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Finding Inspiration to Shift your Vibration



WE ALL GET INTO A RUT when our energy is low, so how to you start a shift in your vibration? Honor the flows of your energy! Modern-day expectations of rigid weekly work schedules and instantaneous connection methods make it easy to forget that we are not machines but emotional beings surfing the waves of life. When we consciously work with the flows of our energy, we can work with the flows of our life instead of against them.

Getting out of our comfort zone is not only crucial for growth, but when we create space to experience the WOWs that this incredible world and life offer, we ignite a flood of dopamine in our brain, bringing us into a state of stable happiness. When we are happy, our whole mindset starts shifting, opening us to creativity and new possibilities and sharing this joy with the people we love.

Ultimately, what inspires you will be personal, so no list could even try to encompass all the possibilities. One first step is to take a moment to journal or reflect on the past/present/future aspects of inspiration in your life. What are some highlights of inspiring experiences from your past? From your present? How often in the present moment are you choosing to engage in inspiring experiences? What about the future? What have you been curious about trying?

It is important to note which activities you do regularly ignite a sense of inspiration each time. For example: I go dancing each week, and every week leaves me feeling that sense of motivation, because each dance has different nuances, learnings, music, and connections. Similarly, sessions with the Lucia N°03 remain novel every time I experience them. Try these inspiring activities to shift your vibration!

Take a different way home. Igniting the inspiration pathways can be as simple as finding a novel route home. Take time to soak in the details of this other way. Novelty increases our ability to be present.

Explore a new place in nature. Take some time (perhaps with a loved one?) to explore a fresh slice of na ture near you. It can be as simple as a park you haven’t been to or a path you haven’t yet walked. Notice the plants, the texture of the soil, the leaves of the trees, flowers, or other foliage.

Experience a Lucia N°03 light session. Each session with the Lucia N°03, in addition to re-balancing the nervous system, offers a sense of novel awe and won der, for there are many dimensions to explore in a light session, light, colors, shapes, messages that are created uniquely by your brain in each session. Call and book to see what inspires your shift!

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