No. 10
Beauty is (naturally) in Nature? Into the immense isolation and in the vast ignorance in which we struggle we have got no other model, point of reference or guide than the Nature. And the voice that suggests sometimes to turn away from It, to rebel against It, it’s still coming from the Nature. The humans are very similar to the trees: we need strong roots in the ground from which we draw nourishment and we need the sun from which we draw the light, the strength, the energy ...The vital breath. The Nature is beautiful because It’s Life. The beauty is a manifestation of natural arcane laws and without its appearance, they would be remained hidden forever. The Beauty is not a need but It’s an Ecstasy. It’s not an image you would see or a song you would hear, but rather It’s an image you see without the eyes, and a song you hear with the plugged ears. It is not the sap in the wake of the cortex, but rather It’s a garden that’s always flowery. And the Beauty seems even more beautiful for the rich ornament that gives It virtue.
Beauty in Nature. Natural Beauty. Artificial Beauty. Skin smelling of roses or plastic ... ‘To be or not to be’? The doubt still goes on & on and follows us ... Naturally. COMMONUNCOMMON.
Then let not winter’s ragged ha In thee thy summer ere thou be Make sweet some vial; treasure With beauty’s treasure, ere it be
and deface e distilled: e thou some place e self-killed.
Look in thy glass and te Now is the time that fac Whose fresh repair if you Thou dost beguile the wor
ell the face thou viewest ces should form another, u now thou not renewest rld, unbless some mother.
- II
Ten times thyself were ha If ten of thine ten time Then what could death do, i Leaving thee living For thou art mu To be death’s conquest and m
appier than thou art es refigured thee: if thou shouldst depart, g in posterity? uch too fair make worms thine heir.
- III O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem By that sweet ornament which truth doth give! The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem For that sweet odour which doth in it live. The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye As the perfumed tincture of the roses, But for their virtue only is their show, They live unwooed and unrespected fade, Sweet roses do not so: Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made.
- IV
Now stand you on the to And many maiden gar With virtuous wish would be Much liker than your pa
op of happy hours, rdens, yet unset, ear your living flowers, ainted counterfeit.
The lily I condemne And buds of majoram h The roses fearfully on One blushing shame, ano More flowers I noted, ye But sweet or colour it ha
ed for thy hand, had stol’n thy hair; thorns did stand, other white despair; et I none could see ad stol’n from thee.
A woman’s face with Natur Hast thou, the master-mis A woman’s gentle heart, With shifting change, as is f
VI -
re’s own hand painted stress of my passion; but not acquainted false women’s fashion.
- VI
Through the painter mu To find where you true i Mine eyes have drawn thy s Are windows to Yet eyes this cunning wan They draw but what they se
II -
ust you see his skill image pictured lies. shape, and thine for me my breast. nt to grace their art, ee, know not the heart.
- VI
Mine eye hath played the pa Thy beauty’s form in t My body is the frame w And perspective it is b
ainter and hath steeled table of my heart; wherein ‘tis held, best painter’s art.
- IX
How would, I say, mine ey By looking on thee in When in dead night thy f Through heavy sleep on sig All days are nights to s And nights bright days when d
yes be blessed made n the living day, fair imperfect shade ghtless eyes doth stay! see till I see thee, dreams do show thee me.
For a woman wert th Till Nature, as she wroug And by addition me o
hou first created, ght thee, fell a-doting, of thee defeated.
COMMONUNCOMMON NO. 10 is AWEARE - Milano http://www.aweare.com
Magia 2000 http://www.magia200.com