Organic High Fiber Sports Energizing Food

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The same family has been running the farm Skærtoft for four generations. In 1991, the family converted the farm to organic farming methods:.

The flour from Skærtoft mølle is special on the Danish market as the product aimed at filling an unseen demand – or in other words, Hanne and Jørgen created a “blue ocean” within the organic flour business. They produce organic flour with high protein content – produced on low yielding grain varieties that however provide the highest quality. The flour is stone ground to preserve the natural content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are so important to us. us Also, Also oxidation of the flour is kept at a minimum minimum. The mill has no storage facilities as the flour is only ground “on order” and leaves the mill a maximum of five days after the production date. Thus the flour is truly “fresh” which also provides p o des the eb bread ead with a rich c taste. as e Nothing o g is s added to o the e flour, ou , nothing o g removed. e o ed ARTNERS - DISTIBUTORS Required For All International Countries

DISTIBUTORS- PARTNERS Required All Countries

An Organic g farm & mill owned by y the same family Since 1892: The mill produces highest quality FLOUR & Muesli & Polished Grains: Maintaining g standards that speak p to both Gastronomy and Health: It has received a string of honors for it various unique products – including awards for both slow food & the Danish Gastronomic Academy: Skaerrtoft was also awarded Denmark Organic Gold Medal plus the design award for outstanding gq quality y In p products and design: g Our range of unique organic products are loved & used Equally by famous Sports Stars & Michelin – Starred Restaurants also in many private Kitchens: p

European Awards European Awards •

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IIn June 2011 it is seven years ago that the first five J 2011 it i th t th fi t fi palletts of flour were send from Skaertoft to a high quality, high end Danish supermarket chain. Four months later Skaertoft was the most selling flour producer in this particular supermarket chain – and still is. In 2006 the wholemeal wheat flour from Skaertoft won the Danish Organic Gold Medal. In 2009 all of the products from Skaertoft – along with their creators, Hanne Risgaard and Jorgen ith th i t H Ri d dJ Bonde ‐ received the Danish Gastronomy Award. In 2010 Skaertoft received the Danish Design Prize and the special prize Designmatters for their beautiful packaging. p g g The same year Hanne Risgaards baking book ”HJEMMEBAGT” (translated: Home Baked) was chosen as the ”Best Bread Book of the Year in Denmark” by the international organisation G Gourmet Cook Book Awards tC kB kA d.


”Porridge Mix – HVID HELVED” A light porridge mix made by a Danish Michelin Star Chef and consisting of flaked spelt, barley and oats. This 100 percent wholegrain porridge is brilliant for those who want to perform physically and mentally Add fresh or dried fruit to the porridge wholegrain porridge is brilliant for those who want to perform physically and mentally. Add fresh or dried fruit to the porridge and you get a meal that keeps you going without compromising on health and taste!

”Muesli – GUL ALS” Muesli created by a Danish Michelin Star Chef. This muesli consists of dried carrots, cranberries, almond and blue corn fl flower petals mixed with flakes of spelt, oats and barley. In Denmark GUL ALS was nominated for the Organic Gold l i d i h fl k f l db l I D k GUL ALS i df h O i G ld Medal 2009. The Jury commented: a different and “happy” muesli. Sweet although without any added sugar. Very tasty and innovative.

”Muesli – BLÅ ALS” Muesli created by a Danish Michelin Star Chef. This muesli consists of dried blueberries, apple, and hazelnuts mixed with flakes of oats rye and malted wheat No sugar is added The fruits and nuts are all categorized as “brain of oats, rye and malted wheat. No sugar is added. The fruits and nuts are all categorized as brain food food” –– that is, food that that is food that keeps your brain “in shape” and going strong!

“Porridge Mix – RØD HELVED” A slightly darker porridge mix made by a Danish Michelin Star Chef and consisting of flaked spelt, rye and wheat and a little kibbled rye for that extra mouth feel. This 100 percent wholegrain porridge is brilliant for those who want to perform physically and mentally. Add fresh or dried fruit to the porridge and you get a meal that keeps you going without compromising on health and taste!

”Kibbled Spelt” Spelt kernels, crushed. Ideal for bread baking – use at approx. 20 percent per kilogram flour. Soak in water before use. Can also be used for porridge. A 100 percent wholegrain product.

”Kibbled Rye” Rye kernels, crushed. Ideal as ingedient in the traditional Nordic rye bread. Always follow recipe. Can also be used for porridge. A 100 percent wholegrain product.

”Rye kernels, Cut” Rye kernels, cut. Ideal as ingedient in the traditional Nordic rye bread. Always follow recipe. Soak in water for approx. 24 hours before use. A 100 percent wholegrain product.

”Kibbled Wheat” Wheat kernels, crushed. Ideal for bread baking – use at approx. 20 percent per kilogram flour. Soak in water before use. Can also be used for porridge. A 100 percent wholegrain product.

”Kibbled Barley” Barley kernels, polished and crushed into small pieces. Typically used in the Nordic cuisine for porridge with apples or pears. Barley has a naturally high content of dietary fibres and a low gluten content.

”Barley, Flaked” Barley kernels, polished and flaked. Barley has a naturally high content of dietary fibres and a low gluten content. Ideal for porridge. Also good and tasty in bread when used at approx. 10 percent per kilogram flour.

”Wheat Bran” Medium coarse bran particles. Bran is rich in dietary fibres and minerals, and can be used as an ingredient in bread, porridge and as a yoghurt topping.

”Rye Flour, Siefted” Stone ground rye flour, siefted. Smaller bran particles and germ preserved in the flour. Low gluten content, but with good baking qualities when used with white flour at approx. 10 percent per kilogram flour.

”Barley Flour, Siefted” Stone ground barley flour, siefted. Smaller bran particles and germ preserved in the flour. Low gluten content, but with good taste enhancing qualities when used with white flour at approx. 10 percent per kilogram flour.

”Pastry Flour of Wheat” Stone ground wheat flour, siefted. Smaller bran particles and germ preserved in the flour. Low protein content, thus ideal for cakes, tarts, bisquits and crackers.

”Wholemeal Spelt Flour” Stone ground spelt flour, wholemeal. Nothing removed and thus a 100 pct wholegrain product with a naturally high protein content.

”Spelt Flour, Siefted” Stone ground spelt flour, siefted. Smaller bran particles and germ preserved in the flour. High protein content, thus ideal for bread baking.

”Wholemeal Rye Flour” Stone ground rye flour, wholemeal. Nothing removed and thus a 100 pct wholegrain product. Low gluten content, but brilliant with sourdough for the traditional Nordic ryebread. ith d h f th t diti l N di b d

”Wholemeal Wheat Flour” Stone ground wheat flour, wholemeal. Nothing removed and thus a 100 pct wholegrain product with a naturally high protein content.

”Wheat Flour, Siefted” Stone ground wheat flour, siefted. Smaller bran particles and germ preserved in the flour. High protein content, thus ideal for bread baking.

”Pearled Spelt” Spelt kernels, polished. Traditionally, pearls were used as part of a healthy and nutritious farmers’ diet. Today, recepies of the Nordic cuisine combines health and gastronomy , so now not only farmers enjoy the delicious pearls. Rinse the pearls thoroughly and boil them in lightly salted water for 15‐20 minutes. Use them warm or cooled. They are ideal for salads, soups, as a side dish for fish, poultry and meat, as well as for desserts.

”Pearled Rye” Rye kernels, polished. Traditionally, pearls were used as part of a healthy and nutritious farmers’ diet. Today, recepies of the Nordic cuisine combines health and gastronomy so now not only farmers enjoy the delicious pearls Rinse the pearls thoroughly Nordic cuisine combines health and gastronomy , so now not only farmers enjoy the delicious pearls. Rinse the pearls thoroughly and boil them in lightly salted water for 15‐20 minutes. Use them warm or cooled. They are ideal for salads, soups, as a side dish for fish, poultry and meat, as well as for desserts.

”Pearled Barley” Barley kernels, polished. Traditionally, pearls were used as part of a healthy and nutritious farmers’ diet. Today, recepies of the Nordic cuisine combines health and gastronomy so now not only farmers enjoy the delicious pearls Rinse the pearls Nordic cuisine combines health and gastronomy , so now not only farmers enjoy the delicious pearls. Rinse the pearls thoroughly and boil them in lightly salted water for 15‐20 minutes. Use them warm or cooled. They are ideal for salads, soups, as a side dish for fish, poultry and meat, as well as for desserts.

PARTNERS ‐ DISTIBUTORS Required For All Countries

We are now selecting potential reputable food groups that would have the necessary professional expertise and core values in management and distributing these unique Organic Food Choices.

“Simply healthier and Certified Organic” Kindly forward a detailed company profile with a covering letter on the countries you would wish to distribute within, on the email address below

Contact us: rgs@intl‐ www healthyfoods ic com

“Benefit to all those who need a little Extra”

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