Welcome From the Director.....9
Dennis Willing, Director of NRA Competitive Shooting welcomes competitors, fans, and newcomers to the 35th Bianchi Cup.
The Bianchi Cup S c h o l a r s h i p . . . .1 0 An exciting new scholarship program created with the hopes of encouraging more junior shooters to participate in the most prestigious shooting event in the world.
Willing competes a t t h e 2 012 B i a n c h i Cup.........................28
A Look Inside The B i a n c h i C u p . . . . .1 2 12......Welcome to Columbia 13......2013 Bianchi Cup Experience 14......Travel & Accomodations 15......Previous Champions
Championship F o r m a t . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 The four events that compose the aggregate of the NRA National Action Pistol Championship. The Bianchi Cup format has been unchanged for decades.
2 013 B i a n c h i C u p Pro Clinic.............32
Sponsor Salutes...........26 Our sponsors provide generous financial and in-kind assistance, as well as cutting-edge equipment. Here we thank them!
Q & A w i t h To m Hughes............30 Learn more about the NRA staff that runs the most prestigous match in all of the shooting sports.
2 012 W o r l d A c t i o n Pistol Championships....................34
New Sponsor FNH USA..........38 FNH USA pledges $15,000 to sponsor the Falling Plate event at the Bianchi Cup. Read here about their generous support and dedication to the match.
History of the Bianchi Cup.....40 A brief overview of over 35 years of Bianchi Cup history.
M i d way U SA d o n a t e s $ 11 5 , 0 0 0 t o t h e Cup.......................36
2 013 B i a n c h i S p o t l i g h t Jessie Duff..............44
NRA Competitive Shooting 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax VA 22030 (877) 672-6282 compete.nra.org President, National Rifle Association David Keene Executive Director, NRA General Operations Kyle Weaver
This official Bianchi Cup championship guide is published by NRA Competitive Shooting with support from the Bianchi Cup’s official corporate and media partners.
Dwight D. Van Horn Hayden, Idaho
Creative/Production Editor John Parker jparker@nrahq.org
Vice Chairman:
Writer Kyle Jillson kjillson@nrahq.org
Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr. West Seneca, New York Members: Robin Ball Spokane, Washington
Writer Damien Orsinger dorsinger@nrahq.org National Marketing Representative Woody Arenas comp-marketing@nrahq.org
Clel Baudler Greenfield, Iowa Don Golembieski Mesa, Arizona
Director, NRA Competitive Shooting Dennis Willing
Timothy W. Pawol PIttsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bianchi Match Director Larry Mead
Jeff Rowe Amherst, Virginia Secretary: Tom Hughes Fairfax, Virginia
This photograph of Jessie Duff was shot on location in Missouri at the 2012 Bianchi Cup. Creative direction and design by John Parker.
© Copyright 2013 National Rifle Association. All Rights Reserved
Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club Map
Competitor Code of Conduct The NRA is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for everyone at the Cup. As such, guests are required to refrain from the following: • Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature • Any signs of drug/alcohol impairment that results in irresponsible behavior • Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures • Interference with the progress of the match • Failing to follow instruction of match personnel • Verbal or physical harassment of competitors Guests who are subjected to unruly attendees, or witness violations of the Code of Conduct, can call (877) 672-6282 to report match violations. See match staff with any questions.
Arrive Early Plan your trip so that you are at the venue well before the scheduled start of the event. Gates open prior to the start of competition at Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club. Dress Appropriately Dress for hot, humid weather, with the occasional rainstorm. Remember to wear suitable footwear, as you may have to walk uphill, or on uneven surfaces. Use good judgement. Be Informed At the venue, look for wayfinding signage, listen to announcements, and read the bulletin boards – this will provide you with the information you need to make the most of your experience. Is there something you need to know? Do not hesitate to ask a NRA staff member or volunteer for help. Spectators Eye and ear protection is REQUIRED and must be worn by all in and around the firing line. Stop by the NRA Booth for FREE ear protection or stop by the vendor area at the match for more selections.
35th Bianchi Cup
Attention competitors, please be sure to thank our Official Title Sponsor, Midway USA. We know we speak for Mr. Larry Potterfield when we say “Thanks for your business.”
No company in America is more dedicated to, and more supportive of the goals of the National Rifle Association than MidwayUSA. MidwayUSA is a strong supporter of NRA Competitive Shooting Programs. Inside the MidwayUSA facility, most employees have NRA member and life member stickers beside their name plate on the cubicle walls. Most departments host a sign that says “100% NRA Department.” The Potterfield family are also regular contributors to NRA Foundation endowments, in addition to Brenda Potterfield having served as the Vice President of the NRA Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Larry and Brenda Potterfield, and MidwayUSA, have played critical roles in creating an important program and organization for the National Rifle Association. Their customers have embraced these two initiatives and this organization to support the NRA.
NRA Competitive Shooting, Midway USA, and the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup staff salute our Corporate Sponsors.
Thanks for being on the team. © Copyright 2013 National Rifle Association. All Rights Reserved
Schedule of Events May 17-25* ..........................................................................................................................Practice Range - Columbia Range 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* Hosted by Green Valley R&P Club GV Range Closed for Preparation Monday May 20.................................................................................................................GV Range Closed for Preparation Tuesday May 21.................................................................................................................GV Range Closed for Preparation Tuesday May 21.................................................................................................................Registration - Holiday Inn 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday May 21.................................................................................................................New Competitor Orientation Holiday Inn - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday May 22..........................................................................................................Opening Ceremony - GV Range 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.* Wednesday May 22..........................................................................................................Competition Begins - GV Range 9:30 a.m.* Wednesday May 22 .........................................................................................................Competitor Social Function 6:00 p.m.* - Holiday Inn Wednesday May 22 .........................................................................................................Shooter Q & A Session - Holiday Inn 8:00 p.m.* Thursday May 23..............................................................................................................Competition Continues - GV Range 8:00 a.m.* Friday May 24......................................................................................................................Competition Continues - GV Range 8:00 a.m.* Friday May 24.....................................................................................................................Distinguished Awards 6:00 p.m.* Friday May 24.....................................................................................................................Western BBQ - Holiday Inn Dinner - 6:00 p.m.* Saturday May 25...............................................................................................................Colt Speed Event - GV Range 9:30 a.m.* Saturday May 25...............................................................................................................Celebrity/Pro-Am Event TBA* Saturday May 25 ..............................................................................................................Awards Ceremony - Holiday Inn Cocktails - 5:30 p.m.* Dinner - 6:00 p.m.*
* All times and locations are subject to change.
FROM THE DIRECTOR On behalf of everyone at the National Rifle Association, welcome to Missouri for the 35th MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup.
This year’s MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is set to smash all records.
The MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is one of our most anticipated events of the year, and we are very much looking forward to what we hope will be another breathtaking contest of great NRA Action Pistol competition. As it has every year, the Cup will be held in Columbia, Missouri at the Green Valley Rifle and Pistol Club. We thank them for their hospitality, as well as the local community that helps to host this event each year. Some of the top competitors in all of competitive shooting, including Doug Koenig, Bruce Piatt, Jessie Duff, and Rob Vadasz have continued to shine at the Cup in the last few years. At the same time, the sport’s future has been on display in a wealth of young Action Pistol competitors who have helped make this sport one of the most dramatic and unpredictable in all of shooting. We want to thank the greatest competitors in the world for making each and every MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup a success. In addition to expressing your passion for Action Pistol at regional matches throughout the country, overall attendance at the Bianchi Cup have reached record heights. Our social media outlets allows competitors to connect with NRA Competitive Shooting in more ways than ever. We will continue to provide as much as we can. We are looking forward to another historic match. See you at the range. Enjoy the 35th MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup!
Dennis L. Willing Director, NRA Competitive Shooting
At the 2012 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup, MidwayUSA announced an exciting new scholarship program created with the hopes of encouraging more junior shooters to participate in the most presti-
35th Bianchi Cup
gious shooting event in the world. The Potterfields pledged $50,000, once again raising the bar. Partnering with other major players in the shooting sports industry, MidwayUSA, the Official
Bianchi Cup Scholarship Program
Sponsor of the Bianchi Cup Action Pistol Championship, is donating $50,000 to help launch the
The MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is one of the greatest shooting championships in the world — Matt Fleming, President of MidwayUSA
MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup Scholarship (MBCS) program. “The MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is one of the greatest shooting championships in the world,” said MidwayUSA President Matt Fleming. “This new scholarship program will provide opportunities for dozens of first-time young shooters to participate in this outstanding event making it bigger and better every year.” We congratulate the following MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Scholarship Recipients: • Allie Barrett – Stockton, MO • Brian Lee – Woodbury, CT • Elizabeth Buerling – Uniontown, OH • Tyler Luce – Sturgis, MI • William Cain – Burlington, VT • Kaila Mason – Temecula, CA • Evan Coar – McLean, VA • Joseph Radzwion – Eastpointe, MI • Graham Cochrane – Boxford, MA • Marshall Riegel – Ridgeley, WV • Logan Fowler – Le Grand, CA • Joseph Totts – Mogadore, OH • Joshua Harris – Mukitteo, WA • Raymond Trainque – Winooski, VT Tom Hughes, National Manager for the NRA Pistol Department, said, “The 2013 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is going to be the best event yet. This scholarship program allows all these companies to combine forces and touch the lives of these young kids in order to help grow the future of the shooting sports.”
Scholarship recepients will be identifable at 2013 Scholarship Jersey the match by their bright gold jerseys. Featuring sponsor logos and signatures by John Bianchi and Larry Potterfield, the jerseys are customized a step further with names, competitor numbers and the flag of their home state displayed on the left shoulder. Each scholarship recipient will receive the following: • Travel, lodging, entry fees and expense money - provided by MidwayUSA • One belt, one holster, and magazine pouches provided by Safariland • Ammunition for practice and use at the match provided by Sierra Bullets • Two customized and personalized shooting shirts - provided by the NRA The Scholarship Recepients will also be paired with a professional shooter throughout the championship to practice together and get some mentoring. “Words can’t describe how amazing it is to be a part of a program that supports young competitive shooters,” said Scott Carnahan, Vice President, Equipment Marketing for Safariland. “We believe in these junior competitors as they are the future of the sport.” More than 125 hopeful competitors applied for the scholarship through an official application involving a recommendation by a coach or instructor and an essay submission of why the applicant should be selected. Fourteen applicants were selected by the NRA Competitive Shooting Division Staff and the majority of the shooters will be competing in the Production Division using the provided competition gear such as belts, holsters, magazine pouches, and shooters bag. For more information go to:
bianchicup.nra.org www.midwayusa.com
35th Bianchi Cup
Scouting Out Mid Missouri Columbia is the fifth-largest city in Missouri, and the largest city in Mid-Missouri. With a population of 108,500 as of the 2010 Census, it is the principal municipality of the Columbia Metropolitan Area, a region of 164,283 residents. The city serves as the county seat of Boone County and as the location of the University of Missouri. The college town is known by the nicknames "The Athens of Missouri," "College Town USA," and "CoMO."
University of Missouri
Over half of Columbians possess a bachelor's degree and over a quarter hold graduate degrees, making it the thirteenth most highly educated municipality in the United States. Columbia was settled in Pre-Columbian times by the mound-building Mississippian culture of Native Americans. In 1818, a group of settlers incorporated under the Smithton Land Company purchased over 2,000 acres and established the village of Smithton near presentday downtown Columbia. In 1821, the settlers moved and re-named the settlement Columbia—a poetic name for the United States. The founding of the University of Missouri in 1839 established the city as a center of education and research. Two other institutions of higher education, Stephens College in 1833 and Columbia College in 1851, were also established within the city.
The Blue Note
Located among small tributary valleys of the Missouri River, Columbia is roughly equidistant from St. Louis and Kansas City. Today, Columbia has a highly diversified economy, and is often ranked high for its business atmosphere. Never a strong center of industry and manufacturing, the city's economic base relies on the education, medical, technology and insurance industries. Studies consistently rank Columbia as a top city in which to live for educational facilities, health care, technological savvy, economic growth, cultural opportunities and cost of living. The city has been ranked as high as the secondbest place to live in the United States by Money Magazine's annual list. Residents of Columbia are usually described as "Columbians."
Mizzou Arena
35th Bianchi Cup
The 2013 Bianchi Cup Experience The National Rifle Association is committed to ensuring your Bianchi Cup experience is both extraordinary and authentic. To deliver on this commitment, we have taken significant measures to protect against counterfeit merchandising practices. Even so, we encourage you to follow these guidelines below to ensure you enjoy the Real 2013 Bianchi Cup experience. Buy real, prevent counterfeit – The trade in counterfeit merchandise is not only illegal but also puts consumers at risk. By purchasing official MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup merchandise, you will be supporting not only the 2013 Bianchi Cup, but future cups, and NRA Competitive Shooting. Tickets – Protect your Bianchi Experience – Tickets are only required for formal events at the Bianchi Cup Headquarters hotel, the Holiday Inn Executive center in downtown Columbia. Tickets are not required for entry into Green Valley for spectators. Tickets are required for the Western BBQ, and the Awards Ceremony. Tickets may only be purchased from NRA at the time of registration. Tickets bought elsewhere may not be valid and may not be accepted for entry to 2013 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup events. Play Fair – The official sponsors, licensees, and government partners of the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup have made significant investments to ensure the successful staging of the 2013 Bianchi Cup. In return, they have the exclusive right to promote their association with the Cup. We ask that if you are not already, become a patron of these companies. They are essential to the future of this sport. Inside the venue, out of respect for the athletes and the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup, any activity or protest of political subjects is prohibited. Spectators who do not comply with these rules may be denied entry and any fees will not be refunded.
Larry Potterfield, John Bianchi, Doug Koenig, & Brenda Potterfield
35th Bianchi Cup
Transportation to and from the venue is most easily done by automobile. Parking is extremely limited at Green Valley, so the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup Staff encourages competitors and spectators alike to car pool as much as possible. Follow signage and attendants to proper parking areas.
There are two major airports nearby: Lambert International in St. Louis and Kansas City International, in Kansas City. Both are about 120 miles from Columbia. Columbia Regional Airport is located at 11300 S. Airport Rd., Columbia, Missouri 65201. For further information on interstate transportation of firearms see www.nraila.org. For Airline Transportation of firearms see www.tsa.gov, as well as the web site for the airlines you are traveling.
The Holiday Inn Executive Center in Downtown Columbia is the Official Hotel of the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup. The Bianchi Cup HQ Office is located here, as well as the Western BBQ on Friday night, and the Awards Ceremony on Saturday night. The Holiday Inn Executive Center offers a favorable rate for Bianchi Cup attendees. Be sure to mention your affiliation while making your reservation. Competitors, spectators, and press should make sure to contact the hotel of your choosing as early as possible, as other events in the Columbia area during Memorial day weekend tend to make accommodations tight in the area at that time. For Toll Free Reservations call: 1-800-HOLIDAY or call direct at 573-445-8531. For Hotel reservations go to this web site: www.holidaycolumbia.com Be sure to allow yourself ample time to get to and from the range. The Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club’s Hallsville facility is located about 20 minutes from the Holiday Inn Executive Center. Please be mindful of yourself and others during your Bianchi Cup experience.
35th Bianchi Cup
1979 — 2012 NRA Action Pistol Champions
2012 Champion: Doug Koenig 1920-182x
1979: 1980: 1981: 1982: 1983: 1984: 1985: 1986: 1987: 1988: 1989: 1990: 1991: 1992: 1993: 1993: 1994: 1995:
Ron Lerch 1816-062x Mickey Fowler 1889-085x Mickey Fowler 1890-088x Mickey Fowler 1903-145x Brian Enos 1903-612x Brian Enos 1910-257x Rob Leatham 2034-155x W. Riley Gilmore 1916-144x John Pride 1912-151x John Pride 1918-163x Lemoine Wright 1914-152x Doug Koenig 1920-157x W. Riley Gilmore 1920-166x Doug Koenig 1920-169x Bruce Piatt 1920-170x Brian Kilpatrick 1920-173x John Pride 1920-174x John Pride 1920-179x
1996: 1996: 1997: 1998: 1999: 2000: 2001: 2002: 2003: 2004: 2005: 2006: 2007: 2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012:
Mickey Fowler 1918-184x Ross G. Newell 1920-163x Bruce Piatt 1920-181x Doug Koenig 1920-180x Bruce Piatt *1920-185x Doug Koenig *1920-185x Doug Koenig 1920-184x Doug Koenig 1920-184x Doug Koenig 1920-183x Doug Koenig 1920-177x Doug Koenig *1920-185x Bruce Piatt 1920-177x Doug Koenig *1920-185x Doug Koenig 1918-185x Bruce Piatt 1920 – 181x Doug Koenig 1920-179x Doug Koenig 1920-187x Doug Koenig 1920-182x
* denotes high score
35th Bianchi Cup
From within shooting boxes and behind barricades, a shooter fires at targets on either side of the barricade at different distances and under varying time limits. PROCEDURE
At e ach stage t h e r e w i l l b e a s i x ( 6 ) f o o t h i g h , t w o ( 2 ) f o o t - w i d e barricade. They will be p l a c e d i n a l i n e , o n e d i r e c t l y b e h i n d a n o t h e r. E a c h b a r r icade will have a clearly m a r k e d t w o ( 2 ) f o o t - w i d e b y t h r e e ( 3 ) f o o t l o n g f i r i n g area on the up range s i d e . T h e c o m p e t i t o r m u s t b e w i t h i n t h e f i r i n g a r e a a t t he “COM MENCE FIRE ” s i g n a l a n d n o p o r t i o n o f t h e c o m p e t i t o r ’s b o d y o r e quipment may touch ou t s i d e t h e f i r i n g a r e a u n t i l t h e c o m p e t i t o r h a s f i n i s h e d firing the desi gnated ro u n d s . T h e b a r r i c a d e w i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e w i t h i n the firing area and may b e u s e d a s s u p p o r t . T h e r e w i l l b e t w o ( 2 ) t a r g e t s d ownrange. One will be pl a c e d t h r e e ( 3 ) f e e t t o t h e l e f t o f t h e c e n t e r l i n e a n d o n e three (3) feet to the rig h t . T h e s t a r t i n g p o s i t i o n w i l l b e w i t h t h e f i r e a r m h o l s tered and the palms of b o t h h a n d s o n t h e f a c e o f t h e b a r r i c a d e . T h e s t a r t i n g signal will be the turning o f t h e t a r g e t s p r e c e d e d b y t h e v e r b a l c o m m a n d s “ R E ADY“ and “STAND BY.” Rounds: 48 Targets: NRA A P l t a r g e t s Range: 10, 15 , 2 5 , a n d 3 5 Ya r d s
From the appropriate shooting line, the shooter fires at 8-inch round, steel plates arranged in banks of six at distances from 10 to 25 yards under varying time limits. P ROCEDURE
There will be s i x ( 6 ) t a r g e t p l a t e s p l a c e d o n e f o o t a p a r t , e d g e - t o - edge. They will be four ( 4 ) f e e t a b o v e g r o u n d l e v e l t o t h e b o t t o m e d g e . T h e s t arting posi tion will be w i t h h a n d g u n h o l s t e r e d a n d b o t h h a n d s h e l d s h o u l d e r high. The sta rting sign a l w i l l b e a n a u d i b l e t y p e ( w h i s t l e , h o r n , e t c . ) p r e c e ded by the verbal commands “ R E A D Y “ a n d “ S TA N D B Y. ” Rounds: 48 Targets: 8” R o u n d W h i t e M e t a l P l a t e s Range: 10, 1 5 , 2 0 , a n d 2 5 Ya r d s
From within shooting boxes at distances ranging from 10 to 25 yards, the shooter fires at a target moving from left to right with the target being exposed for only 6 seconds. PROCEDURE
The target wil l m o v e f r o m b e h i nd a b a r r i c a d e , t r a v e l s i x t y ( 6 0 ) f e e t i n six (6) seconds, a n d t h e n d i s a p p e ar b e h i n d a n o t h e r b a r r i c a d e . T h e r e w ill be a clea rly marked , t h r e e ( 3 ) f o o t s q u a r e f i r i n g a r e a a t e a c h s t a g e . T h e firing square will be a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e s i x t y ( 6 0 ) f o o t r u n o f t h e t a r g e t . The com petitor must r e m a i n w i t h i n t h e f i r i n g s q u a r e f o r t h e c o m p l e t e f i r i n g s equence. The starting p o s i t i o n w i l l b e w i t h t h e f i r e a r m h o l s t e r e d a n d b o t h h a n ds held shoulder high . T h e r e w i l l b e n o a u d i b l e s i g n a l s . W h e n t h e c o m p e t i t o r is ready to fire, b o t h h a n d s m u s t b e r a i s e d t o t h e s t a r t i n g p o s i t i o n . T h e signal to commence f i r i n g w i l l b e w h e n t h e t a r g e t a p p e a r s f r o m b e h i n d t h e barri cade. Rounds: 48 Targets: NRA A P l t a r g e t Range: 10, 15 , 2 0 , a n d 2 5 Ya r d s
From the appropriate shooting line, the shooter fires at distances from 10 yards to 50 yards under varying time limits. P R OCEDURE
The Competit o r s t a n d s f a c i n g 2 t a r g e t s d o w n r a n g e . T h e To p s o f t h e targets will be appro x i m a t e l y 6 f e e t a b o v e g r o u n d l e v e l a n d 3 f e e t a p a r t , edge-toedge. The sta r t i n g p o s i t i o n w i l l b e w i t h t h e f i r e a r m h o l s t e r e d a n d b oth hands held shoulder h i g h . T h e s t a r t i n g s i g n a l w i l l b e t h e t u r n i n g o f t h e t a r gets pre ceded by the v e r b a l c o m m a n d s “ R E A D Y “ a n d “ S TA N D B Y. ” Rounds: 48 Targets: NRA A P l t a r g e t s Range: 10, 15 , 2 5 , a n d 5 0 Ya r d s
The c o m p e t i t o r s s h a l l o c c u p y separate, three (3) foot Square firing ar eas, w h i c h s h a l l b e s i x ( 6 ) f e et a part edge to edge. A stationary timer stop p l a t e s h a l l b e p o s i t i o n e d ten (10) yards down range of each com petit o r. F o u r k n o c k d o w n p l a t es shall be spaced three (3) feet a part edge t o e d g e . A l l f i v e ( 5 ) t a r gets shall be positioned in a fan to the left of th e l e f t s i d e competitor, a n d to the right of the right side competitor. The t a r g e t s m a y b e p l a c e d a t varying heights at the discretion of the Tour n a m e n t . T h e s t a r t i n g p o sition shall be with each competitor stand ing u p r i g h t , t h e f i r e a r m h o l s t ered, and both hands held shoulder high. The s t a r t i n g s i g n a l s h a l l b e a n audible electronic signal (whistle, horn, etc.) p r o c e e d e d b y t h e v e r b a l commands, “READY” and “STAND BY.” A max i m u m o f t w e n t y ( 2 0 ) s e c o nds will be utilized per firing sequence. Targets: Spee d P l a t e s Distance: 10 Ya r d s
The Colt Celebrity Pro-Am features professional shooters and celebrities from the world of the shooting sports and entertainment, which is a must-see event of the tournament. At the Colt Celebrity Pro-Am, you may see a famous actor high-fiving a shooter such as professional, or a talented amateur stunning the pros and celebrities with an astounding drive. The Colt Celebrity Pro-Am event has drawn the likes of Top ������������������������������ Shot contestants Iain Harrison, Chris Cerino, Maggie Reese, and Caleb Giddings. Celebrity attendees in previous years have included country music stars Michael Peterson & Mark Wills; stars of film and television Tim Abell (Soldier of Fortune, We Were Soldiers), Patrick Kilpatrick (Minority Report), Marshall Teague (Armageddon, Road House), Michael Talbott (Miami Vice), Bo Bice (American Idol), and Mark Christopher Lawrence (Chuck). Cowboy mounted shooting champion Kenda Lenseigne has competed since 2009 and had an unprecedented fourth consecutive win in 2012!
Joyce Rubino from Colt, Marshall Teague, Dick Jones, Caleb Giddings, Chris Cerino, Kenda Lenseigne, President of USPSA Phil Strader, Mark Christopher Lawrence, Dianna Liedorff, Cliff Walsh, Greg Littlejohn, and Iain Harrison at the 2012 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup Colt Celebrity Pro-Am.
Sponsor Salutes
Founded in 1986, Action Target, Inc. is a privately owned business headquartered in Provo, Utah that employs approximately 200 people. Action Target is a leading global supplier of superior shooting range products, equipment, design, manufacturing and training for law enforcement, military, and commercial ranges. Action Target has installed thousands of gun ranges in the United States and in over 25 other countries around the world. Learn more at www.actiontarget.com
Aimpoint is the recognized worldwide leader and orginator of red dot sighting technology. After more than 35 years of working closely with military weapon systems experts, experienced hunters, and marksmen around the world, Aimpoint red dot sights remain the No. 1 choice for combined speed and accuracy. Learn more at www.aimpoint.com
Blade-Tech Industries is the leading manufacturer of custom, production thermoplastic, injection molded tactical holsters, knife sheaths and magazine pouches. Blade Tech also produces its own line of high quality field knives. Blade-Tech also manufactures OEM equipment for 5.11 Tactical, Taser International, Gunsite Academy, Cold Steel, Spyderco, Al Mar, Micro-Tech, Ka-Bar, Camillus, Strider, Buck, Boker, Gatco/Timberline, Ontario, Mission, Chris Reeve and Gerber/Fiskars. Learn more at www.blade-tech.com
Founded in 1836, Colt is best known for the production of the Colt .45 revolver, or Peacemaker. It has made many civilian and military designs used in the United States, as well as many other countries. As a company, Colt firearms has always been an innovator, a pioneer – implementing mass production techniques, designing for parts interchangeability, always striving to improve production methods. Today, Colt operates just a few miles away from Samuel Colt’s original Hartford, Connecticut armory and continues to maintain its position as one of the world’s leading gun manufacturers by blending state-of-the-art technologies and modernized manufacturing methods. Learn more at www.colt.com
Founded on the premise of Education & Training, the National Rifle Association is the world’s premier firearms organization. With more than 4.5 million members, the NRA has more than 50,000 Certified Firearm Instructors, has reached more than 26 million children with their Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and fights to defend your Second Amendment rights throughout the United States. Learn more at programs.nra.org
35th Bianchi Cup
2013 Bianchi Cup
Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Minneapolis, Minnesota-based ATK. Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components. Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company’s flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology. Leare more at www.federalpremium.com
FNH USA, LLC is a global company with a proud, long-standing heritage through FN Herstal. We are passionately committed to providing dependable, innovative firearms of the highest quality to our customers who rely upon us to enhance their performance and safeguard their lives. Team FNH USA is comprised of some of the best competitive shooters in the world. Learn more at www.fnhusa.com
XS Sights are available as factory–installed original equipment on select firearms from these fine manufacturers: DPMS Panther Arms, Kahr Arms, North American, Arms, Remington, Robar, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and Springfield Armory. Tritium front and rear sights improve speed and accuracy. XS 24/7 Tritium Sights use Trijicon® Tritium vials. Learn more at www.xssights.com
Safariland is a major designer and manufacturer of equipment for sporting, military, law enforcement, investigation and public safety personnel. Their current product offering includes holsters, duty gear and restraints under the Safariland and Bianchi brands. For more than 45 years Safariland™ has produced some of the finest and most innovative products for the law enforcement, competitive shooting and military industries. Learn more at www.safariland.com
SIG SAUER® world renowned firearms are the weapons of choice for many of the premier global military, law enforcement and commercial users. High quality, ultimate reliability and unmatched performance have always been hallmarks of the SIG SAUER brand. Learn more at www.sigsauer.com
35th Bianchi Cup
By John Parker
NRA Benefactor Member Dennis L. Willing, or Denny as his friends know him, took the helm as Director of the NRA Competitive Shooting division in 2012. Willing oversees a staff of 23 in managing over 11,000 NRA-sanctioned tournaments and over 40 national shooting championships. Hundreds of thousands of gun owners take part in these competitions nationwide, from the novice to the world-class competitor. “As a competitor, I was offered my dream job and I intend to make the most of it,” said Willing. The wealth of experience that Willing brings to the position is unprecedented. A list of his accomplishments would include: • Retired Michigan Police Detective Lieutenant • United States Marine Corps Vietnam veteran
35th Bianchi Cup
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Two-time Conventional Pistol, Police Champion Three-Michigan State Pistol Champion NRA Police Combat Governors Twenty winner Quadruple distinguished shooter in High Power Rifle, Conventional Pistol, Police Combat Revolver, and Police Combat Pistol Numerous NRA national records NRA referee at Camp Perry and NRA National Police Shooting Championship 25 year officer of the Central Michigan Rifle and Pistol League Captain of the Michigan State Police Pistol Team Former NRA Board member, served on five NRA Competition Committees Lifelong hunter & Second Amendment activist
Dennis has kept competing as the NRA Competitive Shooting Director. He competed in the 2012 Midwa-
Clockwise from top left: Dennis Willing at the 2012 Bianchi Cup Awards Ceremony; as a referee at the NRA National Police Shooting Championship; Dennis competing at the Falling Plate event in 2012; Dennis in a ready position at the Falling Plate event in 2012.
yUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup. “The Bianchi Cup is the most prestigious pistol match in the world and it was a real highlight in my shooting career to have been the first Director of Competitive Shooting to have competed in the events.” Willing is also an expert on the NRA Competition Rules for many disciplines, as a competitor and former committee member. “We (referees) ensure that the rules are enforced to create a level playing field for everyone,” Dennis says. “We never make a call without going to the rulebook.” In 2011, as a member of the Law Enforcement Assistance Committee, Dennis accepted the assignment to rewrite the entire rule book for the first time in a generation. Since 1980, Willing has been involved in the National Matches “in one capacity or another.” He
competed in the Pistol and High Power Championships, sometimes shooting both Championships in the same year. He became a referee at the National Matches after refereeing Police Pistol Combat (PPC) matches, a discipline in which Willing has also competed. His experience as a competitor and a referee is an asset to the NRA Competitive Shooting division, and lends credibility to the sport. As for Willing’s plans for the future, he wants to focus on improving competitive shooting. “I will attend as many tournaments as I can where I will talk with as many competitors as I can. I want to hear what they have to say then take that information back to the NRA competitive shooting committees and the NRA staff to see where improvements can be made.”
35th Bianchi Cup
Q and A with Bianchi Match Coordinator The MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup is hotter than ever in 2013, and some would say hit a lucky strike when Tom Hughes was given the Bianchi Cup Coordinator position in 2007. Sponsorship and the ever-lucrative prize money pot have increased dramatically with Tom at the helm. The current NRA National Pistol Manager is a former Secret Service Agent, and no stranger to managing high-profile events. by John Parker
Bianchi Cup: Could you have foreseen the massive growth of the Cup six years ago? Tom Hughes: It happened really fast. There was demand from the public for a new production division, and we gave them what they wanted. This combined with increased sponsorship dollars has fueled the unprecedented, explosive growth of the match in recent years. When I took over I began talking to Match Founder John Bianchi, and Larry Potterfield from MidwayUSA, we came to the conclusion that we had to get back to basics. The addition of the production division seemed like the perfect way to get youth shooters in the game, and it truly was. The Bianchi Cup production division has grown every year since we started it. NRA National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes
BC: How do the volunteers help with the overall running of the match? TH: The Cup has a top-notch volunteer staff that really contributes to overall stability. Some of them have been with the Cup for 15, even 20 years so you have to respect how hard they have worked, and contributed to the overall success of the match. To work with volunteers you have to be a real good listener, you can’t work with them any preconceived notions. Chances are they know exactly what is going on with the boots on the ground, which is extremely helpful for my job with the overall coordination of match staff. 30
35th Bianchi Cup
& NRA National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes BC: What makes Columbia a good fit for the match? TH: There are a number of things. It’s a great population center, and there is real love for everything the Cup brings to the area. You’ve got history with the Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club, Ray Chapman and John Bianchi founded the match here in the late seventies. You have a group of people in Columbia that is very passionate and committed since they have been involved since the very first Bianchi Cup. BC: How would you rate the success of the Cup in terms of drawing new shooters to Action Pistol? TH: I would say that adding the production division has been a great success in drawing new competitors to the Bianchi Cup and NRA Action Pistol in general. Regional matches draw people far from surrounding areas, and clubs work hard to make their matches a success. We even have a Registered match held at NRA Headquarters now, thanks to a generous donation from our friends at Action Target. BC: How far along is NRA Action Pistol in its evolutionary process? TH: We’re way past the teenage years and probably through our early adult years, but we are nowhere near being a middle aged adult in the life span of this sport. The Bianchi Cup has been in existence for 35 years. Other professional sports have histories stretching back over 100 years. I believe the Bianchi Cup will be around for generations to come. Tom Hughes with Missouri Governor Jay Nixon in 2012
Thanks to Tom Hughes for sitting down with us and answering our questions. We look forward to seeing everyone in Columbia this May. compete.nra.org
35th Bianchi Cup
Get top action pistol tips from shooters like Bruce Piatt at Bianchi Cup Pro-Clinic, MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup recruits Doug Koenig, Rob Leatham, Jessie Duff, Rob Vadasz and more to teach next-level action pistol skills —
This year the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup celebrates its 35th anniversary. Thirty-five years... that’s a lot of great memories and intense competition.
going on, it’s amazing that the top shooters can manage to get such great scores. Have you ever wondered what their secrets are? Are you itching to get involved or take your game to the next level?
Action pistol is one of the most exciting shooting sports to watch. It’s also extreme- Well you’re in luck this year. To commemly challenging. With all the, well, action orate the championship’s 35th year, the 32
35th Bianchi Cup
MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup reached out to the champion pistol shooters who have contributed the most to the growth and longevity of the competition to see if they’d like to pass on their knowledge. On Monday, May 20, two days before this year’s Bianchi Cup, you’ll be able to attend a Pro-Shooter clinic and learn from the best there are. Rob Leatham, Jessie Duff, Doug Koenig, Mickey Fowler, Rob Vadasz, Kyle Schmidt and Carl Bernosky will all be on hand to teach you the skills that have made them so successful. The clinic is a remarkable $50, but is only open to the first 50 people. If this is up your alley, sign up ASAP. If you’re competing in this year’s Bianchi Cup you’ll have to get into town a couple days early, but we promise it’ll be worth it. You’re sure to walk away a better shooter than before when it’s over. You’ll also be able to try your new skills out immediately at the match. Whether you’re an experienced action pistol shooter or just picked up your first gun, you’ll want to be at this clinic. Want to sign up or get more info on the clinic? Write us at bianchicup@nrahq.org compete.nra.org
Pros like Rob Leatham, Jessie Duff, Mickey Fowler, Rob Vadasz and Carl Bernosky will be dropping tips left and right about how to propel yourself to their level and give them a run for their money. Experienced action shooters and newcomers are all welcome at the clinic. Learn from the best and put it to the test at this year’s Bianchi Cup. Learn more about the 2013 Bianchi Cup Pro-Shooter clinic at bianchicup.nra.org
35th Bianchi Cup
Phillipsburg, Germany Two familiar names topped the Open Division at the 8th NRA World Action Pistol Championship — by Kyle Jillson
World Action Pistol
The eighth NRA World Action Pistol Championship was hosted in Philippsburg, Germany in September 2012. While I was - very unfortunately - not on hand to cover the event, NRA Director of Competitive Shooting Dennis Willing and NRA National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes made it to the fatherland and both were extremely pleased with the outcome. The match came down to the wire. Within that group of top shooters the United States often has the best and it was no different this year when Doug Koenig, 14-time MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup Champion, was going for his fifth World Bianchi Cup.
Held every other year, the World Bianchi Cup is set up exactly like the Bianchi Cup here in the U.S. Featuring the same course of fire and gun divisions (Open, Metallic and Production), speed and accuracy are the keys to winning the Practical, Barricade, Moving Target and Falling Plate events. One slight change is the addition of team shooting events alongside the individual aggregate. When it comes to the Practical Event there are few better than Koenig - a member of the Smith & Wesson team. The most similar to regular target practice, Practical Event competitors aim at two targets from a variety of distances while either standing or laying prone. In good shape to take his third World Bianchi Cup in a row and fifth overall, a peculiar thing happened during Koenig's Practical: he shot two eights, finishing with a 476-46x out of 480. It was very unlike him to drop four points and, in a championship where every past winner had a perfect 1920, put his lead in jeopardy. Enter Caspian Arms shooter Bruce Piatt. When Koenig slipped up during Practical, Piatt saw his chance to take the lead. Instead of the match coming down to tie-breaking Xs, it could be won by points. A five-time Bianchi Cup winner and World Action Pistol Champion in 2006, Piatt is also one of the top Pistol shooters in the world. With only the Moving Target Event left, this was Piatt's time to shine. Like Koenig in Practical, Moving Target was Piatt's event. Staying ahead of Koenig here would lock up the win. But on the cusp of victory Piatt would also slip. Like deja vu, Piatt also shot two eights, dropping four points and finishing Moving Target with a 476-33x.
35th Bianchi Cup
The Americans representing the United States at the 2012 World Action Pistol Championship
2012 World Action Pistol Championships "This just doesn't happen," National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes said. "These guys are at the top of their game and to both drop points like that, in the events they normally dominate, is unreal." Koenig couldn't believe it when he heard the news. He thought Piatt was about to win his second World Action Pistol title. First place was now a tie at 1916 points apiece between three competitors: Koenig, Piatt and their United States teammate Kevin Angstadt. But there's no sharing in the World Bianchi Cup and one of the three had to win. In the end Koenig held the tiebreaker in Xs - 184 to Angstadt's 171 and Piatt's 167 - and took his fifth title back home to Pennsylvania. Every shot counts in a championship and there aren't many better examples than this one. For the first time in World Action Pistol Championship history, the winner hasn't had a perfect 1920. A wild finish like this might not happen again for a very long time.
Competitors Jessie Duff and Julie Golob
Koenig, Piatt and more of the world's best shooters will be back at the 35th NRA National Bianchi Cup this summer in Columbia, Missouri. The World Action Pistol Championships - held every other year - don't come back around until 2014 and a new venue hasn't been set. But keep your globes handy, because the NRA will let you know as soon as the location of the ninth World Bianchi Cup is announced. Held every other year, the championship is set up exactly like the Bianchi Cup - so much so that it's even called the World Bianchi Cup. Featuring the same course of fire and gun divisions (Open, Metallic and Production), speed and accuracy are the keys to winning the Practical, Barricade, Moving Target and Falling Plates events. One slight change is the addition of team shooting events alongside the individual aggregate. Now, unlike the regular Bianchi Cup, not just anyone can sign up to shoot. So how do you get on the team? The host country determines how many shooters will represent each nation in the different divisions. For Team USA, a tally of scores from the two previous Bianchi Cups determines who shoots for the stars and stripes. Competitors can also receive an invitation to be part of a Ladies, Senior, or Junior team. NRA Competitive Shooting Director Dennis Willing with NRA National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes
If you want to get in on the action for 2014 you need to make sure you're signed up for this year's Bianchi Cup. Email us at bianchicup@nrahq.org for more information. You can also see great video coverage of NRA Action Pistol at the NRA Bianchi Cup YouTube channel.
35th Bianchi Cup
MidwayUSA’s Generous Donation 2013 Bianchi Cup receives $115,000 donation from MidwayUSA; Bianchi Cup to offer even more cash prizes this year — by Kyle Jillson
The MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup has seen tremendous growth the past few years and is one of the most exciting competitions in the shooting sports today. A great part of the championship's ability to draw the world's best shooters and put on such a great competition is from its sponsors' support. For this year's Bianchi Cup, MidwayUSA has given $115,000 to help the championship continue being the richest and most prestigious shooting tournament in the world. This is MidwayUSA's fifth year as the title sponsor, a role it sees as important for helping both the shooting sports and its hometown of Columbia, MisMissouri Governor Jay Nixon with Brenda & Larry Potterfield at the 2012 Cup. souri where the championship is held. “We’re fortunate to have a World Championship like the Bianchi Cup right here in our backyard,” says MidwayUSA CEO & Founder Larry Potterfield. “It’s something we look forward to every year.” From that donation, $50,000 has gone to create the MidwayUSA Bianchi Cup Scholarship Program. Introduced this year, the program pays for college-aged pistol shooters to come compete in the Bianchi Cup and help infuse the sport with youth interest. “Our new Scholarship Program is essential for introducing more youth to the shooting sports,” Potterfield says. “Our partnership with the NRA is vital to preserving our Second Amendment rights. MidwayUSA is also continuing its contribution of $15,000 for the First-Time Shooter Awards. Each year, the top Men, Women and Juniors competing for the first time in the production firearm category will receive $2,500 for 1st Place, $1,500 for 2nd Place, and $750 for 3rd place. “Working together with our industry partners insures the continued growth and advancement of NRA’s competitive shooting programs,” said Dennis Willing, Director of NRA's Competitive Shooting Division. “MidwayUSA is an industry leader that continues to be a major benefactor to our sports. We are excited to continue the partnership.” 36
35th Bianchi Cup
New Falling Plates Sponsor FNH USA Competitors will battle it out on four separate stages at this year's 35th Annual MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup. One of those stages, the Falling Plate Event, is made possible thanks to firearm manufacturer FNH USA. A subsidiary of the Belgium based FN Herstal, FNH USA has pledged $15,000 in prizes for this year's championship and is the official sponsor of the Olin C. Barjenbruch Falling Plate Event. The event is named after longtime volunteer Olin "Olie" Barjenbruch who passed away following the 2011 tournament. Designed to test both speed and accuracy, the course of fire requires shooters to shoot at six eight-inch round steel plates at distances of ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five yards in six, seven, eight and nine seconds respectively. After two rounds, the fastest one to 48 wins. “FNH USA is proud to sponsor the premier handgun event of the year,� FNH USA Senior VP of Operations Ken Pfau told us. "The Bianchi Cup attracts the best shooters in the world and they continually push the limits of product capabilities and design." Pfau will experience the intensity of the Bianchi Cup firsthand when he competes in the tournament this May. The Championship was founded by former police officer and world renowned holster maker John Bianchi in 1979. Over the past 34 years, it has grown to become the richest and most prestigious pistol championship in the world. If you're a competitive pistol shooter with something to prove, you need to be at the Bianchi Cup. Even though the tournament fields the top pistol shooters in the world, casual and inexperienced shooters can still have fun and win awards too. Check out the sport of NRA Action Pistol at bianchicup.nra.org or contact Tom Hughes atTHughes@nrahq.org to learn more. Want to be a future NRA Competitive Shooting sponsor? Visit bianchicup.nra.org or contact Woody Arenas at WArenas@ nrahq.org. Dianna Liedorff at the 2012 Bianchi Cup Colt Speed Event
35th Bianchi Cup
2013 Bianchi Cup Sponsor Listing OFFICIAL SPONSOR: ($115,000.00 and up) • MidwayUSA PLATINUM EVENT SPONSORS: ($15,000.00 and up) • Blade Tech - Practical Event • Colt - Colt Speed Event & Celebrity Pro-Am • FNH-USA - Falling Plate Event • Safariland - Barricade Event • Sig Sauer, Inc. - Moving Target Event OFFICIAL SPONSORS: • Action Target - Official Target Sponsor • Aimpoint - Official Optic Sponsor • Federal Premium - Official Ammo Sponsor • XS Sights - Official Sight Sponsor GOLD SPONSORS: ($5,000.00 to $9,999,00) • Ammo Alley Sporting Center • Caspian Arms Ltd. • Competition Electronics, Inc. • Chris Cerrino Training Group • CZ-USA • Packing in Pink • Rubber City Armory • Sierra Bullets • Universal Coin & Bullion SILVER SPONSORS: ($2,500.00 to $4,999.00) • ADS, Inc. • Bar-Sto Precision Machine • Birchwood Casey • Cylinder & Slide • Gemini Custom Apparel • Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club • High Sierra Group • Hogue, Inc. • Holiday Inn, Columbia, MO • Montana Gold Bullet • Northwest Territorial Mint • National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. • Trijicon, Inc. • Warne Scope Mounts BRONZE SPONSORS: (up to $1,000.00 to $2,499.00) • Alpen Optics • Brownells • Columbia Convention & Visitors Bureau • Dillon Precision Products • Heritage Packaging/ZCORR • Secure Firearms Products • SoCal Flashlights, LLC • Hodgdon Powder
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Jason Perkins, LLC Montana Silversmiths ShootersMagazine.com “What-Ya-Say” Hearing & Vision Protection Zero Bullet Co., Inc.
BIANCHI CUP SUPPORTER ($200.00 to $999.00) • Animal Customs • David Clark Company, Inc. • Decot Hy-Wyd • Junor Shooter Magazine • Protocall Design • Ramada, Columbia, MO • Stack-On Products • Truck Vault Special thanks to the following publications for their promotional support: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
We thank all of our 2013 Bianchi Cup Sponsors. WIthout your generous support, the match would not be possible. compete.nra.org
35th Bianchi Cup
History of the Bianchi Cup
The Bianchi Cup was the first tournament that turned the sport of competitive shooting as a whole from amateur to professional status by offering the winner a large cash prize. by John Parker & Damien Orsinger
The Bianchi Cup is widely considered the gold standard in action shooting competition. 1979 was the first year the match was held at the Chapman Training Academy. The brainchild of Ray Chapman and famous holster maker, Major General of the California National Guard, law enforcement officer and Hollywood cowboy John Bianchi. While discussing pistol competitions that were currently being held across the country, John and Ray realized that there wasn’t a competition that had a mix of IPSC, Police Pistol Combat and NRA Conventional Bullseye shooting styles. This discussion was the birth of the first ever Bianchi Cup! Over 35 years of Bianchi Cup history can be found in the back woods of Hallsville, Missouri, a small suburb of Columbia, Missouri. The Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club, formerly the Chapman Training Academy, was named after Ray Chapman. Chapman was a WWII Marine Vet, Law Enforcement Officer and IPSC The original Match Program champion of the 70’s. Ray worked with John Bianchi on the Cup from the beginning. To great sadness, Ray passed away in 2008, leaving behind a legacy of top-level instruction to law enforcement, the military and competitive shooters alike. He had a passion for competitive shooting and loved to share it with others. His presence at the Bianchi Cup is missed by many. After much discussion, the first four courses of fire were developed in what would eventually be known as the sport of “NRA Action Pistol”. Comprised of four events, the Bianchi Cup was a revolutionary competition that changed the scope of competition shooting as it had been known. The four events have the distinction of extreme longevity, unchanged for decades.
The 1982 Bianchi Cup invitation
35th Bianchi Cup
The first of the four events is the Practical Event. Competitors fire at two targets, six feet from the top edge of the target to the ground and three feet apart edge to edge using what was then called a “Tombstone” target or “Bianchi” target. This eventually changed to the NRA D-1 target and
National Action Pistol Championship
ultimately the NRA AP-1 target. Competitor’s fire from 10, 15, 25 and 50 yard distances firing multiple shots at each target as well as one string of “weak” had only (non-dominant hand) firing. All of which is done while drawing from a holster in “Action” style. The second event is the Barricade Event. Competitors again fire at 2 targets set at the same height and distance apart as the Practical Event, except you are now firing from behind a barricade or “cover”, and distances are 10, 15, 20 and 35 yards. Times are 5 seconds, 6 seconds, 7 seconds and 8 seconds respectively. The third event is the Falling Plate Event. Competitors fire at a plate rack which holds six 8” circular steel targets (plates) 4’ off of the ground and 1’ apart edge to edge. The competitor fires from distances of 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards. Times are 6, 7, 8 and 9 seconds respectively. The final and most dynamic event… Match founder John Bianchi and the only one of its kind in all of the competitive pistol shooting sports is….The Moving Target Event: Competitors fire at a “Tombstone” target, which moves 60’ from right to left and left to right at a whopping 10’ per second! Competitors fire six shots at this moving target or “Running Man” target from 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards. There are no makeup shots in NRA Action Pistol and or the Bianchi Cup. Police, military, and top-level competitive shooters all have to make every shot count. This is why the scoring in NRA Action Pistol is so demanding. If you want to be a part of history in 2013 as well as watch some of the best shooters in the world, come join us at the 35th 2013 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup, where the world’s foremost competitors vie for the most lucrative awards schedule in all of the shooting sports. The original Bianchi Cup poster
35th Bianchi Cup
Generous Corporate Sponsorship fuels unprecendented growth at the Cup
Match Founder John Bianchi, Joyce Rubino of Colt, NRA National Pistol Manager Tom Hughes, and Larry Potterfield of MIdwayUSA discuss the unlimited potential of the Cup’s future.
35th Bianchi Cup
What is NRA Competitive Shooting? How many people work at NRA Competitive Shooting Headquarters and what do they do? What is NRA Competitive Shooting’s top priority?
Our mission is to use all available assets to grow the shooting sports by increasing participation in new and existing programs, and to develop and promote competition knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our vision is to be the leading provider of the highest quality competitive shooting programs and services to America’s gun owners.
What is the NRA?
The National Rifle Association of America is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization which advocates for the protection of the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights and the promotion of firearm ownership rights as well as marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and self-defense in the United States. The NRA sponsors firearm safety training courses, as well as marksmanship events featuring shooting skill and sports. Its political activity is based on the principle that gun ownership is a civil liberty protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and it is the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States. The NRA has 4.3 million members.
NRA Competitive Shooting has its home base at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA. Amazingly, a total staff of only 24 people sanction the 11,000+ tournaments, issue classifications, manage all the disciplines, and provide support to our 51 National Championships.
The folks at NRA Competitive Shooting make the rules, right?
Wrong! The rules governing NRA Competitive Shooting are actually developed by the discipline committees, which have their ranks filled by members of the NRA Board of Directors and other shooting notables. There are currently 12 different committees responsible for guiding their respective disciplines, including Action Shooting. Learn more at this web site: compete.nra.org
National Rifle Association Headquarters moved from Washington D.C. to nearby suburb Fairfax, Virginia in 1994.
Well how do I get started?
It’s easy! Simply head to our web site at compete.nra.org and check out all the information available there. Also, you can view all of our publications for free online at: www.issuu.com/compshoot
Match fees support NRA Competitive Shooting. What does NRA do with the money it earns?
The NRA is a non-profit organization, with its revenues benefitting its membership through distributions, grants, programs, and services. The money is also used to insure the National Rifle Association will have funds in perpetuity through endowments, securing the Second Amendment for future generations.
How many championships does the NRA sanction?
11,000 tournaments and 51 championships in the over 30 disciplines NRA sanctions more than
that are offered. Every winner earns the right to be called national champion.
35th Bianchi Cup
2013 BIANCHI SPOTLIGHT Jessie Duff has been a national and world champion pistol shooter for years, so it was pretty natural for her to crossover to educating people about guns. Her first appearance on the Fox News channel was on Hannity in January. Her segment included an extensive firearms demonstration that left viewers wanting more, and she delivered. As cohost of the popular Friends of NRA TV show, she has proven time and time again to be a well-spoken individual, making her an excellent representative of the shooting sports. She is a two-time Bianchi Ladies Division Champion, as well as the 2012 Ladies World Action Pistol Champion. Jessie answered some questions about Bianchi Cup for us, as well as shooting in general for the 2013 Bianchi Spotlight. Visit her Facebook page: facebook.com/jduffshoot
By John Parker John Parker: When did you start shooting? Jessie Duff: I started shooting when I was 15, with my dad, in cowboy action shooting. JP: How often do you train? JD: When I’m preparing for a match I’ll be on the range 4-5 days of the week. When my season is over, I enjoy a break and winding down from the year! JP: What kind of competition gear do you use at the Cup? JD: For Bianchi Cup, my gear is pretty specific for this match. My gun is a customized 1911, with a shroud, stick shift, and Leuopold Gilmore scope. My holster and rig are from Safariland, the 014 holster and ELS mag pouches. These make it easy to adjust my gear for when going prone, or any other position throughout the match. JP: How do you prepare yourself for a match like the Bianchi Cup? JD: Training for Bianchi is pretty straight forward, since you know what the course of fire is. I start each practice by shooting groups at 25 and 50 yards. From there I will start shooting the events designated to practice that day. I usually try to shoot 2 of the 4 events a day, focusing on each and every yard line, making sure everything is perfected. Towards the end of the week,
— Jessie Duff
35th Bianchi Cup
I have learned more about myself through shooting, than I ever could have elsewhere
I’ll shoot a practice score to help gauge where I am, and also what I might need to work on. I go through this each week leading up to the match. Even though match conditions can never be reproduced in practice, going into a match knowing that the motions are secondhand, let’s me focus on my mental game more on race day. JP: What was one of your “best” matches as a competitor? JD: One of my best matches as a competitor was the 2012 USPSA Open Nationals, where I shot a clean match, penalty free, earning my first Open National title. JP: Who is a “hero” in your life and why? JD: I have a number of people who have inspired me in life and that I continue to look to for guidance. But in shooting, it would be my dad. Being a multi time world champion shooter, he guided me into shooting, and has helped me all along the way. He’s instilled in me a champions attitude, heart and determination from day one that has shaped me into the competitor and person I am today. JP: If you did not become a competitor, what would you be? JD: I never had a specific career in mind when growing up, I had random things here and there that I thought would be fun. But once I started shooting, I knew I had found what I wanted to do! JP: How do you use your success at the Bianchi Cup as a “teaching moment,” to inspire young people to apply this type of success to life as a whole? JD: I think the best way to turn success from
Clockwise from top left: Jessie working on an episode of Friends of NRA TV, Jessie taping an instructional video, Jessie with husband Matt Duff, Jessie provides a demonstration on the Fox News Hannity TV show., Jessie receives a medal at the 2012 Bianchi Cup Awards ceremony with John Bianchi himself. Below: Jessie shoots the barricade event.
shooting into something that transfers into real life, is to show that hard work and determination can get you as far as you wish to go. I have learned more about myself through shooting, than I ever could have elsewhere. I’ve learned how to set goals and then meet them, how to challenge myself to do better and be the best person and competitor I can be, to be responsible and independent. I am blessed to have been able to travel the country and parts of the world through shooting, which teach you life lessons all on their own. We thank Jessie for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer these questions for the 2013 Bianchi Spotlight. You can see her first appearance on Hannity here: http://youtu.be/sIFHuM1W_Kg
35th Bianchi Cup