Community Spirit FEB / MAR 2018

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FEB / MAR 2018 PUBLISHER & editor  Tom McCloud 918-625-5324


CREATIVE Director  Ben Allen


How Billy Graham Changed the Church


Habitat for Humanity


Augustine Christian School


The Changing Church - Bob Yandian Ministries


Clear-tone Hearing Aid Labs


Good Samaritan Health Clinic Needs Your Help •

Healthy Smiles Dentistry


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ACT Financial Services

Distribution Community Spirit Magazine is distributed to churches, schools, restaurants, Christian bookstores, and other businesses. Call us today to deliver to your church. Community Spirit Magazine is published monthly by McCloud Media. Claims by advertisers and the opinions of writers within this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Community Spirit Magazine or its publisher, Equipment Publications, Inc. Philippians 2:1-2 “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tom McCloud, Randy Cowell, Justin Cowell, Kristy Hicks-Hill and Lori Frazee, DDS

Our Mission: 1. Build Community – Develop a sense of community among all local believers in Christ 2. Inspire Good Works 3. Support Families 4. Share the Good News of Jesus Christ Like Us on Facebook at

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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F E B / MAR 2018

Dear Readers: se someday. Back in 2011, I was just sure that God and Billy Graham will have a good laugh at my expen g out that he had pneumonia and was in intensive Reverend Graham was about to die. Reports were leakin issue dedicated solely to this giant of Christencare. So, I had the bright idea to put together a special tribute r the day of his death. I was going to look like a dom. I printed it and stored it in my garage, ready to delive genius. ed very much alive, even making public appearThe months and years passed by and Billy Graham remain e obsolete. Showing no disrespect, but making ances at times. The magazines yellowed and the ads becam time they saw the mountain of magazines still in fun of my poor decision, friends and family laughed each he is speaking at a football stadium tomorrow,” my garage. “Billy Graham is doing great! In fact, I heard laugh at myself each evening as I parked my car in they would say with a broad smile on their faces. I would the magazines would go out. I wished him no the driveway, yet another night, with no date in sight of when ill will of course. I just wanted my garage back. and pray both God and Billy Graham have a So, I fully expect a much-deserved ribbing someday. I hope sense of humor. finally given up. I threw out the special issue and Now, as Reverend Graham enters his 100th year, I have decided to honor him with this month’s magazine. hit the news and it will put this crazy world Someday, the official announcement of his death will indeed ion personalities will speak of the man as they on pause for at least a moment. Young, handsome televis parent’s generation that passed quietly out of would some passing corporate brand, another bit of their ries of this man’s message, the countenance of sight. But millions of us old enough to have personal memo convictions, will watch with tear-filled eyes. We his delivery, the softness of his spirit and the power of his ms full of people to a belief in Jesus Christ. We watched, either on television or in person, as he led stadiu with the Good News that Jesus, the Creator of have seen his ability to reach across all denominational lines one of us. It is because of these memories that we the Universe, longs for a personal relationship with every tance one life can bring. We will do our best to will cry while trying to explain to a new generation the impor fill in between the lines of his casually read obituary. man who God used to make a huge difference And so, Community Spirit offers this special tribute to a hope we can give you a snapshot of his life and in our lives and the lives of all believers in Jesus Christ. We ide such names as Luther, Calvin and Wesley. the reason why we believe he will go down in history alongs , but rather continues to break down the denomiFor his “movement” did not create another denomination national barriers which separate us. tant and will pass it on to others once you have We hope you will see this issue as being especially impor Jesus loves them. Billy Graham will be honored enjoyed it. And as you do, make sure to explain how much to play a role in that conversation.

Because the Tomb Really is Empty, Tom McCloud, Publisher, Believer

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“I read Ephesians again and again, where it mentions that the Lord gave some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors. God just did not want me to be a pastor. It was time to take up what the Lord called me to do- evangelism.”


istory may well place Billy Graham alongside such names as Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Wesley. For like them, his preaching dramatically changed Christianity. And although his impact is obvious in some ways, it may not be fully felt until decades after death, as his wave of influence continues to swell. As we read this “Christian Community” magazine, listen to Contemporary Christian music, watch Christian television, put on our Christian logoed shirts and drive our car with the fish on the bumper to attend the latest Christian conference or movie, it is easy for us to forget that such things did not exist before Billy Graham. And though he did not personally create such things, his influence surely made them possible. The pre-Graham church was segmented by denominational doctrine. Ask a man on the street if he was a Christian and he probably would have said, “No, I am a Lutheran, Baptist or whatever. Billy Graham was part of a movement of “new evangelicals” or “neo-evangelicals,” which encouraged cooperation, if not fellowship of all believers. He addressed the stadiums full of believers as “Born Again Christians” even though he knew it contained people from certainly all protestant churches, if not a few Catholics as well. The result infuriated traditionalists who believed Graham and others were throwing out critical doctrine for the sake of unity. But such men had difficulty screaming too loudly, as half of their church poured into the stadiums to hear this positive, up-lifting message. Dr. Everett Piper, Ph.D., President of Oklahoma Wesleyan explained it this way. "Today's evangelical movement has been greatly influenced by Billy Graham's leadership. Starting in the 1950s, Graham argued that the defensive and reactionary ' no cooperation and no compromise" posture of those known as 'fundamentalists' was falling short of the Gospel. As a leader of the New Evangelical move-

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ment, Graham contended that true Christianity must be more proactive and that the Bible demands the 'cooperation' of all who are born again as they come together in fellowship and in common cause. In other words, Graham preached that the truth of the Bible should unite and not divide us. Yes, he believed that in the essentials there must be unity (i.e. no compromise) but in all else there must be charity (i.e. love and cooperation) as the Church works to save the lost and reclaim every inch of creation for Christ and His Kingdom." Billy Graham was known for being able to communicate a clear message that God loves each of us, that He sent His Son to die for our sins and that He has a plan for our lives. His alter calls made few demands of the thousands who poured down to the front where they were greeted by volunteers from all different denominations. They met them at the alter and later followed up with them, in hopes of plugging them into their church and hopefully into further Bible study. This new evangelical message paved the way for groups such as Campus Crusade for Christ, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Stand in Gap and others. They evangelized with a simple salvation message, while not arguing with the co-worker next to them whether the person needed to be dunked, sprinkled, or dabbed. The result, combined with the Jesus Movement of the 70’s, created a community of believers who enjoyed doing, wearing, listening and reading “Christian stuff.” The “Baptist” Bookstore became LifeWay Christian and denominational churches all over the country began dropping the “branding” from their names, choosing instead to become more palatable to a broader definition of believers. Along with the greater sense of unity came political changes as well. What was once a fractionated mess of denominations became a powerful “Moral Majority” voting block that politicians could define, measure and organize. Now, as our churches begin looking and sounding more and

more alike, one has to wonder if unifying believers was God’s plan for Billy Graham’s life. Was it God’s way of uniting His future bride? Or was it, like some have charged, a dummying down of the truth? In either case, Billy Graham’s ministry has reshaped us, pulling us together and opening up communication about a Savior worth of all of our praise. Billy Graham was called to be an evangelist, not a pastor. God made that very clear to him during his 1949 revival meeting in Los Angeles. The dynamic 31 year-old preacher spoke to nearly 300,000 over a 3-week period, converting over 6000 to Christ. Billy founded Christianity Today in 1956. The magazine now has a reading audience of over 300,000 and has 13 sister publications. But their real emphasis has been their move to the Internet with the creation of Touching lives and encouraging believers, it claims over 10 million page views per month. Billy Graham crusades were held all over the world, even in places of great unrest. From the war-torn religious battlegrounds of Ireland in the 70s to the communist countries of Russia, China and North Korea, Graham preached the same message, calling all to come to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Even with a temporary ban on airline travel, the United States government saw to it that Billy was in Washington D.C. to speak at the National Day of Prayer on September 14, 2001. Weeks later, he helped set up a pastor’s prayer center in New York City. Billy Graham presided over President Richard Nixon’s memorial service. Speaking in front of presidents Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and Ford, he said that at the end what really counts is our relationship with the Father, not what others might think about us. Invitation: “I am going to ask hundreds of you to get up our of your seats and come stand here and say by coming, ‘I am willing to acknowledge that I have sinned – I have broken God’s laws. I am ready to change my way of living and receive Christ and follow Him, no matter what the cost.’ I am asking you to make that commitment right now. You can say yes to Christ, and a great transformation can take place inside of you. You can become a new person. You may be a Catholic, Protestant, Jewish; you may not have any religion, but God is speaking to you and you know you need Christ.”



Conversion of Stuart Hamblen Ignites the 1949 Hollywood Crusade He was known as radio’s first singing cowboy. Stuart Hamblen was a close friend of co-stars like Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and John Wayne. In fact, he knew lots of important people, but he didn’t know Jesus Christ. So when Billy Graham came on Hamblen’s radio show to publicize the Youth for Christ crusade, he invited the hard-drinking cowboy to attend. Hamblen, the son of a Methodist minister, reluctantly agreed. The experience softened his heart and afterwards he asked Graham for a private meeting. He surrendered his life to Christ that day. Word spread, the crusade was extended for 8 weeks and invitations for other crusades began to pour in from all over the country. As for Hamblin, he was said to have testified to John Wayne, saying, “It is no secret what God Can Do.” He would later use the sentence as the title for a song he recorded, a crossover hit in the gospel, country and pop categories. “It is no secret, what God can do. What he has done for others, he will do for you. With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you. It is no secret, what God can do.” C ommu n itysp ir itma ga zin e.c om

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One Minister’s Impact on Politics Billy Graham never planned on becoming political. He was an evangelist through and through. But his talent, his ability to handle the press, his good looks and his overall popularity, drew presidents and other world leaders to seek counsel with this respected minister. Every president from Truman to Obama met with him and many of them developed close friendships with Billy and his wife, Ruth. During the Bush (41) administration for instance, they were frequents guests at Kennebunkport. After once being accused of “grandstanding” when he told the press what he and President Truman had discussed and then knelling to pray on the White House lawn, Graham was taught a valuable lesson. “It was a terrible mistake on my part and from then on I learned that you don’t quote famous people,” he said in his biography, God’s Ambassador. He learned to keep every confidence, earning the trust of each president thereafter. They invited him to special events, socialized with him, sought his advice on various issues and asked for his prayers prior to making tough decisions. He was there for instance, while George Bush (41) agonized over his decision to start Operation Desert Storm. Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger once explained Graham’s role in this way. “Billy Graham doesn’t give you tactical advice on what to do politically. He talks about the moral dimension of the issues. And the reason world leaders have sought his advice is precisely because he doesn’t try to tell them what they should do tomorrow. But he does try to show them a way of thinking about the problem that adds a new dimension to their thinking.” Although he was careful not to use his influence on political matters, there were social issues that Graham unabashedly felt were within his responsibility to speak upon. Racial discrimination

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was one of them. Two years before the Supreme Court brought down landmark decisions that would make discrimination illegal, Billy Graham desegregated the seating at the 1952 crusade in Jackson, Mississippi. He also held the first desegregated crusade in South African history. Although the presidents didn’t think Billy crossed the line into politics, Billy himself showed some regret late in life. In a 2011 interview with Christianity Today, he explained that people in power have spiritual and personal needs like everyone else and that they often don’t have anyone to talk to. “Looking back, I know sometimes I crossed the line, and wouldn’t do that now.” Unknowingly however, Billy Graham may have shaped American politics more than he could have imagined. By helping to break down denominational walls, his neo-evangelical influence was no doubt a key component to uniting Christians in a political sense, giving the Christian voting block strong political power that may extend for generations to come.

Billy Graham has received many honors including the Congressional Gold Medal from the United States Congress and the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Reagan. In England in 2001, he was presented with an honorary knighthood, Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE), for his international contributions to civic and religious life over 60 years.

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ven at 100 years old, Billy Graham continues to have a message for you. He would want us to tell you about our Lord, the Creator of the Universe. That God sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to tell you that God loves you. In fact, God longed for a relationship with you so badly that He sent Jesus to die on the cross, making a way for you to be washed from

your sins and come to Him. No matter your history, no matter your present circumstances, you can be born again through faith in Jesus Christ. If you were ever curious, if you are thinking there has got to be a better way, then consider Jesus today. Go to the Bible and seek Him. He will provide the answers to life you have been searching for.

“As the choir sings, you come.”



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How Great Thou Art – George Beverly Shea Billy Graham Crusades would not have been the same without the music of George Beverly Shea. Shea worked with Reverend Graham since the 1940s. He was often referred to as “America’s Beloved Gospel Singer.” For years, it was his strong baritone voice that was heard both before and directly after each message, inviting people to come forward. Later however, he suggested to Graham that only the choir should be used in the famous “Just As I Am” hymn. Shea remembered how he, as an eighteen-year-old man came to Jesus as a choir sang that song. He argued that only the choir could sing that song in a way to tug at people to accept the invitation. Later, it is said to have been Shea who suggested to Graham that he use the famous phrase, “As the choir sings, you come!” Shea was an avid songwriter and author and he played a vital role in the ministry all of those years until his passing at the age of 102. One of his signature songs was always, “How Great Thou Art.”

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just as i am By: Charlotee Elliott 1. Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 2. Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 3. Just as I am, though tossed about with many a conflict, many a doubt, fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 4. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; sight, riches, healing of the mind, yea, all I need in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 5. Just as I am, thou wilt receive, wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 6. Just as I am, thy love unknown hath broken every barrier down; now, to be thine, yea thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

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m e h y a M f o s e Miracl By Kristy Hill


oday, the bravery and circumstances of a young family have me in awe and deeply inspired. It is with great honor that I introduce you to Johnthan and Jaye Stanton. My prayer would be that the ramblings of my pen would rightly present them to you in a way that would afford you that same awe and inspiration. Allow me to start by stating that the Stanton’s are not famous and are certainly not wealthy. They might even be considered average. Oh, that many of us could be just so “average.” The couple met in their early teens. They loved God, married and helped lead their church youth group. Soon, they were blessed with two children of their own, Eden and Zuri. They knew the importance of family first hand. Both had been raised by single mothers and when Johnthan’s sister Letitia, was having a difficult time raising four young children on her own, they compassionately offered the two youngest, Mark and Lulu, the opportunity to come stay with them for the summer. The thought of having six people in the small 2-bedroom apartment didn’t dissuade them. Letitia was in need and they wanted to help. They expected this to be temporary and by helping in this way, they would allow Letitia to take a deep breath and hit the reset button on her life. Yet the months passed and the family remained in separate homes. The day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Johnthan and Jaye received a tragic call that Letitia had passed away suddenly due to a terrible car accident. Struggling through the pain and loss, Johnthan and Jaye were now also tasked with the burden of telling the children they would never see their mother again. Time stood still. Pain grew real.

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Johnthan and Jaye were forced to have HARD conversations with each other and with God, paving the way for the couple to make the crazy, brave decision to move Lakeziah in with them as well. Even though it was a very tumultuous time, they had GOD’s peace. They were now a family of SEVEN (One of the children had already moved out on her own), living in a small TWO BEDROOM apartment without the monetary means to upgrade to anything larger. They had one vehicle and it wasn’t even large enough for the entire family to fit in.

But as hard as it was, they believed they had followed God’s will, so they pressed on, believing GOD WOULD MAKE A WAY! In March, Jaye created a Facebook post: “Faith on blast!!! We need a bigger car … We currently don’t have room in the car we have... I’m stepping out believing God for what looks to be impossible! But I know, with God all things are possible!!” The months passed and in August, Johnthan and Jaye sat alone in the car and prayed together. “God, You show Yourself faithful to those who are faithful! So, we THANK YOU that You WILL show Yourself faithful to this family.” The following Friday, a visitor showed up to Johnthan’s workplace to tell him that someone had just anonymously… PURCHASED a BRAND NEW 2017 TOYOTA SIENNA FOR HIS FAMILY! Overwhelmed with disbelief, laughter and tears, he left work immediately and went to sign the papers, before anyone could change their minds. There were no negotiations needed. No haggling. It was a done deal. It was a GOD deal! Overwhelmed, Jaye was in tears as she tried to wrap her mind around this MIRACLE! She had just asked God for this a few months prior. They had just thanked God for the miracle by faith, in prayer less than a week ago! And now...GOD MADE A WAY WHERE THERE WAS NO WAY! Amazingly, that is not the end of the story. God was not done. Fast forward some months later… On a damp and chilly December evening, Tulsa Habitat for

Humanity dedicated to the Stanton family, the organization’s 400th completely constructed new home. The Stanton’s were now official homeowners. A crowd squeezed together at the intimate outdoor ceremony. Volunteers, friends and family, businessmen, and members of the community gathered as CEO, Cameron Walker made his introductions, presented donated gifts, and then passed the microphone to Jaye. She tried to speak, but was overcome with tears. Johnthan stepped up and began to thank all the people who had helped them over this last year. But as he tried to continue, he too was overcome. In fact, practically everyone in attendance was tearful, even the older children. It was just such a Holy moment. The Stanton children made it known ALL THEY WANTED for Christmas was be in their new home. Walker tells that when manpower and weather conditions threatened to make that Christmas deadline an impossibility, Jaye let him know, in no uncertain terms, that GOD WOULD MAKE A WAY for them to be “home for Christmas”. In fact, “Home for Christmas” became the family’s motto. Once again, GOD made a way … the Stanton family indeed celebrated Christmas as a family, “Home for Christmas.” This young family’s life looks nothing like it did just one year ago. Forever, they will bear the fingerprints of a loving God and of a caring community. Tulsa, you are a medal to be worn on the chest of a great and mighty nation. And I am so proud to call you home.

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Arranging a New Score “Oh sing unto the Lord a new song….” Psalm 96:1


n Friday, January 5th, Augustine Christian Academy was honored once again to host Alumni Day when 43 previous students joined the school for the day to speak into the lives of the current students. The festivities included a challenge quiz bowl between alumni and current class officers, a luncheon for the alumni where they spent time advising the headmaster with insights gained from their years of college and careers after leaving ACA, and workshops for the high school students taught by alumni dealing with topics such as “How to Have an Outstand-

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ing Freshman Year,” and “Helpful Tips for Saving Money and Monthly Budgeting.” The current students were excited to see old friends, and the alumni enjoyed reconnecting with a school that had meant so much to them in their developing years. One of those in attendance, Alumnus, Davis Good, class of 2009, is a music and arts director at Christ Presbyterian Church in Fairfield, Connecticut and a professional composer. He has stated that ACA is much like a fine orchestra with many different instruments harmonically playing together to make a beautiful sound

“He has stated that ACA is much like a fine orchestra with many different instruments harmonically playing together to make a beautiful sound for the Lord.” for the Lord. The staff at ACA would echo that sentiment. Each person involved must know his part and sing it while carefully listening to others on staff to create that synergy of a well-balanced choir. They need to sing the song clearly, so the students hearing it will identify with the lyrics and learn the melody to sing it to the next generation. For the last twenty years, ACA has been doing just that. At times the song may tell of struggle and hardship, but then it swells with the triumphs that come from God’s faithfulness. As ACA looks forward to its next twenty years, the staff is arranging a new score. Oh, much of the melody is the same - that is the beauty of classical education: students join in the Great Conversation that has engaged mankind for centuries. But as ACA makes plans to expand its campus, to become debt free, and to add new classes to meet the diverse needs of students, a new arrangement of the song is heard. A banquet designed to present plans for the next twenty years will be held on Friday, April 27th. Anthony Conroy, class of 2015, is studying at the University of

Oklahoma School of Music and has just been awarded first place in the Young Artists Division of the Music Teacher National Association for his original piece written for cello and violin. Anthony will be present at the banquet to debut his piece for his alma mater. Families associated with ACA and any friends and interested parties are invited to attend the banquet and join in the celebration, so be sure to save the date. More details will follow on the ACA website at and our Facebook page. Alumni from the twenty years past may come on the Augustine campus and feel “Everything has changed!” But as they walk by the classrooms and hear Mr. Tracy’s laughter in a Bible class, or see seniors getting a hug from a kindergartener, or students building decorative pieces for Winter Court, they can close their eyes and hear that same familiar song. It’s a new score; the next twenty years, and all the voices at ACA are eager to sing along.

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Back to the Basics: How Do Cavities Develop and What Can You Do to Stop Them?


any people have had the unfortunate experience of going to the dentist for a routine check-up and learning that they have a cavity after the dentist examines their teeth. Most everyone is familiar with the term “cavity”, and they typically associate it with having to make another appointment at the dental office so they can have a filling. Although everyone seems to understand that having a cavity means a follow-up dental appointment, this article will provide an explanation as to how that cavity came into existence and how you can possibly stop that cavity from forming in the first place. The best way to think about our teeth is to think of them as living in a very complicated ecosystem inside our mouth. This ecosystem is made up of multiple bacteria and saliva. Although this description of our mouth sounds somewhat unpleasant, it is in our best interest to make it a goal to try and keep this ecosystem in perfect balance. Excellent oral hygiene will help to maintain this balance and includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, limiting sugary foods and carbohydrates that convert to sugar and seeing your dentist on a regular basis. When you don’t keep up with good oral hygiene and the appropriate diet, the balance of the ecosystem is disrupted. The naturally occurring bacteria in our mouth will start to grow uncontrollably.

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Every time food is taken in, and especially sugar, these bacteria are fed and they begin to produce acid. It is the acid that slowly begins to eat away at the enamel on your tooth. The earliest stage of a cavity will show up as a white spot on the tooth. If nothing is done to balance the ecosystem in your mouth, the acid will continue to eat away at the tooth until it has eaten through the enamel into the next layer of tooth structure called the dentin. Once the acid producing bacteria enter the dentin, the damage is done and a cavity has developed. It is at this point that the only solution is to remove the decay and place a filling in the cavity. Here is the good news and the solution for what you can do to stop the cavity from developing. If you catch the destruction in the early stages when the white spot is visible on the enamel, you can remove the bacteria with good oral hygiene and fluoride toothpaste. The minerals in your saliva will help stop the lesion from progressing. The fluoride in our toothpaste and drinking water can also help re-mineralize the enamel and prevent the cavity from developing and ultimately eliminate the white spot all together. Hopefully, with a better understanding of how cavities develop you can utilize better oral hygiene practices and maintain a cavity free, healthy smile.

The State of the Church M Pastor Bob Yandian

y son Robb now pastors Grace Church where I was pastor for 33 years. One day he asked me to compare the state of our church in the 1980’s and 90’s with the present day. I told him the church I took over in 1980 grew between the closing days of the Charismatic Movement, which began in the late 60’s, and the entrance of the message of faith. Both of those movements were birthed by the healing crusades of the late 1940’s and 50’s. When I took over as pastor, coming to church and hearing the teaching of the word of God was utmost in the hearts of many people. Church members arrived early for the service to find a seat and they stayed for long peri-

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ods of time afterwards to fellowship. They looked forward to the upcoming weeknights to attend seminars, prayer conferences, and praise and worship services which would be in Tulsa. The churches of Tulsa and our country grew and flourished because of revival. Revival has subsided in our country in the past twenty years. People are not as excited to come to church and faithful attenders are now defined as those who attend twice a month. Most churches are trying to find ways to get people to arrive on time, yet continue attending the church and not leave. For the most

“Revival has returned. I have a great sense that this move of God will be greater than any this nation has seen because the coming of the Lord is so close.” part, God’s Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit have been replaced with demographic studies and comment cards from the congregation. These are fine, and I do not want to dismiss them. In fact, I wish I would have done more of these studies myself. But nothing replaces the power of God’s Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit. In other words, nothing replaces revival. The church of Acts grew out of great revival. The seven churches of Asia (Revelation 1-3) were birthed out of the revival at Ephesus in Acts 19. However, there is good news. Revival has returned. I have a great sense that this move of God will be greater than any this nation has seen because the coming of the Lord is so close. The past two minister’s conferences I have spoken at have increased in attendance drastically. Overflow space which has been empty for years has been filled with ministers who are hungry for the presence of the Holy Spirit and a return to expounding the word of God. An article I read in a Christian magazine recently said that one of the fastest growing areas of Christian publications today is books on the supernatural. It stated that church attenders are looking for supernatural answers to present day problems. The article ended saying we may be on the verge again of a great spiritual awakening in our nation, and we are. The talk among ministers of churches I speak in are of a renewed interest in people toward the supernatural. The revival which has been going on around the world has come to our own country. One thing helping to drive this desire for revival is the return to biblical morality and conservative political views in our country. Of course, this is headed up by President Trump. He has helped to loosen the grip of the government on our churches and bring

back an optimism to the people of our country. This optimism is also being felt by church leaders who remember with great longing the move of God across our country not that many years ago. This optimism is a new hope for the spreading of the gospel to bring in as many people as possible before the Lord returns. For many years, Tulsa has been at the center and forefront of spiritual awakenings in our country. As a young Pentecostal minister’s son, raised in Tulsa, my father would take me to Oral Roberts tent meetings in north Tulsa. There I saw the power of God in demonstration as the sick were healed and miracles took place. The end of the services saw many come to the Lord for salvation. I stood with one of my friends, David Shibley, on an empty field at 81st and Lewis imagining what ORU would look like after it was announced Oral would build the great university dedicated to the glory of God. I later was blessed to know Oral Roberts personally and T.L. Osborne as well. I worked for Kenneth Hagin Ministries for seven years and taught at Rhema Bible Training Center for four of those years before taking the pastorate of Grace Fellowship. My wife and I attended Catherine Kuhlman’s meetings held at the Tulsa Assembly Center. We sang in the choir to insure finding a good seat. The list could go on of great churches and ministries which have begun and flourished in this great city. I believe we are living in an appointed time and are a part of an appointed city. God is not through with America, the city of Tulsa or the Church at large. Jesus promised He would build the Church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). We can look up in confidence knowing our redemption is close at hand.

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They call it “The Gift of Hearing.”


very Christmas for the last five years, the good folks at Cleartone Hearing Aid Labs have been giving away hearing aids to some very special Oklahomans. It has become an annual tradition that the entire company enjoys. It is part of a season of giving that not only blesses others, it warms the hearts of every employee.

gift. Paul Jackson, the company’s Director of Marketing, explained that as in all great gifts, the giver has the most fun. “There is something indescribable about giving someone the ability to hear. I get to watch it nearly every day as people joyfully hear sounds they haven’t been able to hear for years. It is overwhelming and I have been hugged more times than I can count,” he explained.

Giving is not unusual for this 34-year-old, Christian-owned, industry leader. The company was founded on the idea of inventing ways to help others hear, and especially for them to be able to hear the salvation message of Jesus Christ. But “The Gift of Hearing” event is something special, another reason to love and to look forward to Christmas.

“We receive letters all the time from people who, now equipped with the gift of hearing, have improved relationships with their spouse and loved ones.”

Breaking up into two teams, the employees have fun competing with each other on who can gather the most toys for the Salvation Army barrel in their lobby, as well as who can pull together the best gifts for some special seniors. The Salvation Army is always impressed with the heaping barrel of toys they collect. The most fun, however, is the company’s annual tradition of blessing people with the gift of hearing. Working with television and print media partners, they begin encouraging people to nominate servant-minded contributors to our community who, for financial reasons, have put off investing in proper hearing aids. The Cleartone staff then goes through the arduous process of selecting someone from the nominations. This year, they just couldn’t decide between three special people who were the epitome of well-deserving servants. So, with a Christmas grin on their faces, they decided just to go ahead and bless all three of them. One was a Boy Scout troop leader, another was a High School counselor, and another a Kindergarten teacher. In each case, these servants were surprised and delighted with the

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Paul’s fondest memory was one year, when they gave “The Gift of Hearing” to a veteran who loved music. “His wife wrote us afterwards and told us the story. She explained that her husband once loved to play the guitar, leading the entire family in Christmas carols. However, when he began to lose his hearing, he quit playing and tended to escape to his room when the family began to sing. His Clear-tone hearing aids restored his hearing and now he is back strumming along with a big smile on his face as they sing carols all evening.” “The holidays are always a tricky time for folks with hearing loss. It is tough to understand the high pitch voices of grandkids or understand comments across a long dinner table. Hearing loss comes on so gradually that people miss out without really recognizing it. Don’t miss out! You don’t want to miss a single thing,” Paul said. Whether it is giving away free hearing aids at Christmas or working with their favorite mission, Roca Blanca in Mexico, Clear-tone makes it their business to bless others. And, it doing so, their servant-minded philosophy leads others to pass it on, to give back.

Thank you Clear-tone. You are part of the reason Tulsa is so special.

ask for the money up front (before the charges are actually incurred), but another idea is to wait and show the child his or her items on the credit card statement. This allows children to see the actual cost of what they purchased—and the interest that will be added to the purchase if they don’t pay the amount in full. 2. If children can’t repay card purchases on time and interest accrues, add it to their bill. This helps them understand the cost of paying over time. 3. If they are unable to pay for their purchase in full, cut off their “credit” for future purchases until their entire balance is paid. This will help them understand that they can’t always buy what they want when they want it. (A lesson even adults should learn!) 4. Some banks offer credit cards to minors with very low credit limits (guaranteed by a parent or accompanying bank account). Some parents believe that teenagers take personal credit more seriously when cards are issued in their own names.

What to Tell Your Children about Credit Cards

5. Debit cards and pre-paid phone or merchant cards can also help to educate children about credit. The pre-set limit on these cards prevents overspending. 6. Emphasize that credit is always personal and cards should not be shared or loaned.


7. It’s important for children to learn that access to credit is an earned privilege, not a right. Parents can reinforce this by cutting off credit when children use it unwisely.

What’s wrong with this picture? It suggests that young people are ringing up too much debt too fast. It also suggests they don’t fully understand the some basic concepts about money—not the least of which is that anything bought over time, at interest, ends up costing far more than it should. Impulse buying and overspending, before they are even out in the working world, leave many of today’s graduates with debt they can’t afford and a less than attractive credit rating.

In the modern world, it’s realistic to think that when your child goes away to college, he or she may have at least one credit or debit card. The goal of educating children about credit is to send them off confident that they won’t owe “an arm and a leg” soon after.

hen children go away to college these days, they often carry two “essentials” that weren’t available to prior generations: personal computers and credit cards. According to Nellie Mae, the national student-loan financing corporation, 83 percent of undergraduate students have at least one credit card, and the average balance owed is $2,327.

So what’s the solution? For children (as well as adults) the solution is not spending beyond your means and learning how to manage credit. Online Shopping at an Early Age Let’s start with a few basic facts of modern life: • Children ages 6-17 are collectively spending an estimated 5 billion hours per year on the Internet, and shopping is among their favorite online activities. • The vast majority of Internet purchases are made with credit or debit cards. • From an early age, today’s children are making purchases (especially online) using their parents’ credit cards, often without realizing that the debt must eventually be paid off. For parents, the challenge is helping their children understand the value of money and credit, regardless of its form. Here are some suggestions: 1. Require children to repay any card purchases in cash. Some parents

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8. Model good behavior. Avoid impulsive card spending in front of children, and don’t carry more cards than you need or a higher balance than you can afford to pay off.

This information is for general educational purposes only and should not be considered specific financial, tax or legal advice. Always consult with a qualified advisor regarding your individual circumstances. 1582856RM-Sep18 Justin Graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in business Administration from John Brown University in 2007. For over 30 years, Justin witnessed his father, Randy, approach his financial planning practice as a ministry. This inspired Justin to pursue a career where he could help families and business owners achieve their maximum financial potential. Registered Representative of and Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Hornor, Townsend & Kent Inc. Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC (918) 664-6511. ACT Financial Services, Inc. is independent of Hornor, Townsend & Kent Inc. Justin C. Cowell - Partner ACT Financial Services, Inc. 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74135 O: 918-664-0081 C: 918-810-7239



ted to presenting the Best of Broadway and more and enriching the communities they serve. Presented by Celebrity Attractions, FINDING NEVERLAND comes to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center for eight performances only March 6 – 11, 2018. The performance schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets go on sale Monday, February 5 at 10 a.m. and may be purchased via phone 918.596.7111 or 800.364.7111, in person at the Tulsa PAC Box Office, or online at Groups of 10 or more may be placed by calling 918.796.0220. Ticket buyers are reminded that for Celebrity Attractions’ productions, the Tulsa PAC Ticket Office and Celebrity Attractions are the only official retail ticket outlets and the only way to guarantee that you are paying face value for legitimate tickets for all performances at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Ticket buyers who purchase tickets from a ticket broker or any third party should also be aware that the Tulsa PAC Ticket Office and Celebrity Attractions is unable to reprint or replace lost or stolen tickets and is unable to contact patrons with information regarding time changes or other pertinent updates regarding the performance. Get social with Celebrity Attractions by becoming a fan on Follow us at and Join in the conversation by using #BwayTULSA. FINDING NEVERLAND is part of the Celebrity Attractions’ 20172018 Broadway Season which also includes THE SOUND OF MUSIC and AN AMERICAN IN PARIS. Celebrity Attractions is proud to have KOTV-News on 6 and Tulsa World as sponsors for this amazing season. For more information, please visit and


elebrity Attractions is pleased to announce that FINDING NEVERLAND will play at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center from March 6 – 11, 2018. Tickets will go on sale to the public on Monday, February 5. Based on the Academy Award-winning Miramax motion picture by David Magee, and the play The Man Who Was Peter Pan by Allan Knee, FINDING NEVERLAND follows the relationship between playwright J.M. Barrie and the family that inspired Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up – one of the most beloved stories of all time. Directed by Tony®-winner Diane Paulus (Pippin, Hair) with book by Olivier Award®-nominee James Graham, music and lyrics by Gary Barlow (Take That) and Grammy Award®- winner Eliot Kennedy, and choreography by Emmy Award®-winner Mia Michaels (“So You Think You Can Dance,” Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium), this new musical, packed with mesmerizing visuals, irresistible songs and plenty of laughs, is a timeless story about the power of imagination… and spectacular proof that you never really have to grow up. The production features scenic design by Tony® Award-winner Scott Pask (Pippin, Book of Mormon), lighting design by Tony® Award-winner Kenneth Posner (The Coast of Utopia, Pippin), costume design by Suttirat Larlarb (Of Mice and Men), sound design by Tony® Award-nominee Jonathan Deans (Pippin, La Cage aux Folles), hair and make-up design by Richard Mawbey, projection design by Jon Driscoll, music supervision by Fred Lassen, musical direction by Ryan Cantwell and casting by Stewart/ Whitley. FINDING NEVERLAND is produced by NETworks Presentations. About Celebrity Attractions Celebrity Attractions is a Tulsa based company that has become a nationally recognized leader in the Broadway industry by presenting six Broadway Seasons in a four-state region, serving in key roles in Broadway trade organizations, and associate producing 30 Broadway Shows. Celebrity Attractions has built one of the nation’s most highly successful Broadway Seasons in Tulsa and is proud to have an average annual impact on the local economy of more than $40 million. Celebrity Attractions is commitC ommu n itysp ir itma ga zin e.c om

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Now is a Great Time for a Financial Checkup


very year about this time I hear those motivated types aspiring to lose fifty pounds or run a marathon, proclaim, “There is no time like the present,” a quote that we can all appreciate. It seems that for the vast majority of us mere mortals, our exuberance wanes and by spring, most of us have fallen back into our “old” habits.

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Now don’t get me wrong, I too recently joined a fitness club in an attempt to take better care of my physical body. One of the first steps in the process of getting physically fit was to have a professionally trained fitness trainer perform a physical assessment of my strength and flexibility. Understanding my strengths and weaknesses was important for a proper evaluation of my health and the

Did you retire? Did you recently pick a date to retire? Did you turn 62 or reach your full Social Security age? Did you receive an inheritance? Did you have a parent become more dependent upon others? Does your adult child now live under you roof? Did you become a caregiver to those you love?

There are several steps to take now if you are concerned or anxious about your financial wellbeing: 1. Review your estate planning documents. Do you have all the necessary documents in order to be prepared for whatever tomorrow may bring? Are your will, trust, and advance directives up to date? 2. Review all protection components of your plan such as auto, home, health, disability and life. design of a program going forward. While this is not an exercise article per se, I believe there are several similarities and connections between our physical wellbeing, and the condition of our finances. This article will discuss some practical ways we can keep our finances current and up to date. It is vital to keep up with the many changes in our life that can affect our finances.

The times they are a changin’ It is an obvious observation to anyone living in this everchanging world. While that may be true, maybe a better question we should ask is “How are we changing?” and an even better question, “How are we adapting to that change?” Here is a laundry list of changes that could have occurred last year that could have affected your finances and may need some attention. Did you buy or lease a car? Did you buy or sell a house or downsize? Did you start a new business? Did you change jobs? Did you have a child or grandchild? Did your portfolio do well? Did it underperform?

3. Review your budget for efficiency. If it is working keep it up. If it needs fine tuning, make an adjustment. 4. Review your investments. Consider rebalancing and review your risk tolerance. Have they changed? 5. Review your retirement “picture”. What does it look like? Are you going to have enough? Will you run out? This is just a partial list of areas where change could affect a successful outcome of your finances. I think we can all agree that change is one of those constants we can always depend on. With the weather cold and dreary outside, this could be the perfect time of year for assessing your financial health and performing a “financial checkup”. For more information on how to maintain an up to date financial plan, please give us a call! RANDY C. COWELL, M.S., LUTCF, CFP®, CRPC® ACT Financial Services, Inc. Randy C. Cowell is a columnist and President of ACT Financial Services, Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of “God GoodDebt Bad”. Randy welcomes your thoughts and prayers. He can be reached at 918-664-0081 or by e-mail at “Randy C. Cowell is a registered Representative of and Securities and Investment Advisory services offered through Hornor Townsend and Kent, Inc Registered Investment Advisor. HTK is a member of FINRA/SIPC and does not offer tax, legal and credit service advice. The views expressed are not necessarily those of HTK. ACT Financial Services, Inc. is not affiliated with HTK.” C ommu n itysp ir itma ga zin e.c om

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Some People YOU know are “Doing Without” Healthcare! Sapulpans Join together to Help Good Samaritan Health’s Mobile Clinic Respond to this Crisis


hen you get sick, you simply make an appointment and go see your doctor…right? Here in America in this modern age, we almost take good healthcare for granted. But what if you were unemployed and uninsured? What if you were “underserved,” meaning you didn’t have transportation or access to medical care? Unable to pay, your only avenue would be to wait hours and hours at the nearest Emergency Room or government clinic in hopes of getting some “free care.” If you have visited an Emergency Room lately, you can see evidence of this firsthand. So, doesn’t the government provide free care for these people? Well, yes and no. Those below a certain income range who are employed are typically on Soonercare, Oklahoma’s Medicaid health system. But there is a group of folks who don’t fall into these categories. Often, they are people who have recently lost their job and their insurance. Not knowing where to turn, they are forced to do without, often risking even the need for even more expensive critical care, or long-term hospitalization. Good Samaritan Health Services, (GHS) a registered 501c3, has been working to meet this need for the last 20 years. You might say they have put their “doctor’s office” on wheels. Currently serving 54 monthly clinics around the Tulsa metropolitan area, they see thousands of people every year. Staffed by a few full-time doctors and nurses, as well as over 300 volunteers, they provide FREE doctor visits and FREE medications. And, in the same way that Jesus healed both the body and the soul of those who came

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to Him, GSH works alongside 12 churches (of varying denominations) who look after the patient’s spiritual needs. For the past year, GHS, working with First Baptist Church of Sapulpa, has offered a clinic every other Wednesday night. However, they have been overwhelmed by the numbers of people seeking help. In fact, they are currently taking steps to expand the clinic to every week. However, that requires more medical staff, more volunteers, and of course more money. The city fathers (and mothers) of Sapulpa are joining together to fill those needs. We are praying this happens quickly as the lines are getting longer. People come from miles around. There is a sense of desperation on their faces as they pack into the church building with the hopes of seeing a doctor, someone to help them feel better. Met with love, and encouragement, they get excellent care by a Family Physician and they leave healthier, and with a new sense of hope. You can play a very important role in this ministry. Consider volunteering for the Sapulpa Clinic, or at a Clinic close to you. And, pray about supporting Good Samaritan Health Services with a financial contribution. Your community needs you! You can visit their website at to make an application to volunteer. You can donate on the website, or mail your contribution to Good Samaritan Health Services, PO Box 1191, Tulsa, OK 74101. Want to talk to someone right now? Call them at 918-710-4222.

Good Samaritan Health Services is a faith-based nonprofit providing compassionate, high quality primary health care to those with limited access to health care. Good Samaritan is 100% funded by donations from the public and grants. All services are provided free of charge. Services Provided: • Acute non-emergency primary health care. • Management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. • Health education and other supportive services • Monthly women’s health screening clinics We do not provide these services: • Broken bones/fracture care • Prenatal care • Controlled medication prescribing (including narcotics, stimulants, sedatives), immunizations

Good Samaritan Health Services (GSHS) brings life-saving medical care—doctors, medicines, labs—to where atrisk individuals live. In 1998, Dr. John Crouch founded GSHS in order to provide free medical care to the poor and uninsured in Tulsa. Within a year, one site grew to John Crouch, M.D., President several through the use of the first medical truck. In 2007, GSHS added a second medical truck, a state-of-the-art, 63-foot tractor trailer. Now, through the two medical trucks, over 30 volunteer medical physicians, and over 200 other volunteers, GSHS provides more than 600 patient visits each month through 54 clinics held at 12 sites across Tulsa. Good Samaritan’s mission is to equip and empower Tulsa area churches to fulfill their vision of reaching their communities for Christ, partnering with them to effect transformation of individuals and the community by joining healthcare with their compassion ministries for those who do not have access to or cannot afford it. Their Vision is to be an effective, operating model of medical expertise empowering churches and volunteers we partner with to minister physical healing, spiritual renewal, and other practical helps to the underserved with the goal of moving them “from poverty to purpose.” C ommu n itysp ir itma ga zin e.c om

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