Angkor Language School
Academic Writing English
Phrases I.
Definition: A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb, especially when they are used to form a part of sentences. It doesn’t make a complete thought.
Example: On our expression,
under the control of the teacher,
Phrases are divided into two parts: 1. Sources of Phrases 2. Function of Phrases 1. Sources of Phrases a. Present Participle Phrase A. Participle Phrases
b. Past participle phrase C. Perfect Participle Phrase
B. Gerund Phrases C. Infinitive Phrases D. prepositional Phrases A.
Participle Phrase
Participle phrase is a phrase which begins with a present participle, or perfect participle form of a verb and function as adjective or adverbs.[ Participle means non-finite verb form.
a. Present Participle Phrase: Definition: It is a phrase (that is) preceded by a present participle.
Present Participle
+ Object ( noun, pronoun) + Gerund (transitive verb) + preposition + Infinitive + Present Participle
Prepared by Yeung Yuom,BBA
Angkor Language School
Academic Writing English
Example: - Sitting thinking of his past, he looked very depressed. - When he was sitting thinking of his past, he looked very depressed. - We are the people deserving freedom. - Walking on the river bank, he saw the accident along the road. - Standing thinking on the concert stage, the light ran off. - Wanting to go out, his girlfriend called him. - The book published last week is his first written for children. - The weapon used in the murder has now been found.
b. Past Participle Phrase: Definition: present participle phrase is a phrase (that is) preceded by a pas participle. + Object (noun, pronoun) Past Participle +
+ Gerund + Infinitive + Preposition
Example: - They have finished writing the about the life of marry happened in the world. - Accused of smuggling, he was sentenced by Cambodian court. - Said the voting in Thailand, we hope that the former prime minister Thak Sin can win the election. - Bitten by mosquitoes, they became sick. - Hoped to get success, we try to train every day.
c. Perfect Participle Phrase Form: Having + past participle + , + clause Having been + past participle + , + clause Example: - Having heard the news, he changed his mind. - Having eaten poor food, they became sick. - Having invited to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. - Having driven five hours to the meeting, Dong leant that it had been postponed. - Having completed the book, he had a holiday. - Having wanted to drive a train all his life, this was an opportunity not to be missed. - Having been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once a gain common in this area. Prepared by Yeung Yuom,BBA
Angkor Language School
Academic Writing English
B. Gerund Phrase Definition: Gerund phrase is kind of phrase (that is) preceded by gerund and function as a noun. Example: - He has just finished practicing writing. - She like sitting looking the sunset in the evening. - Making mistakes is human. - Eating to live is the nature of creature. - Listening to music makes me happy. - Watching television in my favorite. - Singing out of tune makes him nervous. - Listening to the teachers in the class makes us happy.
Prepared by Yeung Yuom,BBA