Community Links Issue 129

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Vol. 5 Issue 129

April 24 - May 8, 2009


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Recommends the following Candidates for the May 19, 2009 Special Election:




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PAUL KORETZ Los Angeles City Councilman Jack Weiss [a former Federal Prosecutor] & Paul Koretz [former CA State Assemblyman, W.H. Mayor and City Councilman] are both familiar with and understand the special needs and unique requirements of Our Community. They have always been accessible and helpful on many issues and concerns related to Our Community. Member of the Board of Trustees; L.A. Community College District. Office #6 Nancy Pearlman Office #2 Angela J. Reddock

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STATE PROPOSITIONS Propositions 1A,1C, 1D, 1E - NO Propositions 1B, 1F - YES Our endorsements are independent and are not paid for by candidates or ballot measure sponsors. Paid for by Community Research & Information Center P.O.B. 480454, Los Angeles, CA 90048 - CA ID #882293 Directors - Stanley Treitel & Howard Winkler

PLEASE VOTE ON MAY 19, 2009 (Not Authorized by a City Candidate)


April 24 - May 8

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April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Features May 8, 2009

community links • Volume 5 Issue 129


20 6

Diana, You Deserve Better. 1:30 p.m. came and I was still not on the stand in the first case. The judge decided to take another case first. But he would not let me go down the hall. At 2:15 p.m., commotion was heard in the court room from outside. The anxious Diana could wait no more. Fearful of the courtroom, she had a total breakdown and started swinging at those in the court room as she ran to the outside corridor. Then, she fell to the ground. Her eyes started to roll. She experienced a full seizure. Robert J. Rome, Ph.D


Self Help There is no excuse, nowhere to place the blame but on the metzorah himself and the only way the plague will heal is when the "tzara'as affliction has been healed from the metzorah."


To Rock In The Sun But you will have this letter. And this letter will make you feel secure, if Hashem answers my prayers. You have us, Mirele, even though you can't see us. We're with you, we're watching you and praying for you. Every time you have troubles, we are pounding on the door to Hashem's very throne room, insisting on an audience, and demanding mercy for our Mirele, down on earth, alone without her parents. Breslov Yisroel


Motherhood & Shabbos Pie It did not make much of a difference, because from that day on Dr. Weiss affirmed his commitment to Shabbos with the same intensity that he had always committed to his fellow man Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

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April 24 - May 8

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Diana, You Deserve


When Power is Abused 6

April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •


couple of weeks ago, I was scheduled to testify in two different courtrooms. But there was no problem, at least there should not have been a problem. The courtrooms were just down the hall from each other in the same court house. Also, one case was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. and the other was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. My testimony was estimated to last 45 minutes in each court. There should have been no conflict. However, anyone who has ever stood in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles knows that when you are dealing with the government, a problem is always possible. When I arrived, the judge in the first case was in his chambers. We were told he had an important matter to take care of. Finally at 10:30, he came into the courtroom. Our case was scheduled first. However, the judge indicated that he had to take another case first. The testimony in that case concluded at 11:35 a.m. But instead of starting with our case, the judge indicated that he would take our case after lunch at 1:30. The attorney in my first case knew about the second case. Everyone in the court building knew about the second case. That case involved a young woman, Diana (not her real name). Diana was scheduled to come right at 1:30 from a psychiatric hospital. The designating in advance an exact time for the beginning of a particular case is unusual, but this was an effort to protect her from hurting herself or others. Diana was to be brought from the psychiatric hospital right at 1:30. The case would be taken immediately. I would testify on her behalf as to why she was not competent to stand trial. The judge in that case agreed to these special arrangements. The Deputy District Attorney agreed. Everyone was on board. Except for the judge in my first case. When told about the special arrangements in the second court where I would testify right at 1:30, the first judge said, “Dr. Rome is mine. He will stay in this court until I am done with him.” He would not hear of the special arrangements. I was ordered to stay put. 1:30 p.m. came and I was still not on the stand in the first case. The judge decided to take another case first. But he would not let me go down the hall. At 2:15 p.m., commotion was heard in the court room from outside. The anxious Diana could wait no more. Fearful of the courtroom, she had a total breakdown and started swing-


April 24 - May 8

ing at those in the court room as she ran to the outside corridor. Then, she fell to the ground. Her eyes started to roll. She experienced a full seizure. She ended up blocking the entrance and exit to the courtroom. She never did calm down in the courtroom that afternoon. She had to be restrained and carried to a van for transport back to the hospital. Diana’s case was not heard that day. Bringing her back to court will further imperil her mental health. She may never be able to have justice in her case. (She was charged with hitting someone during one of her outbursts.) I was eventually called to the stand in the first case at 3:50 p.m. There was no reason for the judge’s reluctance to cooperate with the other courtroom and judge. It just seems that this judge’s sense of self exceeded his sense of fairness. I was “his.” There need be no cooperation, no matter how it might hurt others. A young girl was hurt mentally and medically (through her seizure) That same week as the poor case of Diana, there was another incident of abuse by someone in power that made headlines throughout the United States. You may recall hearing about an NFL player traveling in his car with his wife and children to the hospital. He had been called by the hospital and informed that his motherin-law was near death. As he drove the family to the hospital to say goodbye to her, he may have gone through a stop sign. Stopped by a policeman, the NFL player informed the officer that he was on the way to the hospital and the reason for going so fast. Instead of like in the old movies where the policeman provides an escort to the hospital, the policeman threatened the player with arrest and delayed the family. As the police officer delayed the family, the family was able to arrive at the hospital only minutes after the mother-in-law had died. Two officials of the government in each of these cases caused irreparable harm by failing to listen, by exercising power unnecessarily. They acted as if no one mattered other than themselves. In Judaism, we hold up the example of Moses, Moshe Rabbenu, as the foremost leader in the history of our people. And the attribute we admire most in Moses is the humility he showed. Moses did not use his position of power for his own advantage to the exclusion of others. Having power need not lead to abuse of power. An ef-

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

fective leader responds to his or her surroundings. A great leader respects those he serves. A judge in Los Angeles and a police officer in Texas both lost sight of the ability a leader has to facilitate positive change and to help others with their positive use of power. They rejected the example of the humility of Moses to press their power for their own purposes. At this time of year when Moses is the central figure in our weekly Torah portions, we in a real sense are living with the example of Moses each week. The greatness of Moses is contrasted with the petty abuse of power of two fairly low profile representatives of our government. Did the judge have the power to keep me in his court throughout the entire day? Yes. But would it have hurt him to have listened to the needs described by others and helped Diana? No. Grandchildren were unable to say goodbye to a grandmother. Diana never had her day in court. And we learn a clear lesson as to the dangers of the inappropriate exercise of power. Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California. He can be reached at

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April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •


n defining the laws of tzora'as, the disease that afflicts gossips with a white skin blemish, the Torah outlines a detailed process in which the plague is contracted, diagnosed and cured. The afflicted, one who has contracted tzora'as, is referred to as a metzorah, and the Talmud tells us that the disease of tzora'as comes from the sin of slander. As soon as the potential metzorah notices the discoloration of the skin, he must immediately visit a kohen for spiritual counsel. The kohen is the only one who is able to either declare a state of impurity by officially acknowledging the disease, dismiss the initial diagnosis, or announce the recuperation. Of course, one who has indulged in the evils ARSHAS AZRIA of scandal and gossip would be better served by a priest, and it is the kohen who shall guide the metzorah through the healing process.



If, after an incubation period that follows the initial observation, the tzora'as subsides, the afflicted patient is declared tahor and may return back to the camp from which he has been expelled. In the second of this week's two portions, the Torah reviews the healing process, which involves, among other rites, offerings and immersion in a mikveh. But before any of this is done the Torah tells us that the "kohen shall go to the outside of the camp and shall look (at the afflicted one) and behold the tzara'as aflliction has been healed from the metzorah" (Leviticus 14:3). A number of commentators are intrigued by the Torah's extra verbiage. It would have been enough to state, "and behold the tzara'as affliction has been healed." Why must the Torah add the words, "from the afflicted metzorah"? Of course, the wound was healed "from the metzorah." Surely it was not healed from the kohen! A fellow decided to go out drinking after work. At 2 a.m., the bar closed and he went home drunk. He tip-toed up the stairs, tripped and fell head over heels, landing on his face, breaking the nearly empty pint bottle that fell from his backpocket. The broken glass cut him on his cheek and forehead. Being so drunk, he did not immediately realize he was injured.


March 27 - April 24

A few minutes later, as he was undressing, he noticed blood, so he checked himself in the mirror. He repaired the damage as best he could under the circumstances, and he went to bed. The next morning, his head throbbed, and his injury was painful. He hunkered under the covers trying to think up some good story when his wife came into the bedroom. "Well, you surely must have been drunk last night," she said. "I thought you promised to stop drinking!" "I worked late," he said, "and I came home after you were asleep."


"That's a lie," she replied. "What are the cuts on your face all about?" "Oh, I tripped on the way out of the office," replied the man as he felt the dried blood on his cheek and forehead. He felt for the band-aids, but there were none. He thought that he had bandaged and applied ointment to the wounds. His wife laughed cynically. "You were very drunk last night, and I won't put up with it any longer!" "What makes you so sure I got drunk last night, anyway?" he countered.

"Well," she replied, "my first big clue was when I got up this morning and found first aid cream and a bunch of band-aids stuck all over the mirror." Perhaps the words, "healed from the afflicted metzorah," teach us a lesson about every affliction that stems from a spiritual malady. There is nowhere to find the cure but from the afflicted himself. External salves are only band-aid solutions that do not affect the core problem. If the issue that caused the affliction in the case of the metzorah was immoderate and unacceptable gossip then the remedy must come from within. There is no excuse, nowhere to place the blame but on the metzorah himself and the only way the plague will heal is when the "tzara'as affliction has been healed from the metzorah." • by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky • Rabbi Aaron Tendler, Ner Yisroel Baltimore

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April 24 - May 8

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April 24 - May 8

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April 24 - May 8

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Eternally Grateful R

especting our parents seems to become more diffi-

cult as we get older. When we were small, we didn't really have much choice. We were totally dependent on them. Then we became adolescents. Not easy then to fulfill the Fifth Commandment. "Honor thy father and mother" is much easier said than done for a teenager for whom autonomy is the call of the hour. But it seems to me that it gets even more complicated as we ourselves become mature adults. What happens when a parent is aging ungracefully? What if they are becoming irritable, cantankerous and just pain difficult? Becoming old and forgetful isn't pretty. And it can make a child's responsibility quite a challenge. Yours is a lifetime debt of gratitudePerhaps that is why the Torah tells us: Ish imo v'aviv tira'u—"A man shall revere his mother and father." Ish means a man, or an adult. In other words, the Torah is telling us clearly: Even when you are an adult you still have the moral obligation to show respect and reverence for your parents. It doesn't matter that you are the world's busiest executive or that your social calendar is filled with important events. You are still a child. That person helped bring you into this world, fed you, clothed you, changed your dirty diapers and educated you. Yours is a lifetime debt of gratitude. The late Rabbi Yirmiye Aloy, of blessed memory, told an interesting story of when he was visiting the United States and looked up some old friends who were living in an old age home. He asked them whether their children visited them regularly. One old man's answer was a quote from the Book of Psalms (68:20). Baruch Hashem yom yom—"Blessed is G d day after day." Rabbi Aloy was most impressed. "Every single day your children come to visit you? That's fantastic!" "No, Rabbi, you don't understand,"

explained the old man. "Yom yom, two days a year— Mother's Day and Father's Day!" There is no question that there are times when the best thing for older people is a caring, well-run institution. The least we can do then is to visit regularly. And the longer people can be independent the better. But without trying to lay guilt trips on anyone, let me share an example I myself experienced as a young boy growing up in Brooklyn, New York. My grandmother passed away and my grandfather, Rabbi Yochanan Gordon, of blessed memory, came to live with us. I had the privilege of being his roommate, on and off, for some twelve years. At times, I would help him with the accounting for the Gemilat Chesed Fund that he operated from the house. This community free loan fund was distributing over a million dollars in interest-free loans annually. I also remember helping him cut his toenails that were difficult for him to reach. He never even knew what a profound influence he had on my life. But far more than I helped him, he helped me. He was a special role model for me. Though he wore a rabbinical hat and a long beard, he never preached. His presence and his personality were enough of a message to me as a confused adolescent searching for my way in life. Without his quiet inspiration I would probably never have become a rabbi. He never even knew what a profound influence he had on my life. So while it may be true that older people can be difficult – I remember Zayde being impatient and irritable at times too – the rewards far outweigh the sacrifices. Oh, there's one more thing: At the end of the day, the way we treat our parents is likely to be the way our children will treat us. •

By Yossy Goldman Rabbi Yossy Goldman is Senior Rabbi of the Sydenham Highlands North Shul since 1986, and Chairman of the South African Rabbinical Association.


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

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April 24 - May 8

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In honor of Holocaust Remembrance day courtesy of breslov Israel.


March 27 - April 24

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There will be bad times, for you, Mirele, I know. But just think about me holding you, rocking you to sleep in the sunlight. Keep that sunlight in your heart always. I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE ONE NIGHT TO STUFF A LIFETIME OF LOVE INTO THIS LETTER. Tomorrow morning - If 4 A.M. can be called morning - I am giving you up. I am taking you Mirele, to the back entrance of dear, brave Hermann's grocery, and the child-rescuers will be waiting there for you and the thirty-two other children under the age of three. They'll inject you with a sedative so you won't cry and then they'll slip off in the predawn with you, my life, my love, out of this horrible country, to safety. We pushed it off and pushed it off, Mirele. We didn't want to believe we would have to give up our child, probably never to see her again. But this is the last child-rescue. After this, there will be no one left to rescue, because tomorrow, our informers tell us, is the last big round up. Tomorrow they come for men, women, and children, and I've been convinced by these words, spoken by our trusted informed Hermann, the brave Gentile grocer: "any child they take away, either dies immediately or dies on the way to the death camp." The word death, three times in one sentence! We were the last ones to be convinced to give up our child. He said, finally, with the deepest sadness in every exhausted wrinkle in his face, "I cannot force you. But if you keep her with you, she will be dead in a month. They have no use for babies; she cannot work for them. If you want to give her to us, bring her to the back entrance of my grocery at 4 A.M. No belongings. Whatever food you have. Good bye." Mirele, do you see why I had to give you up? He said no belongings but I will beg. I will plead, that this letter be allowed to go, sewn into your undershirt. And then I will pray to Hashem that the letter stay with you until your are old enough to read it. You must know that we love you. You must know why you are alone, without parents. Not because they didn't love you…but because they did. It's eerie to think that by the time you read this, I will probably be dead. That's what Hermann says is going on. People either die immediately, or on the way, or after a week or two of forced labor and no food. But I won't have lived in vain, Mirele, if I know that I brought you into the world and you will live and survive and grow big and strong and you will be happy. You can be happy, Mirele, because we loved you. What makes a difference in the lives of adults, it seems, is if they had secure childhoods. Secure, with lots of love and acceptance, and needs fulfilled and predictable routines and the like. You've had that up to this minute. You'll have it up till 4 A.M. But then, you won't. Who knows who will end up taking care of you? Some family who will take you in for the money Hermann will pay them? They will surely be kinder to their own than to you. Here is where pain mixes with rage! I rage at the animals who are making it possible for you to cry, and I won't be there to comfort you! But you will have this letter. And this letter will make you feel secure, if Hashem answers my prayers. You have us, Mirele, even though you can't see us. We're with you, we're watching you and praying for you. Every time you have troubles, we are pounding on the door to Hashem's very throne room, insisting on an audience, and demanding mercy for our Mirele, down on earth, alone without her parents. And Hashem WILL listen to us. We won't leave Hashem alone until He agrees that you deserve health, and love and happiness. Mirele, you'll wonder what your first two years were like. You'll wish you could remember. Let me remember for you - right now, tenderly, on this piece of paper. You like hot cereal in the morning, with lots of milk and sugar. Except that there is no milk and sugar now, none in the whole city. But I make your cereal anyway, and you eat it with big smiles between every bit. Then you become ready for your nap. So I rock you, after putting the rocker where the sunlight will fall on it. I rock you until you fall asleep and then I put you in my bed. You sleep well there, you like my smell. What will you smell tomorrow night?


March 27 - April 24

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Surely nobody will rock you tomorrow morning, not even in the shade. Oh! Hashem, I cannot do it! I will do it. For you Mirele, so you will have at least a hope for life. Mirele, do me a favor. After you're grown…after this dirty, nightmarish war is over… I know there will be those who will underplay the tragedies going on here every day. They will say, "A war is a war. It was just a war." Mirele, tell them about this agony! Tell them how you felt secure in my arms, rocking to sleep in the sunlight. Tell them how your father ran one night a year ago, when you were sick, to get you medicine, past sentries while breaking the curfew. He risked his life to ease your pain, Mirele, And now the three of us are being torn apart. "Just a war"…? Tell them, Mirele, that all the wars in the world don't add up to the agony in my heart right now as I write this. It's 2 A.M. already. Only two more hours with my love, my baby, my life, my Mirele. I'm going to hold you now, Mirele, for two hours. Your father and I are going to wake you, feed you, and tell you over and over how much we love you. You're barely two years old but maybe, if ???? Is good, maybe, you'll remember it. And maybe, you'll keep this letter until you're old enough to read it. There will be bad times, for you, Mirele, I know. But just think about me holding you, rocking you to sleep in the sunlight. Keep that sunlight in your heart always.

I love you. Your father loves you. May Hashem help us all. Mama Dear Readers: Miracles do happen - my mother's letter stayed with me sewed into my undershirt, and now I am getting old myself and have decided to share it with you. After almost 50 years of keeping it private, why did I translate it from the Yiddish and decide to share it with you now? A few reasons… Firstly, one doesn't hear much about the Holocaust anymore these days. There are even those who claim it was made up, not true, a brilliant Jewish ploy for sympathy. My mother asked me to remind you that it wasn't "just a war". It was a monstrosity. Secondly, my mother's faith in Hashem, even at that dreadful hour, never ceases to amaze me. Even though she seems almost certain that she will soon die, as indeed she did, she believes firmly in To Whom she can turn, both before and after her earthly life ends. This strengthens my own faith, and perhaps it will strengthen yours. And lastly…I know I'm from a different generation. Nowadays, I'm told, all mothers work. But sometimes I look out my window and see little children, just two years old. That's how old I was when my mother was forced to give me up to strangers. And I look out my window and see these two year-olds crying because they want to stay with their mothers, but their mothers are putting them on the bus because they want to be free of them… and something doesn't seem right. I was at a Bar Mitzvah recently. A young mother was talking about her 3-year-old's adjustment to school. I'll never forget her words. "There's a choice. You can either send your child till noon or till 3. He'd be happier coming home at 12, but that's not enough for me". I thought about my mother…it would have been enough for her…then the young mother continues. "The first day I put him on the bus, he went without a word. The second day, oy, did he scream!" Of course! By the second day, he knew he was in for a whole day of separation from his mother from whom 3 hours of separation "isn't enough" You mothers' who are lucky enough to have your babies…raise them, too. Don't' throw them out before they're ready. Go, now. Rock them in the sunlight. For my mother, Miriam bas Leiba (In my mother's letter, she didn't leave me her name. but I always think of her as Lieba, my love. I'm lucky. Many of the other children rescued together with me didn't know their own names.)


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Cheese baguette

Only $5.99 exp. 5/08/09 Must Present Coupon

Carrot Juice

Only $2.99 exp. 5/08/09 Must Present Coupon

J2J Salad

Only $4.99 exp. 5/08/09 Must Present Coupon


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •


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April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

"One must revere his mother and father and observe my Shabbos, I am Hashem your L-rd" (Leviticus 19:3) By combining the mitzvos of respecting parents, the Torah begins the first of the myriad commands between both man and his fellow man, and man and his Creator, that fill Parshas Kedoshim. Rashi notes this curious combination of Shabbos observance and parental respect. It interprets the juxtaposition to mean that Shabbos observance is so important that it overrides parental request for its desecration. But in addition to the halachic directive inferred by the proximity of the two laws, perhaps there is a moral lesson, too. Dr. James David Weis had been attending Rabbi Berel Wein's classes for a while, and though he was not committed to Yiddishkeit in all its aspects, he was truly fascinated by the amazing insights and the spiritual impact that Torah study had made on his life. In fact although he was a shiur regular, and his wife was committed to Torah observance as prescribed by the Shulchan Oruch, the doctor had not yet made the commitment to observe Shabbos. Towards the summer, Dr. Weiss mentioned to Rabbi Wein that shortly he would be visiting Israel. The doctor had heard Rabbi Wein's stories of his experiences, as the Rabbi of Miami Beach, having chauffeured Rabbi Yosef Kahanamen, the Ponovezer Rav on his fund-raising missions in the United States. In many of his lectures, Rabbi Wein had related his close relationship with Rav Kahanamen, and Dr. Weiss excitedly told Rabbi Wein that he would soon visit the Ponovez Yeshiva. Dr. Weiss did not know that the Rav had passed away a decade earlier, so he enthusiastically offered to send Rabbi Wein's regards to the Ponovezer Rav. Not trying to discourage the visit, Rabbi Wein smiled and said, "you could try." Dr. Weiss arrived at the Ponovez Yeshiva and after marveling at the beauty of its gilded Aron Kodesh and nearly 1000 swaying Talmudists, he asked a boy to direct him to the Ponovezer Rav. Since the Rav had passed away a decade earlier, they directed him to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliezer Menachem Shach. Dr. Weiss waited for the sage to lift his head from the large tome. The old sage

looked up and greeted the doctor. Dr. Weiss stuck out his hand, and with the remnants of the Yiddish he had salvaged from his youth, he addressed Rav Shach. "Sholom Aleichem! My name is Dr. Weiss I study with Rabbi Wein and I come from America with warmest regards from him." Rav Shach looked at him quizzically. "I don't know a Rabbi Wein." "Don't you remember?" asked Dr. Weiss in shock. "Rabbi Berel Wein," he repeated. "He would often drive you when you visited Miami on behalf of the Yeshiva." Rav Shach smiled. "I don't know Rabbi Wein, and I have never been to Miami. My name is Shach. I think you meant to see Rav Kahanamen, but unfortunately he has passed away." Dr. Weiss looked embarrassed. But Rav Shach quickly dissolved the discomfort by holding the doctor's hand and blessing him warmly. "Dr. Weiss, you are a good Jew and you should be a gebenchta (a blessed) Jew. But remember, Shabbos observance is an integral part of Yiddishkeit. Do not forsake the Shabbos!" Dr. Weiss was astonished. How did Rav Shach know about his wavering about commitment to Torah-observance? It did not make much of a difference, because from that day on Dr. Weiss affirmed his commitment to Shabbos with the same intensity that he had always committed to his fellow man Perhaps the Torah juxtaposed the most basic tenet of any society with the highest form of our spiritual expression to teach us that the two are inseparable. Many people feel that Judaism entails all that is mom and apple pie. But there is more to Yiddishkeit than what we, as Americans, Europeans, Asians, Africans, and even Israelis feel good about or think is morally correct. Judaism entails the essence of our spirituality that is encompassed and represented by Shabbos observance. Judaism is more than Mom and Apple Pie; it is entails Motherhood and Shabbos rest. •

by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Rabbi Aaron Tendler, Ner Yisroel Baltimore


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Afshan Restaurant


106 W. 9th St. LA, (213) 622-1010

Bibis Warmstone


8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 246-1788



16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 783-2727

Bocca Steakhouse


16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436 (818) 905-5855

Bramis Pizza


17736 ShermanWay,Reseda,91326 (818) 342-0611

Café Elite


7115 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 936-2861

12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171 Kehila

9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-5595

Chinese and Kabob



433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036 323-653-1941

Cohen’s Restaurant


316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015 (213) 742-8888

Cow Jumped Over The Moon


421 N Rodeo Drive, B.H. 90210 (310) 274-4269



8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-6556

Delice Bistro

Kiki’s Grill


5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 91356 (818) 345-5660

12422 Burbank. N.H, 91607 (818) 508-5557

Falafel Grill

La Brea Bagel



Ben Zaken

9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 278-4692



5611 Kanan R. Agoura Hills, 91301 (818) 991-8799

7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 965-1287

Fish Grill

La Gondola



7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 930-1303

9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211 (310) 247-1239

12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025 (310) 479-1800

La Glatt

9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 860-1182

La Pizza

Le Sushi RCC

12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 769-0085

12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607 (818) 763-6600

Mashu Mashu

Glatt Hut



12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607 (818)752-ASIA (2742)

Metro Glatt




8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 275-4420

Milk N Honey

Got Kosher?


8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 858-1920

8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 888-7700 RCC


9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0111

Nagilla Meating Place

Hill Street Pizza


9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 859-0004

Nagilla Pizza Ben Zaken


8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035 (310) 858-8850

Milky Way Buxbaum

11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064 (310) 479-5444


Rabbi Furst

12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 760-8198

Fish In The Village



446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 658-7730

456 S Hill St. Los Angeles, 90013 (213) 627-9990

8581 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-1702


Falafel Express

13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606 (818) 763-5344


Jump To Juice 8879 W. Pico Blvd. LA 90035 (310) 858-2911

9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 246-1900

9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-4007

Elat Burger


7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 930-1303

22935 Pacific Coast Highway (310) 456-8585

Café Del Mar Dairy/Meat Kehila

Chic N Chow

Elite Cuisine


9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0119

Nana Cafe Jerusalem Pizza & The Sushi


17942 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91316 (818) 758-9595

Jeffs Gourmet


1509 S Robertson Blvd. (310) 407-0404

Orange Delight


13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423 (818) 788-9896 Kehila

8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-8590


AMpar ri c l h2 42 7- M - a A yp r8i l 2 4• T O• AT O D VAE D R TVI ES RE T P I SL EE AP SL E ACSAE L C L A323-965-1544 L L 323-965-1544 • •



9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 205-8705

Pico Cafe




8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 273-9381 RCC

8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 652-5236


Shalom Pizza


Temptation Grill



The Meating Place


Pizza Nosh




30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301 (818) 706-1255 Kehila


30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301 (818) 991-3000

12514 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 752-6866

Pizza Station




17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316 (818) 995-4700

8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-1652

8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 276-8708


8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 271-2255

140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036 (323) 857-0353 Rabbi Ami Markel


9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-3474

9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 553-0998 Kehila

Sunrise 9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 786-8282

15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 986-5345

Pico Kosher Deli

Pizza Maven


365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (310) 289-6556

8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 310-385-9592

Pita Way

Pizza World

Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery


3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard (805) 983-1560

Unique Cafe

Rabbi Aron Simkin

18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana (818) 757-3100


8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-1222

THE PITA WAY REVIEW It was Erev Pesach, so my wife and I decided to take a break from all the Pesach cooking-shopping-cleaning-shlepping and get a bite to eat. Where should we go? I, of course, was in the mood of a meat place. My wife wanted to go somewhere child friendly. We drove up and down Pico Blvd and we discovered a bran new kosher restaurantPita Way. Pita Way is cozy with a modern decor. The woman who welcomed us at the door and took our orders was friendly and welcoming. She helped us decide what to order for ourselves and our kids. My wife decided on the Shwarma lafa and I had Shawarma lafa with the sauteed mushrooms. As someone who has been to Israel, I have to say that my Shwarma here was by far the closest to the Israeli ideal. I loved it. The techina and chumus were delicious. The chumus was chunky and tasty. Just the way I like it. For our kids we ordered the basic chicken sandwich and French fries. There was not one piece of chicken left on their plate. We are looking forward to our next dining experience at The Pita Way. I highly recommend it. Pita Way 8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 652-5236


AMpar ri c l h2 42 7- M - a A yp r8i l 2 4• T O• AT O D VAE D R TVI ES RE T P I SL EE AP SL E ACSAE L C L A323-965-1544 L L 323-965-1544 • •

A PERFECT SETTING Great gifts for all occasions- invited out for a Shabbos meal? We have the perfect gift....have a list from here till....of all the people you owe gifts? Just come in and we will take care of the baby gifts you've been meaning to give....the Bas Mitzvah girl you can't possibly figure out what would be right for her...the couple you're embarresed to greet ...its been soooo long since their wedding....the house warming gift for your friend who just moved into a new home...don't put it off..come in today and go out relieved. Call for a special appointment 323-938-8222 or 323-620-3618 ask for Rochel. -692-

SUMMER DANCE AND ARTS CAMP girls ages 5-12, June 29-August 7 Davening, Learning, Art, Baking, Ballet, Jazz, Gymnastics, Acting, Singing, Swimming, exciting TRIPS & more! A TIME FOR DANCE (323) 404-0827 -1182-

nice size closets, fireplace in living room. Please call Daniel 310-7353310. Newly renovated large guest house/office with fully tiled bathroom, rull granite top kitchen, centrally located in the La Brea/Beverly area. Private entrance, totally detached, A/C & Heating, all utilities incl., walking distance to shuls & stores. Please all: (310)735-3310 -1476 -

Guest House (Hanckock Park) Furnished, 1 bedroom, full kosher kitchen, walking distance to shuls, independent entrance Shabbos, Weekly, Monthly, etc. Please call Kayla 323-934-2380 Seeking roommate asap. Single, Jewish female. Non smoking, responsible and friendly and clean. Seeks the same to share a lovely one bedroom one bath living dining room area full kitchen apartment also share utilities, AC, quiet building near Fairfax. Please be pet friendly I have one loving kitty. References please. No short term. Please call 323-608-8164. -1458-

BABY SITTER AVAILABLE Orthodox woman available to watch your children full time or part time hours, at your location. Excellent references. call: 323-651-9389.

ROOMATE WANTED Orthodox man seeks same to share 2 bedroom duplex near La Brea/Beverly. $900 per month + utilities. Fully furnished. Must be non-smoker, strictly Shomer Shabbos, neat and clean. Call Moshe: 323-9333340. If no answer please leave message. -1478-

HOUSE FOR RENT Spacious 2/3 bedroom, Two Bathroom, Duplex for rent centrally located in the heart of pico Robertsons area. Hardwood Floors, Kosher Kitchen w/ Dish washer and Fridge.Full Laundry- washer, dryer & Storage. Very close to shuls, Shops & Restaurants, and public transport on Pico. Two car garage. Bedrooms with

Apartment Available in the Pico Area: Remodeled 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartment available on the first floor of a 6 unit building. Hardwood floors, garbage disposal, diswasher and stove included. Laundry room on premises. Walking distance to Shuls, Shopping, and Restaurants. Public transportation close and near the 10 and 405 freeways. Please call Nana at (310)621-1819 to make an appointment to view the unit.

FOR SALE Dream home 6 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms in Prime location: Spacious 2story home on 539 N. Vista St., just north of Beverly Blvd. Amazing value & location gourmet kitchen, marble baths & jetted tubs, pool, skylights & much more: For more info please call Lilly Shayan (310) 7790000 or Shokoh Nasab (310) 6287773.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bev. Hills, N. of Wilshire: Newly built 4300 sq ft. Recorded Info 1-800-417-7489 ID# 7005. Bev Hills, 462 S. Swall: Sale /Lease: 2 story+ Guest House. Recorded Info 1-800-417-7489 ID# 8005. COMING SOON Prime Hancock Park: 5000+sq ft, pool. La Brea, So. of Beverly: Lovely 4 bdrm, Pool, Guest House. DISTRESS SALE/Foreclosures. Free hotlist. Recorded Info. 1-800417-7489 ID#7042 For More Info call Margalit (310) 210-3038, -1456-

MUSIC Weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs, Special Occasions. Contact now for availability and rates 3 1 0 - 5 9 5 - 5 4 9 0 -1438-

HEADLINES / EUROPEAN WIGS • Wash & Set • Hair Accessories • Jewelry • Ear Piercing Call Chaya Suri @ 323-930-1389 -1425-

GRAPHIC DESIGN LH DESIGN & PRINTING You name it we design it! Business Cards, Postcards, Posters, Flyers, Stickers, CD/DVD Covers, Websites, Wedding and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations, Scrapbook Albums, Digital Books, Tshirts, & More... Please Call: 818-802-2625 -1452-


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Translation & Interpreting

POSITIONS AVAILABLE Small Yeshiva High School, WASC accredited, is looking for general studies teachers for the coming year, end of August 2009 through end of June 2010. This is an afternoon position beginning 2 p.m. or later until 6:30 p.m. It is an excellent additional income for an experienced male teacher from public schools or other employment. Sensitivity to an Orthodox Yeshiva system is required. Shomer Shabbat not required, but teaching experience preferred. Various teaching positions may be available (science, math, English, or history). Please send resume: Email to, or fax to Mr. Blumenstein at 323-937-9456.

NEW KEHILLA Tehachapi Torah Center(ed Community): Suited for families, individuals, and existing Torah organizations. Healthy, Serene, Affordable, Child Friendly. Register interest now for coming year: Summer Camp: TorahNature-Sports Boys Camp, Ages 1013. Day School, or Home School Lemudei Kodesh Co-op. Yeshiva High School for regional and out of town boys. Beis Medrash with online degree option. Sundays 11:00 AM Monthly Speaker, Brunch, Tour, Hike, Bike, House Hunt. Thursdays 1:30 PM Weekly Parsha Preview. Minyan Pending Participants, RSVP to confirm. Tehachapi Ca. 93561, 90 miles/minutes from route 14 at 5 Twice the Home for Half the Money. Priced from: Lease: Apartments $450, Houses $900.Purchase: Houses $100k, Lots 40k. Learn More! Contact: Roger M. housing and outreach committee at or call 310-9485137



(Hebrew>English>Hebrew) Professional Translation (Written) and Interpreting (Verbal) Services Business ‫ ٭‬Legal ‫ ٭‬Medical ‫ ٭‬Technical ‫ ٭‬Certificates * Consulting and Escorting Business Persons &Visitors. Zion Avdi - 310-402-3778 Website:

We need an educational aide for our 20 year old son with special needs who is attending Valley College part time. Patient, reliable male, legally able to work in the U.S. Training and ongoing support will be provided. Please call 818-424-4612 Looking for an education aide who is warm, responsible, to work in a Jewish day school in North Hollywood for an 9 year old boy. Special education experience preferred and or teaching experience. 8:30 am-2:30 pm approx. Please call 818-251-0046 or 818-776-9552-1446-



TRAVELING NOTARY Yosef Y. Shagalov: Traveling Notary Public & Home Signing Agent. Cell:(323)934-7095 email:

Nice, reliable & hard working Shomer Shabbos lady seeking secretarial/office position. I live in the S-

Clarita area so preferably in the valley however I can also work at home. I have a laptop computer and have experience in the following: Phones, fundraising, computer and internet, typing and word processing, letter composition, faxing, and all general office duties. Let me make your business shine! You can contact Devorah at 661 8084871 REAL ESTATES OPPORTUNITIES

1) On Bedford street located between Whitworth and Olympic Blvd . Unit mix is 2 three bedrooms and 2 two bedrooms. 2) On Oakhurst located between Pico and Whitworth. Unit mix is 4 two bedroom over 1000 square feet each unit size. 3) On North Sycamore Near LaBrea and Beverly Blvd. Unit mix 4 two bedroom over 1200 square feet each unit size. We have storage spaces for rent for various and all storage purposes from small to big size units in heart of Beverly Hills with great discount prices. We have a few pocket listing of gas station with convenient stores. A Beverly Hills house north of Santa Monica (Flat) on Crescent Street built on 17000 square feet land. We have a client who is looking for a warehouse in the Fashion District of downtown Los Angeles. We know of a great condo opportunity in Wilshire Corridor For further information contact Daniel Dayani, Realtor Associate at 310-279-2991

Engagements Chaya M Gordon & Dovid Drizin Rivka Rochel Lover & Aharon Levy Tanya Makover & Avi Blumenstein Dan Shainberg & Yael Kochinski Akiva Mayer & Mimi Lieber Rebecca Bersin & Chananya Schwartz Aryeh Rosenfeld & Tehila Weiner Alison Silver & Eli Snyder

Aliza Avrech & Ash Cohn Noa Leibowitz & Yehuda Goldin Na'amit Sturm & Zev Nagel Tzipporah Leah Shapiro & Chaviv Danesh

Births - Girls Ruchama & Sholom Langsam Births - Boys Yitzchok & Sarah Capland

Email us your Mazel Tovs!! 29

April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

Calfornia Kosher Kitchen Ingredients

Heavenly Whole Wheat Challah

3 ½ cups of warm water 2-3 Tbl. of derma brown sugar or honey 2 Tbl. of dry yeast 1 Tsp. of salt 1 egg ¼ cup of canola oil 10 cups of whole-wheat flour (you can replace some of the whole-wheat with rye or spelt)


Combine first three ingredients, let yeast dissolve and bubble. Add salt, egg, oil, and half of the flour. Stir and let sit about ½ hour. Add the rest of the flour until a nice, elastic dough forms. Oil bowl and let the dough rise, covered with a towel until doubled in size (depending on climate 1-2 hours). Braid, shape, decorate if desired with sesame seeds and put into oven at 350 for about 35 minutes, until you can hear a hollow sound when the bread is tapped on the bottom. Options: I always put in about a ¼ cup of wheat germ to all my baked goods to give extra fiber and vitamins. You can also add sautéed onions and garlic, or tomatoes, garlic, and rosemary, or sliced olives for a delicious addition right and kneed it into the dough before baking.


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009 Light Candles at: 7:13 pm ••• FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2009 Light Candles at: 7:19 pm ••• FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2009 Light Candles at: 7:24 pm


April 24 - May 8

• T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 •

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