Jumping Into Fall! Vancouver Island is a wonderwall of extreme nature and stunning beauty. We are not only lucky to live here but blessed - in a form that many can not conceive unless they have immersed in it themselves. From islands to valleys, our eyes are spoiled with natural beauty that is older than us and outlived generations from past to present. The goal should be preservation and appreciation, however we do continue to move forward with progress and development needed for the comforts of our race. There is relevance in land-based connections, as guided by First Nation elders and knowledge keepers, the importance to evolve with our environment, in our environment and to not over take it but to co-exist and support each others. If we can achieve a universal level of understanding, we may just be looking at the fruits of tomorrow. "If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere" - Vincent Van Gogh ~ Gilkas'la, Emote, Marsii ~ Kealy KIKI Donaldson | Publisher