2011 NRA Sanctioned League Handbook

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NRA Sanctioned League Handbook

Produced by the NRA Competitive Shooting Division

To Join NRA today, or for additional information about membership, call 1-800-NRA-3888. Your membership dues can be charged to Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.

Copyright 2011, National Rifle Association of America Prepared by John Parker, Competitive Shooting Division Administration All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by mechanical means without prior written permission. For information, write to: Competitive Shooting Division, National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.

Table of Contents


NRA Sanctioned Leagues


Why Have a League?


League Sponsorship


Getting Started


Awards Scheduling


Postal Leagues




Suggested Courses of Fire


Reporting Scores


Sample League Bylaws


League Bulletins

Check www.nrablog.com for the latest NRA News

Online Tounament Sanctioning NRA Competitive Shooting offers tournament sanctioning online. Tournament sanctioning forms are still available manually on the NRA Competitive Shooting website. The online system makes the process easier and faster. To log on and set up your tournament, visit:

http:/www.nrahq.org/compete/tournaments Online, you will be able to: 1. Fill out online applications 2. Attach your Match Program 3. Check the status of your application 4. Receive notification of tournament approval For more information, contact the following.

NRA Competitive Shooting Division Tournament Operations tournopns@nrahq.org 703.267.1459 703.267.1466

NRA SANCTIONED LEAGUES OBTAINING SANCTION FOR A LEAGUE: A league must apply for NRA sanctioning prior to firing. Leagues may be fired within any 12-month or shorter period but must be fired over a minimum period of 3 months. They need not be fired within a single calendar year. Starting and ending dates (month and year) must be indicated on the application. Scores fired in NRA Sanctioned Leagues are used for classification. Score reporting must be on the standard Score Reporting Card (SR-1, etc.) or on listings approved by the NRA Tournament Reporting Department PRIOR to submission. The required information is the full name and address on record at NRA Headquarters (if member): NRA ID number, total number of shots fired, and total aggregate score for the league (do not send averages). Also required is the name of the league during which the scores were fired. Silhouette scores are not to be reported. Normal Silhouette classification procedures will be used. GENERAL LEAGUE CONDITIONS: Open to: A league may be made up of individuals, or teams representing organizations. Each sanctioned league must be confined to one type of competition (pistol, rifle, indoor, outdoor, etc.). Fee: See fee schedule below. NRA LEAGUE FEE SCHEDULE # Comps Min 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Max 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 109 119 129 139 149 159 169 179 189

NRA Fee $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 $75.00 $80.00 $85.00 $90.00 $95.00 $100.00 $105.00 $110.00 $115.00 $120.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00

Approx. Cost per Comp

# Comps Min 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380

$5.00 $2.75 $2.00 $1.63 $1.40 $1.25 $1.14 $1.06 $1.00 $0.95 $0.91 $0.88 $0.85 $0.82 $0.80 $0.78 $0.76 $0.75 6

Max 219 229 239 249 259 269 279 289 299 309 319 329 339 349 359 369 379 389

NRA Fee $150.00 $155.00 $160.00 $165.00 $170.00 $175.00 $180.00 $185.00 $190.00 $195.00 $200.00 $205.00 $210.00 $215.00 $220.00 $225.00 $230.00 $235.00

Approx. Cost per Comp $0.71 $0.70 $0.70 $0.69 $0.68 $0.67 $0.67 $0.66 $0.66 $0.65 $0.65 $0.64 $0.64 $0.63 $0.63 $0.63 $0.62 $0.62

190 200

199 209

$140.00 $145.00

$0.74 $0.73

390 400

399 +

$240.00 $245.00

$0.62 $0.61


Leagues must consist of not fewer then three teams (4 or more competitors per team) or 10 or more individuals. A league may be made up from within a single organization.

Leagues enter as a unit and are operated by their own elected officers.



Leagues choose their own courses of fire from the appropriate rule book, establish their firing schedule, handicapping system, prize schedule, etc.

Current NRA Rules govern all firing.



The schedule should be so arranged that a team in the league fires against every other team at least once. In a league of individuals, each should fire against the other at least once within the league schedule

A handicapping system may be used to determine the league winner.


AWARDS: Supplied by the league. CHALLENGES AND PROTESTS: Each league should appoint an Official Scorer or a Scoring Committee. When scoring of a target is challenged, the decision of the league Official Scorer or Scoring Committee shall be final. Targets should not be sent to NRA for scoring. Protests are handled according to NRA Rule 16.

NRA Rulebooks can be purchased from the NRA Program Material Center


Announcing a New NRA Competitive Shooting Publication! The National Matches: 1903-2003 The First 100 Years… Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge firearms technology, and, most of all, pure inspiration, The National Matches: 1903-2003 The First 100 Years… is an epic book loaded with National Match facts, notable shooter histories, and more.

Newly available for Winter 2010, prepare for a literary thrill ride through the annals of National Matches history! The volume is a must have for every competitive shooting enthusiast. This book is an outstanding example of NRA lore that offers readers a comprehensive history of the first 100 years of the National Matches, from the beginning at New Jersey’s Sea Girt, Creedmoor in New York, to the present day home on the shores of Lake Erie at the Camp Perry Training Site, Ohio. Readers will discover vivid descriptions and outstanding photographs throughout the pages of this conveniently organized volume.

For any shooter who has competed at the National Matches, or if you just have an interest in another fascinating look at NRA history, this book is an excellent addition to your home library. The National Matches: 1903-2003 The First 100 Years… is now available for purchase from the NRA Program Materials Center. Please ask for item # CC19740.

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1/6/11 10:43:38 AM


WHY HAVE A LEAGUE? For many years, NRA Sanctioned Leagues have been the major means of attracting new shooters and of allowing groups and individuals to compare their performances over a series of matches, which have the same conditions. Shooting is especially adaptable to league organizations and is equally attractive to many different bodies. League sponsorship may be fraternal, industrial, scholastic, neighborhood, or perhaps solely of a competitive nature with no other common interest. The real point is that to enjoy shooting to its fullest, the ingredient of companionship in a common effort needs to be added. While competitors enjoy proving their relative superiority to strangers, the thrill is multiplied when they demonstrate outstanding achievements to their friends. The members determine just how formal the league will be. It may be a league with the emphasis on the degree of improvement made by the competitors or it may be a league organized to determine the most skillful shooter under stringent regulations and strict enforcement of rules. Sanctioned leagues are fired under the same general conditions that govern NRA sanctioned tournaments and the scores obtained are reported to NRA for inclusion in classification records.

LEAGUE SPONSORSHIP Leagues are generally identified with organizations already in existence. However, there is no reason why a league cannot be a separate entity. Companies, schools, fraternal organizations, recreational associations, as well as shooting clubs sponsor leagues. Leagues can operate on a shoulder-to-shoulder basis, that is, two teams shoot a match with both teams present on the range at the same time, or be postal leagues in which teams fire on their home ranges and compare scores by mail. Leagues provide a greater operational choice than any other type of organization for target shooting.

GETTING STARTED The following paragraphs are a guide to league organization and operation. The many options offered by the NRA in support of your league are the result of advice gathered from successful league operations over the years and from all parts of the country.

League Council

If a league is to be a successful organization and promote the interest of its members, it must establish a working body to govern, promote and administer the league. One title for this group is the League Council. League Councils take many forms. Here are the two extremes: One, when a single organization is involved, made up of Officers or Executive Committee; or a specially selected council when several organizations are represented. The important thing is that the council be representative of the participating organizations and be provided with the authority to act in league matters. In order to ensure effectiveness, a chairman or president is selected. His principal assistant is the Secretary-Treasurer who serves as the Council’s agent. Additional jobs should be parceled out as they are identified. Publication of results, for example, merits the attention and specialization of one individual. Interest and participation in a league is increased greatly by quick and accurate bulletin board posting. 9

Sooner or later a disagreement will arise between competitors on scoring, rule interpretation or some other matter. For amicable settlement of disputes, the league needs an official body, which may take the form of a protest committee. To ensure effectiveness the committee will work best with an odd number of members; three generally suffice. Councils may wish to adopt a more sophisticated appeal process to meet the particular needs of the shooters represented or they may be satisfied with a single individual acting as a referee. Be sure that all members of the league understand that the decision of the League Protest Committee is final.

League Bylaws

No matter how well intended and well organized a League Council might be, it is powerless to act unless it has stated authority from the league members. Authority is provided by the League Bylaws; a document that may range from simple terms of agreement, to a complex set of rules and regulations that cover every possible contingency. Complete league bylaws should address the following subjects: TITLE Serves to identify the organization and assist members to identify themselves with the objectives of the league. MEMBERSHIP Describes eligibility and explains the procedure required to join the league. MANAGEMENT Establishes the means of selecting the league governors (League Council) and administrators (Council officers and committees). Defines their duties and outlines the extent of their authority. MEETINGS Provides for time and place for meetings of league members, League Council and committees. Grants authority to call special meetings and establishes the minimum attendance for an official meeting of the various groups. RULES Establishes the rules and regulations under which the league will operate. Provides for scheduling of matches. DISCIPLINE Provides a means for enforcing rules including procedure, penalties and administrative processes. A sample set of League Bylaws is included as part of the league operations guide. Many leagues will have special conditions relating to range procedure, minor variations in courses of fire, ties and shoot-offs, make-up matches, awards, etc. League rules governing such special problems should be included, in detail, in the league’s bylaws Rules Section. This is one method of solving anticipated problems before they become possible sore points of contention on the part of some league members. The NRA may sanction leagues, with a minimum of 3 teams, or 10 individuals representing one or more organizations. There is no limit as to the number of teams or individuals a league may encompass. Individuals competing in NRA Sanctioned Leagues may earn an NRA classification for the type of course fired. Postal leagues can also be sanctioned.


AWARDS Leagues must establish their own award structure. NRA provides all the benefits of league affiliation except awards. The League determines the award requirement and purchases awards either from local sources or from the NRA Program Materials Center.

SCHEDULING One type of league operation that is common is a series of team matches so that each team meets every other team in the league a stated number of times during the season, usually twice, once on the home range of each team. The winner is the team that wins the largest number of matches. Following are several skeleton Home and Home Schedules that can be adopted to even numbered team leagues. To convert any of the following schedules to an odd number, use a bye for the odd team. Schedule A – 4 Teams Week 1 Team A - Team B Team C - Team D

Week 2 Team C - Team A Team D - Team B


Week 3 Team A - Team D Team C - Team B

Schedule B - 6 Teams Week 1 A-B C-D E-F

Week 2 D-A E-B F-C

Week 3 A-F B-D C-E

Week 4 E-A C-B

Week 5 A-C B-F

Schedule C - 8 Teams Week 1 A-B C-D C-D G-H

Week 2 C-A D-B G-E H-F

Week 3 A-D B-C E-H F-G

Week 4 E-A F-B G-C H-D

Week 5 A-F B-G C-H D-E

Week 6 G-A H-B E-C F-D

Week 7 A-H B-E C-F

Schedule D - 9 Teams Week 1 F-A B-E D-C I-G H Open

Week 2 A-H G-B C-F E-D I Open

Week 3 B-I H-C D-G F-E A Open

Week 4 C-A I-D E-H G-F B Open

Week 5 A-E D-B F-I H-G C Open

Week 6 G-A B-F E-C I-H D Open

Week 7 A-I H-B C-G F-D E Open

Week 8 B-A I-C D-H G-E F Open

Week 9 A-D C-B E-I H-F G Open

Week 3 A-D B-C E-H F-J G-I

Week 4 E-A F-B G-C J-D I-H

Week 5 A-F B-G C-H D-I E-J

Week 6 G-A J-B I-C E-D H-F

Week 7 A-I B-E C-J D-H F-G

Week 8 H-A I-B J-G F-D E-C

Week 9 A- J B-H C-F D-G E-I

Schedule E - 10 Teams Week 1 A-B C-D E-F G-H I-J

Week 2 C-A D-B G-E I-F J-H

Schedule F - 12 Teams Week 1 A-B C-D E-F G-H I-J K-L

Week 2 D-A E-B F-C J-G K-H L-I

Week 3 A-F B-D C-E G-L H-J I-K

Week 4 E-A C-B F-D K-G I-H L-J

Week 5 A-C B-F D-E G-I H-L J-K

Week 6 G-A H-B I-C J-D K-E L-F


Week 7 A-H G-I C-J D-K E-L F-G

Week 8 I-A J-B K-C L-D G-E H-F

Week 9 A-J B-K C-L D-G E-H F-I

Week 10 K-A L-B G-C H-D I-E J-F

Week 11 A-L B-G C-H D-I E-J F-K

Split League

If the total number of teams exceeds 12, the league may become too cumbersome for effective operation, unless it is divided into two separate divisions. Winners then shoot off at the end of the season to determine the league winner. The shoot off may vary from a simple shoulder-to-shoulder match between division winners to determine first and second places, to Round Robin Tournaments that match several of the ranking teams from each half schedule.

Match League

Some leagues, particularly those composed of individuals rather than teams, operate as a series of matches conducted at stated intervals, frequently on different ranges. Winners are usually selected on the basis of high aggregate score for a portion of the full series. As an example, the league season might consist of 6 matches and the league winner be selected as the shooter who had the highest aggregate score for any 4 of the 6 matches.

POSTAL LEAGUE With the escalating costs of travel, meals, etc., it has become very difficult to hold shoulder-to-shoulder matches in some parts of the nation. One solution is to hold Postal Matches in which teams fire on their home ranges and then send fired targets to a central place for scoring and distribution of results back to participating teams. Remember, scores fired in NRA Sanctioned Leagues are used for classification purposes. Below are some examples of Postal Leagues:

Northwestern Wisconsin Junior Smallbore Rifle Postal League Course of Fire:

December: January: February: March:

20 shots prone position 10 shots prone and 10 shots sitting 10 shots prone, sitting and kneeling 10 shots prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing

Target: A-17 Unlimited Rules: NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules Eligibility: All members of participating clubs may fire. There will be three divisions, with a first and second place winner for each division at the end of the season: Sub-Junior (Rule 2.3.2) Intermediate Junior (Rule 2.3.1) Junior (Rule 2.3) The average score of the top ten scores in each division of each club will count for that club’s monthly score. The club with the highest average monthly score for the season will be the winner. Each competitor will fire for record only once in each monthly match. Club leaders will be responsible for 13

enforcement of this rule. They must witness and sign each record target and each target must show name, age, club, and date. Targets showing any signs of being “plugged� or otherwise altered will be disqualified. Targets are to be mailed to undersigned not later than the last day of the month. Results will be mailed out to all clubs within 2 weeks. Awards: Awards to winning competitors and clubs will be decided later. Entry Fee: $X.XX per club for postage, paper, etc.

Hawkeye Conference Winter Postal Program League: NRA Sanctioned Classification: Individuals will be classified according to their NRA classification-otherwise as Unclassified. Team: No team will be composed of fewer than four individuals. If more than one team is entered from one club, each will be named or numbered. The four highest scores in each position will be used for team scores. This will give more individuals a chance to contribute to the team score. Late Targets: Will be accepted from individuals without penalty until the due date for Stage 8, but only those targets received on time will be used for team scores! Unsigned Targets: No unsigned targets will be scored. Challenges: Must be made within ten days of receipt of the bulletin.


Smallbore Rifle Rules: NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules apply. Course of Fire: Any Sights 10 shots prone 10 shots kneeling 10 shots standing at 50ft A-17 target Special medals will be given to iron sight shooters only if three or more fire in any one class. If less than three individuals fire iron sights in any class except Master, they will be combined with the next higher class. Entry Fee: $X.XX, 8 stages Targets Due: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8

December 17, 2xxx December 31, 2xxx January 14, 2xxx January 28, 2xxx February 11, 2xxx February 25, 2xxx March 11, 2xxx March 25, 2xxx

Pistol Rules: NRA Pistol Rules will apply Course of Fire: Firing on B-2 and B-3 targets. Gallery Course of 50 ft / .22cal 10 shots slow fire 10 shots timed fire 10 shots rapid fire Entry Fee: $X.XX, 8 stages Targets Due: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8

December 24, 2xxx December 31, 2xxx January 7, 2xxx January 14, 2xxx February 18, 2xxx February 28, 2xxx March 11, 2xxx March 25, 2xxx

Bulletin: will be mailed to club secretaries as soon after due dates as possible 15

Notice to Club Secretaries: Please collect all entry fees and remit with list of entrants and team makeup. Please include NRA ID number, classification and zip code in address.

Vermont State Postal Rifle League The League will be open to any club which is in good standing with the Vermont Rifle and Pistol Association as of December X, 2XXX. Affiliation and payment of State Association dues is required, but does not constitute any part of payment of League fees. League entry fees will be $X.XX plus $X.XX for each shooter. Fees must be paid to the League Manager with entry before December X, 2XXX. Additional shooters may be added to the Team roster any time during the season by sending individual fees with the first score of the new shooter. No shooter’s score will be accepted without payment fees. Course of fire will be 10 shots in each of the four positions: prone, sitting, kneeling and standing at 50 ft. There is no limit to the number of shooters who may fire for a team; the high five (5) scores constitute the team score. A club may enter more than one team. Shooters will not be allowed to be “traded” from one team to another during the season. The A-17 target will be used. Each prone, sitting and kneeling will not exceed ten (10) minutes, (Standing (15) minutes), excluding target changes. The Secretary or Captain of each team will be responsible for reporting all scores to the League Manager. Match bulletins for teams will be sent to the Team Captains. Scores are to be sent to the League Manager postmarked no later than midnight of the Monday following the week in which the match is scheduled to be fired. Late scores, or no scores, will result in forfeiture of the match. Team Captains will keep the targets for 30 days following the match. The League Director will call for the targets of each club on a random basis at least once during the league schedule. Challenges or protests must be lodged within one week of receipt of the match bulletin. Each shooter in the League will receive a copy of the final bulletin. Decisions of the League Manager will be final. At the end of the League schedule, the top four teams will shoot-off to determine the League Champion. In place of the shoulder-to-shoulder match, the League Manager will send pre-marked (squadded) targets to each club in the shoot-off. Targets will be fired during the designated time period, to be returned unscored to the League Manager. Any .22 caliber rim fire may be used, with any safe trigger, and no restrictions on sights. Any safe .22 ammunition may be used. Awards will be presented to the top three teams as determined by the shoot-off. Postal scores and averages will determine individual awards. A required minimum of matches will be established when the schedule is finalized. No team or individual not firing the required minimum of matches will qualify for the shoot-off or for awards. All scores will be sent to NRA for classification purposes.


HANDICAPS Shooting, like all other sports, is blessed with participants of varying skills so that over an extended series of meets, the same teams and individuals continually win. To equalize the distribution of awards and maintain a high degree of interest, various corrective systems have been developed. One of these is the NRA Classification System, wherein competitors of near equal ability are grouped and compete for a class prize. Classification lends itself best to single competitions or to leagues of individuals. True handicap systems work best when the league winner is selected on the basis of the number of matches won and not an aggregate score. Handicapping systems tend to reward improvement rather than overall consistent high performance of balanced teams. Some leagues meet the problem by balancing team membership so that raw scores fired by teams will be within a few points of each other. Team Balancing: Teams may be equalized by first listing participants in order of average and selecting the teams shown in the following sample. Team rosters for a single club’s 4-team league: Shooter 1 Shooter 2 Shooter 3 Shooter 4 Shooter 5 Shooter 6 Shooter 7 Shooter 8 Shooter 9 Shooter 10 Shooter 11 Shooter 12 Shooter 13 Shooter 14 Shooter 15 Shooter 16





1 8 9 16

2 7 10 15

3 6 11 14

4 5 12 13


Percentage Handicaps More league sports are handicapped under the percentage system than any other. Team Captains keep the averages for the shooters in their team. The average may be of all scores fired or it may be a rolling average in which the average of scores fired in the last stated number of matches, usually 3, is used. The average for team members is totaled for each team; the difference between two totals determined and the percentage of the difference, which was assigned at the beginning of the league season by the council, is awarded to the lower of two teams to be added to its score. Team Captains calculate the handicap prior to the start of the match. When the match is fired, the winner is the team who has the highest score including the handicap given the team with the lower average, even though the handicap score might exceed the perfect raw score for that course of fire. Handicaps are calculated to the nearest whole number.

Dropped Point System A Dropped Point System is based on a set of tables in which individual raw scores are converted to handicap scores. Handicap scores in the table are determined by comparison of the score fired to the shooter’s average score. Like other handicapping systems, the dropped point system rewards improvement. The system is best adapted for use in shoulder-to-shoulder league match operation, especially where a stated number of high scores from teams are used for the team score. Handicap tables are available from NRA.

Lewis Handicapped System While called a handicap system, in reality, it is a system of distributing prizes by chance. The number participating in a competition is divided by the number of prizes being offered. Prizes are then awarded on the basis of relative standing in the match’s order of excellence. A prize awarded to the leading competitor in each group – in this case, those placing 1st, 11th, 21st, 31st, and 41st – would receive prizes. The Lewis System will work better with a league of individuals rather than teams. It is also possible to superimpose the system over a conventional award distribution plan. Such a combined plan might award the first 3 prizes to the top 3 three winners with a number of other prizes distributed according to the Lewis System.

Pot Luck System This system is used primarily for novelty type special events. Under this plan, a competitor selects whatever number of handicap points he wants before firing. These points are added to his fired score and if the handicap points make a total of more than a possible score, the competitor is penalized 2 points for each point over a possible.

Example 1:

A competitor selects a handicap of 20 points and fires in a 300 possible match. His score is 260 to which the 20 points are added, giving him a total score of 280.

Example 2:

A competitor selects a handicap of 20 points and fires in a 300 possible match. His score is 295 to which 20 points are added, giving him a total of 315. This is 15 points more than a possible maximum score for that course of fire. This competitor is therefore, penalized 2 points for each point over the possible, or 30 points penalty. Taking the 30 points from the possible 300 gives him a handicapped score of 270.


A League Handicap System The success or failure of any competitive league program is proportional to the interest displayed by the club members. Shoulder-to-shoulder league shooting is a satisfying way to enjoy shooting and helps to sustain interest and perpetuate the club. Two major factors to a successful league program are: • Complete participation by all who want to shoot • Realistic workable handicap system Many leagues are composed of teams of 4 or 5 members. Team shooters are usually selected because they shoot the best scores in the club. This means that other members are not directly involved in competition. Establishing a second and perhaps a third team and entering each in the league schedule is only a partial answer. Because of rigid roster limits, newer shooters and less proficient shooters must wait for a vacancy on a team, which may involve an entire season’s wait. It is easy to see how interest might wane. The ideal situation in league shooting is that in which: Every club member who wishes to shoot may do so, at any match Teams of any skill and varying number participate Every participant’s effort counts toward deciding the match A handicap system is used which gives the less skilled shooter an even chance without penalizing the higher scoring competitors. For an example, use an indoor smallbore rifle position match (see example below). The program works this way: X TEAM Previous High Name Score Jones 387 Smith 385 Brown 378 Robinson 391 Carter 376 Jackson 371 Pitts 382

Prone 100 95 99 100 100 99 99

Sit 96 100 100 98 99 97 100

Kneel 94 96 95 98 90 92 94

Stand 38 86 90 92 90 84 86

TOTAL 378 380 384 388 379 372 379









H’Cap 3 7

11 16 10

H’Cap Total 381 387 384 388 390 388 389 1,554


• •

• 3


Point • • • •

NAME Baker Crandall Ellis Dykstra Mitchell Baker Crandall

Previous High Score 387 392 373 384 387 387 392

Prone 100 100 99 99 99 97 100

Sit 100 100 100 99 100 92 94

Kneel 95 97 96 99 94 84 86

Stand 87 95 89 91 93 372 379

TOTAL 382 392 384 388 386 382 392








H’Cap 382 387 5 7 390

H’Cap TOTAL 282 392 389 395 386 382 392 1,553

Two teams, X and Y, meet at X’s range for a scheduled league match and find that X team has 7 shooters, but only 5 of Y teams shooters are present. The captain of the team having the most men present (X team) lists his shooters in any order. He lists also the previous high score each man has fired in league competition, taken from the captain’s record. These scores will be used to determine handicap. Next, Y’s captain draws the name of his person from a hat and lists them in the order drawn. The 5 people are paired off against the first 5 shooters listed on X’s side of the score sheet for the individual matches. This leaves 2 of X’s shooters still unopposed, so the top names on Y’s roster are repeated until all X team’s competitors are opposed. The handicap is based on a shooter’s potential. Each captain keeps a record of scores fired by each person in league competition. The highest score fired previously is the base of a competitor’s handicap. To compute the handicap, give the less-proficient shooter 100% of the difference between the handicap bases. On the top line of the score sheet, Jones gets a handicap of 3 points because his 384 previous high score base is 3 points less than Baker’s 387 base. This has proved a fair handicap method and produces very close matches. With this method, the poorest marksman has an even chance against the top scorer in the league and it happens often that these 2 are paired off against each other in the draw. Team score is handicapped in the same way. In compiling the team score, the top scores in each position are selected, marked with asterisks, and added to make the team score for each position. This gives every shooter a chance to contribute something to the team effort. A shooter firing good prone or kneeling scores might contribute those to team scores. Notice that the team score is added across the bottom and is the total of the aggregate team position scores; it is not added vertically from individual totals. On occasion, a shooter’s handicap may be so large that he posts a handicapped score in excess of a possible 400. His individual opponent cannot possibly beat him and win the individual match, but the opponent can contribute to winning the team match by shooting high scores in each position. Thus, the better shooter’s efforts are never wasted. This occurs rarely and the shooter who has fired the exceptional score will not likely repeat the performance soon because he must thereafter use the high score he has fired as his handicap base. This system eliminates the problems that plague an “average” handicap system, where a rapidly improving shooter is unbeatable because his handicap is based on an average that includes earlier, much lower scores. 20

Team captains list the handicap bases, compute the differences and enter them in the space on the score sheet marked “H’Cap”. This difference is entered only on the side of the individual whose “Previous High Score” is lower. When total individual scores are posted, the handicap is added, the 2 individual handicapped scores compared and the individual matches decided. A check mark is entered in the “Point” column for each individual winner and the number of check marks is totaled. The team score is treated in the same way as the individual scores and added in as one check mark. More points can be ascribed to the team score, so it counts more heavily in the final tally if desired. Add up the check marks and the match is decided. The high standing score decides ties. In the example, if Jones of X team had one more point, he would have won his individual match on the basis of a higher standing score and would have thrown the match into a tie. But Y team has the high team standing score and would have won the match. This system has been given a thorough trial in shoulder-to-shoulder league shooting. It is quickly grasped, works very smoothly and generates a lot of interest among the shooters. It can be adapted for any type of league except silhouette.

Split Season Split season might better be called a double schedule since it is a term applied to a league operation where winners are selected twice, usually at the completion of the first full series of matches between teams and again later when a second full series of matches has been fired. Season winners may then be selected by either a shoot-off between half season winners or league tournament.

SUGGESTED COURSES OF FIRE The following courses of fire are made up in an outline form as a guideline for leagues. “Sanctioned leagues” are NRA sanctioned competitions which function under NRA rules in order to maintain the validity of individual classifications. League managers should include appropriate wording from the rulebook as well as any ground rules that may be required in the standard operating procedure developed for the use of their league. The courses listed are those most commonly used in competition. Any course of fire, the scores from which are eligible for classification, may be used by a sanctioned league. The courses used in sanctioned leagues must follow Rule 7 of the appropriate NRA rulebook. Police Pistol Combat courses are not described herein since they may be used by police clubs only, which will be furnished descriptive literature for the operation of police pistol combat courses, on request to the NRA Law Enforcement Activities division.

Gallery Smallbore Rifle Range: 50 ft Course Of Fire: 10 shots prone / 10 shots sitting / 10 shots kneeling / 10 shots standing. Double course optional/ Prone, stand, sit, kneel course is an option. Time Limits: 1 minute per shot / prone sitting and kneeling, with 1½ minute per shot for standing / 3 minutes additional for each target change. Target: A-17 Rifle: NRA Smallbore Rule 3.2 21

Sights: Metallic or Any Scoring: After each 10 shots in statistical office. Targets displayed to fire after scoring. Option: Change to A-36 Target and eliminate sitting for NRA 3-position, or use the A-36 target for prone only.

Outdoor Smallbore 4-Position Range: 50 yds Course Of Fire: 20 shots prone / 20 shots sitting / 20 shots kneeling / 20 shots standing, prone, stand, sit and kneel course an option. Time Limits: 1 minute per shot prone and 1½ minute per shot other positions. Three minutes additional per stage for target change. Target: A-23/5 Rifle: NRA Smallbore Rule 3.2 Note: NRA three position is fired on the A-50/A-51 Target and has different time limits.

Outdoor Smallbore Prone / Metric Prone Range: 50 and 100 yards, 50 meters Course Of Fire: Dewar (20 shots at 50 yds / 20 shots at 100yds), 40 shots at 50 yds, 40yds at 50 meters, 40 shots at 100 yds Time Limits: 1 minute per shot plus time required for target change. Targets: A-23/5 (50yds), A-26 (50 meters), A-27 (50 meters reduced to 50 yds), A-25 (100 yds) Rifle: NRA Smallbore Rule 3.1 or 3.2 Scoring: After each 20 shots in statistic office or scoring bench behind the firing line. Targets displayed to firers after scoring. Note: Any combination of the above course of fire is permitted if there is not time for all; i.e. Dewar only. Please be specific for which course of fire being used.

Smallbore NRA 3-Position Course/Indoor or Outdoor Range: 50ft/50meters (50yds) firing shelters used if available. Course Of Fire: Equal number of shots in 3 position of prone, standing, kneeling. Usually 10, 20, or 40 shots. Time Limits: 1 minute per shot prone 1½ minutes per shot kneeling and 2 minutes per shot standing positions. 22

Rifle: NRA Smallbore Rule 3.2 Targets: A-51 (50yds), A-50 (50 meters), A-36 (50 ft), NRA/USA 50 after January 1st, 2010 Scoring: Indoor – After each series of 10 shots or when targets are available. Outdoor – Generally after each target (20 shots) or position.

High Power Rifle Range: 100, 200, 300, 500, and 600 yards Course of Fire:

National Match Course (most popular): 10 shots slow fire standing, 200yds 10 shots rapid fire standing or sitting, 200yds 10 shots rapid fire standing to prone, 300yds 20 shots slow fire prone, 600yds

Other courses of fire, which are combinations of 10 shot strings or any of the stages of the National Match Course, may also be used. Any of the stages listed may be fired at distances as short as 100 yards when using the appropriate official NRA reduced targets. Time Limits: • 1 minute per shot slow fire • 60 seconds per 10 shot string; 100 and 200 yards rapid fire, sitting, or kneeling • 70 seconds per 10 shot string; 300 yards rapid fire prone (High Power Rule 8.2) Target: NRA High Power Rifle Rule 4.2 through 4.6 Rifle: NRA High Power Rifle Rules 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.4, 3.3, and 3.4 Scoring: In pits after each shot slow fire, after each 10 shot string rapid fire. After every 10 shots at butts when pits are not used.

BB Gun Range: 5 meters Courses Of Fire: 10 shots each position (Prone, Sitting, Kneeling, Standing). Any combination of positions, 10 shot strings. Time Limits: 1 minute per shot in each position. Targets: AR 4/1, AR 4/5, AR 4/10 BB Gun: NRA BB Gun Rule 3.1


Outdoor Conventional Pistol Range 25-50 yds, turning targets at 25 yds Course Of Fire: National Match Course / 10 shots slow, 10 shots timed, 10 shots rapid fire / Slow fire: 20 shots, two 10 shot strings at 50 yds timed fire / Timed fire: 20 shots, four 5 shot strings at 25 yds / Rapid fire: 20 shots, four 5 shot strings at 25 yds Time Limits: 1 minute per shot slow-fire, 20 seconds per 5 shot string time, 10 seconds per 5 shot string rapid fire. Target: B-6 (50yds), B-8 (25 yds) timed and rapid, B-16 (25 yds) slow fire Pistol: NRA Pistol Rules 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 Scoring: After each 10 shot string.

Gallery Pistol Conventional Range: 50 ft (20 yds. Optional), turning targets preferred. Course Of Fire: • Gallery Course: 10 shots slow fire, 10 shots timed fire in two 5 shot strings; 10 shots rapid fire in two 5 shot strings • Slow-fire: 20 shots in two 10 shot strings • Timed-fire: 20 shots in four 5 shot stings • Rapid-fire: 20 shots in four 5 shot strings Time Limits: 1 minute per shot slow-fire, 20 seconds per 5 shot string timed-fire; 10 Seconds per 5 shot string rapid fired Target: B-2 slow fire and B-3 timed and rapid fire Pistol: NRA Pistol Rules 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 (May require limitation on loads for .38 and .45 caliber because of noise factor and capability of bullet stop) Scoring: After each 20 shot string.

Smallbore Light Rifle (Indoor or Outdoor) Range: 50 ft or 50 yds Course Of Fire: 3 position – 10, 20, 40 shots in each position; Standing 30 or 40 shots Time Limits: Prone – 1 minute per shots; 3 positions – 1½ minutes per shot; Standing 1½ minutes per shot. Target: NRA Official A-32 for A-31 Any Rifle: Any rifle chambered for .22 caliber rimfire rifle cartridges only, a trigger pull or not less than two (2) 24

points and weighs not more than eight and one half (8 ½) pounds complete with sights standard safety features and accessories. An adjustable butt plate placed in the center position may be used and adjustable or custom butt plates shall not extend beyond the top or bottom of the stock and shall not exceed a maximum length of six (6) inches. Barrel weights must evenly surround the barrel and not hang below. Slings (Rule 3.13), palm rests (rule 3.4), scheuetzen type butt plates (Rule 3.15) and electric or adjustable fore-end bedding devices are not permitted. Any sights (3.7c) will be used as long as total weight of rifle and sights does no exceed eight and one-half (8 ½) pounds. An eye shield may be attached to the rear sight. The same rifle must be used throughout all stages of any one match except in the case of a disabled rifle (Rule 9.10) or malfunction (Rule 9.11) the competitor may change rifles with the permission of the chief Range Officer. Note: League sponsors are authorized to restrict competitors to the use of only one bolt action rifle if required by range regulations. Clothing: Padding is permitted on the shoulders and elbows of the shooting coat provided no padding extends below four (4) inches from the elbow joint. The coat may be to a maximum of hip-length with no straps or other provisions for tightening or constructed with any material intended to make the shoulders or other parts more rigid. Shoes shall be a matched pair and may not be designed or altered in any way so as to provide artificial support. Competitors may shoot with or without shoes. Scoring: After each target or set targets as range permits. Note: Shots per bull may be adjusted before hand depending on the level of competition. Any further information may be found in the Smallbore Rifle Rulebook under Sec 23, Provisional Light Rifle Rules.

NRA Action Pistol Shooting Range: 10, 15, 25, and 50 yds Course Of Fire: This course is divided into 4 stages; each stage has three strings and 12 shots per stage, 48 shots. • 10 yards – one shot each target within three seconds, two shots each target within four seconds and three shots each target within eights seconds, weak hand only. • 15 yards – one shot each target within four seconds, two shots each within five seconds and three shots each target within six seconds. • 25 yards – one shot each target within five seconds, two shots each target within six seconds and three shots each target within seven seconds. • 50 yards – one shot each target within seven seconds, two shots each target within ten seconds and three shots each target within fifteen seconds. Time Limit: As stated for each stage. Targets: Bianchi (NRA AP-1) Commands: NRA Action Pistol Shooting Rule 10.22 25

Scoring: After each stage (12 shots) Note: Penalties are included in scoring. There will be a 10 point penalty for any premature start, for any round fired overtime, for each round fired over the designated amount, and for each round fired while supporting the weak hand or arm during the third segment at the 10 yard stage. (To fire this match indoors, the 25 yard stage is fired on the D-2 Target at 25ft and the 50 yard stage if fired at 50ft using the AP-2 target.)

INTERNATIONAL MATCHES (Use NRA International Rule Books) International Free Pistol Range: 50 meters (50yds optional) Shooting shelters desirable but not required. Course Of Fire: 60 shots in 6 series of 10 shots each and 15 sighters to be taken prior to starting record string. Time Limit: 2 hours. (17 minutes for sighters and each 10 shot record string) Target: B-17 (B-19 – 50yds) Pistol: .22 caliber Free Pistol (NRA Int’l Pistol Rule 3.6) Commands: NRA International Pistol Rule 10.12 Scoring: After each 30-shot series in the statistics office, scoring bench, back of the line. Note: Gallery reduced International Pistol is fired over a similar course except a reduced International target, B-11, is used at a reduced range of 50ft.

International Rapid-Fire Pistol Range: 25 meters, each target point has 5 targets mounted to turn individually and simultaneously on 2’6” centers. Shooting shelters are desirable. Course Of Fire: 30 shots in 3 series of two 5-shot strings, one shot of each string is fired on each target in the bank. Time Limits: Two 5-shot strings in 8 seconds each, two 5-shot strings in 6 seconds each, two 5-shot strings in 4 seconds each. Target: B-37 Pistol: NRA International Pistol Rule 3.3. Commands: NRA International Pistol Rule 10.8 Scoring: After 10 shots, 20 rounds on each target. Note: Gallery reduced international rapid-fire pistol is fired over a similar course except reduced international 26

target, B-24, in bands of 5, 18� on centers, is used at a reduced range of 50 ft.

International Center-Fire Pistol and Women’s Sport Pistol Range: 25 meters, turning targets. Shelters desirable. Course of Fire: 60 shots in 2 stages, 30 shots precision fire, 30 shots rapid-fire. Precision stage is in six 5-shot series. 50 sighters prior to beginning of the first stage. Rapid-fire stage is six 5-foot series, one 5-shot series of sighters permitted before beginning of the stage. Time Limits: Precision fire 6 minutes per 5-shot series. Rapid-fire target is exposed 5 times for 3 seconds each exposure, 7 seconds between each exposure for each series. Target: B-17 (precision), B-18 (Rapid-fire) Pistol: NRA international pistol rule 3.4 for Center Fire, 3.5 for ladies sport pistol. Commands: NRA international rule 10.10 Scoring: After 10 shots in statistics office for slow-fire stage, at the butts after 5 shots for duel stage Note: Gallery reduced international ladies smallbore pistol is fired over a similar course except reduced international targets, B-33, for the precision stage: B-24 for the dual stage, are used at a reduced range of 50ft.

International Standard Pistol Range: Any 25-yd or 25-meter range. Course Of Fire: 20 shots slow-fire, in 5-shot strings with a 2 ½ minute time limit each (30 seconds per shot). 20 shots timed-fire, in 5 shot strings with a 20 second time limit each. 20 shots rapid-fire, in 5-shot strings with a 10-second time limit each. Target: B-17 for use at 25 meters. B-19 for use at 25 yards. Pistol: Any conventional .22 Long Rifle caliber pistol capable of lifting 2.2 lbs., factory standard grips. International Pistol Rule 3.5. Scoring: After 10 shots at the butts or in the statistical office. Note: 50 ft. on B-33 targets. Commands: NRA International Pistol Rule 10.11


Smallbore Free Rifle 3-Position Range: 50 meters/50 yards (May also be shot indoors at 50 feet, using A-36 target, NRA 50 in 2010) Course Of Fire: 120 shots in three positions – 40 shots prone, 40 shots standing, 40 shots kneeling (must be fired in order shown) – with unlimited sighters for each position before any record shots are fired in any position. Time Limit (Shooting time includes sighters):

Prone – 60 minutes (50 ft – 1 minute per record shot) Standing – 90 minutes (50 ft – 2 minutes per record shot) Kneeling – 75 minutes (50 ft – 1 ½ minutes per record shot)

Times may be reduced from above, 50m/yds. but not less than 1½ minutes per shot. Changeover time between positions up to 15 minutes. Target: A-50 (A-51 for 50 yards) Rifle: .22 caliber free rifle (NRA International Rifle Rule 3.1) Scoring: After each 20-shot (5 shots per bull) series in the statistical office of scoring area. If A-36 target used, only one (1) shot per bull allowed. Note: Course shown above is full course, however, league sponsors may fire reduced number of shots, i.e. 10 or 20 shots each position (¼ or ½ course) if desired.

Smallbore Sport Rifle 3-Position Range: 50 meters/50 yards – A-50 (50m); A-51 (50 yards). (May also be shot indoors at 50 feet, using A-36 target. NRA/USA 50 after January 1st, 2010.) Course of Fire: 60 shots in three (3) positions – 20 shots prone, 20 shots standing, 20 shots kneeling (must be fired in order shown) – with unlimited sighters for each position, before any record shots are fired in each position. Time Limit (Shooting time includes sighters):

50 meters/50 yards – 150 minutes 50 feet – 130 minutes

Time may be reduced from above for 50 meters/yards, but not less than 1½ minutes per shot. Changeover time between positions up to 15 minutes. Target: A-50 (50 meters). (A-51 for 50 yards). Rifle: .22 caliber Standard Rifle (NRA International Rifle Rule 3.2) Scoring: After each 20-shot (5 shots per bull) series in the statistical office or scoring area. If A-36 target (or 28

NRA/USA 50) is used, only one (1) shot per bull is allowed. Note: Course shown above is full course; however, league sponsors may fire reduced number of shots, i.e., (10 shots each position), if desired.

High Power Free Rifle Range: 300 meters/300 yards/200 yards Course Of Fire: 120 shots in (3) positions – 40 shots prone, 40 shots standing, 40 shots kneeling (must be fired in order shown) – with unlimited sighters for each position, before any record shot if fired. Time Limit (Shooting time including sighters):

Prone – 90 minutes Standing – 120 minutes Kneeling – 90 minutes

Time may be reduced from above, but not less than 1½ minutes per shot. Changeover time between positions up to 15 minutes. Target: 300 meters – C-1; 300 yards – C-3; 200 yards – C-2. Rifle: 300 meter Free Rifle (NRA International Rifle Rule 3.3) Scoring: If pits are used, targets will be pulled and marked after each shot. With no pits, targets will be changed and scoring will be after each 10 shot series. Note: Course shown above is full course, however, league sponsors may fire reduced number of shots, i.e. 10 or 20 shots each position (¼ or ½ course) if desired.

Air Rifle Range: 10 meters (33ft) Course Of Fire: In multiples of 10 shots in the standing position. Time Limits: 75 Minutes – 40 shots; 105 minutes – 60 shots (when single bull targets are used), 20 minutes per target when 10 bull targets are used. Target: AR-5/1, AR-5/5 or AR-5/10 Rifle: NRA International Rifle Rule 3.6

Air Pistol Range: 10 meters Course Of Fire: In multiples of 10 shots. 29

Time Limits: 75 minutes – 40 shots; 105 minutes – 60 shots Target: B-40/1 or B-40/4 Pistol: NRA International Pistol Rule 3.7

REPORTING SCORES All scores fired in recognized NRA Courses of Fire (Rule 7) must be reported to NRA not later than 30 days upon completion of the League Firing Schedule in order that all individual competitors may receive credit on their classification record. In order to report scores from a League, all firing in that League must have been completed. The League Secretary then completes an appropriate NRA Score Reporting Form (SR card or computer listing) for each League member, giving the total score fired and the total number of shots. Each SR card must have the League member’s complete name, address and zip code. THE NRA ID NUMBER MUST BE INDICATED IN THE SPACE RESERVED FOR THIS PURPOSE. NON-NRA MEMBERS WHO HAVE RECEIVED A CLASSIFICATION CARD HAVE A SPECIAL NUMBER ASSIGNED TO THEM, WHICH IS INDICATED ON THE CLASSIFICATION CARD. THIS NUMBER MUST BE USED IN THE SPACE RESERVED FOR THE NRA ID NUMBER. All SR cards, properly completed, must be sent to NRA at the same time.

SAMPLE LEAGUE BYLAWS Name: The name of this league shall be _____________________________ Membership Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer and shall include such information and fee as the Council (or Executive Committee) shall require. The Secretary-Treasurer shall lay such applications before the Council at its next regular or special meeting for acceptance or rejection by ballot. Negative ballots shall be required to reject an application. Management The Management of the league shall be vested in a League Council and an Executive Committee. The council shall consist of one Delegate elected or appointed by each organization. The Council shall elect by majority vote, an Executive Officer who shall act as Chairman of the Council; a Secretary-Treasurer and a Public Relations Officer who acting together, shall constitute the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to formulate and lay before the Council the league schedule of competitions, entry fees, prize awards, etc.; to appoint such Range Officers, Official Scores and other officials as may be required to conduct properly the league competitions; and to undertake such other duties as the Council may be resolution direct. It shall be the duty of the Council to act on the schedule of league competitions as prepared by the Executive Committee approving or amending it by majority vote. 30

It shall be the duty of each and every Delegate and organization to cooperate in the successful conduct of such league schedule as is approved by the Council. The Executive Officer may appoint such special committees as from time to time appear necessary to further the activities of the league. The Executive Officer will appoint a League Jury whose decision on scoring shall be final. The Secretary must submit scores from the league to NRA, on official score reporting cards within 30 days of the conclusion of the league (NRA Rule 19.13) Meetings The regular meeting of the League Council for the purpose of electing the Executive Committee and for the transaction of other business shall be held on the first Saturday of ____ in each year. Special meetings of the Council may be called at any time by the Executive Officer or on the written request of any two Delegates or members of the Executive Committee stating the cause for such meeting. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at any time on the call of the Executive Officer or on the joint call of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Public Relations Officer. A quorum of the council shall consist of the Delegates from two-thirds of the league organization. Any two members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee. Shooting Rules All league competitions shall be governed by the general rules and regulations of the National Rifle Association that were in effect at the time the league schedule was approved by the council for the current season. NRA League regulations will also apply. Discipline A league organization or team may be suspended or expelled from the league by action of the Council after presentation of written charges and proper hearing. Such charges must be delivered in person, or by first class registered mail, to the Secretary-Treasurer. Charges may be preferred by any league official or by an officer of any League organization, they shall be in duplicate and the Secretary-Treasurer shall deliver the duplicate to the Secretary of the accused organization (or team captain) by personal delivery or registered mail. The charges shall be heard at a special meeting of the Council held not less than 10 days after the duplicate copy of the charges has been delivered or mailed to the accused. The accused may answer the charges in writing or in the presence of any 2 officers, or members of the organization. The vote shall be on a motion to suspend or a motion to expel and a two-thirds vote of the Delegates present shall be required for suspension or expulsion. Any member of league organization who has competed in the league program may be suspended or expelled from league competition by following the procedure outlined in subsection (a) of this section; Provided that when charges are filed against an individual they shall be filed in triplicate, the duplicate being delivered to the accused individual and the triplicate to the Secretary of his organization. The answer in writing, if any, shall be made by the accused individual and he shall be privileged to answer in person before the Council or to be represented by an officer of his organization. In any case when charges have been referred, it shall be the duty of the Secretary –Treasurer to render a full report to the National Rifle Association as to the charges, the answers and the disposition of the case and to 31

cooperate with the National Rifle Association in such other manner as may be required in order to permit disciplinary action by the national organization. Any individual who stands disbarred from competition by the National Rifle Association shall automatically stand disbarred from competition in this league.

LEAGUE BULLETINS The sample bulletins that follow show two typical but different leagues. Neighborhood League The Rosemont Recreational Rifle League is a neighborhood league of eight 5-man teams, each representing a club from a nearby town. Five of the clubs have home ranges while the other three share the Rosemont Recreational Center Rifle Range. The operational plan used is schedule of 2 matches between each of the teams. Matches are handicapped on a 70% plain with the team captains maintaining rolling average of the scores from the last 3 matches for each of his shooters. The course of fire is the Ÿ International Course of 50ft using the A-36 target and NRA International Rifle Rules. The league selects an All-League Team of 10 members based on the aggregate scores of all matches fired by team members. The bulletin for this league reports the standings and won and lost record of each team, the aggregate score of each team member in order of excellence and the prizes awarded. Industrial League The ORANCO Industrial Pistol League is a league of individuals employed by the same company who provides, as part of its employee recreational program, an outdoor pistol range. The operational plan is one in which a monthly shoot is held once over the National Match Course with each of 3 guns, .22 caliber, center-fire and .45 caliber. Winners are selected on the basis of individual aggregate scores from the 3 high monthly shoots. The NRA Classification system is used, with prizes being prorated to the classes. The bulletin for this league reports the winners, overall and in class, all the scores fired by league members both those that count in the aggregate and the one discarded, prizes awarded and the order of excellence in Class. Both bulletins briefly describe the conditions of league competitions and are distributed to all league members. League bulletins may follow the format shown or may use one of their own choosing. One of the responsibilities league management must assume is to inform its members of the results of the league competitions. The information that is on the sample bulletins is about average for the type of league portrayed. Sample Bulletin (League of Teams) Rosemont Recreation NRA Sanctioned Rifle League The League conducted its 20xx-x Winter Season as a home-and-home series among its 8 teams. Teams representing Clearview, Harner Park and Herrodsville used the Rosemont Recreation Range as their home range. The course of fire for all matches was the Gallery Smallbore Rifle Course of 10 shots in each position, prone, kneeling and standing, on the A-36 targets. NRA rules governed the competition. Teams were 5-man. A dummy score of the teams’ average was used when teams were short members for a match. All matches were handi32

capped on a 70% basis. The final Standing and awards are as follows: Team




Wellsburg Clearview

6 5

1 2

1st Place Trophy 2nd Place Trophy (won shoot-off)

Riverport Harners Park Murphyville Herrodsburg Indiantown Jeromsville

5 4 3 2 1 1

2 3 4 5 6 6

Individual aggregate scores were used to select the All-League Team of 10 members as follows: Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Shooter R. Newberry W. B. Jones H. F. Antworth B. L. Parrilli O. H. Olsen H.W. Schmidt P. D. Murphy D. C. Brown V. L. Smith R. K. Tenulsky M. Y. Hamer S. A. McReady

Team Clearview Wellsburg Murphyville Wellsburg Riverport Herrodsburg Indiantown Harners Park Clearview Jeromsville Wellsburg Riverport

Score 2144 2141 2138 2137 2131 2128-777 (stand) 2128-746 (stand) 2120 2119 2117 2116 2114

Reward Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard Brassard

The foregoing scores have been reported to NRA for inclusion in the National Classification System. Secretary League Council Sample Bulletin (League of Individuals) ORANCO Industrial NRA Sanctioned Pistol League Following are final standing of the ORANCO Industrial Pistol League for the 20xx Summer Season. Matches were conducted on the ORANCO Outdoor Pistol Ranges on the third Sunday, each month, June through September. Course of fire was a National Match Course with each of 3 guns, .22 caliber, center-fire, .45 caliber, with the 3 high matches counting in the final standings. The NRA Classification System was used with the League Championship award to the high scoring member regardless of class. Additional awards were made to the high scoring members in each class based on one award for each 10 entries in a class: 33

League Champion

R. F. Hinde

June 852

July 838

August 863

September 852

Total 2561

Award 1st Place Trophy

Master Winners

F. P. Kennedy C. S. Halley

June 842 860

July 856 846

August 851 845

September 848 847

Total 2555 2553

Award 1st Place Master Trophy 2nd Place Master Trophy

Expert Winners 1. 2. 3.

Experts 4 --1 --10

Sharpshooter Winners 1. 2. 3.

Sharpshooters 4 --1 --10

Marksman Winners 1. 2. 3.

Marksmen 4 --1 --10

Masters 3 4 --1 --10 The foregoing scores have been reported to NRA for inclusion in the National Classification System. Sincerely, League Secretary 34

Handicapping Tables Available From NRA HANDICAP TABLE for RIFLE AND PISTOL MATCHES based on DROP POINT SYSTEM 200 points / 300 points A booklet, “Handicap Table for Rifle and Pistol Matches Based on Drop Point System,” containing tables for use in handicapping rifle and pistol matches, is available from the NRA Competitive Shooting Division. Two tables are listed – 200 point and 300 point. The former is used where the course of fire totals “possible” score of 200 x 200 and can be doubled for 400 point events. The 300 point table is used in the popular national match course for pistol and 3-position smallbore rifle course. This table can also be used in shotgun leagues.


National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

www.nrahq.org/compete www.nrablog.com


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