J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 426-438 (2012)
MHD Natural Convection between Vertical Parallel Plates with Oscillatory Wall Temperature S. DAS1, B. C. SARKAR2 and R. N. JANA3 1
Department of Mathematics, University of Gour Banga, Malda 732103, INDIA. 2,3 Department of Applied Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore 721102, INDIA. (Received on: February 9, 2012) ABSTRACT The unsteady MHD natural convection flow of a viscous dissipative incompressible fluid with Joule dissipation between two infinite vertical parallel plates is studied. The temperature of one of the plates is oscillating about a constant non-zero mean temperature as the other plate maintains uniform temperature. The governing non-linear partial differential equations are solved analytically. The velocity and temperature distributions are presented graphically whereas the shear stress, the rate of heat transfer and their amplitudes and tangent of phase are given in tabular form. It is observed that both the velocity and temperature of the fluid decrease with an increase in either magnetic parameter or frequency parameter or phase angle. Further, the absolute value of the shear stress decreases while the rate of heat transfer increases with an increase in magnetic parameter for the fixed values of frequency parameter. Keywords: MHD, Natural Convection, Prandtl Number, Eckert Number, Frequency Parameter and Rate of Heat Transfer.
1. INTRODUCTION MHD natural convection flows between two long vertical plates have attracted substantial interest in the context of metallurgical fluid dynamics, nuclear reactors, heat exchangers, re-entry aerother-
modynamics, astronautics, geophysics, cooling appliances in electronic instruments and applied mathematics. Investigation of MHD natural convection transport processes due to the coupling of the fluid flow and heat transfer is a challenging as well as interesting phenomenon. It has been
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)