COMPACT BUSINESS SYSTEMS AT THE FOREFRONT OF MEDICATION CHART DESIGN AND PRODUCTION SINCE 1987. Compact Business Systems has a long history in the design and manufacture of medication charts for Private Hospitals and Aged and Community Care which began back in 1987. The first chart was produced for St. Andrews War Memorial Hospital in Brisbane after a long period of research and development with Pharmacy staff. Many working models were produced, discounted, fine tuned until all risk factors were accounted for during the trial period before being rolled out throughout the Hospital. Permission to use the chart was then granted by the Health Insurance Commission (Now Medicare), Queensland Drugs and Poisons and other Government bodies associated with Prescriber’s prescriptions. By instantly providing prescriptions for medications recorded on the medication chart, Pharmacy staff could then dispense medication from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and therefore all entitlements could be recouped. The system that Compact designed had the flexibility of being able to incorporate the Prescriber’s prescriptions into any chart which enabled many Private Hospitals to adopt the system and its many benefits while retaining their own chart designs. This also enabled the same principle to be included into other types of charts: n Long Stay Charts n Day Only Charts n IV Charts n Eye Charts Compact controlled the interchange of ideas and chart designs between Hospitals resulting in considerable advancement in chart designs over the last 26 years.
The First Major Change Following a request from a large Private Hospital group for a common chart for all of their Hospitals, the first stapled chart book was designed to accommodate all of the various Hospital’s requirements. This chart allowed for six A4 pages instead of the usual four giving more recording space and reducing the need to compromise on certain categories of medication recording and administration.
The Second Major Change Following the introduction of the National Chart for Public Hospitals, Compact designed and produced the first Medication Chart adopting some of the elements of this chart but incorporating our Prescriber’s Prescriptions into the medication recording pages. This chart was tested and trialed by Greenslopes Private Hospital and subsequently rolled out throughout the entire Hospital for both regular and long stay patients.
The Third Major Change Medicare originally required Prescriber’s prescriptions to be the original and duplicate parts of the three part set with the administration sheet being the triplicate. Whilst in use at Greenslopes Hospital, staff convinced Medicare to allow Compact to rearrange the order of the medication recording forms so that the administration page could then become the original with the prescription forms becoming the duplicate and triplicate copies. This provided a safer chart with Hospital staff administering medication from the original copy instead of the triplicate copy.
The Fourth Major Change Following a request from the Mater Private Hospital in Brisbane for prescriptions to be added to the “As Required (PRN)” pages, Compact using its design and production knowledge accomplished this task.
The Fith Major Change The incorporation of VTE into the chart for those Hospitals that require it.
DISTASTER STRIKES COMPACT In 2011 five meters of floodwater inundated our Brisbane factory shutting it down for about three months. Our stocks of charts were destroyed and we were unable to fill our orders. We received a lot of well wishes from many of our customers but they needed charts and we could not supply. Two years on we are fully recovered with new machines and a hunger to get our lost business back. We have also changed our policy in relation to Print Brokers who, in some cases, previously acted as “middle men” in the sale of some of our products. As a cost effective purchasing solution you can now deal directly with us as the designers and manufacturers of the products. We can also produce and stock your charts, deliver and invoice at your call.
Your contact:
Barry Spollen Sales Director Email: It has been a pleasure to have worked with Private Hospital, Aged Care, Community and Pharmacy staff over the past twenty six years of development of medication charts and associated products. Please contact me for any assistance you require with design, redesign, price, production and storage of your charts.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 History of Compact Business Systems Pty Ltd Medication Charts 2 Contact Details & Table of Contents 3-4 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Standard) 5-6 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (with Scripted PPN) 6 Prescription Pads 7-8 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Long Stay Patients) 8 Insulin & ADR Hospital Labels 9 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Day Stay Patients) 10 IV Chart 11-12 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Paediatric Patients) 12 Chart Holders, Binders & Bed End Holders 13 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Standard Without Scripts) 14 National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) (Long Stay Without Scripts)
Compact Business Systems Pty. Ltd. Ph: 1800 777 508
Fax: (07) 3376 2001
NATIONAL INPATIENT MEDICATION CHART (NIMC) For Private Hospital Acute or Surgical use
FRONT COVER • Printed on 300gsm weight cardboard - Our research and development of these charts over the last 10 years has found that the use of lighter weight cardboard could produce overwritten data on NCR prescription sets inside the chart resulting in potential risk to patient safety. • Covers can be printed with Hospital name, logo, MR number and barcode if required.
INSIDE FRONT COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescriber and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Warfarin” and “PRN” medications.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Medication with variable or reducing doses • Warfarin • Other regular medication As the Prescriber records medication on these pages, carbon copies located underneath form the original and duplicate of Prescriber’s prescriptions.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION INCLUDING VTE A recent update to the charts is the inclusion of VTE recording if required. Regular medication orders will then be as follows: • Medication with variable or reducing doses • VTE • Warfarin • Other regular medication
PRESCRIBER’S PRESCRIPTIONS • Completed individual prescriptions are easily detached from the chart and pasted on to blank prescription forms (Compact Reference No. CPH 1) for PBS (Medicare) claiming purposes. • Medications are now dispensed from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and pharmacy entitlements recouped.
INSIDE BACK COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescriber and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Variable Dose” medications.
BACK COVER • Recording and administration of “As Required (PRN)” medications. • As an alternative, see following pages for a medication chart that has been designed to incorporate Prescriber’s prescriptions for “As Required (PRN)” medications.
NATIONAL INPATIENT MEDICATION CHART (NIMC) For Private Hospital Acute or Surgical use
This chart differs from the previous chart with the addition of Prescribers Prescriptions to the “as required (PRN)” pages of the back of the chart.
FRONT COVER • The short page covering the front of the chart is a production requirement which allows the automatic collating and stapeling machinery to attach the three part PRN Administration Sheet and Prescription Sets to the back of the chart. Remove this sheet before use.
INSIDE FRONT COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescribers and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Warfarin” and “PRN” medications.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Medication with variable or reducing doses • Warfarin • Other regular medication As the Prescriber records medication on these pages, carbon copies located underneath form the original and duplicate of Prescriber’s prescriptions. 5
PRESCRIPTION PADS TO COMPLETE THE PROCESS • Medications dispensed from Prescriber’s original order. • Instant prescriptions assist with recouping entitlements for PBS medications from Medicare. Prescription Pad - Blank
Prescription Pad with Medication Order attached
PRESCRIPTION PADS With Compact’s purpose designed Prescription Pads (sold separately), Prescribers can supply
completed PBS prescriptions immediately by detaching their order from the chart and pasting it to a prescription blank..
PRESCRIBER’S PRESCRIPTIONS • Completed individual prescriptions are easily detached from the chart and pasted on to blank prescription forms (Compact Reference No. CPH 1) for PBS (Medicare) claiming purposes. • Medications are now dispensed from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and pharmacy entitlements recouped.
INSIDE BACK COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescribers and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Variable Dose” medications.
BACK COVER - PRN MEDICATION WITH PRESCRIPTIONS ATTACHED • “As Required (PRN)” Medications are recorded and administered on this page. • Carbon copies located underneath, form the original and duplicate of Prescriber’s prescriptions.
NATIONAL INPATIENT MEDICATION CHART (NIMC) For Private Hospital Acute or Surgical use Long Stay Patients
FRONT COVER • Standard NIMC Cover identified for Long Stay Patients.
INSIDE FRONT COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescribers and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Warfarin” and “PRN” medications.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Warfarin • Other regular medication • Prescriber recording of medication also completes duplicate prescriptions located underneath originals. • Medication Administration for six weeks. 7
Insulin & ADR labels
HOSPITAL LABELS With Compact’s purpose designed Hospital Labels (sold separately), Medical Officers and Nursing Staff are able to easily and clearly mark a Patient’s chart
ADR Labels for Patient Files
with Insulin and ADR alerts, ensuring that any Medical Officer who examines the Patient’s chart will be made aware of any Insulin or ADR issues relating to the Patient’s history.
PRESCRIBER’S PRESCRIPTIONS • Completed individual prescriptions are easily detached from the chart and pasted on to blank prescription forms (Compact Reference No. CPH 1) for BPS (Medicare) claiming purposes. • Medications are now dispensed from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and pharmacy entitlements recouped.
INSIDE BACK COVER • Printed with standard instructions for Prescribers and Nursing Staff for the recording and administration of “Variable Dose” medications.
BACK COVER • Recording and administration of “As Required (PRN)” medications. • As an alternative, see previous page for a medication chart that has been designed to incorporate Prescriber’s prescriptions for “As Required (PRN)” medications. 8
FRONT COVER • Standard NIMC Cover identified for “Day Only” use. • Also contains “IV Fluid Administration”.
Completed individual prescriptions are easily detached from the chart and pasted on to blank prescription forms (Compact Reference No. CPH 1) for PBS (Medicare) claiming purposes.
Medications are now dispensed from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and pharmacy entitlements recouped.
IV CHART For Private Hospital Acute or Surgical use
FRONT COVER INCLUDING MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION WITH PRESCRIBER’S PRESCRIPTIONS ATTACHED • Covers can be printed with Hospital name, logo, MR number and barcode if required.
NATIONAL INPATIENT MEDICATION CHART (NIMC) For Private Hospital Acute or Surgical use Paediatric Patients
FRONT COVER • Cover identified for Paediatric Patients.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Regular medication recording • Prescriber recording of medication also completes duplicate prescriptions located underneath originals.
PRESCRIPTIONS UNDERNEATH • Completed individual prescriptions are easily detached from the chart and pasted on to blank prescription forms (Compact Reference No. CPH 1) for PBS (Medicare) claiming purposes. • Medications are now dispensed from the Prescriber’s original handwritten order and pharmacy entitlements recouped. 11
CHART FOLDER BASKETS With Compact’s purpose designed Chart Folder Baskets (sold separately), Medical Officers and Nursing Staff will always know exactly where a
Patient’s Medication Chart is located. Select either wall mounted or bed-end mounted basket styles to suit your facility.
BACK COVER • Recording and administration of “As Required (PRN)” medications.
• This chart does not include Prescriber’s prescriptions.
FRONT COVER • Standard NIMC Cover
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Medication with variable or reducing doses • VTE (if required) • Warfarin • Other regular medications
BACK COVER • “As required (PRN)” medication
NATIONAL INPATIENT MEDICATION CHART (NIMC) For Hospital Acute or Surgical use Long Stay Patients
• This chart does not include Prescriber’s prescriptions.
FRONT COVER • Standard NIMC Cover with identification as “Long Stay” Chart.
MEDICATION RECORDING & ADMINISTRATION • Warfarin • Other regular medications • Four weeks recording of medication administration
BACK COVER • “As required (PRN)” medication
Compact Business Systems Pty. Ltd. Ph: 1800 777 508
Fax: (07) 3376 2001