Love your Life into Recovery Photo © Adobestock / Jeremy
Summer is such a great time for healing and
sleep, our productivity and our creativity. It is linked to
rejuvenating yourself, getting out of your work routine
heightened levels of anxiety, depression, compromised
and maybe not caring about too much. After all, you are
child-parent relationships and more. So how can our
on holidays! It is also a great time to take stock of your life
phone serve us rather than it being our master? We need
and paint its landscape over the next 12 months. Some
to establish boundaries, and create structure and rules.
people love to do this in January, but I think “Back to
Don’t waste the miracle of this life you were given!
School” time is also a great time to lay out some of your “if only” goals.
Is your life fear based? How can you learn to love your life? One of the ways that works for me is turning off the
Have you put on weight during these past 18 months and
“idiot box” as my mother used to call the TV. If I want
are now saying “enough is enough”? What kind of exer-
an update on the news I listen to the radio or read it in
cise routine would you love to put back into your life and
my favorite newspaper to avoid sensationalism. I choose
can you find an exercise buddy to do it with? Working out
carefully the energies I want to surround me to include
with a friend is more fun and challenging than with an
gratitude and beauty.
app! Starting small and gradually working up so that you are exercising one hour, five days per week is an optimal goal. This might mean walking or cycling to work, walking at lunch hour or signing up for a fitness class.
Are you suffering from neck pain and headaches or muscle aches and pains? Chiropractors now recognize a phenomenon called the “text neck” caused by looking down at your phone too much. The same can happen with
One of the ways to de-stress your life is to “let one thing
“texting thumbs”. The chiropractor can help fix the sub-
go” in clutter, foods, or unhealthy habits that are no
luxation of your neck but getting to the root cause is al-
longer serving you. Does that mean clearing a space on
ways the goal. I do my best daydreaming gazing skyward
your counter top so that you get back to those morning
as I lay on the “grounding” grass or beach imagining all
smoothies instead of a full breakfast? Or visiting your na-
kinds of images in the clouds
turopathic physician to refresh your “optimal health program” and get back onto a supplement regime? Or eating one less meal per day and trying the 12 -18 hour intermittent fasting idea? Research shows that those who eat fewer calories without sacrificing nutrition live longer.
Here is a short list for your “recovery kit”: calcium and magnesium (both are good for headaches), vitamin D and C and E, zinc, selenium, B vitamins and essential fats. These nutrients are well studied to help with headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, blood pressure, heart ir-
What about fasting from our technology addiction?
regularities, blood clots, lung issues, colds and flus, many
During the pandemic, use of devices by all ages increased
cancers, eating disorders and fatigue. Now isn’t that
dramatically. Phone usage degrades the quality of our
amazing and for such a small cost!
Contact Dr. Ingrid Pincott N.D. (Non-Practicing) at 778-560-4444 Contact an Naturopathic Physician near you at 2 6 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 4
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