The Community Links Issue 185

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July 15-July 29, 2011

Vol. 8 Issue 185

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July 15, 2011

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The Neighborhood Shul

I do not fear July 16. The reason: I don’t drive on the Shabbat. I spend much of the day walking to our neighborhood Shul and attending Shabbat services. THE COMMUNITY LINKS is published biweekly and is distributed free to the Jewish Community of Southern California. THE COMMUNITY LINKS accepts no responsibility for typographical errors or reliability of Kashrus of any advertisers. All submissions become the property of THE COMMUNITY LINKS and may be shortened and/or edited for length and clarity. Articles published in THE COMMUNITY LINKS express the views of the individual writers and may not necessarily represent the views of THE COMMUNITY LINKS. No artwork or any part of the magazine may be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of the publisher.



Friday morning, Chaim gently breaks the news to us; if the soldiers of the IDF were drafted into war, he would waive his rights as an only son to fight on the front lines. Esther

Dr. Robert Rome


Absolute Soul

What our enemies were unable to do to the Jewish people with bullets and gas, they have succeeded in doing with assimilation and spiritual attrition.

Understanding Students


Parshas Pinchas

Every once in a while teachers are faced with a student who won’t fit into the class. It may be they lack in emotional growth or in intellectual growth, or both.

Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetzky

Rabbi Eli Hecht

COMMUNITY LINKS • Volume 8 Issue 185 4

July 15, 2011

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7 July 15, 2011

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By Robert J. Rome, Ph.D.

The Neighborhood Shul: The Antidote For Carmageddon



310-248-2422 9536 W. PICO BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 90035


By now, all of you who live in Southern California have seen the signs: “Interstate 405 to close July 16-17 from I-10 to 101. Expect major delays.” As the only major way between the San Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles for the 2,000,000 who live in the Valley and the West Los Angeles basin where another 2,000,000 or more live, this closure is seen as producing chaos, a virtual Armageddon, or as it has been called in the news, “Carmageddon.” I do not fear July 16. The reason: I don’t drive on the Shabbat. I spend much of the day walking to our neighborhood Shul and attending Shabbat services. I bring this up because in the last issue


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of the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, the issue before the freeway closure, there is a listing of changes in schedule for Conservative and Reform congregations during the weekend closure to accommodate their members from both sides of the hill. Some of the Temples in the Sepulveda Pass area will be out of reach for the majority of their members who can’t do their usual commute by car to Friday night or Saturday services. In recent years, there has been a tendency for small Conservative and Reform congregations to literally be eaten up by the larger Temples on the major boulevards of the Valley and the City. Synagogues in Westchester, where I grew up, Huntington Park, Granada Hills, Van Nuys, Reseda, City Center area of Los Angeles, Agoura Hills, and elsewhere have closed their doors, unable to compete with the “monster” congregations on the boulevards and in the hills. Many Orthodox Jews really don’t care about the demise of these neighborhood congregations. They should. An article several decades ago in the journal Sh’ma traced the “origins”

of leading Orthodox rabbis in the United States and Israel. Many of these Orthodox rabbis originally attended Reform or Conservative congregations in their youth. Through their active participation in the youth and camping movements, their interest in Judaism was sparked. These rabbis looked for more meaningful ways to their Jewish expression and turned to Orthodox Judaism. Each mainline Orthodox congregation in Los Angeles counts today dozens, if not hundreds of members and participants who are former Reform and Conservative Jews. I myself lived only one block away from the neighborhood Conservative synagogue. I participated in that congregation in the USY program, the choir, and went to Camp Ramah on a scholarship from the Synagogue Board. I would be called several times a week to help make the Minyan. I spent four or five days a week, at least, in programs at the synagogue. Later, I found that involvement in the Orthodox community was the most meaningful and appropriate way to express my and my family’s commitment to Judaism. We are active in our local Orthodox shul and we have sent all three of our daughters to Orthodox day schools and to Seminary in Israel. Our story is not alone. I read the personal history of Rabbi Riskin, one of the great luminaries and most important rabbis in the Jewish world. He tells a similar story and cites the Conservative Camp Ramah as the leading influence which led him to Orthodoxy and the rabbinate. He today is the spiritual leader of the Settlement Movement in Israel, a leading Orthodox cause. Where did he get his start? From a neighborhood Conservative Temple. Neighborhood shuls, whether they be Orthodox, Reform, or Conservative do improve a community. There are an increasing number of Reform and Conservative Jews who shop at neighborhood Kosher meat markets, buy baked goods from Kosher bakeries, and frequent Kosher restaurants. The immediate past President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis made his central cause of his presidency a return by Reform Jews to central aspects of Judaism, including actively promoting Kashrut at home and in the community. With increasing the number of Jews buying Kosher, every observant Jew benefits. The more affiliated Jews in a community, the more success these Jewish stores and restaurants can have, to the benefit of everyone.

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I am not personally advocating Conservative or Reform Judaism. These movements don’t work for me. I once


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attended a weekend Shabbaton where in four lectures, the Conservative rabbi who was the featured speaker never mentioned the role and influence of G-d as he explored the “issues” of one of the portions in Bereshit, the first book of the Torah. The weekend was not fulfilling for me. However, I know for a fact that numerous of the people who attended that Shabbaton as interested Conservative Jews have since become leaders in the Orthodox community. There are many avenues to G-d. Starting with local neighborhood Conservative and Reform temples has been a successful way of stimulating Jewish involvement and support for Israel. We should mourn the loss of so many local Conservative and Reform congregations. It is a loss which has and will continue to negatively impact our Jewish neighborhoods. The large temples on Wilshire and Ventura Boulevards will never serve the specific needs of Jews in Van Nuys, Reseda, or Westchester. Our communities have been diminished by the centralization of Jewish organizations away from the small towns which are at the core of Los Angeles. Jewish life has been diminished. The supply line to Orthodoxy as Conservative Jews have sought greater observance has slowed with the demise of the local congregations. Carmageddon is impacting the large Temples and bringing home the detriment of having to drive miles across

freeways to participate in a congregation. I walk to Shul along with scores of other members in our local synagogue. It is a breath of fresh air. I arrive to a community of neighbors and friends. The Rabbi knows each of us personally and has seen our children grow up. He named my daughters in synagogue, was there at their Bat Mitzvah celebrations, and asks about their progress in school and in their lives. All three rabbis in our community share the joys with each honor each of our daughters receive. I am somebody in the neighborhood shul. But so is everyone else who attends. Carmageddon reminds us that there are shortcomings when members have to drive 20 miles across many communities to attend their synagogue. First of all, few actually attend. Our local synagogue has almost the same number of people attending on Saturday morning as each of the “monster” congregations, including those with 2500 member families. We had far more Jews participating actively in congregations when we had shuls across all of our neighborhoods. The Jewish community has grown, but not participation in services or even in causes for the Jewish people and Israel. The antidote for Carmageddon is not alternate service times or schedules. It is the return of the neighborhood Shul.

Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California. He can be reached at

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July 15, 2011

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There is a lesson, meted out in this week's portion that has eternal ramifications upon the theological nature of the Jewish nation. It is a lesson that defines our attitudes toward spirituality and its relevance to modern living. After Bilaam's failed efforts to curse the Jewish people, he devised another ploy. He advised the nations of Midian and Moav to lure the Jews to sin through salacious activities. Midian complied wholeheartedly, offering its daughters as conspirators in the profanity. The scheme worked. The Jews cavorted with Midianite women, and the wrath of Hashem was aroused. A plague ensued and thousands of Jews died. In this week's portion, Hashem commands his people to administer justice. "Make the Midianites your enemies and attack them!" For they antagonized you through their conspiracy that they conspired against you in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, daughter of a leader of Midian, their sister, who was slain on the day of the plague, in the matter of Peor" (Numbers 25:17-18). Eventually Jews go to war with Midian. The issue that may confront the modern thinker is simple. War? Over what? They were not fighting over land. There was no dispute over oil or natural resources. Why such vehemence to the point of physical attack over the incident at Peor? Why call for such physical retribution for an act that caused spiritual sedition through secular seduction? Rabbi Eliezer Sorotzkin of Lev L'Achim related the following story: In November 1938, before the onset of World War II, some Jewish children had the opportunity to escape from Nazi Germany and resettle in England through what became known as kindertrans-

port. Unfortunately, there were not enough religious families able to accept these children and other families who were willing to take them were not willing to raise the children with Jewish traditions. The Chief Rabbi of London, Rabbi Yechezkel Abramski, embarked on a frantic campaign to secure funding to ensure that every child would be placed in a proper Jewish environment. Rabbi Abramski called one wealthy Jewish industrialist and begged him for a donation sizable enough to ensure that the children would be raised in proper Jewish environment. "It is pikuach nefesh!" cried Rabbi Abramski. At that point, the tycoon became incensed. "Rabbi," he said, "Please do not use that term flippantly. I know what pikuach nefesh is. Pikuach nefesh means a matter of life and death! When I was young, my parents were very observant. When my baby sister was young, she was very sick. We had to call the doctor, but it was on Shabbos. My father was very conscientious of the sanctity of Shabbos. He would never desecrate Shabbos. But our rabbi told us that since this is a matter of life and death, we were allowed to desecrate the Shabbos! He called it pikuach nefesh. Rabbi Abramski," the man implored, "with all due respect. The children are already here in England. They are safe from the Nazis. The only issue is where to place them. How they are raised is not pikuach nefesh!" With that, the man politely bade farewell and hung up the phone. That Friday evening, the wealthy man was sitting at dinner, when the telephone rang incessantly. Finally, the man got up from his meal and answered the phone. As he listened to the voice on the other end of the

Absolute Soul


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line, his face went pallid. "This is Abramski. Please. I would not call on the Sabbath if I did not think this was pikuach nefesh. Again, I implore you. We need the funds to ensure that these children will be raised as Jews." Needless to say, the man responded immediately to the appeal. We understand matters of life and death, justice and injustice, war and peace, in corporeal terms. It is difficult to view spirituality in those terms as well. The Torah teaches us that our enemies are not merely those who threaten our physical existence, but those who threaten our spiritual existence as well. Throughout the generations, we faced those who would annihilate us physically and others who would be just as happy to see us disappear as Jews. What our enemies were unable to do to the Jewish people with bullets and gas, they have succeeded in doing with assimilation and spiritual attrition. People fail to equate the severity of spiritual disorders with those of a physical nature. They may scoff at a prohibited marriage in the eyes of the Torah, or seek a leniency to absolve themselves from following matrimonial law, yet they will leave no stone unturned in searching for a genetic incompatibility or suspect health issue. The Torah teaches us that the two the physical world and the spiritual world are inseparable. An attack on spirituality, breaches the borders of our very essence, and our response must be in kind. It is essential to know that when we do some serious soul-searching there is really something out there waiting to be found. •




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Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetzky •

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July 15, 2011

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he second of this week's two portions is named Masei, Travels. It begins by enumerating the various stops along the Jewish nation's forty year trek through the desert. The first verse opens the narrative. "These are the journeys of the Children of Israel, who went forth from the land of Egypt according to their legions, under the hand of Moses and Aaron" (Numbers 33:1). The second verse seems to have a redundant and unclear clause. "Moshe wrote their goings on according to their journeys at the bidding of Hashem, and these were their journeys according to their goings on. But the phrase seems to be juxtaposed differently at the beginning and at the end of the very same sentence. At first the Torah says "Moshe wrote their goings on (experiences) according to their journeys," and when the Torah begins listing each stop it precedes the listings by stating "these were their journeys according to their goings on (experiences)." What does the Torah mean "journeys according to their goings on"? The word translated as "goings on" is motzoaihem, which means experiences. The Torah is relating not only the geographical destinations of the Jews as they wandered, but also the historically eternal implications of each reststop. Thus the Torah tells us more than the journeys. It tells us the journeys according to their experiences. Were the journeys listed according to the experiences or were the experiences listed according to the journeys? The story is told about the Toldos Ahron Rebbe. He was sitting at his table with one of his Chasidim. After a very long while, the sexton brought a bowl of beautiful fruit to the table. It was quite appealing and the Rebbe noticed the sparkle in the eye of the hungry patron. The Rebbe invited his disciple to make a blessing over the shiny crimson apple. The guest declared that such a beautiful fruit was worthy of a beautiful blessing and he resolved to make a blessing with all his heart one truly befitting this marvelous creation. The student stood up, held the apple in both his hands, and spent a few minutes contemplating the delicious fruit that Hashem had created. His eyes sparkled in anticipation, which enthused him even more. Carefully he annunciated every word of the blessing. Swaying back and forth he began, "Boruch Atah, Blessed art Thou . . . " After what must have been the most eloquent blessing the man ever recited, he bit excitedly into the delicious fruit, and after swallowing, he once again praied


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the beautiful taste and appearance. The man seemed to revel in his act of spirituality, and the Rebbe knew he had to explain something to him. "You made a beautiful bracha my dear disciple," he began. "Now I will teach you the difference between your blessing and the blessing of a complete tzadik." "You saw the fruit. You wanted to eat it. But alas, one is not allowed to eat a fruit without a blessing over it. And so you made a most beautiful blessing. It is truly commendable. "A complete tzadik, however, does not have his mind set on fruit. He wants to bless Hashem for his beautiful handiwork. But alas, one is not allowed to make that blessing without partaking in the pleasure of His handiwork. And so he looks for a fruit. When he finds the fruit, he is now ready to make the blessing he had long waited to make." Every meaningful experience is comprised of temporal circumstances and spiritual, philosophical or ethical ramifications. In the larger picture, in view of the greater picture one may ask: Was it the circumstance that is the foremost character of the experience, or was it the experience that makes the circumstances pale in retrospect.

Travel Experience

The Torah tells us that Moshe wrote their goings on according to their journeys. That seems to say he wrote the occurrences, the various events, traumatic and otherwise, that occurred as a result of the journeys. After all, as a result of their journeys certain events occurred. Fate brought them to certain places and thus certain events occurred. To our human eye that is what happens in life. We go places. We do things. Events occur. But the Torah itself announces these journeys with a twist. It declares the journeys in a different light. It does not precede the events saying this is what happened as a result of the journeys. Just the opposite! It tells us "These are the journeys according to the experiences." The journeys were secondary to the experiences, the journeys were listed according to the experiences! Maybe in life's journeys and the ensuing experiences, perhaps in all our actions it is worth reflecting. Do we bless to eat or do we eat to bless? Do we mark our experiences according to where we travel, or do we mark our travels according to where we have had our experiences? It is critically important to understand what has occurred and its ramifications, perhaps more than the mere geographic vehicle that brought us to our life's true destination. • Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetzky •

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REMEMBERING JERRY BLAUNER (YECHIEL BEN YISROEL YIZCHAK) THE ZEIDE OF THE VALLEY ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 20TH YARZHEIT - 21ST OF TAMMUZ Jerry Blauner (OBM), was a very special individual – loved and highly respected by his family, friends, business associates, Rabbis and of course, his beloved Valley community. The son of a scrap metal dealer, Jerry entered World War II as a newly married soldier in the United States Army, courageously involved in the D Day invasion with his fellow soldiers. Many perished in that fateful battle. Jerry was injured on that Normandy Beach, and was eventually sent back home to recuperate from his injuries after having being away from his family for over four years. Jerry and his wife, Eleanor (OBM) raised their family consisting of their son, Dennis and daughter, Cheryl in the San Fernando Valley while growing their scrap metal business within the greater Los Angeles area. In 1976, at a time in his life, when many people are thinking of retiring, Jerry Blauner became actively involved through his son and daughter-in-law, Susan with Rabbi Joshua and Debbie Gordon of Chabad of the Valley. As Jerry discovered more about Chabad’s philosophy and approach, he began to regularly correspond with the Lubavitcher Rebbe directly. Intrigued and captivated as he was by the Rebbe’s wisdom and passion, Jerry and Eleanor made it their personal life’s mission to do whatever they could, with whatever means at their disposal, to

advance the Chabad cause in the Valley and to help build it to newer and greater levels. He spearheaded the campaign to acquire a new facility in Tarzana, which would become known as the Israel and Anna Blauner Youth Center, dedicated to the memory of Jerry’s parents. Jerry’s trail-blazing spirit spawned the inception of a new array of Youth programs for Chabad, including the now famous Gan Israel Pre School and Kindergarden. With the addition of Rabbi Mordechai and Chave Einbinder, joining Chabad of the Valley, the new synagogue began its inception in Tarzana’s Blauner Youth Center bringing a vibrant Jewish community into being – eventually leading to the acquiring and expansion into its adjacent property upon which the new Chabad of the Valley Headquarters would eventually be built. Today, there is a network of over twentyfive Valley-wide educational, outreach and social service centers. Jerry’s legacy continues on as the thousands of children who graduated from Gan Israel Preschool having gone on to higher Jewish education as well as for having brought back many many families through these children towards living a life of Torah and Mitzvohs. Yes, Jerry Blauner’s tireless dedication, commitment and forward thinking vision will never be forgotten. May his Neshama have an aliyah.

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August 30, 2011

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tragedy. A family in the settlement of Itamar, was slaughtered by terrorists in the middle of the night.”

It comes in the form of my 19 year old brother Chaim.

“At that moment,” continued Chaim in a clear voice, “it all made sense to me; I came here to defend our land of Israel. I came here to defend my people. If every Israeli boy and girl had an obligation, then I was no exception.”

Friday morning, Chaim gently breaks the news to us; if the soldiers of the IDF were drafted into war, he would waive his rights as an only son to fight on the front lines. “Why Chaim?” I questioned him nearly choking. I was bothered by the fact that he would intentionally throw away the safety net the IDF had provided for him. "And why did you, a full fledged American citizen, even have to join the Israeli army?" I asked him out of frustration. Full of conviction and confidence he replied, “Once you are here in the land of Israel, you automatically become attached to it. You want nothing more than to defend it.”. “At one time in training,” he confides in me, “I hadn’t slept for a full day and it was 48 hours since my last meal. They had given us a can of tuna and a slice of bread to share with 5 other soldiers. I was basically worn out. Berating myself, I began questioning my own reasons for enlisting and coming here. Why would I do this to myself ? Most of my friends were living the college party life, and where was I? I was halfway across the world, hungry, cold and tired. All I wanted was to see Mom and cry to her about how hard it was.” And at this point, Chaim lowered his voice and continued, “However, when I got home that weekend and turned on the TV, the news was headlined with a terrible

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He who blessed our forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yackov, may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our G-d, from the border of Lebanon to the desert of Egypt. From the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea. May Hashem cause the enemies who rise up against us, to be struck down before them. May He preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessings and success in their every endeavor. May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: “For it is the Lord your G-d, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.” Amen! Strength! It comes in the form of my 19 year old brother Chaim. A soldier.

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By: Esther, a very proud sister.

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The world exists only because of the innocent breath of schoolchildren,” attributed to Jewish Sages - 1st Century Talmud: Shabbat. Recent reports of children as early as two years old receiving psychotropic drugs has me worried. How safe are Ritalin and Prozac – the stimulants and anti-depressants for kids? Somehow the unresolved question of their effects on a developing brain has not been answered and yet prescriptions are being prescribed to young school children. Daily school problems are now being addressed with drugs and more drugs. Too many teachers are frustrated by being told to label children as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or even to suggest Ritalin for problem students. They know that they have a “problem student” but they do not have the tools, as of yet, to deal with or recognize what kind of student they are working with. Educators are being forced to make decisions regarding placement of their students. Every once in a while teachers are faced with a student who won’t fit into the class. It may be they lack in emotional growth or in intellectual growth, or both. At times the problem deals with the immaturity of the child. Since teachers are not qualified to do the testing, as they are not trained in these fields, what can they do? Here are some simple suggestions. I believe teachers must ask themselves the following questions: Why is the student having a hard time in class? Is it plain boredom or is it a

social, emotional or an intelligence problem? What role does maturity play with this student? Most teachers are aware of three kinds of students who may be doing poorly in class. They are students having problems in one of the three groups. It may be with immaturity, or a slow learner, or perhaps a late bloomer. We perceive immaturity when a child doesn’t respond in a correct way. They do not have the tools to express themselves. They simply lack the social skills. They may, at times, be too smart and need smarter children to relate to or they are average but need more time for child’s play. In both scenarios the child doesn’t fit in well with the class environ-

work. This child may have good social skills; listens but still cannot perform the needed class work. He never seems to get things right. You wonder what’s wrong and what can you do for him. Both the slow learner and the late bloomer will not get the work done but have friends in class, while the immature student will get the work done but not posses the normal social skills for friends. Being smart and being sociable are two different markers for dealing with students. Here are some suggestions that may help teachers deal with the three kinds of students There is a book called “Don’t Push Your Preschooler” by Dr. Louise Bates Ames and Dr. Joan Ames Chase, published by Harper & Row, which states: that being smart and mature are two unrelated markers. As it is possible that an extra smart child may have more problems than a slower and not so bright child. “It is important for parents to appreciate that maturity and intelligence tend to be two separate measures or qualities. A child may be obviously very bright, that is, very intelligent, and at the same time be immature or young for his age. Thus saying that a child is immature does not mean that he is not intelligent. We often use the term “superior immature” for that child who is bright but young for his age. The "superior immature" child is one who especially needs protection from the parent or educator who would push him too early into formal schooling just because he is bright.”


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ment. The child always acts out and frustrates the entire class. The slow learner can’t keep up with the class. The student may have many positive character traits but simply is lost in a class setting. No matter how many times the teacher addresses the student the work is not done. The student cannot understand the instructions and simply cannot integrate the ongoing instructions and lessons being taught in the class. The late bloomer too suffers from a lack of understanding of the school-

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What we need here is to be super sensitive to the “superior immature” students. The teacher needs to go the extra mile in providing guidelines for this child. If not, we could have disastrous results. The bright child gets into all kinds of trouble and shows inappropriate behavior. This is because the student is immature and that is the cause of the problem. This answers the old question of ‘if they are so smart then shouldn’t they know better?’ The answer is that they are not emotionally ready for a regular classroom environment. In dealing with the slow learner we must be cognizant that the slow learner remains a slow learner all his/her life. They never catch up, repeating the same class for one or two years will destroy the student. As being bigger, older and placed with younger and smaller children destroys the self-esteem of this student. So what do we do? What the teacher may need to do is address the student’s needs now while remaining in the appropriate class. The school must provide a one-to-one instructor where the slow learner will learn, however, at his own pace. We must keep the child with his peer group – class at any cost. A teacher’s aid or volunteer will be needed. The teacher will need to set different goals and tasks for this slow learner. Remember, another thing must be considered. Is the slow learner getting the survival skills like reading and basic arithmetic? No amount of in-class or homework will take care of the abovementioned concern. The teacher and supervisor will need to make the appropriate accommodation now while the child is in the proper age group and keeping his self-esteem. Survival skills must be the goal for the student. “The New Dare to Discipline” by Dr. James Dobson, published by Tyndale House states “The slow learner is unlike the later bloomer in one major respect: time will not resolve his deficiency. He will not do better next year. In fact, he 31 J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

tends to get further behind as he grows older.” The late bloomer is the easiest student to work with. There is an expression ‘what time does the mind doesn’t.’ The late bloomer will bloom a bit later and catch up with his peers. He just needs some extra time. A late bloomer will unquestionably catch up and do well with his age and peer group. However, it is the responsibility of the school and teachers to protect the student from being mislabeled as a slow learner that never catches up. When teachers are aware of the different kinds of students we become better teachers. By knowing the needs of the different students we can help them stay in school and become a true asset to society and a joy to their parents. Teachers have the power to empower the student with self-esteem thus giving them the much-needed ingredient for success. Yes, each child has different gifts and it’s our job to teach to the child’s capabilities. By realizing that a classroom has all kinds of students, realistic expectations are met. The teacher feels a real sense of accomplishment and when that happens, it becomes a win win situation. Drugging them into compliance will only create a defiance of unprecedented proportions. America has witnessed socalled phenomena of violent students. Drugging our children has done little to alleviate violence in the schools. In a recent book called “Reclaiming Our Children” by Peter R. Breggin M.D. author of “Your Drug May Be Your Problem” and “Talking Back to Ritalin”, we are told that the violent youngsters involved in school shootings are usually under psychiatric care and prescribed medicine. Breggin believes that “The most despairing and violent of our children reflect the underlying disorder of the society: the alienation and abandonment of our children. We must utterly reject the idea that the problem lies in our children’s brains or bodies, or that we need to • 323-965-1544 •

focus on diagnosing individual children. Instead we need to identify the breakdown of relationship with our children in our homes, schools, and community, and then to come together as adults dedicated to making ourselves and our institutions more able to serve the needs of our children.” It may be true that many children need medication, as do adults. But, I believe it is far more important to educate our educators to be sensitive to the students than to mass medicate. We should have a whole child approach in understanding the student before we prescribe drugs and label them. I run a day care center and private elementary school. I have learned that children march to different drums. One of the ways we deal with problematic children is with a mentoring system. We solicit seniors and grandparents who are talented, but have graduated from the work field. These volunteers come into the school once or twice a week to spend a few hours mentoring children. They do this in a supervised area under the guidance of our school principal and teachers. Our methods of having the child overcome so-called problem is by receiving extra attention and one-to-one instruction. You can’t imagine the joy we have observing the success rate between the student and their mentor. The retired mentor has a purpose and the children receive a great boost, enabling them to continue within the school system. This may be an alternative to medicating youngsters. Let’s keep the innocence of children alive by providing them with the rich opportunities of sensitive teachers and safe schools. Rabbi Eli Hecht is vice–president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America and past– president of the Rabbinical Council of California. He is the director of Chabad of South Bay in Lomita, CA which houses a synagogue, day school, nursery school and chaplaincy programs.

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Tammuz – Time for Transformation

The short answer is that our role is not only to combat idolatry by defacing it, because the psychological motivation that draws people to idolatry is not cured that way. Instead, in the long run, we have to transform the negative psychological proclivities that lead to idolatry and transform them into positive ones. It seems therefore, that the sages' choice of the false god of the Tamuz provides us with a case study of the problem of idolatry and its solution. The month of Tamuz is thus the time of year best suited for understanding and practicing the process of transformation (or, ithapcha as it is called in Chassidut) in the psyche. As we will see, the Tamuz is a parasite that lives off of the human tendency to self pity and our sense of the tragic—two sentiments that are intrinsically linked to this time of the year. The Birth of Tragedy

By Yitzchak Ginsburgh


July 15, 2011

None other than Maimonides (who was also one of the greatest scholars of ancient idolatry, as he himself attests) brings us the story of the Tamuz. Tamuz was a false prophet in ancient Mesopotamia who was tortured to death by a certain king. After his death, his followers concocted a tale that on the night of his death all the gods came to crown him, and • 323-965-1544 •

then flew away the next morning. The story was turned into a play, with Tamuz playing the role of the tragic hero. This play was so popular that the prophet Ezekiel tells us that even in the time that the Holy Temple stood, there were regular showings in Jerusalem and the women of Jerusalem would watch the play and weep. Rashi explains that Tamuz is the name of the first of the summer months because in Aramaic it literally means "heat." He also notes that the Tamuz idol that was placed in or near the Holy Temple was fabricated with eyes made of lead. When heated up, the idol's eyes would shed tears of lead, which would run down its face. The tragic story of the prophet, the tear-jerking play, and the crying idol all lend to the air of pity and tragedy surrounding the Tamuz. But, this pity was not heartfelt. It was a cheap manipulation of the emotions and, more than anything else, catered to people's need to identify with the misfortune of others in order to alleviate their own feelings of self-pity. The tragedy of Tamuz's life was shared by those who felt that their own lives were just one long tragic affair. Even though today, the Tamuz as a form of idolatry is a long forgotten tale, the sentiments of pity and tragedy that it fed upon are still as ubiquitous as they were 2500 years ago. First, it is easy to see the Tamuz as the precursor to the Greek tragedy, which to this day remains in good standing in the eyes of Western culture and a liberal education. But the similarity between the shallow manipulations of the Tamuz cult and the modern-day popularity (even worship) of stars whose lives are pictured as tragic is too strong to overlook. The pity and tears shed for a figure

Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh is the founder and director of the Gal Einai Institute: The Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Study of Torah, Art and Science.


he names of all the months in the Hebrew calendar are originally from Babylon. The Jewish people adopted these Babylonian names during the 70 year exile in Babylon. Yet, of all the Babylonian names adopted, Tamuz stands out as peculiar: it is the name of an actual Babylonian deity and idol. Why would our sages allow the adoption of the name of idolatry into the holiness of Judaism?

such as Elvis, or Jim Morrison, or River Phoenix are the same as those shed for Tamuz. It is the identification with the tragedy in these modern day icons' lives that inspires so many people to treat them as idols and to continue the cult of tragic hero-worship. Unfortunately, even if a person does not find himself attracted to Elvis, the sense of despair and tragedy may still be present in their psyche. Many people today suffer from the view of life as a tragedy, a view that fosters a tragic self-image. The individual that leads a tragic existence in his or her own eyes continually seeks and even expects the pity of others. When this does not happen, that person is invariably forced into self-pity and even eventually to self-worship, having chiseled out the form of Tamuz in his or her own psyche. The Healing Gaze What can we do to free ourselves from the cult of life as a tragedy? The first step is to see it for what it is—-a form of shallow idolatry that cultivates a shallow approach to life's true sorrows and pain. As the sages teach us, when a person experiences pain or sorrow it is a call from G-d above for soul-searching and a change in direction. The life-as-a-tragedy stance can be taken only when trust and faith in G-d's goodness and loving-kindness has been cast away. Once these are gone, worship of the tragic becomes possible. In fact, one of the names used in the Bible for idols is simply "sadness." Recognizing that depression and loss of faith in life are forms of idolatry help bring home the Biblical statement that to follow God means


July 15, 2011

to "Choose life!" But to choose life, one needs to be able to see the goodness in life. This second step involves our outlook on ourselves and on others. To better understand this second step we need to mention that in Kabbalah, each of the 12 months of the year is associated with a particular sense or psychological faculty. The month of Tamuz is associated with sight. This means that the month of Tamuz is the best month of the year to learn to exercise our sight in the most positive way possible. Rectified sight involves both shying away from that which is negative (an ability associated in Kabbalah with our left eye) and training ourselves to see things in a positive light (associated with our right eye). In essence, both aspects are included in the right eye, which means that we should seek to see only the good points in others. What stops us from being able to see the good in others is, almost always, envy. The sages teach us that envy breeds lust and pride. If you look upon others with envy, not only are you unable to see the good in them, but you are actually increasing your own lusts and cravings for those things that are the opposite of life. In turn, greater lust leads to greater envy and the cycle constantly becomes more vicious. To heal yourself you need an expert eye doctor. According to Chassidut, the first expert eye doctor was Moses, who healed the spiritual sight of the entire Jewish people with his own qualities of selflessness and his unconditional love for all Jews. A person who has healed his sense of sight in this sense gains the power to heal others with his gaze. The story is told of the greatest lover of the Jewish people in recent genera• 323-965-1544 •

tions, Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who would pray with eyes wide open facing the street and the comer and goers. His critics charged him with immodesty, but he would not change his ways. The inner meaning of his puzzling conduct was that his kind and encouraging gaze whilst clinging to G-d in prayer (not concentrating at all on those outside) was enough to change people for the better. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, one of Rebbe Levi Yitzhcak's great contemporaries, found this idea in the verse: "A bit more and the wicked will be no more; for you will gaze at his place, and he will be gone." Rebbe Nachman explained that by these words, King David meant that by ignoring the wickedness in a person and by searching for the good in him or her, one's gaze has the power to annul evil. This is the Jewish response to the life-as-a-tragedy stance The Jewish (Un)tragedy The 17th day of Tamuz marks the beginning of a period of three weeks of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Yet, it would be incorrect to associate our national state of mourning with a feeling of tragedy at a national level.

It is unfortunate that some Jews have cultivated a culture of national tragedy, not over the destruction of the Temple per se, but mostly over what they perceive as the tragic history of the Jewish people. To choose to perceive ourselves as the heroes of tragedy leads in the end to self-loathing and a loss of self-confidence, creating a culture that identifies with our enemies and their goals. In addition, as noted earlier, perceiving one's existence as tragic creates an expectation of pity and compassion from others. It goes without saying that this causes other nations to shun us. Without a doubt, we the Jewish people have experienced tremendous hardship and pain throughout our history—more so perhaps than other nations. But Jewish history is anything but tragic. It is the history of hope and faith and of moral uprightness in the face of primitively immoral despots and religions, most of which have disappeared from the world. Jewish history is the ultimate anti-tragedy. It is the story of mankind's search for the possibility of sanctifying our corporeal existence here on earth. Walking through the ruins of the second Temple, and faced with the pain of the oncoming exile, most of the

sages wept; but not Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva, the Moses of his generation, met the disaster with a restrained joy. When asked the reason for his unexpected response, he explained that the prophets had foretold of many difficult periods in the history of our nation, and of good periods, leading in the end to the ultimate good of the true and complete redemption. He continued, "Now that I have seen that the negative has come to pass, I am certain that so will the good!" Rabbi Akiva epitomizes the Jewish faith and confidence in the immanence of goodness and holiness, even in the face of tremendous adversity. He passed this quality on to his student Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai who founded the mystical Judaic tradition in his book the Zohar (literally, "Radiance"). Throughout the ages, the ability to see with rectified sight has been passed down through the Jewish people and specifically in the writings of Kabbalah and then Chassidut. May this month of Tamuz be the month in which we undertake to see the world as did all our holy teachers. By transforming our sight, we will merit to see G-d usher in the era of the true and complete redemption. •

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jewish Agency Chairman, Natan Sharansky emerge from a conference room at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel, after PM Netanyahu delivered the keynote speech at the Jewish Agency Board of Governors (BOG) assembly, the most important annual gathering of Jewish organizational leaders in the world on Tuesday morning. Photo by: Brian Hendler/JA

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jewish Agency Chairman, Natan Sharansky are all smiles after PM Netanyahu delivered the keynote address at the closing session of the Jewish Agency Board of Governor's assembly at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel on Tuesday morning. Photo by: Brian Hendler/JA


July 15, 2011

Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles would like to thank the people and businesses that made our delicious brakefast and lunch food program a realilty this summer. Avi and Irit Stein Unique Pastry & Cafe, Tarazana, Ca

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39 J u l y

15, 2011

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From the Coach’s Voice: Through my last articles, I elucidated on various concepts that (1) there is a need to find a mentor, (2) the awareness that there is a need for the circle of life examination and (3) [today’s discussion on the removal of layered minutia]. Life’s Minutia One summer a number of years ago, my wife Elisheva Rachel and I stepped into a new Shul on Shabbat morning. The Rabbi’s sermon included some thoughts that I have carried with me since I heard them. He said, I have volumes and volumes of books in my office that discuss how to perform mitzvahs down to the last detail but my question is, “Are we remembering at all times to include the Master of the World in all of this?” It struck me as quite profound because as I contemplated these words and it made a lot of sense to me. Whether it is as a part of religious observances, the difficulties of making a living and/or in the complicated daily aspects of our life, much depends on

Judys Catering

how you approach something and the intent behind it. You see, it is so easy to become so caught up in the minute details of the moment that the bigger picture can get lost. As an example… Remember meeting your basherte (soul mate) and falling in love, the sleepless nights, the excitement! Remember thinking how together life would be a taste of heaven. So you plan, get married and go to work, have a family all in joy and happiness. Your work ethic is solid and you have the best intentions for your family, but something at some point changes. You get caught up in the minutia of life - bills, worry, not enough income or time. The romance seems to disappear. You may even feel unfulfilled. You become so busy that the objective you initially started out on (the love of your spouse, spending time together with your family, etc.) just isn’t the same. I use this as one example of well just about everything. The point is clear; we must all stop and clear the clutter of life that covers the beginnings - that covers the ideological objectives we started out with. It must begin with basic ingredients, then adding the spices that make it taste even better. If you don’t remember to reflect on where you began your journey you could lose sight of where you are going. My goal in writing these articles is to help individuals throughout the Jewish Community find the road to moving forward and taking action in achieving success with many aspects of their lives. There are wonderful life coaches in the greater Los Angeles area who are well qualified to assist you on your journey that can be found through word of mouth and the internet. May Hashem bless you with the motivation to move your lives forward and take ACTION. Joe Samson

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July 15, 2011

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July 15, 2011

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45 J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

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Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Cinnamon Cream

`téxÄ gÉä4


Send us your mazel tovs to

• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour • 3 tablespoons sugar


• 2 teaspoons baking powder

Leeby Dubinsky & Avremi Fishman Bracha Tauber & Yechiel Lichtenstein

• 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 cup milk


• 2 large eggs, separated

Shoshana Schellenberg & Dovid Nachman Manela Adella Swartz & Dovid Jeager Chassie Kaplan & Simcha Stern

• 3 tablespoons butter, melted plus 4 tablespoons, • 1/2 cup miniature semi-

Births - Boys

sweet chocolate morsels

Nechama Chaya & Avi Abba Finkelestien Nina & Asher Adler Chani & Daniel Meir Heyman Dina & Jack Levin Miriam & Yisroel Dovid Wohlgelenter Chaiky & Levi Nagel

• Cinnamon Cream, recipe follows • Maple syrup, for serving Cinnamon Cream: • 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar


Births - Girls Sponsored by

• 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat griddle to 350 degrees F.

Gitty & Tully Weiss Eileen & Philip Weiss

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a small bowl, combine milk, egg yolks, and 3 tablespoons melted butter; add to flour mixture, whisking until smooth. In a small bowl, beat egg whites at medium-high speed with an electric mixer until stiff. Gently fold into batter. Gently fold in chocolate morsels.

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2011 Light Candles at: 7:48 pm ••• FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2011 Light Candles at: 7:44 pm ••• FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2011 Light Candles at: 7:39 pm

Melt 2 tablespoons butter on hot griddle. Ladle about 1/4cup batter for each pancake onto hot griddle. Cook pancakes for 2 to 3 minutes, or until tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked. Turn and cook the other side. Repeat procedure with remaining 2 tablespoons butter and remaining batter. For the Cinnamon Cream: In a medium bowl, beat cream at medium-high speed with an electric mixer until thickened. Gradually beat in confectioners' sugar and cinnamon, beating until stuff peaks form. Cover and chill. Serve pancakes with Cinnamon Cream and maple syrup.


July 15, 2011

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July 15, 2011

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1. Girls’ braid is shorter. 2. Green wrist band is now red. 3. Cowboys’ yellow bandana is now green. 4. Bottles and items missing from the background. 5. Green bottle is now red. 6. Ladder moved in the background. 7. Logo is missing from the girls’ tee shirt. 8. Another box is stacked in the background. 9. Wrist band is missing from one girls arm. 10. Ruffles missing from black skirt.

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Dining Guide Listing Please Call 323-965-1544

DINING GUIDE MEAT Afshan Restaurant RCC 106 W. 9th St. LA, (213) 622-1010 Bocca Steakhouse RCC 16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436 (818) 905-5855 Café Del Mar Meat Kehila 12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171 Chic N Chow Kehila 9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-5595 Chinese and Kabob Kehila 9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-4007 Cohen’s Restaurant RCC 316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015 (213) 742-8888 Elat Burger Ben Zaken 9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 278-4692 Elite Cuisine RCC 7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 930-1303 Shawarma Express Kehila 5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 9135 (818) 342-2226 Glatt Hut RCC 9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 246-1900 Golan RCC 13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606 (818) 763-5344 Got Kosher? RCC 8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 858-1920 Habayit Bukspan 11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064 (310) 479-5444 Haifa Ben Zaken 8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 888-7700 Jeffs Gourmet Kehila 8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-8590 La Gondola Kehila 9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211 (310) 247-1239

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La Glatt RCC 446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 658-7730 La Seine 14 N. La Cienega Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310 358 0922 Mashu Mashu RCC 12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607 (818)752-ASIA (2742) Metro Glatt RCC 8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 275-4420 Nagilla Meating Place Kehila 9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0119 Orange Delight Kehila 13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423 (818) 788-9896 Pats Kehila 9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 205-8705 Pico Kosher Deli RCC 8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 273-9381 Pita Way RCC 8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 652-5236 Sassis Kehila 15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 986-5345 Schwartz Bakery and Deli RCC 433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036 (323)653-1941 Shanghai Kehila 9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 553-0998 Shilohs Kehila 8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-1652 Subway Kehila 8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-1222 Schnitzle Kehila 9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 786-8282 Temptation Grill Kehila 17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316 (818) 995-4700

Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery 3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard (818) 752-6866


DAIRY 26 By Shilo’s Kehila 8657 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310)246-1326 Beverly Cafe Elite RCC 7113 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90035 (323) 931-3563 Bibis Warmstone Kehila 8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 246-1788 Bramis Pizza


Nagilla Pizza Kehila 9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0111 Nana Cafe RCC 1509 S Robertson Blvd. (310) 407-0404 Pacific Pizza RCC - Cholov Yisroel & Pas Yisroel 12460 Oxnard St. N. Hollywood (818) 760-0087 Pico Cafe Kehila 8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310)385-9592 Pizza Maven Kehila 140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036 (323) 857-0353

17736 ShermanWay, Reseda 91326

(818) 342-0611 Café Del Mar Dairy Kehila 12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171 Circa RCC 8622 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles (310) 854-0592 Delice Kehila 8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-6556 Fish Grill Kehila 7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 937-7162 12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025 (310) 479-1800 9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 860-1182 22935 Pacific Coast Highway (310) 456-8585

Pizza Nosh Rabbi Ami Markel 30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301 (818) 991-3000 Pizza Station Kehila 8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 276-8708 Pizza World Kehila 365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 653-2896 Sassis Sushi Kehila 16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 783-2727 Shalom Pizza RCC 8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 271-2255 Unique Cafe Rabbi Aron Simkin 18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana (818) 757-3100

Jerusalem Pizza Kehila 17942 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91316


(818) 758-9595 La Brea Bagel Kehilla 7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 965-1287 La Pizza Rabbi Furst 12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 760-8198 Milk N Honey RCC 8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035 (310) 858-8850

Fish In The Village RCC 12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 769-0085 Le Sushi RCC 12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607 (818) 763-6600 SushiKo RCC 9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-3474

Milky Way Kehila 9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 859-0004

The Meating Place KCA 30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301 (818) 706-1255

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