1 minute read
building your FOUNDATION
without a strong foundation your house will break
Defining your personal “why” provides mental clarity, guidance and direction for your passion and purpose in life. Your “why’s” purpose will open your eyes to what you have placed on the back burner pertaining to your overall health and well-being, thus drawing those passions back into your life. Make a list of activities and hobbies you enjoy doing and incorporate them into your “why” statement. Listed below are steps to help define your “why.” uilding a strong foundation requires defining your “why,” creating a plan, and making a commitment to yourself. Far too often as women we tend to lose ourselves in our professional lives, parenting roles and to-do lists; only to wake up one morning see our own reflection and wonder, “At what point did I let myself go?” You are not alone, and it is not too late to restore your foundation.
Define Create Commit
Find a tranquil area where you are able to disengage from the noise of life.
2. Make a list of things that motivate you, provide you with energy and get you excited to wake up in the morning.
3. Answer the following questions:
• What activities make me happy and increase my energy?
• What is important to me?
• How would I like to spend my time?
(You are not limited to the questions stated above.)
Keep in mind your personal “why” statement will be unique compared to the example I have provided below. There is not a right or wrong statement, the mission is to write what resonates and connects with you.
“I believe in sharing my passion by educating the community on fitness and nutrition, through motivational speaking and helping others find their voice, so they can share their story.” — Mariah Prussia
Now that you have defined your “why,” it is time to create your plan and vision.
For more from Mariah, go to mpxfitness.com or find her on social media: INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @mpx_mma FACEBOOK: Athlete page: mariahmpxprussia | Gym page: mpxfargo | EMAIL: mpxmma@gmail.com