Community Foundation of Broward Strategic Plan, 2022-26

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Education & Youth Enrichment We aim for youth to gain critical skills to shape their lives and future careers through opportunities



to access and attain academic achievement, explore and pursue career paths and develop interpersonal and life skills to become resilient and productive contributors to society.

Social & Economic Mobility We aim to empower hardworking residents to move to financial stability and have a strong economic foundation to break the cycle of poverty.

Healthy & Thriving Communities We aim to improve health equity and well-being by building a culture of health across all populations and communities while creating a flourishing, resilient and sustainable environment.

Art & Culture arts experiences to all residents.

Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) We aim to dismantle systems of racial inequality and social injustice to create a more equitable and inclusive community for all residents through systemic, sustainable and scalable change.

Strong Nonprofit Community We aim to be the premier community resource for nonprofit professionals and volunteers to access information, tools and support to advance leadership, strengthen organizational capacity and make an impact on critical issues created.

C O M M U N I T Y F O U N DAT I O N O F B R O W A R D | S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 6

We aim to expand, elevate and sustain a vibrant arts community and increase exposure of unique


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