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4 steps before you create the backyard of your dreams!

Ask each family member what's on their "Wish List". Get advice from friends too (Hello Social Media!)

Combine for a top 5 list.

Itemize projects so you know the cost to make your top 5 must haves come true.


Prioritize! With a budget in mind you should have a clear vision of where to begin.


Time to get your hands dirty! With a simple plan you can have a great time "working" on the backyard projects as much as you will when they are finished and you are enjoying them.

With what seems like limitless possibilities, I did what most of us do. I turned to social media land and asked for recommendations about what we should do with our backyard. With a little help from my friends here are my Top 5 Family Backyard Must-Haves: follow @ mysunrisehill on instagraM .

We loved all of these must-haves. Check that, we loved 98.7 percent of the dozens of suggestions, but we have a budget, and a “top five” list will get us started. Spoiler alert: a garden is absolutely going to happen. Also high on the list for this summer is a fire pit and a play set. I keep talking about how the possibilities are endless with our new backyard. However, one thing that is not endless is the bank account. So as we embark on this journey you may see and hear a whole lot of hashtag “budget backyard”-isms. It’s very likely that the backyard on Sunrise Hill will be one of these do-it-yourselfers and inspiration Pinterest builds. Want to follow our progress and fun on this backyard adventure?




That’s the advice of Donna Terbizan, Ph.D. in exercise physiology, co-author of numerous studies on the effects of exercise on our bodies, and professor at NDSU. So, whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or keep not only your body healthy but your mind too: “It really doesn’t make a big difference what you do,” Terbizan says, “just that you do something regularly.”


can be performed for extended periods of time and at an intensity that allows your muscles adequate and efficient use of oxygen. Examples: Jogging, aerobics, tennis, walking, basketball, even running around with your kids in the backyard.


shorter bursts of intense activity that can be endured for only a few seconds to a couple minutes. The burning sensation in your muscles as lactic acid forms is a telltale sign of anaerobic activity. Examples: weight lifting, high intensity sprints during running, biking or swimming, and HIIT training.

Which is better for weight loss and health?

Terbizan says both are good. You don’t burn more calories with high intensity anaerobic workouts altogether, you just burn those calories faster since anaerobic workouts can’t be sustained as long as aerobic ones. The other health benefits of exercise are plentiful with both.

brisk walking — aerobic

Exercise such as brisk walking, can be a wonder drug, if done regularly, and for at least 20 minutes a shot. It burns calories, increases the feel-good hormones in your brain, eases joint pain, and it’s been proven to boost immune function. For the most benefit, keep a pace where you’re breathing heavy but could still hold a conversation. There are a ton of studies out there proving walking improves overall mental health and aids in preventing neurological and physical deterioration. Basically if you walk, you’ll live better, longer.

high intensity interval training, or HIIT — anaerobic

No time? No problem. HIIT workouts, because of their intense nature, are usually done in less than 30 minutes, sometimes much less. HIIT involves intense bursts of activity alternated with short recovery periods. As with any regularly performed exercise, it burns calories, rebuilds bone density that begins to weaken in women after age 30, builds muscle mass for stability and strength, and it increases mood-boosting endorphins. The intensity has even been proven safe even for people with heart disease and diabetes. Be careful to ease yourself into HIIT to prevent intense soreness and possibly injury that could turn you off too quickly.

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