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© William Van Orden

O F F T H E B E AT E N PAT H Quadra Island Studio Tour Kicks-Off G OR D ON JA M ES ARTISTS ARE PREPARING to welcome

printmakers, sculptors, potters, fabric

the public to the Quadra Island Studio

artists, glass artists and more will have

Tour after a two year break. The Kick-

their work on display and many will

Off Weekend happens on June 4 and 5,

be offering demonstrations of their

2022, on Quadra Island, across Discov-

techniques. In addition to the many

ery Passage from Campbell River. Take

studios, there are artist displays, a

a quick 10 minute ferry ride and spend

food concession - presented by Ka-

the day exploring all the incredible par-

meleon Restaurant - a group show

ticipating artists in the Studio Tour.

and washroom facilities are located at the Community Centre. You can pur-

This year the Studio Tour is paying tribute to the work and legacy of William Van Orden

chase a tour ticket which enters you a chance to win one of many stunning art prizes.

who departed in 2021. William did molding, casting and painting of the sea creatures of the Pacific North

Tickets for the weekend tour are $5 and are available at

West. His work has been recognized by many as being

Inspirations, Copper Coast Art and Gifts, Quadra Re-

among the finest replicas of our diverse marine life.

sorts, Campbell River Art Gallery and Comox Valley

William's family have graciously offered to open his

Art Gallery.

studio for the tour weekend. The work will not be for sale.

After the June Kick-Off weekend visitors are still invited to take a self-directed tour of many studios on

The Studio Tour is a wonderful way to explore Quadra

the island. Free maps and guides are available on the

Island and discover the beauty that lies within many

ferry and around the island. Come to Quadra Island

driveways that aren't always open to the public. Painters,

and discover the arts!

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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