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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (1), 63-69 (2012)

Similarity Measure for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: An Intuitive Approach SOURIAR SEBASTIAN1 and JAMES PHILIP2 1

Department of Mathematics, St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam, India. 2 Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirapally, India. (Received on: 28th December, 2011) ABSTRACT Several measures are available in the literature on fuzzy mathematics to compare Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Measures due to Chen, Dengfeng and Chuntian, Szmidt and Kacprzyk are some of the important ones. We briefly review some of the existing measures and introduce a new measure which is simple, intuitively obvious and overcomes the defects of the existing ones. Keywords: Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Hesitancy Grade, Similarity Measure, Singleton IFS, Derived Singleton IFS, Null IFS, Pseudo-null IFS.

1. INTRODUCTION The concept of a Fuzzy Set (FS) introduced by Lotfi A. Zadeh10 in 1965 generalised the concept of (crisp) sets developed by Cantor. This was further generalized by Krassimir T. Atanassov2,3 into Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS). He introduced a new component degree of nonmembership and studied the properties of the new object so defined. Since then, the notion of IFSs has been explored by researchers and a number of theoretical and practical results have appeared. We have investigated the relation between fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy sets1 by proposing a

method of fuzzification of IFSs. Different IFSs defined on the same universe are compared using similarity measures. In this paper, we introduce a new measure of similarity between IFSs. 2. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS 2.1 Definition10 Let X be a collection of objects regarded as the universal set (universe). Then, a Fuzzy Set (FS) A on X is defined as the set of all ordered pairs (x, µA(x)) where µA: X→ [0, 1]. i.e., A = {(x, µA(x))/x∈X, 0 ≤ µA(x) ≤ 1}.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 1, 29 February, 2012 Pages (1-130)

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