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Campbell River Art Gallery Virtual Exhibit

Debbie Reusch Sun Rise + Sea fog, 2019

Ruth MacLaurin Demapping Isolines, 2021

Lean Mann Colossus, 2020

Julie Glaspy Still Dancing, 2020


CREATIVE INNOVATIONS IN EXPERIENCING ART KEALY DONALDSON It’s a different time and our use of public space has

Their jury had the difficult task of selecting 25 pieces

changed; the Arts continues to push through the pan-

to hang in the Airport, from among more than 70 sub-

demic by providing innovative solutions for people to

missions. This year, because of Covid-19, they decid-

access bodies of work. As we look into community to

ed to showcase ALL the submissions online. It’s well

see how Artists are progressing, many projects are sur-

worth the visit and wonderful way to be inclusive with

facing for the public to enjoy.

their virtual space.

Campbell River Art Gallery is featuring their annual

Speaking with some Artists directly, with the financial

Members Exhibit with the entire exhibit on-line; it’s a

constraints that people are facing, some Artists chose

beautiful experience to move through and easy to nav-

to promote renting their art versus buying it. It’s a not

igate. 42 Artists are featured in this 39th Annual Show

a new concept but it can create revenue for the Art-

and you can visit these works right from the comfort

ist and when a buyer becomes ready to purchase, the

of your own home. Unwind and enjoy!

pieces will have permanent homes while they have been enjoyed by many before.

Looking at public space, the Comox Airport YQQ and Comox Valley Arts continue their relationship with the

All in all, it’s time to be creative and make bold chang-

public art display in the airport itself. This year’s ex-

es to how we do things. The creative world has em-

hibit, “The Elements” was planned before covid, and

braced this and adapted well into this new time.

submissions had already been accepted. It truly is an interesting time to be creating art and experiencing

something as a truly global community.

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