Hamsey NEWS Summer Edition 2014
A hotly contested 3-legged race at the Hamsey Festival
The Newsletter for Cooksbridge, Offham, Hamsey and Bevernbridge www.hamsey.net
Hamsey NEWS
WELCOME to the summer issue of Hamsey News This is a bumper “Festival Special” with a great report from Kirsty Curran and loads of photos. It’s a great day whatever the weather, but this year’s sunshine was extremely welcome. Thanks to Moira Blake and her team of organisers; it’s worth name-checking them again – Anna Archer, Kirsty Curran, Tamsin d’Arienzo, Jane Disney and Emma Hopkins. This has also been a very busy time for Derek and Judith Bastide with further celebrations of their 30 years in the parish and the presentation to Judith of the parish council’s “Community Enhancement Award” - and alongside all that some concerns about
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the future of Hamsey Church. As well as all the regular reports, inside you’ll find an interesting item about the Brighton and Lewes Downs Biosphere and great news that Karen Dodd has agreed to take on the organisation of shows and concerts at the hall. The first booking on September 27th features acclaimed Celtic folk-rock band, Roving Crows. Look out also for the Tour of Britain cycling race which passes through Offham on Saturday 13th September, en route for Ditchling Beacon and Brighton. There is a very worrying consultation from ESCC about cuts to bus services, including the four which pass through the parish, though there is still time for residents to have their say on this – either directly with ESCC or by attending the public meeting which the parish council is arranging for September. School parking remains an ongoing problem and it’s disappointing to hear that parents seem reluctant to use the driveways offered through the ParkPal scheme. In this issue Miki Brightmore tells us about her “Life in Cooksbridge” while Tom Walker writes about the Monday Group, which does such sterling work to maintain our rights of way – all this and lots more inside.
DON’T LET THIS BE THE LAST ISSUE OF HAMSEY NEWS! I have enjoyed editing the newsletter and believe it is has reflected very well the considerable community energy and spirit
Hamsey NEWS present in our small parish. However, after 6 years and 25 issues it’s time for a change. If the newsletter is to continue, the parish council need an individual or a small group to come forward and take on the job; otherwise the production of Hamsey News will cease! At a minimum the role requires the collection of all the regular reports and supporting pictures – from the School and the School Fundraisers, the Church, Beechwood Hall trustees, the Neighbourhood Planning Team, Monday Afternoon Club, the Station Partnership, Sussex Police, the Bevernbridge Residents Association – and the collation of Forthcoming and Regular Events. The
Contents Parish News 4 Bevernbridge 11 Church 12 Neighbourhood Policing 13 Hamsey School Fundraisers 16 Defibrillator 18 Life in Cooksbridge 19 School 20 Hamsey Festival 22 Neighbourhood Plan 36 Monday Afternoon Club 38 Roving Crows 40 Cooksbridge Station 42 Monday Group 44 Contacts 45 Forthcoming Events 46 Regular Events 47
3 editor can then choose to add to this by commissioning or writing special features and taking additional photos – for example, in this issue – bus services, the Tour of Britain, the Biosphere, “Life in Cooksbridge”, the Monday Group, the defibrillator and the Roving Crows concert – together with the introductory “Welcome.” These are then all passed to the clerk who will organise publication with Community Ad. The clerk is keen to hear from you if you are willing to help take it forward. I am also happy to discuss the work further with anyone who is interested. Kevin Froude Editor kmfroude@gmail.com
PLEASE SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES A big thank you goes out to all the local businesses that have advertised and supported Hamsey News Please support local businesses and mention Hamsey News when responding to advertisers
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Hamsey NEWS
Parish News PARISH COUNCIL Planning and Environment Committee The council has elected a committee to review planning applications in the parish. The committee members are Ian Ginn, Tamsyn d’Arienzo, Claire Drury and Justin Harmer. Grants The council has agreed the following grants: • £1200 towards the cost of the Hamsey Festival • £200 to support the work of the Station Partnership • £150 to support the work of the Monday Afternoon Club
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING The Annual Parish Meeting was held in May. Chair, Ian Ginn, welcomed progress with the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan, the work of the Station Partnership and improvements to the bus stop in Cooksbridge. There was also ongoing, albeit limited, progress with the school parking issue. There had been some planning issues with Lewes District Council which the parish council is addressing. County Councillor St Pierre spoke about success in aligning some bus and train times at Cooksbridge station; also pressure that she has put on ESCC to keep drains and gullies clear, to reduce the risk of flooding. Cllr St Pierre is very active in supporting the parish efforts to part-fund a new footway to Beechwood Hall. District Councillor Donna Edmonds was not present and had not submitted a report. Clerk Jenni Toomey gave the financial report for the year ending 31st March 2014.
Receipts for the year were £26221, payments £17823 with a closing year-end balance of £23746. Four members of the public attended the meeting and the issue of dangerous parking around the school was raised from the floor.
ROADS AND TRAFFIC Accident Statistics As requested, Sussex Police provided details of the accident record for Offham. However, the parish council believes these understate the real position. Road Accident November 2013 There was a serious accident which closed the A275 in Offham on a Sunday morning last November. At a hearing at Brighton Magistrates on May 29th Liam Gage pleaded “Guilty” to a charge of driving a vehicle without due care and attention”. He was fined £600, charged court costs of £145 and received six penalty points on his licence. Speed Cameras The parish council has obtained the up to date criteria used by ESCC to determine whether speed cameras are warranted. These are very onerous: • at least 20% of drivers must be exceeding the speed limit • there must be at least 8 accidents per km in the last 3 calendar years, at least 4 of which must be fatal or serious The accident record in the parish falls well short of these criteria. Community Speed Watch There only five volunteers have come forward to operate a laser speed gun in Cooksbridge. This is surprising given the concern regularly expressed by residents
Hamsey NEWS
regarding speeding traffic. The minimum team size is six and Sussex Police will now offer the gun to another parish. Traffic Calming on Beechwood Lane Traffic calming has been raised by some residents as an alternative to a footway along Beechwood Lane to the hall. It is most unlikely that ESCC would agree to fund traffic calming, and even if it did it, it would almost certainly require street lighting to ensure calming measures were visible to motorists.
FOOTWAY TO BEECHWOOD HALL East Sussex County Council has launched a “Community Self-Serve” scheme, one element of which is “Community Match” where the council offers to “match” community financial contributions for approved projects. The parish council and the hall trustees have made a formal application for a 50% contribution to the cost of the proposed footway to Beechwood Hall. £24000 has already been committed by the parish and the parish council has agreed to match any additional contribution from the
The parish is seeking ESCC support for a footway along Beechwood Lane to the hall hall trustees. The parish council will also consider taking out a “public works loan” as part of the parish contribution.
PARKING Cllr Brian Bates has produced a report on school parking, including possible improvements to the rough lay-by on the A275. This issue is not easily resolved. Tamsyn d’Arienzo’s innovative ParkPal scheme already has seven volunteers but surprisingly parents are proving resistant to use the driveways on offer.
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Hamsey NEWS
Parish News BUS SERVICES ESCC has issued a consultation document headed: “What do you think about these suggested changes to buses?” The proposals are designed to save £1.79m. While peak time and school bus services will be largely protected, most off-peak services will be reduced as follows: Services that currently operate hourly will be changed to every two hours. This would affect the 121 Newick/Chailey/Lewes service. Services that currently operate less than hourly would generally be changed to
operate only twice a week. This would affect the other three services though the parish: • 125 Barcombe/Lewes/Alfriston • 166 Haywards Heath/Lewes • 824 Burgess Hill/Ditchling/Plumpton/ Lewes These would be very significant changes and ESCC wants to hear what residents have to say before they make any final decision. The consultation is open until 28th September 2014 and you can ring 01273 335695 or email busconsultations@eastsussex.gov.uk The parish council will also arrange a public meeting in September to give residents a further opportunity to express their views, which will then be communicated to ESCC.
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Hamsey NEWS
BEECHWOOD HALL The parish council and the trustees have agreed to fund the provision of disabled access to the grounds and the playground, together with the fitting of a non-slip safety surface on the veranda. The trustees have been asked to consider the installation of a toilet in the grounds for use by children.
THE MALTHOUSE, COOKSBRIDGE Planning permission has been granted to convert the Malthouse to form a single dwelling house and annex, with a detached garage/summerhouse and an associated car parking area.
Planning permission has been granted for the conversion of the Malthouse into a single dwelling house
OFFHAM SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS The minutes of the last of the last parish council meeting confirm its failure to secure any screening around the Offham Sewage Treatment Works. The record is as follows:
The sewage treatment works in Offham “The chair has met with the owners of the land next to the treatment works regarding the planting of some screening within the site. Southern Water Estates and the SDNP had worked together to provide some planting within the site on Southern Water land; however the neighbouring landowners have refused access to Southern Water unless the plants are removed. SDNP are upset because of the work and expenditure they have incurred but S Water cannot get access without the neighbouring landowners’ permission. The chair felt that there was now no more that the parish council could do and the item should come off the agenda. Clerk was asked to contact Jon (S.Water) and Mark (SDNP) to thank them for all their efforts.”
GREENWICH MERIDIAN Lewes District Council and East Sussex County Council have given permission for a sign to be erected on Hamsey Lane at the point where it crosses between the eastern and western hemispheres. The sign is being funded by the parish council and will be constructed and erected by the Monday Group.
Hamsey NEWS
Parish News Alongside all this, Judith runs a weekly “Toddler Tunes” for the youngest members of the community and (with Caroline Featherstone) the Monday Afternoon Club for older residents – and it was at their June meeting that Cllrs Tamsyn d’Arienzo and Claire Drury took the opportunity to present Judith with this richly deserved award.
Claire Drury and Tamsyn d’Arienzo presented the award to Judith
COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AWARD FOR JUDITH BASTIDE From time to time the parish council presents a “community enhancement award” to someone who has made an exceptional contribution to the life of the community. This year the council was delighted to make the award to Judith Bastide. For over 30 years Judith has been a driving force in organising events for the community. There are regular events like coffee mornings, theatre and pantomime trips, the Harvest Supper, fish and chip suppers, skittles evenings, the annual parish picnic and the children’s outing to Drusillas. There are also major special occasions to celebrate like the millennium torchlight procession between Hamsey and Offham churches and the five days of celebration for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
To date the South Downs National Authority has installed an interpretation panel above the Offham Chalk Pit and produced materials to support two “heritage walks” around the parish. The Authority now plans to erect a further interpretation panel at the Chalk Pit Inn to give visitors information about the Offham Tramway.
BRIGHTON AND LEWES DOWNS BIOSPHERE 400 square kilometres of land and sea between the River Adur and the River Ouse have been designated by UNESCO as a “Biosphere reserve”. Included in the biosphere reserve are those areas of Hamsey parish which are within the National Park. This is an international accolade – a bit like “world heritage site” status – awarded to recognise the outstanding natural landscapes and diverse habitats; also innovative approaches to living in harmony with nature. There are currently 610 reserves in 117 countries, though the Brighton and Lewes Downs Biosphere is the first in the UK for 40 years and the first in the south east. It is expected that Biosphere status will help to attract grants and other funding to the area.
Hamsey NEWS
TOUR OF BRITAIN CYCLE RACE The race passes through the parish on Saturday 13th September en route from Lewes to Brighton. The first of the 120 riders should pass through Offham around 2.55pm. The cyclists will then go left onto the B2116 Ditchling Road, before turning on to Underhill Lane and then up to Ditchling Beacon – a “king of the mountain” stage. There will be 32 police motorcycle outriders to control traffic with rolling road closures of around 15 minutes duration.
MONTFORD’S MARCH Montford’s March was a site-specific play produced to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the Battle of Lewes. The march passed through the parish on its way into Lewes.
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Hamsey NEWS
Citizens Advice Bureau Lewes District Citizens Advice Bureau launches access online Lewes District Citizens Advice Bureau is part of an email Gateway Project to help people to access advice online. From 2nd June 2014 you will be able to visit their website at www.lewescab.org.uk and follow the link to ‘Online Advice’ on the advice page using the icon. You will be able to access online information to help you resolve your problem, or you can submit an enquiry using the web forms. The bureau may respond by sending links to relevant information, by phone or by arranging an appointment.
The bureaux aim to increase access to advice for clients across the county, Jackie Wilkes, manager of Lewes District CAB welcomes the new service, “With the number of people online today and advances in technology, email access seems to be a natural progression for the bureau. It will help us to improve access for our clients, being particularly useful for people in fulltime employment, for those with mobility and hearing issues, or for anyone else having difficulty accessing advice”.
The five bureaux that make up Citizens Advice East Sussex have worked together to create this new online contact system which will be rolled out across East Sussex.
The branch, at 3 North Court, BN7 2AR, is open between 9.30am-3.45pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Telephone advice at the same times on 01273 473082.
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To advertise in Hamsey News please call Nick on 01843 292658
Hamsey NEWS
Bevernbridge Development Consultation, Old Hamsey Brickworks, Bevernbridge Iceni Projects has proposed a development comprising 50 Houses and 14 B1 Units on the site of the Old Hamsey Brickworks. The Ancient Woodland and the lake is to left untouched by this proposal. Opportunities to manage/own the
Woodland and Lakes separately, will exist - a great natural resource! The following results, produced by Iceni Projects after their Public Consultation, help with summarising the local attitude to the plan:
Q1. Do you welcome the reuse of the site for replacement employment premises? Yes 14 (88%) No 2 (13%) Don’t Know 0 (0%) Q2. Do You welcome the residential aspect of the redevelopment proposals? Yes 12 (75%) No 1(6%) Don’t Know 3 (19%) Q3. Do you support the initial design and layout of the scheme? Yes 7 (67%) No 2 (13%) Don’t Know 3 ( 20%) Q4. Do you welcome the proposals to protect the Ancient Woodlands and Water Bodies? Yes 16 (100%) No 0 (0%) Don’t Know 0 (0%) Iceni Projects has not yet discussed the proposal with Lewes District Council. For more information contact Iceni Projects, Flitcroft House, 114-116 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0JR Martin Blackmore Bevernbridge Residents Association
Bevernbridge Nature Notes Reports of animals and birds by Bevernbridge Residents: • Wren made nest in body of van – in use daily! • Mouse made home in tin of garden twine; twine not much use afterwards. • Cucumber and squash seeds were a tasty snack for a mouse after they were sown for a crop! • Great tit made its nest in an out house right next to the bird food storage. • Blackbird reported making noise like a phone ringing. Martin Blackmore Bevernbridge Residents Association
Hamsey NEWS
News from your Parish Church A Wonderful Garden Party Celebrations to mark Derek’s 30 years as Rector continued in May with a memorable Garden Party given by Tim and Alice Renton and Andrew and Phyllida StewartRoberts in their beautiful Mount Harry gardens. It was an idyllic setting in which to enjoy their generous hospitality and the glorious sunshine was an added bonus. Derek and Judith were so touched that well
over 100 parishioners came to share the afternoon with them. It meant a tremendous amount to them both. Everyone there will have many memories of the afternoon but one very vivid one will the happy sounds of so many children playing Hide and Seek among all the nooks and crannies in the gardens. Later many of them had their first introduction to the fiendish rules of croquet!
Andrew and Phyllida Stewart-Roberts with Judith and Derek
Alice and Tim Renton with Pearl Covey
Tim Renton with Shirley and John Whitley�
Mary Jackson, Judith Bastide and Kevin Froude
Hamsey NEWS
Happy Birthday Bill! Can Bill Hudson really be 96?! That makes him the second oldest member of our congregation, beaten only by Iris who is just 4 years older – we’re certainly looking forward to her triple digit celebrations in August. It must be something in the country air! Bill treated us all to celebration glasses of wine to mark his birthday at the end of June (the cake came courtesy of Ursula of course!) And there was a big surprise for him too. We’d been in touch with his old regiment –the West Yorkshires (what else could “Yorkie “possibly join!) and the Colonel sent him lots of birthday goodies: a personal letter of congratulations, a regimental cap badge, a lapel pin and full subscription to the regimental newsletter. Even Bill was lost for words when these were presented to him! Bill as a young man, around 70 years ago
Neighbourhood Policing There have been only seven reported crimes in the first six months of the year. This compares to 19 in the equivalent period of 2013. In April there was a break-in to a vehicle parked at the entrance to the private road at Landport Bottom. Please take note of this if you’re in the habit of parking there to walk your dog. There were two burglaries from outbuildings in May, one in Hamsey and one in Cooksbridge. In June a charity box was stolen in Offham and there was criminal damage to a new building site. Lewes District Police has followed up its warnings regarding theft from outbuildings with a list of the top five “hot items” on offenders’ shopping lists. These are: • lawn mowers • pedal bikes • power bikes • electrical garden equipment • quad bikes If you have high value items the police recommend that outbuildings are well secured with effective locks and bolts, supported by security lighting; also to take photographs of such items and get them security marked.
Bill today, a sprightly 96
The police have also experienced a recent increase in the theft of garden ornaments and furniture and if possible these should also be firmly secured.
Hamsey NEWS
Church News continued More Happy Times The Sunday School and Toddlers Tunes had their annual trip to Drusillas at the beginning of the school holidays on July 28.It’s always a wonderful day out. Later in
the summer 36 of us are looking forward to seeing “Guys and Dolls” at Chichester Festival Theatre on August 20th with a carvery supper on the way home.
The Bishop’s Visit The Bishop of Chichester’s visit on May 12th was a resounding success. It was a wet and windy Monday but that didn’t prevent over 100 people turning up to either the mid-day Eucharist, the buffet lunch in the Church Hall or the regular Monday Afternoon Club
meeting. We think the bishop managed to speak to everyone with ages ranging from almost 100 year old Iris to 1 year old Esther and the rest of us somewhere in-between! To quote from the bishop’s thank you letter: “I could not have imagined a warmer welcome.”
The Bishop with Derek Bastide”
Ursula Hare meets the Bishop
The Bishop meets youngsters William, Esther and Hannah, together with Holly Aquilina and Rachael Brown
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Church One of the joys of living in our part of the world is summer at Hamsey Church. The weather has been especially lovely this year making it so easy to enjoy the peace and beauty of this beautiful old church. Judge Michael Kennedy and his choir sang the ancient office of Compline on a glorious June evening and afterwards entertained us all to strawberries and wine. Perfection!
There have also been two excellent concerts by the Musicians of All Saints. We trust that this lovely summer will continue for the next few months to give a perfect setting for the weddings and christenings booked at the church. And looking ahead – do put 3pm on Sunday December 14th in your diary for the annual Hamsey Carol Service – it’s always packed out.
Hamsey Church Roof
and the Parochial Church Council have the difficult task of investigating their options for the future of the church. Meanwhile christenings, weddings and the monthly Evensongs can continue in Hamsey Church as normal. Derek Bastide Rector
Sadly there has been a slippage of tiles on the south roof of the church, with expensive retiling required – every church’s nightmare. As a temporary measure part of the church grounds has been cordoned off as a precaution. The Churchwardens
Slippage of tiles around the south porch of Hamsey Church”
An Evening To Remember WW1 Come along to St Peter’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on Friday August 29th for an evening devoted to the memory of the first world war. Bring poems to share or have read and any pictures or memorabilia of WW1 relatives.
There will be a short talk, some songs, musical recollections, an honouring of those who served and a discussion of why so many people are still so passionate about it. Snacks and drinks will be available. For more information contact Jo Hughes on 475014 or email jo-hughes@mail.com
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey School Fundraisers We have just had our first clay oven pizza and camping night. This was a hugely successful and fun evening and we raised about £450 for the school. We are hoping to get another one in this year or early spring. A couple of the mums and their children also managed to raise over £80 for the school by doing a boot fair which went really well. A lot of time has been spent organising for the Hamsey Festival. There will be live music from Zootzazoo, a swing dancing
class, bake off, dog show, crafts for the kids, photography competition, massage, puppet show, storytelling, sporting events, circus skills, music workshops, dressing up, face painting and fabulous food. Year 6 are planning to run their own stalls for the summer fair from 2-4pm. Sports day is fast approaching on the 18th July and we will be having the ever popular scones with cream and jam and tea to support our budding athletes! Anna Archer Co-chair
Open Gardens at Offham House The two Open Garden afternoons at Offham House in April and June, in aid of the National Gardens Society ‘Yellow Book’ charities, once again drew great numbers of visitors on both days. In spite of a dodgy weather forecast, Sunday 27th April stayed fine and brought 291 paying adults and their children along to enjoy the gardens and Miranda and team’s delicious homemade teas. Jo Crispin’s plant sales added to the WASHING MACHINES DISHWASHERS ELECTRIC COOKERS TUMBLE DRYERS SPARE PARTS
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overall total of £2919.80. Sunday 1st June was fine and another very busy afternoon with over 438 visitors and raised £3678.20 for the charities. This all added up to a total of £6598 for the two afternoons – the second best result ever. Thanks to everybody who came along to support the two events! Marion Hughes
Hamsey NEWS
Welcome to your local Children’s Centre! What is a Children’s Centre? A Children’s Centre is a place where parentsto-be and families of children aged 0-5 can come and meet other families and receive information, advice and support. Most of all, it is a place you can come and have fun with your children! We run groups from play sessions and music groups to grandparent groups and twins clubs. There is something for everyone and most of the sessions that we run are free so you can drop in to any group and just join in! We also have child health clinics so you can come and have your baby weighed by a health visitor and ask any questions you might have about your child’s health. If you have any queries about your child’s speech or language, we have support for that too. Children’s Centres can offer opportunities for learning, training and even gaining a qualification. Most of the courses we provide are free and available with a free crèche for your children. Our buildings are now also available for community hire so if you have a children’s party or a meeting you would like a venue for, please contact one of our offices for our competitive rates.
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Children’s Centres are here to provide what local families need so we are always interested in your feedback about the services we provide. If you want to find out what’s going on at your local children’s centre and get an up to date programme of events and activities or any more information about anything in this article, please contact your local Children’s Centre on: Lewes: 01273 336870 Ringmer: 01273 336950 Chailey: 01273 336940 or email: childrenscentres.lewescluster@ eastsussex.gov.uk
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Hamsey NEWS
Defibrillator Unveiled Beechwood Hall A very special event took place at Beechwood Hall on the 29th April when chair of trustees, Michael Bell, unveiled a heart defibrillator dedicated to the memory of Cooksbridge resident Brian Philpott. Brian was a great supporter of the hall, a keyholder from its inception and a key member of the hardworking maintenance team. The quality of Brian’s crafstmanship can be seen in the gate he made for the bottom of the stairs leading to the office and store room. Responding on behalf of the family, wife Julie Philpott said how much Brian loved the hall and how proud he would be to be remembered in this way. The day before he died, the family had a party in the hall where 3 generations - 44 in all enjoyed a beautiful time together. “Brian was his usual self, happily chatting to everyone. The next day, after they had all gone home, he had a cardiac arrest and was promoted to Heaven”.Julie also expressed the joy and
gratitude such public recognition has meant to her and their two daughters. The defibrillator was jointly funded by the parish council, Beechwood Hall trustees and the Sussex Heart Charity. In the event of an emergency you don’t need any prior training. The equipment will provide clear,step by step instructions. If the hall is closed at the time, ring manager Jenni Toomey on 07762 118985 and she will give you the code to access a key.
Michael Bell and Julie Philpott unveiled the defibrillator
Attending the unveiling, from l to r Brian Bates, Kate McBrown, Jenni Toomey, Tamsyn and Sylvie d’Arienzo, John and Claire Drury, Michael Bell, Julie Philpott, Jim and Suzie Edwards, Andrew Featherstone
Hamsey NEWS
Life in Cooksbridge The day that the I still find the metal estate agent’s details name labels on many for Fishpond House of the existing plants. fell through the letter I’m not sure the oracle box I remember I knew so much about actually squealed with heating a home. We excitement. We had been froze for ten years with looking for a country tepid air being wafted house near Brighton around the house from for nearly five years and a monster boiler that this one in Cooksbridge gobbled oil. looked perfect. We The children have fell for the views, the slowly moved out and garden and the pond and dogs replaced our cat. moved in with our three Terry now works from children and cat in 1998. home and as well as Our new neighbours cutting the grass and - Pat, Bob and their hedges he is beginning family at Tulleys Wells to want to know the Farm - made us feel difference between Miki’s linoprint of herself and Terry very welcome. Our cat flowers and weeds. hugely enjoyed bringing I have embraced middle age and joined in live presents from the fields and not art and singing classes in Lewes and I play being a country girl I found them difficult tennis two or three times a week in Brighton to deal with. Bob removed a mouse from at my old club. It’s too far to drive really but I my handbag once and also helped rescue a would rather have our orchard than my own buzzard which had been mobbed by crows. tennis court! It was patched up by a local wildlife rescue centre and was released back in our garden. Miki Brightmore We bought the pond from a Lewes Fishing Club a few years after we moved in and got a fair bit of ribbing when we floated a duck house on it at about the same time as the Building Contractors, Bespoke Kitchens & Joinery government duck house expenses fiasco. Station House Showroom Our house had originally been built Cooksbridge Station for Maisie Paige, a lady well known in Cooksbridge the village, and her husband who was East Sussex, BN8 4SW affectionately known as ‘the oracle’ as he Tel 01273 401648 knew something about everything. They info@hqwshowroom.co.uk award winner certainly knew about gardening and laid 2013 www.hqwshowroom.co.uk out what must have been a beautiful one.
Hamsey NEWS
News from Hamsey School This school year has sped by! We are on our countdown to the summer break and hoping that the warm sunny weather continues until the end of term for all or fun activities like sports day and our leavers BBQ. One of the highlights of the term has to have been the pizza evening and camping night held for families on our lovely school field. The weather was perfect and it was all the more special because it took place on summer solstice weekend. Our clay oven was lit for the first time in many months and the pizzas that emerged from
it were delicious. A huge thank you to Oliver Marlow and Sarah McLaughlin who coordinated the whole event, and to our neighbours for being tolerant of a Friday evening that may not have been as peaceful as usual. I believe some came to join in the fun as well! The week prior, the children also had a great time working and playing together in mixed ages on Fun and Friendship Friday. In the morning, they enjoyed activities such as Zumba, yoga and making friendship bracelets and artistic hands. After a rest at
Hamsey school got through to the TAG rugby finals
Hamsey NEWS
lunchtime, the older children enjoyed an inter-house rounders tournament, whilst the younger ones played lots of traditional playground games. Thank you to all the adults who worked very hard on the day to give the children so much fun. Our Owls Class are particularly busy this term. Year 6 have just been through the rigour of SATS and, along with Year 5, are now enjoying the more physical challenges of skiing, rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing and more during a week at Bowles Outdoor Activity Centre. Once they return they have no time to rest as they have to complete their art work for PATINA in Lewes, along with rehearsing for their end of year production of ‘Treasure Island’. This will be performed in Beechwood Hall on Wednesday 16th July. We would love to see members of the community there so please do get in touch with the school if you would like a ticket. Other classes are equally busy: Hedgehogs are visiting Plumpton College, not to look at cows and sheep, but to search for a Gruffalo, whilst Badgers Class, who have been learning about Robinson Crusoe, are off to Wilderness Woods to practise shelter building and survival skills. Meanwhile Foxes have ventured in to Lewes to an Indian Restaurant to enrich their learning about India. The school continues to enjoy sporting events and competitions with other local schools. Years 1 and 2 had a wonderful time at a multi-sports festival held at Wivelsfield School, whilst are older children had considerable success in a rounders tournament at Barcombe School. Hamsey School also won a place to the North Wealden TAG Rugby Finals at Uckfield
Technical College, so well done to all our young sports people! Hamsey School has had a great year and continues to have an excellent reputation in the immediate and wider community. As well as children joining us in September, we hope to have some feathered additions: Hamsey School Hens! Before then we are all looking forward to our Summer Break and hoping the sun keeps shining. I look forward to seeing some of you at our community events next year. Helen Smith Headteacher
Hamsey pupil takes a close look at a tree
Hamsey NEWS
The Sun Shines on th Kirsty Curran tells us all about it Two of the organisers - Kirsty Curran and Moira Blake
CIRCUS SKILLS…“SPLAT THE TEACHER”…MASSAGE… Circus All Stars recreated a mini-circus arena and taught a variety of circus skills to anyone brave enough to try their hand at tightrope-walking, diabolo, Chinese ribbons, stilts and juggling. Hamsey School had their own Festival stalls, varying from the traditional coconut-shy, tombola and bric-a-brac stalls to fortune telling gypsies, the popular “Splat the Rat” and even more popular “Splat the Teacher”! For those seeking peace from the festival frenzy, Anna Archer from Barcombe BodyWorks and her team of therapists performed massage in the serene calm of their bell tents.
Children dressed up in their gladrags
Firefly did face painting
Hamsey NEWS
he Hamsey Festival! My fellow organisers and I were feeling the usual pre-festival nerves on the eve of the big day when the line-marker failed to show and one of the “Bake-Off ” judges came down with tonsillitis. They say things come in threes…and then it started to rain…and rain…and rain. We had visions of another festival mud bath at Beechwood Hall! But Saturday 12th July arrived and with it a day of perfect, amazing sunshine for our “vintagethemed” day. Floral bunting was draped from the hall and an array of fabulous vintage stalls prepared for the business of festival-making – pastel-coloured candyfloss with optional fizzy sparkles, organic ice cream, handmade jewellery and cards, felt-making, elegant candle and glassware and fab and funky retro clothing and accessories.
Oliver Hicks helps his daughter on the tightrope Children with their “make a loom” stall
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) THE GREAT HAMSEY BAKE-OFF The “Bake-Off ”, overseen by Emma Hopkins, had a lovely spot under the shade of a tree and judges Kathy Wren and Ruth Biggs had the enviable task of tasting all the delectable entries and deciding the winners. These were:
Entries to the Great Hamsey Bake-Off
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Age 4-9 category Joint 1st place Iona Luecker for her summer fruit marble cake, Tallulah Kent for her brownies and Megan for her raspberry muffins 2nd place Clara Luecker for her chocolate cup cakes Joint 3rd place Milo Harrison for his apple and maple cake and Luella Humphrey for her Hamsey Festival chocolate cake Age 10-15 category Joint winners Katya Campeau and Maisie Curran for their chocolate orange gateau Age 16 plus category 1st place Natalie Welfare for her dairy-free “strawberry surprise” 2nd place Louise Houghton for her almond and orange mascarpone cake 3rd place Andrea Campbell for her cupcakes
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Hamsey NEWS
MUSIC…FOOD…DRINKS…PHOTO COMPETITION… Starfish generously gave their time for another year and provided the sound-system for the day’s events, playing tunes to get us all in the festival mood until the main band were due to play, as well as providing the PA for the sports and swing class. We had a fantastic variety of food which catered for all tastes – Erica from Moveable Feasts, Mama Bhumi’s Indian Vegetarian Pakora, Peter the Fish and Chip Man and the fabulous teas and cakes provided by Judith Katie Griffiths and Jane Taylor at the PTA bar Bastide and her team of master bakers from St Peter’s Church. The Hamsey School Fundraisers provided the bar which was, as ever, well stocked with Pimms, Harveys, wines and beers. Katie Griffiths, Jane Taylor and other school parents worked tirelessly to keep everyone refreshed. Entries for the “Hidden Hamsey” photo competition were displayed in the hall for people to puzzle over while enjoying their refreshments, organised by Tamsyn d’Arienzo.
Tea and cakes were provided by the Church team, from l to r Derek and Judith Bastide, Caroline Featherstone, Meriel Spain, Angela Spinks
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) RACING…WELLIE-WANGING… Jane Disney and Claire Drury were stationed at the sign-up table rallying festival-goers to enter the 100m race, 100m relay, sack race and 3-legged race. These were brilliantly organised by Hugh Miller, even improvising with a special Hamsey School children versus teacher race (which we think ‘poor’ Ms Thomson secretly enjoyed as much as the delighted-looking children!!) Jane Disney and Ben Thomas ably assisted Hugh in what was a terrifically popular event. Stuart Curran wanged his wellies for the third consecutive year, aided by glamorous assistante Ailsa Suttie. Despite some wellies being flung with more enthusiasm than
Children get ready to race against teacher, Ms Thompson
accuracy, we are pleased to say that no-one was harmed by the wanging! Wellie-Wanging Children Winners Kieran Porter and Alex S, who received a highly valuable golden wellie filled with sweet treats. Runners-up Milo Harrison and Maisie Curran Adults Winner Glenn Laker, Runner-up: Robert McBrown.
Hugh Miller and Ben Thomas organised the races
Hamsey NEWS
Stuart Curran with the wellie-wanging golden boot
Sack racers near the finish line
A wellie-wanging winner!
Real determination to win the 3-legged race
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Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) FIVE-A-SIDE… STORY TELLING… MUSIC WORKSHOP… ANNOUNCEMENTS… Charles Porter organised an exciting Five-a-Side football tournament, coping well with the lack of line-marking on the pitch. Thanks to Hamsey News Football Correspondent, Kit Keelin, for his report from the touchline…
“CURRY POT NOODLES” TRIUMPH IN THE FOOTBALL FIVE-A-SIDE Kit Keelin reports The five-a-side tournament was ‘hotly’ contested in the sweltering Brazilian temperatures. World Cup fever swept the crowds at Beechwood Hall. This year saw the entry of some new young contenders including the Demented Pigeons, the Roast Chickens and the Curry Pot Noodles. Last year’s champions, the Polar Bears, made a few last minute substitutions to help even-out the teams which caused a bit of a stir as
The winning team - the Curry Pot Noodles
Hamsey NEWS
Meanwhile in the Moroccan tent, story-teller Sue Knight told captivating stories to children, while later on wonderful sounds could be heard emanating from the music workshop with the rhythmic beating of drums and other percussive improvisations. Throughout the afternoon Rachel Burr did a marvellous job on the loudhailer, making everyone aware of the various activities on offer.
their key striker Alfie Keelin lent his age and experience to Pooballs. The Llamas, (winners in 2012) were also missing from the line-up due to another football tournament in Lewes that day. The crowd was kept on its toes as plenty of goals were scored in each of the rounds. There was a thrilling 4-4 draw between the Roast Chickens and Demented Pigeons. However, age and experience saw the Curry Pot Noodles and Roast Chickens through to the final. After a solid performance by the Roast Chickens, at the end of the day they just couldn’t keep on top of the Curry Pot Noodles’ strikers who popped two cracking goals into the back of the net to win the final 2 – 0. Well done to the winning team: Oliver Whittington Joshua Whittington Ben Eastwood Leo Wheeler Eden Rowling-Ashworth
Gary Porter with son Charles who ran the 5-a-side competition
Footballers in action
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) DOG SHOW The infamous Hamsey Festival Dog Show was as successful as ever. Sadly Barbara Woodhouse could not be with us this year to host, but we were most fortunate to have Cruella de Vil instead, who reined in her evil powers and instilled order and discipline in the Hamsey hounds. Winners of the six categories were as follows: Most Attractive Dog Winner: Krumpusz owned by Emese Mrakova Runner-up: Agamemnon owned by Corinne Clift 3rd prize: Jack owned by Rita Broughton 4th prize: Tipp owned by Sam St Pierre Best Pup Winner: Agamemnon owned by Corinne Clift Runner-up: William owned by Berenice Ings 3rd prize: Teddy owned by Charlotte Baldwin 4th prize: Luna owned by Stan Norris Best Old Dog Winner: Casey owned by Julie Walrond Runner-up: Sunny owned by Rita Broughton 3rd prize: Jack owned by Rita Broughton
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Cruella de Vil, aka Sally Miller, hosted the dog show
Best Trick Winner: Lucky owned by Tony Woodley Runner-up: Krampusz owned by Emese Mrakova 3rd prize: Cora owned by Summer Wren Dog the Judge Would Most Like to Take Home Winner: Juno owned by Hannah Staples Runner-up: Cora owned by Summer Wren 3rd prize: Ralphie owned by Lucy The Mystery Prize Bennie owned by Joseph Friedsson. Maisie Curran did a sterling job of assisting Cruella and keeping her diva-like demands to a minimum!
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Hamsey NEWS
Emese Mrakova with the most attractive dog - Krampusz
Tony Woodley with Lucky, the dog with the best trick
Children with the best pup - Aggie
Children with Bennie, the “mystery� prize winner
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Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) THE MEDAL PRESENTATIONS The awards ceremony was led by Moira Blake, assisted by Jane Disney and Stuart Curran, with children lining up for their sporting and photography medals and Andrew Featherstone desperately trying to keep up his snapping to capture the winners on film. Racing 100m Race 1st: Alex McLaughlin, 2nd: Eve Houghton, 3rd: Hannah Russell 100m Relay 1st : Alex McLaughlin, Tallulah and Jude Kent 2nd: Maisie Rose, Sascha Hayes, Summer Wren and Bridie Clift 3rd: Eve and Megan Houghton, Freya Garrett-Hurd and Kaila Jackman Sack Race and 3-Legged Race There were so many winners that I am afraid they cannot be mentioned here, but you know who you are – well done! Photography competition: Under 9: Betty Griffiths, Aged 10-15: Maisie Curran, 16+: Kevin Froude
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Hamsey NEWS
The winning 100m relay team
Winners of the 100m race
Winners of the sack race
Winning pairs in the 3-legged race
The winner of the under 9 photo competition
Winners of the 10-14 photo competition
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Festival (continued) SWING DANCING…TUG OF WAR… Then came the Lindyhop dance class led by Sussex Swing. In a half-hour informal session participants were taken through some basic swing steps accompanied by some lovely old Forties tunes, with the idea that when Zoot Zazou arrived to play their hot swing we would be able to dance to their music with some authentic moves! Sussex Swing teach classes at the Con Club in Lewes on a Tuesday evening and after this short introduction I am definitely hooked. Zoot Zazou did not disappoint and the Brighton-based band played their hearts out for us on trumpet, clarinet, guitar and bass, with a certain young Charlotte Baldwin dancing beautifully throughout their entire set! Their dapper Forties-style suits and slicked back hair were the perfect complement to our vintage-inspired festival. Just as things seemed to be winding down, a real highlight of the day was the Tug of War which never fails to bring everyone together in a bit of good-spirited competition! Children and adults found a place along the rope and heave-ho’d for their lives until one team was left collapsed in a heap! Swing dancing lesson underway
Children playing table tennis
Alan Disney and Darren Brown organised the car parking
Hamsey NEWS
Thus ended another Hamsey Festival and, stalls packed away and marquees dismantled, the remaining few who had stayed to clear up danced on until Steve had to go home! We would like to thank Rose Armstrong for the generous loan of her Moroccan tent for another year, and to Paul Wren, Keith, Victor and Hannah for the arduous job of putting it up and taking it down! Also to the Beechwood Hall Trustees and Hamsey Parish Council for their generous sponsorship of our annual community event. And to all of you who came and made it a success, thank you. Next year’s festival is already being planned.
SATURDAY JULY 11th 2015 Put it in your diaries now! Kirsty Curran
Nina Heaton and Anita Walker enjoy an ice cream
Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey Parish Neighbourhood Plan Since the spring update we have commenced work on writing the neighbourhood plan. This involves pulling together the feedback from residents and much evidence, both historic and current, which all needs to be presented in a framework which will be acceptable to the independent examiners and Lewes District Council (LDC). The writing team consists of steering group members Anita Walker, Rod Hearn and Mike Dodd. At the time of writing, I am pleased to advise that recently elected parish councillor Tamsyn d’Arienzo has also joined both teams. Our plan will include polices which cover the future use of land in the parish. We are devising criteria which will guide how any future development in the parish is approached by the local planning authority (LDC) and would-be developers. It is these land-use policies which will be
scrutinised by an external examiner and LDC. In addition we are identifying projects which we believe residents wish to see implemented to further improve the quality of life in the parish. Some recent projects have been the speed reduction to 30MPH on sections of the A275 in Cooksbridge and Offham, the redevelopment of Beechwood Hall and the updated children’s play area. There is still considerable work and further consultation to undertake in getting our plan into a position where it will be ready to give to the external examiners. However we hope by the autumn newsletter we will be able to give you a firmer timetable as to when we expect to have completed the whole process. You may recall in a previous newsletter that the steering group had been concerned by indications from LDC that any developments which were approved
Some successful projects in recent years…
Reduced speed limits
Playground updated
Hamsey NEWS
2014-2030 in the parish before our plan is in place could be seen as “windfall” and therefore not count towards our housing numbers to 2030. However I am pleased to report that LDC has now indicated that if a large development within Cooksbridge (example Covers) was to be approved before our plan goes to referendum, then these dwellings are likely to go towards our allocation, so hopefully this is positive news! Finally I know that the speed of the internet is a problem for some residents, Rod Hearn, who is heading up business and the local economy as one of our five themes, has been in touch with BT who advised that we can expect superfast broadband sometime in the not too distant future! To find out more and register interest go to: www.superfast-openreach.co.uk/ where-and-when Mike Dodd, Chair, Hamsey Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
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Hamsey NEWS
Monday Afternoon Club Spring and early summer have seen a very varied programme. We had thought we would have one Fire Officer giving us a fire prevention talk in April. But the week before we were told we had been “upgraded” and provided there were no fires on the day we would be treated to a big red shiny fire engine and fire fighters to supervise us as we admired it. The engine and seven fire officers duly appeared in the church grounds to great excitement, not least by Derek and Judith’s granddaughters, staying with us
during the Easter holidays. Everyone was thrilled, though the Rector did have his worries that rumours would start about the church being saved from burning down.
Sussex Fire brought an fire engine to the club
PCSO Julie McNirlan with Val Staveley
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We’re getting used to visitors dropping in to our meetings – we think it’s the yummy cakes that attract them! At our May meeting Bishop Martin, the Bishop of Chichester, called in during his parish visit and was very appreciative of the warm welcome he received. He was interested to hear our speaker, P.C.S.O.Julie McNirlan,
Hamsey NEWS
talk about her work. Two members of the Parish Council, Tamsyn d’Arienzo and Claire Drury, together with Kevin your Hamsey News editor, called into our June meeting in the gorgeous setting of Caroline Featherstone’s garden. Our thanks to Caroline and Andrew for their generous hospitality. We are so looking forward to the August 11 meeting when we celebrate long term Cooksbridge resident, Iris Winch’s, 100th birthday. Shhh - don’t tell her but there
Andrew and Caroline Featherstone hosted the June meeting
are plans for a very special cake, balloons, bunting, music and flowers. In fact there was an early mini-celebration for Iris at our May meeting when Bishop Martin congratulated her. They had a long chat about all the changes she’s seen over the past 100 years, There is an open invitation to all retired members of our community to come along to our August meeting to help Iris celebrate in the style she deserves. See you there and at all our other meetings! Judith Bastide
Club member Vera Motley with her daughters, Linda and Susan
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Hamsey NEWS
Roving Crows Coming to Beechwood Hall Karen Dodd has agreed to take on the organisation of shows and concerts at Beechwood Hall and has secured a great first booking - the multi-award winning, folk fusion band, Roving Crows. “Best Live Act” Spiral Earth Awards 2014 “Band of the Year” FATEA Music Awards 2014 “The next super-group in the waiting” Nancy Dunham, folking.com “Great party music - I love that band” Paul O’Grady, BBC Radio 2
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The five-piece band was formed in 2009, features guitars, fiddle, trumpet, drums as well as vocals, and has a whole range of musical influences - traditional Celtic, Ska, Latino, Jazz, Reggae, Country, Americana and traditional folk. You can find out more by checking the band’s website www.rovingcrows.com which also features some live performances. The concert is on Saturday 27th September at 7.30pm at the hall. Tickets are £10 or £8 for senior citizens and students. There will be a full bar. For more information or to book tickets contact Karen on 07816 063385 email karendodd99@btinternet.com
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Hamsey NEWS
Hamsey NEWS
Cooksbridge Station Partnership Train Service Ian Ginn and Robert Baughan met with Southern’s Operations Director and timetable manager at their offices in Croydon to discuss more stopping trains at Cooksbridge. The outcome was somewhat demoralising – where additional stops are practicable within the constraints of the timetable, they are ruled out by Southern because of the “disbenefit” to other users of the additional time required – 3 minutes! There is a glimmer of hope regarding the weekday 2047 from Victoria, but that is it. The new Thameslink Southern and Great Northern franchise has been awarded to Govia, who run our current Southern services, so we are likely to be dealing in the future with many of the same people – and attitudes. Our next step is to analyse the timetable specification included in Govia’s tender document to see whether its structure provides new opportunities to argue for more stops. This information will not be released until September with the new timetable implemented in December 2015.
the greater the ongoing maintenance and if can spare some time to help please do get in touch. We see these as very much “community gardens” so please also feel free to take the initiative with planting or weeding or whatever you feel needs doing.
Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) After escalating the failings of the TVM to the Commercial Director we saw some encouraging improvement in reliability, but this has now slipped back badly. The screen is also practically invisible in bright sunshine so it can be very difficult to use on the occasions when it is working. This is totally unacceptable for an unmanned station and we continue to harass the Commercial Director with failure reports.
Station Gardens There is more positive news about the gardens at the station. A very generous donation enabled the Partnership to buy ten shrubs which have been planted in the verge of platform 1. They will mature over the years and will greatly enhance the station environment. Additional gardens have also been created on the upside. Fortunately we are now under the expert guidance of Julie Philpott – with consultancy support from her daughter! Tamsyn d’Arienzo helps with the watering and Miki Brightmore has volunteered to help with the weeding, which is great. However, the more we do,
Heavy rubbish cleared from the station”
Hamsey NEWS
43 Reflexology (hands/feet), Healing & Massage build immunity
Goods Shed The goods shed adjacent to platform 2 dates from the 1850s. Covers had sought permission to demolish it as part of the reorganisation of their site but following objections from the Station Partnership, supported by the parish council, this aspect of the application has been withdrawn. The Partnership has now applied to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport for the goods shed to be formally designated a listed building. If this is successful, the Partnership will then consider a further application to protect the overall station environment.
Comments, Suggestions, Offers of Help Please contact robert.baughan@btinternet. com or iginn@btinternet.com or kmfroude@gmail.com
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Hamsey NEWS
The Monday Group Still going strong after 53 years and over 1000 stiles If you like walking in this area, most of the footpaths, stiles, causeways, bridges, steps and guiding fingerposts will have been cleared, maintained, repaired, replaced, built or installed by the Monday Group, founded in 1961 and still going strong. There are currently some 35 male and female volunteer members, Cooksbridge residents Jim Edwards and Tom Walker (the youngest at 65) among them. Mostly the ladies do the clearance work while the men attend to the heavier structural operations. Working within an approximate 5 mile radius of Ditchling, the Monday Group has installed well over 1,000 stiles alone during the last 53 years. All structures are made with green oak, bolted and screwed together, not nailed. An oak stile should last at least 25 years. The work is funded by private donations, sales of Jim’s bird and wildlife boxes etc, at country fairs, jumble sales and the like. Landowners, including farmers, will often provide the
cost of a new stile or bridge and there is the occasional award of larger sums. Funds are always needed. On Mondays Jim, Tom and Giles Dickins from Lewes go to that morning’s site to be met by Harold Rowling MBE, aged 92, who started the Monday Group all those years ago. An engineer by profession he has designed almost all the structures the Group builds. Jim, with over 70 stiles to his credit, will have brought everything necessary for the task. A pleasant morning of hard but worthwhile work - a repair, a new structure - ensues with good humour, in good company and with the drolly indomitable Harold supervising! To learn more about the Monday Group contact Jim 474112 or Tom 472595 or buy a copy of The Stile Book - 50 Years of the Monday Group available from Tom or at the Lewes Tourist Information Centre. Tom Walker
Monday Group stalwarts Tom Walker, Jim Edwards, Harold Rowling and Giles Dickins
Hamsey NEWS
Contacts Clerk to Hamsey Parish Council clerk@hamsey.net or 01273 890621
Book Beechwood Hall 07762 118985
Report noise pollution 01273 484340
To report fly tipping 01273 484999
Police (non emergency) 101 or: 0845 60 70 999
Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Use this number to provide
anonymous information about crime or criminals and you may get a reward
British Transport Police 0800 405040
Age UK 0800 169 6565
Help the Aged 0808 800 6565
Dental helpline 01273 403546
Trading standards 01323 418200 trading.standards@eastsussexcc.gov.uk
Hamsey CP School 01273 400370
Rev. Derek Bastide 01273 474356 www.offhamwithhamsey.org.uk
Hamsey NEWS
Forthcoming Events Monday Aug 11
Monday Afternoon Club, a very special party to celebrate Iris’s 100th Birthday, Church Hall, 2pm
Wednesday Aug 20
Church coach trip to see “Guys and Dolls” at Chichester Festival Theatre, leaves from Church at 10.30am. Organized by St Peter’s Church but all welcome; details from Judith 474356
Friday Aug 29
An evening to remember the First World War, Church Hall, 7.30pm
Monday Sep 8
Monday Afternoon Club, tea and chat, Church Hall, 2pm
Thursday Sep 11
Parish Council meeting, Beechwood Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday Sep 13
Tour of Britain cycle race passes through Offham, around 2.55pm
Saturday Sep 27
Roving Crows concert, Beechwood Hall, 7.30pm
Friday Oct 3
Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Relief, Church Hall, 10.30am
Sunday Oct 5
HARVEST FESTIVAL, Offham Church, 10.30am
Friday Oct 10
Harvest Supper, Church Hall, 7.30pm
Monday Oct 13
Monday Afternoon Club, tea and chat, Church Hall, 2pm
Monday Nov 10
Monday Afternoon Club, “sing-along” special, Church Hall, 2pm
Thursday Nov 13
Parish council meeting, Beechwood Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday Dec 14
Annual Carol Service, Hamsey Church, 3pm
01273 487964 07733 317199
59c High Street Lewes BN7 1XE
Hamsey NEWS
Regular Events at Beechwood Hall (details from 890621)
Other Venues
2pm, second Monday in the month, Monday Afternoon Club in Church Hall
Mornings: Yoga Classes Evenings: Dance Classes
7pm, Sussex Police Choir (new members welcome)
9am-10am: QiGong Classes
Mornings: Keep Fit
Mondays Tuesdays
9am Running Club meet at 27 Chandlers Mead (term time only)
7.30pm Pilates in the Church Hall (term time only)
10am-11.30am Toddler Tunes in the Church Hall
Children at Toddler Tunes
9am-11am Babies and Toddlers at Hamsey School (term time only) After school cake sales at Hamsey School (term time only)
Model: Dannie Frey
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