A Celebration of Women by The Women's Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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Women a c e l e b r at i o n o f


of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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© 2 0 1 2 T he Wo m en ’s F und o f The Com m uni t y Fou ndat ion of Middle Tennessee 3833 C le gho r n Av enu e #400 • Nashvil l e, Te n n e sse e 3 7 2 1 5 -2 5 1 9 • 6 1 5 -3 2 1 -4 9 3 9 Tol l -f ree: 888-540-5200 •c f mt.o r g • T h eWo m ens Fu nd . co m

Our Mission The Women’s Fund, an endowment fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, is dedicated to increasing support in Middle Tennessee for programs serving women and girls.

T h e F u n d m a k e s g r a n t s to programs addressing: Achievement of economic self-sufficiency for women Prevention of violence against women and girls Promotion of health, well-being and talent of women and girls

Our Vision To become Middle Tennessee’s only $10 million endowment and leading resource for identifying and supporting the needs of women and girls

Th e C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d at i o n


M i d d l e Te n n e s s e e


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Jane Eskind


Ruth Ann Harnisch

he Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee honors Jane Eskind and Ruth Ann Harnisch for their million dollar gifts in support of women and girls in Middle Tennessee. Thanks to their extraordinary generosity, the Fund will be able to more than double its grantmaking capacity in the coming years. Our vision is to become a $10 million fund and transform the lives of women and girls. Thank you, Jane and Ruth Ann, for starting us on the path to realizing our vision for the future. You are truly women for women, for generations.

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2012 • c o m m i tt e e

E l i z a b e t h B r o y h i l l , Co-Chair S u sa n T y l e r , Co-Chair G r ac e A w h J e ss i e M o r r i s Julia Morris Sara Morris C ass i e S t u r d i v a n t

Susan Tyler and Elizabeth Broyhill

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

keynote speaker

Ashley Judd


hough Ashley Judd is well-known for her acclaimed performances in both box office hits and independent films, such as Double Jeopardy, Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, and De-Lovely, she has made an

indelible mark on key women’s issues and humanitarian causes. The dedicated activist has traveled the world in support of programs that focus on poverty alleviation, public health, human rights, and social justice. Ashley actively supports a number of charitable organizations, ranging from Women for Women International to Tennessee Refugee and Immigration Reform Committee, and many more. Her advocacy has allowed her to serve as a panelist and moderator at conferences such as the Clinton Global Initiative. She has spoken at the General Assembly of the United Nations about the modern slave trade and testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the urgent need to prevent the spread of HIV to girls and women. Ashley’s best-selling memoir “All That Is Bitter and Sweet” was released in April 2011, and she is a recent graduate of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Ashley and her husband, Dario Franchitti, make their home at their farm in Middle Tennessee and in Dario’s native Scotland.

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The Women’s Fund B o a r d o f D i r e ct o r s and Visionaries (Pages 6-17)

Left to Right: Nancy Zoretic, Rita Mitchell, Estie Harris, Coco Kyripolous, Beth Moore PHOTO BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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Left to Right: Perian Strang, Elizabeth Dennis, Mandy Young, Julia Morris, Sukie Vaughan PHOTO BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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Tribu te

m e s s ag e t o g o

here Nam e Name

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Left to Right: Kaye Elam, Gail Williams, Sondra Cruickshanks, Elizabeth Akers, Ellen Lehman, Mary Gambill PHOTO BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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Left to Right: Cristina Allen, Donna Dalton, Allison DeMarcus, Laura Smith Tidwell, Lucy Haynes, Brenda Corbin, Katherine DeLay, Elizabeth Papel PHOTO BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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Left to Right: Tami Johnston, Collins Hooper, Emily Tidwell, Mimi Vaughn, Holly Coltea, Deb McDermott, Anne Davis PHOTO BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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Left to Right: Irwin Fisher, Sherry Howell, Elizabeth Broyhill

Left to Right: Julie Boehm, Sallie Bailey, Kate Ezell 1 6 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Left to Right: Grace Awh, Tricia Carswell PHOTOS BY ASHLEY HYLBERT

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2 0 1 1 G r a n t i m pa c t •

78 uninsured women received “well woman” medical exams such as Pap tests, HIV screenings, cholesterol and other necessary tests they cannot afford due to their low income.

80 women and children who are victims of domestic violence received emergency shelter services, and another 800 people were assisted with court advocacy and resource information.

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children of working mothers were provided child care.


150-200 female cancer patients in an eight-county Middle Tennessee region received free wigs, headpieces, camisoles and mammograms.

33 adolescent girls in Davidson, Sumner and Williamson counties had the opportunity to participate in a life-changing character development program. Trained coaches have mentored the girls through fun, interactive activities such as running and goal-oriented games that teach life and healthy living skills, self-awareness, team building and community responsibility.

20 girls from underserved areas attended the Girls Scouts of Middle Tennessee’s Girl University and Campus Tours programs which acclimate high schoolers to the college experience.

35-40 girls from low-income, mostly single parent homes, and all from minority groups, attended Girls Using Significant Tools for Opportunities (G.U.S.T.O.).

The eight-week summer program allows females between the ages of nine and 15 the opportunity to be mentored by female scientists, while receiving academic enrichment in science technology, engineering and math.

112 women who are addicted and involved in prostitution improved their mental health and recovery outcomes. These residents attended a longterm group and individual therapy, at reduced fees, to address mental health issues related to childhood abuse and rape trauma; and the ones who have been arrested for prostitution have received pre-trial diversion education.


medically fragile infants

and their caregivers received physical, mental and safety assessments in their home through the “Bridge to the Future� program. Nurses work with the caregivers to ensure they learn and master successful parenting skills, and monitor the development of the child.

30 women and children received financial assistance addressing needs such as medical/ medications, and transportation by staff in the Mary Parrish Center vehicle to medical appointments, the pharmacy, grocery store and for unexpected emergencies.

40 teenage girls have addressed the real issues and obstacles preventing them from succeeding in school, such as language and cultural barriers, school or community disconnectedness, peer pressure and gang involvement, and at-risk behaviors that lead to drug and alcohol abuse.

630 women in middle tennessee received a no-cost mammogram screening and necessary follow-up care.

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T HE W O M E N ’ S F U N D of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2011 Grantees•

F a i t h F a m i ly Medical Clinic faithmedical.org A primary care medical clinic that serves uninsured working people and their families in the greater Nashville area. The dedicated physicians and nurse practitioners emphasize the healing of the whole person – physically, emotionally and spiritually.


on the

Run Nashville

gotrnashville.org Girls on the Run’s mission is to inspire, educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect, positive relationships and healthy, active living.

G r a c e M . E at o n Child Care Center Families





The New Beginnings program interrupts the cycle of domestic violence, empowering women to create fulfilling lives for themselves and their families. The mission is to provide support and services to victims and hold offenders accountable.

The mission of Grace M. Eaton Child Care Center is to provide quality care in a safe and loving learning environment for children of low-income working parents, or parents in school or employment training. The center joins with parents and the community to prepare children for a healthy, successful future.


Magdalene, Inc.





Friends In General provides resources to support the Metropolitan Nashville Hospital Authority and its entities – Bordeaux Long-Term Care, Knowles Home Assisted Living and Adult Day Services, and Nashville General Hospital.

Magdalene is a residential community for women who have survived lives of prostitution, violence and addiction. For two years, women are invited to live in one of six residential houses at no cost to them. Employment is offered through Magdalene’s social enterprise, Thistle Farms. By hand, the women of Magdalene/Thistle Farms make natural bath and body care products that are as good for the body as they are for the earth. Magdalene/Thistle Farms is entirely supported through private gifts and grants, and the sale of Thistle Farms products. Magdalene believes that in the end, love is the most powerful force for change in the world.

Girl Scou ts of Middle Tennessee gsmidtn.org Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

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Mary Parrish Center f o r V i ct i m s o f S e x u a l & Domestic Violence maryparrish.org The Mary Parrish Center provides confidential, compassionate assistance with: Petitions for Orders of Protection, securing pro-bono legal representation, court advocacy, personalized safety planning, emergency shelter placement, and more. Since 2002, the Center has served to over 6,000 domestic violence victims and their children.




nfnf.org/tennessee Nurses for Newborns of Tennessee exists to provide a safety net for families most at-risk, in order to prevent infant mortality, child abuse and neglect by providing in-home nursing visits which promote health care, education, and positive parenting skills.

Spruce Street Communit y D e v e l o p m e n t C o r p o r at i o n sprucestreetcdc.org

Maury Regional H e a lt h C a r e F o u n d a t i o n www.mauryregionalfoundation.com Maury Regional Medical Center and its affiliates provide excellent health care services, including: providing wigs and headpieces for cancer patients, funding medication, medical equipment and transportation expenses for patients in need, and more.

The Spruce Street Community Development Corporation provides programs and services that empower and enhance the quality of life of individuals and families.

For a complete list of The Women’s Fund grantmaking history, visit


M e n t a l H e a lt h A s s o c i a t i o n of Middle Tennessee ichope.com The Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee’s mission is to connect the community with specialized mental health and wellness resources, provide services that improve the quality of life, and promote effective services where mental health needs exist.

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee



he Power of the Purse速 2012 A Celebration of Women tribute book celebrates humanity as we pay tribute to women and children who have touched our lives. We commemorate the many contributions made by

women through their personal sacrifices, strength, perseverance, wisdom, support, love and grace. As mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, teachers, mentors, business associates, and friends, these women have helped us grow.

irwin fisher

A Woman of Influence at home, at work and in the community

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“ p e ac e

be gin s w i th a smile .”

M o t h er T eresa

annie, nora & kate T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 2 3


b ri n g lov e , li f e a n d lau g h t er to m y ev ery day .

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a re s u c h a b les s i n g ! xoxo ,


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“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.” — Lin Yutang With all my love to

Our mom is a determined visionar y, passionate in her pursuit of finding beauty in people, places and things. Randall, Dudley & Brad

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drew , joe



to our


li ttle girl

we are ever so proud !


With Love, M o t h er & D a ddy , L u L u & P apa , M am a & G an G an T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 2 7

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oung people might know Jane Eskind only because of her history-making gift to The Women’s Fund. But Jane Eskind has been making history throughout her life. With unmatched courage and grace, she became the first woman elected to statewide office in Tennessee.

Her political leadership crossed all boundaries, as her philanthropic leadership does today. Jane Eskind: Making History, Making Change, For Generations.

Thank you, Jane.

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carolyn sartor Having been told by her architect father that women could not be architects, she became a licensed landscape architect.

francie markham “For it is in giving that we receive.” – St. Francis of Assisi To my dear mother, thank you for teaching me the joy of giving. All my love, Cassie

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m y daugh ters ,



annabel ,

T h a n k yo u f o r b ri n g i n g so mu c h joy to my I love yo u m o re t han words can say ! L ove always , M o mmy

lif e .

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T he y

say eac h

g e ne r at i on

improves upon the las t


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francie & carolyn , Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. Love always, Mom and Dad

brittney goldfarb Study hard in nursing school; your mother is going to need you. Â

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daugh ter may ou tg row

yo ur lap , b u t she will n ev er ou tgrow your heart .”

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To our lovely Daughters




Sugar and spice and ever ything nice All our love always, Mommy and Daddy

barbara haynes Always the teacher, mentor, leader, mother and grandmother! Congratulations on your retirement! We love you! Your children and grandchildren

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Dear You

lucy ,

a re a j oy a n d a t re a s u re

to m e .Â


c h eri s h yo u a n d t h e

b les s i n g o f o u r f ri en d s h i p .

With Love, K T hat e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om

| 37

carolyn , debbie , patricia



“A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” — Isadora James

“ We need 4 hugs a day for sur vival.We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”— Virginia Satir

mom , libby , cacie 3 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n




annie ,

You are my multiple of 4.

T hese


wom e n

to watc h !!

yo u g o , girls ! T he Wo m e n s Fu n d . c o m | 3 9

carolyn heer nash Each of us are angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. For a wonderful Mother who embraces life. Your son, Fritz

For katie , rebecca & gaby – Always looking for ward, together. With love, Granddad 4 0 | A C e l e b r at i o n




our fab ulous ly s ucc es sf u l


ev en t c h a i rs

caroline , laura , laurie & vicki : t he

N ash ville S ymp h o n y

a p p lau d s yo u !

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girl scouts 1912-2012 For 100 years, supporting our girls has meant supporting your community. It ’s a small price to pay for something priceless. 4 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



sue peters For 22 years, Sue Peters worked tirelessly to ensure that all girls had an opportunity to participate in Girl Scouting. She epitomizes all the characteristics of a model Girl Scout – courage, confidence and character. And, she has generously supported many, many Girl Scout board chairs. Sue truly has made the world a better place – especially for the girls and women of Middle Tennessee.

A woman ahead of her time. kathryn lois webb whi te

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“ Think of the person you would trust to raise your children in your absence, whether it be temporar y or permanent. That is kyung . She is irreplaceable. I love her more ever y day.” Your loving husband, Luke, Captain, United States Army

“Sisters, sisters there were never such devoted sisters ...” From: White Christmas

mary liza bartholomew, liza lentz, lindy sayers & eleanor lentz 4 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n



the mayden girls


b rav e


s m a rt


ro p e d i d n ’ t b re ak until


day s lat er

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K appa Alpha Theta, the first Greek-letter fr ater nit y for women, is proud to recogniz e our Theta sister,

brit t and erso n ,

the Nashvil le Alumnae Chapter Theta of the Year.

e mi l y

and “d ama� 2011 was a big y ear ... 21, license to dr ink ... 90, gav e up license to dr iv e! 4 6 | A C e l e b r at i o n



In honor and memory ofÂ

beth higham

A brilliant, kind, and loving friend who gave generously of her time and talent to others and remains an inspiration to us all.

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It takes a village! Thank you to our volunteers! A special thank you to

wendy martin & carroll kimball , 2011 Eve of Janus Chairs.

You are my sunshine ... you’ l l al way s know dears how muc h I lov e you! Mom 4 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.” — Robert Browning

warner tidwell &

cate tidwell To all the ways you challenge yourself! T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 4 9

To the lady who makes all of our parties so spectacular, elizabeth , it's our turn to shine a little spotlight on you! With love and gratitude, Elizabeth Broyhill, Leann Ingram, Julie Frist, Julia Morris, Robin Patton 5 0 | A C e l e b r at i o n



eads , maggie



Three precious blessings. We lov e you! Mom and Dad

kathleen g. rayburn Head of School, Currey Ingram Academy Thanks to your vision and passion for personalized education, Currey Ingram Academy is a beacon to families around the globe. Thank you for helping students embrace their learning styles, develop their strengths, and soar ahead. The Board of Trust Currey Ingram Academy

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Celebrating Minnie’s 100th Birthday Commemoration and the 25th Anniversar y of

the minnie pearl cancer foundation minniepearl.org/minniemoments

harriet foley You continue to inspire us with your courage, compassion, zest for life, wit and wisdom. FiftyFor ward Board and Staff

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“ Today, I want to recognize many of the women behind the mission of feeding hungr y people in Tennessee and thank them for their gifts of time, talent and support. Together, we can fight hunger and feed hope!� Jaynee Day, CEO of Second Har vest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee


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Will the next discovery or invention come from a Harpeth Hall graduate?

Celebrating the founding of the Center for STEM Education for Girls The Harpeth Hall School | 3801 Hobbs Road | Nashville, TN 37215 | www.harpethhall.org

Welcome Precious

harper ann

The newest member of the Howell clan. Love, Grandma and Big Daddy, a.k.a. Sherr y and Everette

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Lipscomb University salutes the 700 women of CABLE in Middle Tennessee and its first executive director

susan allen huggins We are honored to partner with CABLE to provide the annual Tennessee Women in Corporate Leadership study and the new CABLE Leadership Academy.

“Daughters become Mothers ... Daughters and Mothers become Friends.�

Sallie Bailey, Shelby W heliss, Fran Linley, Melinda Coles, Cherrie Farnette, Rebecca Spencer, Jennifer Caver, Caroline Darling T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 5 5


is proud to honor our female leaders. From our editors to the sales team and marketing specialists, these remarkable women tirelessly share inspirational stories of Nashville women, ensure we have pages in our magazines to publish them and create events which engage our community. From SouthComm, thank you!

B ack , L ef t to R ig h t : A ma n da G e o rg e , E llen N elson , H e ather P ierc e , S i n c la i r K elly , H e at h er C a ntrel , C hri st y B ryan


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F ro n t , L ef t to R ig h t : W h i t e , M agg i e B ond , C a rla A ntonelli


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at t h e h e a r t o f a communit y lies generosity

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years of connecting generosity with need

t h e commun i ty found a t i on of m i ddl e t e nn e ss e e cfmt.org

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Pictured left to right: SELISA BEELER Vice President Medical Private Banking

RENEE CHEVALIER Vice President Private Client Services

LORI CARVER, CFP ® Vice President & Manager Horizon Wealth Advisory

RITA MITCHELL, CRC® Senior Vice President & Manager Private Client Services

LAURA FOLK Senior Vice President & Manager Medical Private Banking

MARY CARLSON Vice President Medical Private Banking

POWERING YOUR better tha

you fou d it world

A person who puts her time, talent, and knowledge to work making our community better is a smart investor. The women of First Tennessee Private Client Services, Davidson and Williamson Counties, congratulate the Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee for making a difference in the lives of women and girls.


Investments: Not A Deposit Not Guaranteed By The Bank Or Its Affiliates Not FDIC Insured Not Insured By Any Federal Government Agency May Go Down In Value Investments available through First Tennessee Brokerage, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC, and a subsidiary of First Tennessee Bank National Association (FTB). Financial planning and banking products and services provided by FTB. ©2012 First Tennessee Bank National Association. www.firsttennessee.com

The women of Nashville inspire us daily. Without you, we could not write five days a week on Nashville’s “Best of the Best.” www.styleblueprint.com

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We believe in the Power of the Purse速! the loews vanderbilt hotel Sales and Catering Team

barbara daane In recognition of her tireless efforts to support Park Center This space was donated by Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.

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Kroger pays tribute to all the talented women on our team, and to all the women we ser ve in our stores. T hank you for making our company and communities stronger. T he Wo m e n s Fu n d . c o m | 6 3

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judi martin and linda warbritton GSRM recognizes Judi Martin and Linda Warbritton for the countless hours involved in orchestrating the move to the firm’s new offices at The Pinnacle at Symphony Place.

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THEY’VE BEEN THERE FOR US. HCA salutes the women who have chosen a career in all facets of healthcare. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to bettering the human condition.

H C A H E A LT H C A R E . C O M T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 6 7

“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead ~ FirstBank

salutes the women who make a difference ever yday.

FirstBank salutes the women who make a difference everyday.


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200 4th Ave. South Nashville 615-953-4580

211 Commerce St., Ste. 300 Nashville 615-313-0080

T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 6 9

ward potts jewelers

is proud to be a sponsor of The Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

We Applaud You! To all the women of NES and to those we serve, we offer our sincere gratitude for all you do to improve our company and our community. 1214 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37246 (615) 736-6900 www.nespower.com

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www.twitter.com/nespower www.facebook.com/nespower

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SunTrust salutes teammate

lana hensley for leading the SunTrust Holiday Project in which teammates donated and assembled care packages for ser vice members. Thank you, Lana!

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a c eleb rat i o n



T HE W O M E N ’ S F U N D of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2012 • we are grateful to our generous sponsors

Presenting L a u r a a n d J o h n C h a d w i ck J a n e a n d R i c h a r d E sk i n d B i l l a n d R u t h A n n H a r n i sc h H C A / T r i S ta r

Luncheon Sallie and John Bailey C i t y P a p e r , H e r N a s h v i l l e , N a s h v i l l e S c e n e a n d NF o c u s T h e C u p cak e C o l l e c t i o n Dell, Inc. F i r s t T e n n e ss e e B a n k Julie and Tommy Frist G e n e sc o Sherry and Everette Howell Ingram Industries Kroger L o e ws V a n d e r b i l t H o t e l Publix Super Markets Charities Regions StyleBlueprint SunTrust

Supporting FirstBank J o y n e r & H o ga n P r i n t i n g K at e S pa d e L i p sc o m b U n i v e r s i t y P i n n ac l e F i n a n c i a l P a r t n e r s T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 7 3

of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2011 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Aderhold Ms. Margaret N. Akers Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark Akers The Honorable and Mrs. Lamar Alexander Ms. Connie Allen Dr. George S. Allen and Dr. S. Hersey Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Allen Ms. Denise Alper Ms. Betty Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson Ms. Valerie Y. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Argo Dr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Arteaga Mrs. Sue C. Badgett Mr. and Mrs. Curt Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bailey III Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Ballard Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker Ms. Leann Barron Ms. Clisby Barrow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beaman Belmont University Ms. Kim Betts Mr. and Mrs. David L. Black Ms. Jo Beth Blair Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Bloch Blum Family Foundation Ms. Marion B. Bogen Ms. Margaret S. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Jack O. Bovender Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Bradford Ms. Caroline Bradshaw The Honorable Philip Bredesen and Ms. Andrea Conte Ms. Ruby Bright Sen. James T. Broyhill Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bumstead Mr. and Mrs. William Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Butler C3 Consulting LLC Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carl Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cassady Centerstone of Tennessee, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cherry Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Christofersen Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Christopher City National Bank Mr. and Mrs. H. Buckley Cole Ms. Cynthia E. Coleman-Lackey 7 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n




Ms. Holly W. Coltea Mr. and Mrs. Overton Colton Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cook III Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Cook III Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cooper Ms. Jennifer M. Cope Ms. Cynthia D. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Crabtree Ms. R. Suzanne Cravens Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Cruickshanks Jr. Ms. Mary Britton Cummings Ms. Melisa P. Currey Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Dalton Ms. Emily Daniel Mr. and Mrs. John Darwin Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Laurence DeFrance Mr. and Mrs. William T. Delay Dell, Inc. Mr. and Ms. Robert Dennis Ms. Sharon Derman Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dewitt Mrs. Belinda Dinwiddie Mrs. Carol S. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dobie Mr. and Mrs. Donovan A. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dreves Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Durham Jr. Ms. Amy C. Dyer Ms. Susan S. Dyer Ms. Melissa H. Eason Mr. Derek Edwards Ms. Sherie Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John Elam Dr. and Mrs. Roy O. Elam III Mr. and Mrs.Charles Elcan Endurance Magazine Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Eskind Ms. Joann L. Ettien Eve of Janus Benefit, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ezzell Mrs. Jane M. Fabian Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faricy The William Stamps Farish Fund Dr. and Mrs. Craig Ferrell FiftyForward First Tennessee Bank

Mrs. Irwin E. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Fitzgerald Ms. Kira Florita Ms. Kristen Forrest Mrs. Elizabeth M. Fox Ms. Janet M. Fraley Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Ms. Ashley Freeland Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman The Frist Foundation Ms. Betsy Funk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Gambill Genesco, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Gioia Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee Ms. Cassandra A. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grayer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gregory Gullett Sanford Robinson & Martin Dr. Gary S. Gutow Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hannon Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch Harpeth Hall School Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhett Harris Ms. Amberley Harvick The Honorable and Mrs. Bill Haslam Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hays Ms. Angela Helbig Mr. and Mrs. John J. Herbst Ms. Mary Page Hickman Ms. Julia High Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hildreth Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Hite Mr. and Mrs. David Hitt Ms. Laura C. Hobson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. House Ms. Lydia A. Howarth Dr. and Mrs. Everette I. Howell Jr. Mr. Shawn Huffman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Huggins Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt Jr. Ingram Industries, Inc. Ms. Grace S. Irvin Hope Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Jody Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Johnston Ms. Jennifer Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mac Johnston Ms. Tiani Jones Mr. and Mrs. Owen Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Kaegi Ms. Kim Kaegi Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Kathleen Evers Interiors Ms. Patricia T. Kennedy Mr. Michael J. Kettenring Ms. Connie W. King

Ms. Terrie D. Kirby Mrs. William N. Knox Kroger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kyriopoulos Ms. Jena Layne Ms. Ellen E. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Lewis Ms. Terri Lewis Ms. Francie Likis Ms. Susan F. Lincoln Ms. Jana Lisle Parham Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Looney Ms. Gretchen Lowe Ms. Kelly MacDonald Rabbi Shana G. Mackler Mr. and Mrs. A. Carl Maddox Dr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Malcolm Ms. Stephanie L. Malone Ms. Cheryl Mason Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. H. Mathews III Mr. Andrew L. May and Dr. Nancy J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mayden Mr. and Mrs. David McClary Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCord Ms. Vanessa McCullough McKey Perforated Products Co., Inc. Ms. Doris B. Medlin Meharry Medical College Ms. Lauren J. Miller Mrs. Linda M. Miller Ms. Susan Miller Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation Ms. Lori Mitchell Mrs. Rita P. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Moll Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Moore Ms. Julia Morris Mrs. Marlene E. Moses Mrs. La-Voe G. Mulgrew Mr. and Mr. Diane M. Mulloy Ms. Bernadette Murphy Mrs. Carolyn H. Nash Nashville Electric Service Nashville Symphony Association Ms. Betty Nixon Ms. Rosanne Nutkis Dr. and Mrs. John A. Oates Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Dell Ms. Edee Orr Mr. and Mrs. Robyn L. Owens Mr. and Mrs. John G. Palmer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Pao Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Papel Ms. Anne C. Parsons Ms. Virginia Payne Mr. and Mrs. George R. Peek Ms. Kathryn Peffen Ms. Hannah Pendleton Ms. Clara S. Perritt continued on next page

T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 7 5

continued from previous page

Mr. and Mrs. Brant Phillips Ms. Donna J. Phillips Pinnacle Bank Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pippin Ms. Lyn Plantinga Ms. Janet M. Pletcher Ms. Virginia P. Potter Ms. Betty L. Price Publix Super Markets Charities Mr. and Mrs. David R. Puryear Ms. Betty Radmacher Regions Bank Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore Rhett III Ms. Ann V. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rode IV Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Rolfe Ms. Dawn Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Sanders Ms. Nancy Schultz Ms. Jensen Sessums Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Shankle Ms. Bertie F. Shriver Ms. Carolyn Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Singer Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey H. Smallwood Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dudley Smith Ms. Margaret J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thayer C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smothers Ms. Lisa Spear Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer Ms. Sarah F. Stamps Ms. Rebecca Stilwell Ms. Cynthia J. Stone and Mr. Mark D. Glazer Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Story Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Strang IV Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Sturdivant II Friends and family of Beth Higham Margaret Akers Grace Awh Kim Bundy Pamela Cherry Jennifer Cope Sondra Cruickshanks Sydney DeWitt Deborah Dreves Kathleen Evers Irwin Fisher Mary Gambill Minna Gioia Susan and Luke Gregory Lucy Haynes Cheryl Hays

Jennifer Jernigan Trish Kennedy Michael Kettenring Cindy Lassing Liza Lentz Susan Lincoln Alice McClary Keith McCord Linda Miller Lolly Miller Rita Mitchell Beth Moore Rosanne Nutkis Joy Heath O’Dell Katherine Ray Holly Roche Betsy Sanders

SunTrust Bank Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Trey Tally Mr. and Mrs. David K. Taylor Ms. Debra Taylor Ms. Veronica C. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Thornburg Dr. and Mrs. Brett L. Thorstad Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Threadgill Jr. Ms. Deborah L. Tibbs Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell Tidwell III Ms. Laura S. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. W. Montrell Toney Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Trachtman Ms. Deborah Turner Ms. Laura Turner Mr. and Mrs. Josh Tyler Ms. Mary S. Underwood University School of Nashville Mr. Arunas Vanagunas and Ms. Kimberly Goessele Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Ms. Lauren A. Vandermark Ms. Katy Varney Ms. Susannah H. Vaughan Ms. Mimi E. Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vernon Ms. Mary G. Vreeland Waller Lansden Dortch and Davis LLP Ward Potts Jewelers Ms. Louise Ward Ms. Tiffany R. Washington Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Webster Mr. and Mrs. David Williams II Ms. Rita G. Williams Dr. Robin Williams Ms. Judith C. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Wright Ms. Sarah F. Wurzburger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Young Ms. Nancy O. Zoretic

Beth Singer Margaret Smith Debra Taylor Joi Tipps Diane Trachtman Mary Glenn Vreeland Nancy Zoretic The Women’s Fund Advisory Board Friends and family of Carolyn Sartor Pam Adkins Stein Leslie Ballard Susie Bowen Becky Irvin Campbell Yvonne Christopher

Dolly Crabtree Sarah Ann Ezell Babs Freeman Frances Huggins Grace Sims Irvin Nancy Johnston Connie King Laura Knox Elizabeth Lane Liza Lentz Carole Nelson Anne Caldwell Parsons Virginia Potter Kate Regan Lindy Sayers Kathy Tompkins

As of Feburary 29, 2012. Every effort was made to be as accurate as possible in compiling A Celebration of Women 2012 tribute book. We apologize for any error that may have inadvertently occurred. 7 6 | A C e l e b r at i o n



index Akers, Elizabeth ......................... 11

Graves, Liza ............................... 61

Nash, Carolyn Heer ................... 40

Allen, Cristina ............................ 12

Gutow, Rebecca ......................... 40

Nashville Electric Service ........... 70

Alper, Denise ............................. 34

Harnisch, Ruth Ann .................... 2

Nashville Symphony .................. 41

Anderson, Britt .......................... 46

Harpeth Hall .............................. 54

Papel, Elizabeth ......................... 13

Andrews, Christie ...................... 38

Harris, Drew .............................. 26

Park Center ................................ 62

Awh, Grace ................................ 17

Harris, Estie ........................... 6, 26

Peters, Sue .................................. 43

Bailey, Sallie ......................... 16, 55

Harris, Joe .................................. 26

Bartholomew, Mary Liza ........... 44

Harris, Rhett .............................. 26

Publix Super Markets Charities ................................. 69

Beazley, Gracie ........................... 44

Haynes, Barbara ......................... 36

Ralph, Molly .............................. 39

Beazley, Kyung ........................... 44

Haynes, Lucy ....................... 13, 37

Rayburn, Kathleen G. ................ 51

First Tennessee .......................... 60

HCA TriStar ........................ 66, 67

Regions ...................................... 64

Boehm, Julie ............................... 16

Hensley, Lana ............................. 72

Rue, Helen ................................. 39

Broyhill, Elizabeth ........... 3, 16, 27

Higham, Beth ............................ 47

Sartor, Carolyn ........................... 30

Carswell, Tricia .......................... 17

Hooper, Collins .......................... 14

Sayers, Lindy ............................. 44

Caruthers, Destine ..................... 42

Hooper, Eads ............................. 51

Second Harvest of Mid TN ....... 53

Caver, Jennifer ........................... 55

Hooper, Maggie ......................... 51

Seitz, Sally ................................. 39

Chadwick, Isabella ................ 24, 25

Hooper, Myatt ........................... 51

Smith, Jeanne Dudley ................ 26

Chadwick, Lilly .................... 24, 25

Horne, Vicki .............................. 41

Smith Tidwell, Laura ................. 12

Coles, Melinda ........................... 55

Howell, Harper Ann .................. 54

SouthComm .............................. 56

Coltea, Annie ............................. 38

Howell, Sherry ........................... 16

Spencer, Rebecca ....................... 55

Coltea, Cacie .............................. 38

Huggins, Susan Allen ................ 55

Strang, Perian .............................. 8

Coltea, Holly .............................. 15

Hylbert, Annie ........................... 65

Suntrust ..................................... 72

Coltea, Libby ............................. 38

James, Elizabeth ......................... 50

Colton, Mary Elizabeth ............. 42

Johnston, Tami .......................... 14

The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee ............... 59

Corbin, Brenda .......................... 13

Judd, Ashley ................................ 5

Cruickshanks, Sondra ................ 10

Kendall, Carolyn ........................ 38

The Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation .............................. 52

Daane, Barbara .......................... 62

Kimball, Carroll ......................... 48

Tidwell, Cate ............................. 49

Dalton, Donna ........................... 12

Kroger ........................................ 63

Tidwell, Emily ........................... 14

Darling, Caroline ....................... 55

Kyriopolous, Coco ....................... 7

Tidwell, Warner ........................ 49

Davis, Anne ............................... 15

Laurie, Eskind ........................... 41

Tyler, Paige ................................ 36

DeLay, Katherine ................. 13, 37

Lehman, Doni ..................... 33, 39

Tyler, Sophie .............................. 36

DeMarcus, Allison ..................... 12

Lehman, Ellen ..................... 11, 32

Tyler, Susan .................................. 3

Dennis, Elizabeth .................. 8, 35

Lehman, Kathy .......................... 33

Vanderbilt School of Nursing ..... 68

Dennis, Kayleigh ........................ 35

Lentz, Eleanor ........................... 44

Vaughan, Sukie ............................ 9

Douglas Dingess, Anne ............. 39

Lentz, Liza ................................ 44

Vaughn Family ........................... 48

Elam, Kaye ................................. 10

Linley, Annie ............................. 23

Vaughn, Emily ........................... 46

Eskind, Jane ..................... 2, 28, 32

Linley, Fran ................................ 55

Vaughn, Mimi ........................... 14

Eskind, Laurie ............................ 41

Linley, Kate ............................... 23

Vicki, Horne .............................. 41

Ezell, Kate .................................. 16

Loews Vanderbilt Hotel ............ 62

Viner, Gaby ................................ 40

Farnette, Cherrie ........................ 55

Markham, Francie ...................... 30

Viner, Katie ................................ 40

FirstBank ................................... 68

Martin, Judi ................................ 65

Warbritton, Linda ...................... 65

First Tennessee ........................... 60

Martin, Wendy ........................... 48

Ward Potts Jewelers ................... 70

Fisher, Carolyn .................... 22, 34

Mathews, Debbie ....................... 38

White, Kathryn Lois Webb ....... 43

Fisher, Francie ..................... 22, 34

Mathews, Patricia ...................... 38

Wheliss, Nora ............................ 23

Fisher, Irwin ........................ 16, 22

Mayden, Genny ......................... 45

Wheliss, Shelby ......................... 55

Foley, Harriet ............................. 52

Mayden, Samantha .................... 45

Whetsell, Anne .......................... 38

Fox, Elizabeth ............................ 61

Mayden, Talia ............................. 45

Williams, Gail ............................ 10

Frist, Annabel ............................ 31

McDermott, Deb ....................... 15

Young, Mandy .............................. 8

Frist, Caroline ............................ 31

McNeilly, Caroline ..................... 41

Zoretic, Nancy ............................. 6

Gambill, Mary ........................... 11

Mitchell, Rita ............................... 6

Genesco, Inc. ............................. 71

Moore, Beth ................................. 7

The Women’s Fund Advisory Board ..................... 6-17

Goldfarb, Brittney ..................... 34

Morris, Julia ................................. 9 T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 7 7

T h a nk Y ou Thank you to Elizabeth Broyhill, Power of the PurseŽ Co-Chair, whose creativity and foresight led to the re-design of the 2012 edition of A Celebration of Women. A special thanks to photographer Ashley Hylbert for her beautiful photographs seen throughout the book. And a BIG thank you to Brittany Schleicher, The Community Foundation’s graphic designer extraordinaire.

Finally, we want to thank the people who opened their homes, stores and offices to us for photography sessions. Sallie Bailey Gullett Sanford Robinson & Martin The Hutton Hotel Debbie Mathews Dana and Phillip Nappi Sylvia Roberts

7 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



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In support of the mission of The Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, I am pleased to commit an annual gift totaling:

he Women’s Fund, an endowment fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, is dedicated to increasing support in Middle Tennessee for programs serving women and girls. The Fund makes grants to programs that address achievement of economic self-sufficiency, prevention of violence and promotion of health, well-being and talent for women and girls.


The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee | 3833 Cleghorn Avenue #400 | Nashville, TN 37215-2519 615.321.4939 | www.thewomensfund.com | www.cfmt.org

mignon francois Thank you for making our community so much sweeter!

Mignon Francois is founder and owner of The Cupcake Collection located in historic Germantown at 1213 6th Ave. N., Nashville, TN.


Th e Wo m e n ’s F u n d o f Th e C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d at i o n o f M i d d l e Te n n e s s e e 3 8 3 3 C l e g h o r n Av e n u e • N a s h v i l l e , Te n n e s s e e 3 7 2 1 5 - 2 5 19


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