2 minute read
Spring has sprung,
which to many of us translates as beginning the spring-cleaning process. Spring-cleaning symbolizes a time to clear out the clutter and embark on a fresh start. The dormant months have passed, the sun is shining, the grass is brightening and the flowers are beginning to bloom. It’s an exciting time of year, as we know the warmer months are upon us and a beautiful and fresh season of change is in the air.
It’s important to do a self-evaluation of what spring-cleaning means to you personally. I’m not talking about cleaning your closet, but rather getting honest with yourself in regards to your fitness, nutrition and well-being. Just like cleaning our homes, we need to clear the clutter from things that are not supporting us to live fit and healthy lives. We need to take a greater look at where we’re at in order to live our best lives.
Did you set resolutions or intentions just a few short months ago? It’s time to re-evaluate these and get honest with yourself. Are these healthy and realistic goals and intentions? Are you creating new habits that are helping you move forward and ultimately reach these goals? The focus is not on where you have failed or come short, but rather on where can you make adjustments and improvements to bring you closer to living the best and healthiest FIT life you deserve.
I’ve listed my 5 FIT Spring Cleaning Tips for you to focus on, and help you find that healthy and balanced life to complement the best version of you.
To kick off spring-cleaning, let’s start with water. The body is made up of about 70 percent water and is responsible for every process in the body, so it is crucial that you drink enough. Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces each day. Try adding fresh squeezed lemon to your water first thing in the morning to help the cleansing process. This helps the digestive system get going. Also, check out my recipe for Golden Milk, which is the perfect cleansing and anti-inflammatory beverage to end your day (see page 74).
As you focus on cleaning, entering this season of change, it’s important to remind yourself to live fully in the present. This means cleaning your mind and heart, forgiving anything in your past that doesn’t support you, and bringing your focus to living in the present. Fully living in the present will encourage you to move forward with excitement for all that’s to come.
Food is fuel and fueling your body with the right foods will energize you to be an efficient “machine” all day. It’s important to keep your energy level up, allowing you to power through a busy day and get in your workout without compromising your health. I’ve included a favorite energizing recipe of mine for Raspberry Chia Pudding (see page 74). Chia seeds give your body stable energy because of their protein, fats and fiber which will give you energy to be productive all day and fuel your workout.

Choosing to get active should be on the top of your list. There’s no right or wrong way, no time requirement, but choosing to get in some activity each day should be part of your spring-cleaning regimen. I believe cleaning up your fitness routine by making it a priority will benefit all areas of your life. The weather is starting to warm up, so it’s easier to get outside for fresh air and a little heart pumping walk. You owe it to yourself to take even 15 minutes each day to be active. Do something you enjoy and make a habit of it. Your mood and sleep will even improve with this slight adjustment and new healthy habit.
Focus on only buying food that will truly nourish your body. Choose whole foods, meaning foods that are from the earth — fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, beans, legumes, and if choosing meat, choose organic, free-range animal proteins. Your body needs the macronutrients and micronutrients that are in a variety of food. Make your meals as colorful as possible and dare to try something new. After all, variety is the spice of life!