A Celebration of Women by The Women's Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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Our Mission

The Women’s Fund, an endowment fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, is dedicated to increasing support in Middle Tennessee for programs serving women and girls.

The Fund makes grants to p r o g r a m s a d d r e s s i n g : • Achievement of economic self-sufficiency for women • Prevention of violence against women and girls • Promotion of health, well-being and talent of women and girls

Our Vision

To become Middle Tennessee’s only $10 million endowment and leading resource for identifying and supporting the needs of women and girls

the commu nit y fou ndation of middle tennessee


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Presenting Sponsor First Tennessee Bank

Laura and John Chadwick Jane and Richard Eskind Melissa and Bobby Frist Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch HCA/TriStar Nfocus Sallie and John Bailey Tricia and Benjamin Carswell Genesco Ingram Industries Kroger Lipscomb University Pinnacle Financial Partners Publix Super Markets Charities StyleBlueprint Woo Skincare and Cosmetics Elisha and Jeff Zander

Butler Snow Diversified Trust Gullet Sanford Robinson & Martin Harpeth Hall School Montgomery Bell Academy Nashville Electric Service Neal Clayton Realtors Barbara Keith and Richard Payne Regions Margaret Rolfsen Mary Jo and Steve Shankle St. Thomas Health Foundation Barbara Turner The Wine Chap

P h oto S p o n s o r s Belle Meade Plantation, Belmont Mansion, Belmont University, Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art, Loews Vanderbilt Hotel As of February 11, 2014 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



let ter from the women’s f und board chair


ow, what a difference 20 years make!

2014 marks the 20th anniversary of The Women’s Fund. In those 20 years we’ve given $829,266 to over 89 Middle Tennessee programs that serve the vital needs of thousands of women and girls in our community. What is The Women’s Fund? People ask that question every day. The Fund is the dynamic reality of a promise that was made 20 years ago by a small group of women in our community. That promise cannot be undone! The Women’s Fund belongs to all who enhance it and empower it. So, today, as you read this and from this point on, know that … YOU ARE THE F UND. If you supported this tribute book, bought a ticket or table to any Power of the Purse® luncheon, bid on a purse during one of our auctions, attended one of our educational forums, donated clothes to our consignment sale or sit on the board of an agency that receives a grant from The Fund … YOU ARE THE FUND. Whether you give $1 or $1 million or somewhere in between, your gift changes The Fund. Your dollars grow with other dollars to support the unique needs of future generations of women and girls. You are part of the promise. The larger and more quickly The Fund grows, the greater the promise. It is that simple. Our fund seeks to be the largest fund of its kind in the country. Our community deserves nothing less. Happily, today’s focus is our luncheon. Special thanks to co-chairs, Barbara Keith Payne and Mary Jo Shankle. They embody all that is good about The Fund. And, special thanks to their wonderful committee and our generous individual and corporate sponsors. So, let’s celebrate 20 years of promise keeping and continue building something larger than ourselves. With humility, I am … you are … we all are The Fund. Tricia Carswell 2014 Board Chair

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THE WOMEN’S FUND of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2013 Grantees •

T ha n k you to the directors, staff, board members and volunteers who serve our grant partners. They are the heart and soul of the mission of The Women’s Fund.

Jessica Viner and Elizabeth Akers, Grant Committee Co-Chairs

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2 0 1 3 G r a n t i m pa ct • The Women’s Fund made grants to 28 organizations in 2013, with grant awards meeting a spectrum of needs for women and girls.

878 victims of domestic violence and/or homeless women and their children were given shelter


breast cancer survivors received wigs, camisoles or lymphedema garments

Countless people were educated and made aware of the support services for survivors of human sex trafficking and violence

675 women were given training and provided educational programs to help them in the workforce

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40+ women received preventative and corrective dental and vision health services

320 girls enjoyed afterschool and summer programs

40 low-income senior women were given life coaching, personal development and nutrition education


victims of domestic violence were provided legal services, therapy and essential emergency services

845 low-income women received free mammograms

75 women underwent addiction recovery treatment

475 women

220 breast cancer patients

had clinical breast exams

received follow-up treatment

100,000 immigrant women in crisis were schooled about domestic violence, gender-based harassment, exploitation and the laws that can protect them

74 uninsured women had “Well Woman” exams and follow-up treatment


people viewed a 30-minute “Domestic Violence – Living in Fear” program on NPT about the findings of the local Domestic Violence Task Force and 12,000+ people will view it online

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THE WOMEN’S FUND of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2013 Grantees •

Avalo n C en t er Emergency Shelter for 225, transportation and “start over” baskets for women and children escaping domestic violence avaloncentertn.org Brid ges of Willia m s o n Co u n t y Funding for on-site health clinic for women and children living in shelter bridgesdvc.org C en t er of Ho p e After-hours care for 146 women in shelter for a total of 446 hours centerofhopetn.org Commu n i t y Hom eles s O u t re ac h an d S u ppo rt / B roo ks Ho u s e Preventative and corrective physical, dental, and vision health services for 40+ homeless women living in the shelter www.brookshouse.org End S lav ery T en n es s ee Comprehensive aftercare for more than 30 survivors of human trafficking and their families. One trafficking victim requires more time than 25 domestic violence victims (HHS) endslaverytn.org Fai t h Fa m ily C lin ic “Well Woman” exams and follow-up treatment for 35 uninsured women faithmedical.org Fam i li es in C ris is Shelter for 74 victims of domestic violence in Warren County familiesincrisistn.com 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Friends in Genera l 645 mammograms, 475 clinical breast exams and additional follow-up treatment for 220 women nashvilleha.org Girl Scou ts of Middle Tennessee Provide financial assistance to 200 girls so they may attend summer camp gsmidtn.org Girl s on the Ru n Allow 70 disadvantaged girls to participate in this physical activity-based youth development program gotrnashville.org J u nior Leagu e of Na shville Leadership and volunteer training opportunities for over 600 women jlnashville.org Mau ry Regiona l Hea lthca re Fou ndat ion Wigs, camisoles, mammograms, lymphedema garments and gas cards to 200 uninsured women in an eight-county rural region mauryregionalfoundation.com Mending Hea rts Medications for 120 indigent women in residential treatment detox facility mendingheartsinc.org Men ta l Hea lth America of Middle TenNessee Training and support for 120 Hispanic women in Davidson County who have been victims of domestic violence ichope.com

Nas h v i lle P u b lic T elev is io n Production of a 30-minute program focusing on the findings of the Mayor’s Domestic Violence Task Force will be viewed by 50,000 people wnpt.org

The Ma ry Pa rrish C en ter Help defray the costs of healthcare, childcare, transportation, food and other essential emergency needs for 48 domestic violence survivors who were homeless maryparrish.org

Rene wa l Ho u s e Intensive outpatient addiction treatment for 65 low-income women, including specialized programing for pregnant and expectant clients renewalhouse.org

The New Beginnings C en ter Life coaching, personal development and nutrition education for 40 low-income senior women seeking affordable sustainable wellness thenewbeginningscenter.org

S ex ual A ss au lt C en t er Therapy and support services to a minimum of 30 low-income females who are survivors of sexual assault sacenter.org

The Next Doo r Residential transition recovery support program for 75 women exiting incarceration thenextdoor.org

Star li ng s Na s h v ille Financial assistance for low-income girls ages 6-18 so they may participate in an afterschool and summer academic enrichment program starlings.org

Wom en a re Sa fe Increase funding to the court advocacy program for victims of domestic violence in Hickman and Perry counties womenaresafe.org

T ennes see A llia n c e for P ro g res s To provide financial assistance to allow 75 low-income women to participate in a workshop and follow-up program wanting to start their own business or take a new employment path taptn.org

The Wom en ’s F u nd Continue the public awareness campaign, education and promotion of the TN Human Trafficking hotline 1-855-55-TNHTN thewomensfund.com

T en n es s ee B re a s t Ca n c er Coa li t io n Provide emergency financial assistance to 647 women who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer tbcc.org Ten n es s ee Coa li t io n Ag a in s t Domes t i c and S ex ua l V io len c e Emergency financial assistance to 25 victims of domestic and sexual violence throughout a 40-county service area tncoalition.org T ennes s ee Imm ig ra n t & Ref u gee Ri g h t s Coa li t io n Empower immigrant women in crisis to seek support tnimmigrant.org

The Y WCA of Na shville a nd Middle TeNnessee Provide safety, housing and case management to 345 victims of domestic violence ywcanashville.com

For more information about The Women’s Fund’s grantmaking, visit

TheWomensFund.com T h e Wom e ns Fu nd . c om | 9

of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

2014 ke ynote speaker



tacy London is one of America’s premier style experts, helping women to boost their confidence by celebrating their personal style. She joined TLC in 2002 as one of the original hosts of the wildly popular

“What Not to Wear” after years of styling experience for such publications as American Vogue and Mademoiselle. Stacy has appeared on numerous national talk and news shows and has also hosted her own talk show on TLC, “Fashionably Late with Stacy London.” Stacy has authored two books, Dress Your Best, co-authored with Clinton Kelly, and The New York Times bestseller, The Truth about Style, in which Stacy shares her own often painful history and her philosophy of the healing power of personal style—illustrating it with a series of detailed “start-overs” with eight real women, demonstrating how personal style helps them overcome the emotional obstacles we all face. She regularly devotes time to organizations serving women, including Step Up Women’s Network, the American Cancer Society and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Stacy is a true arbiter of American fashion but more importantly makes the critical connection between personal style and self-esteem.

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of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2014


B a r b a r a K e i t h P ay n e Mary Jo Shankle Co-Chairs R i sa A r n o l d Mary Liza Bartholomew L o lly B row n L o u i s e B r ya n Nancy Bunting G r ac e C l a y t o n R u t h C o pp e a n s K e l l y C r o ck e t t C r o o k S ua n n D av i s S u sa n D y k e Mary Gambill Karlen Garrard Ashley Hylbert Anne Jenkins Christie Kelley

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Paula Kinard Coco Kyriopolous Ellie Lentz Karen Malone J o d y M at t i s o n B a r b a r a M ay d e n K e i t h M e ac h a m Julia Morris M e g a n M u r r ay Jennifer Puryear Laura Roberts Lina Rowland K at e S atz C at h y S h ell Jen Solesby M e r e d i t h S t e wa r t C ass i e S t u r d i v a n t Mary Wilson

Barbara Keith Payne and Mary Jo Shankle, Co-Chairs TheWomensFund.com | 1 3

of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• tribu tes •


he Power of the PurseÂŽ 2014 A Celebration of Women tribute book celebrates humanity as we pay tribute to women and children who have touched our lives.

We commemorate the many contributions made by women through their personal sacrifices, strength, perseverance, wisdom, support, love and grace. As mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, wives, teachers, mentors, business associates, and friends, these women have helped us grow.

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a daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. blessed beyond measure, jojo Left to Right: Elgin Cato, Susanne Cato, Joanne Cato, Cathie Cato Renken and Claire Cato T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 1 5

G l e n n a Fr a u m en i

In honor of her passion for life, her steely determination, her compassion for others, her selfless service, her boundless love.

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MiMi VAU G H N Thank you for your inspiration as an Outstanding Mom, Friend & Business Woman!

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cousins are many. best friends are few. what a rare delight to find both in you.

Su sa nna Pa y ne & Liza Brow n

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i love you to the moon and back . Â xoxo , mom

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Pictured left to right:

SELISA BEELER, Vice President Medical Private Banking; LORI CARVER, CFP®, Vice President & Manager Horizon Wealth Advisory; RENEE CHEVALIER, Vice President Private Client Services; RITA MITCHELL, CRC®, Executive Vice President & Manager Private Client Services; LAURA FOLK, Senior Vice President & Manager Medical Private Banking; MARY CARLSON, Vice President Medical Private Banking

Financial planning and banking products and services provided by First Tennessee Bank National Association(FTB). Horizon Wealth Advisory is a division of FTB. ©2014 First Tennessee Bank National Association. www.firsttennessee.com

THE LIVES OF WOMEN… At First Tennessee, we believe it’s always a smart investment. The individuals of the Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee invest their time, talent, and knowledge in lives of the girls and women of our community. In doing so, they help make Middle Tennessee a great place to live. The women of First Tennessee Private Client Services, Davidson and Williamson Counties, are proud to be a sponsor of the Women’s Fund and congratulate them for the difference they are making every day.


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Honoring Friendship at Every Season! Top/L to R: Erica King, Jacky Akbari, Yvette Boyd Bottom/L to R: LaDonna Boyd, Autumn Henderson, Lillian Blackshear, Kaitlyn Couch

Strong women lift each other up & help each other shine! Love our MasterMind! Â Laura Tidwell, Deb Palmer George, Katy Sheesley, Laura Reinbold 2 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Saluting the

2 0 1 4 Swa n Bal l Ch a i rs P eggy Kinnard & Be ts y W i l t for their passion in supporting

CHEE K WOOD Nashville’s own National Treasure T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 2 5

nor and memory o f In ho

B ar ba ra Leak e G l a sgow 1918-2013

So many happy memories! With love from your grateful family.

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Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. — John W. Whitehead

Annie, Nor a & Ka te , Our special messages —



john bailey

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from generat ion ,

to g enerat ion , to generat ion , to g enerat ion , to generat ion

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Photo by Dennis Wile

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three generations of love ... With gratitude to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee for what they do for women — Jennifer, Cherrie and Sarah Jean

Ta ri Hughes In appreciation of your leadership, vision and commitment to enhancing the Nashville Public Library and its transformative impact on our community. — Friend of the Nashville Public Library Foundation 3 0 | A C e l e b r at i o n



You are not just hiring an agent, you are hiring a team!

Ne a l Cl ay ton Re a l t ors

Front Row: Jeanie Rutland, Marguerite Clayton, Murray Clayton, Tracy Barton Second Row: Grace Clayton, Amy Cannon, Caroline Armstrong Third Row: Libby Bruno, Massey Armistead, Teniste Bell, Sheila Reuther Top Row: Liz Hackett, Connie Griggs, Carolyn Akins TheWomensFund.com | 3 1

it takes a long time to grow an old friend.

‘ The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.’

Thank you 3 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n


Su a n n for all you do! — Carla, Mark & Ben Rosenthal


Always In Style

The Women’s Fund celebrates 20 years

Gus Mayer dresses Nashville

SouthComm would like to salute the women of Nfocus

SouthComm would like to salute the women of Nfocus. T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om

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the suntrust foundation

is proud to serve as a community partner with the women of the

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition 3 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Stephanie Teatro and Leticia Alvarez

a GREAT inspiration a GREATER friend the GREATEST aunt

We are the

Ju nior L e a g u e of Nashv i l l e : generations of women — family and friends — serving Nashville through effective training and voluntarism.

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first my mother, forever my friend.

Is a b e l l a K a t hry n B r a n sfo rd Hu t che n s izzi, We are amazed by your kind heart, your quick wit, your beautiful mind ... and your preference for apples over candy. We love you very, very much! Marissa, Turner and Benja

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tr ic i a & m a r y L i n d l ey You make me a better Man and the World a better place! SOK & Love, B

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Shei l a , Thank you for showing us the power of love and grace. Your strength and courage inspires us every day! With love, elisha and jeff zander

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Libby, C a ci e & Annie, Chance made you sisters, choice makes you best friends. May you continue to choose each other for the rest of your lives! Your mommy, Holly Coltea

M e l i ssa Ma ha n es & Ly nn Civitts, Design Team for Symphony Ball 2013 You are amazing, and we are so grateful for your friendship. Love, Jane Anne and Jennifer 4 0 | A C e l e b r at i o n



MBA salutes the talented women of its faculty and teacher Matt Villemain for his work to end sexual trafficking.

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Ju lia Morris We are lucky we are yours. Love, Jessie, Sara, & Miller

C a ro l in e & An n a be l , Always believe in yourselves! Love, Mommy

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Ellie, Ca te, C a rl y & Evi e “ you

know f ull well as i do the value of sisters ’ affections : there is nothing like it in this world .”

— charlot te bronte

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Saluting the leadership of Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee. Board Chairs

Helena Yarbrough (2013- present) & Mary Cavarra (2009-2013) for their passion in supporting the development of more than 14,000 girls in Middle Tennessee.

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nor and memory o f In ho

“Do something for someone else today, reach out whenever you see an opportunity and always love with an understanding and forgiving heart.”

— Pamela Irene Adkins

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HCA/TriStar Health salutes

the women

who have chosen careers in all facets of healthcare. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to

bettering the human condition.

H C A H E A LT H C A R E . C O M

T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 4 7

“A garden of love grows in a grandmother’s heart.” We love you, Na n a — Keith and Phelps

“A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don’t even have.” — Robert Brault 4 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



As the Grande Dame of b e l l e m e a d e p l a n tat i o n , Ann Dobbs’ twenty-three years of hospitality has enriched countless visitors’ lives.

“True friends are those who really know you but love you anyway.” — Edna Buchanan TheWomensFund.com | 4 9

nor and memory o f In ho

Barbara Graham Harlin 1957 – 2013

Giving, gracious, charming, poised, caring, loving, thoughtful, stylish, co-founder The Registry, wife, mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, very amazing friend

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The power of connections and community.



STYLEBLUEPRINT.COM T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 5 1

For my granny, who makes everything magical!

In honor of The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul whose humble service enlivens our Mission. Nothing Shall be Impossible - Luke 1:37 5 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



With gratitute to

Trey Li p m a n for her years of service, her creativity, her strong work ethic. Happy retirement and thanks for all the wonderful memories! —

staff and board of directors of safe haven family shelter

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t h e c o m m u n i t y f o u n d at i o n of middle tennessee

salutes the extraordinary women who have ser ved on its board of directors

Dr. Cecelia N. Adkins Mrs. Judy O. Barker Ms. Cathy L. Bender Ms. Leilani S. Boulware Mrs. Betty M. Brown Mrs. Lisa H. Campbell Mrs. Sigourney Cheek Ms. Agenia Clark Mrs. Ida Cooney Mrs. Kitty Moon Emery Mrs. Irwin Fisher Mrs. Patricia Frist Mrs. Patricia Hart Mrs. Donna J. Hilly Mrs. Carol Hudler Mrs. Martha R. Ingram

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Mrs. Cathy T. Jackson Ms. Ellen Lehman Mrs. Ellen Leifeld Mrs. Mercedes Lytle Mrs. Alyne Massey Ms. Beth Mooney Mrs. Donna Nicely Mrs. Elizabeth M. Queener Mrs. Linda Rebrovick Mrs. Susan Simons Ms. Debi Tate Ms. Debbie Turner Mrs. Betsy Walkup Mrs. Nicky Weaver Dr. Jamye C. Williams Dr. Stephanine Walker

Jer ry Wi l l i a m s

Incoming chair of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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Margaret Mae Turman

And though she be but little, she is fierce. — Shakespeare

& m a r t i n is pleased to welcome Maureen E. Wylie , the firm’s first chief operating officer. g u l l e t t sa n f o r d r o b i n s o n

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kroger pays tribute to all the talented women on our team, and to all the women we serve in our stores. Thank you for making our company and communities stronger.

TheWomensFund.com | 5 7

pinnacle financial partners salutes the mothers of

Renewal H ou s e Serving women who are learning to live in recovery and breaking generational cycles of addiction.

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Ka ren , Tish & Al i “the power behind the man” with much love & gratitude — jimmy

To my s ist e rs a n d first best friends: Margaret, Marian, Laura, Michelle, Jeanne, Eileen, Paula, Elizabeth and Catherine Thanks for the love and laughter, Louise (with a hug to James) TheWomensFund.com | 5 9

Th e Loews Va nd e rb i l t Lead ersh i p te a m believes in The Power of the Purse速! Thank you for your support of our community.

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nor and memory o f In ho

Lisa Dawn G ra noi e n F roe b February 22, 1961 - May 31, 2013

A phenomenal athlete and friend, Lisa inspired those around her to keep physically moving, to build better relationships with loved ones and to connect to the world around us.

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Lili J o hnston Thank you for all the joy and happiness you give to us. Love, Mom & Dad

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. 6 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



A tr if e c ta , i f t h ere e v e r wa s o n e. With love, A n n e tt e E SK I N D

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Dr. Ma rga re t W a d e Thank you for leading the FRA community as an exceptional educator, outstanding mentor and wonderful friend.

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The Women’s Fund salutes TIFFANY & Co. for their ongoing support.

The Women’s Fund salutes kate spade for their ongoing support. T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 6 5

nor and memory o f In ho

The Harpeth Hall community past and present remembers

sally m a b ry who inspired thousands of girls during her 34 years in the Harpeth Hall Middle School

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The Harpeth Hall School honors

An n Teaff for her dedication to girls’ education and for her leadership as Head of School since 1998.

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Belmont University Salutes

Helen Ja rre tt Kenne d y ‘55 Trustee Emeritus; President, Belmont Mansion, Alumni Association and Women’s Auxiliary; Penultimate Volunteer and Philanthropist.

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P a t Gr e en ( Ma )

Mary Nel l Landrum (Ahmama)

Thank you for your love, support, friendship and inspiration. Love, Ellen

T r i cia , so proud of YOU! Love, the Supper Club Girls T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 6 9

Joann Ettien COO/Administrator for TriStar Centennial Women’s & Children’s Hospital Thank you for your service as 2013 Board Chair and your ongoing commitment to our “home away from home.”

kaye elam Thank you for all you do for our family and our community. Love, Clark, Tom, Caroline, Thomas, Will, Anne Tolly, Roe, Oscar, Lola, Henry and Roy

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Melissa Blackburn Thank you for your strong dedication and perseverance inspiring young women to make their mark on this world!

Terryl Propper To our friend and partner, YOU ARE OUR SHINING STAR!

Endodontic Associates Drs. Chris Cain, Mark Freeland, Daniel Price, Mike Murray, Clay Sparrow

TheWomensFund.com | 7 1

Proud sponsor of the

2014 POWER OF THE PURSE LUNCHEON butlersnow.com A L | C O | GA | LA | MS | N Y | PA | TN | UK

This ad authorized by Donald Clark, Jr., Chairman. FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.

We Applaud You! To all the women of NES and to those we serve, we offer our sincere gratitude for all you do to improve our company and our community. 1214 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37246 (615) 736-6900 www.nespower.com

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www.twitter.com/nespower www.facebook.com/nespower

D iversified T rust is proud to support women making a difference in our community.

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The power of education reaches further with the power of women.

Lipscomb salutes the women who build our success. 7 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n





LIVE AREA: NA TRIM: 7.25”X10.25”

DATE PRODUCED: 02/18/2013

T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 7 5 GENE0151_L2aam_Genesco_Ad_Resize_7.25x10.25.indd 1

2/18/14 4:18 PM





Support is life’s greatest strength.

That’s why we proudly support those who give so much of themselves to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Saluting the women who define Regions – and our communities. There’s nothing that gives us more pride than our communities. Our neighbors inspire us and shape who we are as a bank. To the many women who are constantly working to improve our company and our communities, we offer our thanks, our assistance and our commitment to making great neighborhoods even better. Regions is proud to support the 2014 Power of the Purse event.

1.800.regions | regions.com

Š 2014 Regions Bank.

T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 7 7

the women’s fund board of directors and visionaries (pages 78-86)


Front Row: Cristina Allen, Barbara Mayden Back Row: Julia Morris, Mimi Vaughn, Beth Fortune 7 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Front Row: Mandy Young, Beth Courtney, Grace Awh Back Row: Rita Mitchell, Kay Elam, Elizabeth Dennis T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 7 9

Caroline Mullen, Kate Ezell, Brenda Corbin Opposite Page: Jessica Viner, Collins Weaver, Mary Gambill

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Bottom Row: Laura Smith Tidwell, Irwin Fisher Top Row: Sallie Bailey, Sukie Vaughan 8 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Bottom Row: Estie Harris, Suann Davis Top Row: Tricia Carswell, Cassie Sturdivant T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 8 3

Colleen Conway-Welch, Joanne Cato, Trisha Elcan Opposite Page: Mary Schoettle, Annette Eskind, Mary Rolando

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Phyllis Hildreth, Laura Turner, Ellen Lehman, Sondra Cruickshanks, Jody Mattison 8 6 | A C e l e b r at i o n



• 2013-2014

wo m en ’ s f u n d b oa rd m em b ers Phyllis Hildreth Collins Hooper Tami Johnston Susan Short Jones Coco Kyriopoulos Jody Mattison Keith Meacham Rita Mitchell Julia Morris Caroline Mullen Cassie Sturdivant Laura Smith Tidwell Laura Turner Mimi Vaughn Jessica Viner Mandy Young Nancy Zoretic

Patricia Carswell, Chair Elizabeth Akers Cristina Allen Grace Awh Andrea Wait Carlton Holly Coltea Beth Courtney Brenda Corbin Sondra Cruickshanks Suann Davis Allison DeMarcus Elizabeth Dennis Kaye Elam Irwin Fisher Beth Fortune Mary Gambill Estie Harris

visionaries and founders

Honey Alexander Denise Alper Sallie Bailey Judy Liff Barker Julie Boehm Joanne Cato Barbara Chazen Andrea Conte Colleen Conway Welch Robin Costa

Anne Davis Patricia Davis Trisha Elcan Annette Eskind Jane Eskind Kate Ezell Julie Frist Tipper Gore Ruth Ann Harnisch Lolly Henry

Sherry Howell Ellen Lehman Delorse Lewis Barbara Mayden Joan Rechter Mary Rolando Carolyn Cavalier Rosenberg Mary Schoettle Sukie Vaughan Alice Zimmerman

TheWomensFund.com | 8 7

THE WOMEN’S FUND of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2 0 1 4 p o w e r o f t h e p u r s e k i c k - o f f pa r t y •

To our committee and everyone at The Women’s Fund: you all are over the moon, brilliance unfurled, gold medal, full-turn fist-pumping, best in show, great to the marrow, wonder of the modern world, ne plus ultra, pure cashmere and a yard wide, all systems go-go, crown jewel FABULOUS. And we can’t thank you enough. xo, BK & MJ

Keith Meacham, Barbara Mayden and Julia Morris

8 8 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Seated: Lolly Brown, Mandy Young, Paula Kinard and Christie Kelley Standing: Jay Joyner, Grace Clayton, Cathy Shell, Laura Roberts and Karlen Garrard

Jennifer Puryear, Kelly Crockett Crook, Jody Mattison, Lina Rowland and Mary Wilson T h e Wom e n s Fu n d . c om | 8 9

2 0 1 4 P u rs e Au c t i o n D o n o rs Anne Tate, Independent CAbi Consultant Banana Republic Bella Regalia Boutique Bella Brooks Brothers Carden Avenue Carlisle - The Perfect Edition Cindi Earl Coco Corzine & Company Criss Cross by Lori Custom Embroidery Daniel Cole Collection Deborah Roberts Dillards Eileen Fisher Elaine Turner Ensworth School Fabu Fetching Pretty GILD Designs Gus Mayer Harding Academy

9 0 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Harpeth Hall School Ibiza Fine Gifts INK Nashville J. McLaughlin Jamie Johnston & Murphy Joseph Delozier, MD Kate Spade Katy’s Kayce Hughes KB Embroidery Latitude Levy’s Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Macy’s Margaret Ellis Matt & Sanders Miller (Merrill Lynch Private Banking) Michael Kors Moda Montgomery Bell Academy Nashville Children’s Theater Nashville Trunk and Bag Private Edition

Pure Barre Sallie Swor Strands South of Hampton Stacy Rodes Boutique Stuart Weitzman Susan Shaw The Children’s Theater The French Shoppe The One of a Kind Handbag Company The Registry The Wine Chap Tiffany’s Tina Adams Wardrobe Consulting Tory Burch Trabeautiful Designs Trask Turkish T University School of Nashville Worth New York Lucy Haynes & Jane Corcoran Zap Laser and Aesthetics As of February 1, 2014.

of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

• 2013 donors • Beth and David Adams Dr. and Mrs. Mark Adams Jo Ann and Bill Akers Beth Alexander Carla Alger Cristina and Richard Allen Mary Lauren and Lawson Allen Jeanne Allinger Greer Allison Denise Alper Cathy Altenbern Amsurg Ardent Prue Armstrong Amy Atkinson Avenue Bank Evadne and Mark Awh Grace and Carl Awh Pongsoon Awh Janet and Jim Ayers Jackie Babat Sallie and John Bailey Louise and John Baird Julia and Gordon Baker Melanie and David Baker Meera Ballal Rose and Billy Ballard Melinda Balser Edie Bass Melinda Bass Bass Berry Sims Laura Bearden Fabra and Sam Belk Mia Belk Belmont University Laura and Ben Benton Annie Berry Katherine and Coburn Berry Stephanie Berry Marianne Bingham Kissy and Jeff Black Melissa Blackburn Peaches and Raleigh Anne Blank Anne Blaufuss Joan Blum Marion Bogen Debbie and Warren Bone Barbara and Jack Bovender Sara and Richard Bovender Susie Bowen

Sylvia and Doug Bradbury Laura and Tony Bradford Christine and Michael Bradley Caroline Bradshaw Melissa Brady Charles Brannon Martha and Stephen Braun Stacey Bright Nancy Brock Elizabeth and Allen Brown Kathryn and David Brown Cathy and Martin Brown, Jr. Martin Brown Nancy Brown Susan Brown Louise Bryan Mary Lea Bryant Ann and Frank Bumstead Varina and Jeffrey Buntin Nancy and Jeffrey Bunting Anne and David Buttrey Mary and Ben Byrd, III Maria Lisa and Billy Ray Caldwell Susan and Bo Caldwell Robin Campbell Barbara Cannon Kecia Carroll Tricia and Benjamin Carswell Joanne and Tom Cato Susanne and Todd Cato Mary and Joseph Cavarra Laura and John Chadwick Beth Chase Nancy and John Cheadle Nicky Weaver Cheek Amy and Doug Christiansen Yvonne and Sam Christopher Agenia and Charles Clark Karen Clark Elizabeth Coble Jane and Bill Coble Lisa Cole Holly and Gabe Coltea Amy and Overton Colton Congregation Micah Andrea Conte and Governor Philip Bredesen Mary and Charlie Cook Pete Cooper Brenda and Ron Corbin

Beth and Richard Courtney Lisa and Michael Crabb Rosalie and John Crispin Libba and Jerry Crook Suzanne Crook Kirsten Crosby Leann Crossno Jan Crowe Mackenzie Crowe Sondra and Doug Cruickshanks Betsy Cunagin Beth Curley Laura and Brad Currie Christina Daigle Brittany Dalton Donna Dalton Anne and Eric Darken Jana Davis Patricia and David Davis Patty and Lucian Davis Suann and Ralph Davis Chris and Larry DeFrance Katherine and Pete Delay Mac and Bill Deloache Allison Demarcus Elizabeth and Robert Dennis Designer Finds Gallery at Green Hills Sheila Desmond Charlene Dewey Leslie and Bob Dipiero Diversified Partners II, LP Carol and David Dixon Clokie and Brian Dixon Anne and Robert Doolittle Harriet Dunn Victoria and Rentz Dunn Nancy and Kenneth Durham Lucy Duvall Mary Duvanich Susan and Jonathan Dyke Sandra and Bill Earthman, III Missy and John Eason Lisa Eckert Stephanie Edwards Susan and Robert Eidam Elaine Turner Designs Clara Elam Kaye and Roy Elam Zainab Elberry TheWomensFund.com | 9 1

Trisha and Chuck Elcan Zita and Dan Elrod Linda and Jere Ervin Annette Eskind Donna and Jeff Eskind Laurie and Steve Eskind Marge Ewers Linda Ewing Kate and Steven Ezell Sarah Ann and Jim Ezzell Jane Fabian Amy Fair Sarah Fairbank Lee Fairbend Mary and Naill Falls Cherrie Farnette Deborah and John Farringer Carole and John Ferguson Victoria Fields Diana Finlayson FirstBank Irwin and Jeff Fisher Ruth and Patrick Fitch Margaret Fite Karen and Gene Fleming Flip, LLC Beth Fortune Judy Foster Carrington and David Fox Tracy and Keith Frazier Leslie Freedman Ashley Freeland Aparna Frenchman Friends in General Karyn Frist Betsy Funk Mary Taylor Gallagher Mary and Tom Gambill Pat and Bobby Garfinkle Karlen and Louis Garrard Genesco Inc. Martha Gennett Lynn and Scott Ghertner Amy and Vince Gill Libby Glisson Mary and Lester Glover Sarah and Stanley Graham Mary Belle Grande Hollie Gray Julie Gray Kate Grayken Ellen Green Paige and Peyton Green Raye Ann and Ralph Greenbaum Carolyn and Jeffrey Greenfield Kristen and Chad Greer Gail Greil Gullett, Sanford, Robinson and Martin, PLLC Gary Gutow 9 2 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Sadiqua Hamdan Julie Hammond Sara Hanahan Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch Holly Harris Estie and Rhett Harris Jonathan Harwell Barbara and Joe Haynes Lucy and Jeff Haynes HCA Inc. Sandra and Steve Hecklin Lolly and Doug Henry Julia Hensley Sarah and Patrick Higgins Julia High Phyllis and James Hildreth Becky Hill Sue Hirsbrunner Paiden and Dan Hite Joyce and David Hitt Sally Holland Alice and Henry Hooker Collins and Tom Hopper Marci Houff Tari Hughes Shayna Humphrey Kitty and Robert Ikard Suzanne and Steve Iler Ingram Entertainment, Inc. Ingram Industries, Inc. Lee Ann and Orrin Ingram Iroquois Capital Group Cathy Jackson Marla Jackson Katie and Steve Jackson Ellen and Kenneth Jacobs Erica and Billy Jacobs Mindy and Buzz Jacoway Elizabeth James Jewish Federation of Nashville & Middle Tennessee Jennifer Johnston Nancy and Duck Johnston The Jones Law Group, PLLC Susan Short Jones Patricia Jorgenson Naomi Judd Junior League of Nashville Beverly Keel Peggy Kelly Pamela Kelner Teresa Kersey Peggy and Randy Kinnard Nora and Charles Kirby Heloise Kuhn Coco and Chris Kyriopoulos Suzanne Lafond Catherine Lale Kelly Lamberth Julia and Bev Landstreet, IV

Helen Lane Tristan and Kenneth Larish Rebecca Larson Joyce Lavery Joyce and John Lavey Ellen Lehman Chloe Lenderman Liza and Allen Lentz Elizabeth Lewis Julie Anne Lewis Mary and Calvin Lewis Francie Likis Sandy and John Lillie Fran and David Linley Sandra and Larry Lipman Libscomb University Frieda Locke Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Kim and Robert Looney Julia Luna Jane MacLeod Wendi Mahoney Joanne Mamenta Anne Maradik Leah Marcus Liz Martin Liza Massey Betsy Matlock Jody M. Mattison Barbara and Ted Mayden Nicole Maynard Doy and Margaret McCall Holly McCall Candy McCampbell Mary Ann McCready Elizabeth McCright Deborah McDermott Carol and C. Christopher McDonald Katie McDougall Jessica McDuffie-Massey Rowanne McKnight Cristy McNabb Melissa McPheeters Caterina Meadows Doris Medlin Lynn and Ken Melkus Nancy Menke Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Heather Middleton Martha and Neal Miller Katie Mills Elisabeth Mims Minch Foundation Mary Mirabelli Trudy Mishev Rita Mitchell Beth and Paul Moore Beth and Rusty Moore Elizabeth Moore

Karen and Bruce Moore Sarah Moore Brittany Mori Julia and John Morris Lise and John Morrow Jeff and Carmen Moseley Marlene and Bob Moses LaVoe Mulgrew Caroline Mullen Diane and James Mulloy Denise and Donald Murray Carla and David Myers Allen and Janice Naftilan Valerie Nagoshiner Carolyn Nash Nashville Ballet Nashville Electric Service Nashville Symphony Judy and Frank Nebhut Laura and Charles Niewold Sallie and Bill Norton Rachel and Gary Odom Jean and Russell Oldfield Cindy Oliva Heidi and Mike O’Neil Marguerite and Kevin Orndorff Beth and Ross O’Shea Brenda and Bryan Oslin Perri and Anthony Owens Dorothy and Jamie Pace Deb Palmer-George Elizabeth and Larry Papel Jana Lisle Parham Barbara Keith and Richard Payne Elinor and Roger Peek Lisa and William Peerman Andra Perkerson Mary Perkins Libby and Keith Perryman Linde and David Pflaum Anne Phelps Pinnacle Financial Partners Deby and Keith Pitts Janet Pletcher Anca Pop Judith Price Valencia Price Terryl Propper Publix Super Markets Charities Joanne Pulles Jennifer and Gus Puryear Robyn Raque Regions Bank Sarah and Rick Reisner Sheila and Arthur Reuther Lynne and Moore Rhett Barbara Richards Jane Richmond Amy and John Riddick Jan and Steve Riven

Mary Ellen Rodgers Dina Rodriquez Mary Rolando Peggy and Paul Rosenblatt Marci Rosenblum Carla Rosenthal Sadie Rosson Dawn Rudolph Stephani Ryan Lynn and Ron Samuels Anne Sanford Robin and Gary Satyshur Mary and Tim Schoettle Kirsten and Frank Schriner Suzanne and Jimmy Schulman Nancy Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund Rachel Settle Mary Jo and Steve Shankle Mallory Shaw Cathy and Bill Shell Raena and John Sherrill Libby Sieveking Carolyn Simmons Judy Simmons Susan and Luke Simons Mary and Chris Simonsen Sally and Geoff Smallwood Amy Smith Joanne Sowell Alina Spaulding Shirley and Stuart Speyer Judith Spivey St. Thomas Health Services Fund Sarah Stamps Katie and Tom Steele Gloria and Paul Sternberg Angie Stiff Deborah and Charles Story Cassie Sturdivant StyleBlueprint, LLC Stephanie and Jon Sundock SunTrust Bank SunTrust Bank Foundation Jan Sweeney Chris Szalaj Aimee Tait Debi and William Tate Cathy Taylor Debra and David Taylor Jennifer and Denny Taylor Brande and Lee Thomas Nina Thomas Wendy Thompson Curtis and Heather Throne Emily and Crom Tidwell Laura Tidwell Trim Classic Barber LLC Susan Trotman

Barbara Turner Debbie Turner Laura Turner Molly Tyler Susan and Josh Tyler United Way of Metropolitan Nashville Michele Valentino Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Ann VanDevender Sukie Vaughan Mimi Vaughn Sheila and Douglas Venable Verizon Robert Vero Stacia Vetter Cristin and Scott Viebranz Jessica and Daniel Viner Joyce Vise Pamela Waggener Kathryn Walker Lissa and Charles Walker Betsy and Knox Walkup Elizabeth Walls Lauren Wade Walsh Irene Ward Lynn Waterman Carol Wattleworth Kristen and William Weaver Eleanor Wells Ann and Axson West Ashley Wheeler Shelby Wheliss Anne and Bill Whetsell Eleanor Whitworth Judy and Brian Wilcox Heather Williams Gail and David Williams Jerry Williams Kelly and Todd Williams Ellen Bradford and John Willis Celeste Wilson Linde Wilson Mary Wilson Dallas and Fleming Wilt Lucianne and Toby Wilt Beth and Kurtis Winstead Lou Anne and Richard Wolfson Woo Skincare + Cosmetics Pam and Tom Wylly Brenda Wynn Mandy Young Elisha and Jeff Zander Alice Zimmerman Nancy Zoretic As of February 1, 2014. Every effort was made to be as accurate as possible in compiling A Celebration of Women 2014 tribute book. We apologize for any error that may have inadvertently occurred. TheWomensFund.com | 9 3

index Adams, Jesse ...................................... 42 Adkins, Pamela Irene ........................ 45 Akbari, Jacky ..................................... 24 Akers, Elizabeth .................................. 4 Allen, Cristina ................................... 78 Allison, Sheila ................................... 37 Alvarez, Leticia ................................. 34 Awh, Grace ....................................... 79 Bailey, Sallie ...................................... 82 Belle Meade Plantation ..................... 49 Belmont University ........................... 68 Blackburn, Melissa ............................ 71 Blackshear, Lillian ............................. 24 Boyd, LaDonna ................................. 24 Boyd, Yvette ...................................... 24 Brown, Liza ....................................... 19 Brown, Lolly ..................................... 89 Bryan, Louise and sisters .................. 59 Bunting, Nancy ................................. 48 Butler Snow ...................................... 72 Carswell, Mary Lindley .................... 38 Carswell, Tricia .................. 3, 38, 69, 83 Cato, Elgin, Susanne, Joanne, Cathie Cato Renken, Claire ............ 15 Cato, Joanne ................................ 15, 84 Cavarra, Mary ................................... 44 Caver, Jennifer & Sarah Jean ............. 30 Chadwick, Lilly & Bella .............. 20-21 Civitts, Lynn ..................................... 40 Clayton, Grace .................................. 89 Coltea, Libby, Cacie & Annie ........... 40 Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee ....................... 54 Conway-Welch, Colleen ................... 84 Corbin, Brenda ................................. 80 Couch, Kaitlyn ................................. 24 Courtney, Beth .................................. 79 Crockett Crook, Kelly ....................... 89 Cruickshanks, Sondra ....................... 86 Daughters of Charity ........................ 52 Davis, Suann ............................... 32, 83 Dennis, Elizabeth .............................. 79 Diversified Trust ................................ 73 Dobbs, Anne ..................................... 49 Elam, Kaye .................................. 70, 79 Elcan, Trisha ..................................... 84 Eskind, Annette ................................ 85 Eskind, Donna, Jane & Laurie ......... 63 Ettien, Joann ..................................... 70 Ezell, Kate ........................................ 80 Farnette, Cherrie ............................... 30 First TN ...................................... 22-23 Fisher, Irwin ...................................... 82

9 4 | A C e l e b r at i o n



Fortune, Beth .................................... 78 Fox, Elizabeth ................................... 51 Fraumeni, Glenna ............................. 17 Frazier, Tracy ..................................... 69 Frist, Caroline & Annabel ................. 42 Frist, Ellie, Cate, Carly & Evie ......... 43 Froeb, Lisa Dawn Granoien .............. 61 Gambill, Keith & Phelps .................. 48 Gambill, Mary .................................. 81 Garrard, Karlen ................................. 89 Genesco ............................................. 75 Glasgow, Barbara Leake .................... 26 Graves, Liza ...................................... 51 Green, Ellen & Pat ........................... 69 Gullett Sanford Robinson Martin ..... 56 Harlan, Barbara ................................. 50 Harris Family .................................... 62 Harris, Estie ...................................... 83 Haynes, Lucy .................................... 69 HCA/TriStar Health ................... 46-47 Henderson, Autumn ......................... 24 Hildreth, Phyllis ................................ 86 Hooper, Collins ................................. 81 Hudson, Deb .................................... 69 Hughes, Tari ..................................... 30 Hutchens, Isabella Kathryn Bransford ........................................ 37 Jarrett Kennedy, Helen ...................... 68 Johnston, Lili .................................... 62 Joyner, Jay .......................................... 89 Junior League of Nashville ................ 36 kate spade .......................................... 65 Kelley, Christie .................................. 89 King, Erica ........................................ 24 Kinnard, Paula .................................. 89 Kinnard, Peggy ................................. 25 Kroger ............................................... 57 Landrum, Mary Nell ......................... 69 Linley, Annie & Kate ........................ 27 Lipman, Trey ..................................... 53 Lipscomb University ......................... 74 Loews Vanderbilt Hotel .................... 60 London, Stacy ................................... 11 Mabry, Sally ...................................... 66 Mahanes, Melissa .............................. 40 Mattison, Jody ............................. 86, 89 Mayden, Barbara ......................... 78, 88 McClain, Sheila ................................ 39 Meacham, Keith ............................... 88 Mitchell, Rita .............................. 32, 79 Montgomery Bell Academy .............. 41 Mori, Brittany ................................... 37 Morris, Julia .......................... 42, 78, 88

Morris, Sara, Miller & John .............. 42 Mullen, Caroline ............................... 80 Nashville Electric Service .................. 72 Neal Clayton Realtors ....................... 31 Nfocus ................................................ 33 Palmer George, Deb ......................... 24 Payne, Barbara Keith ......................... 13 Payne, Susanna .................................. 19 Pilkerton, Karen Picklesimer, Tish and Ali .................................... 59 Pinnacle Financial Partners ............... 58 Propper, Terryl .................................. 71 Pruitt, Ann ........................................ 32 Publix Super Markets Charities ........ 76 Puryear, Jennifer ................................ 89 Regions ............................................. 77 Reinbold, Laura ................................ 24 Reynolds, Carol ................................ 69 Roberts, Laura .................................. 89 Rode, Stacy ....................................... 49 Rolando, Mary .................................. 85 Rowland, Lina ................................... 89 Schoettle, Mary ................................. 85 Shankle, Mary Jo ............................... 13 Shea, Pat ........................................... 32 Sheesley, Katy ................................... 24 Shell, Cathy ...................................... 89 Stamps, Sarah ................................... 48 Sturdivant, Cassie ............................. 83 SunTrust Foundation ........................ 34 Teaff, Ann ......................................... 67 Teatro, Stephanie .............................. 34 Tidwell, Laura ....................... 24, 49, 82 Tiffany & Co. ................................... 65 Toney, LoLita ................................... 49 Turman, Margaret Mae ..................... 56 Turner, Laura .................................... 86 Vaughan, Sukie ................................. 82 Vaughn, Mimi ............................. 18, 78 Viner, Jessica ................................. 4, 81 Wade, Margaret ................................ 64 Wheliss, Nora ................................... 27 Williams, Jerry .................................. 55 Wilson, Louise .................................. 52 Wilson, Mary .............................. 48, 89 Wilson, Mary Beth ........................... 52 Wilson, Ruby .................................... 37 Wilt, Betsy ........................................ 25 Woo Cosmetics + Skincare ... back cover Wylie, Maureen ................................ 56 Yarbrough, Helena ............................ 44 Young, Mandy ............................ 79, 89 Zuckowsky, Theresa .......................... 32

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o My gift will be made online at TheWomensFund.com

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o $100

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In support of the mission of The Women’s Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, I am pleased to commit an annual gift totaling:

he Women’s Fund, an endowment fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, is dedicated to increasing support in Middle Tennessee for programs serving women and girls. The Fund makes grants to programs that address achievement of economic self-sufficiency, prevention of violence and promotion of health, well-being and talent for women and girls.


The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee | 3833 Cleghorn Avenue #400 | Nashville, TN 37215-2519 615.321.4939 | www.thewomensfund.com | www.cfmt.org

WOO WHO? WOO HOO! Celebrating the power and beauty of women. Thank you to The Women’s Fund for serving women and girls in our community.

Th e Wo m e n ’s F u n d o f Th e C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d at i o n o f M i d d l e Te n n e s s e e 3 8 3 3 C l e g h o r n Av e n u e • N a s h v i l l e , Te n n e s s e e 3 7 2 1 5 - 2 5 19


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