June 2-6
June 9-13
June 16-20
June 23-27
9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon
Bits and Pizzas
Club Amigos
Down on the Farm
Gardening with Gruszka Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Mad Science Little Green
Thumbs Camp
Under the Sea Volleyball Camp
Backyard Birds
Bits and Pizzas
Club Amigos
Down on the Farm
Gardening with Gruszka Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Mad Science Little Green
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Bluey’s Adventures
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Monster Mash
Music Around the World
Wizards in the Kitchen
Community Coders
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
Thumbs Camp
The Musketeers
Under the Sea Volleyball Camp
Backyard Birds
Barbie World
Bits and Pizzas
Gardening with Gruszka Gymnastics & Ninja Obstacles Camp
Magic Treehouse IN a Treehouse!
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
Under the Sea Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Community Coders
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
Summer Tennis
Bluey’s Adventures
Community Coders
Crafty Kids
Dog and a Donut
Disney Dance Stars
Gruszka Ball
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Monster Mash
Music Around the World
The Musketeers
Wizards in the Kitchen
Backyard Blast Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp Fun in the Sun
Community Sleepunder
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Kitchen Social Messy Play
Backyard Birds
Barbie World
Bits and Pizzas
Gardening with Gruszka
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Magic Treehouse IN a Treehouse!
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
Under the Sea
Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Community Coders
Forest Woodworking
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
Summer Tennis
Bluey’s Adventures
Community Coders
Crafty Kids
Disney Dance Stars
Dog and a Donut
Extreme Sports & Games
Gruszka Ball
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Music Around the World
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
Wizards in the Kitchen
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Backyard Blast Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Dino Discovery Fun in the Sun Nature Crafts
Community Sleepunder
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Mad Science “Make It!” Camp
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
A Mouse and a Cookie Crayola Legends and Lore Camp Get Ready to Act!
Gruszka Ball
Kitchen Social Messy Play
Chess is Fun for Everyone Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Backyard Blast Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Dino Discovery Fun in the Sun
Mini Golf
Mud N’ Stuff Nature Crafts
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Community Sleepunder Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Mad Science “Make It!”
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
Summer Tennis
A Mouse and a Cookie Crayola Legends and Lore Camp Field Hockey for Beginners Get Ready to Act!
Kitchen Social Messy Play
Bluey’s Adventures
Community Coders
Crafty Kids
Disney Dance Stars
Dog and a Donut
Extreme Sports & Games
Gruszka Ball
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Music Around the World
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
Wizards in the Kitchen
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Forest Woodworking
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Using Nature to Create Art
Backyard Blast Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Dino Discovery Mini Golf
Mud N’ Stuff
Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Community Sleepunder
Exploring Chapter Books
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Mad Science “Make It!”
Puzzle Power Camp
Sewing, 3D Art, and Puzzles!
Summer Tennis
American Girl CraftsJunior Edition
A Mouse and a Cookie
Crayola Legends and Lore Camp
Field Hockey for Beginners Get Ready to Act!
Gruszka Ball
Kitchen Social Pokémon Party
June 23-27 July 7-11
July 14-18
July 21-25
1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm
Books and Beauty in Nature
Musical Theater Explorers!
Backyard Blast Forest Friends
Mini Movers
Zen Den
Books and Beauty in Nature
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Musical Theater Explorers!
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast Forest Friends
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Mini Movers Zen Den
Beach Party
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Community Coders
Drive-In Movie
Messy Play
Volleyball Camp
Artful Antics with Ms. Breier
Books and Beauty in Nature
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Musical Theater Explorers!
Summer Tennis
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast Forest Friends
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Mini Movers
Zen Den
Beach Party
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Community Coders
Disney Dance Stars
Drive-In Movie
Gruszka Ball
Messy Play
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Gardening with Gruszka Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Crayola Artist’s Passport
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
The Musketeers Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Beach Party
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Community Coders
Disney Dance Stars
Drive-In Movie
Gruszka Ball
Messy Play
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Crayola Artist’s Passport
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Beyblade Battles
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Extreme Sports & Games
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Artful Antics with Ms. Breier
Books and Beauty in Nature
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Summer Tennis
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Mini Movers
Zen Den
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Community Coders
Disney Dance Stars
Drive-In Movie
Get Your Game On!
Gruszka Ball
Minecrafter’s Guild
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Crayola Artist’s Passport
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Beyblade Battles
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Extreme Sports & Games
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Scientists!
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
June 2-6 June 9-13 June 16-20
9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon
Backyard Birds
Barbie World
Gardening with Gruszka
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Magic Treehouse IN a Treehouse!
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Community Coders
Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Backyard Birds
Barbie World Gardening with Gruszka Gymnastics & Ninja Obstacles Camp
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Volleyball Camp
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Community Coders
Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Community Coders
Dog Days of Summer
Extreme Sports & Games
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Forest Woodworking
Gruszka Ball
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Music Around the World Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Tournaments
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Using Nature to Create Art
Backyard Blast
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Mini Golf
Mud N’ Stuff
Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Exploring Chapter Books
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Mad Science “Make It!” Camp
Puzzle Power Camp
Summer Tennis
American Girl CraftsJunior Edition
Chefs in Training: Let’s Bake!
Crayola Legends and Lore Camp
Drone Racing 101
Field Hockey for Beginners
Flag Football
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard Pokémon Party
Books & Crafts
Community Coders
Dog Days of Summer
Extreme Sports & Games
Gruszka Ball
Gymnastics & Ninja
Obstacles Camp
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Music Around the World Paper Airplane Flight School
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Tournaments
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Forest Woodworking STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Uniquely Yours Using Nature to Create Art
Backyard Blast
Books & Crafts
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Mini Golf
Mud N’ Stuff
Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Exploring Chapter Books
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Mad Science “Make It!”
Puzzle Power Camp
Summer Tennis
Chefs in Training: Let’s Bake!
Crayola Legends and Lore Camp Drone Racing 101 Flag Football
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Pokémon Party
Backyard Birds
Gardening with Gruszka
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Paper Airplane Flight School
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Books & Crafts
Dog Days of Summer
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Paper Airplane Flight
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Tournaments
Backyard Birds
Gardening with Gruszka
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Books & Crafts
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Extreme Sports & Games
Forest Woodworking
Summer Tennis
Uniquely Yours
Using Nature to Create Art
Backyard Blast
Books & Crafts
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp
Mini Golf
Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Exploring Chapter Books
Lego Builders - Summer
Mad Science “Make It!”
Puzzle Power Camp
Summer Tennis
Chefs in Training: Let’s Bake!
Crayola Legends and Lore Camp
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Pokémon Party
Awesome Art!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Extreme Sports & Games
Forest Woodworking
Backyard Blast Books & Crafts
Mini Golf
Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Puzzle Power Camp
Chefs in Training: Let’s Bake!
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
Paper Airplane Flight School
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Gardening with Gruszka Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Paper Airplane Flight School
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Tournaments
Chess is Fun for Everyone Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Uniquely Yours
Using Nature to Create Art
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Extreme Sports & Games
Forest Woodworking
Uniquely Yours
Backyard Blast Mini Golf
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Gardening with Gruszka Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Forest Woodworking Home Ec
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Forest Woodworking
Uniquely Yours
Backyard Blast Mini Golf
Lego Builders - Summer Edition Flag Football
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
Gruszka Ball
Make and Ride Your Very Own Skateboard
June 23-27 July 7-11
July 14-18
July 21-25
1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm 9am-Noon 1pm-4pm
American Girl Crafts -
Senior Edition
Artful Antics with Ms. Breier
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Creating Art with Paper
Grocery Bags
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Summer Tennis
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast Chefs in Training: Cooking Basics for Kids
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Zen Den
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
American Girl CraftsSenior Edition
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Creating Art with Paper Grocery Bags
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Summer Tennis
The Musketeers
American Girl CraftsSenior Edition
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Creating Art with Paper Grocery Bags
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Mad Science Wings and Things Camp
Summer Tennis
The Musketeers
American Girl CraftsSenior Edition
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Creating Art with Paper Grocery Bags
Drone Racing 101
Flag Football
The Musketeers
American Girl CraftsSenior Edition
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Flag Football
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast Chefs in Training: Cooking Basics for Kids
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Community Coders
Drone Racing 101
Get Your Game On!
Gruszka Ball
Minecrafter’s Guild
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Becoming an Author
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Crayola Artist’s Passport
Drone Racing 101
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Beyblade Battles
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Extreme Sports & Games
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Scientists!
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Community Coders
Drone Racing 101
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Zen Den
Get Your Game On!
Gruszka Ball
Minecrafter’s Guild
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Becoming an Author Chess is Fun for Everyone
Crayola Artist’s Passport
Drone Racing 101
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Community Coders
Extreme Sports & Games
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Scientists!
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Beyblade Battles
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
LEGO Robotics
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Summer Tennis
Backyard Blast Basketball
Chefs in Training: Cooking Basics for Kids
Mad Science Super Gross Science!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Summer Tennis
Zen Den
Drone Racing 101
Get Your Game On!
Gruszka Ball
Minecrafter’s Guild
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Becoming an Author
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Crayola Artist’s Passport
Drone Racing 101
Puzzle Power Camp
Summer Tennis
Cheerleading & Tumbling Camps
Gardening with Gruszka
Mad Science Underground
Puzzle Power Camp
STEAM Scientists!
The Musketeers Volleyball Camp
Beyblade Battles Extreme Sports & Games
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
LEGO Robotics
Puzzle Power Camp
Summer Tennis
Backyard Blast Basketball Chefs in Training: Cooking Basics for Kids Poke-Palooza!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Zen Den
Drone Racing 101
Get Your Game On!
Gruszka Ball
Minecrafter’s Guild
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Volleyball Camp
Backyard Blast Basketball Poke-Palooza!
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Zen Den
Gruszka Ball
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Drone Racing 101 Poke-Palooza!
Puzzle Power Camp
Gardening with Gruszka Puzzle Power Camp
The Musketeers Volleyball Camp
Beyblade Battles
Extreme Sports & Games
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
LEGO Robotics Puzzle Power Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Poke-Palooza!
Gardening with Gruszka
The Musketeers
Volleyball Camp
Beyblade Battles
Extreme Sports & Games
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
LEGO Robotics
American Girl CraftsSenior Edition
Chess is Fun for Everyone
The Musketeers
Backyard Blast Basketball
Chess is Fun for Everyone
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
Zen Den
Gruszka Ball
Mini Golf
The Musketeers
The Swiftie Society
Volleyball Camp
Chess is Fun for Everyone Poke-Palooza!
Gardening with Gruszka
The Musketeers Volleyball Camp
Beyblade Battles
Lego Builders - Summer Edition
LEGO Robotics
Enjoy the whimsical Laura Numeroff book series while you bake and eat yummy treats. We will enjoy a different book each day, make story crowns, create the main characters, and more.
Martha Overcash
Bring your doll to camp to stock up on some much needed accessories! We’ll dive into a world of whimsical crafts, designing and creating clothing, accessories, and food for your 18” friends. Campers will use no-sew techniques like gluing, stitching, and fabric manipulation to bring their ideas to life and model clay and foam sheets for food. You and your doll will be happy you came!
Jennifer Gosnell
Calling all aspiring fashionistas! Bring your doll to camp for a fashion upgrade! We’ll learn basic machine sewing skills while creating unique and stylish garments for your American Girl dolls. From trendy tops and skirts to comfy pajamas and even a stylish tote bag, you’ll gain valuable sewing experience and design your own doll wardrobe. This camp is perfect for beginners with some prior sewing experience or those eager to learn.
Jennifer Gosnell
Join me for a week of sand art, bracelet making, scratch art, upcycle creations, and more. There will be outdoor play included daily, with nature scavenger hunts and playground obstacle challenges. Campers will develop key skills, including fine motor skills through cutting, taping, gluing, drawing, and coloring; eye-hand coordination; creativity and imagination; and social skills.
Amy Breier, MSOTR
Awesome Art!
Come and create Awesome Art using a variety of art materials as you explore sculpture, painting, photography, and much more!
Linda Packard
Soar into summer with egg-citing adventures. Get outside and learn the basics of birding to identify the birds in our backyard. We’ll feature songbirds like cardinals, bluebirds, and chickadees; raptors like owls, eagles, and hawks; and your favorite bird. Play migration games, model habitats, and connect with nature.
Trisha Stanley
Backyard Blast
Learn and play various backyard games—some classic and some new! Croquet, washers, KanJam, kickball, wiffleball, cornhole, and more will be instructed and played throughout the week. Students will get to try various pairings and individual games culminating in a tournament at the end of the week. The goal will be playing new games and making new friends in the beautiful backyard of Community School.
Jered Gruszka
Barbie World
Hi Barbie! Hi Barbie! It’s time to enter Barbie’s Dream House! Bring your favorite Barbie and get ready for all the glitz, glam, and pink that your heart can handle! Barbie World is full of our favorite things…Barbies, arts and crafts, dress-up, dancing, sparkles, and fun!
Rebecka Briney
$235 each Half-day Camp
$190 for week of June 16-20 (no camp June 19)
Calling all student athletes and future NBA stars: The Rec Academy is putting the “FUN” back in basketball FUNdamentals! From dribbling and shooting to defense and more, learn the drills, skills, and techniques that will elevate your basketball game—all while having a blast. Every day is designed with a unique focus to strengthen your game.
The Recreation Academy
Beach Party
Summer days are fun at the beach! We may not be near an ocean at Community School, but we have an amazing sandbox and water features to make playtime a blast! In addition to outdoor play, we will cool off inside making beach themed crafts, having special snacks, and getting active with under-the-sea videos.
Jennifer Gosnell
This camp will focus on a variety of writing strategies including planning/brainstorming, drafting, proofreading, peer editing, and many more. Students will be guided through a number of engaging writing activities to practice skills necessary to generate their final writing piece. During camp, students will be working towards the final step of writing, where they will be given the opportunity to “publish” all of their hard work in their very own take-home book! *Instruction will be differentiated to reflect students’ grade level and ability.
Ellie LaVigne
Beyblade Battles
3, 2, 1... Let ‘em rip! Launch your blade into the arena, and the last Beyblade spinning wins. Join us as we learn about tournaments and practice sportsmanship. Campers may bring in their own gear but must be responsible for it. We will have everything you need.
Therese Futhey
Bits and Pizzas
If you enjoy all things pizza then you will love Bits and Pizzas camp. Let’s put our aprons on and get our hands messy as we make several types of pizza. Not only will we have a variety of toppings but we will also have different crusts. There will be pizza pockets, pizza bagels, cheese bread, dessert pizzas, and more.
Kara Smith
Bluey’s Adventures
Calling all BLUEY FANS! It’s time to join Bluey and Bingo for daily adventures and a world of imagination! We will learn and play games from Bluey like Cart Yards, Picture Charades, Cafe, Trampoline, Blue Mountains, and more!
Rebecka Briney
Books & Crafts
If you love to read, or just want to do more of it, join Books & Crafts! Bring your current book obsession to read each day. We’ll also make bookmarks, bracelets, reading charts, and more while we enjoy book-themed snacks in a cozy reading environment.
Libby Overcash
Do you love sharing stories, creating beautiful art, and exploring our amazing woods? Grab your bug spray and sunscreen, and join us for Books and Beauty in Nature! Each day begins with a cozy reading session in the woods. Then, equipped with creativity and curiosity, we’ll venture into the woods to find our inspiration for our daily art project. Come and let your imagination run wild in the beauty of nature!
Therese Futhey
The Hi-NRG Cheerleading & Tumbling Camp focuses on all the basics in cheer and tumbling, from jumps, motions, and basic stunting to forward and backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, round-offs, and standing back bends. Campers will also enjoy an introduction to back handsprings. The camp will include air tracks and back handspring trainers.
HI-NRG Gymnastics
Join Madame Marusic for a fun-filled cooking class. In this hands-on experience, kids will learn basic cooking skills, explore different flavors, and create a dish for each meal. Recipes will vary depending on the availability of ingredients, and we will be eating our creations. Bon appétit! No peanut/tree nut ingredients will be used, but unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any other food allergies.
Lori Marusic
Join Madame Marusic for a cooking class focused on baking. In this hands-on experience, kids will learn basic kitchen skills, explore different flavors, and create delicious baked goods such as zucchini bread, soft pretzels, and cake pops just to name a few. We will be eating our creations. Let’s cook up some fun! No peanut/tree nut ingredients will be used, but unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any other food allergies.
Lori Marusic
Chess instruction is provided to all students, as well as opportunities for chess tournament play. Higher level strategies and tactics are taught to experienced players. No prior experience is required to participate in this chess class.
En Passant Chess Club
Campers will immerse in the Spanish language through music, movement, games, storybooks, art, and summertime fun. Daily language themes include: el océano y la playa, el zoológico, el picnic en el parque, and more. Please join Señora Vonna on a delightful adventure to sing, dance, laugh, and learn Spanish!
Vonna Despotis
Join us for an introduction to screen-free coding with Sphero Indi, a car-shaped robot. Campers will use color tiles to program the robots to create patterns, loops, stories, and maps. Campers will also learn how to reprogram the color tiles’ actions and code Indi to sing a song.
Trisha Stanley
Come and enjoy all of the aspects of a sleepover at the Community sleepunder camp. Bring your favorite lovey, sleeping bag, and game, and let’s have some fun. We will make sweet treats, crafts, and friendship bracelets, and we will watch movies and have a mini spa day. You are welcome to wear your favorite jammies to camp!
Kara Smith
Let’s be crafty and enjoy a week of making our own fun. We’ll make jewelry, accessories, bags, and more. We’ll even make our own snacks and drinks. Crafts will be tailored to the interests of the class. Don’t miss out on the fun!
Darla Ellsworth
Travel the world through art! Embark on an around-the-world cultural adventure. Explore far-off places and learn about the people who live there, from the Americas to the Ivory Coast, from the cosmopolitan to the countryside. Experiment with Crayola® products, while trying art techniques developed by local artists and artisans. Make a different masterpiece each day, including a dot art canvas, a mini Pakistani bus, a mud art painting on fabric, and a jeweled egg! Bring the unique creations home and build a globally-inspired art gallery.
Crayola Imagine Arts Academy of St. Louis
Crayola Legends and Lore Camp
Embark on an artful journey through Legends and Lore! From the fiery Phoenix to the mighty Kraken, campers will discover mythical creatures that captivate imaginations. Kids will sculpt golems, create mixed media sea creatures, craft trickster manticores, and draw magical Kun-Pengs. Each project brings ancient myths to life through art, sparking curiosity and creativity!
Crayola Imagine Arts Academy of St. Louis
Students will use paper grocery bags to create a variety of art projects. They will paint the paper and then use their own artwork to create boxes, books, decorations, and sculptures. So many creative possibilities await!
Stephen Lott
Dino Discovery
Join us for a summer of adventure at Dino Discovery Camp, where kids will explore the exciting world of dinosaurs! Campers will dig for dinos, create dino crafts, and enjoy engaging lessons about these incredible creatures. With fun outdoor games, captivating crafts, and spectacular stories, every day is packed with learning and laughter. Register now for a roaring good time filled with creativity and discovery!
Ellen Noel
Join us for Disney Dance Stars Camp, a magical summer adventure for rising SK-2nd graders! Perfect for beginner-level dancers, campers will explore ballet, jazz, tap, poms, and musical theater while dancing to beloved Disney tunes. Each day brings fun lessons, lively music, and creative self-expression, leaving every dancer feeling like a star!
Katherine Fulton
Let’s explore the beloved Laura Numeroff book series with snacks, crafts, music, and more. We’ll read about dogs and donuts, mice and cookies, cats and cupcakes to name a few! Campers will get to write and illustrate their own books to take home at the end of the week. Bring your creativity (and sweet tooth)!
Colleen Wyss
Unleash your love for dogs at the Dog Days of Summer camp! Campers are invited to join us for a paws-itively fun adventure filled with learning, crafting, and plenty of tail-wagging excitement. Campers will learn about dog care, training, and behavior, all while spending quality time with our beloved school pet, Skipper! Craft enthusiasts can look forward to making bandanas and other dog-themed crafts.
Ellen Noel
Grab your overalls and boots and get ready for some farm fun! We will learn how to take care of the animals, harvest the vegetables, and ride a tractor through creative play. Plus, we’ll cook up some yummy treats as we learn all about farm life. Farmers will put their artistic and engineering skills to use as they build their own farm complete with a barn and animals.
Martha Overcash
If you like movies and cooking, then this is the perfect camp for you. Let’s create box cars to watch movies in while enjoying tasty meals we make. Each meal will be themed around the movie for the day. In addition to the meals, we will make movie snacks like flavored popcorn, trail mix, cookies, and more.
Kara Smith
Become a drone pilot in this awesome program! Learn how to fly a DWI Quad Rotor Drone, design creative courses to race each other through, learn about the many uses of drones, practice working together to accomplish flight-based tasks, and more! This camp is half drone racing and half active, movement-based games.
The Recreation Academy
This camp will provide guidance in researching and choosing “just right” chapter books by presenting students with a variety of age-appropriate books ranging in topics and genres. The camp will allow students to explore the group-chosen chapter book through character studies, comprehension questions, writing prompts, and daily crafts related to the book. Students will leave feeling excited about reading and motivated to pick their next book! *Instruction will be differentiated to reflect students’ grade level and ability.
Ellie LaVigne
Want a camp they can’t get enough of? This is it! We’re calling all student athletes, sports fans, and fun seekers! Come play Gaga Ball, 9-Square in the Air, Kickball, Wiffle Ball, Ultimate Frisbee, Dodgeball, and much more. Participants will change activities every 30-60 minutes. This program was specifically designed in a way that aims to help keep participants engaged, learning, and having fun.
The Recreation Academy
Are you ready to give field hockey a try?
Former player and club coach Jessica Farris and high school varsity coach Nancy Schmer will teach beginning field hockey skills to rising first through third graders.
Jessica Farris and Nancy Schmer
Start your NFL journey today—register now for a week of fun at Flag Football Camp! Staff will lead dynamic games, skill drills, and friendly competitions. Highlights include an agilitytesting Mini Combine, a precision-focused Pass-Punt-Kick Contest, and heart-pounding mini gameplay scrimmages. Join the flag football revolution, leaving with enhanced skills and a deeper love for the game.
The Recreation Academy
Scamper like a squirrel, hop like a bunny, and dig like a badger at the Forest Friends play camp. We will have the run of the nursery room and playground for our adventures, including getting wet in the sandbox! Crafts and activities will all be animal themed.
Jennifer Gosnell
Come spend time working and playing in the woods of Community School. Campers will learn to use basic tools outdoors to make games, toys, and crafts using the green wood of the forest. They will also learn about the trees, plants, and animals that fill our incredible natural world!
Dave Lang
Join Mrs. Lepsky and Mrs. Smith for some beach-themed fun in the sun. We will make tasty beach snacks, play in the water and sand, and create sea-themed crafts. Grab your swimwear, beach towels, and hats. We have some new adventures, activities, and treats this summer!
Kara Smith and Kathy Lepsky
Let’s grow even more fun this summer! We have plenty of dirt, compost, insects, and plants... we just need to know how they all work to make something beautiful, and often tasty! Come garden with Mr. Gruszka as you learn how to work, weed, and use and care for a garden, big or small. Direct hands-in-dirt experience and projects will allow you to take your “sprouting” skills to harvest!
Jered Gruszka
Act, sing, dance, and create in this oneweek camp that culminates in a production. Students will rehearse a show and add their creative talents to the set and costumes. The show will be at 11 am on Friday, June 27.
Alissa Rowan
Do you love games? Are you a master of trivia? Care for a game of friendly feud? Sign up for our game nation and experience the world of game shows like Minute To Win It, The Price Is Right, “Friendly” Feud, LINGO, and Password! Are you ready to get your game on?
Rebecka Briney
Gruszka Ball
It’s like wiffleball... only with more Gruszka “curve.” Learn how to play various types of wiffleball, as well as the skills needed to play positions in the game. Hands-on coaching and skill work will be completed each day along with at least one daily game. Students of all skill levels are welcome to join in for an atbat, and no one ever strikes out when having fun with friends in this classic backyard game.
Jered Gruszka
Gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, games, obstacles races, outdoor fun, and more! Ninja inflatables and air tracks will bring excitement to campers every day! Age-appropriate groups with dynamic and engaging stations will build campers’ strength and confidence. HI-NRG Gymnastics
Hip Hop Dance and DJ Camp
Join a hip hop dance camp with choreography for fun routines. We will make up songs, dance to those songs, create t-shirts, and learn to DJ while having fun!
Reggie VanDerson
Home Ec
As we get older, we all need to learn the skills that we will use as grown ups. Cooking, cleaning, organizing, and self care are all executive skills we need to establish. In home ec camp, you can learn how to prep and cook kid-friendly meals, gain basic sewing skills, and practice grooming skills such as learning simple hair styles. Learn to use an iron to iron on patches and create embroidery patterns for pillow cases. We will create a recipe book for cookies, cakes, and many other dishes that we will cook.
Kara Smith
Do you like to play tag, use scooters, kick balls, shoot hoops, score goals, play parachute games, and more? Join Ms. B for indoor and outdoor games, plus some playground time. Let’s see what you’ve got!
Amy Breier, MSOTR
Kitchen Social
Let’s make food while we make new friends. You and your friends can join Mrs. Smith and make popular breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes. A few items we will cook are cinnamon rolls, pancakes, mac and cheese, tacos, and cupcakes. Each day we will cook two items and then enjoy them with the buddies we prepared them with. There will be chances to collaborate with a partner or in small groups. We will decorate aprons and enjoy time cooking and chatting. I can’t wait to cook with you all.
Kara Smith
If you like Lego, you will LOVE this class! Join other brickheads in building and designing Lego creations that revolve around themes and teach strategy, flexibility, and creative thinking—skills that parents and children never knew plastic pieces could provide. TONS of bricks will be provided, as well as instruction booklets (sometimes) as students build their own fun. Daily books, projects, and building will lead to a remarkable week.
Jered Gruszka
LEGO Robotics
Unleash your creativity and engineering skills in our exciting LEGO Robotics Summer Camp! Students will dive into the world of robotics as they build and program their own LEGO creations. Through fun, hands-on challenges, participants will learn key STEM concepts, problem-solving techniques, and teamwork in an engaging and supportive environment. Whether you’re a budding engineer or a curious beginner, this camp promises a week full of innovation, exploration, and fun! No prior experience required—just bring your imagination!
Kathy Lepsky
Roll up your sleeves, put on your makers cap, and get ready to create! This is our most hands-on camp! Who can build the strongest bridge? Can your bridge withstand the shake, rattle, and roll challenge? Explore the world of birds and beasts. Discover what Hooty the owl had for dinner. Kids will dissect owl pellets and reconstruct Hooty’s dinner. Enter the Mad Science chemistry lab and mix, mash, and brew concoctions! Assemble and control pulleys, levers, catapults, simple machines, and megapinchers! It’s a week packed with non-stop science fun!
Mad Science of St. Louis
Give your preschooler a green thumb! Little campers will dissect seeds, make colorful leaf rubbings, and create fruit and veggie prints to take home. They’ll learn what weather helps gardens grow and even dress up as buzzing pollinators to explore the world of flowers. Join us and see what the buzz is all about!
Mad Science of St. Louis
Get ready for a week of wonderfully gross discoveries at Super Gross Science Camp! Campers will explore slimy chemistry, create boogers, make edible excrement, and learn all about burps and gas. From dissecting cells to solving mysteries with forensic science, each day brings a new, messy, hands-on adventure that kids will love!
Mad Science of St. Louis
Mad Science Underground Explorers!
Embark on an archaeological adventure at Underground Explorers Camp! Campers will dig for fossils, recreate a volcanic eruption, examine ancient coins, and piece together bones like real archaeologists. Each day, kids uncover mysteries of lost civilizations through hands-on projects like fossil replicas and amber time capsules. History comes to life in this interactive journey through the past!
Mad Science of St. Louis
Take off on a high-flying adventure with Wings and Things! From building kites and parachutes to launching rockets, campers will explore the science of flight through handson projects. They’ll dive into aerodynamics, test Newton’s laws with their own Skyblazer rockets, and journey through the history of flight. Get ready to soar!
Mad Science of St. Louis
Join us in our very own CS treehouse to explore The Magic Treehouse Series! We will join Jack and Annie on their adventures as we bring the books to life through arts, crafts, music, projects, and more. See you in the woods!
Colleen Wyss
Mr. Mohr (Founder of Wormboards Skateboard Company) will teach students to saw, file, and sand their very own skateboard! He will also teach them how to ride a skateboard so that they are able to safely enjoy the board they make when the camp is over. At the end of the week Mr. Mohr will build out the decks with quality supplies from Madrid Skateboards and Full Circle Distribution so each student leaves with a professionalquality skateboard that they can ride with ease. Campers must wear helmets in order to skate so please send them with helmets each day. Wrist and knee guards, water bottles, and sunscreen are all optional but recommended. *An additional $85 has been added to the camp fee to purchase all of the supplies for the skateboard as well as the deck wood (retail value $175).
Joe Mohr
Get ready for fun, creativity, and a whole lot of mess! Join us for a week of hands-on, sensory-rich experiences that will spark your child’s imagination. From finger painting and slime-making to mud pies and bubbles, we’ll explore a variety of messy activities that are guaranteed to delight and amaze. Our camp will guide your child through each activity, encouraging exploration and open ended play. So, let’s get messy and have some fun!
Kim Crnko
Ready to unleash your creativity in the extraordinary world of Minecraft? Join our captivating Minecrafter’s Guild and embark on an unforgettable adventure! Dive into a realm of limitless possibilities as you learn the ropes, build awe-inspiring structures, and conquer thrilling challenges. With a vibrant community of fellow builders, unleash your imagination, forge lasting friendships, and elevate your Minecraft skills to new heights. Join us today and let your blocky dreams come to life!
The Recreation Academy
Mini Golf
Welcome to the Community School woodshop, where you will make your own putter out of wood and design new creative and challenging mini golf holes to play each day!
Joe Mohr
Mini Movers
Do you like to move? Run? Jump? Skip? All the above?! Join the mini movers camp to get your body moving at summer camp! This camp focuses on taking our energy and putting it to good use into obstacle courses, movement challenges, games, and all things kinesthetic!
Rebecka Briney
Monster Mash
It might be summer, but who doesn’t like a good monster mash??? Let’s cook up some monster stew slime, make a monster’s brain melt, create a tissue box monster, and play in monster muck! We’ll also make some yummy monster snacks and create some googly-eyed monsters.
Martha Overcash
Unleash your inner artist and explore the wonders of the natural world at Mud N’ Stuff! Join us for a week of fun, creativity, and outdoor adventure. We’ll transform leaves, flowers, and rocks into stunning masterpieces, using natural materials to create unique and breathtaking works of art. From painting with mud to sculpting with sticks, every day is a new artistic journey. We’ll hike through the woods each day to gather our materials. Dress to impress the mud, and wear sunscreen and bug spray.
Lauri Torrie
Travel around the world while we learn about different music, customs, and traditions. We’ll play games, sing songs, and make crafts that you’ll get to take home!
Meriam Dwidar
Campers will explore the wonderful world of musical theater! This is sure to be a fantastical journey through some of the most enchanting, kid-friendly musicals like Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, and The Wizard of Oz. Campers will be introduced to costumes and props and will perform a magical showcase the last day of camp for families and friends.
STAGES St. Louis Nature Crafts
Come explore the woods and nature trail as we gather sticks, rocks, leaves, and more to create some amazing nature crafts. We will meet in the treehouse and make walking sticks, paint story rocks, build fairy houses, and more. Come ready to spend your day outside in nature!
Martha Overcash
Top Fun is back! Do you love paper airplanes, but just can’t get your planes to fly right? Come to paper airplane flight school and earn your wings by learning about flight, paper folding, and more. We will experiment with a variety of paper airplanes and learn how to adjust them for maximum flight! So sign up to get your paper airplane pilot’s license and call sign!
Dave Lang
Campers, I choose you! We gotta catch ‘em all! It’s time to battle your way into Pokémon Party where players can play, create, draw, and battle their Pokémon to win the championship!
Rebecka Briney
Enjoy all things Pokémon! From cards, Pokémon Go, to even creating new and improved Pokémon, students will be able to immerse themselves in this incredible universe to learn about our natural world, get creative, and play in exciting games!
Trenton Fulton
Dive into a week of brain-bending fun at Puzzle Power Camp! Campers will explore word puzzles, optical illusions, and creative challenges that spark critical thinking, teamwork, and perseverance. From cracking codes to designing their own puzzles, this camp is perfect for curious minds ready to solve, create, and discover!
Katherine Fulton
Join Madame Gardet to discover how to sew using a sewing machine, hand stitches, and embroidery. The class is open to beginners and advanced sewers. When we need a break from sewing, we will make creations using 3D techniques (paper plates, bags, etc.) and work on a variety of puzzles.
Veronique Gardet
STEAM Camp: Animal Edition
Science, engineering, and art join forces to create animal-themed projects. Rescue animals from ice and design habitats. Engineer rainforest tree mazes and marble runs. Explore penguin tobogganing, build sledding ramps, and make fizzy snow. Dive into a coral reef with texture-rich painting and sculptures. Invent a pet and construct a playground for it.
Trisha Stanley
STEAM Scientists!
Put on your thinking caps! Get ready to get creative! Each day, new challenges will encourage us to problem solve, create, build, and even destroy tasks along the way! If you love engineering, science, exploration, and problem solving, then become a STEAM scientist for the week!
Rebecka Briney
Summer Tennis
Dive into a world of fun, friends, and fierce volleys! Perfect your serve, play exciting games, and make unforgettable memories. Whether you’re a beginner or a budding pro, there’s a spot just for you! Don’t miss out—let’s ace this summer together!
Bohan Li
The Musketeers
This fencing camp offers kids a way to dip their toes into the sport of fencing in a place that’s friendly and supportive. Campers immerse themselves in the sport for a week. This kind of structured, focused attention can go a long way to acclimate a child to an unfamiliar sport, as well as supercharge their excitement. Camps are exciting and fun, and kids build the kind of memories that last for a lifetime. At Musketeers camp, everyone gets to go through the journey of beginning the sport together.
The Fencing Academy
The Swiftie Society
Join us for all things Taylor Swift! We’ll be celebrating all of her Eras throughout the week. We will make friendship bracelets to trade, sunglasses to party in, and T-Swift crafts to take home. Be Fearless this summer and join The Swiftie Society for music, fun, and memories!
Taylor Mata
GAME ON! Rising third through sixth grade students will compete in a variety of individual and team tournaments and experiment with different tournament formats. Games will include everything from washers to kickball. While there can only be one winner in each tournament, everyone will feel like a champion!
Nancy Schmer
Under the Sea
Travel “Under the Sea” while we learn about different sea creatures. We’ll play games, sing songs, and make “Catch of the Day” crafts that you’ll get to take home!
Meriam Dwidar
Spend a week with Nursie and Lexie Reeb creating personalized, one-of-a-kind projects using a different technique each day. This camp contains it all—fashion, art, leather work, painting, embroidery, and lots of talking! Each camper will need to bring a plain sweatshirt to be used in a project!
Trish Reeb
Calling all environmental artists! Part of our class will be spent outside observing the woods on campus and collecting natural objects. Then, we will use what we find to create paintings, prints, and other craft projects and pieces of art.
Stephen Lott
Volleyball camp is designed to provide students a foundation of the fundamental skills and knowledge of the game. Volleyball basic skills, lead up games, and game-like strategies will be introduced during ageappropriate drills and activities. The camp will end with some exciting tournament play, an awards ceremony, and fun for everyone.
Roberta McCaffrey
Join Mrs. Smith for some cooking fun. Learn basic cooking skills for young chefs. Practice cutting with kid-safe knives, measuring, pouring, mixing, and flipping. We will make a mix of sweet treats, such as cookies, cakes, and pies. We will also make favorites like grilled cheese, burgers, pizza, and more. The real fun is being the taste testers for each dish we make. No peanut/tree nut ingredients will be used, but unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any other food allergies.
Kara Smith
It’s time for YogiSmart Kids Yoga Summer Camp! Campers will explore yoga’s history, breath work, mindfulness, playful poses, and meditation. Through songs, games, and activities, they’ll build self-care, kindness, and compassion for themselves, others, and the world. Join us for fun, focus, and friendship!
Samantha Pipkin
Join us this summer for an exciting and transformative week focused on socialemotional learning! In the Zen Den, campers will develop essential skills for navigating friendships, understanding emotions, and building resilience. Each day is filled with engaging activities, including interactive games, creative crafts, and thought-provoking discussions that foster self-awareness and empathy. Don’t miss out on the chance to grow, laugh, and make lasting memories this summer!
Therese Futhey
June 2-6, June 9-13, June 16-20, June 23-27 | Full-day $450/week | Half-day $235/week
Children ages 3, 4, and 5 will build, splash, play, create, and dance their way through four one-week sessions of Summer Play Camp. Campers will delight in daily indoor and outdoor activities – including water and sand play! Experienced early childhood teachers and staff from Community School will direct the camp. Campers must have their third birthday by July 1, 2025, and be potty-trained. Full-day campers should bring a non-refrigerated nut-free lunch. Please note that campers may be dropped off as late as 9:00 a.m. or picked up as early as 3:00 p.m. Please note that the week of June 16, there is no camp on Thursday, and thus we are offering a discounted rate.
Camp runs from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. daily; a.m. & p.m. snacks are provided. $450 per week, $360 for week of June 16-20.
Camp runs from 7:30 a.m. – noon and 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily; snacks are provided. $235 per week, $190 for week of June 16-20.
June 2-6, June 9-13, June 16-18 & 20 (no camp June 19), July 7-11, July 14-18, July 21-25
Curtains Up! Light the Lights! – June 2-6 & June 9-13, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Camp costs $940. (3rd - 8th Grade) Act, sing, dance, and create in this two-week camp that culminates in a full production. Students will serve as costume designers, set designers, actors, dancers, props builders, and more as they work together to put on a 1-hour musical. Auditions will be held on the first day of camp and the show will be at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, June 13. Alissa Rowan Showstoppers – June 16-18 & 20, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Camp costs $470. (SK - 8th Grade) Do you like to sing and dance? Then join our summer show choir—Showstoppers! We’ll learn fun new songs and put them to dance routines to perform for an audience at the end of the week. Make sure to polish up those jazz hands! Meriam Dwidar
Seussical Adventures – July 7-11, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Camp costs $440. (1st - 4th Grade)
Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat, and all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life on stage in Seussical Adventures, a fantastical musical extravaganza! Campers will be excited to portray the characters from the popular Dr. Seuss books and will learn the essential skills of singing, dancing, and acting while putting on a show the last day of camp for their family and friends! STAGES St. Louis OZapalooza! – July 14-18 and July 21-25, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Camp costs $840. (4th - 8th Grade) “Ease on Down the Road” to all things Oz! Campers will enjoy putting on a production encompassing songs and scenes from The Wizard of Oz, The Wiz, and Wicked. It’s sure to be “One Short Day” in the Emerald City! After all, “Everyone Deserves the Chance to Fly “and try to “Defy Gravity” somewhere “Over the Rainbow.” STAGES St. Louis
July 28-August 1 & August 4-8 |
Sign up for one or both weeks of FUNdamentals!
Fight the summer slump with FUNdamentals. Customized for each age group, this will get your child back in the swing before school starts! All ages will experience sports, French, art, and recess, as well as differentiated academics — all taught by experienced Community School faculty and staff. Camp runs from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily. Camp costs $415 per week.
JK & SK - Get ready. Get set. It’s time for school! Younger students will get familiar with school routines before the first day of school. By using favorite children’s books, thematic activities will support school readiness skills such as listening, following directions, and organization, as well as math, reading, and writing.
1st & 2nd - Brush up on valuable skills and learn the importance of school routines. Listening to stories and reading in small groups will increase comprehension and reading fluency. Fun number games focusing on number sense and computation will help review, reinforce, and develop math skills.
3rd & 4th - Third and fourth graders will develop strong critical thinking skills while reading fiction and non-fiction pieces, focusing on determining the main idea, using context clues to develop vocabulary, and summarizing the key concepts of the text. In math, through interactive lessons and games, campers will focus on the concepts of number sense, computation, geometry, and fractions.
5th & 6th - Prepare for success! Fifth and sixth grade students will review math and reading skills through interactive games and fun activities. They will learn different strategies to develop and enhance study skills, including organization and time management. Through critical thinking activities, leadership skills will be enhanced to prepare fifth and sixth graders for the school year.
There are four camp options: Mini Camp, Play Camp, All Day Camps, and FUNdamentals. You can register for all online: communityschool.com/camp
Camps are available for children age 3 through eighth grade. Grades refer to your grade in the fall 2025.
Check out the individual camp information for required ages.
The four camp options have various prices. Check out the individual camp information for pricing. Pricing reflects a $10 per camp discount for early bird registration (before May 12).
Snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon. If staying all day, pack a non-refrigerated peanut-free lunch. Please bring a water bottle, wear tennis shoes, and apply sunscreen before arriving at camp.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer before or after care during the 2025 camp season. Note that Play Camp runs 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Registration is due by May 12. Register before May 12 for early bird pricing. Payment is due in full when registering.
Prior to May 12, there will be a $50 cancellation fee per camp. There are NO refunds given for cancellations after May 12, including for vacation schedules, conflicting activities, or changes in plans.
Contact Eve Rudolph, Director of Auxiliary Programs: erudolph@communityschool.com