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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(1), 47-54 (2009).

PREDICTION OF CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY BY USING NEURAL NETWORK FORECASTERS *A.K. Ojha, **D. Mallick and ***C. Mallick *School of Basic Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar, Samantapuri Bhubaneswar-751013, Orissa (India) **Department of Mathematics, Centurion Institute of Technology, Ramchandrapur, Jatani, Bhubaneswar.752050, Orissa (India) Email: ***Department of Mathematics, BOSE, Cuttack-753007, Orissa (India) ABSTRACT Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an important tool in solving many problems in Science, engineering, medicine and business organizations. Fuzzy logic played a vital role in the application of Neural Network. Many researchers focused on combining Neural Networks and fuzzy logic systems such as neuro fuzzy systems. In this present paper we have studied to forecast the daily consumption of Electrical Energy by using Artificial Neural Network Forecaster (ANNF). ANNF can be modeled the complex characteristics between weather parameters such as rainfall (hydro electricity) wind flow (wind energy), resource deposits such as coal (Thermal Energy) and previous consumption of electrical energy with future consumption. We have considered two ANNF such as Multi layer feed forward ANN and functional link ANN. Initially these forecasters are trained by back propagation algorithms where adaptive strategy is employed to adjust their weight during on-line forecasting. The proposed Electrical energy forecasting system has been divided into two stages. In the first stage, two adaptive ANN forecasters run in parallel and produce independent forecast of the daily energy consumed. In the second stage these forecasters are considered as the input for the second stage which includes a forecast combination module. In this paper we have used different algorithms which are based on averaging,

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