All photos © Matthew Archer
“It’s cold and dark but a sunny day today!”
at an iconic local location, Pilots Monument. The
reports Matt Archer when we get chatting about his
event hosted traditional singers, dancers and a running
current work, and what’s happening in the Great
group. “It was an honour to be a part of this special
White North. He lives in Yellowknife, Northwest Ter-
day,” Archer says. In addition to his community and
ritories, and works in Restorative Justice Management.
event photography, Archer has a very rare look at the
He's also a photographer. "Living in the North has its
Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights.
challenges," he says, "but it's still very rewarding.” Originally from Ottawa, Archer experienced the Canadian
When discussing photographing the Aurora, Archer’s
cold long before NWT.
passion crosses into focus. “Glorious, beautiful reflections coming off the lakes; weather patterns change
Covid has had a huge impact on northern commu-
heavily through September and October… the Auro-
nities, and Indigenous Preservation is a top priority.
ra returns in mid to late September. There were only
With an initial Covid shutdown of four months in 2019,
a couple opportunities during the fall between the
NWT saw zero cases of Covid. Then border controls
weather systems to catch clear skies. That’s when ev-
were relaxed, and NWT was hit with the next wave.
erything else fades into the background.” He is com-
“It’s simply an epic wild card with transmission rates,”
pletely in the moment, saying “Stop, take a breath and
Archer says. “There are six ICU beds in Yellowknife.
steal the moment — take it with you.”
No hospitals, nursing stations only. Mental health is definitely on high priority but at 20,000 people, it is
Travelling is therapeutic for Archer; the trauma-based
still very hard on the community with the shutdowns.
information he deals with daily, at his regular job, is
Indigenous communities are being protected with the
hard to let go of. So Archer tries to journey and travel
highest regard—keeping knowledge keepers and el-
as part of his regular pattern to release the tensions
ders, along with all community members, as safe as
and emotions of day to day dealings.
possible.” Archer’s favourite experiences during photography Recently, Archer was lucky enough to land a very
field work is the wildlife; he came face to face with a
unique photography booking for a wedding ceremony
bison - bull male - pulled out his camera and thanked
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