REFINEMENT True refinement seeks simplicity – Bruce Lee From one of the most accomplished and focused creative personalities that has lived in this past century, refinement is a misunderstood acquisition. Why must we be refined? That doesn’t seem applicable to me or my approach to life. After some digging and soul searching, here’s why I bring refinement up to your consciousness, for much consideration. I came across a chart on Moon Phases and how they influence you; I never really paid much attention to the waxing and waning of the almighty Luna. The moon heads into ‘waxxing gibbous’ right as it appears full; this phase is referred to as ‘refinement’. At the very beginning of a full moon, it is still gaining strength to position itself and it takes a strong energy to be the brightest it can be. Hard for us to undertake that capacity when we are not in control of celestial movement and the power of the universe.