I S S U E 2
The forthcoming events in January:
Xpressions 2012
Inter-House Quiz Competition-Don Bosco
A child's happiness on Christmas Day is a Magical thing
Assembly: Living the Dream of Don Bosco
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Grade 1 Cultural Day
Grade 7 Assembly
X’mas Panorama
A Farewell Poem
Grade 12 Farewell
Party Victory for IEAS &
Spotlight of the month Cluster Meet 2011
Many children from every country of the world wake up early in the morning and sneak a peek at the parcels under the family Christmas tree or in stockings at the foot of the bed with the hope that the letter they so carefully printed, assuring Santa that they have been angelic all year, reached the North Pole. Finally it’s Christmas day…. They check to see if Santa drank the hot chocolate if his reindeer ate the biscuits and they excitedly examine the parcels. There will be a lot of smiles. Christmas Day is, after all, very much a time for children. This year we want to celebrate the hundreds and thousands of parents who love their kids to bits and will see that they enjoy Christmas, even if presents are few because times are tight. Parents might need reminding that the best gifts they can give their children are not material, but intangible. They are steadfast love, their time, their encouragement, their setting of boundaries. The children too have to give their parents the gifts of appreciation and unconditional love this season.., no matter what, Christmas Day is the ideal time for affection to be reinforced. Christmas is also a time when aunts and uncles, grandparents kith and kin are included in the family festivities.,. It is a time to remember the alone and the unhappy, a time to be inclusive, a time to be generous with one's time and to count one's blessings. Sadly, however, the day won't have sweetness and light in every home. Some people will ruin even the best-laid plans, meaning unpleasant jobs for police, public hospital staff and women's refuges. These are the people who must devote their Christmas Day to sorting out others' excesses. We must thank them for doing so. .. This is the time of the year into which so much goodwill can be invested if we remember the reason for the season. IEAS wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the readers of this newsletter – we hope you have a grand year ahead.
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Class I - Cultural Day 8th December, 2011 was a much awaited day for the students of class I as they celebrated their Cultural Day. The Chief Guest for the evening was the school Director, Fr.Francis Kharjia. He addressed the gathering with his powerful and inspiring speech. The programme began with a patriotic prayer dance followed by a welcome song. The opening dance truly set the tone for the evening with its genuine spirit of patriotism. The students of the welcome song charmed the audience with their sweet voices and confidence. The students exhibited their brilliant performance in different dance forms - Arabic, Indian, Hindi and English much to the delight of everyone present. The proud parents who witnessed the students were spell bound. A short family skit on “Love binds us together” was presented in which the message on family bonding and love was well enacted. This was the highlight of the evening, as the parents cheered the students with much enthusiasm. The Vice Principal of the primary wing, Ms.Arlette D’Souza delivered the vote of thanks. She appreciated the students for their efforts and congratulated all the participants. It was a memorable moment for all the parents, as they watched their wards perform with confidence and pride. The Principal, Fr.Lionel Braganza, concluded the programme after the grand finale. In his address, he congratulated the students for bringing laurels to the school and thanked the parents for their support. He also acknowledged the teachers for their hard work and contribution. He encouraged the students and requested them to continue to excel and keep up the good work.
PJ: (Poor Joke) (A Scientist disconnected his doorbell……. Why? Because he wanted to win the no-bell prize!!!!
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Class VII Presents ‘Generation Gap’ The students of Std. 7A, B and C enthralled the secondary section with their assembly: Generation Gap. The assembly started with a short enactment of the misunderstandings between adults (Lenora and Brandon) and children (Abdul and Leroy). Next, there was a poem, recited by the students of 7B contrasting the differences of the modern generation with the previous one. This was followed by a skit by students of 7A, which thrilled the audience. It began with Shyam (Elrich) [and his sister (Ann)] who disagrees with the things his mother (Lorene), father (Nathan) and grandfather (Nash) tell him to do. He then meets up with his college friends (Anoop, Aaron, Joanne, and Chrisia) and finds out they too feel the same. In the end they come up with a magic potion that turns adults into youngsters and vice versa. The adults and children understand how each other feels and learn their lesson. There was also a dance to the song ‘Generation Gap’ by the students - Saray, Ayesha, Sandra Joseph, Sandra Ayman, which was quite enjoyable. The assembly ended with the song ‘Everything I Own’, by Vanessa Hudgens, sung by 7A. The music was played by: Nathan (Drums), Aaron (Piano), Elrich (Guitar), Nash (Bass guitar), and Amanda (Guitar). On the whole, it was a colourful and smooth performance that received a lot of applause from the audience, as everybody was watching eagerly and excitedly. The zest and vigour with which the 7th std. students displayed their talents is an indication of the immense potential in them. Hats off to the teachers and students of class 7!!! - Elrich Miranda VII A
Always laugh when you can, it is cheaper than medicine. IEAS
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Christmas Panorama “Christmas is a celebration of love, joy, peace and hope”-Fr. Francis Kharjia On the 22’nd of December the Christmas panorama was held with great exuberance. The agenda for the secondary section consisted of a collage competition between each house, the class party, an assembly by std. 8, and then the distribution of gifts. The primary had an individual Christmas symbols activity in which they had to bring a cutout of a Christmas symbol and decorate it. They too had the assembly and other programs just like the secondary. The assembly was done by the students of std. 8. It started with the lighting of the lamp by our principal, Fr. Lionel Braganza, director, Fr. Francis Kharjia & vice principal, Mr. Jijo Abraham. Then, we had a skit on Christmas Joy and how it has become very rare today to find it because of the selfishness of people. This was followed by an enjoyable dance on the song ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’ which kept everyone engaged. After that, we had another wonderful skit titled ‘The Story of Christmas’ which filled everyone with the Christmas spirit. A rocking fusion dance was the next highlight of the show. This was done on feet tapping music and was somewhat the most loved program of the day. We then had our four comperes welcome Ms. Santa Claus (counselor, Ms. Carmen) who gave everyone the four chocolates of Love, Joy, Peace & Hope. Next, we had our students sing the melodious tunes they had presented before the judges during the Interschool singing competition, held at the Delhi Public School, in which, they won the second Prize. We then had a ‘feet tapping’ carol session sang by the 8 std. students. ‘Rudolph the red nose reindeer’, ‘Feleec navidad’ & ‘Jingle bell rock’ were some of the famous carols they sang. Finally, we had a short speech by Fr. Francis, followed by another one by Fr. Lionel who was dressed up as a plump old Santa. He said “Christmas is a time for everyone to enjoy.” He also read out the results of the bell designing competition and other trophies. After returning to class we had the distribution of gifts and the departure for a short Winter break. - Steve Sunil VI A
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Farewell Don’t cry that is over But smile because it happened All the good times that made us laugh One day you will look back And will remember all those sweet memories There’s that unhappy feeling and there's that anguish But their times to go our separate ways To face the unknown with confident yearning The road looks rough ahead Spread you wing and learn to fly So high to reach your goals These are the good times But old faces must go and there are new places to go its hard to say goodbye But we will meet someday Hope everything you are waiting for It’s worth the wait And the road you take Will lead you to a perfect place Everything changes, but memories remain Goodbye is hard but when a new chapter opens a chapter always closes
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you Until we meet again!
There is a new world ahead A new path unveiled Into your future, a new wonderful adventure (This poem is dedicated to the outgoing batch of Class XII ) Natasha Menon XI Science IEAS
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Class XII Farewell Party 15thDecember 2011, was an unforgettable day for the senior secondary. The farewell organized by the 11th standard was a day filled with joy, pride and excitement. The event started with the prayer by Fr. Francis. The chief guest of the night was the president of DBPPA Mr. Venkataesh R. Unlike other events, this event had a special feel to it, the proud parents applauding for their children, the elated 12thgraders and the teachers with great satisfaction on their faces. It took a lot of efforts for the 11thgraders to make this day memorable for the students. After an inspiring speech by the chief guest was the dance performance – which stole the limelight. One of the most touching moments was the presentation which showed the gradual changes in the life of the students(12th graders) as they grew up in Don Bosco. The fun they had, the group events they organized through the years was shown in it. The second half of the event had surprising activities like Don Bosco king and queen contest which was awarded to our school head boy and head girl. In the middle of the farewell were spot prizes which were handed to the most spontaneous people . The event concluded on a nice note and was appreciated by one and all.
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Victory For IEAS On the 14th of December 2011, a group of 10 students participated in the Inter-School Singing competition organized by FAIPS, Kuwait. The theme of the competition was peace, nature and motivation. Ms. Grace Santa Maria held auditions, and out of the many that auditioned from classes 7, 8,9,10, and 11, only ten were selected. Sir Faustino Menezes divided our voices into firsts, seconds, thirds, bass and mid-voice. He also encouraged us to come out of our safe place and helped us evolve our voices. We sang Michael Jackson’s “The Earth Song”, an inspirational and powerful song about the deteriorating conditions of Mother Earth. Ms. Dora Pereira helped in selecting a suitable costume. As the much awaited competition approached, pressure started building and the practice intensified.Sir. Faustino, Ms. Dora and Ms. Grace accompanied us to the event, supporting us and encouraging us to do our best. We performed with all our heart and soul and we came second to Carmel School, Kuwait. It was a privilege for my companions:Jelitta Elizabeth , Sheryl Gomes,Vanessa Fernandas, Joe Daniel ,Maha ,Tanya Jolly, Ansley Dias , Eldrige Miranda, Nash Menezes and myself, to have taken part in this event and bring laurels to IEAS. Natasha Menon XI Science
SPOTLIGHT OF THE MONTH Ever since Fr. Lionel Braganza SDB be-
came the principal of IEAS, eight years
Niram 2011 – B
back, our school has progressed greatly
Natural, a painting
and has always strived for the best. From
competition was
the annual days to the various cultural
held in Indian Com-
activities, Fr. Lionel has made it big. Our
munity School,
school became one of the only Indian
Khaitan with pomp and pride by Kala (Art)
schools to have interactive smart boards
Kuwait on 4th November 2011. NIRAM
in classes. We also have a new school
2011, was held as a part of Children's Day
building to accommodate the extra
celebrations marking the 122th birth day of
classes, as our school has reached a
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime
strength of 2000. Thank you Father
Minister of India. Merin Jose from grade IX
Lionel for being such an inspiration to all was awarded the Merit Award for her paintIEAS
of us.
ing on the topic 'Nature'.
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Physics Workshop Indian Central School, Kuwait in association with Bharti Bhawan (Publishers & Distributors), India organised a workshop ‘Physics teaching through experiments’ on 10th December, 2011. The workshop was conducted by Dr. R.K Awasthi of St. George’s College, Agra, India. Mr. Awasthi explained various aspects of a wide spectrum of physics laws and phenomena by conducting a series of simple experiments live in front of the audience. He illustrated the various principles involved in a very lucid manner so that the class room teaching could become very easy, interesting and simple to teach and also for the students to understand. The workshop was attended by about 50 physics teachers from various Indian Schools in Kuwait. Our school was represented by Mrs. Bharti Takkar, Mrs. Sheeja Robert and Mrs. Sherly John. It was really a wonderful program targeted towards knowledge enrichment and application of simple tools in teaching physics. All the attendees appreciated the course material as well as teaching methodology adopted by the resource person. We would also like to thank Mrs. Shantha Maria James, Principal, Indian Central School, Kuwait for such a well organised and knowledge enriching workshop for the benefit of physics teaching faculty of Indian schools in Kuwait. Bharti Takkar Head of Department (Science) I M N D
R – 2 0 1
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Cluster Meet 2011 The CBSE Clusters Athletic Meet was held on 3rd December 2011, at the Kaifan stadium. Like every year, this year too, I.E.A.S along with all the other Indian schools participated in it. It was a three day event. The series of events began with the lighting of the torch followed by the swearing in ceremony of the different captains of the participating schools. The organizer of this prestigious meet was Mr. Manpreet Singh. Once all the events were over, the certificates and the trophies were awarded to the winning contestants. ICSK bagged the Overall Trophy, leaving our school in the 9th place. The P.E. teachers-Sir Ivan, Sir Michael and Tr.Penny trained the athletes of our school. As failure is the stepping stone to success, next year, we hope to try our best to show the true colours of the IEASIANS. Shimona Rebello IX-C
INGENIA 2011 In the month of December, FAIPS or Delhi Public School as it is popularly known, had organized a painting competition as part of ‘Ingenia 2011”. Four students from our school had the opportunity to participate in it. On 12th December, when the rest of the school continued their normal routine, we along with Tr. Agnes, were at DPS, painting to weave together the different images appearing in our minds. It was a tough competition as every single child who came there were par excellence! We were given five topics and we were expected to make a painting on any one of them. Though our school didn’t bag any prizes, the others who participated with me will agree that it was a wonderful learning experience because we saw a great deal of talent which inspired us to work hard and do better next time. Merin Jose IX-C
Editorial Club
Melissa Rangel (XII), Sheryl Gomes (XI), Dhruva Laxman (X), Namita Vinod (IX), Archana Sebastian (VIII), Elrich Miranda (VII), Steve Sunil (VI) along with the English
Quote of the Month: The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. ~Benjamin Disraeli IEAS TIMES
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