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List the names of the teachers who joined IEAS in 2002 are still a part of the IEAS family.



2012 Don Bosco


Quiz & Class Assembly IMWA


Happy New Year to one and all!

As we step into the New Year 2012, with new hopes, new resolutions and aspirations, we must live life to the fullest- be happy and make others happy. God has allowed each one of us 365 days to accomplish great things. “Explore, Dream, Discover”, this quote by Mark Twain always inspires me. January is a very special month for all IEASians. This year, the students of IEAS gave a warm welcome to 2012 with a lot of enthusiasm. After the short winter break, we were ready to start anew. There were a variety of activities to look forward to, for example, the much awaited event ‘Xpressions’, the basketball tournament (conducted by the Past Pupils), Republic Day celebrations and the feast of our patron Saint Don Bosco celebrated on the 31st of January. On this beautiful morning, the Don Bosco school premises were filled with joy and the glow of St. Don Bosco. As I walked along the corridors, all the bulletin boards had pictures of Don Bosco and his beautiful inspirational quotes. Don Bosco was not just a priest; he was a great educator of the youth. He loved young children. He loved them because he knew they were God’s children and capable of doing great things.

Award Conferral Spotlight of


the month. Beach Clean- 7 up Drive. Art Compe-


tition. DB Basketball Champi-

So as we begin this New Year, let us give a fresh start to our lives. Have you ever seen the humming bird and the vulture fly over the deserts? All the vulture sees is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But humming birds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. Instead, they look for the colourful blossoms of desert plants. The vultures live on what was, they live on the past. They fill themselves with what is dead and gone. But humming birds live on what is. They seek new life. They fill themselves with freshness and life.


I hope that this New Year brings a lot of freshness to our lives and peace and happiness to everyone. As IEASians, may we continue to be like the humming bird, striving for the best. Let us be inspired by our patron Don Bosco and live up to our motto, “I am born for greater things”.


Happy Reading!



XPRESSIONS 2012 On the 25th of January, 2012, Indian English Academy School held an auspicious function celebrating its 10 successful years of existence. The function was named „Xpressions 2012‟. IEAS invited the students of 13 Indian schools of Kuwait, to participate in the different events which were all very scintillating. The events included several competitions like folk dancing, pot painting, salad dressing, wacky characters, spoof-a-movie, blast of

This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it. -William James

the bands, story writing etc. The school‟s quadrangle, basements and classes were all artistically decorated with drawings, posters, paintings and all sorts of creative and decorative material.


Day I began with an Inaugural Ceremony. The comperes at the ceremony were the Head Girl and Head Boy of the Secondary Section (Melissa Rangel and Joel Andrade).

They highlighted the history of IEAS and its dedicated staff. They also gave a brief introduction about „Xpressions 2012‟.Next, the Kuwait national anthem was sung by the audience. A prayer song entitled „Hasbi Rabbi‟ (which means „Praise Allah the Almighty‟) was sung by all the Muslim students of the 10th grade in four different languages: English, Hindi, Turkish and Arabic.

This was followed by cheerleading performances put up by the students of the various schools. The different mascots were Cacti, Mickey Mouse and Mother Nature. The creativity shown by the various teams baffled the spectators. Various stunts and moves were also skillfully displayed. Following this were the Western, Arabic and Punjabi dances that were once again performed by the 10th graders of IEAS. The audience appreciated and enjoyed the colourful and energetic dances.




Then, a classical fusion dance of Bharathnatyam, Mohiniyattam and Kathak was gracefully performed again by the 10th graders of IEAS.






XPRESSIONS 2012 Our Director: Father Francis Kharjia and Principal: Father Lionel Braganza then said a few words and finally, the Principal of FAIPS(DPS): Mrs. Anju Dheeman, who was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Ceremony spoke thanking IEAS and its staff for conducting such an event. She then inaugurated the function by cutting the ribbon; thus setting several balloons free. The crowd then dispersed to view as well as participate in the different competitions that were to be

held simultaneously in the different classrooms, the basements and the quadrangle. Some of the events held that afternoon were, Dance Trance, Ad-Mad Show, a Quiz on India, Duet Singing, pot painting etc. On the 26th of January, we celebrated the Republic Day of India and hoisted the Indian National Flag. It was a grand occasion. Tr. Elizabeth Rangel was the master of ceremonies. Father Francis gave a speech to commemorate the event .

After his speech, a patriotic song was sung by the 10th graders called “kudh jiyo auro ko bhi jeene do…”.


This was followed by the Finals of the Quiz, Blast of the Bands, Salad Dressing etc. An amazing fashion show was presented by the teachers at IEAS who showcased their beauty with poise and elegance. There was also a jam session where all the students enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The day ended with a closing ceremony and prize distribution. Mrs Shantamaria

James, the Principal of Indian Central School was the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony. She gave a beautiful speech which encouraged everyone and added glitter to the Ceremony. Father Lionel thanked her and together they announced the winner of the two-day extravaganza which was the CARMEL SCHOOL OF KUWAIT. Xpressions 2012, was indeed a very fulfilling and enriching experience for the Staff and students of IEAS. We hope to continue this tradition, thus making it possible for many students all over Kuwait to excel in their

areas of interest and bring glory to t h e i r school.





Don Bosco Quiz On 29th of January 2012, the students of the Indian English Academy School witnessed the Don Bosco Quiz. It was held in the old Basement of the School. There were four teams: Tilak, Nehru, Gandhi and Tagore. The Quiz was based on the life of Don Bosco. In each team, there were four members. There were many rounds like the Multiple Choice Round, Significant Dates, They crossed his path, Who said these words, Rapid Fire Round and lastly the IEASian Round. Each team had very close competition. At the end of the Quiz, there was a tie between the Tilak and the Tagore house. Finally, the Tagore house bagged the first place and the Tilak house got the second place. In the third position was the Gandhi House while the Nehru house stood fourth. It was a golden opportunity for all the participants to learn about the life of Don Bosco. We look forward to many such informative and educative activities in the future.

Class Assembly: Living the dream of Don Bosco On 31st of January 2012, the students of standard VI put up a wonderful assembly on the topic, „Living the dream of Don Bosco‟ for the occasion of the feast of Don Bosco, the Patron Saint of the Salesian community. There were various items like a song, a skit and a powerpoint presentation. It started with our young singers crooning to the tune of the song „Live the dream of Don Bosco‟ accompanied by Mariam John and Craig Sequeira on the keyboard. Next, was an amazing skit titled, „OF THE HEROES & BUTTERFLIES‟ which showed how Don Bosco changed the life of a street rogue ,named Mickey into one of the most admirable boys. Our young musicians then re-entered with some feet tapping instrumental music. Lastly, there were a couple of small presentations which showed clippings from the life of Don Bosco and kept everyone attentive.


Finally, our Principal, Fr. Lionel Braganza and Director, Fr. Francis Kharjia addressed us, wishing us a Happy Feast and we dispersed to our respective classrooms keeping in mind the dream of Don Bosco and how we can imbibe and make this dream live on through our lives today. It was indeed an enriching assembly.








STUDENTS OF IEAS PERFORM AT THE IMWA AWARD CONFERRAL 2011. INDIAN MUSLIM WELFARE ASSOCIATION, commonly known as (IMWA), held a prize distribution conferral for a Quran Recitation Competition, on Friday, the 30th of December 2011. It was a grand success. The Chief Guest at the conferral was his Excellency, the Ambassador of India to Kuwait, Mr. Satish. C. Mehta. Our students of IEAS used this opportunity to excel. The cultural events at the programme were put up by IEAS. The function started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by KAZHI MOHEMMED OWAIS , followed by a translation by HAMZAH KEEROW and NADER HARB of Standard 9 .After the recitation,15 students from the 4th and 5th standards presented a choral recitation on the life of the Prophet Mohemmed (sallalahualayhi-wa –sallam) - Peace be upon him. The comperes at the function were two students from Class 9, RAEES SHEREEF and MOHEMMED OWAIS. After his Excellency, the Ambassador addressed the gathering, a skit was put up by NAVEED, ZAID and SHAKEEB, students of Standard 10, on the topic, “SCIENCE AND SUNNAH”. At the end, some students of our school won prizes for the Quran Recitation Competition. Shortly after the Vote of Thanks, the Conferral came to an end.

- By Raees Shereef .

Good times in life become good memories… bad times become good lessons.





When I got enough confidence, The stage was gone. When I was sure of losing, I won. When I needed people the most, They left me. When I learnt to dry my tears, I found a shoulder to cry on, When I mastered the skill of hating, Somebody started loving me. That‟s life. Live it… Love it….

It has been 39 years with the Salesians for Fr. Francis Kharjia, our Director. He was ordained a priest in Pune, 29 years ago where he served for four years. He was then transferred to Ahmednagar, after which he went to Nagaland, Lonavala and Vasai. From Vasai, he went to Nasik (where Fr. Tony presently is). He had to then return to Pune, where he first started. He is now in Kuwait for the first time. On interviewing him, he said, “I feel blessed to work here with like-minded fathers, hardworking teachers, affectionate and good-natured students , along with co- operative parents.‟‟

Our school recently implemented a new system of evaluation for the senior students of Std. XII. The new „split test‟ idea was introduced with the objective of critically analyzing each student in his areas of strength and weaknesses in every subject. The test consisted of two exams. As the name suggests, each subject was divided into two papers to ascertain the understanding of each student on the subject, chapter wise. The system, although longer, proves to be more efficient in critical analysis of how well students perform. Overall, the system of the split test paved the way for newer ideas on how evaluations can be conducted. -By Vincent Puyat [XII Commerce)

STANDARD XII PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS The subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology require not merely theoretical knowledge but practical applications too. So, on 23rd, 24th and 30th January, 2012, fixed batches of students appeared for their year-end practical examinations. For Chemistry and Biology, we were graded on the projects we had researched during the summer vacations in addition to our record work. Topics ranged from Antibiotics to DNA analysis, medicines to food technology. We had to answer a set of application questions for our VIVA. A total of thirty marks were set aside for this purpose and we were graded based on our knowledge of those experiments required to be carried out by us. Towards the end of those 3 hours, when the tension began to wear off, we realized that despite being our last Bsc level practical “exam” we truly enjoyed every minute of it, giving it our best and making the best of all that we learnt through the year 2011-2012. -By Melissa Rangel. IEAS








BEACH CLEAN-UP DRIVE– STANDARD XI The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Kuwait Chapter‟s “Community Outreach Program” organized a Beach Cleanup Drive on 14th January, 2012. This year, Indian English Academy School was selected and Grade 11 students participated along with their teachers and Principal Fr. Lionel Braganza. The students reached the Kuwait Towers Beach (between Chilli‟s Restaurant and the Fish market) at around 8 am. They were given safety gear and some tips on safety. They began cleaning the beach with enthusiasm but remembered the safety tips : „Do not pick up syringes or any glass pieces with your hands even with the gloves on, call out for the people in uniforms.‟ The cleaning went on for an hour and students came back with bin bags full of cigarette stubs, wrappers, cans and meat bones. The programme ended with a Felicitation Ceremony where all students were given certificates and snacks which were enjoyed by all. Finally we returned to school by 12 noon. Truly, this drive educated us about keeping our environment clean for a better tomorrow.

IEAS in action!

MY ACHIEVEMENTS In a generation where most young children are addicted to computer games, chatting and such other activities, it's definitely a great feeling when we hear of someone who is still interested in “pure entertainment”. The feeling gets even better when such an individual excels not just in one field but is definitely a multi-faceted person. Rovita is the daughter of Robert and Violet D'Souza of Puttur, Karnataka. She currently studies in Grade X at IEAS (Don Bosco) Kuwait. As a multi-talented girl, Rovita's hobbies include dancing, basketball, drawing, dance choreographing and singing. Rovita thrives on challenges and is always willing to take up something new as long as it interests her. Rovita is an all-rounder in the true sense of the word. For several years at school, Rovita has been consistently winning the Academic proficiency and General proficiency awards which are awarded to students rated above average in their all-round performance. Being a keen dancer, she is part of the famed Ballerine's School of Dance in KuRovita D’Souza, wait and for three consecutive years has won the Best Student Award. She has not only completed the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels in dance but also now assists and Grade X, coaches new students at dancing. She has performed at various events and has been awarded IEAS (Don Bosco) - Kuwait certificates by Dr. Kiran Bedi, Playback singer Alka Yagnik, Actors Vivek Oberoi and Vikram. She has won various events both at the school level as well as events conducted by various associations - Tulu Koota Kuwait, Woogie Woogie, KCWA and many others. She has also participated in the CBSE Cluster Athletic Meet 2010-2011 and was selected for the nationals held in Cochi, Kerala for U-14, 4*400m relay girls where she secured the sixth place. For the year 2011-2012, she received the 3rd place for 1500m U-16 girl‟s category in the whole of Kuwait. A true Rising Star on the horizon, Rovita till date has won 121 certificates, 24 medals, 10 trophies and 12 mementoes for her outstanding performances. She attributes all her success to her parents and her sister who have been supporting her wholeheartedly and says she is proud to be a part of such a family. We wish Rovita all the very best in her future endeavours and look forward to even greater achievements.



CULTURAL DAY - STD II 19th January, 2012 was a much awaited day for the students of class II as they celebrated their Cultural Day. The evening commenced with a Prayer Dance through which the students invoked the presence of God Almighty. Our Director, Rev. Fr. Francis Karjia, then addressed the crowd with the most inspiring and enriching words. Rev. Fr. Joy, who was the Chief Guest for the evening also said a few words of encouragement. This was followed by a Welcome Song, through which students charmed the audience with their sweet voices. Different dances like Russian, Indian, Hindi and English were also performed much to the delight of everyone present. The proud parents who witnessed their children were spell bound. There was also a short skit called „Dreams Unlimitedâ€&#x; through which a message was conveyed to all our dear students. It said that we all have to grow in life to achieve our unlimited dreams and for that each one has to learn to be responsible. This will lead us to be responsible citizens in future as well. This was the highlight of the evening, as parents cheered the students with much enthusiasm. The Academic Proficiency awards for the year 2010-2011 were then given to the students who excelled in academics. . It was a memorable moment for all the parents, as they watched their wards with pride. Our Administrator, Rev. Fr. Franco, concluded the programme after the grand finale. In his address, he congratulated the students for bringing laurels to the school and thanked the parents for their support. He also acknowledged the teachers for their hard work and contribution. He encouraged the students and requested them to continue to excel and keep up the good work.

Art Competition At J.W.Marriot An art competition was held at J.W.Marriot on 18th January. It was sponsored by Centre Point. Around 15 schools participated in this competition. Judges came from different G.C.C countries to choose the best artist from among the young students. There were many themes such as, What I want to be when I grow up, My desire, Monuments, Abstract Art etc. Designing a logo was the main theme. Students were divided into two groups according to their ages. All the participants tried their best. The main aim of the competition was to encourage the young artists. Each participant was given colour pencils, crayons, brushes, pencils and other painting materials. A sumptuous lunch was arranged for the students by the hotel after which, there were some entertaining games and quizzes for children. On the whole, it was a very successful event and the students enjoyed it a lot.



Don Bosco Basketball Championship held at IEAS On the 13th of January, the 7th Don Bosco Inter- School Basketball Tournament 2012 commenced with the following schools participating: United Indian School (UIS)/ Indian Central School (ICS)/ Indian English Academy School (IEAS)/ Integrated Indian School (IIS)/ Indian Community School Kuwait (ICSK)/ Carmel School Kuwait (CSK)/ Indian Educational School, Bhavans (IES)/ FAIPS (DPS) and Al-Amal Indian School. This tournament is one of its kind and is eagerly awaited by all basketball players and fans as it is not only very exciting, but also gives all the young talents an opportunity to show their skills. The tournament, which is organized for the under 12, 14 and 16 boys and girls, saw large crowds watching the various teams play on Fridays and Saturdays. Both parents and fans cheered their respective teams and there was a lot of competitive The U-12 boys team with the runners up trophy spirit among the teams. IEAS sent its U-12, U-14 and U-16 boys and girls teams, out of which the U-12 boys and girls teams made it to the finals. In the end, the U12 girls team beat Bhavans (IES) and won the 1st place while the U-12 boys came second in their category. Congratulations to all the players of IEAS along with their coaches, Sir Michael, Sir Ivan and Sir Chris. The names of the IEAS teams players are as follows:Under 12 Boys: Menwara, Nash, Keagan, Rithvik, Atikesh, Christy, Jake, Someshwar, Hansindu, Atharva, Mohammad Hani , Ralph Girls: Vishaka, Shania, Vineeta, Adya, Janice, Miriam, Lillian, Ria, Khulsam, Pariyan, Michelle The U-14 boys team

Under 14 Boys: Brandon, Shobit, Jacob, Tayeb, Syed, Brandon B., Ridge, Elrich, Paaras, Adel. Girls: Jenisia, Sinatra, Amanda, Naomi, Arshaya, Caris, Calista, Vanessa, Faith, Rumelle, Gizelle Under 16 Boys: Steve, Shawn, Shaun Filipe, Edgar, Mikhail, Basil, Lincoln, Wayne, Basil, Cavin, Ian, Joe, Kingsley, Girls: Rovita, Olivia, Tanya, Valency, Stephanie, Neha, Sharon, Namita, Karen, Adveita, Athiena, Dhania

The U-16 Girls team

-by Elrich Miranda 7A The U-12 girls team pose with the winners’ trophy

Editorial Club Dhruva Laxman (X), Archana Sebastian (VIII), Elrich Miranda (VII), Steve Sunil (VI) along with the English Department.


QUOTE OF THE MONTH Education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't. -Anatole France

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