2 minute read
Making Moms a BIG DEAL
hauls out one of two huge binders that she carries with her wherever she goes. Flipping open its pages, she reads from a list of responsibilities outlined by the governing MOMS Club body who oversees the more than 2,100 chapters in the nation.
“I run meetings, act as a liaison between our group and the community, help organize activities, respond to corporate inquiries, recruit new members, and ensure we’re operating soundly,” said Flippance. “Basically, I’m responsible for our 53 members and how we operate in our community and through the international organization.”
According to its website, www.momsclub.org, MOMS Club is “a support group designed just for you, the at-home mother of today. You are interested in the world around you, want a variety of activities for you and your children, and are proud of your choice of at-home mothering for your families.” The local chapter that Flippance oversees serves West Fargo, Fargo and Moorhead. At home playdates, park meetups, library gatherings, meal deliveries to new moms, monthly business meetings and mom’s night out events are just some of the things members get to do. “We’re also required by the governing board to perform at least one service project a year,” explained Flippance. “We’ve done a March of Dimes walk and have participated in the Macy’s Letters to Santa program.”
Although Flippance has been at the helm of MOM’s Club for less than a year, members like Angela Bartsh of Fargo say her impact has been immediate. “She is organized and has a nononsense attitude. She understands that everyone has an opinion and listens to them and encourages the MOMS Club members to listen so we can make a decision as a club,” said Bartsh, mom of two. “She understands and knows that it is not just one person or a small group of people that we are trying to help but a large group of moms. She is strong and not afraid to let people know how it is going to be so business can get done.”
Flippance’s take-charge attitude is something she gave meticulous thought to and she feels strongly that MOMS Club needs a leader who is willing to encourage members to routinely
by patricia carLson
participate in activities. “I feel like the former board was taking on a lot of work themselves,” she stated. “The new board and I are trying to get members involved and to understand that we need them. I refuse to do it all myself. I believe our members will step up and do their part.”

It’s not as if Flippance doesn’t understand the demands of motherhood in this day and age. In fact, she feels she knows the stress and strains all too well as she balances being a wife and mother with her photography business and MOMS Club duties. And that’s precisely the reason she thinks MOMS Club is so valuable. “The biggest frustration after Adeline was born was feeling like I couldn’t do much,” Nina said. “It was torture. You have a person in the house but you can’t talk to them.”
Now Nina has lots of moms to talk to. And it’s all due to a playdate. {AWM}