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WA L K I N G I N T H E I R F O O T S T E P S Noojim Owin : The Gift of the Healing Dance, the Jingle Dance JOANNE R E STOU LE · C U LT U R A L P R ESENT ER According to Oral History over 100 years ago, it

and joined them in the sacred dance. This is a time in

is said that a vision or a dream came to the Anishnabe

our history where we witnessed the healing energy of this

people. In this vision or dream, a man of the village saw

sacred dance and vision…. which is why it is known as the

four women, who appeared wearing distinctive dresses in

Healing Dance.

red, yellow, green, and blue. The dresses were covered in shiny metal cones that made a great sound as the women danced. The woman held themselves in an upright manner and danced in a circle, as the sun travels across the sky, carrying a bag filled with the sacred medicines. This vision was transformed into reality, the women of the village were called together (the Healing Warrior Women) and they worked preparing the dresses as they had appeared in this sacred vision. The people gathered in the village and the singers began to sing for the women who were wearing the sacred dresses. Very gently they stepped onto the earth and began to dance.

In broader terms we can now see how the Healing Dance—now known as the Jingle Dance—has been sent to us as a gift from the Great Mystery Kitchi Manidoo. Sent at a time in our history when there was great suffering and uncertainty. At this time our people were being greatly impacted by the Spanish Flu and many of our relatives were travelling to the “Other Side”. The gift of the Healing Dance-Jingle Dance allows us to open our minds and our hearts, to believe in the mystery and energy of healing as part of the strengths we have been given to use on our life journey. The resurgence of the Healing Dance-Jingle Dance comes

The man who had been gifted this vision was in atten-

to us at a time where we are once again facing great un-

dance with his family, and his youngest child, a daughter,

certainty. The gift of the Healing Dance is here to help

who had taken very ill. As the dancers made their way

guide us into the teachings of the Sacred Circle, where

around the centre in a circle stepping gently upon the

we have been taught that we “are all One” and to support

earth, it is said that the young girl sat up and began to

one another in all ways, to live the Good Life Teachings.

watch the dancers. In time it is said that she stood up and

We have been told by our Ancestors that when we dance,

very slowly made her way towards the group of women

"we dance for the people”.

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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