Ms. Theresa Ruppert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rupprecht Ms. Nikki Rupright Mr. Vyacheslav V. Rusanov Ms. Tonnett Rusch Mr. Quonisha P. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Russ Ms. Ann Russell Ms. Barbara K. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Russell Ms. Sibrina Russell Ms. Christine Russey Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Ms. J. Delores Rutherford Mr. Grant Rutledge Ms. Tracy Rutledge Ms. Kathleen Ryan Ms. Lorraine Ryan Mr. Michael Ryan Ms. Nilda M. Ryan Mr. Richard Ryden Ryder Transportation Services Mr. Jeffrey R. Rymer Mr. and Mrs. Royal M. Ryser Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Saag Mr. Thomas Sabourin Ms. Saria Saccocio Ms. Linda Sack Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Sack Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saelinger Safe Haven Family Shelter Safecash Systems, LLC Mr. Jeffrey F. Sagansky and Ms. Christy L. Welker Sage Environmental Services Kaori Saito Ms. Belinda Saiz Ms. Maria Salas Ms. Pam Salas C FM T.o r g | 6 7
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Salem Mr. and Mrs. William L. Salemi Ms. Jessica Salisbury Salon NFuse Salon On Elm LLC Saloum Family Trust Mr. Andrew Saltoun Mr. John Saltsman Mr. D. M. Salvucci Mr. Jesse Samberg Ms. Nancy W. Sample Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Sampson Mrs. Lounita Sampson Mr. Cooper Samuels Ms. Deby K. Samuels Ms. Peggy L. Sanchez Mrs. Mary Sanders Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders Ms. Diane Sanders Ms. Gail A. Sanders Ms. Ginger W. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sanders Ms. Brenda Sanderson Mrs. Judy Sandlin Ms. Mona V. Sandusky Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sanfelipe Sanford Area Society of Shaggers Ms. Shelley Sanford Ms. JoAnn Sardo Ms. Elizabeth Sasser Ambassador and Mrs. Jim Sasser Ms. Nancy M. Satta Mr. Wolfgang Sauermann Saul A. & Camilla Consuelos Trust Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Rick Saunders Ms. Shari Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sawyer Ms. Stacey Sawyers Sax Deli Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Saxon Mr. John R. Sayles Ms. Kasey Scalzo Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schaal Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Schatz Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scheible Ms. Angela Schell Ms. Sally Ann Schenker Mr. and Mrs. David D. Schiffner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schiller Mr. Stanley R. Schklar and Mr. Marcos A. Fernandez Ms. Terri Schlabs Ms. Carol L. Schlafly Dr. Allen L. Schlamp Mr. Stephen L. Schlapman Ms. Idelia Schley Mr. Michael Schlosser Mr. Eric P. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schmidt Ms. Judy Schmit Ms. Anne Schmitt Ms. Linda M. Schmitt Mr. Mike Schneider Ms. Ryann Schneider Dr. Paul R. Schoenenberger Dr. and Mrs. Tim P. Schoettle Mr. David Schonberger Ms. Kathleen Schoonmaker Ms. Melissa S. Schowalter Ms. Cheryl Schreck Ms. Carol Schrier-Polak Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Schuler Mrs. Jean E. Schuller Mr. and Mrs. James C. Schulman Mr. Eric Schulting Ms. Nancy Schultz 68 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. Tim Schultz Ms. Sherry Schuman Ms. Deborah G. Schumann Mr. Beau Schuyler Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Linda Schwab Ms. Maria Schwartz Jennifer and Jeffrey Schwartzenberg Ms. Katrina K. Schwartzkopf Mr. Robert Schwartzman Ms. Lori Schwartzmiller Ms. Carolyn Schwenn Gerre L. Schwert Ms. Victoria Sciacqua Ms. Mary Lou Sciarrillo SCISA Student Association Ms. Heather Scola Ms. Barbara Scott Ms. Carol R. Scott RMCS and Mrs. George G. Scott Ms. Jennifer Scott Ms. Jessi Scott Mr. John T. Scott Ms. Joy Scott Ms. Michelle Scott Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes W. Scott Mr. Rickey Scott Ms. Suzanne Scott Mrs. Suzy Scott Ms. Tamara R. Scott Mr. Thomas Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Scribner Scripps Networks, LLC Mr. Charles Scripps Ms. Rebecca J. Scripsick Ms. Christine Scruggs Ms. Elizabeth Scruggs Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sears Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Seay Ms. Mary C. Seay Ms. Kristin Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Sebastian Mr. R. Clay Seckman Second Harvest Food Bank Securus Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. See Ms. Kristi Seehafer Mr. Ryan Seiberling Seigenthaler Public Relations Mr. and Mrs. John Seigenthaler Ms. Rachel Selber Mr. and Mrs. Norman Self Seltzer, Caplan, McMahon Vitek Ms. Lori J. Senne Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sensing Jr. Sequoyah Duplicate Bridge Club #128991 Ms. Brooke Seraphine Mr. Adam Serbert Serena Theo Hall Estate Mr. and Mrs. Duane C. Sergent Ms. Jensen Sessums Mr. and Mrs. Eric Settle Ms. Rachel Settle Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sewell Mr. Jon Sexton Ms. Jessi Sgarlata Ms. Elsie E. Sgrignoli Ms. Bridget Shahan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shallcross Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Shamblin Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Shankle Mr. Adam Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp Mr. Shane Sharp Ms. Kim L. Sharpe Mr. Timmie J. Sharpe Ms. Christin Shatzer Ms. Billie Jo Shaver Channing Shaw of
Middle Tennessee
Mr. Jack Shaw Mr. Randall Shaw Mr. Troy Shaw Mrs. Joan B. Shayne Mr. John Shea Mr. David Shearer Ms. Harriette L. Shearer Mr. Richard Shedden Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Shedden Mr. David Sheets Ms. Pamela S. Sheffer Ms. Elizabeth E. Shelley Ms. Donna Shelton Mr. Adam Shepard Mr. and Mrs. David A. Shepard Ms. Jann A. Shepard Mr. Matthew Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Randall T. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Shepherd Ms. Milby L. Shepley Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Sheridan Sherrill Pest Control, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. George F. Sherrod Mr. John E. Sherron Dr. and Mrs. Chris Shew DVM Ms. Cathy Shide Ms. Suzel B. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Shipp Ms. Janet Shipp Ms. Reba Shipp Mr. Crawford Shippey Mr. and Mrs. Terrance B. Shirey Ms. Julie S. Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Shmerling Ms. Amy R. Shoaf Ms. Terri Shockley Ms. Phyllis Shoe Mr. Moore Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Shogren Ms. Polly Shollenberger Mr. Steven Shook The Shopping Center Group, LLC Ms. Rachel Shore Ms. Dorothy Short Ms. Helen Short Ms. Patsy B. Short Mr. Wonnie L. Short Ms. Shellie Shouse Ms. Divya Shroff Shuff’s Music Sales and Studios Ms. Susan H. Shumaker Ms. Samantha M. Shumway Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Shuping Mr. Ben Shuster Ms. Millie Sicard Ms. Marie A. Sidleck Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Siemion Ms. Rosanne L. Sietins Ms. Libby Sieveking Ms. Ellie Sights Sigler Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sigmund Signal Hill Signature Industrial Services, LLC Miss Doris H. Silber Mr. Randy Silcox Mr. Joe Sills Silver Lakes Community Church Mr. and Mrs. Remo J. Silvestrini Mr. and Mrs. David C. Simcox Mr. Lucas Simcox Carolyn Simmons Ms. Karen S. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Keith Simmons Mr.and Mrs. Mark Simmons Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Simms
Mr. James Simon Ms. Alice J. Simpson Ms. Ashley Simpson Mrs. L. Kay Simpson Ms. Rebecca Simpson Mr. Terry Simpson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sims Ms. Jodi Sims Dr. and Mrs. William A. Sims Ms. Anne L. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. B Keith Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Singer Ms. Fern Singer Ms. Mari Beth Singer Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Singletary Mr. and Mrs. Rick Singletary Ms. Leigh A. Singleton Ms. Neena Sinha Mr.and Mrs. R. Timothy Sinks Ms. Elizabeth Sipple Mr. David Sirk Ms. Linda Sirkus Angela L. Sirmans Mr. David Sirota Mr. and Mrs. Billy P. Sisco Ms. Nan Sisk Ms. Nina C. Sivek Mr. George L. Sivils Jr. Ms. Kristi Skeeters Ms. Jennifer Skillman Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skinner Ms. Lila Betty Skinner Beth Skudder Ms. Margaret Slack Mr. Ryan Slagle Sletten Construction of Nevada, Inc. Mr. Paul Sloan III Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Slone Mr. Eric Slover Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slukich Mr. Adam Small Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Small Mr. Jonathan I. Small Mr. William Smallman Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey H. Smallwood Mr. Jimmy Smelcer Smith Cashion and Orr, PLC Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. Mr. A. Gene Smith Ms. Alicia Smith Ms. Ann Smith Ms. Ashton Smith Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Smith Ms. Barbara B. Smith Ms. Becky Smith Ms. Beebe E. Smith Mr. Benjamin Smith Mr. Bill S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dudley Smith Mr. and Ms. Douglas Smith Smith, Bryan and Myers, Inc. Ms. Christine Smith Ms. Danna Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dave W. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Mr. David W. Smith and Mr. Stephen D. Nix Mrs. Gardner O. Smith Mr. Gregory Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Smith Ms. Heather L. Smith Mr. Ivan Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith Ms. Jackie Smith Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith Ms. Jamie Smith Ms. Jane E. Smith Ms. Janice Smith Ms. Jeanette E. Smith
Ms. Jennifer M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Ms. Kara Smith Ms. Katelyn S. Smith Mr. Kaz Smith Mr. Keith Smith Ms. Kelley Smith Ms. Keri Smith Ms. Lauren J. Smith Ms. Lily Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lionel V. Smith Ms. Lisa M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Smith Ms. Maggie R. Smith Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mike R. Smith Ms. Patricia Smith Mr. Paul Smith Mrs. Peggy F. Smith Mr. Scott Smith Mr. and Mrs. Shepley Smith Mr. and Mrs. David P. Smith Ms. Tamara Smith Ms. Trina Smith Mr. W. Ronald Smith Smith, Wiles and Company, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smithson Smithville Church of God Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smolarek Mr. Steve Smotherman Ms. Sharon Smothers Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smothers SMS Holdings Corporation Snappylifestyle Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Snedeker Ms. Jessica F. Snedeker Ms. Brittany Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sneed Ms. Angela Snell Ms. Rose Snell Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Snider Ms. Alice M. Snowberg Mr. Erick D. Snyder Ms. Katherine Snyder Ms. Kristy Snyder Ms. Pat M. Snyder and Mr. Robert M. Garfinkle Mr. John Snyders Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Sohr Jim and Leah Sohr Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sohr Ms. Betty J. Sollars Mr. and Mrs. Saul Solomon Ms. Sonia Solomon Ms. Linda Sonkin Sonora Quest Laboratories, LLC Araksan Soubaneh Mr. Matt Souder Mr. Todd Souder Ms. Chanthasone Soundara Ms. Lisa Soundara South River Baptist Church Ms. Margie R. Southard Southeast Marketing, Inc. Southeastern Tennessee Bridge Association Unit 206, Inc. The Southern Co. - Gulf Power Southern Retail Inventory Svc., Inc. Southern Ski Ms. Linda Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Southwood Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Spangler Mr. Clint Spann Mr. and Mrs. Mike Spann Ms. Colleen Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sparks Ms. Joyce Sparks Ms. Deborah Sparrow Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
Ms. Sally Spatafora Ms. Lisa Spear Ms. Colleen Spears Specialty Foods Group, Inc. Ms. Maxine B. Spector Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Spedale Ms. Tricia Spehr Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Speligene Ms. Ismene Speliotis Ms. Brittany Spence Ms. Diane Spence Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Spencer Ms. Martha Spencer Ms. Sheryl Spencer Ms. Loretta Sperrazzo Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Speyer Dr. and Mrs. Anderson Spickard Mr. and Mrs. William A. Spiers Mr. Paul Spilburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Spille Ms. Janice Spillman Spinnaker Support Spirit Express, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Spirko Mrs. Jean P. Spitler Ms. Martha Splain and Mr. Vincent Peppe The Sponsors Scholarship Program Ms. Brenda H. Spooner Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley Jr. Ms. Jamie Spradley Ms. Laurie Spradley Ms. Mary Cannon Spradley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spraggins Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Spratlin Spring Cove Homeowners Association Spring Hill United Methodist Church Springs Creative Products Ms. C. Susan Spurgeon and Dr. William E. Baucom Ms. Heather D. Spurlin Elizabeth and Worth Squire Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Srygley SS Peter and Paul CYO St. Mark United Meth Women St. George’s Episcopal Kindergarten Ms. Beverly P. St. John St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Ms. Nancy Stabell Mr. Thomas Stabler Stacey Rhodes Boutique LLC Staff of the Boyd County Detention Center Mr. and Mrs. Dan D. Staggs Ms. Nancy Stahl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Stainback Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Stalder Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Stallard Stallings Group, Ltd Ms. Ginger Stalls Ms. Stephanie Stamper Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stamps Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Stancell Stancil and Co. The Standard Candy Company Mr. Jacob Standifird Mrs. Mollie R. Stanley Ms. Patricia H. Stanley Ms. Sonya Stanley Mr. Matthew Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Benny R. Stapp Star Cooling Towers, LP Ms. Barbara Stasik State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Insurance Companies Mr. and Mrs. Lelan A. Statom Mr. and Mrs. John R. Staton Stay Toon D Parties Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Steakley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stearns Ms. Kaye Steed Ms. Shelly Steel Mr. and Mrs. George O. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steele Mr. John M. Steele Ms. Judy B. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steele Mr. Allen Stegall Mr. and Mrs. William Steih Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stein Mr. David Steinert Mr. and Mrs. Craig Steinman Stelujan Enterprises, LLC Mrs. Euel N. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Hal Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy L. Stephens Mr. John Stephens Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stephens Ms. Melinda Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Stephens Mr. W. E. Stephens Ms. Melba A. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Stephenson Mr. Mathew Sterchi Mrs. Ann Stern Steven Shook Trustee Ms. Brittany Stevens Mr. Frank W. Stevens Jr. Ms. Maria Stevenson Mr. Bryan Stewart Ms. Gloria Z. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stiers Ms. Susan N. Stiles Ms. Rebecca Stilwell Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Stinnett Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Stinson Mr. Peter Stipher Stites and Harbison Christina Stith Mr. Manteo Stivers Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stockham Ms. Margaret Stoffel Mr. and Mrs. Morgan M. Stokely Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Stokes Ms. Jessica Stokes Ms. Michele Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Shereitte C. Stokes III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Stone Ms. Cynthia J. Stone and Mr. Mark D. Glazer Ms. Joyce P. Stone Mr. Richard Stone Ms. Elizabeth P. Storey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Story Mr. and Mrs. Walter Story Mr. and Mrs. John Stott Ms. Nancy Stott Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Stotts Ms. Julie Stout Ms. Syrina Stout Ms. Ann Stover Ms. Pamela Stover G. Stowell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Strahl Ms. Cheryl Strahle Ms. Annette Strait Ms. Rae Strande Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Strang IV Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Stratton Mr. Peter Straub Ms. Mary Strawn Streamline Production Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Street Ms. Deborah M. Street Ms. Wanda Streeter Mr. Stanley Streit
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Stringer Stringfellow Technology Group, Inc. Ms. Reginna Strobel Ms. Christina Stroia Mr. Joe Strong Mr. Jim Stroud Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stroup Struck, Wieneke and Love, PLC Ms. Sue Ellen Stryker Mr. Michael L. Stuart Ms. Patricia A. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Stuart Ms. Margaret Studney Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Stuhr Mr. Robert B. Stults Ms. Cassie Sturdivant Ms. Kathleen Sturdivant Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Sturges Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stutz Mr. Lee J. Styslinger Jr. Ms. Allie F. Sublett Mr. Ashok Sudarshan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sullivan Mr. Charles Sullivan, II and Mr. Wayne Batten Mr. and Mrs. Chuck E. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Loyd T. Sullivan Ms. Mary Ann Sullivan Ms. Susan C. Sullivan Ms. Wendy Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Erroll Sult Summit Racing Equipment Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Sundock Sundt Construction Company Sunny Sky Products SunTrust Bank Foundation SunTrust Bank, Atlanta SunTrust Bank, Nashville Ms. Kay Sural Ms. Seija Surr Janis Surratt Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Surratt Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Sutley Mr. Daniel Sutphin Mr. Logan T. Sutt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sutter Ms. Sharon Y. Sutton Ms. Shirley R. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. John Sutusky Suzani Styles, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Swann Ms. Beth Swansboro Ms. Kristina Swanson Ms. Lee Ann Swarm Ms. ChuQuitta Sweat Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Swecker Swedish Match North American, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweezey Ms. Beverly Sweigart Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Swenson Ms. Anna Swierkosz Ms. Naomi Swift Ms. Taylor Swift Ms. Tori Swinehart Mr. Larent Sydnor Mr. Daniel Sykes Mr. Miller Sylvan Symantec Mr. Zillah C. Symonds Ms. Demetria Szellan T.H.C./Select, Inc. Phi Ta Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Taborelli Tennessee Association of Craft Artists (TACA) Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Tack Ms. Brenda Tacke C FM T.o r g | 6 9
Ms. Judith Tackett Pop’s Whine and Liquor Ms. Jenifer Taherian Ms. Cheryl Talbert Mr. Christopher E. Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Larry Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Allan Talbot Ms. Gwendol M. Talbot Mr. Richard Taleghani Mr. Thuyen Hue Tang Tanknology Ms. Geraldine B. Tann Mr. Carmen Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Tantillo TAPCO Ms. Carri Tapley Ms. Joann Tapp Tar River Cruizers Ms. Kacey Tarbutton Ms. Elizabeth Tardy Mr. and Mrs. Gadson J. Tarleton Jr. Ms. Jeanne T. Tarter Ms. Petra Tasheff Ms. Dianne Tatara Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tate Mr. Steven Tate Mr. Theo Tate Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tate Ms. Jeanette B. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell I. Taub Ms. Lucy Tavares Ms. Brigitte Taylor Mr. Brock Taylor Ms. Cynthia Taylor Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Ms. Ellen Taylor Mr. and Mrs. George R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. H. Denny Taylor Jr. Ms. Heather Taylor Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Taylor Joseph Taylor Mr. Joseph G. Taylor and Mr. Barry Baird Mr. Keith Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Marlin R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Taylor Ms. Sharon Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Taylor Ms. Kathy Teague Ms. Stephanie Teatro Mr. Bill Tedder Mr. and Mrs. K.M. Tedder Ms. Jannie Teel Ms. Dorothy Teeples Tenarky District ARS The Tennessean Tennessee Arts Commission Tennessee Bar Association Tennessee Democratic Party Tennessee Department of Human Services Tennessee Football, Inc. Tennessee Golf Foundation Tennessee Lions Charities, Inc. Tennessee Trucking Foundation Tennessee Voices for Children Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Foundation Tennsco Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Tennyson Terra Environmental Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Jim Terrell Ms. Michele A. Terry Ms. Mary E. Tess-Barber Ms. Jo Ann Testa-Cornejo Ms. Brittney Testerman Mr. Morgan Teveit Ms. Sherri Tharp Ms. Sue Tharp 70 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mr. Mike Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Theil III Ms. Christine Theofanopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Theurer Mr. David Thiem Thomas and Thorngren, Inc. Ms. Gail W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Thomas Sr. Ms. Harmonie Thomas Ms. Jennifer Thomas Ms. Kitty Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Thomas, Miller and Partners, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomas Mr. Randall Thomas Ms. Rebecca Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Thomas Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Thomas Jr. Ms. Rubyelynn Thomas Ms. Sharon R. Thomas Ms. Shelley Thomas Mr. Brad Thomason Ms. Sandra B. Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thomasson Dr. and Mrs. David D. Thombs Ms. Karen Thomison Ms. Allison Thompson and Mr. Robert Baum Mr. Andrew Thompson Ms. Ashley Thompson Ms. Brenda Thompson Ms. Clinese Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thompson Dr. Harold Thompson and Dr. Suzanne Fletcher Thompson Mr. Joseph Thompson Ms. Mary Thompson Mrs. Mary Palmer D. Thompson Ms. Nancy T. Thompson Mr. Norman Thompson Ms. Patty A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Thompson Ms. Sandra Thompson Ms. Shea Thompson Ms. Valerie Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thomson Ms. Patricia Thon Ms. Catherine M. Thornburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Thornburg Mr. Caleb Thorne Mrs. Mildred Thorne Thornton Lawn and Exterminating, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thornton Dr. and Mrs. Brett L. Thorstad Mr. Robert Thrash Mr. and Mrs. Taviner A. Threatte Mr. Hubert Threewit Mr. W. T. Threewitts Jr. Mr. Raymond T. Throckmorton Jr. Mr. Jim Throneberry Ms. Laura L. Thuirer Ms. Connie R. Thurman Mr. Greg Thurman Ms. Susan Thurman Ms. Deborah L. Tibbs Mr. and Mrs. Lambert W. Tichota Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell Tidwell III Mr. Daniel Tidwell Ms. Laura S. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Ottice Tidwell Ms. Ruth A. Tidwell Ms. Patricia Tien Tigers Unlimited Foundation Ms. Nancy L. Tigges Ms. Sonia Tighe Mr. David Tiller Ms. Pamela M. Tillman Mr. Avantilal Timbalia Mr. Jeff Timperi Mr. Dale Tinsley Middle Tennessee
Ms. Evelyn L. Tinsley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tipps Mr. and Mrs. James Tisaranni Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Tito The Local Taco Ms. Jennifer Tlumak Todd Binkley Insurance Todd Rivenbark & Puryear, PLLC Mr. Benjamin Todd Mr. Johnny Todd Kiplynn Todd Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Todd Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tohill Ms. Marie A. Toldness Ms. Mary Tolson Ms. Olivia Tomlin Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. E. Neal Tompkins Ms. Frances Tompkins Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Tompkins Ms. Joyce M. Toney Mr. and Mrs. W. Montrell Toney Dr. Ronald E. Toole Mr. Jordin J. Tootoo Ms. Iris Toplitz Ms. Patricia Totty Mr. Thad Touchton Ms. Elaine Townsend Ms. Pat Townsend Ms. Phyllis M. Townsend Ms. Cheryl Townsley Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) Mr. Jeff Trabucco Ms. Jan Trabue Mr. and Mrs. Tom Trabue Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Trachtman Tractor Supply Co. Ms. Kimberly Vella Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Traczewski Ms. Kayla D. Tranbarger Trane Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Trask III Trauger and Tuke Mr. Byron Trauger and The Hon. Aleta A. Trauger Mr. George S. Trausch Travelers Community Connections Ms. Victoria H. Traver Mr. Daniel Traynor Ms. Lisa Tremaine Mr. David Trenner Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Trent Ms. Jana Trentham Mr. Todd A. Tressler II Tri-Rivers Foods, L.P. Ms. Alice M. Trice Mr. and Mrs. Billy Trice Ms. Laura Trice Mr. and Mrs. Terry Trice Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Trickey Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Trigg Jr. Ms. Patsy Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Mark Triolo Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Triplett Mr. and Mrs. David R. Trippett TriStar Bank TriStar Transport, LLC Mr. Brett Tritch Mrs. Sharon B. Trites Ms. Kathy Trocheck Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Trogdon Ms. Lisa M. Trosper Ms. Christie Trost Ms. Betty B. Trotter Ms. Joy W. Trousdale Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Troutman Trowelers Garden Club Ms. Heather Truckey
Mr. and Mrs. William Truex Jr. Truglo, Inc. Truist Mr. Jason Truss Trussbilt Ms. Barbara Tsakirgis and Mr. Jeremy P. Spinrad Mr. Troy Tschantz Ms. Phyllis L. Tubbs Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tuck Ms. Kathryn Tuck Ms. Laura Tuck Mr. William P. Tuck Ms. Alison Tucker Ms. Brittany L. Tucker Mr. Jason Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tucker Ms. M. Patricia Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Tucker Jr. Ms. Susie Tucker Tucson Airport Authority Mr. Dan Tudor Mrs. Lisa Tuggle Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Tuke Mr. Sean C. Tuley Tune, Entrekin and White, P.C. Ms. Carrie L. Turek Mr. Trent A. Turek Mr. Andrew Turitz Mr. Ron Turk Ms. Stephanie Turley Ms. Jutta E. Turlington Ms. Diane Turman Mrs. Lillian Turman Turner Construction Company Turner Holdings, LLC Ms. Barbara B. Turner Ms. Barbara S. Turner Ms. Churise S. Turner Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Turner Ms. Deborah F. Turner Ms. Emily Turner Mr. and Mrs. Freddie N. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Turner Mr. and Mrs. James S. Turner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. John S. Turner II Mr. and Mrs. Josh Turner Ms. Laura Turner Ms. Margaret Turner Ms. Megan Turner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Turner Ms. Wendy Turner Turning Point of South Arkansas Mr. Brent Turpen Tuscaloosa’s Eastview Church Mr. Boyce Tuten Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tuttle Mr. Thomas Tweito Twyman L Towery, PH.D., LFACHE Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler Ms. Kristin Tyler Ms. Laurel J. Tyler Ms. Nancy Tyler Ms. Sara Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Josh Tyler Mr. Terry Tyler Ms. Frances Tyrone Tyson Brothers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Tyson Ms. Mildred Tyssowski U.S. Security Systems, Inc. uBoost, Inc. UBS Employee Giving Programs Ulabel Industries Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Ulvog Ms. Mary P. Underwood Ms. Mary S. Underwood Ms. Sally Underwood Unger Security Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Tim I. Unger Unilever United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1995 United HealthCare Services, Inc. United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education and Ministry United Neighborhood Health Services United Petroleum Transports United Rentals, Inc. United Service Unlimited, Inc. United Way Of The Greater Triangle United Way of Metropolitan Nashville United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona United Way of Williamson County UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign UnitedHealthcare Services Company of the River Valley Universal Medical, LLC The University of Tennessee Martin Ms. Diane L. Unmacht Unum Ms. Emily A. Updike Ms. Grace Upleger Upper Cumberland Development District Ms. Cloretta Upshur Ms. Cathy D. Uptain Mr. Donald R. Upton Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Upton Ms. Trish Upton USA Gymnastics Region 8 Ms. Kim Usher Ms. Karen S. Ustin Ms. Laura Utke Ms. Anna Utsey Vaco, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Vaiculevich Valencia College Mr. Ramsey Valentine Valhalla Funeral Home Mr. Lee F. Van Dyke Dr. and Mrs. J. Van Eys Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Van Hook Ms. Anita Van Melle Ms. Hilary Van Patten Mr. and Mrs. David E. Van Sickle Mr. Arunas Vanagunas and Ms. Kimberly Goessele Ms. Dee VanCleave Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Ms. Peggy Vanderford Ms. Lauren A. Vandermark Mr. and Mrs. David T. Vandewater Ms. Brooke Vane Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Vanhamersveld Mr. Paul VanHook Ms. Hilary VanPatten Ms. Nancy VanReece and Ms. Joan VanReece Mr. Ronny E. Vanscoy Mrs. Deborah Varallo Ms. Frances Anne Varallo Ms. Sara G. Vardell Ms. Katy Varney Ms. Kristen Vasgaard Ms. Paula Vaughan Ms. Susannah H. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Vaughn J.R. Vaughn Ms. Lorraine A. Vaughn Ms. Mimi E. Vaughn Mr. Phillip Vaughn Ms. Renee Vaughn Ms. Shonda Vaughn Mr. Timothy Vaughn Ms. Myrtle R. Veach Ms. Angela Veazey Vega Corporation of Tennessee
Mr. Juan Velazquez Ms. Phoebe Venable Mr. Irwin Venick Kumari Verghese Ms. Christina VerHeul Ms. Eva M. Vermeesch Ms. Dana Verner Ms. Virginia Vesper Ms. Jennifer Vest Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin A. Vest Jr. Mr. Sterling S. Vestal Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vetter Mr. Harold Vichway Mr. Alan Vickrey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Victor The Village at Myrtle Grove Owners Association Inc Village Real Estate Services Ms. Thelma Villanueva Ville Platte Medical Center Ms. Beth Vincent and Ms. Jane L. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Viner Vineyard Property Owners Assoc. Inc. Mr. Frank Visconti Ms. Joyce A. Vise Vision Real Estate Ms. Katharine Visser Ms. Nikki Viverette Ms. Melanie Volker Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Volzer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Votrian Ms. Mary G. Vreeland Mr. Ed Vuncannon Medsafe Waccamaw Community Foundation Wachter, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wachtler Mr. Alan Waddell Mr. John Waddle Ms. DeeDee Wade Ms. Frankie E. Wade Mr. John Wade Mr. John E. Wade and Mr. Gary L. Baugher Mr. William Wade Ms. Pamela Waggener Ms. Helana Wagner Wake Med Pathology Care Lab Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Walberg Walker Baptist Medical Center Auxilliary Walker Tipps and Malone, PLC Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Walker Ms. Carol Walker Mr. and Mrs. David A. Walker Ms. Dreama Walker Ms. Emily Walker Mr. Evan Walker Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Walker Mr. James Walker Ms. Janet Walker Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III and Dr. Stephaine H. Walker Ms. Julie Walker Ms. Kathryn H. Walker Ms. Lyn Walker Ms. Mable Walker Mr. Montie Walker Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walker Ms. Patti Walker Mr. Scott Walker Ms. Tiffany N. Walker Ms. Virginia M. Walker Mr. William M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox Walkup Ms. Gloria Wall Ms. Wendy Wall The Wallace Foundation Mr. Derron Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wallace Ms. Kristi M. Wallace
Ms. Linda Wallace Ms. Crystal Waller Mr. Larry Waller Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wallis Ms. Janet Walls The Walsh Group Ms. Kimberly Walsh Ms. Rosemarie Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Walsh Ms. Kandi Walter Ms. Sheila Walter Mr. Michael J. Walters Ms. Rosemary V. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Waltman Ms. Barbara N. Walton Ms. Joan W. Walton Ward Potts Jewelers Ms. Irene W. Ward Mr. James C. Ward III Ms. Jill P. Ward Mr. John Ward Ms. Jolyn S. Ward Ms. Louise Ward Ms. Maria L. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ward Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Ward Ms. Sophie S. Ward Ms. Sue Ward Mr. and Ms. Jon Ward Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wardroup Ms. Kristen Ware Warner-Boyd and Associates, Inc. Mr. Charles Warner Cynthia and Joe Warner Mr. and Mrs. Tim Warnock Ms. Olivia S. Warnock Ms. Diane L. Warren Mr. Hershell A. Warren Washington Chapter #7 OES Washington Foundation Ms. Lillie Washington Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Wasilek Ms. Mary C. Wasko Mr. and Mrs. Phillip N. Waters Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Watkins Ms. Janice Watrous Mr. Alan Watson Mr. and Mrs. Billy M. Watson Ms. Hollie Watson Mr. Keith Watson Ms. Michelle Watson Mr. Neil Watson Ms. Ellen Watt Mrs. Lois Ann Wauford Ms. Katrina Waye Mr. and Mrs. Mel C. Waymaster WCSD-ESE Department Weakley County UT Alumni Chapter Mr. Hart Weatherford Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Weatherford Mrs. Susan Weathersby Ms. Jessica Weaver Ms. Kathleen Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Weaver Mrs. Nancy J. Weaver Cheek Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver Mrs. Caroline Webb Ms. Katherine Webb Mr. Nicholas Webb Mr. and Mrs. Rock Webb Ms. Angela Weber Christian E. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Weber Ms. Laura A. Webster Ms. Amanda Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weeks Mr. Wesley Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. G. David Weidemann Ms. Julie Weil Ms. Jill Weippert Ms. Laura Weir Mr. Greg Weishar Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Weishel Ms. Ene J. Weismantle Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Herman T. Welch Mrs. Haley M. Welch Ms. Kerry Welch Ms. Mazie Lee Welch Ms. Vicki Welch Ms. Jennifer Weldon Mr. and Mrs. William C. Weldon Jr. Ms. Gayleen B. Weller Ms. Jo Anne Weller Mr. Warren W. Welles II Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Wells Fargo, Bank-MN Ms. Allison Wells Ms. Ann H. Wells Ms. Annie Wells Ms. Eleanor Wells James A. Wells, DDS, PA Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wells Mr. Troy L. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Welsch Ms. Elaine M. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. William B. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. John R. Welte Ms. Melinda Welton Ms. Amy Welty Ms. Carol Y. Wenger Mr. Dale Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Wenk Ms. Mildred J. Wentz Ms. Erin Wenzel Ms. Melissa Wert Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Werth Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Werthan Jr. Ms. Joni P. Werthan Dr. Margaret Werts Ms. Kathy A. Wessels Ms. Kristina J. Wesson West Edgecombe Baptist Church Mixed 1 Sunday School Class West End Synagogue Ms. Kay S. West Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. West Mr. Rob West Ms. Kathi S. Westcott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Westenhofer Ms. Sharon Westergreen Western Plains Medical Complex Western Power Sports, Inc. Westminster School for Young Children Ms. Betty A. Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Westmoreland Ms. Penny Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. James H. Westphal Ms. Holly H. Whaley Ms. Lori Wheat Ms. Judy Wheatley Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wheeden Ms. Amy Wheeler Ms. Ashley Wheeler Ms. Pam Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. William O. Whetsell Jr. Mr. Brent Whiddon Mr. Robert Whisenant Mr. Colbert Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Whitaker Whitco Termite and Pest Control Ms. Jennifer Whitcomb-Oliva White Oak Baptist Church Bereavement Fund White Wave (International Delight) Mr. A. Marcus White III Aaron White C FM T.o r g | 7 1
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. White Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephen White Mr. and Mrs. J.F. White Ms. Elizabeth White Ms. Kathy White Mr. and Mrs. Doug White Ms. Memorie White Ms. Natalie White Mr. Rick White Mr. Robert White Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. White Mr. Tim White Mr. and Mrs. Tim D. White Ms. Vanessa White Ms. Wanda White Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Whitehead Mr. Travis Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Whitener Ms. Jan Whitfield Ms. Marthagem Whitlock Ms. Ellen M. Whitney Mr. Bearl O. Whitsett Mr. and Mrs. Clay M. Whitson Ms. Gayle Whitson Ms. Kristi Whitt Ms. Amy Whitworth Ms. Eleanor D. Whitworth Ms. Mary P. Whitworth Mrs. Paulette C. Whitworth Ms. Julie Wible Ms. Pamela O. Wick Ms. Jerilyn J. Wickersham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wiechart Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wiedman Ms. Pam Wiener Mr. and Mrs. John Wienstroer Mr. Andre Wiggins Mr. Jonathan Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wilbanks II Ms. Emily Wilber Mr. Gregory Wilber Mr. Jonathan Wilburn Mr. Jack Wilcox Ms. Kristi Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Wilemon Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Wilezek Ms. Tammy Wilgus Chad Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilhelm Ms. Andrea Wilke Ms. Diana T. Wilker Ms. Tonya Wilkerson Ms. Erin Wilkins Ms. Kate Wilkins Will Brothers The William C. Lucia Family Trust The William Stamps Farish Fund Ms. Alice S. Williams Ms. Amanda N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Larry Williams Ms. Anne Williams Ms. Ashley Williams Mr. Brent Williams Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Williams Clay Williams Mr. and Mrs. David E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Williams II Ms. Debra Williams Ms. Diana Williams Ms. Diane Williams Mr. Donald S. Williams Ms. Dorothy Williams Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith Williams Ms. Gail C. Williams Ms. Irene Williams Dr. Jamye C. Williams and Dr. McDonald Williams Ms. Jennifer Williams 72 | T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Mrs. Jerry B. Williams Mr. Jim R. Williams Ms. Karmen Williams Ms. Katherine Williams Mr. Keith Williams Ms. Kim Williams Mr. Matthew Williams Mr. Michael T. Williams Ms. Na-Ann Williams Ms. Patricia Williams Mr. Ricky Williams Mr. Robert Williams Ms. Sarah N. Williams Ms. Stephanie J. Williams Mr. Steven C. Williams Ms. Susan Williams Ms. Tamara N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Williams Ms. Vanessa Williams Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Williamson III Mr. and Mrs. Charley Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Don Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Williamson Ms. Shannon Williamson Dr. and Mrs. Kenny F. Williard Willis North American, Inc. Ms. Andrea Willis Ms. Pamela R. Willis Ms. Patricia K. Willis Ms. Sarah Wills Ms. Shelley Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Wilson Mr.and Mrs. Blair Wilson Ms. Candice Wilson Ms. Christie Wilson Mr. Cliff Wilson Mr. Donald L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Wilson Ms. Helen Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Wilson Ms. Jessica Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Wilson Ms. Nicole Wilson Ms. Nisha G. Wilson Mr. Price Wilson Mr. Scott Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson Mr. Sydney Wilson Ms. Trenna Wilson Ms. Vickey C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. S. Fleming Wilt Mr. Aaron Wimsatt Mrs. Joan M. Wimsatt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Winans Mr. Charles Wind Ms. Suzan Windnagel Windrock Enterprises, Inc. The Windrow Group Ms. Selma L. Wine Mrs. Rebecca A. Winfree Mr. Robert Winkler Ms. Ashley Winn Mr. John Winnett Ms. Linda C. Winningham Ms. Carolyn H. Winslow Ms. Margaret Winslow Ms. Barbara Winstrom Mr. Donald R. Winter Ms. Kristin Wipior WireMasters, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wirth Ms. Anne Wise Mr. Jay Wiseman Ms. Shannon Wiseman Ms. Michelle Wisner Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wissman Mr. Patrick Witherington of
Middle Tennessee
Ramona and Gary Witzgall Ms. LaCosta Wix Mr. Stanley Wofford Ms. Joan Wohlgemuth Mr. Orville Woiwod Mrs. Laura Wolf Ms. Brenda Wolfe Ms. Jill Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Zachery R. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Womack IV The Woman’s Club of Nashville Women of the Moose Rock Hill Chapter #1826 Women of the Moose Wilson Chapter #150 Woo Skincare + Cosmetics Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wood Ms. Jennie Wood Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Wood Jr. Ms. Miree Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Wood Mr. Stephen F. Wood Sr. Ms. Susan Wood Ms. Teresa Wood Ms. Yvonne Wood Ms. Sarah Woodall Mr. Aaron Woodard Ms. Monica Wooden Mrs. Nancy A. Wooden Mr. Wesley Wooden Woodland Elementary School Woodmont Baptist Weekday Preschool Mr. Anthony W. Woodring Mr. Chris Woods Mr. Cody Woods Mr. and Mrs. John C. Woods Mr. Walt Woods Ms. Claudia Woody Mr. K. Graham Woolwine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wootton Mrs. Rebecca S. Working Mr. and Mrs. John Workman Ms. Marian Worley Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Wornom III Mr. Hubert Worrell IV Mr. Ben Worsham WRCB Chattanooga Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wren Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Wren Wright Express Mr. Allen Wright Ms. Argaret S. Wright Mr. Charles E. Wright Jr Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Glover Wright Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wright Ms. Jennifer H. Wright Ms. Judith C. Wright Wright, Lindsey and Jennings, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Wright Ms. Sarah K. Wright Ms. Sheri E. Wright Ms. Susan Wright Ms. Teresa L. Wright Ms. Wanda Wright Mr. and Mrs. William Wright Ms. Wilma R. Wright Ms. Amanda Wyatt Ms. Cynthia M. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Wyatt Jr. Mr. John Wyatt Mr. Johnny Wyatt Ms. Lisa Wyatt Mr. Matthew W. Wyatt Mr. and Ms. Christopher F. Wyatt Ms. Nola A. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Tommy R. Wyatt Mr. Eric L. Wylie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wylly II Wythe County Community Hospital
Ms. Gabrielle Xavier Ms. Robyn Yackell Mr. Kevin Yamamura Ms. Shelia S. Yarborough Ms. Shelia Yates Mr. William M. Yates Mr. Steve Yazell Mr. and Mrs. Ezra U. Yemin YMCA of Middle Tennessee Ms. Carolyn B. Yokley Ms. Cindy Yopp Ms. Leticia Yops Mr. and Mrs. Ted York Ms. Vera S. York Mr. and Mrs. William R. Youman Young Broadcasting Nashville Young Leaders Council Ms. Caroline Young Mr. Christopher Young Ms. Cynthia Young Emmie Young Ms. Faith Young Ms. Janet Young Ms. Janice P. Young Ms. Jeanne M. Young Mr. John R. Young Ms. Kinika Young Ms. Patricia A. Young Mr. Phil Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Young Ms. Shelly Young Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Young Mr. Steven Young Mr. Michael Younker YourCause, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Youree Mr. and Ms. Brian Yurkovic YWCA of Nashville and Middle Tennessee Ms. Corey Zaharia Zahner Hansen Construction Group, Inc. Ms. Christina Zaleski Mr. Stephen J. Zanolini Zaragoza and Harris Construction, LLC Mr. Charles Zaylor Zehnder Communications Inc. Zeitlin and Company Realtors Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Zeitlin Mr. Manuel Zeitlin Mrs. Shirley A. Zeitlin Mrs. Anne H. Zelle Zepa, Inc. Mr. Fernando Zepeda Lt. Gen and Mrs. Michael E. Zettler Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Zibart Ms. Erica Ziegenhorn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ziegler Ms. Fran Ziglar Mr. Craig Zimberg Mrs. Alice A. Zimmerman Ms. Patricia L. Zimmerman Ms. Jamie Zimron Mr. Michael Zinna Ms. Debra Zizik Mr. Robert Zizik Mr. Eli Zoller Ms. Nancy O. Zoretic Ms. Marsha L. Zornig Ms. Jamaica Zralek Mr. Stephen Zralek Mr. and Mrs. James Zumwalt
T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n o f M i d d l e t e n n e s s e e
I n i t i at i v e s
Ž C F M T. o r g d i s c o v e r t h e u n i q u e way s w e ’ r e c o n n e c t i n g g e n e r o s i t y w i t h n e e d t h r o u g h p e r s o n a l i z e d c h a r i ta b l e g i v i n g
N ow P lay i n g N a s h v i lle . co m y o u r d e s t i n at i o n t o f i n d o u t w h e r e t o g o a n d w h at t o d o i n
Middle Tennessee
G i v i n g M att e r s . c o m m a k e i n f o r m e d d e c i s i o n s a b o u t y o u r c h a r i ta b l e giving through a powerf ul online resource
Ch ild c o n n e c t i n g r e s o u r c e s w i t h q ua l i t y c h i l d c a r e , a n d s e r v i n g a l l pa r t i c i pa n t s o f t h e c h i l d c a r e c o mm u n i t y : pa r e n t s , j o b - s e e k e r s a n d p r o v i d e r s
Th e C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d a t i o n o f M i d d l e Te n n e s s e e 3 8 3 3 C l e g h o r n Av e n u e • N a s h v i l l e , Te n n e s s e e 3 7 2 1 5 - 2 5 1 9
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