Compass Magazine Vancouver Island Issue #26 February / March 2020

Page 28

H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S


Andrea Wagemaker


A State of Mind

Image © melita / Adobe Stock

When we start a personal journey and begin

Your mistakes of the past can be like a ball and chain that

to peel back the layers of what defines our complicated

you carry and can’t shake off, and day after day you come

lives, it’s one thing that we fear. Yup, one reason alone sits

back to this same situation only to cause more stress and

behind all the worries of suffering, failure, and conflict.

anxiety that feed the thoughts. The negative self-talk has

What holds us back or pushes us forward is defined by one

now created a negative mindset or belief that you are not

thought and one thought alone: “Will I be good enough?”

good enough. Regardless of how you dress it up, whether it be fear of failure, it all relates to one core issue. “I’m not

Is Everything you ever desired on the other side of fear?

good enough” is the ultimate human fear.

Love? Financial abundance? New job? Joy? Feeling and living here and now? The question remains, how do I get

You have the power to change a negative mindset into

past the fear? Are you in your own way? The great news

a new positive mindset through the power of light and

is the problem is not you, it may be your own mindset

reaching a higher vibration in energy and connection to

that is holding you back. The thought of “I am not de-

authentic self. It is in the light where our thoughts begin

serving" or “I am not worthy” or “I am not good enough”

to change. Where your focus goes, new positive energy

will keep you stuck in the past and unable to get past the

can flow. This will not change the events or memories in

guilt and the fear of moving forward. Believe it or not, it

your life, but it can begin to change the feelings of fear,

is our own negative self-talk that keeps our minds stuck.

flight, fight or freeze that take hold of the mind from

The mind does not care if it is good or bad for us—it just

moving forward and putting the past where it belongs.

knows what it knows and it loves repetition and replaying the past even though it is paralyzing us from bringing in

The self-talk of negativity is how the brain tries to pro-

positive new experiences.

tect you by keeping you in your current state of fear. This self-talk can take hold and that is how we can be stuck in

It is easy to say you can’t keep living in the past, but letting

our own thoughts. The narrative your head needs to start

go and accepting that what is done is done can be hard

changing. Moving from "I’m not good enough" to one of

for the mind to accept. Even more when the mind replays

"I’m better than I was yesterday."

and frames a failure only to set you up for repetition. With the introduction of Lucia Light, the mind can begin You may find yourself thinking and pondering about a

to start a new positive pathway to leaving the past behind

trauma or a past negative experience every day, heck…

and you can begin to take charge of your thoughts instead

you may have nightmares about it too, even if you tell

of them controlling you, finally giving yourself permission

yourself you need to let go and learn the lessons from

to focus on what you decide to bring in. The light allows

the past and finally move on. The reality is that it can be

your mind to easily turn off the outside world as you begin

hard to let go of the guilt, shame and for the pain brought

to take an inner journey into self. This is the time to create

on by others or pain you may have caused someone else.

a new journey and break free of fear-based thoughts.

Interested in having a session with the Lucia No. 3? Visit | 250-338-3401 Andrea Wagemaker is a Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Coach. Call now for your inner journey visit. 2 8 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 2 6

W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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