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Fifteen Years of Inspiration
Celebration of Women and Their Music
Nearly 500 music lovers gathered at the Fargo Theatre on February 18 for the 15th annual Celebration of Women and Their Music.
Celebration of Women and Their Music is a nonprofit organization which awards female high school seniors monetary gifts for their artistic contribution. This year there were seven award winners:
• Mary Ellen Thompson AwardMadeline Hyde - Visual Arts - Fargo South
• Karen Stoker Arts Support AwardJenny Sun - Music/Instrumental -
Ronald N Davies High
• Valley Diva Award- Keyna Hoselton
- Dance - Shanley High
• Susie Ekberg- Risher “Goddess Award” and Video Arts Studio Recording
Session Award-Samantha AdankMusic/Vocal - Fargo South High
• Mark and Betsy Vinz Literary Arts award- Claudia Roy - Music/ Instrumental - Fargo South High
• Dancing Queen Award- Madeline
Gregor - Dance - Fargo South High
Linda Hamann Red River Counseling
Visual Arts Award- Aloysia PfeifferFargo South High
Event founder Deborah J. Jenkins is grateful to the core women who continue to support this event and the community members who make it possible. When asked what she wants people to take away from this event, Jenkins said “Inspiration, happiness and wondering when they can buy their ticket for next year.” [AWM]

For more information visit Celebration of Women and Their Music Facebook page or debjenkins.com.