COMPASS MAGAZINE VANCOUVER ISLAND | Issue 35 October / November 2021

Page 24




Shining Light ON ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Photo © Adobestock / Naeblys

There are currently no effective therapies for

amplitude of these brainwaves are linked to certain states

Alzheimer's disease. As lifespans increase and our pop-

of consciousness, which are classified into five distinct

ulation ages, Alzheimer's represents a looming public

categories. These brainwave frequencies range from

health problem of immense proportions, one that is also

delta waves (.5-3hz) to gamma waves (25-100+hz). Your

personal. One in three adults will die from Alzheimer's,

synapses actually fire in all of these different frequency

or age-related dementia, touching almost everyone as a

waves simultaneously, however one frequency at a time

patient or a caregiver. The total societal costs associated

is usually dominant. Each person’s brainwave signatures

with dementia will reach $2 trillion by 2030, greater than

(combinations of waves including amplitude of each

cancer and heart disease.

brainwave) are unique.

Inside the human brain are billions of different neurons.

Recent studies suggest that Alzheimer's disease disrupts

The junctions between different neurons are called syn-

brain signaling and how neurons synchronize. This spe-

apses. Electrical signals fire through the brain synapses,

cific type of neuron synchrony altered in Alzheimer's

bringing millions of neurons into synchrony in cycles, or

disease is called the gamma rhythm. Sensory informa-

waves. These are known as brainwaves. The speed and

tion from our environment is critical to how the brain

Pick up your Pies from

ON THE FLY Don’t forget to join our Pie Loyalty Club!

Located at YQQ

Outdoor take-out window open! 2 4 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 5

Fall Pie Menu

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All our pies are proudly made with local fresh fruit & with love W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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