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This Issue of Telling It Like It Is was hi-jacked by

Krista Malden

My one piece of advice is to take advice. It sounds like a joke, but feed back and advice are very important. There are various people out there that have in depth experience and great ideas that can help you. I always look for mentors and seek advice whenever I am unsure of something. It has helped me a lot, as a firsttime entrepreneur, I don’t have much experience and I really needed the advice from various people, which is very easy to get in the community! People love to help.


Shelvie Fernan, CEO & Cofounder, Fly and Fetch Inc.

Every episode of Telling It Like It is, Jade asks: “If you had one piece of advice for a startup or entrepreneur, what would that be?”

“To Make sure you have a CLEAR vision of what you want and to learn to shut off your survival brain or fears and take action in the absence of knowing all the answers. We need to give power to the part of us that believes in ourselves and what we are doing and most definitely listen to your gut…it’s always right” . – Jamie Sale; Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion Figure Skater/ Motivational Speaker& Coach.

“It is time that employers, teachers, parents, and students stop the rhetoric of starting your career “from the bottom.” It implies that those in entry level positions are in a hole that they must climb or scratch out of to earn any self-respect. We can change the message and instead we can change the message and instead we can emphasize the importance of learning the culture of work, to develop key employability or soft skills in tandem of the technical skill development. Entry level roles help one evaluate career decisions and choices with those working professionals in the sector they are most interested in. Ultimately, it is the value and willingness to start…from the “BEGINNING!”

- Dan Olesen, Senior Program Director of Careers

Peer Guidance: Top Business Consulting and Coaching Team

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