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Prince of Whales Whale Watching Adventures

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Deeply Rooted in the Community of North Vancouver Island

PRINCE OF WHALES Whale and Marine Wildlife Adventures has become an integral part of the North Vancouver Island community, offering awe-inspiring wildlife experiences while actively engaging and giving back to the local region. With a commitment to sustainability, education, and conservation, Prince of Whales has not only provided unforgettable encounters with marine wildlife but has also established itself as a responsible, committed, and community-oriented business.


The deep involvement of Prince of Whales Whale

Watching in the North Vancouver Island community is based on the company’s long lasting partnerships, and their efforts towards preserving the natural environment to further enrich the lives of locals and visitors alike.

Prince of Whales is currently celebrating its 30th year of adventures, after opening its doors as a mail delivery ferry in 1993. In 2023, Prince of Whales has three locations in BC, Victoria, Vancouver and Telegraph Cove. The company, still family owned and operated, moved to its North Island location in 2019, continuing a 40 year old tradition of responsible whale watching in Johnstone Strait from Telegraph Cove Resort with the Ocean Magic II. “We are thrilled to be able to work within Telegraph Cove”, says Elspeth McGillivray, General Manager of Prince of Whales, “It was always a dream of ours to expand to North Vancouver Island, because of the incredible biodiversity, the spectacular nature and the warmth of the local communities”. Elspeth recalls watching whales from her dad’s boat growing up, and commented “that feeling never gets old!”.

The company then acquired North Island Kayak, another Telegraph Cove based business that has been providing travelers with the opportunity to kayak with whales and other marine wildlife in this spectacular, remote part of British Columbia since 1991. This expansion allows Prince of Whales to offer the community and its guests more ways to enjoy the natural beauty of the Johnstone Strait and the surrounding areas.

When it comes to wildlife viewing, Prince of Whales prioritizes the well-being of marine mammals. They adhere to strict guidelines and regulations for the protection of wildlife, ensuring that their experienced crew members maintain a safe distance from the animals, avoiding disturbance while allowing guests to observe and appreciate their natural behavior. Their dedication to a sustainable approach minimizes the impact on the marine ecosystem and promotes responsible tourism practices. The company actively participates in local conservation initiatives, ensuring the protection of marine life and habitats.

Prince of Whales Whale Watching goes beyond offering wildlife encounters; they strive to educate and inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of marine life and the local environment. Their educational initiatives play a crucial role in creating a meaningful connection between guests and the natural world. The company partners with Sea Smart, offering free online educational programs aimed at teaching children respect and passion for marine wildlife from an early age.

Onboard naturalists are a key component of the Prince of Whales experience. These knowledgeable experts provide insightful commentary during tours, sharing their expertise about marine mammals, seabirds, and the unique coastal ecosystems of North Vancouver Island. Their educational narratives enhance the guest experience, fostering a deeper connection and a sense of stewardship towards the marine environment.

Their commitment to sustainability is evident in various aspects of their operations. Prince of Whales is a Climate Positive company, as certified by Ostrom Climate, and offsets a minimum of 110% of their carbon emissions, supporting conservation projects such as the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project. The company also joined 1% for The Planet, donating a minimum of 1% of their revenue to conservation initiatives that preserve and protect the marine ecosystem, such as the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Ocean Wise and Sea Smartto name a few. By implementing these sustainable practices, they strive to protect the natural beauty of North Vancouver Island. In 2023, Prince of Whales celebrated another sustainability-focused milestone, becoming Biosphere Committed, a Biosphere Sustainable Program that encourages operational sustainability to help achieve the 17 Sustainable Goals developed by the United Nations. Through this project they encourage sustainable practices, donations to environmental causes, partnerships with organizations, and offsetting our carbon emissions.

Additionally, the company actively supports research and conservation projects on North Vancouver Island. Through partnerships with local organizations, they contribute to scientific studies, monitoring programs, and data collection specifically regarding killer whales’ behaviour and health. By gathering valuable information about marine ecosystems and marine mammals, they aim to better understand and contribute to their long-term preservation.

“Sustainability is at the core of what we do” continues Elspeth, “as our passion for marine wildlife and the ocean pushes us in continuing to improve all our business practice, to lead the communities we are fortunate to operate within into appreciation, preservation and action towards sustainability and conservation”.

Prince of Whales Whale Watching firmly believes in collaborating with local businesses, organizations, and Indigenous communities to support the economic and social growth of North Vancouver Island. Through partnerships and consultations, they aim to create meaningful opportunities for Indigenous people, promoting cultural exchange and generating economic benefits for these communities. Prince of Whales proudly supports the Indigenous communities of the North Island, and are fortunate to frequent the traditional territories and unceded lands of the the ʼNamgis, Kwaguʼł, Mamaklilikala, Dzawadaʼenuxw, Kwikwasutinux, & Ławitʼsis peoples. Prince of Whales sponsors many Indigenous-based community initiatives, such as the Campbell River Golden Wings Soccer Little League, from the Wei Wai First Nation.

“Reconciliation is key to our community efforts” comments Nik Coutinho, Director of Sales and Marketing at Prince of Whales, “and we have been striving to educate ourselves and our staff to promote a welcoming and collaborative environment, aimed towards a higher appreciation of local Indigenous communities’ cultural heritage, historical significance and stewardship of the lands and sea”.

“Running a whale watching business on Northern Vancouver Island is a privilege. Witnessing the majestic orcas gracefully surfacing and the humpback whales breaching the surface leaves an unforgettable mark on the soul. Sharing these magical moments with others, I am reminded of our responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world” continues Elspeth.

As one guest exclaimed, “I never knew such wild places like this still existed. The wonder, the mystery and the culture of this place is a sight to behold."

So, if you yearn for an adventure that ignites the spirit and forever changes you, come join us on Northern Vancouver Island, where the wonders of the sea unfold amidst untamed wilderness. As another guest put it, "It's an experience that leaves you with a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living beings."

Prince of Whales Whale Watching's involvement in the North Vancouver Island community extends far beyond providing remarkable wildlife experiences. Through their sustainable approach, environmental stewardship, educational initiatives, and community collaborations, they have become a trusted partner and advocate for the preservation of the region's natural beauty. Their contributions to research, Indigenous support, and local businesses exemplify their commitment to the holistic well-being of North Vancouver Island. As visitors and locals alike engage with Prince of Whales Whale Watching, they not only witness the marvels of the marine world but also contribute to the sustainable growth and conservation efforts of the North Island community.

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