AUG / SEPT 2018 PUBLISHER & editor Tom McCloud 918-625-5324
CREATIVE Director Ben Allen
Community Spirit Announces Farewell Tour
Seniors Provide Support to Reach a New Generation WICKED Comes to Tulsa!
She Brews Coffee
Good Samaritan Health Clinics
Teen Challenge Set for 2018 Bazaar
God’s ER Brings Conquer Series to Tulsa
Clear-tone Brings Hearing to Mexico
Dementia - Should I Be Worried?
Augustine Christian
CS Endorses John Wright
CS Endorses Steve Kunzweiller
CS Endorses Tim Harris • Distribution Community Spirit Magazine is distributed to churches, schools, restaurants, Christian bookstores, and other businesses. Call us today to deliver to your church. Community Spirit Magazine is published monthly by McCloud Media.
11 Healthy Smiles Dentistry 12
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tom McCloud, Randy Cowell, Justin Cowell, Kristy Hicks-Hill and Lori Frazee, DDS
Claims by advertisers and the opinions of writers within this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Community Spirit Magazine or its publisher, Equipment Publications, Inc. Philippians 2:1-2 “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” Our Mission: 1. Build Community – Develop a sense of community among all local believers in Christ 2. Inspire Good Works 3. Support Families 4. Share the Good News of Jesus Christ Like Us on Facebook at
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Seniors Provide Support to Reach a New Generation A church in town appears to be doing all the right things…
he band is professional, the music is dynamic, the lighting sets the right mood, the preacher is inspiring and people feel comfortable and accepted. However, throughout the song service, a group of older members hang out in the lobby, waiting to enter until the noise stops and the preaching begins. It is a scene that is becoming more and more common as churches attempt to negotiate the difficult transition to reach a younger generation. For the most part, the seniors aren’t complaining. They get it. They have moved aside in hopes the proverbial torch will be successfully passed and that a new generation of dynamic Christians will be there to take over once they are gone. Armed with their personal set of ear plugs, they mentor, encourage and in most cases, provide the financial support required to get young visitors in the door and begin maturing them in the faith. For them, it is worth it. They want their church to not only survive, but to also be a place where their kids and grandkids want to belong. And so, they stay and invest in tomorrow’s church. It is a difficult transition. In fact, some churches can’t or won’t attempt it. And as their membership grays, they are faced with the clear, but awful reality…they must change or watch their church slowly wither away. The healthiest and possibly “smartest” churches find ways to offer the best options for both worlds. Pouring into their seniors during class and other events, they “call” them into a special ministry…
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a ministry of accepting change for the sake of the future of the church. Rodney James, Vice President/Partner of Churches by Daniels, is in the perfect position to observe this swing in church culture. A veteran pastor, he now assists churches all over the country to design buildings capable of bridging the gap as churches go through this transition. Rodney smiled as he admitted to being closer in age to the seniors than to the millennials. “I am still a little old school, but it is extremely important to me that my church is able reach my kids and grandkids. In the same way the World War II generation sacrificed so you and I could have what we have, now it’s our turn. To reach this younger generation will require some sacrifice. It doesn’t mean churches should forsake the older folks. But it does mean that on the architectural side, the focus and concern must be... on reaching this next generation. If we don’t reach them, both the country and Kingdom are in trouble.” Rodney noted that some churches have done a good job of bridging the gap. “We are not building new churches for seniors. That is just a reality. Nobody is investing to go backwards. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, but to reach this next generation, churches won’t spend 8 million dollars to build a building which facilitates only the senior crowd. Instead it only makes sense that people are building churches for today’s generation and beyond.” So, how do you turn a traditional sanctuary into an attractive space where the young feel comfortable? Churches by Daniels advises us
“For them, it is worth it. They want their church to not only survive, but to also be a place where their kids and grandkids want to belong. And so, they stay and invest in tomorrow’s church.” to investigate some new technology called “Environmental Projection.” “Leave the architecture in place. Tweak it a little, but leave it in place. Then, use technology to be able to give it a contemporary feel. Asbury United Methodist Church is a great example. With a special projection system, we provided a way to literally override the current architecture to provide the look, theme, video or look desired in the contemporary service. And, we did it without doing away with the woodwork and beauty of the original design. It’s a very powerful tool. In some cases, we place some texture or some stone on the walls and uplight it so that when the lights are off, it still provides a very traditional look. But when you turn the lights on blue, red or green or whatever color you want to turn them, you get a very contemporary feel. What we are after is not what the room looks like, but what the room feels like. To the older generation, they want it feel like church. To the younger, they want it to feel warm and welcoming and a place to belong. Neither one of them are bad. Neither are right, it just a matter of where we are in this state of transition.” Rodney explains architecture is constantly changing in the business world as well. “You look around at what is going on with your larger franchises in America. They are all doing the same thing. McDonalds has changed the way it looks, as has QuikTrip. Why are they changing and adding technology into their restaurants or stores? Because that is the way this generation communicates, works, and walks. The church is having to do the same thing. So, the way we are bridging that gap is to do as little architecturally as we can. Then, we use technology to make the room feel right to reach the next generation.”
Don’t Forget the Older Members! Rodney constantly preaches to churches to reach out to the young, but not to leave the seniors behind. He reminds them that keeping seniors comfortable is much more about “how” we do ministry, than the building we do ministry in. “It is often the style of music and some churches have been successful by offering a traditional service or blended service. Others have dealt with it by capitalizing on opportunities to minister to those senior adults outside of the Sunday morning worship service.” Churches by Daniels often gives other advice such as being sure
you serve your older members with thoughtful things like covering the drop-off area, providing ramps and being intentional about where you place seating areas for the handicapped.
Older Members – Give, Serve and Help Reach the Younger Audience! Rodney explained that the world has changed and that the church must adapt to reach this generation. He said that 78 percent of communication is now visual and that every 22 seconds something has to change or you lose attention span of the younger people. Churches can’t keep everything the same and remain successful.
So, how will YOU respond? Rodney believes that now, more than ever, older members need to be really mature and giving. “We are not doing this for us. We are doing this for the next generation. We are giving. We are investing. That is the way we have to look at it. Make the sacrifice so the church can be what it needs to be to reach the lost. That doesn’t mean we have to be forsaken. It does mean that maybe a Sunday morning experience doesn’t meet our needs. It doesn’t mean the church shouldn’t do a Sunday morning experience that does. But we must be understanding. The church doesn’t exist just to meet our needs. As mature Christians, we should be going to church to help meet the needs of others…to serve others. So, invest in the next generation. Get behind that young pastor and support his vision. You, and your church, will be blessed by it.” For more information on how your church can meet the challenges of today’s changing culture... Contact: Churches by Daniels Construction 918-872-6006
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Tooth or Gum Abscess…
f you have ever experienced a painful swelling in your mouth, then you have most likely had a tooth or gum abscess. Both types of abscesses are caused by bacteria entering the affected tooth or gum which will eventually result in a painful swelling filled with a thick yellowish fluid, known as pus. Any type of dental abscess, whether it be tooth or gum related, will necessitate the help of a dental professional. If left untreated, this type of dental related infection can spread to other parts of your body and can sometimes even be life threatening. A tooth abscess occurs inside of the tooth and is caused when bacteria enters a tooth through a dental cavity, chip or crack and invades the dental pulp, which is also known as the tooth’s nerve. The bacteria then spreads to the tip of the root, which is where the abscess forms. The infection will eventually spread to the surrounding bone. This type of abscess is also known as a periapical abscess. A gum abscess occurs when there is bacterial infection in the space between the gum and the tooth. This usually occurs when food becomes trapped in the space, but it can also occur from periodontal disease when bacteria builds up under the gum. This type of abscess is also known as a periodontal abscess.
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The best way to avoid a tooth or gum abscess is to treat dental decay and cracked or broken teeth in a timely manner. When these problems are left untreated for extended periods of time, this creates a pathway for bacteria to enter the tooth and ultimately result in infection. People who have not gone to the dentist in a long time are at greater risk for developing an abscess, because they may have undiagnosed gum disease or tooth decay. Others who have an increased risk for a dental abscess are people with diabetes, autoimmune disease or those who are receiving cancer care treatments. In patients with these conditions, the immune system is typically weakened which increases the chance of dental infection. A tooth abscess is not to be taken lightly, because it will not resolve on its own. Depending on the type of abscess, “tooth” or “gum”, the tooth may require a root canal. In more extreme cases, it may need to be extracted. A gum abscess will require specialized cleaning of the area. Treatment with antibiotics is often required with dental abscesses. The antibiotics may lessen the pain and swelling or they may even make the pain and swelling go away altogether. Although the abscess may appear to be gone, it is imperative that the source of the infection is completely resolved. Following through with any recommended treatment is critical to keep the abscess from returning.
elebrity Attractions is pleased to announce that Tulsa’s most popular musical, WICKED, will return to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center stage for three weeks of performances September 5-23. Tickets for the return engagement are on sale now. Since opening in 2003, WICKED has been performed in over 100 cities in 15 countries around the world (U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, The Philippines, China, Mexico, and Brazil) and has thus far been translated into six languages: Japanese, German, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese. The musical has amassed nearly $4.5 billion in global sales and has been seen by nearly 55 million people worldwide. Based on the novel by Gregory Maguire, WICKED has music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, and a book by Winnie Holzman. The production is directed by Joe Mantello with musical staging by Wayne Cilento. WICKED is produced by Marc Platt, Universal Pictures, The Araca Group, Jon B. Platt and David Stone. Declared “The Best Musical of the Decade” by Entertainment Weekly and “A Cultural Phenomenon” by Variety, WICKED is the recipient of over 100 international awards including the Grammy Award® and three Tony® Awards. As if one hundred awards isn’t enough to get you down to the Tulsa PAC to see this show, here is another reason to put it on
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your calendar…Tulsa Edison High grad, Jason Graae, is “coming home” to perform the role of The Wizard! Other than one performance with the Signature Symphony, Jason hasn’t performed in his home town since he was wowing locals in his high school musicals. Now, after an impressive career of Opera, Broadway and television, he is delighted to “hang out” in his home town. Although disappointed not to be able to stop in Pennington’s Drive-In, he is looking forward to reconnecting with old friends during his 3-week tour date. And, he invites all of us to come see this great show! Jason Graae has noted performances in shows such as A Grand Night for Singing; Falsettos; Stardust; Snoopy!; Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?; Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (Drama Desk nomination); Forever Plaid (original Sparky); and Spamilton. L.A.: U.S. premiere of Ragtime, Forbidden Hollywood/Broadway (Ovation Award), The Merry Widow, and The Grand Duchess (L.A. Opera). He is the winner of L.A. Drama Critics Circle Award and has played TV/film roles in “Friends,” “Six Feet Under,” “Sabrina,” “Rude Awakening,” “Frasier,” Boston Pops, etc. And here is a bit of trivia…He was also the voice of Lucky the Leprechaun for Lucky Charms cereal for five years. He just recently began his role of The Wizard, but he loves it. He joined the show in Omaha, something he thinks is cool because that is “where the Wizard is from you know.” “I saw the show when it opened on Broadway fifteen years ago. I loved it. I didn’t see myself in the role because I was younger. But now that it’s been 15 years, I am perfect for the part. I don’t like to use the word “Lucky” because I have worked my rear off as everybody does in this business, but it has been great to be able to do such a broad range of work in so many aspects of the business. I am happy for that. Now, I have bought a house in Hollywood Hills so I have to dance as fast as I can to pay off the
Jason Graae, The Wizard. mortgage. I am working now as much as ever. Jason is looking forward to spending some time in the new areas of downtown. “When I get into Tulsa, I just smell the air and drink the water, I sleep great and I just feel at home. It makes me so happy to be there.” Jason Graae joins a strong cast and the show will impress you. If you haven’t see Wicked before, it is actually a prequel of the Wizard of Oz. It is a tale of an unlikely friendship between two women in the Land of Oz, WICKED tells the untold story of the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good, long before Dorothy drops in. Elphaba, born with emerald-green skin, is smart, fiery and misunderstood. Glinda is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. The remarkable odyssey of how these unexpected friends changed each other’s lives for good has made WICKED one of the world’s most popular musicals. About Celebrity Attractions Celebrating 35 years of bringing Broadway and more to Tulsa, Celebrity Attractions is a Tulsa based company that has become a nationally recognized leader in the Broadway industry by presenting six Broadway Seasons in a four-state region, serving in key
roles in Broadway trade organizations, and associate producing 30 Broadway Shows. Celebrity Attractions has built one of the nation’s most highly successful Broadway Seasons in Tulsa and is proud to have an average annual impact on the local economy of more than $40 million. Celebrity Attractions is committed to presenting the Best of Broadway and more and enriching the communities they serve. Presented by Celebrity Attractions, WICKED returns to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center for three weeks September 5-23. The performance schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. There is also a Thursday Matinee September 6 at 2 p.m. Prices start at $39. Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased via phone 918.596.7111 or 800.364.7111, in person at the Tulsa PAC Box Office, or online at Groups of 15 or more may be placed by calling 918.796.0220. Ticket buyers are reminded that for Celebrity Attractions’ productions, the Tulsa PAC Ticket Office and Celebrity Attractions are the only official retail ticket outlets and the only way to guarantee that you are paying face value for legitimate tickets for all performances at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Ticket buyers who purchase tickets from a ticket broker or any third party should also be aware that the Tulsa PAC Ticket Office and Celebrity Attractions are unable to reprint or replace lost or stolen tickets and are unable to contact patrons with information regarding time changes or other pertinent updates regarding the performance. Get social with Celebrity Attractions by becoming a fan on Follow us at and Join in the conversation by using #BwayTULSA. WICKED kicks off the Celebrity Attractions’ 2018-2019 Broadway Season which also includes the spellbinding sequel to The Phantom of the Opera with LOVE NEVER DIES, Broadway’s funniest and longest-running play THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG, an irresistible slice of musical theatre heaven with WAITRESS, the joyous classic to raise a cup to with FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, and the season concludes with HAMILTON, making its Tulsa debut. Celebrity Attractions is proud to have KOTV-News on 6 and Tulsa World as sponsors for this amazing season. For more information, please visit and
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She Brews Coffee…and Second Chances Rhonda Bear Reclaims Lives, Reunites Families
s we sat at the little coffee shop in downtown Claremore, Rhonda Bear stared into her coffee cup as she began to share her story. Although it is one she has told countless times, somehow I could tell it still wasn’t easy for her. “I became a drug addict at a very young age,” she said loudly, over a Third Day song playing in the background. Rhonda spent her early childhood in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It was a happy life within a seemingly stable family. She was a majorette and straight-A student. She had lots of friends and loved life up until one day when her parents divorced with no warning. “My mom loaded us up and we moved to Texas. My life would never be the same after that day. I had a tough time adjusting. It wasn’t Louisiana and I missed my friends. Mom remarried very quickly and within one brief 6-month period, I found myself in a new state, new school and with a new dad.” Rhonda’s new dad insisted that she play soccer, a sport that didn’t suit the prissy little girl who didn’t want to hurt anybody, including herself. Still not adjusting, she tried marijuana and though it made her feel a bit better, she was still unhappy. Then one day before a State Playoff game, in an attempt to help Rhonda calm down, her coach pulled a tiny pill from her purse. “I still believe she meant well. You have to realize this was in the 70’s when Valium was highly plentiful. Anyway, she told me to take it. ‘It will settle you down,’ she said.” I instantly fell in love. I immediately decided that Valium was my answer to life and I wasn’t going to ever live without it. It made me numb. It made my conscience numb and I quickly didn’t care about anything else. At only 13, I had no idea that this little pill would take me down paths I couldn’t even imagine.” It was easy to get. Everybody had valium in their medicine cabinet back then. I would steal it or get friends to steal it from their moms for me. Valium didn’t waste any time destroying my life. I went from straight A’s to straight F’s. My mom tried to help with tough love. She divorced again and moved us, thinking it would get better. But I couldn’t get off the drugs. This was my answer to life. I finally got kicked out of school and out of my mom’s home. One Bad Thing Leads to Another From there, my drug habit led me into teenaged prostitution and to hanging out with some very dangerous people. I went back to Baton Rouge where a mob boss took me in. My job was to live on the LSU campus and recruit girls who would want to work for the organization. I was really good at it. It might sound strange, but when I was still at home, I had accept-
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ed Jesus into my heart. I knew God, or at least had met him. And as I got further and further into this horrible drug culture, I would call my youth pastor nearly every day and check in. He was my link to God. He would share scripture and pray with me. Thank You Lord for Church Ladies One day, I happened to meet this nice “church lady” whose husband worked for Jimmy Swaggart. She gave me a bunch of Jimmy Swaggart tapes. I took them home and was sharing them with my friend and he said, ‘We are not listening to that anymore. We are Catholic. We confess to the priest. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and you are good at it. Now, you stay away from those people.’ The next day, I told her what he had said, but she wasn’t going to take that for an answer. She kept pursuing me, baking me cookies and bringing me food. She was very worried for me because I had such a bad drug habit. I would take about forty 10-milligram Valiums a day, often mixed with alcohol and cocaine. I would have blackouts and not be able to remember what happened the night before. In fact, it got so bad that my mob boss put word out on the street that if a doctor ever gave me another valium, they would be sorry. And he meant it. So here is this little church lady who was continuing to befriend me. I tried to tell her that she could be in danger, but she wouldn’t
stop. One night I came out of a bar and there was this man standing on the corner. He said to me, ‘You are the reason I am here. God has sent me to give you a message. If you don’t get out of where you are, you are going to die.’ To this day, people say I had simply hallucinated, that he really didn’t exist, but without a doubt, I know it happened. I told the church lady about this a couple days later and she said, ‘That’s it. You are coming with me. Pack up! We are leaving!’ I told her how dangerous that would be, that I had been told to never leave, or he would come after me. But she said, ‘Our God is bigger’ and she made me leave that night. She got me into a program called Team Challenge in Mississippi. I hid out there for six months and didn’t let anyone know where I was, not even my mom. They helped me so much. My life turned around. I got off the drugs and Lord began to clean me up. I graduated the program at 19 and headed off to Oklahoma to be with my mom. There, I met a preacher’s son. Against his parent’s wishes, we got married. Things were fine until he admitted that he might drink a few beers, smoke a little weed, or take a few little white crosses from time to time. ‘You could probably do a little with me. I won’t let it get out of control,’ he said. That turned out to be a lie from the pit of Hell. A Life Headed for Destruction For the next 14 years, I let him down, his family down and put my three beautiful children through Hell with my drug addiction. I kept trying to get it right. I wanted to be a good mom and wife. I could get clean, but just couldn’t stay clean.
Things were a bad as you could ever imagine. Several times, he would take the kids from me and not let me see them. I would often get violent and try to hurt him and his family, forcing them to file protective orders on me. I was totally out of control. One thing the mob had taught me was how to bribe judges. I decided I was going to make enough money on a drug deal that I could bribe the judge, get my kids back and run away somewhere. But every drug deal seemed to fail and I kept getting busted. I jumped bond six times and soon I had a bounty on my head in both Arkansas and Oklahoma. I couldn’t even move without them on my tail. I was running like a paranoid, insane person. On Thanksgiving Eve of 2000, I walked into a casino in Siloam Springs. The security guard looked at me twice and I am thinking.. okay great, you recognize me. So, I took out the door running. I found a huge brush pile in the field and I jumped into it and crawled to the very bottom. It was about 70 degrees and so I thought it wasn’t going to be bad through the night. But then, it started pouring down rain. At first, I was thankful. It got them to call off the dogs and the search helicopter. But then the rain turned to ice. After four hours, I crawled out of the brush pile. I was going to stand up and run, but I had been so cold for so long that my legs would not hold me up. All I could do was crawl. So, I was crawling across the field when I saw a guy standing behind a bar in a black trench coat. I asked him to help me. He picked me up and I told him that I had some money and asked him to get me to a hotel. I lied, telling him that I had been hiding from an abusive boyfriend. He took me to get a hotel room, helped me to get into a hot shower, and went to dry my clothes. After he got me situated, he left and I called my partner in crime to come get me. C ommu n ity sp ir itma ga zin e.c om
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Later that night, I told my partner… here’s the deal. I am out of my mind right now. I can’t run in this life anymore. I have to quit. If you make me stay with you, I am going to kill you and then kill myself. I begged him to let me go to detox and get my head straight.
house in May of 2007, and now have 13 houses with 34 residents and 12 children. They incorporate a mixture of Celebrate Recovery, Stand in the Gap and incredible love to help the women stay off drugs, build a new life in Jesus, and often, to get their children back. Thus far, they have re-united 163 children with their moms.
What I didn’t tell him is that I had prayed while I was in that brush pile. I didn’t ask God to get me out of this mess. I just said that if He would give me the courage to take the right steps, I would take them. So, I went to detox and when I was about to graduate, God gave me the courage to call the district attorney’s office in Sapulpa County. ‘Here’s the deal,’ I said. ‘I am coming in. You didn’t catch me. I am coming in on my own. You don’t owe me nothing, but I am going to tell you this…December the 6th, when I leave this detox center, I want to go see my children. I want to tell them that I am going to prison. I’m not going to run, but I don’t want you to arrest me in front of my kids. I can’t let them be traumatized any more than they already are. I have all of these warrants in all of these counties. So, get everything gathered up and if you will call off the bounty hunters, on December 7th, I will be at your doorstep. Amazingly, the DA agreed.
“Because Stand in the Gap worked for me, I have always kept it as part of my program. Six years ago, I went to work for them, developing curriculum to teach in prisons. Now we are in five of the six female prisons and in multiple county jails and rehab facilities. We teach women how to be in our society, partnering them with mentors to help them keep their sobriety, to get their children back and to be good moms.”
I was able to spend the night with my kids (ages 6, 8 and 10) and have Christmas with them. I told them I was really sorry for being the mom that I had been. I was going to prison, but I would be back to get them. When I put them on the school bus that next morning, two were crying, but my 8-year-old daughter said, ‘I can’t cry for you anymore. I have cried so many times begging you not to leave. You promised you would come back and you didn’t. You promised you would be there for my birthday party and you didn’t show up. I can’t cry for you anymore.’ Kairos Prison Ministry and Stand in the Gap I turned myself in and the judge and DEA agents were merciful to me. They gave me 10 years, but told me that if I would complete a 12-month drug program, they would let me out. They kept their word. Once I finally got on a yard that had a drug program, I worked hard, graduated and got out. While I was in prison, I made friends with people from the Kairos Prison Ministry and Stand in the Gap. They helped me have hope. Upon my release, I went to a transition home and started over. Stand in the Gap helped me rebuild my life and to ultimately get my children back. I set goals for education and got a Bachelor’s degree in social work. A wonderful company called Stresscon gave me a chance and I worked for them for 9 years. God healed my life. I got my children back and later married Steve Bear, a wonderful man, owner of Claremore Auto Parts and Salvage.
One day Steve asked me what my greatest dream was. I told him that addicts don’t dream, they only survive. He said, ‘let’s work on that.’ I finally decided my dream was to start a transition home to help children get their moms back like somebody helped me.” God blessed that dream. Now Rhonda and Steve operate a 501c3 organization called His House Ministries. They bought their first C o m m u n i t y S pirit m agaz
“I cannot just display my Bible on the shelf. I have to have Jesus every day. People can’t tell by looking at me, but I will always be an addict. If I don’t hold on to God every day and ‘Celebrate Recovery,’ I won’t survive. Every step that worked for me in prison and out of prison, I still hold on to. I have to be a person of radical faith because I am a radical sinner. For me, it is all or nothing. Either I will be all sold out to the devil or all sold out to Jesus Christ. I choose Jesus. Rhonda Bear and the girls who operate She Brews Coffee Shop are… the real deal. Open with their personal testimonies, they are the sweetener that brings people in from all over to buy their coffee. Yes, there is a Starbucks in town. But this little shop has something much more addictive…a life-changing message that is free to all. She Brews Coffee is located at 414 West Will Rogers Blvd. and they also have a coffee shop in satellite branch of the First United Methodist Church of Claremore at 1301 West Country Club Road. Support them with your business and with your donations. You may mail your donations to His House Ministries or She Brews Coffee at P.O. Box 2040, Claremore, Oklahoma, 74018. Or, feel free to contact Rhonda at 918-923-6020 or rbear@sitgm. org. You are Invited! Attend Celebrate Recovery in Claremore on Tuesday nights from 6:00-9:00 in the main campus of First Methodist Church of Claremore, 1615 OK-88 Highway. You CAN dream again!
Addicts Can Dream
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Unable to get jobs for some of the women with felonies, Rhonda opened a coffee shop in downtown Claremore called She Brews Coffee. The community has embraced the ministry and the townspeople love the cute little coffee shop on Will Rogers Boulevard. Rhonda uses the shop to teach the women skills in business management and marketing.
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Right to Left: Joni Rogers-Kante, founder of SeneGence Int’l Vickey Beyer of Make Sense Foundation Dr. Crouch, Founder of Good Samaritan Health Clinics Ben Dodwell, Administrator of Good Samaritan Health Clinics
Sapulpa Steps Forward to Expand its Good Samaritan Clinic! Will YOU Be a Good Samaritan?
hen the administrators of Good Samaritan Health Clinic launched a new clinic in Sapulpa a couple of years ago, they had no idea how overwhelming the need would become. The every other Wednesday night clinic at the First Baptist Church of Sapulpa has been in such demand that efforts have been underway to expand the outreach to every week. Two things stood in the way…additional medical staff and volunteers…and of course funding to pay for it to become weekly. Lots of prayers and some very generous Sapulpans later and now expansion plans are underway. Many people will be blessed! A huge thank you goes out to local citizens and businesses in Sapulpa such as American Heritage Bank and SeneGence International. We are impressed with the love and community spirit in this beautiful little town!
of Good Samaritan volunteers and services. You can be a Good Samaritan! You may not see them but people right in your community need help. Because of fear, cost, transportation, lack of insurance, and demand, many of our community’s unemployed and underserved do not get even the most basic medical care. Desperate, some clog our emergency rooms for simple examinations. Others put off any treatment at all and their once simple illnesses turn into critical ones requiring hospitalizations and even surgery. Would YOU be a Good Samaritan? Good Samaritan Health Services currently has three mobile medical vans which hold 54 clinics at 13 church locations all over town. However, costs and the lack of volunteers keep them from completely meeting the needs of the Tulsa area. Don’t just walk by! You can help. Consider signing up to be a Good Samaritan! Good Samaritan Health Services is looking for 365 Good Samaritans to give $20 a month. Your monthly gift will sustain our goal of transforming lives by enabling our 3 trucks to serve over 50 clinics a month. By giving less than $1 a day, you will be helping us to transforms lives throughout our community. In essence, you will become one of our 365 Good Samaritans! To sign up…Visit
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The BrushCreek Bazaar Returns to Tulsa October 12-14 •10900 S. Louisville
Shop for Arts & Crafts…Save Lives in the Process!
t’s time for that Brush Creek Bazaar that you have heard so much about through the years. It’s an annual festival of everything Fall, where each item you purchase helps raise money for a very special ministry! The smell of roasted almonds, cotton candy and popcorn will soon waif through the air again at the beautiful ranch land hidden away at 10900 S. Louisville in South Tulsa. It’s an event many Community Spirit readers circle on their calendars far in advance. After all, it is family fun no one wants to miss. Whether you are shopping ahead for Christmas gifts, or just wanting something excitingly new for the house, the Brush Creek Bazaar is the perfect to look. Eighty or more booths featuring hand-crafted items are scattered throughout the gorgeous landscape. Musicians entertain the crowds with their special talents. And the food, well, it is everything you would dream of. Altogether, the pumpkin-laden, Fall Festival, is guaranteed to put you in the mood for Oklahoma’s best season. And, it is all done to support the boys and girls of the Adolescent Teen Challenge ministry right here in Oklahoma. Adolescent Teen Challenge is a non-profit that helps troubled teen boys and girls overcome life-controlling problems such as addiction and abuse. The successful ministry shares stability and hope to Oklahoma teens. Offering a Christ-centered recovery program, they change lives by providing youth, adults and families an effective and comprehensive faith-based prevention or solution to drug and alcohol
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addiction and other life controlling problems. The program has a proven track record of enabling students to find freedom from addictive behavior, and to become socially and emotionally healthy, physically well and spiritually alive. With committed staff, effective programs and vocational training, Teen Challenge endeavors to produce graduates who function responsibly and productively in civil society, and who have healthy relationships in the work place, family, church and community. In 2016, 91 people graduated from Teen Challenge across the state. Filled with new hope, 72 percent of them move on to pursue a college education. Most, over 70 percent, continue to live the life-style mentored to them and do not return to using drugs and alcohol. The beautiful facility located in Disney, Oklahoma continues to grow and make more and more of an impact on young lives. In fact, your support of the Bazaar has helped them double the size of the boys dorms, allowing them to double the number of boys helped, growing from 20 to 40 boys! The ministry to girls has expanded as well, growing from 32 to 36 girls. Will you help Teen Challenge to make an even bigger impact this next year? You can play a very role in changing young lives with your donations, service and prayers. And… Your attendance at The Brush Creek Bazaar is a Family-Fun way to help! Visit the Oklahoma Teen Challenge website for more information on this important ministry.
Scary Statistics: We live in a very Troubled Society. We need to support ministries such as Teen Challenge!
• Oklahoma ranks #1 in prescription drug abuse and women in prison • 1 in 4 teen girls have been victims of physical or sexual abuse • 1 in 3 girls struggle with an eating disorder • 93.7% of addicts do not receive treatment • 6 people died in the last 60 seconds from drugs and alcohol abuse
The Brush Creek Bazaar is an outdoor festival that has something for everyone. It is an "arts paradise" showcasing more than 80 craft vendors. There will be artists of wood, home decor, soap, jewelry, outdoor decor, metal, clothing, candles & much, much more. This 3-day event also features live music of all genres from bluegrass & jazz, to contemporary and & country, as well as clogging & other dance styles. Your kids will love it! There will be a "kidzone extravaganza" awaiting all children with face-painting, pony rides, a pumpkin patch, as well as other specialty activities for the children to enjoy!!!
Times and Ticket Pricing Friday, October 12, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 13, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, October 14, 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at the gate $3 for Senior Citizens Children 12 and Under are FREE
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Kick Your Pornography Issues to the Curb! Join the Conquer Series – Starting September 20th
ind yourself drawn to the porn sites? Has your curiosity now turned into a habit?
So, here’s the deal. You are not alone and it is not a secret anymore. In fact, as you are sitting in church on Sunday, look around the room. Sixty-eight percent of the men at the average church are just like you, caught up in pornography without a way out. The problem has gotten so bad that some say the church is in a sexual battle for its life. The enemy, satan, has been trying to rob you. He wants nothing better than to steal your confidence, destroy your ability to have a healthy love life, and convince you that you are not good enough to lead your family or serve your church. You might say he is doing his best to emasculate you and every man you know. According to the statistics, he is good at it…
Global porn revenue has now surpassed $97 billion per year US porn revenue alone is over a tenth of that at $13 billion per year 40 million adults regularly visit porn sites
Pornography promises to serve and please, but only desires to dominate and destroy. And if you are honest with yourself, you will agree that it really isn’t about the sex. Almost always, pornography has a deeper cause. What starts as a quick fix to sexual frustration, quickly turns into an escape…powerful at first, but gradually becoming less and less fulfilling. Driven by a sense of shame, we “return to the scene of the crime” time and time again, promising ourselves we will stop tomorrow. But as Eric Hovind, President of Creation Today says, “Sexual sin will take you farther than you want to go and it will make you pay more than you want to pay.” So… how are you going to get out of this mess? You have tried “just to stop”…Yeah, right. How is that working for you? Maybe it is time for you to join hundreds of men across Tulsa as they honestly step up to kick this thing to the curb? You need to watch this powerful video called the “Conquer Series.” There is nothing boring about this film. It’s made by real men, sharing real answers…Biblical strategies and scientific facts, all presented in a military, “get it done” format. It has been successful at redirecting tens of thousands of men to a healthier
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answer to life’s frustrations by teaching them how to use God’s weapons to conquer sexual sin. And if you have read that this pornography thing is incurable, that is just not true. With God’s help and the investment of this 5-week series, you can take a huge step towards a life-changing payoff. A local couple, James and Sandra Williamson, founders of Standard Ministries Inc. are making it easy for you and hundreds of other men to get this help. James has been leading the Conquer Series and 7 Pillars of Freedom groups in the Tulsa area for the last four years. He has seen lives changed and marriages healed when these debilitating sexual addictions are finally broken. The Conquer Series is a cinematic teaching series on sexual purity produced to help men get to the root of bondage, while offering proven principles and practical tools to conquer pornography and find freedom. The Conquer Series, unrivaled in its scope and authority, is not about behavior modification, but heart transformation. This life-changing, 2 Volume discipleship curriculum provides insights from top Christian leaders who lay out biblical strategies, scientific facts and teach men how to use God’s weapons to become conquerors. The series was developed by Dr. Ted and Diane Roberts of Pure Desire Ministries International. They saw that the pat answers supplied by the average training on this issue only gave men and women a message of “try harder” which kept them isolated in their sin and shame. They set out to develop a Biblically-based, clinically informed, and highly successful strategy to create lasting change. They set up an independent 501c3 aimed at helping the church body across the world to deal with this problem head on. They now work to provide hope and freedom from sexual addiction by educating and equipping church leaders in the development of a healing ministry. Through small group resources for men, women, and teens, on-site or online counseling, training events, and ministry partnerships, Pure Desire is leading the way in the battle for integrity and purity in the church. The Conquer Series serves as an on-ramp for people in the church to understand the true nature of sexual addiction, and to seek healing in a grace-filled, redemptive way.
You’re Invited! Jim and Sandra Williamson, as part of their “God’s ER” ministry, are presenting the 5-week Conquer Series beginning at 6:30 p.m. on September 20th at the first floor Chapel of the VBC building at 8100 S. Delaware Avenue. Churches from all over town are participating as men gather to help each other attack this problem head on. The training is free except for the purchase of the $15 manual. Come for yourself or come to help others. But be there. No excuses! Testimonies: It wasn’t until finding the Conquer Series where I started receiving true and lasting freedom. In Conquer Series I learned that overcoming in my fight for purity wasn’t about trying harder, and that it wasn’t just a moral problem. What I was facing was actually a brain problem, what had started out as a moral issue, threw me in a prison of bondage. My relief and transformation came as I learned there was a solution, a process, and a help for this brain problem. I have never felt so free in my purity walk, and I am forever changed and transformed, but I know this journey is not over, it will be a continual process! - Jordan
Many men of my generation are failing in their walk with God because of their sexual addictions or insecurities. This is no fault of their own, it is due to not being taught proper boundaries. Conquer Series taught me God’s plan and purpose for my purity. Using the tools given and the fellowship I was able to break the cycle of sexual addicts in my family! - Charlie P. In desperate need and at the end of my rope, I discovered Conquer Series. There I learned some big truths about myself and my addiction. I learned the problem is in my brain, and not solely a moral issue. I joined a class and nailed my knees to the curriculum. Together with other men, I came to grips with exact nature of the dilemma. I also discovered that fighting this alone doesn’t work. I had to become honest, accountable and forthcoming with my peers. I found that fighting in a group works where all else failed. Today I am enjoying years of freedom, and laboring alongside my brothers for their victory too. - Matthew D. Before being introduced to the Conquer Series I’d been addicted to pornography for nearly 30 years. The program literally saved my marriage! For decades I tried and failed to overcome this addiction. The tangible tools, the accountability and the impact of Biblebased, transformative teaching has led me to a life of purity and freedom! - Mike M. Conquer Series - Thurs, Sept 20, 2018, 6:30 pm Call to reserve your spot: 918-819-1052 Or
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Clear-tone Invests in Missions So Others Can Hear the Gospel
hen Clear-tone Hearing Aid Laboratories founders, Jim and Mike Feeley, went on a mission trip to southwestern Mexico, they found it difficult to supply hearing aids to the local people. They were frustrated by the fact that the hearing aid technology at the time kept them from being able to fit people on the spot. And with patients walking in from many miles around the clinic, it was difficult for Jim and Mike to help in the way they had envisioned. The problem challenged them and while they were still there, God gave the two brothers the idea for a new in-ear receiver, a technological breakthrough which would absolutely change the hearing aid industry. They hurried home, anxious to begin development. Now years later, Mike’s son Charley Feeley (Operations Manager) and Jim’s son-in-law, Paul Jackson (Sales and Marketing Manager), returned to that same clinic in Roca Blanca, Oaxaca, Mexico. This time however, they were equipped with the new technology. The new, more modular design allowed them to be able to test and provide the patients with hearing aids on the same day. Fulfilling their predecessors dream, they watched as over thirty patients heard sounds many of them had never heard before. Paul explained that it was an amazing experience. “But as wonderful as it was to watch their face’s as they heard those first sounds, to us, it meant something even greater. They would now be able to hear the Gospel!” The visionary idea God provided to Jim and Mike was seeing its reward. It is not only a better technology, it is a tool which now has the potential of changing lives in mission fields all over the world. To solve the battery and maintenance challenge these patients will encounter, Charley and Paul worked with the resident missionaries in the clinic, training them to handle service needs. They also gave each patient a supply of batteries, cleaning supplies, and instructions.
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The Oaxaca area is one of the most unreached regions of the world. Not only does it have eighteen tribes, the region has some 150 different languages. The country’s mountainous jungle landscape makes it difficult to reach people. Charley and Paul are committed to continue investing in the region. It is a challenging mission, but one which pays great rewards. Watching their patient’s faces as their lives were forever changed, the two couldn’t help but commit themselves to a longterm investment. “As our patients asked us ‘how much,’ we were able to tell them it was a free gift,” Charley said. Blessed with the greatest of all free gifts, Charley and Paul are anxious to return and help even more. “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Matthew 11:15
When “Forgetting” Becomes Abnormal Dr. Jorge A. Gonzalez, Tulsa Neuro Specialists
ou are at the grocery store and you suddenly turn down an aisle and run into an old friend. Unexplainably, you can’t for the life of you remember their name. An isle later, it comes to you, too late to reverse the uncomfortable scene. “Ugh! You mumble to yourself. What is wrong with me? Do I have Alzheimer’s or something?”
From a daily living basis, but also from an intellectual standpoint regarding employment, being able to think on your toes (known as Executive Function) is important. Memory can be regarded as both declarative (recalling something by name) or non-declarative, like when you are doing muscle-memory, or doing things that are automatic, things you don’t have to think about.
Forgetting names, losing words, repeating a story or two…Are they just part of aging or are they something to worry about?
The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease. We call that a cortical dementia, a dementia of the surface of the brain. But dementia can also be sub-cortical and affected by small strokes due to risk factors like high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol or other lipids, migraines, or autoimmune disease. All of these are risk factors.
We met with Dr. Jorge A. Gonzalez, a local neurologist who works with lots of dementia patients. So doctor, if stuff like this happens to us occasionally, do we need to start picking out our nursing home? Or, is it a normal part of aging? “Well, first of all, let’s talk about dementia. Dementia is a broad category term used for the purposes of describing long term and often gradual decrease in the patient’s ability to think and recall information such that it begins to affect their quality of life.
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The symptoms of dementia are usually emotional problems, difficulty with language expression, a decrease in motivation, and social disengagement from community activities. The patient may become forgetful, start to make mistakes, feel insecure, or withdraw from things they have always enjoyed like maybe playing
Bingo, or going to church. They often have a sense of unfamiliarity of places they have been to many times. That’s more of a cortical dementia, a visional, spatial problem occurring on the surface of the brain. Many of these patients start to lose their immediate and recent memory because Alzheimer’s tends to affect the frontal and temporal lobes first. Many of these patients will be able to tell details about their childhood (where they graduated for instance) but they can’t tell you what they had for breakfast or lunch today. That brings us to whether this is dementia or is a cognitive deficit like being forgetful or being inefficient in one particular category of many of the departments of function in the brain. If someone has difficulty in recalling information and they can do everything else fine, that is more of a cognitive deficit. It could be however, that this cognitive deficit might be the early calling card of the dementia to come. But not always. You can have a cognitive deficit from a stroke or head injury. It is not the same as dementia. The way to test for this is to do neuro-phycological testing or having an MRI.” Dr. Gonzalez explained that of course this is an overly simplistic explanation and that other things can be involved. There are many forms of dementia.
“As long as it is only now and then and is not severe, and as long as you are not self-conscience about it, there is no need to address it. As we get older, forgetting words, or not be able to find the right fact, makes us less efficient, but is still a far cry from dementia. Quite often, the patient brings his or her family when they come in to see me. They may admit to forgetting things, but say, ‘Doesn’t everybody?’ The family member just rolls their eyes, not telling the fact that dad forgot how to drive home last week or that he couldn’t remember the name of his favorite grandchild. In such cases, we start with a neurological exam to rule out such things as pseudo-dementia, depression, anxiety, physiological problems, or the effect of medication. We also check for thyroid problems and lack of vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin D. If you have a mild cognitive deficit, consider taking folic acid, Gingko, and/or fatty acids such as one of the better-quality fish oils. If it persists and is there for weeks or months and especially if your family is noticing, it is time to come into the office. Let’s start talking about it.
So, with all of that said, should I be worried if I forget a name or two?
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The Houses that Mr. Post Built Augustine Christian Academy Builds Leadership with House System
t’s a different kind of school, with a unique culture. And after 20 years of producing excellent graduates, it obviously works. Learning, discipleship and family all come together to produce something special here. There are many things which make ACA successful, but one of the most brilliant aspects of their model is the use of “Royal Houses.” Borrowing from the tradition of European boarding schools, founder and Headmaster, Mr. Post, set up houses early on in the school’s development. He knew that as the school grew, it would become increasingly more difficult to maintain a close, family atmosphere. So, he divided the students into “houses.” Obviously, they wouldn’t live in the house together like something out of Harry Potter, but they would work together to build a special bond. House would allow every student the opportunity to belong to a smaller group and to interact with their staff House sponsor in a way that is not related to class time. He mixed kids, 6th grade through 12th grade within the houses so that the older students could mentor the younger ones. It was a simple system in the beginning, but as it evolved, more and more benefits surfaced. The sponsors of the four houses provided their input to better explain how it all works. Here are the basics… The four Houses are named for traditional medieval characters. Dragon House represents protectors: valiant defenders of truth. Falcon House represents eagerness to serve and enthusiasm. Griffin House represents the traits of faithfulness, endurance, and virtue. Pegasus House represents a messenger from God and the character traits of compassion and sincerity. There are no initiations and the students are randomly assigned. Family members are generally not placed in the same house. Although each house has a bit of its own culture, their own Bible verses and so forth, the goal for all the houses is the same, “to
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develop leadership and to provide a good way to communicate.” Houses Help Provide a Sense of Family “The houses provide a sense of family, a smaller group for kids to belong,” explained Jessika Crow, Falcon House sponsor. “It helps foster relationships between younger kids and the older ones and helps kids not to get lost in the shuffle…to step up and be leaders. The House System Teaches Leadership. Each house has House leaders – Prefect, Sargent, Rank Commander, Chaplain and a Recorder that do the business of the house. “We have junior officers as well,” explained Rebecca Anderson, sponsor of Dragon House. “So, in any given house, there might be 10 leadership positions within a house of 30 kids. We provide a lot of encouragement for every student to become a leader and then we mentor them once they get there.” “As sponsors, we are there to be the adult supervision and keep them between the rails. But we are just facilitators, it is all student driven and student led. We pick those students to do the leading and groom them and coach them, but it is almost all student done and so it becomes a great learning experience,” added Jacob McIntosh, sponsor of Griffin House. Houses Produce Discipline “There is nothing stronger than positive peer pressure,” explained Angie Ellis, Pegasus House sponsor. “The houses compete quarterly to win things like the right to wear spirit wear on Wednesdays or maybe to go on a field trip to go bowling. It is highly competitive and the kids don’t want to let their house down. For instance, if you don’t turn your homework or come prepared for class, or out of dress code, you get an orange slip which counts against your house in terms of points. So, the houses enforce their own discipline. This is an advantage in all areas of discipline. If a student has trouble in a class, the first thing the administrators do is to find out which house he or she is in. They talk to the sponsor and the sponsor talks to the officers. In that way, the officers become the first level of discipline.
Houses Improve Communication Jacob explained that the house system provides a fast way to communicate from the office, down to the students and even to the parents. “It is a practical way to get information out quickly or issues with that can be dealt with in a smaller group in a hurry.” Houses Produce Competition The houses meet together every day and become a way for all the students to compete on everything from memory verses, quiz bowls and even sports (playing the school’s own game called “Grail Ball”) Houses organize big projects and then compete with each other to encourage improvement. Houses Encourage Community Competition and mentorship encourages the kids to want to get involved in serving the community. They are rewarded with increased rank as they do things such as volunteer at their church, or maybe at nursing homes, the library, local non-profits or to help a neighbor. Josh McIntosh is not only one of the teachers and sponsors, his kids also attend the school. “The house system is one of the things as a dad that drew me here. I could see that it could provide my kids with that extra sense of community that is so helpful in their development. They love it and so do I.”
Augustine Christian Academy is a K-12 classical Christian school dedicated to “training young minds to think, reason, and persuade from a distinctively Christian world view.” Rooted in the tradition of the fifth century A.D. teacher, Augustine of Hippo, the school emphasizes thinking skills, logic, and practical application while losing nothing of a standard curriculum. The school is located in Tulsa at 6310 E 30th Street. You can learn more about them at or by calling 918-832-4600.
The House Sponsors: Dragon House – Rebecca Anderson – 6th grade basic class schedule of English, Math, History, Science and Bible. Pegasus House – Angie Ellis – Geometry, Modern History, Yearbook, British Literature, Logic and Understanding the times Falcon House – Jessika Crow – Personal finance, Anatomy, Old Testament, Corporate Concepts Griffin House – Jacob McIntosh – Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Stagecraft and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math studies)
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Community Spirit Endorses
John Wright
for County Assessor
t’s a job that requires a person of conviction, detail and experience. And that is why we can’t imagine anyone more qualified than John Wright. This isn’t a grip and grin political job. It is one which requires the accurate processing of nearly 300,000 parcels of land, 31,000 deeds to research and nearly 3000 valuation appeals each year. It therefore takes an unusual blend of management talents. John Wright has the talents necessary to keep things moving smoothly and fairly. Nobody enjoys paying property taxes and we have to feel like we are getting a straight and honest assessment. John’s background and proven public service give me confidence that my assessment will be done correctly. We have to trust the assessor to treat the taxpayers with fairness and respect and follow the well-established principals of property valuation, following the statutory requirements which are designed to treat the people with fairness, equity and respect. John’s proven public service give me the confidence the job would be done correctly. After all, John Wright has been thoroughly tested. He served six terms (12 years) in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. During that time, he was twice elected by his Republican Caucus peers to serve as Caucus Chairman. He was twice chosen to Chair the Statewide Republican Convention and he had previously served as Parliamentarian for the statewide Republican Convention. He served six years as the Chairman of The Government Oversight and Administrative Rules Committee and during his service in the House, he achieved over 90 percent lifetime conservative voting record. Aside from all of that experience, he has valuable experience within the assessor’s office. He has served as Chief Deputy for Assessor Ken Yazel for the last eight years. In fact, Ken Yazel says, “John Wright has been a valuable part of my executive staff, now in his eighth year. His experience and background have well prepared him to follow me in the office of Tulsa County Assessor.” Just working in the office was not enough for John. He got involved in the statewide Assessor’s Association serving on the legislative committee, participating as a panelist for the annual Statewide Tax Commission Assessor training school and often chosen as a speaker at the convention breakout sessions. John is also a realtor with 10 years experience gaining the factors that contribute the valuation of property. Bottomline, John is an extremely detailed public servant who gets the job done with honesty and integrity. Sounds like the perfect attributes of our next County Assessor doesn’t it? Join me in support John Wright as County Assessor. Other Endorsements… Wade Patterson, Retired Garfield County Assessor “I believe that John Wright is an unequaled and clear choice to
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John Wright has been married to his wife Debbie for 36 years. serve as Tulsa County Assessor.” Monica A. Schmidt, Retired Woods County Assessor “He had an immediate impact on our Association. I appreciated and benefited from Mr. Wright’s wisdom and assistance by his sharing of his expertise.” Don Newberry – Tulsa County Court Clerk “I worked with John Wright for five years in the Assessor’s office and consider him to be a man of excellence, strong work ethic and integrity.” 918-855-5558 2608 West Kenosha, Box 202 Broken Arrow, OK 74012
We Endorse Steve Kunzweiler for Tulsa County District Attorney
ommunity Spirit Magazine is honored to endorse Steve Kunzweiler for re-election as Tulsa County District Attorney.
Grandpa used to say not to change horses in the middle of the stream. He would have liked Steve and would have wanted us to continue the things Steve has been working on since his election in 2015. Steve is a stand-up guy, a straight-shooter with a strong work ethic and a strong moral compass. In fact, I am betting that the bad guys aren’t voting for him. Since he took office as your elected DA, Kunzweiler has: • Overseen the successful prosecution of hundreds of violent crimes, taking dangerous criminals off the streets • Led the state in working to keep non-violent offenders out of jail and prison when possible, while still holding them accountable for their actions. • Restructured the office to initiate a vertical prosecution model to allow for more efficient prosecution as the same attorney handles a case from start to finish. It allows prosecutors to work more closely with police officers, witnesses and victims and provides specialized teams so that the most experienced attorneys handle the most egregious and complicated cases – homicides, child abuse, sexual assault, robberies and gang crimes. • Implemented a new digital case management system which will improve the efficiency of prosecution and limit the time it takes to file charges. • Ordered cost-saving measures that save the taxpayers thousands of dollars including ending rent at a satellite office by moving that division into the courthouse, digitizing office work to save thousands in paper and printing costs, and modernizing purchase practices. You’ll like Steve. He has been married to Tulsa Veterinarian, Dr. Christine Kunzweiler for 29 years. They have two daughters and are members at Christ the King Parish, Catholic Church. Steve received a Bachelor of Science from The University of Missouri in 1984 and a Juris Doctorate from The University of Tulsa in 1988. He began serving as elected District Attorney in 2015 and formerly served as Chief of Criminal Prosecution under Tulsa County District Attorney, Tim Harris. He has 28 years of experience as a criminal prosecutor. During that time, he has sent hundreds of dangerous criminals to prison for murder, armed robbery, child abuse, rape and other violent crimes. Steve Kunzweiler is one of the true “Good Guys.” Let’s keep him in office so he can keep the “Bad Guys” off the Tulsa streets.
C ommu n ity sp ir itma ga zin e.c om
aug / sept 2018
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Community Spirit Enthusiastically Endorses… Tim Harris for Congress!
ou know him as the former Tulsa County District Attorney. I know him as friend, mentor, brother-in-Christ and one of the first men I would call if I ever needed help.
He is that kind of guy…someone you can count on, a rock-steady man with the values and hope in Christ that keep him focused on serving others. For 28 years, Tim Harris served first as a prosecutor and then as the District Attorney for Tulsa County. Tough and unrelenting, he protected us by making sure the bad guys were sent away and that justice was served. No one could out-work him and no one could out-smart him. He was admired across both sides of the political aisle as a straight shooter, someone Tulsa could count on to always do the right thing. He couldn’t be bought and as he held people accountable to the law, he did so with a sense of blind justice. He also proved to be a fair, but effective negotiator. Reminding us that most cases never make it to the courtroom, he represented us, the people, to make sure the punishment always fit the crime. Under his tough exterior, Tim always had a compassionate heart, ever longing to share his faith in Jesus Christ. Always ready to share the Good News, he makes no secret of the fact that he is a Christian. You might say I tested him. Years ago, when some kids I knew got in trouble with the law, I made the absolute mistake of calling Tim on their behalf. To me, I was just letting him know that these were good kids who did something stupid. But to Tim, my phone call crossed the line. He quickly rebuffed my call, interrupting me to say that justice was blind and that not only was his job to prosecute on behalf of the people, I was wrong for ever making the call. He was absolutely correct on every point and the experience taught me a valuable civics lesson. More importantly, it showed me the character and integrity of Tim Harris. Fast forward ten years. I ran into Tim at the grocery store and invited him to go with a team of men to climb the World’s Tallest Free-standing Mountain – Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. Tim blew it off at first, but later called me to say that although he had every reason not to go, somehow God was telling him to prepare to climb. Sixteen of us went and fourteen made it to the top…19,341 feet! Tim was one of them. But it wasn’t the fact that he made the climb that was important, it was the leadership and servant spirit he had during the trip that was the most impressive. This man lives his faith and is willing to do the crazy, nearly impossible to go where God leads him…even to Washington, DC to serve as our Congressman.
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C o m m u n i t y S pirit m agaz
se p t / aug 2018
What Tim has to say about – Our challenges… “In the next couple of years, we are going to have a lot at stake challenging our Christian beliefs. We better wake up and pay attention, because the point of the spear will be a challenge of our religious freedoms. Our values are being infringed upon and taken away bit by bit.” How to interpret the Constitution… “I am a constitutionalist and being a constitutionalist means that we first look at what the wording says, what the framers meant. Then we begin to make application of that from a Biblical standpoint. Religion was obviously very important to our framers and I believe our religious liberties are really being challenged.” Our Public Safety… “Public Safety will be a key component of my platform. Our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us. We’ve got to get that back! People don’t feel safe. Article 1, Section 8 provides a constitutional mandate on Congress for our national defense. Yet, we have decimated our military. We must fix it.” Our Law and Order… “We have also gotten so far afield from our respect for the rule of law. Reestablishing the rule of law will be the heart of my campaign because I am really concerned about what the baton looks like that we pass to the next generation. “Tolerance” … “We have to get back to some modicum of civility where we can respect each other. I am going to treat you with dignity, viewing you as created in the image of God and I would hope you would treat me the same. Let the marketplace of ideas rule the day on which idea wins.” God’s Plan… “I want to make sure my plan and purpose is the Lord’s. Whatever that is, will be a win-win. He has always been faithful to me.”