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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1 (6), 642-645 (2010)

Characteristics of Nano Solar Cells Using ‘C’ Language S. SAKTHIVEL1 and D. MANGALARAJ2 1


Department of Physics, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu Department of Nano Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu ABSTRACT

The present work deals with the optical properties of thin film solar cell using C language. Thin films coated on different substrates and its corresponding change of refractive index and band gap.

INTRODUCTION Today energy consumption per capita is synonyms with the standard of living of nation. The most well known major energy resource is Sun Solar Energy is the most attractive solar energy is diffused, intermittent, spatially, and temporarily variable. The considerable theoretical and experimental investigations on the optical behaviour of thin films deal with optical reflection, transmission and absorption properties and their relation to the optical constants of films. As a result of these studies complex multilayer optical device systems with remarkable reflection , antireflection , interference and polarization properties emerged for laboratory and industrial application. A good deal of the information in this paper has been obtained from the various articles and treatises on the optical properties of thin film. Choosing Solar cells because of large variety of deposition techniques available in relation to photovoltaic(PV) technology. The micro-structural features of the absorber layer sensitively influence the PV performance of a Solar cells. Present work deals with the different films coated on different substrates and its corresponding change of refractive index and band gap. C language applied for four equations. For speedy computational analysis of a single film on four different substrates as

well as more number of films ( with different films thickness) on these four types of substrate Sakthivel et al1. The solar films are formed by vacuum evaporation on transparent substrate. Transmission characteristics found to decrease with increasing film thickness. The transmittance falls steeply with decreasing wavelength. The extinction co-efficient (Kf) evaluated in the wavelength range 400-800 nm. The extinction co-efficient depends upon wavelength and thickness. The transmission of the films (To) Calculated by using Sathyamoorthy et al2. formula by interactive method. The result is two direct optical band gap energies for a single with increase in film thickness. The film deposited at other substrate temperature contains varying composition and the optical band gap energy which increases with increase in film thickness. Sharp fall of transmittance at the band edge which indicates the good crystallinity of the implanted films. C allows the most precise control of input and output. This can result in short efficient programs where the programmer has made wise use of C’s range of power full operators It also allows the programmer to produce programs which are impossible understand. This course only deals with the simplest application of pointers. It is hopped that new comers will find C’ a useful and friendly language.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)


S. Sakthivel et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(6), 642-645 (2010)

RESULT AND DISCUSSION We observed a decrease in the transmittance , absorption coefficient (α) is determined by using transmittance To (Prog 1), the absorption coefficient α (Prog 2) Extinction co-efficient Kf (Prog 3) and, absorption Co-efficient (α) is related to the incident photon energy hν (Prog 4), thickness of the film t.. Absorption coefficient increase with increase in the implantation dose. Increase of absorption is primarily due to hat production of defect levels in the band gap Sridharan et al3. Using C program the values of extinction coefficient Kf , absorption coefficient (α), Transmittance To of absorption coefficient is related to the incident photon energy (hν) which already existed. Earlier FORTRAN programs were used to compute these type of equations. At present ‘C’ language was used for resolving the optical properties of thin film solar cells.

scanf(“%f”, & n); n=n*n; printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for alpha:”); scanf(“%f”, & in); printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for t:”); scanf(“%f”, & t); a=(-in)*t; b=exp(a); c=(-2)*in*t; d=exp(b); printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for r1:”); scanf(“%f”, & r1); printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for r2:”); scanf(“%f”, & r2); printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for lam:”); scanf(“%f”, & lam); e=4*pi*n*t)/lam;

Program 1 (Prog 1)










main () {


float na,ng,n,in,t,r1,r2,pi=3.14,lam;

printf(“\n\n\n\n\t\t\t To:=%f”,k);

double a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j.h,k;


clrscr(); printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for na:”);

Program 2 (Prog 2)

scanf(“%f”, & na);


printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for ng:”);


scanf(“%f”, & ng);


printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for n:”);


Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)


S. Sakthivel et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(6), 642-645 (2010)

main () {


float pi=3.14,k,lam;


double a;

printf(“\n\t\t\t kf=%f”,kf);



printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for k:”);


scanf(“%f”, & k);


printf(“\n\t\tEnter the value for lamda:”);


scanf(“%f”, & lam);


a=(4*pi*k*)/lam; printf(“\n\n\n\t\tAlpha:%l:”,a);

Program 4 (Prog 4)

gech();} #include<stdio.h> Program 3 (Prog 3)

#include<conio.h> #include<math.h>




main ()



main ()

float pi=3.14,k,lam;


double a;

Float kf1,kf2,kf3,lam, to,pi=3.14;


Double kf;

printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the value for k:”);


scanf(“%f”, & k);

printf(“\n\n\n\t\tEnter the values:\n”);

printf(“\n\t\tEnter the value for lamda:”);

printf(“\n\t\t\tEnter the value for lamda:”);

scanf(“%f”, & lam);

scanf(“%f”, & lam);


printf(“\n\t\t\tEnter the value for to:”);


scanf(“%f”, & to);


printf(“\n\t\t\tEnter the value for t:”);


scanf(“%f”, & t); kf1=2.303*lam;


kf2=l/ to;

Using ‘C’ language programs the graphs are drawn for variations of nf with λ


Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)


S. Sakthivel et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(6), 642-645 (2010)

(Sathyamoorthy et al) , variation of hν with α, variation of α with ν (Sridharan et al) , variation of α with αhν2 (Sridharan et al) The trade value of these graphs are checked by using ‘C’ programs which already existed. This is the first approach for calculating parameter for studying the optical properties of solar cell using ‘C ‘language. REFERENCES 1. Sakthivel. S, Selleswari. G. T. Narayandass. Sa. K, Mangalaraj. D,


National Workshop on Thin Film Preparation and Characterization Tehniques for energy Conversion, Nov. 22-26, (2004.) 2. R. Sathyamoorthy, Narayandass. Sa. K, Mangalaraj. D, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 76,339-346 (2003). 3. Sridharan. M, Narayandass. Sa. K, Mangalaraj. D, HeeChul Lee, Nuclear Instrumentation and Method in Physics Research 201, 465-474 (2003).

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)

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