2011 Fall/Winter NRA Volunteer Satchel

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NRA Competitive Shooting Volunteer Newsletter

Fall/Winter 2011

What d’ya know?!


by Beth Epley, Manager, NRA Tournament Resources

2012 National Matches Volunteer Application Pgs 7 & 8 Remembering Charlie

How much do you know about the many different types of volunteer opportunities offered with the NRA? Did you get started in volunteering with a friend or family member? How many different types of NRA volPage 9 unteer jobs are there and how difficult are they? Well, I will tell you my friend! There are a lot!

On Back: Shows & Events

our Volunteer Coordinators are full time NRA staff members, who are usually juggling a multitude of projects and responsibilities at any given time. Each Volunteer Coordinator handles their volunteer registration differently. For Camp Perry Volunteers, we require an annual application be filled out, for other events like local gun shows, a simple verbal agreement may be all that is necessary. So how do you know what your coordinator wants? Contact them, they will tell you what is needed to get started. Knowing who to contact has been confusing in the past, but over the past few years we have updated

Line Officers and Block Officers are an important part of the National Matches, they keep the line safe.

However you got started volunteering with the NRA, or if you are simply thinking about getting started, it is good to know the basics. Let me first start by saying that every volunteer opportunity is different, from how to sign up right down to the coordinator running it. That’s right, each venue and/ or volunteer driven event is run by a specific “Volunteer Coordinator”. The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for organizing, training and you guessed it, “coordinating” the volunteer effort. What you may not know,

Continued Page 3

Top: Annette and Clara presenting the HP Golden Screw Award Bottom: Taking a break at Bianchi cup

That’s a Wrap!

Beth Epley, Manager, NRA Tournament Resources This year brought our usual plethera of changes and challenges. Many of you may have noticed we did not have any 2012 pocket calendars. Lack of donations have forced us to temporarily do away with some of the “extras” handed out over the past few years. Not to worry, when the economic situation improves you will see them again! And we know that you too are feeling the rising cost of gas and day-to-day living, which is why we offer a special thanks to you, our dedicated NRA volunteers. Now more than ever we must dig in and stay the course. A very special thank you for keeping the 2nd Ammendment and the shooting sports alive during this time. Best wishes from the entire NRA staff for the upcoming holiday season. •

NRA Tournament Resources Department • 11250 Waples Mill Road • Fairfax, VA • 22030 • (toll free) 877-NRA-MATCH xt 1485


Volunteer Service Year Milestones Pistol, smallbore, & highpower championships

Behind the scenes Did you know there are volunteers that work behind the scenes year round to help prep for all the NRA National Championships? Thank You to our Behind the Scenes Volunteers of 2011!! Marion Mayer Cheryl Rickards

Become a volunteer Volunteers are needed nationwide at Competitive Shooting championships and Friends of NRA events. Fill out an application today to get started. For more information: www.nravol.org Toll free: 1 877 NRa Match

5 years John Dostal, Jr. Mary Johnson Richard Koenig Sr. Kevin Kuriatnyk Richard Nott Houston Sanders Bob Shaw Lila Swearingen Sharlene Timmons Lorraine Vaillancourt 10 years Bill Batson Joyce Chrystal Carl Erickson John Fabijance Gail Fenner Wayne Fenner Ken Forsythe John Kaiser Skip Myers Annette Reichman Doug Schlepp Thomas Tucker Leona Tucker

15years Connie Taylor Randy Tomac 20 years Kathy Harding Jon Nortemann Charles Poles Ralph Reichman Mary Zepnikowski 25 years Kenneth Boyd Larry Mead Glenn Sheathelm Martin Greider 35 years Jim Hartsock

Action Pistol championship 10 years Jessie Goff

30 years Olie Barjenbruch

What d’ya know?!

(Continued from front page)

“You will find our volunteer family is always there with a smile to help you along.”

Below: Two smallbore range volunteers take a break to pose for the camera.

our procedures to make this easy for you. Want to help out at Camp Perry, fill out a “National Matches” application. Want to help out everywhere else, or just locally? Fill out a “General Volunteer Application”. Both of these forms are located on our website (www.nravol.org), and can be submitted digitally, or printed and mailed. When you fill out a general application, the information you provide is placed on our NRA volunteer contact list. Your volunteer preferences, contact preferences, and skills are listed. This list is not, I repeat, not shared with anyone except NRA staff. If you are on the general volunteer list, your information will be shared with NRA staff that has a general volunteer need. If you are contacted to volunteer, you may choose to accept or decline at that time. We will only contact you based on the preferences you provide on your general application. If this process seems too daunting, we do post volunteer needs and who to contact on our NRA Volunteer Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ nra.volunteer). If the posted

event sounds interesting to you, then please contact the Volunteer Coordinator listed to get started! It’s that simple! (Learn more about Facebook at the bottom of this page). All our volunteers receive on the job training or instruction when they arrive at their assignment. Most of our positions are quick and easy to pick up, for example our membership signup table at local gun shows. Other positions such as helping with a Friends of NRA dinner, or working at the National Championships can be a little more involved. One thing remains constant, and that is the help and support you will receive from our seasoned volunteers and staff. We have all been newbies at one point, and you will find that our volunteer family is always there with a smile to help you along. If you still have questions, you can always contact us at volunteer@nrahq.org. We are happy to help you become a part of our volunteer family! See you in the field!! •


Beth Epley, NRA Tournament Resources Manager In 2009 we introduced the new NRA Volunteer online Facebook page, and since then we have gained over 400 friends. Why do we love Facebook? Because it allows our volunteers to stay in touch and up-to-date with all things in the volunteer world. Staff loves Facebook because it’s free and allows us to alert you to new opportunities instantly. We currently have over 2,000 volunteers that help out on a yearly basis with NRA programs. Don’t get left behind, join us on Facebook by signing up for your free account today!!


Return to St. Louis in 2012

Gayle Carter-Cook, NRA Annual Meeting Volunteer Coordinator The 2011 NRA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA was once again a record-setter. As documented many times, volunteers are absolutely essential to many of the NRA’s programs, activities and competitions. And the NRA Annual Meeting is certainly no exception. In fact, without the volunteers the meeting as we know it just couldn’t happen. And this past April, the volunteers were simply outstanding in Pittsburgh. The volunteers were asked to do more in Pittsburgh, and to do it bigger and better than ever before! And those of us who were privileged enough to work with them can attest to the fact that they answered the call. Because of the facility layout and the expected attendance, we needed more volunteers than ever. And did they answer the call! More than 400 volunteers gave the NRA in excess of 4,000 hours of their tireless efforts. It was amazing! And greatly appreciated by all of our NRA staff. Thank you all! At the Annual Meeting, volunteers assist NRA staff in a wide variety of activities and functions. For example, the member registration area is among the busiest. In addition to enrolling new members, volunteers also assist current members with renewals, membership upgrades, address changes and other membership related matters. Another very busy location that depends on volunteers is the NRA Store. A large variety of NRA “fraternal” products are available there for purchase. Many items

In the above two examples and most other volunteer duties, no experience or pre-qualifications are required. But at the NRA Airgun Range, only NRA-certified firearms instructors, coaches or range safety officers are allowed to work the firing points. Everyone, especially young people, are encouraged to test fire any number of BB guns, air rifles and pistols. Needless to say, the range is a busy place, but a lot of fun for the instructors, too! These and many other assignments are primarily covered by volunteers each year. And because the NRA Annual Meeting moves to a new city each year, we are always in need of new volunteers. We were in St. Louis just 5 years ago, so hopefully we’ll have some familiar faces join us there. But we’ll need quite a few new volunteers to fulfill the necessary positions. Fortunately, a number of volunteers who have helped in the past found it so enjoyable and satisfying that they travel every year to the new site. And so staff has some “old hands” available to help train new volunteers.

Top: This way to the NRA volunteer office. Middle: Signing up to volunteer at the NRA Annual Meeting is easy! Bottom: Volunteers run the NRA store registers.

The 2012 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend as thousands of NRA members will come together April 13 - 15 in St. Louis, Missouri. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.

are unique and specifically designed for the Annual Meeting at the host city and state. Our volunteers keep things running smoothly at the cash registers, bagging merchandise, stocking shelves and otherwise helping the members in every way possible.

If you can spare a half-day or more while attending the St. Louis Annual Meeting, you can assist the NRA staff in making this year’s Annual Meeting our best yet! Interested parties should contact Gayle Carter-Cook at 208-274-2670 •


VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORM NRA Annual Meeting – St. Louis, Missouri – April 13-15, 2012 Name:

Contact Information:


Primary Phone (


Secondary Phone (



) )


Days & Hours Available to Work (1/2 day shifts, example: 7am-1pm or 12 pm-6pm): Day Wed, April 11

Times Available (AM and/or PM)

Office Use Only

Thurs, April 12 Fri, April 13 Sat, April 14 Sun, April 15

Assignment or Area of Interest: Membership Services

Exhibiter Registration

Airgun Range (Must be certified NRA Instructor) Please provide certification # NRA Store:


 Facility Support

Stock Clerk/Floor Assist.

Cashier Assistant (Bagging)


Note: Please plan to work at least a half-day shift. If you plan to work several shifts, consider working the same position each shift to reduce training needs. Please consider all special sessions, meetings, seminars or other activities you may wish to attend before submitting this request. Assignments and schedules may not be distributed until 2 to 3 weeks prior to the meeting. Thank you. Additional Information: Previous NRA Meeting experience? Specify assignments, training, expertise, etc.

Please mail or email to:

Gayle Carter-Cook, Volunteer Coordinator NRA Annual Meetings 382289 Highway 95, Tensed, ID 83870

Office: (208) 274-2674 Email: idahonra@hughes.net

National Smallbore and Highpower Rifle Championship Volunteers H.Q. Moody, Manger, NRA Rifle Department

2011 was a very busy year and an exciting one for me. I have had the pleasure to work as the Smallbore Match Director since 2007 and have seen a lot of growth in the National Matches. I have come to regard highly the volunteers and professional staff who work the National Matches and freely give of themselves their time for the competitors. This past year was no exception. Just a month before the start of the National Championships I was tasked with the additional responsibility to be the Match Director for the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) High Power Championships, the NRA High Power Championships, and the NRA Long Range Championships. This was a new experience for me and I didn’t have much time to get ready, but I knew that I had a good staff full of great volunteers, and I’d worked with Christie Sewell, CMP General Manager, North, for many years when I was the NRA National Coach Trainer. Christie and her CMP Staff were eager to work with us in any way possible making their matches and the NRA matches successful.

and voice commands without the use of the Public Announcement System because we had no electrical power. Smallbore targets were scored using flashlights and by parking golf carts at the windows and doors of building 900 and turning on their headlights. The smallbore and high power staffs, volunteers, and competitors took the weather challenges in stride and pressed on with the Championships. I was very proud and impressed with everyone and their “Can Do” attitude and flexibility to finish the shooting, get the targets scored, and process the scores in time for the award ceremonies. We made every one of the Award Ceremonies on time; though we did one ceremony on the Petrarca Range because the theater had no electrical power, but we did it.

A Block Officer walks back to the covered firing line during smallbore phase.

Special thanks to Sheri Judd, NRA Education & Training, to Middleton Tompkins, Volunteer Deputy Match Directors, to all of the volunteers, and professional Staff who worked extremely hard to make the all of the Championships successful for the competitors. I came to depend upon and appreciate all of you

Smallbore volunteers hurry to score targets during the National Championships.

Camp Perry 2011 was a challenge! We experienced some of the most challenging weather conditions during the Smallbore Rifle Position Championships that I’ve ever seen at Camp Perry in my 39 year experience as a competitor and match official. We had high heat and humidity and lightning storms that knocked out most of our computer system; we evacuated the range a total of four times. This was indeed a very challenging year for all of the smallbore crew in all areas of the smallbore position matches. NRA High Power Long Range Championship was not exempt to the weather, either. It rained from noon to five pm one afternoon that completely shut us down and flooded Camp Perry making several roads unusable. I saw my first funnel cloud up close over the lake, and that afternoon I was stopped by the police on my way to get something to eat because Port Clinton was closed due to flooding. The next day the long range shooters, volunteers, and range staff were ankle deep in water, but they were shooting! Yet, even though we faced many challenges, the volunteers and professional staff worked closely together to “get the job done!” The range was run during smallbore using hand signals

I lived in Germany for nine years while serving in the United States Air Force. During that time I was a member of a German Schutzenverin (Shooting Club) and my German friends kept telling me that as a shooter I was part of a shooting family. After this year, I believe that I now fully understand and appreciate what my German brothers and sisters meant when they told me that we were a family. This year you proved to me that we, the NRA, CMP, professional staff, and Julien Beale fires the volunteers are a shooting family. I morning cannon, sigknow that I was blessed to have had naling the start of the the privilege of working with all of daily matches. you – thank you! •


Please fill out form completely. *Starred items are REQUIRED for new and returning volunteers *FIRST NAME:


 Returning Volunteer: I am a returning volunteer, none of my general contact info has changed. MEMBER ID:













*MEDICAL INFORMATION: Do you have medical insurance? No  Yes, who is your provider?_____________ Do you have any physical limitations or health conditions (s) that require you to limit your activities or working conditions? Please be specific and describe how to avoid any complications.

*ALLERGIES: I have the following allergies / I am allergic to:  Seasonal

 Penicillin

 Insect Stings

 Nuts

 Aspirin

 Other(s)____________________________________________________________________________________ *MEDICATIONS: I am taking the following medications (please print legibly and be specific): 1. _______________________ ________mg

2. _______________________ ________mg

3. _______________________ ________mg

4. _______________________ ________mg

5. _______________________ ________mg

6. _______________________ ________mg

7. _______________________ ________mg

8. _______________________ ________mg

CERTIFICATIONS:  NRA Certified Instructor

 NRA Certified Coach

 NRA Referee

 NRA Training Counselor

 NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

 Current 2012 EMT/First Responder

 NRA Classified Shooter

 NRA Range Safety Officer

 Other ________________________

 NRA National Coach Development Staff


 Other ________________________

SPECIAL SKILLS (Please list any special skills you have - photography, public relations, sales, etc…): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ *VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: (Please check one)  I have never volunteered at Camp Perry before.  I am a returning volunteer  I am a returning volunteer, and this will be my final year of volunteer service at the National Matches. *If you are a returning volunteer; where and what, was your last assignment? (i.e. Range 4, Line Officer): Workstation:


*COMPETITION STATUS: Will you be competing at the 2011 National Matches? Yes No If yes, what days (dates) do you plan to compete? (Please check all that apply)  July 7

 July 8

 July 10

 July 11  July 12

 July 13  July 14  July 15

 July 16  July 17

 July 18  July 19

 July 20  July 21

 July 22  July 23  July 24

 July 25  July 26

 July 27  July 28

 July 29  July 30

 July 31  Aug 1

 Aug 3

 Aug 5

 Aug 7

 Aug 9

 Aug 4

 July 9

 Aug 6

 Aug 8

 Aug 2

 Aug 10  Aug 11

 Aug 12  Aug 13  Aug 14 *HOUSING:  Smoking  Non-Smoking  No thank you, I will provide my own housing. (NRA will not reimburse housing costs)  Yes, I will need NRA provided housing. I would like to request housing with the following person(s): __________________________________________________________who is a  volunteer  competitor __________________________________________________________who is a  volunteer  competitor __________________________________________________________ who is a  volunteer  competitor OR  I have a self contained RV. I would like an RV camping spot at Perry if available. The following persons will be staying with me in my RV: __________________________________________________________who is a  volunteer  competitor __________________________________________________________who is a  volunteer  competitor __________________________________________________________ who is a  volunteer  competitor *ASSIGNMENT REQUEST: I would like to help during the following championships (tentative dates for 2011):  National Pistol Matches, July 9-15 (Arrive: July 8 Depart: July 16)  National Smallbore Rifle Matches, July 18-26 (Arrive: July 17 Depart: July 27)  National CMP Trophy Rifle Matches, July 28 – Aug 4 (Arrive: July 27 Depart: Aug 5)  National NRA High Power Championships, Aug 5-10 (Arrive: Aug 5 Depart: Aug 11)  Long Range Championships, Aug 11 – 15 (Arrive: Aug 11 Depart: Aug 16)  I would like to volunteer during a portion of the _______________________Matches, and would like to help out on the following dates (month/day): First Day of Work _____/_____ thru Last Day of Work_____/______. NOTICE: Volunteers are scheduled to arrive 1 day before beginning work, and 1 day after completing work. The dates listed above are work dates. Early arrivals cannot be accommodated. If you arrive earlier than your scheduled arrival date, you will be required to self-pay for those early nights. As I continue to grow my skills, I would be interested in learning how to function in the following position(s): (Please only check mark two positions in which you are interested ).  Block Officer  Sales

 Tower Talker

CRO (Chief Range Officer)

 CPO (Chief Pit Officer)  Range Director

 Relay Coordinator  Referee

*APPLICANT SIGNATURE: I, _____________________________, certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. _________________________________________ Signature of Volunteer Applicant

___________________________ Date

Mail completed application to: NRA Competitive Shooting Division, Attn: Volunteer Department, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 Fax: 703-267-3941

Email: volunteer@nrahq.org

Collegiate & School Program Volunteers

Victoria Croft, National Manager, NRA Collegiate & School Programs Howdy Collegiate Volunteers!!! THANK YOU so very much for all of your effort, support, and time, during our 2011 collegiate championship season! We could not have had such incredibly successful matches without you! We look forward to seeing many of you again in 2012! Here are our 2012 dates: (Both located at Fort Benning) NRA Pistol: March 13-17 NRA Rifle: March 13-16 Be sure to contact us to let us know you want to join our volunteer family! We hope to see many familiar faces and some new ones! This will be the best year yet! •

*Volunteer Story Submissions Email your story and high-resolution headshot to: volunteer@nrahq.org (*Your story may be published online or in

Photograph by Nathan Switzer

Top: Range Officials wait to be briefed. Right: A lone Range Official walks the line.

Remembering Charlie

Kerrin Brinkman, NRA Media Relations This year, NRA lost a dear friend, Charles Poles. Known to most as Charlie, Poles was a dedicated volunteer for the NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division, having worked the ranges at Camp Perry for 20 years.

the next newsletter.)

Above: Larry Mead, Charles Poles, Mike Krei

Hailing from upstate New York, Poles began his volunteer work at Camp Perry as a Block Officer, watching over a group of shooters as they take the line, ensuring safe

gun handling practices. As an avid and knowledgable shooter, Poles quickly advanced up the ranks to Tower Talker, giving the commands for the firing lines. He finally found himself as a Cheif Range Officer, overseeing all operations on Range 2 at the National Matches. Watch an NRANews’ interview with Poles shot last year during the National Matches. This July, Poles was recognized at the Camp Perry Volunteer Banquet for his 20 years of service. Charlie will truly be missed by all of his family here at NRA and remembered for his big smile, warm personality, and his dedication and service as a volunteer.

Top: After volunteer orientation, Larry and Charlie discuss the upcoming days events.

“I always enjoyed working with Charlie at Camp Perry,” said Mike Krei, Director of Competitive Shooting Division. “He was great. It was a good day with Charlie on the line.” •

NRA Competitive Shooting & NRA Events

Volunteers Needed 2012 Events

General Events: There are many ways to get involved in volunteering. Many of your local area field representatives need you to help with Friends of NRA events. You can expect to do anything from help with event set-up and breakdown, photograph, take event tickets, sell raffle tickets, and more. If you would like to get involved on a more local level, please fill out our General Volunteer application today!!


NRA Collegiate & School Programs Established 1979

Intercollegiate Pistol Championships Fort Benning, GA March 13-16 Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships Fort Benning, GA March 13-17 Contact: Victoria Croft collegiate@nrahq.org

Applications: You must fill out a volunteer application for each event you wish to participate in. This helps each volunteer coordinator keep their event organized. Applications can be found online. When in doubt, fill out a General Application.

Bianchi Cup Columbia, MO May 23-26 Contact: Damien Orsinger 703-267-1478

Please remember to fill out your application as best you can, the more information you give us, the better placement opportunities we can give you.

National Matches Port Clinton, OH July 8 - August 16 (Opportunities available all month) Contact: NRA Volunteer volunteer@nrahq.org

Who’s My Field Rep? Find Out Here: http://www.nrahq.org/ fieldreps/

NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits St. Louis, MO April 13 - 15


Pistol target frames and targets at the National Matches ready to be fired on.

Contact: Gayle Carter-Cook idahonra@hughes.net

Nationwide Events Everywhere, USA Jan 1 - Dec 31 Current Needs: We currently need volunteers nationwide, specifically in Alaska and Illinois. Please fill out a General Application if you are interested.

Contact: NRA Volunteer 703-267-1485 volunteer@nrahq.org www.nravol.org

Reminder: Remember to check online for last minute local opportunities, stories, photos, and more!


NRA Tournament Resources Department • 11250 Waples Mill Road • Fairfax, VA • 22030 • (toll free) 877-NRA-MATCH xt 1485
















MEDICAL INFORMATION: Do you have medical insurance? No Yes, who is your provider?_____________ Do you have any physical limitations or health conditions (s) that require you to limit your activities or working conditions? Please be specific and describe how to avoid any complications.

ALLERGIES: I have the following allergies / I am allergic to: Seasonal


Insect Stings



Other(s)____________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATIONS I have the following certifications: NRA Certified Instructor

NRA Certified Coach

NRA Referee

NRA Training Counselor

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

Current EMT/First Responder

NRA Classified Shooter

NRA Range Safety Officer

Other ________________________

NRA National Coach Development Staff


Other ________________________

SPECIAL SKILLS (Please list any special skills you have, photography, public relations, sales, legislative, teacher, customer service, etc‌):

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: (Please check one) I have never volunteered for the NRA before. I am a returning volunteer; this will be my ______ year as a NRA General Event Volunteer. If you are a returning volunteer; what, where, and for how long was your last assignment?:

ASSIGNMENT REQUEST: I would like to help in the following areas: NRA Annual Meeting of Members Local NRA events in my area, no more than ___________miles from my home. NRA Competitive Shooting Championships NRA Headquarters in VA OTHER (please list event)___________________________________________________ UNSURE, please contact me when opportunities are available and I will make my decision then. CONTACTING ME REQUEST: I prefer to be contacted via: Email


Mail (USPS)

GUARDIAN PERMISSION: This statement must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the volunteer (If the volunteer is under 18 years of age): I, (please print) _____________________________, the parent or legal guardian of _____________________, hereby give permission for my child to volunteer at NRA Headquarters applied through this application. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date


I, (please print)_____________________________, certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Volunteer Applicant


Mail completed application to: NRA Competitive Shooting Division Attn: Volunteer Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 FAX: 703-267-3941 EMAIL: volunteer@nrahq.org

NRA Action Pistol Championships / Bianchi Cup Damien Orsinger, Pistol Championship Coordinator Dear Bianchi Cup Volunteer Staff,

2011 Bianchi Cup (Action Pistol Championships) Volunteer Staff

On behalf of Tom Hughes, National Pistol Manager, myself and the entire NRA Competitive Shooting Division, THANK YOU!!! The time and dedication all of you have put into helping run the 2011 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup, is what makes this match run in the professional manner John Bianchi envisioned when he started this match with Ray Chapman, back in 1979. The combined wealth of knowledge all of you bring to the Cup each year is only surpassed by the love you obviously have for the sport of Action Pistol. With people like John Gordon, Pat Cooper, Beth Cowgill, the De Krygers, the Heddesheimers and the Koenigs, and all of you, this Match is destined to continue growing, and running smoother, every year. For the past, present and future, thank you! •

Volunteer Spotlight Beth Epley, Manager NRA TR Department This year I was unable to attend the National Matches at Camp Perry. Several other NRA staff members stepped in to cover my duties as Volunteer Coordinator, for which I am very grateful. During the matches and in all the after action reports, two names continually came up, Gale Hogan and Mary Johnson. Gale and Mary are long time members of the National Matches volunteer family, and both serve as volunteer office assistants during the pistol phase of the matches. Many of you may already know Gale and Mary, and most likely have seen them hurrying about the office helping each volunteer with a smile and a kind word. They are often the first faces you will see when entering the volunteer office at Camp Perry, and they both work tirelessly to ensure our volunteers are taken care of during their stay. In the past, Gale and her husband, Steve, have gone above and beyond when they bought all our hardworking pistol volunteers a surprise pizza lunch one day!! And Mary stayed an extra phase to help out during Smallbore this year! Top: Gale Hogan Bottom: Mary Johnson receives a door prize.

These ladies deserve the spotlight for the 2011 season, and when you see them next year, please be sure to give them some extra kudos for their hard work! Thank you Gale Hogan and Mary Johnson for a great season. We couldn’t do it without you. •

2012 Shows & Events

Steve Malke, NRA Marketing Representative

Volunteering at NRA Shows & Events is fun!

If you have ever wanted to volunteer for a great, also important cause, but not sure at what capacity; the NRA Shows and Events Department is always looking for outgoing and dedicated members to assist NRA Staff at various events around the country. The NRA is represented at a number of sportsmen’s shows, hunting shows and gun shows around the country and can always make use of good volunteer assistance. The shows operate in a fast paced and exciting environment. If you are interested in supporting the Second Amendment and joining the front lines in strengthening the NRA or would like to learn more, please contact me at 703-267-3784. •

In Memoriam: It is with great sadness that we note the passing of our fellow volunteers. Thank you for the memories.

Olie Barjenbruch (1947-2011)

Clint Lovell (1939 - 2011)

Johnny Morgan (1943-2011)

Charlie Poles (1949-2011)

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