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BORDENTOWN Home for Funerals InBoX Theater company seeks support

Passage Theatre is reaching out to the public to ask for help. We have a cash-flow crisis that will force the theater to cease operations immediately if we cannot solve it.

This is a short-term problem, but Passage needs to keep its doors open until the next grants arrive in late May. Help make a difference in the future of theater in New Jersey’s capital city by donating now.

Passage kept its doors open after the pandemic. But like many U.S. theaters, Passage has found that familiar funders have refocused their giving priorities in the post-pandemic economy. A drop in both corporate and individual gifts has created a gap in Passage’s cash flow between April and June.

To prevent immediate closure, Passage is tackling this shortfall from many directions. Our board and staff are working tirelessly to reach granting organizations to see if funds can be released earlier. We have contacted family and friends of Passage across this country to help us survive. And they are answering.

But we must raise $75,000 before the end of May to ensure that we are here to produce our 39th season and beyond. Some staff have already been laid off or had their hours greatly reduced. The hard truth is we can no longer cut our way out of this crisis.

A state capital needs professional theatre. Trenton’s is Passage. It creates thought-provoking, liberating theatre that tells the stories of our entire community. Recent seasons have attracted national attention, and several plays that Passage has created are going on to be produced across the country. In this incredibly difficult time we are asking those whose lives have been touched by Passage, or those who love art in urban America, to contribute to our survival.

Staff and board members are happy to talk or answer questions. Reach out to us at admin@passagetheatre.org.

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