Tupton Parish Council Magazine

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1st issue!

News and events from your Parish Council

Winter 2013

Community CCTV cameras in action

Message from the Chair Cllr. Peter Frakes Welcome to the first edition of a brand new Tupton Parish Council Magazine. In the last edition of our Tupton Matters Newsletter I said that we intended to enlarge the publication and make it more interesting and informative. This new format also enables us to publish, free of charge, details of the activities of the voluntary groups in our village which the Parish Council supports and values greatly. You will also find useful information on local businesses and services whose contributions cover the cost of printing and distributing the magazine to every home in Tupton. Since I last wrote it could be argued that our village has been at its best with spectacular floral displays throughout the Summer. The July Carnival was blessed with good weather rewarding the considerable efforts of the Events Committee with another well deserved success. The Rugby Club dream of an all sports facility at Northside grows ever closer and a big thank you to

them for staging a bonfire and firework display enjoyed by over 300 villagers. On Remembrance Sunday I was proud, but humbled, laying the wreath of poppies on behalf of the Parish Council. Every organisation in the village was represented but what impressed me most was the significant role played by the children ensuring the certainty of the Act of Remembrance in Tupton for future generations. We have so much to be thankful for in our community. As Christmas draws near may I make a direct appeal to you all, as you celebrate with family and friends, please spare a thought for anyone living near you who will be spending Christmas alone. If you can spare a few minutes for a Christmas greeting and a chat it could lift their spirits. Finally, may I on behalf of all Parish Councillors, our Clerk and Staff wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

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Tupton Parish Council Magazine

Tupton Parish Council Magazine

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Parish Council Contacts

Derbyshire County Council


Brian Wright Home 01246 866856; Mobile 07969 145251

Clerk David Massey 01246 238738 Email: clerk@tuptonpc.org.uk Website: www.tuptonpc.org.uk


A big thank you goes out to all the local businesses that have advertised and supported the Tupton Parish Council Magazine. Please support local businesses and mention Tupton Parish Council Magazine when responding to advertisers Published by Community Ad Web Ltd 01843 834160 email info@communityad.co.uk web www.communityad.co.uk The views expressed in any published content are solely those of the contributors. The Publishers and Tupton Parish Council accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any information contained in the publication. The contents of this magazine including images may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, downloaded or displayed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tupton Parish Council and/or Community Ad Web Ltd. Unless otherwise specified, the authors of the literary and artistic works in the pages in this magazine have asserted their moral right pursuant to Section 77 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of those works. The Publishers reserve the right not to publish a submission or part of a submission that they consider defamatory or otherwise inappropriate for publication.

To advertise please call Daniel on 01843 265069 4

Chair Peter Frakes 07845 764 581

Vice-Chair Cathy Goodyer 07867 538287

Council Members

Member of Parliament

* indicates District Council Member

Natasha Engel

Parliamentary House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel 020 7219 1015 natasha.engel.mp@parliament.uk Constituency 62 Market Street, Eckington, S21 4JH Tel 01246 439018; Fax 01246 439024 Web & Social media www.nataschaengelmp.org.uk

Organizations Derbyshire Police 101 Derbyshire County Council 01629 580000 North East Derbyshire District Council 01246 231111 Tupton Parish Council 01246 238738 Tupton Village Hall Room Hire / Enquiries 07841 785026 Tupton Primary School 01246 862191 Tupton Hall School 01246 863127 Tupton Parish Council Magazine

Tom Card 07546 551640

Ben Cooper 01246 866583

Peter Hawkins 01246 863308

Wayne Lilleyman* 07909 446650

Stephen Peters* 07800 763370

Mairi Ramsdale 07837 610463

Steve Ramsdale 07892 683424

Mick Scott 01246 861116

Tupton Parish Council welcomes letters and comments received for publication on matters to do with the area, the council and its activities. Richard Scott 01246 251676

Please write to the clerk, David Massey, at clerk@tuptonpc.org.uk

Tupton Parish Council Magazine


Speed Awareness Initiative Speeding through our Parish has been reported on numerous occasions to the Parish Council particularly along Wingfield Road, Queen Victoria Road and Station New Road. Working with the Police and Tupton Primary School a speed awareness campaign was conducted during week commencing 14th October. The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness with motorist about the dangers of speeding particularly in built up areas. Pupils from Tupton Primary School designed a leaflet to be handed out to those motorist caught speeding and also spoke to the drivers

the facts

to request that they slowed down particularly around their school. The Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Peter Frakes was also present for the speed checks and said “ the speed awareness campaign has been a huge success with many local residents coming out to enquire what we were doing and to thank us and the Police for our efforts. The school children have been fantastic and have really helped to drive home the message that speeding can seriously injure or even kill someone.” It is anticipated that similar campaigns will be repeated in the New Year.

•Speed is one of the main factors in fatal road accidents •In 2011, 3,267 people were killed or seriously injured in crashes where speed was a factor •The risk of death is approximately four times higher when a pedestrian is hit at 40mph than at 30mph •Fatal accidents are four times as likely on rural roads as urban roads

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TELL YOUR COMMUNITY about your events, groups and clubs email: info@communityad.co.uk Tupton Parish Council Magazine

1st Tupton Scout Group

There has been a scout group in Tupton for over forty five years and many local children have passed through the various sections during this time. I am sure many of you will have been one of these children and still have happy memories about your time spent with the group. More and more children are coming forward to join our sections but unfortunately most of the sections are full, with long waiting lists. This is where you may be able to help…

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Your Scout Group Needs You! Tupton is a very successful Scout group. We could and would offer more places if we had a greater number of volunteers to expand our leadership team. If you think that you have the time, energy and commitment to become a leader or volunteer then we would love to hear from you. We have vacancies in all sections and are at present desperately looking for a Beaver Scout Leader to lead a committed and enthusiastic group of assistant leaders and volunteers. No experience is necessary and all training will be provided. If you think you have a few hours to spare each week we’d love to hear from you. Please telephone 07578 524056.

1st Scout Group meeting times Monday: Scouts 7pm-9pm Tuesday: Cubs 6.30pm-8pm Wednesday: Beavers 6.15 pm-7.30pm Thursday: Explorers 7.30pm-9pm Tupton Parish Council Magazine

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Weekly Activities Time

Brenda 01246 866100

Tupton Residents Meeting last Monday of each month

Alan 07791 104509

Women’s Institute 3rd Monday of every month

Pam 01246 855395

12.00pm – 2pm

Luncheon Club (3rd Tuesday of the month) A hot meal, good company and a game of bingo

Jackie 07752 874130

5pm – 7pm

Stagestars Junior Drama Group(6 – 11yrs) A Youth Musical eatre Group

Pete 07742 153174

6.30pm – 8pm 7pm – 9pm

One of the focal points of the Village where many groups and clubs meet on a regular basis. The Hall can be hired for weekly club fixtures or a special event such as a party or a dance. It can accommodate up to 250 people and car parking is available with dedicated disabled spaces. There is a licensed bar and a public entertainments license for music, singing and dancing. Two halls are available - large and small: the main hall has a stage at one end and a bar at the other, with a partition door separating the two halls (opened when the bar is in operation). The hall has a fully-fitted commercial kitchen which is also available for hire at a reasonable charge. There is a stage with stage lighting and sound system set up also available to hire. For more information please contact the Hall Premises Manager, Tracey Perkins on 07841 785026. Tupton Parish Council Magazine


6.00pm – 8pm

Pat 01246 863276

8pm – 9.30 pm

Local Vocals Ladies Singing Group An adult (+16) ladies choir singing for pleasure

Pete 07742 153174

10am – 12pm

Co ee Morning including Bingo Get a warm welcome to this community group. Win the ‘snowball’ of £75

Tracey 07841 785026

8pm – 10pm

Ashover Squares ‘Barn’ dance at this group getting exercise too!

Terry 01623 626067

Senior Citizens Co ee and bingo for the over 55s

Tracey 07841 785026

5.45pm – 6.15pm

Primary Colours Dance Group (3 – 6yrs) A dance school to learn to dance and have FUN!

Tracey 07841 785026

7.45pm – 8.45pm

Zumba Dance yourself to tness

Angela 07763 370734

5pm – 6pm

Primary Colours Dance Group (6yrs & up) A dance school to learn to dance and have FUN!

Tracey 07841 785026

7pm – 8pm

Community Bingo Come along and have a game and a laugh! Weekly £100 snowball

Tracey 07841 785026

Green Lane Comedy Players An adult (16+) comedy drama group

Pete 07742 153174


1.30pm – 4pm


Stagestars Senior Drama Group (11 – 18yrs) Pete A Youth Musical eatre Group 07742 153174 Art Group A group for adults - learn to draw and paint

7pm – 9pm



JJB Learn the ballroom dances

6pm – 9pm



8pm – 9.30pm

Tupton Parish Council Magazine


Clay Cross and Surrounding Communities 50 Plus Forum

Tupton Events Committee

50+ Forums are supported by Derbyshire County Council but are totally INDEPENDENT and run by local people creating a powerful voice for people 50 and over. We get involved, take action and influence services. We are about enhancing your life and the lives of others. What’s in it for you? Information. Choice. Opportunity. Fun and Friendship. At recent Forums we have had presentations on Health, Police and Crime Commissioner, Fire Service, Housing, First Aid and Falls, Handy Van Service The British Legion Bikers and many more. Singers and school choirs have entertained us. Many of our members share their skills by getting involved in our intergenerational projects with local schools. Members joined Tupton Primary School underground on a visit

Important dates and fundraising events

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to the Mining Museum and helped create a lasting mural in the schoolyard. We have held Indoor “Olympic” Games and Christmas Fairs and, in between the Forums, free trips to Peak Shopping Village with a meal, Skegness, Trentham Gardens, and Blackpool. The 50+ Forum holds its meetings every Quarter in TUPTON, GRASSMOOR, NORTH WINGFIELD & CLAY CROSS. You are welcome to come to any or all of them. We realize that some may be harder to get to than others so, if you need it, free transport is provided. We aim to combat Loneliness and Isolation by getting people away from the same four walls for a few hours in the company of friends old and new. INTERESTED or know someone who might be? Then call Ann or Phil on 01246 859225.

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Saturday 7th February Application forms for Carnival royals 2014 will be available for download from www. tuptonevents.net they will also be available at Primary colours dance classes, Corner Stone café or by phoning 07948 625179 Saturday 15th February A Valentines disco evening for all the family, at Tupton Village Hall, starts at 7.30pm Tickets £4 each available by phoning 07948 625179 Friday 21st March Closing Date for Carnival Royal application forms. Saturday 29th March Family Quiz night and the announcement of the carnival royals for 2014. In Tupton Village Hall, starts at 7.30pm, supper included, Tickets adult £3.50, children £2 available by phoning 07948 625179 All funds raised from these events go towards the cost of Tupton Carnival 2014

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Chapel Players Chapel Players, Tupton having been entertaining audiences for many years. Usually we have three productions a year, in November, Spring and at Easter at Old Tupton Methodist Church, off Nethermoor Road.

Recent productions have included ‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Leslie Sands – where a detective returns to solve a case that has eluded him for years, ‘The Other Carpenter’ a one-act play for Easter by John F Wells and ‘Independent Means’ a period drama by Stanley Houghton set in Edwardian times with a feisty suffragette as a heroine. New members are most welcome. If you would like to take part or join our mailing list please call 01246 860601 or go to www.chapelplayers-tupton.com

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Young Poets

Tupton Local History Society

Tupton Hall School Y9 students have been studying the topic of homelessness in their English class this past term, reading the novel ‘Stone Cold’ by author Robert Swindells which serves as a warning to any young runaway, vividly recounting day to day experiences of a homeless person. Below are poems, written by two Y9 students, based on the subject of homelessness.

Tupton Local History Society was inaugurated on 8th April 2013. Starting off small, we organized four guest speakers for the following year (201314). Our first presentation, at St. John’s Church in Tupton, was on 5th September 2013 when Mr Cliff Williams talked about local history. Tupton Local History Society committee member Mr. Colin Smith recently gave a talk about Tupton history to years 1 and 2 at Tupton Primary School. Our next event will be held on Thursday 6th March 2014, “History of Queen’s Park” presented by Janet Murphy. It is a haven in a busy town and its position near the town centre makes it an important recreational resource to residents, visitors, and workers. This talk is presented by the Friends of Queen’s Park. It will take place at St. John’s Church on Queen Victoria Road, New Tupton starting at 7:00 pm, with refreshments and a raffle included in the entry price of £2.

Beth Newton Lost but not found A voice but no sound A home on the ground A bond, not bound You only ever feel pain Your life not the same Emotions you tame And then, winter came. Scared and alone To hurt you feel prone With no where to call home Your heart cold as stone.

Sidonie Wells Wounded and worthless Hurt and homeless My life is a spiral of these four words that hold no forgiveness. Alone and abandoned Not wanted, not needed, This curse has its claws in me so deep I fear it has no end. I go to sleep wishing I never wake again. I wish I never had to feel this pain. Wounded and worthless... I am.

TELL YOUR COMMUNITY Do you have something to say? News, events, clubs or societies? email: info@communityad.co.uk

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We have many plans for the future of the society, including: • Collecting oral histories from the senior residents of the area. We hope to get the local schools involved in this as it will give the students useful experience in communication. • Photographing the village as it is now for future generations. •Researching and recording Tupton history and collecting old documents and photos. •Making presentations to the public and to local schools. We hope to see many of you at our future events. Look out for our posters. For more information call 01246-861888, email us at tuptonlocalhistory@gmail.com, or look on our web site at www. tuptonlocalhistorysociety.com. If you wish to be included in our email list please send a email to the above address. We will never share or sell your personal details and will delete them from our records entirely upon request.

Tupton Parish Council Magazine

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Classified Ads Pete Smith Singing / Piano / Keyboard Lessons StageStars Youth Musical Theatre Group Local Vocal Ladies Singers Green Lane Comedy Players Tel:-07742 153174 www.smiffymusic.co.uk Peter Drew Carpets & Vinyls Supplied and Fitted Accessories and underlays available Samples brought to your home A Derbyshire Trusted Trader 0114 2890292 | 07957 666628 Glynn Parker Electrical Installations Domestic Installations Light Socket rewires NICEIC Domestic installer 07986 174125 Email:- glynn84@btinternet.com

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Tupton Parish Council Magazine

Hello, my name is Matthew Turner and I am the latest Police Community Support Officer to join Tupton and North Wingfield’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, working alongside PC Dolby. Since joining the team I have been on foot patrol in and around the villages, engaging with the local community and businesses. I have enjoyed getting to know the area and I am looking forward to working within the community tackling any local problems. As winter is quickly approaching, and the darker nights draw in, below is some crime prevention advice for the upcoming months: As it gets dark, it’s easier to tell when a home is unoccupied so it pays to introduce some simple security measures to create the impression that someone’s in. For example: • Make use of timer switches when going out so your lights come on before you get home in the evening. • Leave lights on when you go out and remember to draw your curtains to stop people from seeing in. • Don’t leave high value Christmas presents on show under your Christmas tree as these are easy pickings for burglars to target. • Place small, high value items and banking documents in a safe or secure and discreet location within the home. • Mark all property with a UV pen Tupton Parish Council Magazine

which you can get from your local police station so that when it is recovered by the police it can be reunited with its rightful owner and so police can prosecute burglars and handlers effectively. • You should also register any valuable property using an asset register such as www.immobilise.com Be vigilant and report suspicious activity immediately to the police either on: • 999 if you believe a crime is in progress • 101 if you have ongoing information in relation to criminals or offences • Anonymously on Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 If you have any problems please feel free to contact me on 101 and ask to speak to PCSO 12735 TURNER, or email me on: Matthew.Turner.12735@ derbyshire.pnn.police.uk, or please feel free to come and chat to me when I am walking the beat.

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Tupton Junior Rugby Tupton rugby club have a tags/ mini and junior section, this is for children from aged 6 to 16, girls can play mixed rugby till they are 12 years old. The group has been running for four years, this season will by their third full season. We are a fast growing group with about 70 children registered. We training on Wednesday evenings 6.30-7.30 and Sunday mornings 10.30-12.00 at Tupton Hall School, our matches are played on Sunday mornings, we have a mixture of home and away games, a full fixtures list can be found on the clubs website www.pitchero.com/clubs/tupton. You do not have to have any experience of playing rugby to join the club, any one is welcome to come along and have a trial period to see if they like the game, they will be made to feel welcome and the coaches will help them to gain experience. All we ask you to do is wear football boots, warm suitable training gear and a bring a drink.


Plumbing • Joinery · Building All aspects of plumbing, joinery and building work undertaken

Success for Specialist Sports College at Derbyshire Schools’ Sports Awards

At Tupton RUFC our mission is to provide opportunities for all members of our Community to participate in the sport of Rugby in a safe, friendly and encouraging environment to develop their sporting skills and be fit and healthy. We have a team of parents how volunteer their time so that the club is run smoothly and safely. We also have team building days out, family camping trips and other rugby related outings. For any more information see the club’s website or contact Bob Curry 07810 851158 or Stephen Baggaley 07810 867904.

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Tupton Hall School is celebrating after a triumphant win at the Derbyshire Schools’ Sports Awards, taking home not one but two trophies. Held at The County Ground in Derby on Tuesday 1 October, the evening recognised students who have achieved county, regional, national or international success in school sport and also celebrated the Derbyshire School Games Championships in which Tupton took home Gold. The championships coordinate and provide a consistent offer of inter school competition across the county for primary, secondary and special schools as well as recognising the top performing schools in the Level 3 County Finals. Tupton Hall School, part of the North East Derbyshire School Sport Partnership, was victorious in the finals and was awarded not only Gold in the Individual School Games Plus Championship but also the Secondary School Championship. Head of Physical Education, Carl Sinclair accepted the awards on the night. Carl said “as a Specialist Sports college, Tupton is very much focused on ensuring every student is given the opportunity to reach their full potential in sports. It’s through the students Tupton Parish Council Magazine

hard work and dedication that they have been awarded such a fantastic achievement.” The school reached 8 Level 3 County Finals in the Secondary Championship and 4 Level 3 County Finals in the Competition Plus Championship. Some of the sporting highlights include Y8 boys’ achieving 1st place and girls’ 2nd in the Sportshall Athletics final. Y7 students reached 1st place in the Quadkids Athletics final and 3rd place for Y9 students in the Mixed Rounders tournament. On the night, adult volunteer, Bob Curry from Tupton Hall Rugby Club was highly commended for his work with Tupton Hall School. Bob has been instrumental in developing rugby at Tupton Hall and gives up hours of his own time to support the school. Karen Shopland, Area Manager of the School Sport Partnership said “Winning the inaugural School Games Championships (Secondary and Competition Plus) is a fantastic achievement for Tupton Hall School. It recognises the hard work of the students and is testament to the dedication shown by the PE staff and volunteers such as Bob.” 17

Participatory Budgeting

Counting down to Christmas

Earlier this year the Parish Council agreed to set aside £20,000 to enable the local community to come forward with ideas on how the facilities in Tupton could be improved. Individuals, groups and organisations were invited to submit their ideas on how they could use some or all of the funding to support their activities. Two applications for the funding had been received by the closing date of 31st October. The first is an application received from the Tupton Rugby Club for funding to assist with the provision of a sports pavilion on the Northside Recreation Ground. The second

Think about how much excitement there is in your house in the run up to Christmas. Now, multiply it about 220 times, and you start to see how it begins to feel here at Tupton Primary School as soon as the October half term holiday is over and done, and the festive countdown really begins! It is such a busy, busy time! In the coming term we will be preparing four different Christmas celebrations to share with parents (lots of lines and songs to learn), make a whole host of goodies to sell at our Christmas Fair on Friday 13th December 2 – 4.30pm (come and join us!), create gorgeous calendars and cards to share with our families, eat a scrumptious Christmas Dinner prepared by our wonderful Kitchen Team, have festive fun at four different parties and await the arrival of Father Christmas, who likes to pop in as he knows how well behaved we have all been this year. Throughout all the fun, the emphasis in school is always on the traditional story of Christmas, and of the meaning of the festival which brings so many special times for us all. And this year will be busier than ever as we continue to share in more and more activities with our community – the Christmas Market, the Lantern Parade and the

application received is from Tupton Village Hall Management Committee in relation to improvements they wish to make to the Village Hall. The Parish Council will be reviewing both applications during December to ensure they meet the criteria for funding and then will be asking all residents of Tupton to decide on how they wish the money to be allocated. More details on how you can examine the proposals and have your say will be provided early in the New Year and the outcome will be published in a future edition of the Tupton Community Magazine.

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Tupton Parish Council Magazine

Christmas Event with our friends at the 50+ Forum. There is no other time like it in the school year: the joy, the enthusiasm, the singing, the laughter. The cards, the calendars, the concerts and the fairs. Glitter everywhere... the same songs over and over again for eight weeks... the Three Wise Men falling out at playtime (usually a wet playtime at this time of year) and the dreaded snow threatening to spoil our best laid plans. Quite how we manage to fit in Literacy, Numeracy, Science, ICT and the rest of the Curriculum at this time is a festive miracle in itself! But we wouldn’t change it. Not for the world. The chance to share in such a special time with such special people, to watch little faces light up and see excitement grow and grow is a pleasure and a privilege that not many people are lucky enough to experience. Christmas is a time for families, and here at school, we consider ourselves just that: family. Peace and good wishes from our school family to all of our wider Tupton Community Family. 19

Tupton Rugby Club Community Bonfire The event had been in the planning for a number of weeks since the initial discussions were had as the Club sought to combine the clearing of the Clubhouse plot and the disposal of the cleared material with an event for the whole Community to enjoy. The clearing of the site would save the Club a sizeable amount of money but the purchase of some decent fireworks would cost significantly more and so the key questions had to be “could we make it work and would anyone want to attend?” The site clearance took place over a couple of days but was hampered considerably by the recent wet weather - a massive thanks to for the sponsorship of an excavator that made light work of the job! The bonfire was built with the proceeds of the clearance and an amount of dry wood that was imported On the night of the event a small knot of Volunteers gathered to start setting up and they were gradually joined by more as work got underway to set up crowd barriers (although we still had no real idea if anyone would turn up at this stage), lighting and of course the bar-b-que and drinks stand that was to be essential to recovering some cost! 20

Then the magic moment as the man in charge of the fireworks arrived what had he bought and would we get the display we all hoped for? We should have known that we wouldn’t be disappointed as an amount of pyrotechnics just short of that used in the “shock and awe” raid on Kuwait some years ago was dug in - literally! Thankfully the rain held off but still the question remained would anybody turn out? Patience we decided was a virtue and as if to prove the point a slow trickle of people became a decent flow as the time to judge to children’s Guy competition drew near. A conservative estimate put the number around three hundred which surpassed even the most optimistic forecast. With the “field kitchen” operating at capacity the inviting smell of hamburgers and hotdogs drew the crowd nearer as the anticipation mounted ahead of the bonfire lighting. There was the traditional countdown to the next potential banana skin would the fire actually light? Never fear, a strategically placed bale of straw and a little bit of diesel saw the fire burst into light much to the relief of everyone. This was most welcome as the temperature fell it was good to get close - but not too close! - to the fire. Tupton Parish Council Magazine

An hour later it was time for the main event - the fireworks. Another countdown preceded the first wizzbang and the magnificent display that followed went on for over twenty-five minutes resulted in many oohs and aahs from the crowd. With the last firework the field began to clear and we were able to reflect on an evening that had exceeded everyone’s expectation. That so many people that were totally unconnected to the Rugby Club turned out was hopefully a sign of things to come as we continue to work towards our dream of establishing a permanent home for sport in Tupton on the Rec.

The plaudits that have followed have been many and there has even been a number of enquiries to use the facility once it is built! Finally a few massive thank yous. The article has been deliberately sanitised of names not because Volunteers shouldn’t be recognised but because we don’t want to miss anyone! That said particular mention for Steve Baggaley who conceived and drove this project from start to finish - a fantastic effort! Also to the Parish Council for supporting the event to allow it to happen and finally to Members of the Club and the wider Community for turning out to support it!

St John’s Christmas Dinner

St John’s Church, Queen Victoria Road. St John’s Church would like to extend an invitation to those people who may be on their own on Christmas Day for whatever reason. A Christmas Day lunch, to be served either in the Village Hall or depending on numbers in St John’s Church hall. The lunch will start at 11.45am and finish at 2pm. If you are interested or if you know someone who may like to join us please contact Revd Marcia Bown on 07796 673416

Tupton Parish Council Magazine


Tupton Film Club Tupton Film Club had its first meeting in September 2013 and runs from September to May, meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month at St John’s Church, Queen Victoria Road, New Tupton. Meetings start at 7pm, with a short interval part way through when drinks and home-made refreshments are on offer. A small raffle also takes place. Films last year included The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Adventures of Tin Tin, War Horse, A Christmas Carol, Mamma Mia, We bought a Zoo, Red and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. The programme for 2013/2014 was chosen by the members themselves at the AGM in March. The new season started off with Hope Springs, followed by

St. John’s Church Anna Karenina and Song for Marion. Details of films to be shown in the coming year, together with information about membership fees can be found at www.tuptonfilmclub.co.uk .

Last year we had 20 paid up members, and throughout the year we had 36 guests. This year our membership has grown to 38 members, and so far we have had 14 guests. Come along and join the growing numbers to enjoy a completely new cinematic experience! For further information contact Erica Morton on 01246 204863.

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Tupton Parish Council Magazine

Queen Victoria Road, Tupton, S42 6E Vicar: Rev. Marcia Bown www.stjohnstupton.co.uk Church Services: Dec 15th Holy Communion Dec 15th Carol Service 6 pm Dec 22nd Morning Worship Dec 24th Christingle 4pm Dec 24th Midnight H/C 11.30 pm Dec 29th Team service St Lawrence Jan 5th Holy Communion Messy Church Jan 12th All Age Worship Jan 19th Holy Communion Jan 29th Morning Worship Feb 2nd Holy Communion Messy Church Feb 9th All Age Worship Feb 16th Holy Communion Feb 23rd Morning Worship March 2nd Holy Communion Messy Church March 9th All Age Worship March 16th Holy Communion March 23rd Morning worship March 30th Mothering Sunday Service Tupton Parish Council Magazine

All Services start at 10am unless otherwise stated. Messy Church starts at 3.45pm. Messy Church is an alternative to normal church services for the whole family. Other Church activities include: Pop In (Bacon or Sausage Cobs etc.) Saturday Mornings between 10 & 12 Jumping Jacks (Parent & Toddler Group) Fridays in Church Hall 9-11am. St. John’s Luncheon Club 3rd Tuesday of each month in Village Hall 12.30pm. 23

Parish Council meetings are held at 7pm on the third Thursday of every month. There is a public forum at the start which everyone is welcome to attend, to provide feedback or ask questions of the Council.

Remembrance Day parade in Tupton

Tupton Parish Council and Community Ad would like to wish Tupton Parish Community

a very

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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