Derek White 14 karat Gold Repoussé Bear Bracelet
Spirits of the West Coast Art Gallery presents
created a marvellous orca sculpture in argillite, representing
an exhibition and sale of Pacific Northwest Coast miniature
the Haida legend of Raven Fin. This amazing carving embod-
masterworks by some of the most accomplished contempo-
ies the power and majesty of the Killer Whale and is reminis-
rary Indigenous artists working today. From exquisitely inlaid
cent of Bill Reid’s monumental Chief of the Undersea World
argillite carvings to monumental miniatures in cedar, gold,
sculpture, showcased in bronze at the Vancouver Aquarium.
silver, and copper, this exhibition will surprise and delight. Everyone is welcome to enjoy these wonderful miniature mas-
Haida mythology is also represented in the artistry and fine
knife work of Ron Russ. Russ is another highly accomplished carver who often uses a combination of precious metals,
The artists selected for the show are known for their de-
argillite abalone, mother of pearl, as well as many different
tail-oriented creations that showcase the beauty and com-
types of wood to create beautifully detailed amulets, sculp-
plexity of Northwest Coast art on a miniature scale. These
tures, carvings, and jewelry.
creations although small in size, are rich in power, myth, and meaning.
Acclaimed Kwakwaka’wakw carvers Kevin Daniel Cranmer and Cole Speck’s cedar miniatures shine with colour, cha-
For the Haida, storytelling in stone, and carving the black
risma, and ornamentation, and provide a small glimpse into
shale known as argillite, is a rich tradition stretching back
the complex ceremonialism and richness of Kwakwaka’wakw
over 200 years. We are excited to also showcase a selec-
culture today.
tion of sculptures and model totem poles carved in argillite, including an incredible 24-inch Mother Bear Pole by Haida
Exquisite repoussé bracelets and pendants in gold, silver,
artist Henry White—truly a monumental miniature.
copper, and abalone crafted by Haida jeweler Derek White add glitter and gold to the mix of fine pieces on show. Derek
Beautiful and intricately carved and inlaid works by Haida art-
is renowned for using a repoussé and chased metalworking
ist Darrell White are another exhibition highlight. Along with
technique to create beautiful three-dimensional pieces of art
pendants inspired by Haida myths and legends, White has
that depict Haida myths, crests, and supernatural beings.
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