Creating Intimacy WITH YOUR PARTNER
Photo © Adobestock / Baan Taksin Studio
The truth is, most of my clients are women, and I've
man', adding to the shame, guilt, and stress associated
mostly been writing about women's issues. But this time
with performance. Not so.
I am shifting the focus to men’s health to open up a conversation around creating intimacy.
Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and anger can quickly escalate, all of which can make PE even more frustrating.
This is a topic that most couples don’t like to talk about,
But sex was never meant to be like this. The physical im-
but over time, sexual issues such as communication
pact is clear: sex promotes “pair bonding” and is crucial for
breakdown over premature ejaculation (PE) can slowly
a healthy relationship. During sex, and particularly during
and gradually weaken the foundation of a relationship. It
orgasm, chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine are
can be difficult for to discuss PE, but not talking to your
released. These strengthen the bond between partners.
partner about what happened will make this intimate
This “pair bonding” increases the feeling of security and
time together something you don’t look forward to.
trust, as well as an increase in emotional intimacy.
Many men think admitting that they have a problem
So, what is Premature Ejaculation? PE typically occurs
controlling their arousal means that they are 'less of a
within 60-seconds after penetration or a significant and/
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