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Seven Steps
Your Heart
Heart disease is the second leading cause of
fruit is much better than drinking their juices. Avoid
death in Canada for both men and women. I hope to
any foods with a long list of unidentifiable ingredients!
inspire you to make baby steps of change towards a healthier heart. You have heard over and over again, “exercise, don’t smoke and eat a good diet.” Here are some fresh ideas for you.
Getting enough sleep is critical for lowering stress hormones in the body as well as detoxifying the body and brain. We need 8-10 hours per night so adopt a healthy sleep hygiene leaving the electronics alone for
Exercise can be as simple as starting with what I call
1-2 hours before bed. Yoga and meditation are other
a “block walk”. Use an app to help monitor your steps
ways to lower stress hormones and help with sleep.
and calories if that works for you. 30 minutes of brisk walking 3 times per week gives 25% risk reduction, 2030 minutes of light resistance weight training 3 times per week gives 46% reduction! Sportsplex and Strathcona Gardens offer great classes. The aim is 150 minutes per week.
Know your numbers. 80% of heart disease is preventable! Ask for the following: HgA1c; Homocysteine over 10; Blood pressure over 140/90; Lpa; PLa2; MPO; CRP and triglycerides. My favorite: the PULS test offered by Lifelabs measures inflammatory markers ie IL6, MCP-3, Ecotaxin and CTACK. The PULS test identifies
Stopping smoking is easier said than done so don’t let it stop you from making the other changes I am suggesting. Consider acupuncture along with Stop Smoking supplements from Healthyway Natural Foods Market.
modifiable risks BEFORE a cardiac event.
Cardiovascular supplements lower inflammation in the cardiovascular system: 2 tbsp olive oil, vitamin D, B vitamins, K2, garlic, curcumin, ginger, magnesium, cinnamon, 3000mg EPA and DHA fish oils, selenium,
What is a healthy diet? It is a diet with higher protein, lower carbohydrates and low sugar. It is the same diet I recommend for prevention of diabetes: 5 cups of vegetables, 1 cup of carbs in the form of beans and legumes rather than rice, potatoes and breads; 2 cups of protein that are from lean meats, free range eggs and poultry, wild fish, nuts and seeds. Avoid all soda drinks except carbonated water with nothing added. Avoid all artificial sweeteners as they increase craving for sweets and don’t help with weight loss. Eating fresh
resveratrol and berberine.
Electromagnetic stress is hard on the electrical pathways of the heart so turning off the WIFI router at night and taking extra magnesium and selenium may help to regulate heart rhythm. Your naturopathic physician can help you develop a personalized treatment program to help you avoid drugs and surgery and help prevent heart disease.
Dr. Ingrid Pincott N.D. (Retired) 778-560-4444 or drpincott@drpincott.com. Find an ND near you at www.bcna.ca
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