Zone 5 - Atlantic Highlands, Lincroft, Locust, Navesink, Middletown

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Finding Sea Glass with Artist Ashley Lucas

People of all ages enjoy a good treasure hunt. How lucky we are to live in Monmouth County where our proximity to the ocean makes hunting for the perfect pieces of sea glass so joyful. Sea glass hunting is a timeless activity; even Roman mythology mentions sea glass, describing it as “mermaid’s tears” that washed ashore. The tale holds that Neptune banished a lovelorn mermaid to the ocean depths as punishment for calming the seas and wind to save the life of a sailor she loved. This romanticization of sea glass was likely inspired by the wonderment beachcombers have experienced throughout the ages in finding these gems and imagining their origins.

Sea glass starts humbly as broken fragments, but over time, the sharp, jagged edges are smoothed and ultimately transformed by the ocean into nature’s art.

Beachcombing is one of life’s simple pleasures- many will remember their childhood exhilaration at finding that brilliant piece of blue sea glass from an old Noxzema jar or the utter disappointment when ordered to toss back the sharp shard of a recently discarded beer bottle. For local Monmouth County artist Ashley Lucas, the more recent discovery of this pastime proved to be a powerful inspiration and took her artwork in new directions.

Lucas’s involvement in art began early. Both of her parents are artists and she enjoyed a very creative childhood. At 7 years old, she made dollhouse miniatures and polymer clay beads. She still recalls the thrill of strangers thinking her creations were good enough to purchase. She attended NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and graduated from its Film & Television program. Her more recent focus on sea glass art began as a fun diversion for her and her young son, Leon. It evolved into a passion and, a small business endeavor.

Community Magazine: How did you come to live by the sea in Monmouth County?

Ashley Lucas: My husband David and I met in NYC and lived in Jersey City for many years. David is

from Austria. We lived abroad in Salzburg for two years after we married until settling back in the states again. We thought we would always be city people until the pandemic struck. We had a baby at the time, and I scrambled to find us a place to live to escape the craziness of city life. We landed in Belmar for about four years, and recently moved to Atlantic Highlands this summer. We really love it! Our son Leon is 5, and his middle name is Bay because we wanted his name to represent our love of water in some way. Little did we know we’d be living so close to the water on the Jersey Shore.

CM: What sparked your interest in sea glass?

Ashley: Prior to the pandemic, my bread and butter as an artist was teaching private art lessons to children. Aside from that, I created art prints and decor for children’s rooms, and illustrated children’s books. When we moved to Belmar, we got very close with a few neighbors who shared with me their love of sea glass collecting. It was under their kind and patient direction that I started looking for glass. Finding it wasn’t immediate for me. It’s kind of like a skill that you hone over time. I created one or two pieces of sea glass art in my signature whimsical style, and sold them pretty quickly. Then I had requests for more pieces and it started to snowball from there. I started my brand, Sook & Hook in January 2022. I joined the platform Faire as a wholesaler, and have a variety of other storefronts online. My sea glass pieces are now available in over 22 shops nationwide.

CM: You say the ocean is your partner. Can you explain what the ocean means to you?

Ashley: It’s almost like the ocean is guiding me and helping me to find the perfect pieces of sea glass to use in my artwork. Sook and Hook is the greatest success I’ve had as an

beyond my wildest dreams!

CM: What is your process for gathering the glass and shells?

Ashley: I try to hit the beach during low tide, but of course it’s impossible to always be able to time it right. I am always on the lookout for sea glass, and pick up almost every piece I find. I also look for pieces of wampum, sea pottery, angel wing shells, Atlantic clam shells and oyster shells. I can do something creative with almost any of those finds. After bringing my treasures home, I wash them in hot water and dish liquid and let them dry on a rack or clean dish towel. Then I sort them by shape, color and size.

CM: What can you tell us about glass colors?

Ashley: The rarity of sea glass colors changes depending on what part of the world you are visiting and the history of the glass used there, etc. The three most common colors of sea glass on the Jersey Shore are: green, brown and white or clear because most beverage bottles are one of these colors. Think beer and soda! A little rarer would be seafoam green (usually from old Coca-Cola bottles), yellow green or ‘citron’, and blue. Thick, frosted cobalt blue is a real prize to find as it’s usually from an old Vicks bottle or even an inkwell. If the piece you find is thinner and not as frosted, it is probably from a more recent water bottle. Lavender glass is usually old clear glass that has changed color due to sunlight over decades of time. Some of the rarest colors to find are red, orange and yellow.

CM: Have you discovered any especially wonderful pieces?

Ashley: So many! I could never list them all. I found a deep red piece of sea glass on my birthday a few years ago on the beach in Avonby-the-Sea. It was perfectly frosted and just wonderful. I will never forget it or that day. I also have found a few pieces of ‘pirate glass’ - meaning the glass looks completely black laying on the sand - and changes color when held to the sun. ‘Pirate glass’ is usually quite old. I found one piece of yellow and was quite thrilled, and also one piece of pink,

artist, because it’s not just about ‘me’.

which I believe was from an old candy dish.

CM: Any not-so-wonderful finds?

Ashley: I collect plastic waste on every single excursion. Unfortunately, there are also plastic caps, straws and balloons present on every beach I comb. Most people make the excuse that they don’t want to touch trash - but I feel a true responsibility to clean the place that offers so much beauty to all of us.

CM: Any tips for our readers who want to hunt for glass?

Ashley: Low tide! You’ll always have more success finding treasures when the tide is low. Our neighbor Arlene gave me the tip of using an app, ‘Tides Near Me’. It has been invaluable. Also, I tend to find more glass when the sea is calm with minimal waves. Off season is a wonderful time to hunt since you have much less competition. In Belmar I was the crazy person in a parka looking for sea glass during 25-degree weather!

CM: Is there a new project you would like to undertake?

Ashley: I would love to do a large-scale fine arts project involving plastic waste and sea glass that exposes the public to the reality of all the waste on our beaches. If there’s anyone out there that would like to collaborate on something like this - please let me know!

CM: Favorite quote or philosophy?

Ashley: I used to hear Wendy Williams saying, ‘Go hard, or go home!’ on the radio during one of my desk jobs years ago, and it really stuck with me! I truly believe we have one life and we have one chance to work towards the change we want to see in this world. Moving out of the city made this so clear to me when I wasn’t distracted by constant people, noise and keeping up with what everyone else was doing. Nature – more specifically the ocean – has truly given me a gift I’ll never be able to repay.


The Definition Community Long-time Resident Ellen Kelleher Sews Her Way into the Fabric of Life in Atlantic Highlands

On Asbury Ave in Atlantic Highlands, the first thing you notice in one of the houses – long ago a bungalow, now renovated to accommodate its many visitors – is perhaps the white picket fence, the bustling garden, and then the immediate warm welcome that you are greeted with. It’s the home of 83-year-old Ellen Kelleher, resident of Atlantic Highlands for more than 60 years. Kelleher can’t imagine being anywhere else.

The house is both a museum of sorts to Kelleher’s family and a testament to time. The walls are decorated with family photos, and, of course, beach aesthetic decor. With neighbors from decades back having moved or passed, Ellen’s renovated home is a circulation for residents and family members alike, especially that of her grandchildren Jack, Kelley, Danielle, Ryan and Dylan.

Walking into the kitchen, you’re greeted with a refrigerator covered inch-to-inch in snapshots from family vacations and graduations (though, front and center, is a photo of Kelleher and Tom Selleck, having met him in Hawaii during the filming of Magnum, P.I.). It’s the quintessential American home, and one of the beating hearts of Atlantic Highlands itself.

Moving In

“I was born in Boston and came here when I was 10. I got married in ‘61,” Kelleher says. “We bought this house in August of ‘64. I was 23.” The

house has changed over the years, adding several rooms to accommodate the turning of guests that frequent it every single day. It’s picturesque inside and out (as well as somehow seeming bigger on the inside).

The neighbors remarked, “I was just admiring the house. I want my house to look like this.”

It’s not just the house on Asbury Avenue that has solidified Kelleher as one of the staples of Atlantic Highlands. A mother of three, Jack, Erin, and Meggan, she is one of the most popular people in town. Erin remarks with a smile, “Not a day goes by without  someone saying, ‘Oh, I saw your mother.’”

in two miles of me.” With such a rich history in town, Kelleher’s popularity is no wonder. Her daughter Meggan says, “When I grew up here, everyone knew everyone. My mother is a prime example of community. She visits all the local momand-pop shops. Everyone knows her. She befriends so many people; she does shopping for them. We all still live here.”

Kelleher has always worked both in New Jersey and in her local community. “My husband worked for the powerline

company, Jersey Central. I was the secretary of the town’s planning board for 10 years,” she recalls. “I worked in Cranford for 30 years and retired in 2006. I’ve volunteered now for years and years at Riverview Hospital. My husband was a councilman in town. My children all went to St. Agnes, and I ran the PTA for a couple of years. My children all live with-

The Town Today

Kelleher fondly acknowledges that the town hasn’t changed much in the six decades that she’s been a resident. “It still feels like a small town,” she says. “The ferry has changed some things, but I don’t think it’s changed much. I think the feel has still stayed the same. I go to

the hardware store, the library, all the local stores. When I go in there, I know everybody. I just love it.”

Kelleher is an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to some of the hot spots around town. “I love the harbor. I go into Sissy’s [at the Harbor], and I know everyone there. I love the Navesink fishery, and all the restaurants in town.” She notes that it’s not difficult for residents to find their new favorite place to dine without having to head out of town. “You don’t have to go far to get a great meal. You can do it right here.”

Today, Kelleher is known as “The Walking Lady,” constantly out and about, meeting new neighbors and imparting longtime resident wisdom, or meeting some of her friends, whose companionship she has retained for more than half a century. I have a group of friends, and we all get together all the time, and we’ve known each other for over 60 years.” She’s meeting them later today, in fact, to play Canasta. She jokes, “I’m the new girl; I’ve been doing it for 10 years.”

And it’s not just Kelleher that looks out for her neighborhood; the dynamic goes both ways. Her daughter Erin recalls, “She’s a breast cancer survivor. When she was sick, the neighbors would take the garbage out and bring food over. Everybody looks out for her, for each other.” When the lovely sentiment is acknowledged as the definition of a community, Ellen agrees.

“It really is. I have a friend that moved, and misses the community so much. It’s a great town. It’s a very safe town. Most people have been here so long.” Erin, a former flight attendant with ample travel experience, adds, “I always say, from Hawaii to Rome, there’s no place like home. I love this town.”

Mayor Lori Hohenleitner remarks, “Ellen Kelleher epitomizes what I love about Atlantic Highlands. She is a stalwart in our community and her legacy is that commitment to community, be it very local in town or her tireless efforts volunteering at the hospital and beyond. Welcoming neighbors through the years in that great house on Asbury, Ellen has helped make Atlantic Highlands what it is today.”

Despite being the matriarch of her neighborhood, Kelleher humbly dismisses her importance in the town. When remarking that she isn’t that great, Erin staunchly disagrees: “Yes, she is.”

While having traveled all over the globe, Kelleher is always happy to be home. After all, her house, friends and family are all here. The interview ends with a smile – the grandkids are coming over, of course.

Pet Guide

Let ’em Run Wild!

5 Fab Dog Parks for Tail-Wagging Fun

Walking your dog is an important and enjoyable part of any daily routine for pet owners, but sometimes to really get out all that pent up energy, a well-behaved dog needs to run free, untethered by the leash. Dog parks offer this freedom for well-behaved and well-socialized dogs, and Monmouth County has some of the best around.

1) Wolf Hill Off Leash Dog Park, Oceanport — Many dog parks consist of relatively small, confined spaces that can quickly get overcrowded. But Wolf Hill Dog Park in Oceanport offers canines a massive, sprawling four-acre space to run off-leash with their four-legged friends. The larger, circular space is for dogs 35 pounds and up, but there is also a smaller fenced area should you need a place for your petite breeds to run free. Parking is plentiful and both water and pet waste stations are available. Wolf Hill Off Leash Dog Park is located at 2 Crescent Pl. in Oceanport.

2) 8th Ave. Dog Beach, Asbury Park — While it’s not technically a dog park in the traditional sense (there are no fences keeping the dogs in a specified area), the dog beach in Asbury Park is one of the most unique and enjoyable scenes a dog owner can stumble into. Watching the canines frolic in the sand with the waves crashing just beyond them serves as a clear reminder of just how fabulous life at the Jersey Shore can be. During the summer months doggos are only allowed on the beach before 8:30 a.m. or after 6 p.m., but from Sept. 15-May 15 they are welcome any time of day. Those dates also coincide with when dogs are allowed on the Asbury boardwalk, meaning you and your pup can run around in the sand, dry off and then hit the boards for a stroll and a snack. 8th Ave Dog Beach is located at 8th avenue and the beach in Asbury Park.

3) Liberty Park II, Tinton Falls — This fully enclosed off-leash dog park in Tinton Falls comes stocked with a few features you don’t always see in the dog park universe. Astroturf makes for a unique play surface and various doggy obstacles and play structures give your pooch plenty of new ways to race and chase their way through the day. Benches are there for you to have a front row seat to all the action. Liberty Park II is located at 1420 W. Park Ave in Tinton Falls.

4) Bark Park, Howell — Tucked off the beaten path in a wooded setting within Oak Glen Park, the Bark Park in Howell is seldom overcrowded, which makes it a fun spot for those looking to not completely overwhelm their furry companions. Packed with shade and benches and split into both small and large dog zones, this is a relaxing and comfortable space to spend a little time throwing the stick. Just make sure to check your pup for ticks after playing, as they are plentiful in wooded areas like these. The Bark Park is located at 379 Old Tavern Road in Howell.

5) Thompson Park, Lincroft — Thompson Park in Lincroft is yet another fab spot to hang with your hounds. This 1.5 acre off-leash area is big enough that your canines can run out all of that pent up doggie energy, but not so large that you can’t keep a close eye on them the entire time without tiring yourself out. The site features water for your tired pups and is split into zones — one for large breeds and one for their smaller siblings. Thompson Park is located at 806 Newman Springs Road in Lincroft.

1 2 3 5 4

A Load of Bull(dogs)

MidAtlantic Bulldog Rescue’s Mission to Save One Beloved Breed

Dog rescue is a tough business. Exceedingly long hours. Miles of travel to parts unknown. Often sorting through filthy conditions. Dealing with sick, injured and, oftentimes, abused dogs. It’s not for everyone as it can easily break your heart and your spirit.

Fortunately, there are some people for whom rescue is their life. Cathy Kittell is one of them.

Kittell is one of the founders, as well as current treasurer and secretary, of MidAtlantic Bulldog Rescue in Belmar. MidAtlantic is a breed-specific rescue that cares for unwanted English Bulldogs and finds loving foster or forever homes for them.

Maybe like a lot of people, you’re thinking, “Bulldogs? Why, they have a face only a mother could love.” Well, Kittell IS that mother figure to these dogs, and she thinks they’re “just gorgeous.”

Specialty rescue

So why have a rescue that focuses on just one breed of dog when there are so many dogs of so many breeds in need of good homes?

For Kittell, the answer is puppy love. In 2003, Kittell went gaga over her neighbor’s English Bulldog and yearned to buy her first Bulldog puppy. She thoroughly researched breeders and became friendly with one who was involved in rescue.

“So I jumped onboard,” Kittell says enthusiastically.

She started her breed-specific rescue in 2007, despite having a deep understanding that English Bulldogs are not everyone’s cup of Earl Grey.

“It’s an interesting breed, but they are not for everyone. They are quirky, they can be lazy, they are funny,” says Kittell, continuing, “They need to be brushed frequently, they can overheat quickly, their flat faces need to be wiped often, many have breathing and skin issues, they can’t swim …”

To breed, or not to breed

Naturally, Kittell would prefer for a family to adopt one of her rescue Bulldogs, but she is well aware that many families want a puppy. For those, they will generally need to find a breeder.

She is happy to recommend a good and honest breeder should anyone want a Bulldog puppy, and stresses the importance of researching both the breed and breeders on your own.

However, Kittell’s passion turns to fury when it comes to unsavory breeders who, according to her, breed designer dogs for the money — sometimes charging up to $12,000 per English Bulldog — and care nothing for the health of the dog.

“Sometimes English Bulldogs get a bad rap, but that’s because of where they’re bred. Here’s a little tip: good breeders don’t ship dogs,” says Kittell, adding, “And a Bulldog should look like a Bulldog, and not ‘exotic.’ These dogs often wind up having severe health issues. I want people to stop buying from horrible places.”

Jenna Nistad of West Long Branch has been a volunteer with MidAtlantic since 2017 when she and her own English Bulldog, Winslow, met the group at a fundraiser.

She started out by evaluating the Bulldogs that were getting surrendered to the group. She’d meet the dogs and discern any health or temperament issues to get the full picture and learn if the dog was adoptable or potentially a forever foster.

She, too, gets roused when discussing “bad breeders,” alleging that they are one of the main causes for surrenders.

“We’ve seen much more (surrenders) in the last year or so. Many Bulldogs are bred to be a ‘rare Bulldog,’ one with a special color or shape or size,” she explains. “Their (‘bad breeders’) goal is money. They ignore the dog’s health. The fancier the dog is in the surrender calls we receive, the more health issues it has. (English Bulldogs) are already compact and come with health risks even when properly bred. But when bred for cosmetic purposes, it is worse.”


Foster fails vs. forever fosters

Kittell says that numerous rescues are overwhelmed with surrenders right now. With no physical space, MidAtlantic relies heavily on foster homes for the four Bulldogs Kittell presently has ready for adoption and another nine still on medical hold.

She believes the COVID-19 pandemic sparked a lot of people to adopt dogs, and that many of those same people are the ones surrendering them now for various pretexts.

“We get every reason: divorce, health issues, they’re allergic (to the dog), the dog doesn’t like my kid …” says Kittell.

Though it sounds negative, many of Kittell’s foster families wind up being “foster fails,” meaning that they ultimately adopted the English Bulldog they were fostering and made the pup an official part of their family, which Kittell says is more common than you might think.

Nistad eventually began fostering, too, during which she would coordinate new foster

and adoption homes, for which many factors must be taken into consideration that are tailored to each specific dog, such as: Do they have kids in the house? Does the home have stairs? Will the dog need a backyard? Is the dog better in the city or the country?

Throughout the rest of Winslow’s life — he died in October — Nistad fostered seven dogs.

“He was good with fosters,” she reminisces. “He was kind of indifferent. He was neither super attached, nor disappointed when they left. It made it easier for us when they got adopted.”

Her most recent foster, Bruce, is now Nistad’s forever foster due to some chronic health issues. With a forever foster, the rescue pays for food and medical expenses for the life of the dog. Other reasons that MidAtlantic might deem an English Bulldog a forever foster could be special needs or advanced age.

The latter of which holds a special place in Nistad’s heart.

“I always advocate for senior Bulldogs,” she says. “They are so special and you get such fulfillment from taking one and giving one what they need. And you get so much love for one in return.”

Greener Pastures

Take a peek inside the Four Seasons of dog daycare, boarding and training: Green Leaf Pet Resort

Green Leaf Pet Resort is a luxury dog boarding facility so next level, you might find yourself wanting to book a room there yourself.

Green Leaf, is located in Oakhurst, opened in 2018 and offers daycare, boarding, grooming and training. It was founded by Shelly Leibowitz, a dog trainer with more than 40 years of experience who has prepared dogs to do everything from sniff out a bomb to promenade in high-profile dog shows.

What exactly can you – or rather, your dog – expect from a stay at Green Leaf? Around the clock supervision for one, at least five outdoor walks a day, indoor and outdoor play areas, personal care and play time with staff, even a nighttime tuck-in service. The room is a glass-enclosed suite with plush bedding, housekeeping and room service. Don’t have time to drop off your dog before heading to the airport? Green Leaf will pick them up and drop them off at your home when you’re back from your trip.

A Trainer with a Vision

Leibowitz, who some may remember from Freehold Township’s Shelly’s School for Dogs, which he ran for 30 years, is the mastermind behind this luxury facility for man’s best friend.

Though he now runs the Four Seasons of dog hotels, Leibowitz began, as many kids do, walking neighborhood dogs around his Brooklyn block. By the time he was a teenager, he was learning his craft under dog trainers in the United States and Europe. He began training companion dogs in the New York City area, and shortly thereafter became a whiz at training dogs for security, guardwork, and contraband and bomb detection. In fact, Leibowitz was the first professional dog trainer in New Jersey to assist in narcotic searches in schools

and businesses.

“It’s not a 9-5,” Leibowitz said of his passion for dog training. “It’s not just a job. It’s a way of life. Otherwise, you can never be good at it.”

He’s now a sought-after consultant for law enforcement and helps train and source dogs capable of working for homeland security. Leibowtiz has also worked with private clients, dog clubs and municipal departments.

And if you’ve ever gone to a Trenton Thunder baseball game, perhaps you’ve seen Leibowitz’s protegees, Derby, Rookie or Dash, the bat-retrieving Golden Retrievers for the team, in action. Another of Leibowitz’s dogs, Zion, was selected to represent the United States on the Schutzhund World Team. (Shutzhund is a sport that requires dogs to compete in tracking, obedience and protection). Zion won a 99 out of 100 in the 2000 National Schutzhund USA trail. Leibowitz is also the founder of the Garden State Schutzhund Club.

His current work includes rehabilitating dogs with problematic pasts. He also mentors the next generation of professional dog trainers, and, of course, runs Green Leaf.


An ‘All Inclusive’ Resort

Along with boarding, Green Leaf offers several other services for the pooch in your life. Leibowitz’s training philosophy is “earning control and respect through kindness” and aims to build obedience through affection, praise and rewards.

Green Leaf’s daycare service promises constant supervision by highly trained staff members. The staff works to match dogs with programs and activities that suit their personality and devises social groups for dogs’ different play styles and temperaments. The facilities have climate controlled indoor and outdoor play areas.

The daycare and boarding services can be combined with training that is personalized for your dog. Green Leaf’s “agility center” features a 3,500 squarefoot training room. The Doggy Day School aims to root out dangerous and problematic behaviors – from barking at visitors to soiling the carpet – with dogs returned to their owners in the evenings and on weekends.

The Boarding School is a more extensive training program that runs for three to four weeks. During this program, dogs will get individually tailored training programs while they live at the Green Leaf training facility. At the end of the program, families get the opportunity to receive private lessons, where the trainers will pass on their knowledge.

Puppies can also get training at Green Leaf, with behavioral focuses on issues like chewing, house training, and excessive barking.

One of the most unique aspects of Green Leaf’s compound is the 3,000-square-foot aquatic center for dogs. Swimming has all the same health benefits for dogs as it does for humans – it strengthens muscles without strain-

ing joints, helps with weight loss and works the cardiovascular system. So, it’s no surprise that the heated pool is a hit with canine clients. Swimming, according to the staff at Green Leaf, is ideal for dogs with arthritis, chronic ailments, or who have undergone surgery. And for dogs less confident in the water, Green Leaf offers swimming lessons, fitness training, and private or group swimming time.

And, of course, what luxury resort would be complete without its own hair salon? Green Leaf offers hypoallergenic baths, pedicures and haircuts that focus on the style and health of the dog.

“By following the philosophy that no two dogs are alike, no two training methods should be either,” said Leibowitz. “That’s why I find this field so exciting, because every dog is different – an individual. My horizons are wide … thousands and thousands of dogs have taught me.”

Green Leaf Pet Resort is located at 1602 NJ-35, Oakhurst, New Jersey 732-272-0800


Pet’s General Store


507 Prospect Ave, Little Silver

The Hungry Puppy


1288 NJ-33, Farmingdale

All About Pets


2204 NJ-35, Sea Girt

Paws Barkery & Boutique


658 Cookman Ave, Asbury Park

Shampoochies Grooming and Pet Supplies


179 Locust Ave, West Long Branch

Doggie Sweets


15 Morris Ave Unit 119, Long Branch

Jade Pets


290 Norwood Ave, Deal



1837 NJ-35, Middletown Township

Pet Needs Directory


Garden State Veterinary Emergency Services


246 Industrial Way W, Eatontown

Red Bank Veterinary Hospital


100 Schulz Dr, Red Bank


Shampoochies Grooming and Pet Supplies


179 Locust Ave, West Long Branch

Green Leaf Pet Resort (Ocean)


1602 NJ-35, Oakhurst

The Dog Spaw


8 Fairview Ave, Little Silver

The Dawg Joint


513 Bangs Ave, Asbury Park

Golden Paws Boutique and Grooming Salon


269A E Main St, Oceanport

The Prince & The Pawper


889 W Park Ave, Ocean Township


Green Leaf Pet Resort (Ocean)


1602 NJ-35, Oakhurst

Happy Tails Kennel


42 Yellowbrook Road, Howell

Camp Bow Wow


284 Old Deal Rd, Eatontown

K-9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel


889 NJ-35, Middletown

All Seasons Pet Resort


276 Jackson Mills Rd, Freehold Township

Dogtopia of Shrewsbury


980 Shrewsbury Ave, Shrewsbury

Dogs on the Farm & Cats Too


790 Kings Hwy E, Atlantic Highlands

Purr ’n Pooch


86 Gilbert St W, Tinton Falls





Bound Brook


Brick Twp

East Brunswick

East Windsor




Fischer Blvd, Toms River


Hadley Commons, South Plainfield

Hamilton Marketplace

Hamilton Square


Howell Jackson

Lacey Twp




Medham Twp


Montgomery Twp


North Brunswick


Rt 37, Toms River




South Brunswick

South Plainfield

Wall Twp


West Long Branch


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Allenhurst • Asbury Park Avon by the Sea • Belmar

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Long Branch • Monmouth Beach


Eatontown • Ocean Township


Atlantic Highlands • Lincroft Locust • Navesink • Middletown


Freehold Township

Freehold Borough • Howell


ZONE 7 Red Bank


Keyport • Matawan • Aberdeen

Keansburg • Union Beach • Hazlet

74% Married

80%+ College Educated

72% Have Children

40% Own A Second Home Median


Sunday, Sept. 1 • 12 - 5 p.m.

49th Annual NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival

Celebrate the environment with music and education at the state’s largest eco-festival in Asbury Park.

Sunset Memorial Park, Asbury Park For more information, visit

Sunday & Monday, Sept. 1 & 2

BBQ & NJ Craft Beer Festival

The annual BBQ & Craft Beer Festival returns to Monmouth Park for Labor Day weekend. Enjoy over 40 craft beers brewed all in New Jersey, as well as the best BBQ on the shore.

Monmouth Park Racetrack, 175 Oceanport Ave, Oceanport Park opens at 9 a.m. For more information, visit

Wednesday, Sept. 4 • 7:30 - 9:30 pm Downtown Freehold Fall Concert Series

Head to Downtown Freehold every Wednesday evening for their Fall Concert Series. Featuring both local talent and renowned artists.  For more information, visit downtownfreehold. com/things-to-do/fall-concert-series

Saturday, Sept. 7

Yacht Lobsters • 7 p.m.

Listen to the best soft rock of the ‘70s and ‘80s down at the Wonder Bar. 1213 Ocean Ave N, Asbury Park. For more information, visit

Food Trucktemberfest • 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Experience the best food trucks on the Jersey Shore, with free parking and admission. Monmouth Park, 175 Oceanport Ave, Oceanport For more information, visit

Sunday, Sept. 8

Red Bank Street Fair & Crafts Show • 11 a.m.

Bring the family down to Red Bank for their Annual Street Fair & Craft Show for a day with arts, crafts, artists, vendors, food, rides, live music and more!  Red Bank Gallery, 65 Broad St. Red Bank. For more information, visit

Holiday Express Sunset Benefit Clambake • 5 p.m.

Party at Pier House to support the 32nd season of giving in Long Branch.

McLoone’s Pier House, 1 Ocean Ave N, Long Branch

For more information, go to

Monday, Sept. 9 • 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Ansell Grimm & Aaron


Take the opportunity to golf at one of the Shore’s premier private clubs while supporting your local first responders. A portion of the proceeds of the event will be donated to Stephen Siller Tunnel to

Towers Foundation, The Ocean Township Police Department and the Asbury Park, Oakhurst and Wanamassa Fire Departments.

Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Rd. Ocean.

For more information, visit

Thursday, Sept. 12 • 6:30 p.m.

Bell Theater Comedy Night ft. Jason Salmon

Featuring NYC comic Jason Salmon, head down to Bell Works for a night of comedy.

Bell Theater at Bell Works, 101 Crawfords Corner Rd, Holmdel

For more information, visit

Saturday - Sunday, Sept. 14 - 15

Sea.Hear.Now Music Festival

Headliners include Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, Noah Kahan, The Black Crowes and many more. See dozens of musical acts on the Asbury Park beach in this late summer highlight event. Asbury Park North Beach, 1300 Ocean Ave. Asbury Park.

For more information, visit

Friday, Sept. 20 • 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

MWC Walk - How to Feel the Summer All Year Long

The Mayors Wellness Campaign is a statewide initiative to improve community health. Keep the summer going into fall at this walk.

5th Ave Gazebo, Belmar

For more information, visit

Sasturday, Sept. 21

Latino Festival of Monmouth County • 12 - 7 p.m.

The Latino Coalition of Monmouth County is back with music, contests, food, entertainment, and more.

Hall of Records Parking Lot, 1 East Main St. Freehold. For more information, visit

Paul’s Whale Jam • 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Join the staff of Gotham Whale for a benefit whale watch and after party in Belmar.

905 Rt 35, Belmar

For more information, head to

Lake Como 100th Anniversary 5k • 9 a.m.

Celebrate Lake Como’s 100th Anniversary with a 5k that wraps around Lake Como.

1704 Main St, Belmar

For more information, visit

Red Bank Oktoberfest • 1 - 5 p.m.

The 2nd Annual Red Bank Oktoberfest offers free admission for everyone to enjoy local NJ brewing. For more information, visit

Howell Day & Green Fair • 3 - 8 p.m.

Celebrate Howell and the environment with live music, entertainment, rides, food, fireworks and more.

Soldier Memorial Park, Howell

For more information, visit

Bugs, Birds and Beyond • 12 - 4 p.m. (Rain or shine)

A free festival for children of all ages, hosted by the Rutgers Master Gardeners of Monmouth County. Enjoy make and take home crafts, naturedinspired activities and educational displays, insect exhibits, Remarkable Raptors shows, beehives, 4-H animals and more.

4000 Kozloski Rd. Freehold

For more info, call 732-303-7614

Sunday, Sept. 22

The E Street Shuffle • 6 p.m.

Rock out to all your favorite songs from The Boss at this special one-night only concert in honor of Bruce Springsteen’s 75th birthday.

Asbury Lanes, 209, 4th Ave., Asbury Park

For more info, go to;

Guided Fossil Hunt • 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Dig up history and fossils at the Poricy Brook Fossil Beds. Guides will supply equipment and help identify treasures.

Poricy Park, 345 Oak Hill Road, Middletown For more information, visit

Saturday, Sept. 28

Middletown Day • 1 - 6 p.m.

Celebrate the community of Middletown at their annual Middletown Day. Enjoy food, entertainment, family activities, first responder demonstrations and more.

Croydon Hall, 900 Leonardville Rd, Leonardo

For more information, visit

Long Branch Day • 1 - 4 p.m.

Celebrate the community of Long Branch at their annual Long Branch Day. Featuring a scarecrow contest, pumpkin patches, entertainment and more family fun.

328 Broadway, Long Branch.

For more information, visit

Sunday, Sept. 29 • 9 a.m.

Mayor’s Challenge

Register now for the Mayor’s Challenge 5k Run/ Walk and 1mi Fun Run, with prizes to the top finishers by age range.

Poricy Park Trails, 345 Oak Hill Rd, Red Bank

For more information, visit


TITLE: Science Teacher


High School South


Q: What do you love about teaching, and what keeps you coming back each day?

A: What I love about teaching the most is that no two days are the same. Even when I am teaching the same lesson to a different class on a different day, there will be different questions students ask or challenges that will arise. I can be creative and a problem solver every day.

Q: What is the most challenging thing about working with kids?

A: The most challenging part of working with high school aged students is that they are not adults yet but are dealing with adult issues. They are starting romantic relationships, they are choosing, potentially, the career path for the rest of their life, they are getting their license and driving without an adult, they are working their first jobs, they are fighting with their parents, they are finding those friendships from elementary and middle school are not going to last through high school. And, as a teacher, you need to be flexible and open to help them deal with the emotional rollercoaster.

Q: What was your own school experience like as a kid? Did you enjoy school?

A: School was life for me. I was salutatorian of my graduating class. I took all of the advanced classes, was president of every club I was in, and was captain of two sports teams. My success in school was the core of my identity. It wasn’t until I went to college that I realized there was more to life than school and I was so much happier when I did.

Q: If you could add one new subject that every kid would have to take in school, what would it be and why?

A: Every student should be taking a vocational class. Whether that be sewing, culinary arts, small engine repair, woodshop, metal working — it doesn’t matter. Every student should take at least one course that teaches them real-world, hands-on skills.

Q: What is the most important thing that your students have taught you?

A: This will be my 25th year in education, so I have learned a lot of lessons over the years. Something that I tell new teachers is that the three Rs of education are: relationships, relationships, relationships. Students will work harder and be willing to take more risks academically for teachers that they like and respect.

OPEN HOUSES: Saturday, October 5, 2024 Wednesday, November 6, 2024

ENTRANCE EXAMS: Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday, November 16, 2024 Saturday, January 25, 2025


in Monmouth County

Finding a sandwich in Monmouth County isn’t very difficult. They’re everywhere - from the most highly revered delis and sub shops to the grimiest of gas stations. But, of course, the sheer volume of options makes the task of finding a truly great sandwich that much more daunting.

Daunting, but not impossible.

So, to save you the time of eating your way through countless underwhelming meals, we have taken on that task ourselves. And after an exhaustive and incredibly filling search, we’ve hand-selected our five picks for the greatest sandwiches in all of Monmouth County. Here they are, in no particular order:


Taliercio’s Ultimate Gourmet, Middletown

Ok, if you are looking for an Italian deli that puts out sandwiches that are completely over-the-top and visually outrageous, yet still contain ingredients of the highest quality, Taliercio’s in Middletown is the undisputed king of this category. Each sandwich they prepare is comically large and is easily enough food for two or three meals, but attempting (and failing) to take it down in one sitting is half the fun. Their menu is dizzyingly long, and it may take you 10 or 15 minutes just to decide on which sandwich you want, but that’s ok, as the friendly staff behind the counter will likely toss you a few of their signature fried raviolis while you wait in line. It’s hard to go wrong here when it comes to sandwiches, but if we had to pick just one, we like the store’s namesake, “The Taliercio” — an utterly towering Jenga-like stack of ham, fried chicken cutlet, muenster cheese, tomato bruschetta, pesto and creamy Italian dressing all resting between a halved loaf of semolina bread.

Taliercio’s Ultimate Gourmet is located at 500 Route 35 in Middletown.


The Galley, Asbury Park

The Galley in Asbury Park has been steadily gaining a buzz thanks to its world-class menu of pizzas (they offer just about every style you can think of, from traditional to bar pies to Detroit-style, pan pizzas and more, and they knock EVERY ONE OF THEM out of the park).

And while the pies tend to hog the spotlight, the sandwiches are works of art as well. In a NJ pizzeria landscape crowded with ho-hum cheesesteaks, the Philly Cooper Cheesesteak off the secret menu at The Galley is on par with or better than anything you’ll find in the city of brotherly love. Pat LaFrieda ribeye topped with Cooper Sharp American cheese and grilled onions all on a lightly toasted seeded sub roll. These simple ingredients meld together in perfect harmony in a way that is all but unmatched in the cheesesteak world.

The Galley is located at 1313 Memorial Dr. in Asbury Park.

The Taliercio
The Philly Cooper Cheesesteak


Sorrento’s Subs, Freehold

A staple of Freehold for decades, Sorrento’s splits itself physically into two separate spaces, with one side selling breakfast and the other handling lunch and dinner in the form of some seriously tasty subs. All the standard cold cuts are available, but we love the hot subs, with the standout being the California Chicken Cutlet sub. Its less about fancy ingredients or Instagram-able visuals, instead relying on a simple, yet brilliantly executed combination of crispy deep-fried chicken breast, American cheese, shredded lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo on an impossibly crusty, crumb-laden sub roll. The roll is the closest thing we have found to the famous Leidenheimer rolls that grace the best po boys in New Orleans. The chicken sandwich as a concept has been riding high for the last few years, but Sorrento’s was on board long before the bandwagon began rolling.

Sorrento’s Subs is located at 690 Park Ave. in Freehold.


The Speakeatery, Asbury


This small shop on Cookman Avenue in Asbury Park has consistently cranked out so many of the best and most delicious sandwiches we have sampled in recent years that narrowing it down to just one was borderline impossible. You could easily make a case for the incredible “Ol’ Good Time Charlie,” a strictly pre-11a.m. treat that seamlessly marries the cheesesteak with a traditional breakfast sandwich (cleverly adding a hashbrown to the pile); and you could also argue that nothing could possibly top their seasonally-produced Thanksgiving sandwich, known as the “Turk Diggler,” a mashup of smoked turkey, bacon gravy, roasted garlic parmesan mashed potatoes and a cranberry aioli all on a “bun” made from homemade stuffing patties. (Yeah, it’s incredible.)

But despite all the competition, our pick ultimately had to go to The General, a sandwich concept so brilliant and so obviously destined to be a hit that it blew our minds nobody had thought to do this years ago. A supremely crispy thigh of General Tso’s chicken rests between two “buns” constructed from steamed rice formed into patties (yeah it seems like it would instantly fall apart, but somehow it doesn’t.) Topping the chicken is a fabulous combo of broccoli cabbage and a scallion ginger slaw which delivers a cool crunch to balance out the sweet heat of the Tso. The internet damn near blew up when this thing first debuted a few years back, and now we understand why.

The Speakeatery is located at 705 Cookman Ave in Asbury Park.


Colts Neck General Store and Deli, Colts Neck

Even if you are one of those rare folks that can’t stand sandwiches, we would still recommend a trip to Colts Neck General Store and Deli anyway. The building (which opened its doors in 1849 and is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year) is absolutely dripping with folksy charm from the barnlike red exterior to the absurdly cozy interior which is packed to the rafters with just the type of knick-knacks and tchotchkes you would expect to find in a place like this.

But folksy fun can only take you so far, and the main reason we keep returning to this spot is for the utterly fab breakfast sandwiches. They run the gamut from your basic pork

roll, egg and cheese to more extravagant choices such as The Cougar, which boasts a lineup of pork roll, bacon, eggs, cheese and a hashbrown all on a round roll. But those really looking to take the phrase “a hearty breakfast” to new heights would be foolish not to opt for “The Killer,” a mammoth sandwich consisting of eggs, sausage patties, bacon strips, ham, pork roll, breakfast potatoes and American cheese. This behemoth could only fit on a sub roll, which is exactly what they serve it on. Plan to skip lunch.

Colts Neck General Store and Deli is located at 171 County Road 537 in Colts Neck.

California Chicken Cutlet
The General
The Killer




1 BRIDGE AVENUE RED BANK, NJ (732) 852-7300


Lincroft Native Publishes Children’s Book

Samantha Shekian grew up right here in Lincroft, but since then she has been making some big moves. Graduating from CUNY Hunter College with a triple degree in Early Childhood Education, English Language Arts and Women’s Gender Studies, Shekian has since taken a position at PS 6 in New York City, teaching pre-k, kindergarten and 2nd grade students while also working towards her master’s degree in Literacy Education.

All that is impressive enough, but she can now add “author” to her resume as well, as she recently published a children’s book titled “Always Me: Affirmations for Incredible Kids.” Featuring uplifting and inspiring messages, the book teaches essential social-emotional learning skills, helping children develop the confidence and mindset needed to succeed in life.

“I absolutely love being an educator who promotes positive social emotional learning by using affirmations,” Shekian says “I was inspired to write a book about affirmations to promote confidence and self-love within children. I am so excited to share my book with the world,” Shekian says.

The book can be purchased at BarnesAndNoble. com and


Place of Employment: Middletown

Q: What initially made you want to be a first responder?

A: As a child I had family members that were first responders, and it was always something that interested me.

Q: What do you find to be most rewarding about this kind of work?

A: Serving the community to improve public safety and the overall quality of life while making a positive difference in the world every day.

Q: What is the hardest aspect of the job?

A: Experiencing traumatic incidents and seeing the devastating effects and consequences that violent crime, drug overdoses, homicides, child abuse, mental health crises and other tragedies have on the victims and their families.

Q: Do any aspects of the job ever scare you?

A: There is always a potential for danger, and that is why it is so important for first responders to train regularly in order to prepare them to safely handle emergency situations. I can remember being deployed as a first responder to ground zero at the World Trade Center site in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. It was a very harrowing experience; I don’t think anyone was fully prepared for the number of mass casualties or the level of destruction we encountered.

Q: What was your most memorable experience on the job so far?

A: Being nominated and selected to attend the F.B.I. National Academy in Quantico, Virginia for 10 weeks in 2007.  Less than 1 % of law enforcement officers nationwide are ever afforded the unique opportunity to attend this prestigious executive development training program and it was truly the experience of a lifetime.


A quick roundup of what’s new and happening at local businesses in Monmouth County.

Makana’s Opens in Asbury Park

After many months of anticipation, Makana’s has finally opened its doors on Cookman Avenue in Asbury Park. The restaurant offers breakfast and lunch options – with a healthy slant and a Hawaiian flavor profile. A full menu includes chai teas, matcha lattes and more, along with an array of breakfast bowls, salads and baked goods.

Freehold Raceway Mall Adds New Tenants

The Freehold Raceway Mall has had an exciting summer as far as major announcements are concerned. Arguably the biggest news is the upcoming addition of a Dave & Busters along with Freehold Athletic Club, which will bring exciting new nightlife to the first-floor space formerly occupied by the now shuttered Sears department store. In addition, the grocery store Lidl will join the ranks, alongside Dick’s House of Sport, the global lifestyle brand Minoso (best known for their plushies, blind box toys, cosmetics, home goods and fragrances), and the Australian-based children’s clothing store Cotton On Kids.

618 Restaurant in Freehold to Host Five-course Wine Dinner

From 6:30-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 618 Restaurant in Freehold will host its Ruffino Wine Dinner. The Dinner consists of five courses, each paired with a different Ruffino wine. The cost is $185 per person. For full menu details, go to 618nj. com/winedinner/ruffino-wine-dinner. For reservations, call 732-577-0001.

Asbury’s Latest Sushi Spot is Hadaka

Yet another opening within the strip of retail shops taking up the ground floor of the newly constructed mixed-use building at 527 Bangs Avenue in Asbury Park, Hadaka is a small sushi bar boasting the town’s first omakase-only dining experience. For the unfamiliar, omakase is a Japanese phrase that translates to “I’ll leave it up to you,” and in the case of a sushi bar, this means each dish in your meal will be hand selected by the chef as opposed to being ordered in a more traditional fashion. The space is sleek, the reservations have been nearly impossible to get on a weekend night, and the buzz is big. Come see what all the fuss is about.


Dinner Show

Moroccan Sheepherders

Blu Grotto Beer Garden, Monmouth Park, Oceanport 7-10 p.m.

The Best of Joe Cocker, performed by Stan Steele

Tim McLoone’s Supper Club, 1200 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park 7 p.m.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 • 7 p.m.

Best of Clapton Band

Tim McLoone’s Supper Club, 1200 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park

THURSDAYS, (SEPT. 5,12, 19 AND 26) • 6-9 p.m. Country Night

The Cabin, 984 NJ-33, Freehold

SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 • 9 p.m.

Todd Robbins Band

St. Stephen’s Green Publick House, RT 71, Spring Lake

FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 • 8 p.m.

The Edge Band

Jacks by the Tracks, 703 10th Ave. Belmar

SUNDAY, SEPT. 22 • 7 p.m.

Springsteen’s 75th Birthday Bash with The E Street Shuffle

Asbury Lanes, 209 4th Ave., Asbury Park;

Enjoy the Pumpkin Patch Food Trucks

Hay Bale Maze

Corn Maze

Hay Bale Pyramid

Corn Pit with Diggers

Dress the Scarecrow Rope Bubbles

Harvest Photo Ops Prizes and More!

$15 entry per person (3 and under free)

Come celebrate the Fall Harvest Season at Pantano Home & Garden in Holmdel, NJ. Our Harvest Village will be open from 11AM - 4PM every weekend. See the following dates for additional featured activities!

Sunday, September 22nd • Autumnal Equinox Party; Come kickoff the opening of our Harvest Village with live music, Frankie Fed’s food truck, pony rides, Fall patio pots workshop from 1-2pm and special in-store promotions.

Saturday, September 28th • Face Painting Designs by Anita

Sunday, September 29th • Build Your Own Scarecrow

Saturday, October 5th • Happy Trail Pony Rides

Sunday, October 6th • Touch a Truck

Saturday, October 12th • Face Painting Designs by Anita

Sunday, October 13th • Happy Trails Petting Zoo

Saturday, October 19th • Pumpkin Painting

Sunday, October 20th • Happy Trails Pony Rides

Saturday, October 26th • Face Painting Designs by Anita

Sunday, October 27th • Happy Trails Petting Zoo


Wednesday, September 18th • 7:00PM - 8:00PM Autumn Wreath Making Workshop

Wednesday, October 2nd • 7:00PM - 8:00PM Autumn Patio Container Workshop

Wednesday, October 16th • 7:00PM - 8:00PM Autumn Centerpiece Workshop

Navesink Garden Club’s Autumn Season is in Full Bloom

Navesink Garden Club is looking forward to an informative and fun fall season.

Kicking off on Tuesday, September 10, Navesink Garden Club will present a small standard flower show titled “Island Vistas”. This Show conforms to the standards established by National Garden Clubs, Inc. Awards will be presented and on display. The public is welcome from 1-3 p.m. to view the horticulture entries the club members will be exhibiting.

On Tuesday, October 8, at 11a.m. Carol Feinstein will present a flower pounding workshop. Carol has been teaching painting and drawing to children and adults for over 10 years and is a graduate of Montclair State University with a BFA in illustration and graphics. Flower pounding is an ancient Cherokee art in which the dye and shape of flowers and foliage are hammered into a special treated natural fabric (wool, linen, cotton, or silk). The Cherokee Indians used pot ash as a mordant. Today a mordant bath of aluminum sulfate, washing soda and cream of tartar is used. The results are astounding, and the great news is you don’t need to be an artist to take part!

On Tuesday, November 12, at 11a.m. Navesink Garden Club member Mary Ann Russo will present an autumn wreath workshop. Mary Ann has been an artist as long as she can remember. She has been an oil painter, quilter, fiber artist, dark room photographer, abstract acrylic painter, cake decorator, collage and watercolor artist. In her workshop, Mary Ann will discuss how she uses her broad art experience to create unique floral arrangements and wreaths. All attendees will have an opportunity to design their own autumn wreath using dried plant material to take home and enjoy for the holiday season. There will be a charge of $10 to participate in the workshop, however, guests can attend without making a wreath.

All meetings and events take place at the Atrium, 40 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank. Free valet parking is available. For more information contact Pat: 732-673-8305 (

CASA for Children of Monmouth County Announces Exciting Designer Bag Bingo Fundraiser Event

CASA for Children of Monmouth County is a non-profit organization that recruits, screens, trains, and supports volunteer advocates appointed by judges to work one-onone with abused and neglected children, advocating for their best interests. CASA volunteers “speak up” for these children in the court and child welfare systems, making sure they are safe and well-cared for, are getting the services they need, and are placed in a permanent, safe, nurturing home as quickly as possible.

Designer Bag Bingo is a unique twist on the traditional bingo game. Participants have the chance to win fabulous designer handbags from top brands or a gift basket from our gift auction donated by community members and businesses. This exciting event promises a night of laughter, community spirit, and fantastic prizes, all while supporting a great cause.

Event Details:

• Date: September 27, 2024

• Time: 6:00pm- 10:30pm

• Location: VFW Post 2179, 1 Veterans Lane, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758

• Admission: $50 includes 10 rounds of Bingo

• Additional Information: Gift Basket Auction, 50/50, Cash Bar

• Please Bring Your Own Food and Snacks

100% of every ticket purchased and every donation made goes directly to the program to help serve the abused and neglected children of Monmouth County.

Tickets for the Designer Bag Bingo event are available now and can be purchased online at or by calling Jeanine Hernandez at 732-460-9100 x1015. Space is limited, so attendees are encouraged to secure their tickets early.

For those who cannot attend but wish to support the cause, donations can be made at



Brewin’? What’s

This month CM features Triumph Restaurant & Brewery in Red Bank

Since opening in 2018, Triumph has been the go-to place to enjoy original brews; what sets it apart from many other breweries is the attached two-story restaurant, replete with a full bar and live music. When weather permits, the outdoor patio is also a popular spot to gather with friends where dogs are welcome too. Triumph is conveniently located adjacent to the Two River Theater and many theater goers take in a preshow dinner or enjoy an after-show celebration. Other offerings include a daily happy hour, weekend brunch, and a variety of spaces available for private social or corporate events. The extensive on-site brewery is not to be missed and it was definitely reassuring to engage with the knowledgeable staff members. They happily educate patrons on the particulars of their rotating seasonal beers which ensures that aficionados as well as occasional drinkers can find a perfect taste match.

Featured Brew:

FESTBIER — A strong pale lager (ABV 6.0%) brewed once a year for Oktoberfest, described as “tasty with bread notes, gaining a little more heft as the weather starts to cool.” It has a September release date but begins the brewing journey in July.

Crowd Faves:

• Constantly changing taps include the very popular Keller Pilsner, Haze Project IPA, and Bengal Gold IPA

• Live, original music featured on the Triumph stage

• Outdoor patio

Don’t Miss:

• Seasonal food selections designed by Chef Matt Grote; craft cocktails; special brews

• Live music, Thursday-Sunday; Weekend brunch, Saturday and Sunday 12-4 p.m.; Happy Hour, daily 4-6 p.m. with food and drink specials

1 Bridge Avenue Red Bank NJ 07701 / 732-852-7300 Open Wednesdays 4-10 p.m.; Thursdays 4-11 p.m.; Fridays 12 p.m.-12 a.m.; Saturdays 12 p.m.-12 a.m.; and Sundays 12-10 p.m.


Join us for a fun-filled evening of music bingo! Enjoy music, exciting prizes, drinks, and fresh pizza. $120 per person - 18 & older

13 SEP 26 SEP


Enjoy signature drinks, delicious light bites, and great music. Supplies and raffling are included. $125 per person - 18 & older


Experience an intriguing evening with three psychic mediums who will answer your questions. Light bites and signature drinks provided. $120 per person - 18 & older

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