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Leslie continues, “These designs are well thought out, woman-centric approved and our Inspiration Center creates an experience for our clients unlike anything in this community.”
A woman-centric home is a haven for her and her family. The approach is derived from real-life experiences to capture the true essence of livability. It caters to all needs and desires the family is looking for using four lenses: entertaining, de-stressing, flexible living and storage. Research finds women make 91 percent of household decisions. A uniquely designed quiz helps define your style. It takes just five minutes to answer 15 questions regarding personal preferences. This approach helps direct the entire Heritage Homes team on how to fit your home to your family’s daily routine and lifestyle.
Along with the three model homes and Inspiration Center in South Fargo, three Odyssey Collection model homes are opening in the Wilds 9th Addition in West Fargo near Legacy Elementary School. All models will be finished, furnished and fabulous. Again visitors will enjoy walking through three homes in one stop. Their models are open six days a week. People can drop in to visit or make an appointment.
A three-bedroom home in the Odyssey Collection starts around $275,000 with land. With a 10 percent down payment, a monthly payment could be about $1,600. Several smart technology packages will be available with a wide variety of options.
Leslie continues, “Purchasing a home is very emotional. It can be exciting, scary, invigorating, frustrating, rewarding and everything in between. So we’ve created an Inspiration Center at the model sites to help buyers visualize their options and preferences.
“The model homes are staged with furniture and decorative elements in every room as most people can’t visualize a furnished home. Today people want to touch and feel before they commit to a purchase and that’s what makes our center so engaging. You get a real feel about our product.”