8 minute read
Tamara Meggitt
“IT’S PRETTY SURREAL,” says Tamara Meggitt when she’s asked about her new Children’s book series. “I never expected to be able to put this together!” Meggitt is a strong community connector and a long time Island resident. She recently completed a short series of children’s books on a number of themes including forestry and connection with animals.
Meggitt's ‘Forestry’ books help educate children, in a fun and positive way. These books are beautifully illustrated with local digital designer, Mel Johnson. They talk about different equipment used for logging and where wood goes to be produced into products. “It’s important that this industry gets highlighted as to just how dependent we are on this industry and how it can be sustainable,” says Meggitt. “Answering questions like ‘how did this wooden seat on my swing come to be?’”
Her interest in writing started with cancer journals. “The battle is real; friends who have been through this experience with their health struggles noted that it was important to document their journey,” she says.
Meggitt runs a dog daycare and prioritizes the needs of special dogs; you could say she is a bit of a Dog Whisperer. As a specialty animal trainer, Meggitt wanted to share her love and experience with dogs, so she wrote ‘Laddy Learns to Love’ about a special Bernese dog that she trained; the story teaches children that some dogs need a little more space.
Her passion for writing is strong and she has plans for more children’s publications focusing on the explana tions of where our ‘things’ come from. From supplies to medicine and more, these questions will be answered through a gentle dialogue for children to understand.
“Community has always been very important to me,” Meggitt says. On a larger scale, in 2017 she and her friends started a collective of support through ‘Island Hearts of Hope’. Donations were collected and they began deliv ering supplies to the BC interior, when natural disasters were hitting that region hard. Then she was a pinnacle person with ‘Loonies for Loggers’. This initiative started when Western Forest Products went on a massive strike that lasted nearly a year, and heavily impacted the eco nomics of the North Island and the Forestry sector. Every thing from food, fuel and Christmas presents was priori tized to ensure those who were in need were looked after.
While COVID kept us out of local stores, Meggitt lead the ‘Shop Local Comox Valley’ Facebook page where people could connect with local products. This lady has a very big heart and you can tell by the time and energy she puts back into community, especially when times get tough.
Meggitt ran in the recent municipal election for Regional District. It was very challenging but showed her some of the gaps in the understanding, in community. She would run again as she believes in the betterment of people and acting in the best interest of community, as a whole. “There is always room for growth and change in society," she says. "It’s important to step back and create perspec tive for the entirety of society; not personal gain or inter est. Everything from our resource sectors to the housing crisis. It takes time to process but we need to listen,” she says passionately.
“In a forestry-based family, natural resource industries can be misunderstood. The more educated we are, there will be more understanding behind the impacts and changes in industries. Log hauling has to be monitored and is very conscientious of the natural habitat that they are working from. These books are meant to break down barriers regarding the challenges behind the misinfor mation that is arriving to our youth and children.”
Tamara Meggitt's books are now available throughout the North and Central Island and can be locally sourced at Shoprite – Port McNeill, Fisherboy Sayward Valley Resort – Sayward, Mid Island Gifts @ YQQ Comox and Compass Gallery + Gifts - Comox.
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Stay Well
Living Your Legacy
THE WORD LEGACY often makes us think of a legend who has made a significant impact or influence on one’s community, or even the world; perhaps an association with people who were famous or well-known. It can also refer to leaving behind tangible, material things such as property or money, and can carry a sense of grandeur or wealth.
How often do we think of our own legacy? What do we want to be remembered for when we’re gone, and moreover what do we want to be known for while we’re still living! What if instead of leaving a legacy in the traditional sense, and thinking of what we might leave behind, we create a living legacy so that our impact can be felt now, and not just by others but by ourselves.
What do you think of when you ask yourself the question, what is most important to me? or, what do people associate me with most often? If nothing comes to mind in the moment that’s ok, in fact it’s perfect! The good news is that we can create your living legacy—starting right here, right now.
Let’s take this one step further to our wellness legacy. Unless you’re a wellness professional who wishes to inspire and encourage others to live their best life, and to live one themselves, leaving or living a wellness legacy may never have occurred to you; you may even think it is daunting or not “your thing”. Ask yourself this: Do I want to feel good? If I feel good, would I want to share that with others one day and contribute to someone else's’ well-being?
It doesn’t need to be extreme, extraordinary or complicated; in fact, it’s quite simple. All that’s required to create a living (wellness) legacy is to set an intention to make choices that feel good for you, and to contribute to this intention and vision in some small way on a consistent basis. Begin by weaving self-care, health, wellness and inner peace into your days as daily reminders of what is truly at the core of a meaningful life. This is the start of a living legacy. Before you know it, those daily or weekly intentions like walking, meditating, getting out in nature, consuming whole foods, practicing good sleep hygiene, limiting screen time, getting enough vitamin D (the list goes on!), become so engrained, and a part of your day you eagerly anticipate with gratitude. Not only does life become about what kind of mark or impact you make on a future generation, it becomes about the mark you’re making now, for yourself, enhancing the quality of your own life!
A practical question to ask is, how do I want to influence myself? What can I do for my health and well-being today? Which choices will support my wellness? This isn’t about whether you ran 10 km, or ate a “perfect” diet or practiced yoga at 6am… this is more about inquiry. ‘Are there any actions from today that I’d want to repeat tomorrow? Did I handle a difficult situation better than I thought I could? If I didn’t, did I learn from it? Did I do even one thing today that felt good?’ If the answers aren’t satisfying to you, simply ask yourself how you can do things differently tomorrow. Ask yourself, ‘what do I want to remember about myself from today, not years down the road, but today.’
While we can’t always be “on point” or make perfect choices every day, not that we even aspire to, at the end of the day, if we’ve made even a few choices that support our growth, evolution and overall wellness, then we’ve contributed to our living legacy. We are our own legends. We are perfect just as we are, right now, and then there is our natural human tendency to want more, to be more. This is a wonderful place to be - the perfect marriage between gratitude or appreciation, and desire, which keeps us ever-changing and expanding.
As you lay your head down at night, take a few moments to remember your intention and your commitment to your wellness. When you carve out even just a few minutes for this reflection, you may feel grateful, even accomplished, knowing that each and every layer of your legacy is being created moment by moment, choice by choice, simply by declaring it and then practicing awareness around it. One day you may find yourself setting intentions for the following day and then breathing that in before drifting off, planting seeds into your subconscious for your deepest wishes and desires. We are continually creating experiences through our thoughts, actions and choices. Each of these choices is one piece of our living legacy puzzle.
At the root of our existence and our Being is our relationship with ourselves. Which is why, before we prioritize making an impact for others, let’s consider the impact we want to make on our own lives. If you’re not sure where to start on your legendary wellness path, here are some simple practices that may be helpful:
1. Upon waking, take five cycles (inhales and exhales) of deep breath.
2. Decide what kind of day you’re choosing to have and then declare it to yourself! Better yet, share it with someone.
3. Hydrate with some lemon water to flush the kidneys and get your bowels activated. Summer is the perfect time to get creative and infuse your water with fresh mint, rosemary, lime, frozen berries or your favourite addition.
4. Journal or jot down a few thoughts while you sip your second glass of water. Taking even 5 minutes to unload any stale thoughts and welcome in new ones can do wonders for mental health. Jotting down 5 things for which you’re grateful puts your vibration and mindset in a positive place and thus a magnet for more positivity!
5. “Earn your shower”. Of course everyone deserves a shower! This is merely an opportunity to generate some sweat and gratitude if you can before hopping in. 10 push ups. 20 sit ups. 15 squats. Whatever floats your energetic boat and gets circulation moving.
6. Get some Vitamin D by way of sunshine (best way to absorb it is through the eyes - rods and cones!). Just 15 minutes is all you need each day.
7. Spend a few minutes in nature. Breathe in some forest air. Hug a tree. Dip your feet or body in the river, lake or ocean if you live near one.
8. Do something you love! Dance in the car on the way to work or in the kitchen while making a coffee or tea to start the day. If you are an aroma lover, choose your favourite essential oil and apply it to your skin (safely) hair or clothing. Give your pet snuggles. Make your favourite recipe and enjoy the process with gratitude. You are the deliberate creator of your experiences each day; get clear on what elevates you and do that.
Make your living legacy a beautiful tapestry that weaves together both who you are—and who you wish to become.